Why are mortal sins called that way? And how are they different from ordinary ones? Healthy sweets  —  are there such things? Yes! We tell you how they differ from “regular” ones and where you can buy them in Perm

We are more accustomed to using alcohol-based perfumes - according to the European tradition. But recently we have started to gain popularity and oil perfume, who came to us from eastern countries - the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Turkey, India. There is not a drop of alcohol in them. But this is not all that distinguishes them from the usual perfumes for us and makes them a preferable choice.

The right scent lifts your mood and makes you more confident.

Interesting features

They say that those who have tried to use oil perfumes will never give them up. Why are they so captivating?

1. No alcohol. For women with dry, delicate or sensitive skin, this is a real find.

The absence of alcohol in the composition makes the perfume safe and non-irritating.

2. Durability. Oil perfumes are very concentrated. They will last 12 hours on the body, and their scent will remain on clothes even after washing. Moreover, you don’t need a lot of them for the smell to last all day – one drop will be enough. This leads to another advantage: cost-effectiveness. One bottle lasts for several years.

A small bottle with your favorite scent can last even for a year of use.

3. Behavior. These spirits behave differently depending on whether you are at rest or in motion. When you walk, their aroma intensifies (as your body temperature rises), when you sit, it becomes weak, barely noticeable. There is a series of perfumes for winter that have the property of enhancing the smell in the cold. It's always nice when a mesmerizing trail of aromas trails behind you. Oil perfumes also have a deodorizing effect: they perfectly mask the smell of sweat in the summer heat. Thanks to such features, these spirits are called “living”. Their aroma does not reveal itself all at once, it does it gradually, releasing “notes” one at a time and captivating with the richness of the “sound”.

4. Strong aphrodisiac. Such properties are provided by the main components of these perfumes - musk, amber, rose, oriental spices. In addition, oil perfumes with pheromones are produced - this is what can inflame the passion in your partner even more.

5. No line between men's and women's fragrances. Musky scents can be suitable for women, while light floral scents can be suitable for men. There are also fragrances for two - both partners can use one bottle.

6. Original bottles. Manufacturers approach the design of oil perfumes with soul. These are small masterpieces made of rock crystal and decorated with ornaments, rhinestones, and wood. Oil perfumes are bottled not only in larger bottles, but also in miniature bottles that are very convenient to carry with you. There is no shame in giving such beauty as a gift. Your gift will certainly be appreciated, because oil perfumes cost a lot. Previously, only rich sheikhs could afford them.

7. A huge number of aromas. You will definitely find yours, you just have to work hard and spend a lot of time: you need to sniff a large number of, but you can’t do more than three at a time. But then you will enjoy your favorite smell for a very long time. Well, if you don’t find it, you can mix perfumes with different scents and get a new one.

When choosing a scent, test no more than 3 at a time, as the sensations may be mixed.

How to use women's oil perfume

If you have not used oil perfumes before, start using it carefully. It is better not to apply perfume to clothes - an oil stain may remain there. But if you want the scent to last longer, choose some inconspicuous place - preferably from the inside - and leave a little perfume there. Keep in mind that in this case they will not fully reveal their aromatic bouquet.

For a lasting aroma throughout the day, it is enough to apply only 1-2 drops of perfume to special areas of the body.

In order for the aroma to reveal itself better, oil perfumes should be applied to the body and in the “warmest” spots - where you can feel the pulse. This is the wrist, neck, elbow bends, etc. Just one drop is needed. If you overdo it, both you and those around you will feel uneasy from the too “loud” smell. The perfume is rubbed into the skin with light movements. The hollows at the base of the neck, between the collarbones and under the knees are also suitable places for applying oil perfume. It is not recommended to apply perfume behind the ears. The fat glands located there can distort the aroma.



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Traditional ideas about hiking paint us a picture of people loaded with large backpacks, stubbornly wandering somewhere into the mountains. However, more and more often on the routes one comes across completely different tourists who, with absolutely frivolous and light-looking backpacks, move cheerfully without any signs of fatigue. When I first saw them, I assumed that they were just holidaymakers from a nearby town going for a short walk. But upon closer communication it turned out that this the group is coming for several days now along a rather difficult route. How do they manage to fit everything they need into such modest volumes?

Movement light vehicles(Lightweight backpacking) originated in the last century overseas and is gradually becoming more and more popular in the world. Let's see what it is and how its followers manage to reduce the weight of their backpack by half or more without compromising the comfort and safety of the hike.

The main point of lightweight travel, as you probably already understood, is to reduce the weight of your hiking equipment as much as possible. If in traditional tourism the weight of an equipped backpack reaches 14-17 kilograms (without food), then light vehicles bring it up to 5-10, and in some cases even up to 2-3 kilograms. The most incredible thing is that almost the same set of items that are present in a heavy traditional backpack fits into this weight.

Of course, moving in such a lightweight form is much more pleasant than in the form of a donkey loaded with luggage. Especially when this happens on very rough terrain. You walk faster, get less tired, avoid the risk of injury, and simply get more pleasure and excitement from your hike. In addition, this approach to equipment opens up the delights of hiking to those people who, due to their health, are incapable of significant physical activity.

