Ilona Davydova's method for express learning English. English lessons by Ilona Davydova

It is believed that Ilona Davydova’s method will help people who are busy with other things to learn English. Moreover, this is done in a fairly short time. Why is language learned so quickly? Because it is based on an audio course with various phrases on different topics. It appeared quite a long time ago, in the nineties of the 20th century. The course is famous for the fact that you do not need to select a specific time or use any other technique. But is this really true? And we will probably figure this out.

Who is Ilona Davydova?

Ilona Davydova is a philologist, the author of a technique bearing the same name. She finished developing her course back in 1998, and it has a lot of advantages. There are people who purchased an English course using Ilona Davydova’s method, but at the same time left some negative reviews about it. However, this is most likely due to the fact that they did not approach the training correctly and did not listen to the recommendations that came with the materials. And those students who did everything as required in the course received and felt their individual good results.

How to study using Ilona Davydova’s express method?

First of all, this method is good at a time when your brain is free from other intellectual work. But at the same time, you can do quite routine things, such as cleaning, washing dishes, etc. You can listen to the course while traveling on public transport or in your car to work or university. You can also do any mechanical work and still remember the basics in English, if you are learning it from scratch or did not learn it well at school. You can listen to one topic 1-2 times a day. But in general, Ilona Davydova’s method is based on automatic memorization of material. Thus, one topic must be listened to at least 12 times. And for this purpose, not some indefinite time frame is allocated, but only one week. You can, of course, do this in less time. It all depends on the topic, on what time resources you have.

Thanks to Ilona Davydova’s method of learning English, you memorize many phrases as if subconsciously, and you yourself will be surprised that you will formulate a whole sentence during a conversation without experiencing any difficulties. Calculate approximately how many percent of one topic you have studied. If you have reached the 70 percent level, then you can safely move on to the next topic. That is, you need to focus on yourself. If 12 listening sessions of one lesson are not enough for you, add a few more. After all, you work for yourself, for results. What is the secret of Ilona Davydova’s method? According to a study by the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, certain sound signals that help human brain understand and study the material better. These sound signals are indistinguishable by ear, but can only be perceived subconsciously.

What will newbies get from the course?

First of all, the basic course is based on the fact that a person studies almost all topics of everyday life colloquial speech. The principle of operation is that a person, like in childhood, automatically remembers some phrases and expressions and already on a subconscious level learns to understand and reproduce them, without thinking about how they are translated. The basic course alone includes about 3,000 words. Topics range from dating to love to weddings to funerals to college. In general, the topics are very diverse. In addition, all sorts of dialogues, questions and answers, grammatical explanations, breaking phrases and sentences into separate pieces for understanding, and even scenes from life are included in this course. Every person who studies conscientiously will be able to maintain everyday conversational topics with native English speakers in a short time. In addition to the audio course, a small book with grammar and words is included.

Do you remember those acclaimed original English audio course cassettes? Ilona Davydova's method. Crazy money at that time. Remember? There was a rumor that the original cassettes contained certain signals that were not transmitted when copied to a new medium, so it was necessary to buy only the originals. The rest doesn't work. Ten, I think, cassettes in a white and blue special box. Plus a book.

We prepared thoroughly for moving to Germany. For example, we learned a language. Well, some, let’s say, knew him from childhood, some others knew him but forgot, and still others, by pure chance, studied him at school. And, despite all this, we still had a private teacher who taught our entire extended family (don’t beat me, I don’t know if that’s what it’s called in Russian). About a year before the actual move, the private teacher disappeared somewhere, but my mother, however, had heard enough about Ilona Davydova’s method. They seemed to say that a German course had already been released, based on the same methodology, but my mother didn’t find it and bought English. And what?

