Monarda blue. Monarda planting and care in open ground, fertilizer, propagation. Conditions for growing monarda

Plant monarda (lat. Monarda) represents a genus of perennial and annual herbs of the Lamiaceae or Lamiaceae family, which includes about 20 species native to North America, where they grow from Canada to Mexico. The monarda flower was named by Carl Linnaeus in honor of Nicolas Monardes, a Spanish doctor and botanist who published a book in 1574 describing the plants of America. Monardes himself called the Monarda virginian soul or Canadian oregano. In Europe, monarda began to be grown as an essential oil crop, and by 19th century it has become widely known throughout the world under the names bergamot, lemon balm or American lemon balm.

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Planting and caring for monarda (in brief)

  • Landing: sowing seeds in the ground - in the snow in February or autumn, immediately after collecting the seeds.
  • Bloom: from July to the end of September.
  • Lighting: bright sun or partial shade.
  • The soil: light calcareous soils.
  • Watering: frequent but moderate, daily and abundant in dry weather.
  • Feeding: from mid-May to early autumn once every two weeks with liquid mullein (1:10) or complex mineral fertilizers.
  • Reproduction: by cuttings or dividing bushes that have reached three to four years of age. Only species monarda can be propagated by seed.
  • Pests: aphids or weevils.
  • Diseases: powdery mildew, rust, tobacco mosaic virus.

Read more about growing monarda below.

Monarda flower - description

So, monarda-bergamot is a perennial or annual rhizomatous plant with straight or branched stems up to one and a half meters high, with oblong-lanceolate, straight, toothed and often fragrant leaves, as well as small, fragrant two-lipped flowers of white, purple, red, yellowish color , sometimes even speckled, collected in dense capitate or racemose inflorescences up to 6-7 cm in diameter, which are most often located on the stem one above the other. The fruit of the monarda is a nut; the seeds that ripen in it remain viable for three years. Monarda is grown in one area for 5-7 years. Monarda attracts not only the color of its flowers, but also its amazing aromas. It is used as a spice in cooking, added to tea, and is also good as a honey plant.

Growing monarda from seeds

Sowing monarda

In the southern regions, monarda seeds are sown directly into the ground on fine days in February, where they undergo natural stratification over the course of two cold months, as a result of which friendly, strong shoots appear already in April, which only need to be thinned out. If there is snow on the site, remove it, cover the area with film to warm the ground, then loosen the soil by adding a little sand to the top layer and, mixing seeds with sand in a ratio of 1:4, sow them. The seeds are also lightly covered with sand on top. The planting depth should be no more than 2.5 cm. You can sow in the ground in the fall, immediately after collecting the seeds, and in the spring you just prick up the seedlings, then in a year the grown and strengthened bushes will bloom. Monarda emerges very slowly.

Monarda seedlings

However, most often monarda is grown in seedlings. In order to obtain monarda seedlings by spring, they are sown in January or February in boxes with soil for vegetable crops, covering the seeds by 2-2.5 cm, and placed in a greenhouse, maintaining the temperature under the film at least 20 ºC. Shoots appear after three weeks, and after another three weeks the seedlings are planted in containers according to a 3x3 or 4x4 pattern to increase the feeding area for them.

Planting monarda

When to plant monarda

Planting and caring for monarda open ground are not difficult. Monarda prefers to grow in a sunny place protected from the wind, although it also feels good in partial shade. It is not picky about soils, but grows best on light, calcareous soils, while monarda develops poorly in damp and acidic soil. It is best to plant monarda in the spring, but the area for it is prepared in the fall: they dig it up, clear it of weeds, and add 2-3 kg of peat, manure or compost, 20-30 g of potassium salt, 40-50 g of superphosphate per m². and 40 g of lime. In the spring, before planting, 20-30 g of nitrogen fertilizer is added to the soil for each m².

How to plant monarda

Two months after the emergence of seedlings, when they have three pairs of leaves, the seedlings are planted in a prepared area at a distance of at least 60 cm from each other. Planting of monarda is completed with abundant watering. The seedlings tolerate light spring frosts down to -5 ºC painlessly. Monarda from seeds usually blooms only after a year, but with the seedling method, the most developed specimens can bloom already this year.

