Names of summer bouquets for the exhibition. Types of bouquets in floristry. Interesting color combinations for beautiful bouquets

Compilation flower arrangements- this is not only a pleasant hobby, but also an entire science, which is called floristry. It turns out that to successfully compose a bouquet or a birthday party, you need to know at least the very basics of this art. Then the finished work will look professional and will become a real decoration for any interior, regardless of whether live or artificial plants were used for it.

Flowers flower arrangements

That flowers, flower arrangements are a universal decoration for any home, people have probably always known. Even the simplest bouquet of field daisies can already give a space a different mood and give the necessary emotions. In addition, plants also have a pleasant aroma, so the air in the house is additionally enriched with a pleasant smell, and a natural one, not an artificial one. As for beauty, anyone will prove how they can change even the design style simply by their appearance.

The classic composition for us is the so-called European bouquet. These are cut inflorescences different types, which are united by some characteristic, be it variety, size or shade. Over time, with the evolution of floristry as a science, or even rather as the art of arranging bouquets, they began to develop their own patterns and rules, from which professional florists try not to deviate in our time.

Compositions differ in form, even if we are talking about a classic European bouquet. They can be round, oval, pyramidal, depending on the effect that needs to be produced. For ceremonial table setting, ampelous compositions are used, which are distinguished by the presence of elements hanging down, which is why the basis for ampelous decorations are tall vases or vessels with long legs.

Any flower compositions there must be a certain center, a central point to which the eye is drawn first. Around this point, secondary elements, fillers (additional decorative elements) are built, and geometry is built. In this case, we can draw an analogy with, in which there is an unshakable central element - a residential building, and around it the remaining components of the design are built, which are designed to emphasize the attractiveness of the central point.

Additional parts that are present in almost any flower arrangements, photos which you can see in magazines and catalogs. They are the ones who create the mood, the theme, because there are varieties flowering plants not much compared to decorative parts. So, you can very easily use the same roses and carnations to make either Easter ones, or just by slightly modifying the decor. For Easter it will be beautifully decorated Easter eggs, toy rabbits on long skewers. And for New Year's, Christmas tree decorations or delicate cotton twigs are perfect, which make the bouquet look as if it was dusted with snow.

In addition, of course, the shade of all components also matters compositions of fresh flowers. If you look not at some sharply fashion trends, but based purely on the rules and basic recommendations for selection, the same universal rules apply here as in any other selection color combinations, be it renovations in an apartment, a set of clothes, or when we... The color spectrum that is already familiar to us is used - a circle on which the main shades of the basic tones that make up the rainbow are laid out. If you want to create the most harmonious composition, then choose shades that are close in spectrum; if contrasting, choose shades from opposite ends of the spectrum.

Floral arrangement of flowers

In addition to the plants themselves, inflorescences, buds, decorative branches for a special effect floral arrangement of flowers You also need to pay attention to the base, that is, either the container or the packaging in which the decorative element may be located. The simplest option, and at the same time one of the most versatile, is a vase. Moreover, sometimes it can even be much more beautiful and original than its contents. Please note that in any recommendations on fashionable floral trends you will always find advice on selecting a vase or other container, which indicates the importance and necessity of such an element.

But sellers of ready-made bouquets, of course, will not offer flower arrangement, photo which you might like with a vase, because this will lead to a significant increase in its price. That's why others are invented original ways presentations of such crafts, and their popularization has led to the fact that even homemade bouquets that we make for our own apartment begin to obey the laws of professional floristry. Probably, the very first such base was a wicker basket into which soil could be poured and plants with bulbs or roots could be planted inside, so they would retain their freshness much longer. Today, baskets are also widely used, only the soil has been replaced by a special material that has many names: oasis, floral sponge, etc. This is a porous, dense material that perfectly retains inside itself an amount of water sufficient to nourish the stems for a long time. The advantages that an oasis provides are enormous, because it turned out that plants can now be arranged not only in sealed containers, but also in baskets, boxes, and also formed into shaped crafts.

A beautiful fashion trend is bouquets that are inside a slightly open box, like a gift or candy. This design technique is loved by everyone, both by those who give the gift for its convenience and versatility of use, and by those who can put it anywhere in the apartment at their discretion. Often the design of the stand depends on the style in which the room is designed. For example, for the Provence style, non-standard “vases” are widely used, such as old teapots and decanters.

