Magic, spells, fortune telling, magic spells, do-it-yourself spells, online fortune telling, ritual, wish fulfillment, mysticism, magic words. Conspiracies and love spells Fortune telling conspiracies witchcraft

Spells are spell formulas used by people to magical actions. Our ancestors believed that words have their own power, and that they can be strengthened by their own energy. Initially, conspiracies were pagan prayers. People appealed to the Gods and natural forces, and quite often used conspiracies. But later magical verbal formulas became increasingly rare in use. In the end, the knowledge of conspiracies remained only with dedicated people - healers, magicians, sorcerers, healers.

But, in fact, every person is subject to conspiracies for all occasions. The main thing is to put your energy into words. How to speak a conspiracy correctly and what to direct thoughts towards is embedded in our genetic memory. Intuitively and subconsciously, everyone can determine voice intonation, volume and speed. There is nothing bad or negative about conspiracies. A negative attitude towards conspiracies is artificially instilled. A conspiracy is the pure energy of the native language; it cannot harm the one who pronounces it. But conspiracies, like everything in the world, can be both good and evil. It depends specifically on who is pronouncing the conspiracy, whether he wishes good or evil.

Conspiracies and love spells cannot be negative because they use appeals to natural phenomena, and not to dark forces. By whispering words, a person tries to convey an energy impulse so that it reaches the goal and helps to get what he wants. This is how you can try to get attention from someone who loves you. Or you can direct your energy towards healing a person from an illness.

“God is in the details.” Sometimes the course of fate is foreshadowed by little things that we do not pay attention to and the meaning of which we do not understand. Fortune telling helps to reveal these little things, to arrange them in a completely understandable row.

Fortune telling is a ritual aimed at contacting otherworldly forces in order to obtain information about the past, present and future.

Fortune telling is one of the important elements of Magic. You must compare your vision of the present with something, and of course, somehow predict the future.

When working with clients, esotericists sometimes use unambiguous fortune-telling (yes - no, truth - lies, this - that), to an intuitively posed question, to more accurately determine methods of further work.

There are many various types and methods of fortune telling: folk fortune telling, fortune telling on cards, runes, from the book of changes, fortune telling on coffee grounds, on various subjects and many, many other fortune telling.

Previously, I mainly used one of the widely used methods:

Conspiracy on cards

Fortune telling cards are not given into the wrong hands and are never played.

A spell on cards for truthful fortune telling.

Read this spell on new cards, preferably on the full moon on Friday: “36 cards, sisters and brothers, godfathers and godfathers, matchmakers and matchmakers, uncles and aunts, fathers and mothers, daughters and stepdaughters, sons and stepsons, mothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, fathers-in-law and mothers-in-law, sons-in-law and brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law and daughters-in-law, you are all black, you are all white, you are all red, tell me the whole truth: what do I think? What will I think? What happened and what will happen? Tell me, do not hide, in all fairness, as you told Herod’s daughters at the wedding feast, at the table of honor. If you lie to me, I’ll tell Satan about your lies. I persuade the slave (my name) to play cards, to find out his thoughts, to learn the affairs of others and the secrets of others. My word is strong.”

Before layout: The fortuneteller needs to hold the cards in his hands so that they are charged with his energy. Having carefully shuffled the deck of cards, you need to bring it to your mouth and whisper, touching the deck with your breath, a spell for truthful fortune-telling: “Thirty-six sisters, godfathers and daughters-in-law, brothers and companions. Do me faithful service and unfailing friendship. Thirty-six cards, four suits, tell me the whole truth, what to expect, what to expect, what to fear, what business not to take on. I call on all of you, call you and pronounce them: the word is strong and fits the cards. Amen". After this, shuffle the deck of cards again and let it be removed with your left hand. And only after that start fortune-telling.

There are many instructions and restrictions on the choice of time for fortune telling, here main role well-being, desire and necessity play a role. Since fortune telling is an appeal to dark forces, cards should be laid out in the dark.

Sometimes cards fall out of the deck. This means that they want to say something to the fortuneteller. When guessing, don't forget about this.

The meanings of the cards are different,
In general, the meaning of a particular card in fortune telling, its location, is clarified with the practice of the fortuneteller.

A card spell is a mandatory ritual that is performed both after purchasing a new deck and before any fortune telling. The frequency of such rituals depends on how close the sorcerer’s connection is with this magical attribute.

In the article:

Card plot - why do it?

Many novice sorcerers ask themselves: “Why perform a ritual that makes the cards tell the truth?”. Indeed, there are cases when a witch does not need to regularly perform rituals that purify magical attributes and charm them.

But it is a mistake to think that any deck can give a truthful answer right away, without proper preparation. However, there are exceptions. The magician can receive an unmistakable answer without additional rituals in several cases:

  • if he is a very strong sorcerer, and his energy is enough to feel the Master in him;
  • if the connection between the sorcerer and the magical attribute is very strong;
  • if it's a fluke.