Caring for monarda in the garden

How to care for monarda

Monarda needs frequent but moderate watering, especially in hot weather, otherwise there is a risk of plant disease powdery mildew. During peak heat, daily watering may be necessary. In addition, in hot and dry summers it is necessary to mulch the area with monarda with leaf humus or peat. Regularly loosen the soil around the monarda bushes and remove weeds. Growing monarda also involves feeding the plant with granulated Kemira or Agricola every two weeks from mid-May to early autumn. Monarda also reacts well to organic matter, for example, mullein diluted in a ratio of 1:10. For preventive purposes, in spring and autumn, monarda is treated with foundationazole and copper sulfate.

Reproduction of monarda

Since varietal characteristics are not preserved when growing monarda from seeds, it is most reliable to propagate varietal and species monarda by dividing three- to four-year-old bushes. It is better to do this in April, when the soil warms up well, or in early autumn. The bush is dug up, the roots are cleared from the ground under running water, divided into approximately equal parts, the sections are treated with crushed coal and the sections are planted in holes prepared in advance. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to replant and divide the bush often, since literally in two or three years the divisions you planted will grow up to a meter in diameter.

Monarda is also propagated using cuttings 8-10 cm long, which are cut from green shoots before flowering. The lower leaves are removed from the cuttings, the upper ones are shortened by a third. Then the cuttings are planted in a box with moist coarse-grained river sand, covered with agril on top and placed in a dark place. Rooting usually occurs within two to three weeks. In the second half of summer, the cuttings are planted in a permanent place.

Monarda pests and diseases

Monarda is a plant that is resistant to any troubles, but with a chronic lack of water it can develop powdery mildew. To avoid this, strictly follow the irrigation regime and be sure to mulch the soil in the area so that moisture does not evaporate from the soil so quickly. Sometimes monarda becomes infected with the tobacco mosaic virus or rust, a weevil can settle on it, but a developed and well-groomed monarda does not suffer from anything, and pests are repelled by the aroma of monarda and the content of essential oils in its roots.

Monarda after flowering

How and when to collect monarda seeds

Monarda seeds ripen into nuts in late August or early September. If you want to do breeding work, you can collect them and sow them immediately or grow seedlings that can be planted in the ground in the spring. Or you can save the seeds in order to sow in a year or two, since the germination period of monarda seeds is proper storage three years. We remind you that varietal monarda seeds do not retain their parental properties; only species plants are grown generatively.

Preparing Monarda for winter

If you don't need monarda seeds, leave the fruits on the bushes - they will be very useful to hungry birds in the fall. The remains of annual monarda species are disposed of, and the site is prepared for a crop that will be grown in next year. Monarda is a perennial winter-hardy, it can withstand frosts down to -25 ºC, but if you are afraid that the winter will be not only cold, but also snowless, insulate the area with a thick layer of mulch or cover it with spruce branches.

Types and varieties of monarda

Annual species of monarda grown in culture include:

Lemon monarda, or citrus fruit (Monarda citriodora)

- the only annual plant in the genus with a height of 15 to 95 cm with lanceolate leaves and inflorescences of 5-7 whorls with small light or dark lilac flowers, the leaves, flowers and stems of which contain essential oil with the same components as basil, lemon balm and mint, and this allows lemon monarda to be used not only as an ornamental, but also as a spice plant;

Monarda hybrid Lambada (Monarda lambada)

bred in the Netherlands from crossing several species of the Citriodora group, the young leaves of which, like the leaves of the citrus monarda, are distinguished by a strong lemon aroma;

Monarda punctata

or horsemint , grown mostly not for its flowers, but for the beautiful, bright, salmon-colored leaves that surround the inflorescences. The plant reaches a height of 80 cm.

Perennial monarda is represented in culture by the following species:

Double Monarda (Monarda didyma)

growing in wildlife in the Great Lakes region. It is a herbaceous perennial, reaching a height of 80 cm, with a horizontal growing rhizome and tetrahedral leafy erect stems. Its leaves are opposite, short-petioled, oval, toothed, pointed at the end, pubescent, green, up to 12 cm long, with reddish stipules. The flowers are small, purple or lilac, collected in dense terminal capitate inflorescences up to 6 cm in diameter. Large leaf-shaped bracts of almost the same shade as the flowers. In culture since 1656.