Flower arrangements for the interior

Both in this and in varieties flower arrangements for the interior They follow fashion trends very closely. It would be wrong not to dwell on them in more detail, so that you can not only distinguish truly fashionable bouquets, but also try to make them with your own hands.

There are three main trends that stand out to us at International Floral Distributors, a reputable organization that brings together the world's leading florists. If you want to make decorations for a holiday, for example, for a wedding, then you should listen to these tips. And simply, the proposed materials are very beautiful.

Tenderness carries with it a trend called “glitter.” Its distinctive features are the abundance of metallized elements in decoration, selection of bases and decorative elements. Refraction of light, radiance - this is the effect that needs to be achieved. To select the necessary types in a store or garden, you first need to look at light shades, natural and pure, they set the tone for the whole work. These are white callas, roses, carnations, tulips, peonies, matthiola, and ranunculus. The lines of the inflorescences should be clean, simple, and this simplicity, combined with a metallic texture, will help you transform any interior.

For lovers of lush variety, our next trend will be pleasant - “holiday”. Creating bouquets that combine a riot of colors and textures, they are so similar to the homespun patterns of products in the patchwork style. In general, the trends this season are to use plants that grow exactly in the area where you live to make the bouquet look authentic. The basic shades of the trend are warm yellow, orange, raspberry, blue denim, fuchsia, orange, plants recommended for use are gerberas, chrysanthemums, garden roses, delphiniums, celosias, decorative sunflowers. This bouquet will surely bring you a feeling of warmth, sun, and a real holiday.

Compositions of fresh flowers

Romance, true femininity, exquisite floral perfumes - they are associated with all this compositions of fresh flowers The next trend is “pomp”. This is a real abundance of a summer garden, which by some miracle ends up in a city apartment.

For such works, greenery plays the role of a background for lush, luxurious flowers in raspberry, pink, peach, and plum shades. The ideal option is green branches with berries, this creates the perfect contrast. It is also necessary to choose a worthy design for royal bouquets - these are vintage crystal vases and rustic wood containers. Plants that can be safely recommended for combination are roses, hydrangeas, peonies, amaranth, and dahlias.

As for general trends, which are used both in wedding decorations and in, then this is a combination of buds with fruits and berries. The walls of transparent vases are lined with lemon slices, and poured apples are placed in the center of the craft.

Feathers can easily be called a fashionable sign among decorative additional elements, and peacock feathers are most often used, which give the whole work both a certain oriental chic and bohemian mystery. Feathers are perfect for a lush multi-colored collection, but in measured quantities they can decorate a laconic monochromatic work.

Artificial flower arrangements

Not everyone treats equally well compositions of artificial flowers, but, rather, this refers to products that are not of the highest quality. Whereas modern products, which are sold in specialized stores, even to the touch do not differ from their living counterparts, and can please the eye in the office, salon or home interior for much longer.

When compiling compositions of artificial flowers The same rules apply as for the living, the same fashion trends are used. But the scope of application is greatly expanding. For example, hanging decorations using decorative bird cages are so popular now. It looks very romantic, gentle, and such bouquets require virtually no care, just wash them in soapy water from time to time or wipe them with a brush to remove accumulated dust.

Flowers are always used to create a festive mood. If a young man is going to go on a first date, then without a bouquet of fresh flowers he will lose in the eyes of his beloved girl. What celebration would be complete without flower arrangements?! Making bouquets and choosing flowers for them is a whole science. It is not difficult to study it, then you can please your loved ones with original flower arrangements, guided by your taste and knowledge.

In the 18th – 19th centuries, every educated person knew the language of flowers. By making compositions from buds and inflorescences, one could declare one’s love, express one’s favor, and swear fidelity. And in our time, when composing a bouquet for various life events, they select flowers so that a person, upon accepting the offering, feels a kind attitude towards himself.

Flowers for a wedding bouquet: how to choose

One of the most important events - a wedding celebration is unthinkable without bouquets. They are not only in the hands of the bride and groom, but also serve as decoration for the hall and the newlyweds’ home. Most often in wedding compositions the same types of flowers are found, speaking of love, fidelity, and purity of feelings:

