Filling with the energy of the Sun is meditation. Meditation to fill with feminine energy Meditation to fill with energy and strength

Women are the most susceptible to the world around them and are able to feel subtle energy vibrations. Special meditation will help them replenish their energy supply and get rid of stress and anxiety.

Thanks to meditation on filling feminine energy, representatives of the fair sex will be able to improve their health, reveal their charm and attractiveness, maintain youth for a long time, and also attract love and happiness into life. Experts on the site suggest learning how to use meditation to achieve the desired result in a short time.

Rules for performing meditation

  • Women need to think about their own attractiveness, smile more often at themselves and the world around them.
  • Trust yourself and don’t get hung up on sad thoughts. The confidence that it is possible to become more beautiful and feminine will help you transform yourself thanks to the right attitude.
  • Every meditation requires concentration. Extraneous thoughts should not interfere, which means it is important to relax before practice.
  • It is important for women to maintain internal balance, which will help them work with energy from the outside and fill themselves with vitality.
  • At first, meditation can be accompanied by relaxing music and candles. A candle flame will help you focus on what is important and drive away unnecessary thoughts.

Stages of meditation to fill with feminine energy

1. At the first stage of meditation, it is important to determine your personal energy reserve in order to understand what needs to be worked on. You need to take a position convenient for meditation, which will last from ten minutes to half an hour. At this time with eyes closed women are giving up outside world, focusing on internal energy. After a deep breath, imagine nature: a meadow, field or birch grove. The warm wind caressing the skin, the singing of birds, the soothing rustle of grass and leaves relax and help you plunge into an atmosphere of bliss and happiness. In your imagination you need to reach a source of water, which can be a stream, a spring, a pond or even a lake. The amount of feminine energy depends on what it will be like. The smaller the water source and the murkier it is, the more energy flows will need to be worked with.

After the source has been found, you need to imagine yourself as a drop of water that flows into the general stream, filling and cleansing everything around. The warm rays of the sun and the energy of nature seem to pass through this drop, allowing it to expand its sources and flow like a stormy river into the bosom of nature, feeding everything that grows around. This meditation opens blocked channels and helps positive energy penetrate the female body.

2. The second stage helps to absorb energy from the outside and transform. Meditation begins with the correct position: legs with feet touching each other, hands with palms up, relaxed on hips, back straight, breathing even and deep. After a while, the palms will warm up, which will indicate that the meditation is being performed correctly.

3. You need to slowly close your eyes, even out your breathing and place your hands in your lower abdomen. With each inhalation, energy penetrates the body, filling it with life-giving energy, striving to close any gaps in the biofield. Pouring into the body, it changes it, helping to rejuvenate and feel a surge of strength.

Over time, it will become easier to work with energy flows and direct it where needed. The set of meditations can be supplemented with one more, which will help attract true love into life. It is better to perform meditation alone, so that strangers do not interfere or distract you. We wish you good luck, do not forget to press the buttons and

21.06.2019 07:38

IN Lately More and more women are interested in practices to fill feminine energy. With the help of simple...

Meditation practices have been known since ancient times. With their help, every woman can restore her strength and...

If you want to relax and feel calm and filled with energy, then meditation will help you with this. When you spend your time contemplating and thinking about your day or other situations, to clear your mind you need to go deep into the silence within yourself. This practice will help you with this and can change your life. People suffering from anxiety, tension, stress, mood swings, insomnia can benefit from this daily practice of energy meditation.

Try to clear your mind of all thoughts or ruminations, relax your body and you can begin to reprogram yourself to think, feel and act in a different way that will be more beneficial for you.

If you know anyone who practices meditation daily, you will notice that they are especially lively and energetic people. Their eyes sparkle, they smile easily, it even seems that they accept all problems with a smile or that they do not exist at all. Energy Meditation will help you become like them, who radiate a true sense of inner confidence and personal power.

So, sit in a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands on your knees, palms up, and relax. Lean back in your chair and tilt your head forward slightly. Then take three slow, deep breaths in and out. With each inhalation and exhalation you should feel more and more relaxed. Then simply sit and observe your natural breathing for a moment.