Monarda fistulosa, or tubular (Monarda fistulosa)

grows naturally in the forests of eastern North America; in Europe it is grown mainly as an aromatic herb. It is a perennial with numerous stems reaching a height of 65 to 120 cm, with simple toothed leaves covered with fine hairs. The flowers of Monarda fistula are lilac, small, united in false whorls surrounded by reddish stipules and collected in spherical capitate inflorescences. Each peduncle bears from five to nine inflorescences with a diameter of 5 to 7 cm. This species has been in cultivation since 1637. There is a dwarf form of Monarda victoria, bred in Russia.

Monarda hybrid (Monarda x hybrida)

combines forms and varieties bred in Germany, Great Britain and the USA with the participation of Monarda double and Monarda fistulata. These are plants up to 100 cm high with flowers of various colors, for example:

  • violet-purple: Blaustrumpf, Blue Stocking;
  • purple: Fisheye, Zinta-Zinta, Pony;
  • purple: Sunset, Prairie Glow, Cardinal;
  • red: Petite Delight, Cambridge Scarlett, Balance, Adam, Squaw, Mahogeny;
  • pink: Craitley Pink, Croftway Pink, Rose Queen;
  • white: Snow Maiden, Snow White, Schneewithchen;
  • burgundy: Prairienacht, Maroon Moldova;
  • lavender: Elsiz Lavende.

The Panorama cultivar population consists of plants with variously colored flowers - purple, white, burgundy, pink, scarlet and crimson.

Properties of monarda

Medicinal properties of monarda

Monarda parts contain a very high content of essential oils, vitamins C, B1 and B2 and other biologically active elements, which allows it to be widely used in homeopathy. The most valuable product from monarda is an essential oil that has a broad-spectrum bactericidal effect, as well as reproductive, anti-stress, anti-anemic and antioxidant properties. Regular use of the oil allows you to clear the aorta of atherosclerotic plaques, treats radiation sickness, flu and colds, strengthens the immune system and supports the body after chemotherapy. The use of monarda is indicated for otitis media, cystitis, sinusitis, pneumonia and digestive disorders. Monarda helps with diseases of the oral cavity, headaches, and relieves foot and nail fungus. The plant is also in demand in cosmetology - it is included in creams for mature skin and in preparations for the care of oily and acne-prone skin.

Perennials Herbaceous Flowering Annuals Lamiaceae (Lamiaceae) Plants on M
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Monarda- perennial ornamental plant loved by gardeners for its original bright flowering and mint-spicy aroma. This herbaceous plant from the Lamiaceae family was brought from America, where it grows as a weed. The genus of Monarda has about twenty species of plants, mostly perennials: Monarda fistulata, M. double, M. fragrant, M. citrus or lemon, M. red and others. Breds are popular decorative varieties, which are called hybrid monarda.

In gardens, monarda is used for planting perennial group flower beds, creating a natural corner in a rustic style; it is combined with echinacea, different types yarrow, chamomile, decorative deciduous grasses, wormwood, sage.

Monarda has erect branching stems up to 120 cm high. The leaves are oval with a serrated edge and arranged oppositely on the stems. The flowers are tubular, two-lipped, collected in inflorescences arranged in layers on the stem.

Leaves, stems and flowers contain aromatic essential oil. When brewing monarda leaves with tea, they give the drink a pleasant smell of mint and citrus, which can easily be confused with the aroma of the famous bergamot. Monarda is used not only as a fragrant addition to tea, but also as a seasoning for meat and dessert dishes; it stimulates the appetite and improves digestion.

Since ancient times, the monarda has been valued by the Indians for healing properties. The juice of its leaves has a strong bactericidal effect on wound healing, and brewed tea with monarda calms the nervous system and improves sleep.

Another plus in favor of growing monarda is the ease of care and unpretentiousness of this plant. It grows well in any soil; it blooms especially luxuriantly on fertile, fertilized soils, but does not tolerate highly acidic, damp places.

This is a light-loving plant, prefers a sunny place, but also blooms well in partial shade. Under favorable conditions, the monarda grows greatly in width, so after 3-4 years the bush must be divided. To do this in the spring, they simply cut off and dig up part of the rhizome with a shovel. The dug up cuttings can be used for propagation; planting them in another place, they will quickly begin to grow.

Also Monarda is propagated cuttings, root pieces and seeds.

Monarda seeds can be sown immediately after collection in July - August in open ground or in the spring in March in seed boxes or in May in greenhouses. The crops are covered with covering material and watered regularly. In two to three weeks, shoots will appear. Monarda is planted in a permanent place after spring frosts. Young plants are mulched with humus or nutrient soil. Later sown monarda will bloom only in the second year. The older the monarda bush, the more flower stalks it produces.