  • Not a single bouquet is complete without it. The queen of the garden in soft pink and red colors is ideal for the bride's image. The freshness of the buds pleases for a long time.
  • Noble flowers look sophisticated in a bouquet. Together with roses, they can remain fresh for a long time. They look great together with orchids. The colors of calla lilies are varied - from snow-white to lilac, dark cherry.
  • They have become popular only recently, but a bouquet of them, despite the fragility of the flower, looks fresh for a long time.
  • The fragile ones must be treated with care, otherwise the petals will darken when broken. The variety of varieties allows you to combine flowers of contrasting shades with each other.
  • Persistence and endurance are valued when decorating the premises of newlyweds. All year round flowers are used in wedding ceremonies. To create volume in bouquets, it is better to choose a bush form of chrysanthemum.
  • They can withstand the lack of water and do not wither when exposed to frost. They look great in combination with other colors and in mono compositions. Gerberas of bright colors can add some life to the bride's bouquet, white and pastel colors - a romantic touch.
  • To connect the important elements of the bouquet into a harmonious whole, they are used. Small white or red flowers of the plant will give the desired background to the composition and emphasize the beauty of the main parts of the bouquet. Gypsophila looks especially interesting with roses.
  • A bride looks romantic with a bouquet of, white types are especially popular for celebrations. For contrast, the bouquet is decorated with ribbons and accented with greenery. For tulips, choose a neighborhood of lilies, callas, and roses.

When choosing flowers for a wedding bouquet, you need to take into account the character of the bride, the features of her appearance, even the style of the dress.

Selecting flowers for a gift for any event should take into account the person to whom it will be presented. Knowing the taste of the hostess of the house where they are going for the celebration, it is necessary to take it into account when composing a bouquet. Strangers are given a composition purchased in a store. It’s even better to send it in advance by courier.

Which flowers are better:

  • For married ladies, it is better to choose orchids on their birthday.
  • For young girls - , .
  • or - the most persistent in bouquets. They can look fresh for up to three weeks. They are usually given for anniversaries, to congratulate those who are retiring.
  • Men are also presented with bouquets, made up of,.

Flowers for bouquets are grown in your own flower beds or purchased in a store. It is not considered bad taste to give one flower, but it should be large.

You can arrange a composition of fresh flowers by following a number of rules:

  • First, prepare the tools and attributes that are necessary to secure the plants into a bouquet. You will need pruning shears and scissors to carefully cut the plant. It is better to secure the stems with tape, wire, pins, or a glue gun.
  • Cut stems at an angle early morning. After this, be sure to place the plants in a vase with water.
  • The composition does not include many varieties of flowering plants or just buds.
  • Composing a bouquet begins with choosing the shape of the bouquet and the number of flowers.
  • IN bottom part compositions are placed with bright and large inflorescences, and on top - small, delicate shades.
  • For a round bouquet, all flowers are arranged evenly, with their heads facing out.
  • The one-sided option is characterized by the direction of flowers with different stem lengths in one direction.
  • Plants should not be pressed close to each other.
  • Lilies of the valley and lilies are compatible with each other in bouquets.
  • A bouquet will quickly wither if it contains lilies of the valley and sweet peas.
  • A sprig will enhance the aroma of lily of the valley and its durability.
  • A geranium stalk will keep the bouquet fresh for a long time.
  • Orchids do not like to be next to other flowers. The same applies to carnations and roses.

Arranging bouquets should be done thoughtfully and tastefully.

Arrangements of dried flowers help lift the mood in winter as a memory of the past summer. A special feature of the compositions is their long-term preservation. But preparing bouquets from dried flowers takes longer than from fresh ones.

Suitable for composing compositions:

  • pansies
  • amaranth caudate
  • carnation
  • zinnia

The most common method of drying plants is the herbarium method. By placing the stems with buds and leaves between sheets of parchment paper, after some time the finished dried flower is obtained. To dry, you can place the plants in a vase without water or hang them in bunches in a well-ventilated area. Their main enemy is dampness.

Those flowers that are picked when they have already begun to lose their vitality, but have not yet withered, last longer in dried form.

Arrangements from dried flowers are made in different ways. To place bouquets in a vase, place a block of foam at the bottom and stick flower stems into it. You can simply tie the flowers with silver wire and hang the bouquet. An elegant colored ribbon made of fabric or paper will look elegant on the composition. The rules for making compositions from dried flowers are the same as from living plants.

flowers with an apricot center. You can string berries, or use melon as material for flower petals. To keep fruits longer, dip them in glaze or melted chocolate for a few minutes.

To create bouquets of sweets use corrugated paper, which is used to give shape to a bouquet.

To make it stable, it is attached to polystyrene foam glued to cardboard or polyurethane foam. To select the components of the bouquet, select different kinds sweets Pieces of marmalade in transparent packaging or candies without packaging look great.