Why hasn’t everyone yet acquired ultra-light backpacks, and why hasn’t light travel gone from being a hobby for a select few to becoming a mass trend? This is primarily due to the power of stereotypes, which claim that a tourist must wear heavy mountain boots, sleep in a waterproof, protected tent, have a huge backpack, and so on. Beginning tourists perceive this as a dogma, and only with experience comes the understanding that it is possible to travel in a different way. These stereotypes are also supported by numerous manufacturers of camping equipment, for whom it is more profitable and safer to sell something with a triple safety margin and a million additional functions that you may never need.

The basic principle of light tourism is that when choosing hiking equipment, the weight factor moves to one of the first positions. However, it does not cancel the requirements of safety (this is the main thing) and reasonable comfort. There is absolutely no point in walking with a weightless backpack during the day, but at night you are shaking from the cold or fighting off insects. Therefore, when choosing equipment, you should choose a reasonable compromise between its weight and necessity. Based on this, light vehicles adhere to following principles when choosing equipment:

  • First thing buy accurate scales and weigh each item before putting it in your backpack. This will give you another reason to think carefully about your choice.
  • Take with you the set of items that will be useful to you in real life and meet your real needs. The readiness to fend off a zombie attack or survive a sudden snow storm in the desert, although inspiring confidence, weighs down the backpack greatly.
  • Don't neglect the little things. Each extra gram then turns into kilograms. Therefore, choose clothes with a minimum number of pockets and snakes, cut off tags, cut off unused belts, get rid of food packaging, and so on.
  • Avoid unnecessary things. If you want to take a break from civilization in nature, then you can leave your player and e-book at home. Preppers will be able to do without a soft inflatable pillow and soft towels.
  • Combine functionality. With some hiking experience, it becomes clear that most items are quite capable of fulfilling several roles at the same time. For example, a backpack can be placed under your head, a pancho raincoat can be used as an awning, and trekking poles can be used as tent poles.
  • A decrease in the weight of one item causes a change in the others. If you bought a lighter and more compact sleeping bag, then it becomes clear that you no longer need the previous huge backpack, then the general reduction in weight leads to a transition to lighter shoes, and so on.
  • Invent. Weight loss is a creative and highly individual process and requires a thoughtful approach. Sometimes a cheap Chinese metal mug, bought for a couple of rubles, turns out to be more convenient and lighter than special cookware, and a self-designed wood stove from an old aluminum pan gives a head start to branded burners.
  • Think over your route well. A properly designed route with designated water sources and settlements will help you get rid of several kilograms of supplies at once, thanks to the ability to replenish supplies on the go.

Although we were focused more on the technical aspects of selecting equipment, it cannot be said that easy walking also contains some philosophical aspect of unity with nature, reasonable asceticism and creativity. And, of course, adherents of this trend are real life hackers, hacking and transforming the usual ideas about hiking tourism.

Guest article

Scientists have long been interested in the question: is a genius different from an ordinary person in any way? One of the versions, which was put forward at the beginning of the last century, stated that genius directly depends on the indicator of brain volume. The larger it is, the smarter the person. However, when it turned out that the owner of the most voluminous brain on the planet was a schizophrenic with developmental delays, scientists doubted the veracity of the hypothesis. Scientists, in addition to this one, had other versions of the definition of genius, and research is still being carried out. Researchers are especially interested in whether it is possible to recognize genius in childhood in order to give the necessary direction to the child’s development.

Signs of genius

Basic distinctive feature A person of genius is the presence of some kind of global goal. All people who were recognized by humanity as geniuses left some kind of mark in science or art. They walked towards their goal throughout their entire adult lives, working hard and not leaving a single step from it. Some goals were perceived by society as absurd and a brilliant person could be considered mentally not entirely healthy. Goals that are too high may not bring results, but if successful they can bring a person worldwide fame.

Another sign of a person’s genius is an extraordinary mind. This may not be a high level of intelligence in the broad sense, but the ability to highlight what is important and find non-standard ways to solve a problem. It is the identification of details and the ability to think in a certain way that defines a genius and distinguishes him from an ordinary person.

A person of genius becomes one under the influence of certain circumstances. An ordinary person may not be interested in a process, action or phenomenon, but a genius will see this as his future great goal or way of solving a problem. Some scientists call this a miracle. It is they who can explain the appearance of penicillin, when a scientist accidentally spoiled the contents of his plate, the invention of Newton’s law, when an ordinary apple fell on the scientist’s head from a tree, or the appearance of the law about the displacement of a certain volume of liquid by an object immersed in it, when the scientist was washing himself in the bathroom.

Life of a genius

Every man of genius is subordinated to a certain idea and draws up a plan to achieve a great goal. If you look at the biographies of great people, you can see that they devoted a colossal part of their time to work. For example, the brilliant revolutionary Lenin sacrificed sleep. A brilliant person, unlike an ordinary person, regrets wasting time and is ready to spend any minute on his idea. Many scientists sacrificed personal happiness and did not start a family because they wanted to achieve serious results in their activities.