To prolong flowering, remove faded inflorescences. In the fall, before frost, the above-ground part is cut off. The underground part of the monarda is quite winter-hardy and does not require additional shelter.

Monarda is almost not susceptible to disease, but when planted thickly it can be affected by powdery mildew, rust, and root rot. Thanks to its essential oils, monarda repels many pests, but at the same time attracts many bees, being a honey plant, so it will also serve as a good helper in the garden, adjacent to vegetable plants.

Monarda is a representative of the Lamiaceae family, which received its name in honor of the botanist and doctor from Spain Nicolas Monardes. This Spanish scientist first described the monarda plant and told Europeans about it in his books “Medical History of Western India” and “Good News from the New World,” calling it Virginian oregano canada.

The lemon aroma of monarda has many benefits. With it, a person feels in a fresh and clean environment. Very attractive for any gardener is the fact that many plants that are not citrus fruits can fill his flower garden with this smell. These include lemon balm, lemongrass, some varieties of thyme and basil.

However, the aroma of monarda has the most pronounced resemblance to citrus; moreover, it contains various shades. This is why in England it is called bergamot, and the official name of one of the species is pronounced “lemon monarda”.

Varieties and types of monrada

It has a size of 70-90 cm, although rare specimens can reach 100 cm in height. The stem is tetrahedral, erect, and has branches. The leaves of the plant are oval, elongated, and have teeth. The flowers of the plant can have a varied color palette: these are bright red flowers, snow-white, deep purple, and bright pink. The inflorescences have a diameter of 6-7 cm. They grow on the stem one after the other.

A herbaceous perennial plant that reaches a size of 0.7-1.5 m. The root is long and horizontal. The stem is tetrahedral, straight, and has small hairs. The leaves are pale green with pink veins, oblong, and have large teeth. The flowers are collected in a capitate inflorescence and have a lilac or violet hue.

The plant belongs to the Lamiaceae family. The plant has a strong root and resistance to all diseases and pests. It is used as a seasoning for meat and salads. Also as a flavoring agent for making jam and many desserts.

This name connects all hybrids of double and tubular varieties. This is a perennial with a height of up to 100 cm. The colors of the flowers can be very diverse: from white to purple. Also, the size of flowers varies: from small, collected in inflorescences, to large, single ones. Among the varieties of this hybrid there are a large number of subvarieties that differ in the density of flowering, the shade of leaves, and flowers.

This plant is also a perennial. Belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Possesses big amount branched stems, the height of which reaches 60-120 cm. The leaves have teeth. The flowers are lilac and look like small balls, the diameter of which is approximately 6 cm.

The plant is a hybrid. Perennial, reaches a size of 80-100 cm. It has a long horizontal root and a straight stem. The leaves are pale green, located opposite each other, and have short petioles. The flowers have a rich red color, collected in a capitate inflorescence. All parts of the plant have a lemon-mint tart aroma. The plant is used both in medicinal purposes, and as a seasoning. The variety is resistant to cold, as well as diseases and pests.

A herbaceous perennial that has unique flowers. Belongs to the Lamiaceae family. The height of the bush ranges from 700-900 cm, some specimens can reach up to 120 cm. The leaves are oblong with pointed tips. Possess green and a pleasant aroma. On the stem they are located opposite each other in pairs. The flowers are small, have a pleasant aroma, and are collected in capitate inflorescences.

A compact plant with pink, rather large flowers, collected in capitate inflorescences. The bush is low-growing, only 40 cm tall. The plant is compact and suitable for growing in containers. All parts of the plant have a pleasant smell. Its leaves are used to make tea.

Herbaceous perennial plant. The stems are tetrahedral, the height of the bush is up to 150 cm. The flowers can be of different shades, but they are all collected in capitate inflorescences.

This small plant, which reaches a size of 30-35 cm, has flowers collected in a thick plume. It has a pronounced aroma of bergamot. Used for growing in flower beds. The leaves are used as a spice.

If you look at the plant from afar, it may seem that huge spiders with furry legs are sitting on the plant. Such a plant has flowers. All parts of the plant exude an extraordinary aroma, which is why they are used as a spice. Among other things, the flower looks gorgeous in bouquets.