You can decorate original bouquets with fresh greenery and leaves, spraying them with hot paraffin. It is possible to combine fresh flowers with artificial ones made from sweets, choosing according to style. But they won’t be able to be near fruits - they will quickly wither.

More information can be found in the video:

Floristry has experienced a real boom over the past decades, going from simple romantic bouquets to the most complex floral creations. By choosing a more intricate and original composition in the store, you can create a great effect when presenting it, showing how important and dear this person is.

The flower arrangement is more presentable in appearance, and also has one clear and very important advantage - longevity. The fact is that its basis is a moisture-containing sponge, which nourishes the plants and ensures a long flowering period.

Types of flower arrangements

Today, no one can be surprised by the inclusion in the composition of sweets, soft toys, fruits and vegetables, all kinds of twigs, as well as other decor: beads, lace, brocade, sequins, feathers, stickers, butterfly figurines, etc.

The most popular types of flower arrangements include:

Flowers in a basket

There are a huge variety of different models and shapes: a small basket-glass is perfect for expressing your romantic feelings, a large one with large flowers seems to be created for the anniversary of a relationship. And if you choose unscented flowers, then such a gift can be supplemented with a note with wishes of recovery and presented to the sick person.

A basket with your favorite flowers will become a bright interior detail. If desired, you can put a sweet present in it.

Arrangements in boxes are both a bouquet and a surprise. These gifts are a real miracle of floral art. Such a gift can be given to a close friend, beloved mother and, of course, a girlfriend or wife. The bouquet in the box will be ideally complemented by cakes, for example, bright multi-colored macaroons.

Heart shaped flowers

A heart of roses will help you confess your feelings and please your beloved for any reason. Buds of different colors can be used to decorate this composition. Thanks to the special skill of the florists, such a gift will remain fresh for a long time.

Composition in the shape of a bear

A cute bear bouquet decorated with a bow will make any girl happy, no matter whether she has graduated from college or is just starting 1st grade. This composition looks original and will become a memorable gift in itself.

Composition with berries, fruits

Delicious and beautiful gift, which will look appropriate as an interior detail. You can always choose a basket with flowers and gifts of nature as a gift for a certain holiday or just to lift your spirits.

For many centuries, flowers have been one of the main decorations of various holidays. To this day, in a world of abundance of various decorative items and elements, flowers are the leaders among the most memorable gifts. After all, an elegant and delicate bouquet is an excellent present for your beloved woman: mother, wife, sister, friend. And flowers look especially beautiful when they are collected in a bouquet.

Rules and algorithm for composing a bouquet

Despite the apparent complexity, anyone can make a stunningly beautiful bouquet of flowers with their own hands. But to do this, you need to know the basic elements of the technique of composing a bouquet and have the desire to complete the job.

The following tips will help you create a bouquet of any flowers like a real florist or designer:

  1. Maintain harmony. Overloading is unacceptable for stylish bouquets: when making a composition with your own hands, it is not recommended to use many varieties of flowers; as a rule, two or three types and, if desired, a little greenery are enough for a bouquet.
  2. It is impossible to create an impressive composition with big amount plants, since the main thing in this matter is to choose the right bouquet flowers, color scheme and build a harmonious composition, otherwise the result will be clumsy and overloaded.
  3. To make the bouquet last longer, you need to cut the flowers using pruners or a knife. The use of scissors is not recommended.
  4. Remember that there are bouquet flowers that cannot be combined. The fact is that some flowers, due to the characteristics chemical composition can have a detrimental effect on each other. Therefore, you cannot combine lilies of the valley, daffodils, orchids, tulips, carnations, and lilies.
  5. Choose the right shape and size. These parameters play an important role, so it is worth paying attention to the recommendations from experienced florists: it is better to give rounded compositions to women, and elongated ones to men, small ones for weddings, and voluminous ones for birthdays.

According to the advice of experienced florists, when decorating a bouquet with your own hands, it is important to adhere to the following algorithm:

  • First of all, decide what kind of composition you will make.
  • Then decide on the shape.
  • After that, choose the color scheme of the composition.
  • Next, decide on the number of bouquet flowers and the total volume of the composition.
  • After this, you can prepare the flowers: if you cut the flowers yourself, it is best to do it at an angle and then immediately put them in water. But if you use flowers from a store or those that were cut some time ago, then you need to update the cut on them. Such manipulations will help the composition last longer.