Imagine now that a bright light that has White color, begins to slowly glow from your solar plexus, spreading throughout your body from the middle. The bright white light shimmers with golden hues. Every cell is filled with the healing power of this wonderful light, as it fills your body and the reflection goes throughout the room. Your body is even more relaxed, you have never been more relaxed. White and gold healing light works to bring you health, aliveness, vitality and energy. Meditation reveals to you the natural power of the Universe to heal you and make you an ideal part of the Universe.

Imagine a golden stream of this light rising through your solar plexus and from the top of your head. This chord continues to grow high into the sky, past the clouds in solar system. The stream travels between planets and stars until it reaches the place from which it originates, which is a huge sun-like planet of White Light, where the stream connects with its source for eternal solidity. This energy meditation will connect you to your guides and universal source.

Now, imagine another golden stream of light, expanded below, passing through your body from the solar plexus to the lower part of the spine. This flow will go through the floor, through the ground and deep through all layers of the earth: soil, stone, water, sand, shale, crystal, etc. and reaches an area filled with beautiful glowing light in the core of the Earth and connects with it. During this part of the meditation you will instantly feel grounded.

Now bring your imagination back to your body glowing with a powerful golden light. Visualize your body being charged from above and below, as if you were connected to two power points. Next, simply observe your breathing and the image of a bright light as soon as you can imagine. Once you feel that you can slowly move your fingers or toes, raise your arms above your head and open your eyes. You will feel renewed, filled with life and energy. You have completed your first Energy meditation.

IN modern world Men and women are subject to the same requirements for effort and energy expenditure. But it is important to remember that female energy is much subtler than male energy, and the psyche is more mobile. A stressful lifestyle depletes mental and energy resources, which leads to a decrease in quality of life. In order to replenish them and establish internal balance, women's meditative practices are suitable.

In addition, exercises have been developed aimed at unlocking female strength and potential. Women prefer them for a number of reasons:

  • self-knowledge;
  • increasing energy levels;
  • resistance to stress, “immunity” to psychological trauma;
  • emotional stability, control over negative emotions;
  • stable hormonal levels;
  • preservation of youth of the whole organism;
  • acceptance and self-love.

Energy is the most important resource. Having it in sufficient quantities, a woman is in a harmonious state with herself and the world around her. She radiates positive vibrations, love, happiness. This allows her to achieve success in a variety of directions. own life: happy strong marriage, favorite job that generates income, excellent relationships with people.

Nowadays it is increasingly difficult to meet a woman or girl who is filled with energy and harmony. Increasingly, they experience extreme stress from unloved activities, forced marriages and lack of self-acceptance.


Meditation aimed at opening and strengthening, which is performed daily in the morning. It is aimed at working with three chakras:

  1. Located in women 4 fingers below the navel, it is responsible for sexuality.
  2. , responsible for emotions, feelings and experiences. The emotional shell depends on how open the chakra is.
  3. The chakra is located in the brow center. The center responsible for unleashing creative potential, spirituality, and the level of intuition.

Execution technique

  1. Take a comfortable position. Place the palms of your hands in the lower abdomen, at the level of Svadhisthana. Focus your attention on this energy center and breathe through it. Breathing is smooth, free, deep. As you inhale, the pelvic muscles contract, and as you exhale, they relax.
  2. Concentrate all your energy in the uterus for five to ten minutes. Afterwards, move it up the spine to the Anahata chakra. Inhaling - energy moves upward, exhaling - it leaves the body. Repeat the practice for ten minutes.
  3. Focus on the center between your eyebrows for a few seconds. Open your eyes, free your mind from thoughts and indulge in contemplation. Focus on the objects and details around you for no more than 30 seconds.
  4. Stay with your eyes closed for another five to ten minutes. The ray of attention slides from Svadhisthana to the eyebrow center. Inhaling, attention slides up along the spine, exhaling - down the front side of the body.

To exit meditation, do full cycle take deep breaths, then open your eyes. Before returning to your daily activities, come out of the meditation state completely.

The purpose of the practice is to fill the chakras with the energy a woman needs. In order to feel the result, you need to practice at least three times a week, and preferably every day. You will see how much happier and more stress-resistant you will become.

Practice with video

"I am a woman. I have a hundred faces and a thousand roles.” Meditation filling with feminine energy helps a woman restore strength, unlock her natural potential, become healthier and more beautiful. In addition, it will help harmonize relationships with your lover or attract a potential companion into your life. For most women who practice it, meditation on femininity has given not only great well-being, but also a new awareness of themselves. I will tell you how to carry it out further.