A perennial that has a long root, the stems of the plant are tetrahedral, reaching a height of 150 cm. The flowers are white, collected in dense whorled inflorescences. Used for group plantings in flower beds, and also looks great in bouquets.

Herbaceous perennial. The plant has the shape of a bush with numerous straight stems. It has long and abundant flowering. The large capitate inflorescences have a much ruffled appearance. The colors range from pale pink to deep red. Gardeners value the plant not only for its beauty, but also for its medicinal and taste qualities. It is used to make tea. In the flowerbed it looks gorgeous in group plantings.

Reaches a height of approximately 100 cm, the flowers are red in color. Used to decorate flower beds in group plantings, looks great in bouquets.

The plant has the shape of a bush with a straight stem, the height of which is 70-120 cm, the stem is tetrahedral, the leaves have a pleasant smell.

It is a herbaceous perennial with silver-green leaves and two violet-purple flowers. The height of the bush is approximately 100 cm.

A herbaceous perennial plant with a pleasant lemon scent. Forms bushes with a diameter of up to 45 cm. Small purple flowers collected in whorled inflorescences. Their appearance resembles candelabra. A distinctive feature of the hybrid is long and abundant flowering.

Belongs to the Lamiaceae family. The flowers have a pleasant color and attractive shape. The plant reaches a height of up to 110 cm. Distinctive feature hybrid is its powerful stem and small dark green leaves. The flowers are bright red and have a fairly strong aroma.

Perennial quite unpretentious plants. The flowers have a dense spherical shape and an unusual wine-red hue.

Monarda planting and care in open ground

This flower grows best in full sun, but can also grow in partial shade. True, in this case its bushes will be lower and the flowering will be less abundant.

It is necessary to select a place for planting plants that will be well protected from the effects of winds, since the stems can bend and bend, losing their beauty.

On hot days, you should water the monarda moderately, in no case allowing the soil to become waterlogged. The plant also does not like overly dry soil.

To prevent the appearance of powdery mildew, it is necessary to water the plant in dry weather. If the summer is hot and dry, it is recommended to mulch the soil with peat.

Garden bergamot is one of the monarda varieties. It is grown during planting and care without much hassle, subject to the rules of agricultural technology. You can find all the necessary recommendations for growing and care in this article.

Soil for monarda

Monarda is not particularly demanding on soils, but still prefers light, calcareous, fertile soils. Does not do particularly well in heavy, acidic and marshy soils. It can also grow on poor soils provided that it is constantly fertilized.

The soil for the future growth of the flower is prepared in the fall. The soil is dug up, weeds are removed and compost, manure or peat is added in the amount of 2-3 kilograms per 1 m2, superphosphate - 50 grams and potassium salt - 30 grams.

If the soil is acidic, then it is necessary to add an additional 40 grams of lime per square meter. In spring, the soil is enriched with nitrogen fertilizer. Plants are planted at a distance of 60-70 centimeters between rows to provide sufficient free space for nutrition and growth.

Fertilizer for monarda

Plant feeding is carried out during the period of active growth and flowering. Monarda also needs additional feeding during the formation of new shoots and during the transition to the dormant period.

  • In spring, the plant should be fed with a complex of mineral fertilizers. 12 days after this, repeat the procedure.
  • In autumn, monarda is fed with potassium and phosphorus compounds.
  • During active growth, foliar feeding is allowed. The leaves are sprayed with mineral fertilizers and microelements.
  • When excessive high temperature air, the plant is treated with Epin solution.

Monarda in winter

In winter, the above-ground part of the plant must be completely cut off, and in the spring it will grow back.

The roots of the plant are frost-resistant and survive winters well without additional covering.

Monarda growing from seeds

When growing monarda from seeds, they are sown in open ground in May to a depth of 1-2 centimeters. The consumption per square meter should be no more than 0.5 grams. In order to disperse the seeds more evenly, they are mixed with sand.

The seed germination temperature is 20 degrees. Monarda seedlings grow very slowly at first. It is necessary to constantly weed them to prevent them from being drowned out by weeds. Young plants are transplanted first at a distance of 10 centimeters from each other, and then at 20. Grown from seeds, monarda does not bloom in the first year.

If desired, you can sow seeds in March to obtain seedlings. The ascended monards, after two weeks, dive according to the 3x3 centimeter pattern. Planting in open ground can only be done once the threat of frost has passed. The distance between plants in one row is 30 centimeters, and between rows is 60 centimeters. Be sure to water when planting plants.