The best flowers for bouquets

Perhaps, interesting compositions can be made from almost any flowers in the world, but there are the most common flowers for bouquets, which are convenient to work with and for which many instructions and tips from experienced florists have been written.

Of course, there are a huge number of color names that are easy to get lost in. But the most popular flowers for bouquets are these types :

  • roses;

  • lilies;

  • peonies;

  • irises;

  • orchids;

  • hydrangeas;

  • callas;

  • freesia;

  • lisianthus;

  • anemones;

  • gerberas;

  • alstroemeria;

If you are unfamiliar with some of the names of these flowers, then you have probably ever seen them in the garden, in a flower shop or in a photograph. Let's look at the features of making bouquets with your own hands from the most modern ideas fashionable colors. Offers useful tips, instructions, pictures, videos.


Roses look great both in the garden and in a bouquet; it’s not for nothing that they are called the queens of the flower garden.

Tips for decorating a bouquet of roses with your own hands:

  • Lilies, lilacs, callas, lavender, hydrangeas, alstroemeria, and gypsophila go well with these flowers.
  • Roses are beautiful flowers that can be combined with various plants, but it is not recommended to add tulips, poppies, carnations, delphiniums, lilies of the valley, and daffodils to bouquets with roses.
  • For packaging you should not use materials that are too bright or flashy.

Video: DIY rose bouquet.


Lily is not inferior in popularity to roses. Graceful and delicate appearance allows the plant to be a constant “guest” of many compositions for both women and men.

Pay attention to the following tips:

  • The bouquet will not look boring (on the contrary, it will be very impressive!), even if you make it only from lilies. The main thing is to create the composition correctly and choose a beautiful ribbon or wrapping paper.
  • Phlox, chamomile, irises, peonies, and primroses go well with lilies.
  • It is highly not recommended to combine lilies with cornflowers and poppies.

Note! If you like to garden, and, in particular, plant lilies, then you may be interested in learning how to care for the plant and.


A noble flower can decorate any gift and melt the heart of any woman. It is skillfully used in their compositions by both experienced florists and novice amateurs.

When creating a bouquet of chrysanthemums with your own hands, you should consider some features:

  • Gerberas, roses, and alstroemeria go well with the flower.
  • The option with bright flowers in the middle of the composition looks beautiful.
  • Various berries on a long stem go stylishly with the flower.
  • When making a round bouquet of chrysanthemums, the flowers should be laid not parallel, but at an angle.

Video: how to assemble a simple bouquet of chrysanthemums

Important! If you grow chrysanthemum on your site, but it will come in handy helpful information about how to care for.


Rarely a yard or area is complete without beautiful peonies. Luxuriously beautiful flowers will always be appropriate as a gift or at a wedding celebration, which is why bouquets are often made from them.

There are some recommendations regarding this flower:

  • Experienced florists do not recommend adding other flowers to a bouquet with peonies.
  • If you really want to make a floral combination, then you can add hydrangeas, freesias, forget-me-nots, and daisies to the composition.
  • When making a wedding bouquet for the bride, it is better to give preference to peonies in delicate shades: white, pink, cream.

Video: how to make a wedding one from peonies for the bride.

Interesting color combinations for beautiful bouquets

To make bouquets look more solemn and bright, you can combine different flowers. The combination of chrysanthemums and gerberas, lilies and chrysanthemums, roses, gerberas and lilies is especially recognized.

From chrysanthemums and gerberas

The originality of the shapes and shades of these types allows you to create various compositions for exceptional occasions and situations. Below you can watch video instructions for creating compositions from chrysanthemums and gerberas.

Video: how to collect a bouquet of chrysanthemums and gerberas

From lilies and chrysanthemums

Lilies and chrysanthemums are old friends in the world of floristry. Florists have been creating bright, strict and touchingly delicate compositions from these beautiful flowers for many years.

Video: how to make a bouquet of lilies and chrysanthemums for beginners.

From roses, gerberas and lilies

A bouquet of these now beloved types of flowers is a great gift for a birthday or any other special event. Bright roses, gerberas and lilies do not obscure each other, but, on the contrary, complement each other and make the composition excellent.

Video: making a bouquet of roses, gerberas and lilies with your own hands

Photo gallery

Next, you can study photographs of various options for decorating bouquets with your own hands for a variety of occasions. Pictures of various options can inspire you to create unprecedented, interesting compositions and new ideas.