How I got attention

Every girl will be able to remember a situation in which I, alas, lived for more than a year. She seems to be young, smart, beautiful, I don’t drink heavily, I demand practically nothing from men, I try to understand the workload, in general, I diligently mold the ideal every day, but the cat on the sofa looks at me with an expression of hopelessness on its face.

I came to my friend to complain about life and discuss that my lover again does not dare to do anything serious, although he periodically feeds me with promises that everything will be fine. As they say, we take one step forward, then four back. Anya, that’s my friend’s name, looked at me strangely and asked me a question that left me hanging for a few seconds: “Have you tried meditation on female charm?” I knew what meditation techniques were, but I had never tried to look at the source of my problems from this side. But Anya’s admirer let it slip to me that she emanates an “inner attraction.” I decided to try several techniques, and swore to myself that meditation on the revelation of femininity would become a mandatory part of my morning and evening ritual.

The results did not come to me right away, but the systematic approach did its job. About three weeks later, I began to notice that my always busy man was showing interest in me, as in the first months of our acquaintance, although we had been together for about three years. From a bore muttering under his breath, he turned into a gentle and caring man. And young strangers also began to show interest in me. The boss stopped nagging, and in general, life became much easier for me from an emotional point of view. There are no destructive experiences, I like to wake up in the morning and enjoy simple joys that I had not noticed before due to the burden of everyday activities.

Who is meditation suitable for?

The suggested techniques will help you too. They do not have age restrictions, the most important thing is to choose the one that your intuition “pulls” on. To make the process of meditation enjoyable for you, do not think that there is something wrong with you. Everything is fine with you now. You are beautiful. Treat meditation on restoring feminine energy not as corrective work, but as magical ritual, which is aimed at your well-being and recovery, physical and moral.

Meditation “feminine energy” can be carried out in combination with mantras, if you feel the need for them. You can read them yourself, or just listen. During practice, imagine yourself happy, radiant with health and beauty. Carry out the work for at least 10-15 minutes.

Practice rules

There are a few simple rules How to conduct meditation on female charm:

  1. The most important rule: give up the idea that there is something wrong with you. You are the right age, you will find time, and there is nothing difficult about meditation. Consciously accept what is right now best time for change, and the entire stock of excuses is an illusion created by the brain to keep you safe. He perceives everything that is unusual for him as a threat and tries with all his might to keep you in a familiar, and therefore safe, state.
  2. Concentrate on what is happening here and now. Wandering in the past and suffering from the distant future does not bring joy and wastes energy.
  3. Smile while practicing. Your smile reveals your beauty and relaxes the third eye area.
  4. Be careful with your tongue and hands. Make sure that the tip of your tongue is pressed against the upper palate. This is where the air point is located and the earthly and celestial channels connect. The position of the hands controls the filling of energies. Your left palm should cover your right when joining your hands.
  5. Before you start meditating on feminine energy, free yourself from all negative emotions, as they waste your inner strength.
  6. While working, you can use music, for example, the sound of a forest or sea, the sound of rain or the crackling of a fire. Aromatic incense works well.
  7. As you accumulate energy, learn to distribute and conserve it. Rub the resulting energy 36 times in the lower abdomen clockwise and 24 times counterclockwise. Make sure your lower abdomen is always warm.
  8. Practice filling yourself with feminine energy at least once a week. Don't interrupt the cycle. If this happens, start again.


Meditation on femininity and tenderness will give you a feeling of joy and happiness:

  • Take a comfortable body position - lie on your back as flat as possible;
  • bend your knees;
  • yours should be in the lower abdomen, palms down. Left hand should be on top;
  • close your eyes, breathe slowly and deeply;
  • Direct your internal attention to your stomach - feel how it falls and rises;
  • feel how the warmth of your palms passes into the uterus and fills you;
  • imagine that the space around is filled with pink;
  • inhale the color and feel how it fills the uterus, and as you exhale, destructive emotions and resentments go away. Fill yourself with new, clean energy.