Reproduction of monarda by dividing the bush

To propagate by dividing the bush, you need to select a healthy plant, 3-4 years old. The bush is dug up and divided in the fall.

Each of the formed parts should have 3-4 shoots and roots. The cuttings are planted, just like seedlings, and watered several times.

They also practice propagation of monarda by cuttings of roots, considering this method to be the most effective.

Diseases and pests

When growing in a place that is too dry or over-fertilized, the plant is affected by powdery mildew. Rust damage can also occur.

Copper-based preparations are used for treatment. They are suitable only for growing monarda for bouquets.

If the plant is used as food, then the treatment is carried out using natural means - infusions of onion, garlic or tansy. In general, the flower is quite resistant to both diseases and pests.

Monarda medicinal properties and contraindications

Monarda essential oil is very valuable medicinally, especially when it comes to Monarda fistula, although official and traditional medicine successfully use almost all types and varieties of this plant.

Almost all of its zones - flowers, foliage, shoots - are endowed with healing qualities. These include strengthening the immune system, toning the central nervous system, helping to improve well-being in case of weakness and fatigue, relieve stress, and get rid of depression.

At the same time, the substances contained in the oil (in particular, thymol) help the body resist aging, strengthen the strength of capillary walls, stimulate the diuretic apparatus, favor the expansion of coronary vessels and lower blood pressure.

Monarda has long been used as a fragrant and healthy spice that improves digestive function. In summer and autumn, when canning takes place, its stems are placed in jars to prevent spoilage of the products contained in them.

Lemon monarda is an excellent seasoning for salads, but, for the most part, it is used as a flavoring for tea, fruit drink or kvass in order to give drinks a subtle lemon-resinous aroma.

Monarda is one of the herbaceous plants, the healing properties of which were known in ancient times. The flower was often used as medicine, and also added to food as a spice. Monarda emigrated to our country in the 19th century, and for a long time had a decorative purpose. Today the plant is widely used to treat various ailments, strengthen the immune system, and solve cosmetic problems. Let's take a closer look at the useful plant.

Description, history, varieties

The flower belongs to the Lamiaceae family and grows in fields and meadows. The plant was given wide popularity and its name by the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus. Monarda was named in honor of Nicholas Monardes, who in the 16th century wrote a work on new flowers and plants of America.

Monarda has the following appearance: straight stems, lanceolate-shaped leaves of light green color, basket-shaped inflorescences, flowers presented in the form of funnel-shaped tubes, can be painted in various shades of lilac. The plant bears fruit in the form of dry nuts.

Today there are about 20 plant varieties, including both perennial and annual flowers. The most popular are the following:

  • double monarda– distributed throughout America, Asia, and Europe. It is a perennial plant type;
  • Monarda fistulata– has a special pronounced citrus aroma. The flower is not only decorative, but also medicinal;
  • lemon monarda– also has a pronounced citrus aroma, which is reflected in the name of the plant. Blooms well in bright places;
  • dwarf monarda– in most cases used for the production of spices.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

The plant is a real storehouse useful substances, it contains healing essential oils, biologically active compounds, and groups of vitamins. Thanks to this, the flower has a wide range of beneficial properties:

  • bactericidal effect;
  • antiviral effect;
  • immunomodulatory effect;
  • antioxidant properties;
  • antisclerotic agent;
  • antispasmodic effect;
  • radioprotective effect;
  • eliminates depressed emotional state, helps fight depression;
  • anticarcinogenic agent.

Depending on the purpose, monarda can be used in dry form, in the form of a decoction, or in the form of essential oil. Monarda oil is a remedy that can fight radiation sickness and protect the body from radiation effects. Eating the plant also helps people restore their body after chemotherapy.

Areas of application of the flower

In most cases, the plant is used to treat respiratory diseases. Monarda has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates the symptoms of the disease, and accelerates recovery. In this case, treatment occurs through inhalation or aromatherapy.

The flower accelerates regeneration processes in the body, which is why it is used for burns, ulcers and fractures. The wounds must be washed with drops of oil, and compresses are applied to the fractures.

Monarda is widely known as an anthelmintic. Apply the oil to your stomach and rub in well. This will get rid of worms. The plant will also be effective in the fight against foot fungus.