Apart from the videos, which made it possible to hear both the unnerving translation and the original audio track, Ilona Davydova’s audio course became my first English teacher. By the way, about videos. It was a brilliant thing! Translate films from all sorts of languages ​​for me - I’ll learn them all, you’ll see! Yes. And the audio course was wonderful. All sorts of words, sentences, dialogues and “repeat after me.” I turned out to be an auditory learner. Sentences from Ilona Davydova’s course poured out of me independently and arbitrarily for many years, I didn’t know where to put them, and how to forget them now. To this day - and seventeen years have passed since then - I have not gotten rid of only one thing. When I hear the words “Don’t ask a woman about her age!” - a white and blue box with cassette tapes inside appears before my eyes. I also remember that some lesson - I think it was the fifth - was dedicated to, hmm... interpersonal relationships. And there were even some guys there who offered, in their languid English, to some aunties to spend the night with them and - not only that! - kiss them here.

Ilona Davydova’s audio course was long forgotten, and then I was puzzled by searching for Hindi audio courses, found a bunch of things, listened to some of them, and there were also some awesome techniques for naming someone and all that. And now there is a good textbook with bad audio materials, and also a so-so textbook with good ones. I remembered that audio course and started thinking: what exactly was Ilona Davydova’s method? And I Googled it. They won't admit what it is. But they talk in detail about how they “By saving on cost, were able to reduce the price,” and also state: “We once qualitatively digitized the master copy into mp3 format. In laboratory conditions, it was found that the sound quality of the recording did not deteriorate even by 1% "

In short, the legend is alive, it seems. Where, oh where is the master copy stored? By the way, if anyone wants the original cassettes, it seems my brother still has them. In general, I am very grateful to Ilona Davydova and her method. But I would like to know, I would like...

Ilona Davydova’s express method is intended for self-study spoken English. The course covers all topics of everyday conversation and is designed to loosen the tongue by developing automatic speech skills. The course includes more than 3,000 words, everyday dialogues, questions and answers, scenes from life, breaking sentences into fragments, and grammatical explanations. Ilona Davydova’s express method is: - the only systematic teaching method entirely built on knowledge of the laws of human memory and psychology; - a specially developed program for learning English, designed for people who have no time to sit in classes and pore over textbooks. Ilona Davydova’s course underwent experimental psychological examination and testing at the Institute of Psychology Russian Academy Sci. The courses use sound signals that promote better assimilation of the material being studied, elusive to the ear, but absorbed by the subconscious - subliminal message. There are no special recommendations on the method of learning English using Ilona Davydova’s method. You do not need to look for special time for training. You can listen to lessons while at work, in the car, on the subway, while washing dishes. You can do any mechanical work while listening. The main thing is that your attention is free. All you need to do is listen to lessons (one topic in its entirety) 1-2 times a day for one week (but at least 12 times in 7 days). After this, you will feel that you know almost all the material on the topic at the subconscious level and can operate not only with the phrases of the lesson, but also form phrases in English without experiencing any difficulties. After mastering 70% of the material on one topic, you can move on to the next topic.

Periodically it is necessary to return to previously covered topics and listen to them 1-2
times. Thus, in approximately 15-18 weeks you are guaranteed to master the entire course
spoken English.

- Job;
- Education;
- Love;
- Getting to know a person;
- Birth;
- Marriage;
- Funeral;
- In office;
- In the city;
- In the hospital, at the doctor's;
- Away;
- In the shop;
- Everyday idioms;
- Apartment;
- Nature;
- Weather;
- A person's appearance;
- Character;

Name: English course by Ilona Davydova.
Ilona Davydova
Description: Total duration: 11 hours 42 minutes
Duration of 1 lesson:~30 minutes
Number of lessons: 24
Format: mp3, 128kbps
Overall volume: 638 Mb

Download English course by Ilona Davydova.

Learning English today is not just a fad. This language has long acquired international status, so every person who strives to achieve success in life and plans to further cooperate with foreign partners must know English perfectly. Learning any language is a complex, time-consuming and time-consuming process. But, this is only if you sign up for courses or hire a tutor. It is much easier to use the express method of learning English developed by Ilona Davydova. Content:

Who is Ilona Davydova?

Ilona Davydova is the author of the technique, which has the same name. In 1998, I. Davydova completed work on the creation and implementation of a unique English language course, which is aimed more at the subconscious. The audio course is designed for long-term study - its effectiveness can be felt only a few months after the start of training. You can read a lot on the Internet negative reviews about the course of learning English using the methods of Ilona Davydova. However, it should be clarified that their appearance is due to the incorrect use of the audio course rather than to its ineffectiveness. Users do not realize that the learning process itself cannot be fleeting - like any language, English needs to be studied for at least six months before you can feel the result.