A bouquet of fresh flowers will never lose its relevance and will always be an eloquent gift for a dear and valuable person. Undoubtedly, your loved ones will enjoy the impressive composition composed by your hands, into which you put your soul. You can also create decorative bouquets for your interior that will make the room more lively and colorful.

In contact with

Flowers are beautiful creatures of our planet. The rainbow of colors and unique scent of these plants make them a wonderful gift. Floral arrangements can be a decoration for an event or become part of the interior.

Novice florists use popular flowers when making bouquets. There is a lot of information about such plants. After studying it, you can make bouquets at home. The main thing is to purchase the necessary materials for this.

SL84ECBA88 floristic school.

Creating bouquets is an entire art that teaches not only how to form compositions, but also how to combine colors. Choose the right plants so that the bouquet does not fade for a long time. Learn the language of flowers, who to give which plants to.

Not only beginners, but also florist masters use common flowers. Catalog of popular cut flowers growing in Russia natural area, and exotic plants are presented below.

Cut flowers for bouquets

Names of flowers and their short description give novice florists an idea of ​​popular flowers that can be used when composing bouquets.

Alstroemeria Astra

Alstroemeria. Pleases with a rich color palette and excellent durability. When cut, they can last 3-4 weeks. Suitable for people with increased sensitivity to fragrances as they are odorless.

The flower is called anemone for its light and delicate petals that fall off in a strong wind. The color range of anemones, similar to poppies, is varied. But most of all they like to add them to winter bouquets. The deep blue anemone looks unusual and fascinating. A frequent guest in the design of blue wedding bouquets . We even have a separate article dedicated only to blue flowers in compositions. Click and the article will open in a new window.

Aster. This is a favorite flower in an autumn bouquet. The star-like aster is given not only to teachers, but also to beautiful women. The aster will be an interesting element in a wedding composition.

A correctly assembled bouquet of carnations is as beautiful as bouquets of roses, which is why many florists choose delicate carnations for bridal bouquets.

Sunny gerbera will add brightness to any bouquet. The flowers look like colorful daisies and symbolize the joy of life. Gerberas go well with irises and orchids.

Spring flowers with delicate shades that look good in pastel bouquets.

The lush inflorescence of hydrangea allows you to create lovely mono-bouquets that look touching in the hands of the bride.

A bouquet of irises looks sophisticated; such a composition is an excellent birthday or anniversary gift for a woman or man.

A flower of small lilies is a good gift for young girls. In wedding floristry, a bouquet of lilies of the valley is complemented with decorations.

A bouquet of lilies is a royal gift. Lilies in a flower arrangement can be combined with roses, to which they are slightly inferior in popularity.

is a symbol of youth. White and cream poppies are added to the bouquets of young brides, while scarlet poppies create a bright accent in any composition.

White and yellow flowers look delicate in a bouquet and are suitable as a gift for romantic women.

Peonies look good in composition with other flowers, bouquets look fresh and voluminous.

The flower is a small sun, symbolizing good luck and wealth, looks amazing both in a wedding bouquet and in an anniversary bouquet.

Pink flowers look great in mono bouquets. Rhododendron has many species. Deciduous rhododendron is known as azalea. Daurian rhododendron is popularly called wild rosemary. But real wild rosemary belongs to the heather family.

This is the most beautiful and popular flower on the planet. The largest number of bouquets that florists create include roses.

The flower symbolizes love. Chamomile bouquets look cute and their simplicity allows you to add a variety of decorations to your bouquets. You can read more about the language of flowers in the article.

Simple and double, white and red, multi-colored tulips are universal flowers for any bouquets, especially spring ones.

If you want to achieve touching in a bouquet, nothing is better suited than this flower. The “glass” texture gives fragility and sophistication to this flower. Used in spring compositions to convey the awakening of nature. Suitable for wedding floristry and other compositions where you need to add a touch of romance.

A daisy-like chrysanthemum with a large number of petals in a solo composition or as an accent looks great due to its volume and colors.

Exotic flowers for bouquets

Exotic flowers in bouquets are increasingly used by florists. Agapanthus, heliconia, calla lilies, plumeria, strelitzia, celosia and other flowers are found in the compositions.

The most popular among all exotics are orchids. The fragile flowers of orchids, native to Central America, symbolize beauty and love. These flowers look great in any composition and can be decorated with any decorations.
There are many varieties of orchids. The following flowers are used in wedding bouquets: ascocenda, vanda, dendrobium, phalaenopsis.
Bouquets with orchids retain their original appearance for a long time, which makes them attractive for wedding floristry.