Other uses:

  • mouth rinse to treat inflammatory processes;
  • elimination of eating disorders;
  • treatment of abscesses;
  • eye wash;
  • elimination of inflammation in gynecological ailments;
  • elimination of bacterial diseases of the feet;
  • with pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • anemia;
  • to eliminate the syndrome chronic fatigue– an excellent tonic that helps restore vigor and strength.

The flower can also be useful in everyday matters. A solution of plant oil with water can effectively combat mold, a common problem in living spaces with high humidity.

The flower is also widely used in cosmetology. It has been scientifically proven that monarda inhibits the aging process and rejuvenates the body's cells. Therefore, the flower has become a frequent ingredient in masks, creams and tonics. The oil can be used to care for the entire body. It is often applied during massage.

Monarda is effective in combating problem skin. Using the plant allows you to eliminate pimples, acne, narrow pores and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.


The flower has a lot of useful properties and is safe. However, as with other types of herb, care must be taken with the dosage of monarda and how it is used. When taking large doses, you may experience side effects. Use by pregnant women is not recommended, since the effect of the herb on the body of the expectant mother has not yet been fully studied. Don't give weed to small children.

Healthy recipes

In cooking, the herb is most often used in dry form. It is added as an ingredient for pickles and preservation, used as greens for salads, and added to teas. To prepare a hot drink, you need to chop the inflorescences and leaves of the plant, add lemon and, pour boiling water and let it brew for about 20 minutes.

Monarda can be used as a dressing for first courses. Leaves, stems and even inflorescences of the plant are suitable for this. The flower can also be used dry.

The plant fits well into light salad recipes. For example, spring salad: lemon balm branches with leaves, green onions, sour cream, boiled eggs, monarda leaves. The ingredients are crushed and mixed together. Monarda along with green onions is sprinkled on top.

In the summer, a buttermilk cocktail will be a healthy and extremely tasty cocktail. To do this, dilute 4 cups of buttermilk with one glass of water, add a tablespoon of chopped herbs, and you can add vanillin to taste. Shake the contents and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

Use in medicine - simple recipes

  • for foot fungus - apply the plant oil to a cotton swab and make a compress on the affected area. Wash off after an hour;
  • for wound healing - pour boiling water over 100 g of chopped herb, let it brew, strain. Apply the liquid to areas near the wounds. The boiled pulp should not be thrown away; it can be applied to a bandage and applied to the wound;
  • to relieve stress - pour a tablespoon of the herb into a glass of boiling water, let it brew, take a spoonful before meals;
  • for colds – pour boiling water over the crushed flowers and leaves of the plant and inhale;
  • for problem skin – dilute 15 drops of oil in 500 mg of warm water and wipe your face.

We have reviewed beneficial features and contraindications of monarda, and finally - Interesting Facts about the plant:

  • monarda and have similar odors, so they are often confused with each other. Although the flowers are not similar in appearance;
  • Monarda was often used among Indian tribes. Teas were made from it and added to food. The Indians noticed its positive effect on the body and actively used it in cooking;
  • Monarda has a lot of names - lemon balm, fragrant balm, Indian feather, Oswego tea, American lemon balm;
  • The root of the plant releases essential oil, which repels underground pests. Therefore, the plant is often planted in their gardens and vegetable gardens near other crops.

Monarda is a plant that is not only quite pretty, but also useful. A decoction of monarda can be used as tea or medicine for stomach pain and fever. That is why monarda is so popular among summer residents of the country.

The Monarda genus has about 20 different varieties, which grow mainly in Canada, Mexico and North America. A perennial or annual plant with stems that can be either straight or more branched. The height of the plant sometimes reaches one and a half meters. The leaves are simple, oblong, toothed. Monarda flowers can be white, pink, red, purple or yellowish in color. They are collected in dense capitate or racemose inflorescences. The fruit of the monarda is a nut. The leaves, flowers and stems of monarda have a pleasant, fragrant aroma that resembles mint or lemon, depending on the plant variety.

At the moment, Monarda is known to many people. Some use it as a regular plant that decorates country cottage area, others use monarda in culinary recipes like a spice. But the plant also has medicinal properties, which are widely used in folk medicine, for example, to treat colds, stomach pain or to reduce body temperature. In its native countries, monarda is found quite often, sometimes turning into a weed with its extensive plantations, but in our regions monarda is valued for its qualities. The most widespread in dachas and plots of land are lemon monarda, fragrant monarda, double monarda, dotted monarda, soft monarda, Russell monarda and other varieties.