What is remarkable about Davydova’s method?

Express learning of English from Ilona Davydova is unique technique, developed based on the effects of various sounds on the human subconscious. Unlike similar techniques, this course involves listening to audio material that, in addition to standard exercises and rules, also contains special sound signals, under the influence of which the memorization process is activated foreign words. It is almost impossible to distinguish sound signals, but the student will be able to feel their effect very soon and this will manifest itself in increasing the ability to speak a foreign language, and with absolutely correct pronunciation.

Features of Ilona Davydova's lessons

The main feature of learning English using Ilona Davydova’s method is the unobtrusiveness of the process itself. If when studying foreign languages According to other methods, the student must painstakingly and carefully read the material, methodically memorizing it and repeating it; Davydova’s method allows you to learn the language without interrupting your daily activities. The methodology itself consists of two parts: course No. 1 and course No. 2. The first course is designed for 15-18 weeks of study and contains 18 lessons by Ilona Davydova, grammatical explanations, 3,000 words and dialogues. The total duration of the course is 11 hours. The second course is aimed at more advanced users who know the basics of the English language and want to improve their knowledge. The target audience of Ilona Davydova’s method of learning English is: busy people who do not have free time to attend courses or classes with a tutor.

Course – 1. Will help you significantly improve your English in a short time, independently, without interrupting your work. This material has been tested over a decade of successful use in practice and gives the highest results in a short time. There are no special recommendations on the method of learning English using Ilona Davydova’s method. You do not need to allocate special time for training. You can listen to lessons while at work, in the car, on the subway, while washing dishes. You can do any mechanical work while listening. The main thing is that your attention is free.

First introductory lesson HERE:

All you need to do is listen to lessons (one topic in its entirety) 1-2 times a day for one week (but at least 12 times in 7 days). After this, you will feel that you know almost all the material on the topic at the subconscious level and can operate not only with the phrases of the lesson, but also form phrases in English without any difficulties. After mastering 70% of the material on one topic, you can move on to the next topic. The course covers all topics of everyday conversation and is designed to loosen the tongue by developing automatic speech skills. The course includes more than 3,000 words, everyday dialogues, questions and answers, scenes from life, breaking sentences into fragments, and grammatical explanations. To get acquainted, you can download the first lesson for free HERE:

Here, for free viewing, one lesson is offered - a text and two soundtracks lasting about one hour. And everything in the program13 lessons and 24 soundtrackstotal durationabout ten o'clock.

I’ll tell you in detail how you can purchase this material. To do this, just transfer to the Sberbank of Russia card No.639002389058018078 – 300 rubles .After which it is necessary to send a message in response to this letter indicating the last name, first name and patronymic of the person who paid and also indicate the index of the paid material.

For Express method of Ilona Davydova Course – 1index – 01. This is necessary to avoid confusion - other materials will be offered, each with its own index. Within 2 – 3 hours you will receive a direct download link. For those who have already purchased from me various materials, this procedure is well known.

2nd year – Advanced literary English:

Course 2 of Ilona Davydova’s express method is intended for those who want to look like a highly educated and cultured interlocutor. Who doesn't use street slang? Who understands that in any negotiations you need to look the part. Who understands that much depends not only on WHAT You say, but because HOW You speak. What speech patterns do you have in your baggage, do you use a particularly polite form of address adopted in English-speaking countries, and much, much more. This is exactly what will be discussed in the second course of Ilona Davydova’s express method.

The course is a rather interesting program consisting of 12 full-fledged lessons, with a total duration of more than 10 hours with literary texts recorded by professional American actors and detailed analysis the most difficult grammatical structures for Russian-speaking students to understand.

The cost of the second course is also only 300 rubles. Payment is also made to the card of Sberbank of Russia No. 639002389058018078 Immediately after payment, reply to this letter with the last name, first name and patronymic of the person who paid and the purchase index - 02

The first lesson of the second course of Ilona Davydova’s express method is available for free HERE:

Good luck! And until we meet again,
Slobodinov Leonid.

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