Red rose

It is not for nothing that the rose is considered the queen of flowers; ask her for beauty and magnetism for yourself, your beloved. This meditation of femininity and tenderness:

  1. Close your eyes, place your hands on your stomach. The left hand should cover the right, as in the previous technique.
  2. Imagine a luxurious garden. Feel the warmth of the sun, the rustle of leaves, the sound of water, the singing of birds.
  3. Go to your rose. Stroke its petals, feel the aroma.
  4. Sincerely ask your flower to release your feminine power and feel how you receive the warmth of the rose and it is concentrated in the womb. Remember the image of a rose, thank it, feel loved, tender, attractive.
  5. Slowly open your eyes.

I am a woman

Meditation “I am a woman” will help you realize yourself in a new way and reveal your inner strength:

  • relax, close your eyes and focus on breathing;
  • when emotions and thoughts calm down, repeat to yourself “I am a woman - I am beautiful”;
  • I am a woman - I am grace, I am lightness and beauty, I am unique;
  • I am a woman - I accept myself. I may or may not like you, but I remain beautiful;
  • I am a woman, and I am life, sensuality and sexuality;
  • I am a woman born for love, I know how to feel and see beauty. I love tenderness, birdsong and sunlight;
  • I am a woman - harmonious, whole and calm;
  • I am a woman - weak, soft and gentle, although I can cope with everything on my own. I am strong in femininity and sensitivity, I can help;
  • I am a woman. I know how to accept and don’t want to argue. I let life take care of me. I am a river, slow and precise. I accept my fickleness;
  • I am a woman and I like to smile at the world without getting annoyed by little things. I have the right to love.

Meditation of the Ancient Priestesses

The meditation of the ancient priestesses rejuvenates and fills with attractiveness:

  1. Lie flat on a hard surface with your legs bent and your heels flat on the floor.
  2. Place your palms in the lower abdomen, breathe slowly and deeply.
  3. Feel yourself falling down and flying. Let the images form freely in your head.
  4. You land on the river and sink into the water, it slowly picks up your body. Wait until it completely merges with water.
  5. Feel a small seed in the lower abdomen. Imagine how a rose slowly blooms from it and fills your entire body with feminine energy, warmth and light.

Aphrodite's Belt

Meditation for women to strengthen feminine energy:

  • Imagine that you fell down, were picked up by a river and the current led you to the temple of the goddess Aphrodite;
  • Enter the temple. Approach the goddess statue;
  • Greet her with a bow, see how she smiles at you;
  • The Goddess gives you the belt, put it on, feel the weight;
  • This belt concentrates feminine energy to attract male attention;
  • Thank the goddess and leave the temple.

Ways to reveal femininity

Meditation on femininity is not the only way to unlock your inner potential; there are others:

  • wear skirts and dresses, preferably long ones. It helps to form energy tone and receive earth energy;
  • cook food. You don't have to be a culinary master at all. Even just cutting the bread is enough. Imbue the food with positive thoughts, hold your hands over it, thank you for the fact that you have something to feed yourself and your family;
  • communicate with like-minded people. During communication, energy exchange will occur;
  • spend more time with your child - by taking care of children you increase your own feminine energy;
  • prohibit yourself from gossiping, judging and talking about negative topics - this wastes your inner strength;
  • Feel beautiful regularly. Allow yourself to buy one expensive but chic dress than 10 from the “so-so” category;
  • clean your house - dirt and unnecessary things block the flow of energy.

If you have chosen to meditate on the revelation of femininity, you are on the right path. By practicing regularly, you can, without Herculean efforts, attract harmony into your life, relationships that will delight you, well-being and health. This will happen because the practice will help you energetically tune into the desired frequency of perception, where everything you need is there, and, according to the law of attraction, it will become a reality. Meditation to restore feminine energy will naturally make you attractive in the eyes of men, desired and loved.

Meditation and filling with feminine energy are inextricably linked. It is in a relaxed meditative state that a lady can completely relax, let go of all negativity and get rid of stress. How to meditate correctly - read below.

Ladies' meditations for relaxation and relaxation

There are a huge number of methods to meditate. We will tell you about the most useful things.