If there is no constant powerful energy connection between you and the deck, then you will have to ask it every time to give the correct answer, and hope that your request will be heard.

What to do to avoid making mistakes?

A spell on cards for truthful fortune telling is always done before the start of the work process. It is only effective when the sorcerer is using a regular playing deck, not . But it is worth remembering that it can only be used for work purposes; it cannot be used for gaming.

Before asking any question, the sorcerer needs to concentrate. To do this, you need to take a comfortable position, clear your mind of extraneous thoughts and focus on your own energy. They often offer to sit on the deck in order to charge it with their energy. This is particularly suitable for a new deck.

If only at hand old cards (on which they had previously guessed), then they need to be cleared of old energy. Otherwise, it will interfere, and you will receive an incorrect answer. One common way is to put a child or an unkissed teenager on the cards. Another way is to thread the deck through the door handle 3 times.

After this, the cards are shuffled well. If they begin to fall out, then this is a signal that they do not want to cooperate with you yet. Put your work aside for later. But if everything went well, you can start reading the plot.

A simple truthful spell on cards before fortune telling

There are several easy, non-labor-intensive rituals that guarantee the correct answer to any questions. The first ritual is performed after purchasing a new deck, on Friday of the new moon. The sorcerer needs to read the text:

36 cards, sisters and brothers, godfathers and godfathers, matchmakers and matchmakers, uncles and aunts, fathers and mothers, daughters and stepdaughters, sons and stepsons, mothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, fathers-in-law, sons-in-law, sisters-in-law and daughters-in-law, you are all black , you are all white, you are all red, tell me the whole truth: what do I think? What will I think? What happened and what will happen? Tell me, do not hide, in all fairness, as you told Herod’s daughters at the wedding feast, at the table of honor. If you lie to me, I’ll tell Satan about your lies. I persuade the slave (my name) to play cards, to find out his thoughts, to learn the affairs of others and the secrets of others. My word is strong.

Then the cards should be shuffled and you can get to work. Next time, when you need to find out the correct answer, use a simple and effective spell. Sorcerers use it unlimited amount times, and the ritual does not require special preparation. You need to take the deck in your hands and whisper:

Thirty-six sisters, godfathers and daughters-in-law, brothers and
comrades. Do me faithful service and unfailing friendship. Thirty six
cards, four suits, tell me the whole true truth, what to expect, expect,
what to fear, what business not to take on. I call on you all, I call you
I pronounce: the word is strong and molds to cards. Amen.

A quick way to make cards tell the truth

If the sorcerer does not have time to carry out a cleansing ritual or cast a spell on the deck, he can use a simple and proven spell, which will make it possible to receive an accurate and concise answer to any exciting question. The deck must be placed on left hand, face down, and toss it. The cards should fall to the floor, after which the magician says:

I'm standing on the maple bridge,
Card to card, piece of paper to piece of paper.
As soon as I begin to cast a spell,
The cards will tell the truth.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen, amen, amen.

How to get the correct answer to a question of interest?

This ritual is quite effective, but it has a drawback - it can be used no more than once every 25 days. Therefore, before you begin, decide exactly what you want to know.

The spell is especially effective if you are planning to work with Tarot. If you are supposed to work with a playing deck, then The exact truthful answer options will only be “Yes” and “No”. To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • calendula leaves;
  • dried roses (red, yellow, white);
  • black pepper (peas);
  • metal container.

Metal container
calendula leaves
dried roses
black pepper

The ritual takes place on Friday. At midnight, the sorcerer lights two candles, sits down at the table and reads the text:

I don’t buy the deck out of excitement.
I give her luck in business.
Fire, I ask you very much,
Burn all the troubles if I sin.
Let this deck lie quietly
Let sadness and longing flee from me.
Let the map lead me through life,
They will not let me down in difficult matters.
If I guess, I will only know the truth,
Who should I fear, when should I grieve?
All the cards will tell about scary people,
They will protect me and the children from them.
Amen! Amen! Amen!

After that, take all the ingredients, put them in a container and set them on fire. As soon as they burn out, dip your palms into the ashes. There is no need to shake it off. Just shuffle the cards, ask a question and get the right answer.

A simple spell to help beginners

This plot of cards for truthful fortune telling is suitable for beginners. It is not the simplest, but it makes it possible to create a strong energetic connection between the sorcerer and the cards. To perform the ritual, place the crystal vessel in the eastern corner of the room. Light 7 white wax candles in turn around it and say the words:

Powers of the East! I conjure you! Come and clean it up! Just as a crystal vessel is transparent and pure, so my cards will be pure and truthful, as they lie, they will tell the whole truth. Let it be so!

Repeat the words three times and leave the vessel standing on the floor. After 3 days, cover the table with a dark cloth and place 1 black and 1 red candle on it. Light them and draw a deck around each of the candles in turn. While you do this, say the words:

I charge you with the flame of fire! Work day, sleep night, I don’t know how to lie!