No less popular in floristry is the combination of various herbs, fruits and berries with flowers.

Herbs in flower bouquets

To make bouquets, not only flowers are used, but also various herbs.

The most common herbs that are added to a bouquet are represented by the following list:

Gypsophila is a tender herbaceous plant, on which are located in large quantities small white flowers. The plant symbolizes modesty. Florists offer bouquets with gypsophila for timid and young girls and brides.
Openwork flowers can not only complement any bouquet, but also look great on their own. Delightful bouquets are obtained from a combination of gypsophila with orchids, ranunculus, roses and tulips.

Feather grass is an elegant fluffy grass, from which florists love to create various bouquets in combination with flowers.
Most often, feather grass is used to decorate dry compositions. Feather grass with dried roses or wildflowers will fit into the design of any interior.
Silk feather grass spikelets can also be seen in a living bouquet. Spring and autumn wedding compositions with this grass are created in soft pastel and silver tones.

Lavender symbolizes love and happiness. The soft lilac and purple color and pleasant aroma of the plant attract attention.
Lavender is a frequent guest in wedding floristry bouquets. In Provence style weddings, the bouquet looks stylish and original.

Tansy is medicinal herb with golden yellow inflorescences. The plant has a camphor-like smell, so it is preferred to make dry bouquets for indoors. Dried tansy is used to make autumn and winter compositions.
Live tansy looks great with various meadow flowers, especially daisies. Keep tansy bouquets on an open terrace or in a frequently ventilated room.

No less popular rosemary, sage and other herbs.

Florists use herbs not only to dilute bouquets, but also create entire compositions from several types of herbs with flowers. Bouquets of herbs make a good addition to rural and vintage weddings.

Berries in flower bouquets

When making bouquets, berries are added in summer and autumn during the growth or ripening of fruits. In summer bouquets, unripe fruits are popular, which will not stain the bride’s dress, and in autumn, hard fruits of bushes and trees are popular.

In summer floristry you can find blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, and St. John's wort. Fruits in autumn floristry have the same names, like shrubs and trees - hawthorn, viburnum, rowan, rose hip. Many of these berries can be added to bouquets year-round.

Let's look at the description of some berries in more detail.

Blackberries and raspberries

Blackberries and raspberries have an interesting shape. The refreshing appearance and sweet aroma of berries will be a pleasant addition to any bouquet. Blackberries and raspberries symbolize wealth and happiness, which is why they are popular in wedding floristry.

Please note that in this case, blackberries and raspberries have only decorative meaning in the bouquet, unlike edible bouquets. We wrote about them. Fruit and vegetable floristry involves practicality, when the fruits, berries or vegetables used in the bouquet can be eaten within 1-2 days.

St. John's wort

St. John's wort or Hypericum is medicinal plant with bright yellow flowers. But the fruits of the plant are popular in bouquets.
Bright red St. John's wort berries fit delightfully into bouquets with irises, callas, sunflowers and roses. The unripe fruits of white, green and yellow shades of St. John's wort are suitable for creating romantic bouquets.


Red viburnum has long been a decoration for weddings. Viburnum branches were hung indoors and placed on the table, and added to the bride’s bouquet.
Nowadays, florists add viburnum to bouquets, emphasizing the charm of the bride. In bouquets, viburnum goes well with gerberas, callas, poppies, and roses.


Fragrant strawberries in a flower arrangement symbolize fertility. When adding to a bouquet, choose dense and slightly unripe berries.
Strawberries go well with flowers in pastel shades, but you can also add bright plants such as lilies, roses, and eustomas.


Orange or red rowan berries look great in an autumn bouquet, either as a gift or for the bride. Rowan berry clusters can be added to any floral arrangement, but they look more interesting in bouquets of white, burgundy, orange and purple flowers.

Fruits in flower bouquets

Florists use a variety of local and exotic fruits when making bouquets. Floral arrangements with pomegranate, figs and bergamot look interesting. Photos of plants show how harmoniously they look .

We recommend learning floral art professionally at Ekaterina Andryukova’s online school. There is a special promotional code only for visitors to our website. SL84ECBA88, which entitles you to a 10% discount when purchasing any product from a florist school.

How to make a bouquet and decorate a house or apartment with it is described in detail in the video below.

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