Today, the most commonly used perennial plants are the monarda species described below.

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Monarda doublet

A plant that came to our lands from the Great Lakes region of North America. Monarda duplicata is a perennial plant with a long, horizontal rhizome, its growth reaches 80 cm. The stems are tetrahedral, leafy, erect, and have many fine hairs. The leaves of Monarda duplicata are located oppositely on the stems, on short petioles with reddish stipules. Size about 6-12 cm, color light green. The shape of the leaves is round, pointed and slightly jagged at the edges. The flowers can be purple or lilac in color and are quite small in size. The fruit of the plant is dry and cracks into four nuts when ripe.

Monarda fistulata, or tubular

The tubular monarda was brought to our zones from the forests of North America. In our country, it is most often found in the Caucasus. In European countries, the plant is grown as a spicy and aromatic plant to create seasonings. A large number of Monarda tubular stems reach a height of 120 centimeters. The leaves are covered with fine hairs, serrated, simple type. Small flowers are connected into false whorls and overgrown with red bracts. On each stem there are up to nine inflorescences of a fairly large size, about 5-8 cm. Tubular monarda blooms for about 50 days, starting in July.

Monarda hybrid

This name combines the hybrid of the tubular monarda and the double monarda. The origin of this flower is unknown. The plant is perennial, about 100 cm in height. Hybrid monarda flowers can be of different colors, from small white ones to larger purple flowers. Among the varieties of hybrid monarda, there are many subvarieties, which mainly differ in the frequency of flowering, color of leaves and flowers. If you are interested in the plant, then we are pleased to provide you with the names of varieties that can be found in our country for planting on your own plot of land: Zinta-Zinta, Pony, Fishey, Blue Stocking, Blaustrumpf, Sunset, Elsiz Lavende, Cardinal, Kreitley Pink, Rose Queen, Schneewithchen, Petit Delight, Sleep Maiden and other magnificent varieties that will decorate your flower garden.

Location of monarda in the garden

Monarda grows best in sunny areas, but also grows well in partial shade. To prevent a plant with thin stems from lying to the ground and not being twisted by the wind and strong storms, it is necessary to plant the monarda in a quiet, protected place.

Soil requirements

In fact, the crop is not at all demanding on soil, but monarda grows best on light calcareous soil. Acidic and heavy swampy soils are completely unsuitable for growing monarda. If the plant was planted in poor soil, then in order for it to bloom and maintain vitality, it will be necessary to feed it with a special complex of fertilizers.

Monarda: cultivation and beneficial properties (video)

Planting monarda on the site

The place for planting monarda is prepared starting in the fall. The soil is dug up and completely cleared of weeds and possible remnants of rhizomes of other plants. Next, a mixture of manure, compost and peat is added to the soil, about 2-3 kg for each square meter of prepared soil. It also doesn’t hurt to add 40-50 g of superphosphate and the same portion of potassium salt per 1 m². If suddenly the chosen place for planting has acidic soil, then liming is necessary, 40-50 g of lime per 1 m². In spring, nitrogen fertilizer will need to be added to the soil, approximately 20-30 g per 1 m². In order for the plant to have sufficient area for growth and nutrition, monarda must be planted at a distance of at least 60 cm from each other.

Features and care

In dry weather, the plant necessarily requires watering, moderate but timely, otherwise the plant may develop powdery mildew. During the hot summer, monarda needs to be mulched with humus or peat and do not skimp on fertilizers. The culture is quite resistant to various weather conditions, pests and diseases, but every 3-4 years it is advisable to remove the bushes and replant them in the garden, you can even change the location, since monarda degenerates.

Features of growing monarda (video)

Reproduction of monarda

At proper care Monarda grows quite quickly and therefore its plantations will need to be divided every few years. This happens in the spring, when the plant is just beginning to turn green. The monarda should be divided by first digging around the bush with a shovel along the perimeter of the area that should remain behind the plant. The rhizomes are cut into several parts. Each of them should have several healthy shoots. Next, the monarda is planted as seedlings, fed and watered.

Monarda can also be sown with seeds. They do not have a dormant period and are therefore sown immediately after harvest. Sowing depth is 1-2 cm, area norm is 0.5 g per 1 m². To distribute the seeds evenly throughout the soil, they are mixed with sand and sown at a temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius. The seedlings grow slowly, but as soon as they become more noticeable, they need to be weeded so that they are not oppressed by weeds.

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