As soon as the text is spoken, spit in left side and blow out the candles. The crystal vessel can be removed, washed and dried. You can draw water in advance (this must be done before the sun rises) and wash the vessel with it. After that you can start.

Tarot card spell - Your cards won't lie

When a new Tarot deck falls into the hands of a witch, the first thing she needs is initiate. The words of the conspiracy must be learned by heart, and interruptions during the ritual are prohibited. In your speech, address To the Oracle in order to see only the truth.

There must be a strong connection between you and the deck. To do this, try to carry it with you for as long as possible for 30 days, and do it once a day for any question. After the deck gets used to you, the answers will become clearer and more detailed. Now you can perform the initiation ceremony.

It is held on the night from Thursday to Friday. Light 3 black candles and place all the cards in order on the table. Read the text slowly and clearly:

I, slave (name), will leave the house after midnight and go towards the north to a black field. On that field there is a dead force, great and mighty. I, servant (name), will bow down to the damp earth and ask for help from that dead and ancestral power. Oh, you are my grandfathers and great-grandfathers, my dear spirits, come to my aid, help me in my work. Just as you fly in spirit and keep up with everything, so let me know everything, know everything, and understand maps. I’ll light a candle for your repose and remember you. My word is strong and indestructible forever. Amen.

In the process of reading the plot, you need to touch each card from the deck once. After the ritual, the deck can be placed under your pillow. The dream I had that night was prophetic. Remember it. This concludes the ritual. Try to do this as often as possible to strengthen the magical connection between you.

Purification ritual for Tarot cards

A cleansing ritual must be performed by every witch working with the Tarot. This is necessary, since over time magical attributes begin to accumulate around a large number of someone else's energy, and the cards may begin to lie. To avoid this, you should perform a simple ritual:

  • cover the table surface with a red cloth;
  • Place 2 black candles opposite each other and a red one in the center of the table;
  • lay out the entire deck in front of the candles;
  • Wipe each card with a soft cloth and sprinkle with salt.

While you perform this action, constantly repeat:

Sister-salt, you are salty, you are strong, cleanse and whisper, speak my cards so that the truth will be spoken, and give wasteful bondage and evil languor to the lintel, languor and deception. My word is strong! Cursed! Cursed! Cursed!

When the ritual is completed, pour the salt into a bag, place the cloth in a container and light it with black candles. At the same time say:

Dark Forces! I conjure you! Let my cards be pure and truthful, as they lie, they will tell the whole truth. Let it be so!

Place the cards in a bag (they must have their own “house”) and leave them alone for 6 days. When the time comes, take them out and lay them out on a table covered with a dark cloth, light a candle, and hide the bag of salt in a vacant lot. The ritual is completed, and you can begin to work with the Tarot.

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Almost every one of us at least once in our lives is faced with the question “how to sell an apartment or house.” Numerous new buildings entice you with the dream of expanding your home, purchasing something new, bright and spacious, so that everyone in the house can find their own corner. Before this, of course, you need to sell your old home. Some seek to enlist the help of a professional realtor, while others try to carry out all the necessary actions on their own. Regardless, we will tell you a few small
secrets that were known to our grandparents and which have not lost their relevance in our time. These are rituals and conspiracies for selling an apartment, and that’s what we’ll talk about.


There are often situations, especially in our fast-paced times, when a person achieves a lot in life, makes a career, achieves material well-being, but still cannot meet his love, meet someone who would become a reliable life partner and loved one. In this case, perhaps a conspiracy to find love will help you. Today we will talk about some of them in detail.


From time immemorial, knowledgeable people have used ways to change better side your life, attract wealth and material well-being into it. In particular, wealth conspiracies could help with this. Of course, such knowledge was not available to many. To get help, they turned to knowledgeable people who helped realize what they wanted by performing an appropriate ritual or giving an object endowed with special powers.


You can often change your life for the better, achieve success and material well-being by using strong conspiracy for good luck. This art comes from ancient times; before, in the villages, many people knew similar conspiracies, or, at least, there was always a person to whom you could turn for help in casting a conspiracy.


We have all heard about people who suddenly, unexpectedly for those around them, became rich, money seemed to flow to them like a river. Not always such stories can be explained simply from a materialistic scientific point of view. Probably, each of us in life has asked the question: “Where can I get money?”, “How is it possible?” And answers to these eternal questions really exist. Since ancient times, methods have been passed down from generation to generation that allow you to significantly change your life for the better,
attract money to it.


Trade has always been one of the main human activities, and in our time the well-being of many depends on success in the sale of certain goods and services. It is extremely important for a person engaged in trade to achieve stable income, successful business management and the ability to avoid all the many problems that this type of activity can be associated with, regardless of the size of the enterprise. And even the scale of your business does not matter here. Whether it's a market stall or a large supermarket, the desires of people associated with trade are always the same.

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