What needs to be created:

  • Choose measured and calming music that you like and relaxes. Beware of lively, fiery melodies
  • Take a comfortable position and concentrate on breathing. This will help you abstract away from extraneous thoughts and become very relaxed.
  • Once you get into a relaxed meditative state, start saying positive affirmations to yourself. What they will be depends on your desire. Listen to the feelings of your soul
  • At the end, when the music ends, do not open your eyes right away. Sit or lie down for a couple of minutes, listening to your feelings.
  • Examples of positive affirmations that can be used during meditation:

    • I have a lot of energy and femininity that fill every cell of my body
    • I look at the world with love and gratitude, and it reciprocates
    • I'm not sick at all, I'm young and beautiful
    • I feel better and better every day
    • I am filled with love and happily give it to others, and then receive love in return.
    • I live in happiness and harmony, my life gets better every day
    • I am the unsullied channel for Divine love, truth and beauty
    • I take advantage of every moment of this day. Divine harmony, peace and abundance are with me
    • Divine love flows from me, blessing all who come into my retinue
    • I am surrounded by a sacred halo of Divine love, truth and beauty
    • I believe that all my problems can be solved and dissolved in the mind of God

    During meditation, you will not be able to address anyone directly, but will be able to direct a mental request to God, the Universe, or other Higher powers in which you believe. You can direct energy to yourself, to loved ones, family and friends. It all depends on your desire.

    Important sources of filling feminine energy

    Meditation is great, but you need to take care of other methods that will help you fill your soul with positive energy and tune in to the best.

    Sources of replenishment of femininity can be as follows:

  • Spiritual music and prayers. This is also a meditation option. Strive to find God in your own soul and turn to him with gratitude more often
  • Physical activity. In a healthy body - healthy mind. Find a sport that is convenient for you, that you enjoy and that fills you. Yoga, dancing, Gym, fitness, stretching or just long walks in the park - whatever pleases your soul
  • Time for yourself. From time to time you need to be alone and do your favorite things. This can be various hobbies, hobbies, or a “beauty day” when you fill the bath, light aromatic candles, make masks and various pleasant body treatments
  • Ladies' duties. Cleaning, cooking, raising children is also a powerful method to fill up and restore feminine strength.
  • Day mode. Go to bed before 10 pm and get up at dawn. There are no “night owls” and “larks”. This particular mode is more convenient for ladies
  • Connect with people who inspire you. Beloved friends, mentors, teachers, mothers and mothers-in-law with whom you are on good terms
  • Proper nutrition. Get rid of food waste in your diet, add tasty and healthy foods to it
  • Trips. Anywhere - even to another country, even to a neighboring city. It's the memories that matter, not the space
  • Personal care. Beauty salons, spas, massages are a great way to relax and replenish. A nice prize - beauty and youth that will stay with you forever
  • Do what you love, what is pleasant and comfortable for you, combining it with meditation and other spiritual practices. Then harmony and happiness will firmly settle in your life.

    Watch a video with a magical meditation that fills you with feminine energy:

    Where does feminine energy go?

    Before you begin to fill with feminine energy, it is important to realize where and why it goes. You need to know this in order to remove prerequisites and lose less of your strength.

    Reasons why you are losing your feminine energy:

    • "Poisonous" people. These are the so-called energy ghouls, after communicating with whom you feel squeezed out, like a lemon. These could be sworn girlfriends with endless complaints about life, a boss who offends you, or even your own mother who torments you with criticism.
    • Stressful situations. Stress is detrimental to a woman, so it is important to protect yourself from its sources. These are various quarrels, conflicts, financial difficulties, obstacles in relationships. Learn to solve them in a relaxed manner, look for compromises and be wary of anything that causes emotional stress.
    • Watching TV and news. Negativity is constantly pouring down on us from blue screens: terrible stories are constantly being told in the news, television shows are full of negativity. Beware of this, keep only sources of positive information for yourself
    • Quarrels and conflicts. There is nothing to talk about here; such situations provoke a leakage of your feminine energy. Learn to resolve conflicts peacefully and wisely, like a woman. Do not participate in disputes, ignore criticism
    • Judging and discussing other people. Stop slandering, condemning and criticizing - by doing this you are only harming yourself. Learn to see only the good in people, give compliments and praise, thank them

    This is by no means a complete list of circumstances due to which you are losing your own femininity and losing energy day after day. But it’s completely enough to protect yourself from the main sources of negativity. Then the process of filling with energy will go faster, and meditation will really be beneficial.

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