But the lack of a comfortable life made research difficult, so scientists came out of situations this way. Pierre Curie was married to a colleague with whom he studied radioactivity, Salvador Dali married his muse Halle, Tsiolkovsky chose a girl with poor health as a companion, and Einstein entered into an agreement with his wife, which prescribed the inviolability of personal space.

Another distinctive feature of the character of a brilliant person is the ability to resist contemporaries and society. More often than not, something unknown and new is rejected by society and only accepted after achieving success. Some brilliant scientists were never able to confirm the genius of their inventions, and they remained in oblivion. And someone had to use a lot of evidence and practical confirmation of the validity of their idea before it was accepted by society. And only through perseverance and faith in success did geniuses achieve success.

Cossack surnames largely repeat the fate of Russian surnames. However, the original culture and way of life of the Cossacks made their own adjustments to the formation of surnames, some of which we will not find anywhere else.

Non-obvious identity

Despite some claims that the Cossacks are a separate people from the Russians, most scientists recognize them as a Russian subethnic group. They talk about this too Cossack surnames, which in many ways have identical word formation to Russian surnames. These are considered surnames ending in: “-ov”, “-ev”, “-in”, which are the majority among the Cossacks. But not everything is so simple here. Surnames with a similar ending are of more ancient origin than the Great Russian nationality, the formation of which began in the 13th century. Thus, in the list of the agreement between Prince Igor of Kyiv and the Greeks dated 912, the nicknames Gudov, Vuzlev, and Utin are found. Initially originating in Kievan Rus, endings with “-ov”, “-ev”, “-in” XVI century became more widespread among the Great Russians, but in parallel they spread to the territory of the Tmutarakan principality, where the Cossacks later settled. Vladimir Dal wrote in his essay “Ural Cossacks” that if you want to know the nickname of a Cossack and want him to understand your question, then ask him: “Whose are you?” The Cossack will certainly answer: “Karpov, Donskov, Kazargin. At the same time, the scientist added, “in all nicknames without exception, the Ural Cossacks put the emphasis on -ov.” Another feature of a number of Cossack surnames is the tendency to inflate suffixes, which, according to scientists, is associated with the desire of clerks to come to a single stereotype of endings with “-ov”: Babkinov, Borodinov, Ilyinov, Maminov, Kharinov.

Ukrainian roots

Very often, Cossack surnames differ from the underlying Ukrainian surnames by “-o” or “-iy” by adding the suffix “-ov”: Sulatsky - Sulatskov, Kadatsky - Kadatskov, Demchenko - Demchenkov. The suffix “-a” usually changed to “-in”: Rynda - Ryndin, and - “ey” to “-eev”: Kochubey - Kochubeev. However, changes in the suffix, in particular, “-o” to “-ov”, often occurred in the Little Russian environment. Thus, of the many documents establishing the entry into the ranks of the Don Cossacks at the end of the 16th - first half of the 17th century, individual representatives of the Ukrainian people, called “Cherkassy” in Cossack and Moscow documents, hardly ever find surnames with typically Ukrainian endings. For example, out of more than two hundred surnames in the list of Cherkasy people from 1647, there are not even a dozen ending in “-ko” - they are found mainly in “-ov”, “-ev”: Kupreyanov, Talalaev. The surviving endings of Cossack surnames with “-iy”, “-ich”, “-ek” indicate that the ancestors of the bearers of such surnames were either from western Ukraine or from Poland: Bukovsky, Levitsky, Kokhanovsky, Vensovich, Kundilek.

Turkic roots

Scientists have every reason to believe that among the ancestors of the Don, Kuban and Ural Cossacks, nicknames with Turkic roots were as common as nicknames with a Slavic basis. Today, in some villages, surnames of non-Slavic origin are predominant. Among the most common surnames are Merzhanov, Durmasov, Katasonov, Kolomanov, Boldyrev. If it is possible to determine the region of the original existence of the surname, then, as a rule, it is possible to establish the nationality of the original bearers of the surname, which is often supported by historical documents. Thus, Merzhan, the founder of the Merzhanov family, was an Arab who fled with the Don Cossacks in 1640 from Turkish captivity. After accepting Christianity, he joined the glorious Cossack family. Misustov is a surname of a Circassian princely family, which became widespread among the Cossacks in the mid-18th century.

A well-known surname

Mendeleev comes from the Kalmyk word “mendele” (hello), the Kundelekovs, as documents have established, come from the Kalmyk Murza, who converted to Christianity and became a Cossack in the first half of the 18th century. The surname Galdaev is based on the name Galda, also with Kalmyk roots. This is confirmed by the anthropological features of many bearers of this surname and family legends. The surname Turoverov has a more complex origin. It consists of two words: the Turkic “tur” (wrong) and the Slavic “faith”, which literally means a non-believer. One of the representatives of the Turoverov family claims that his family traces its origins to the Persian.

Special habitat

There is a special area of ​​Russian surnames on the Don, which is confirmed, first of all, by the presence of a nuclear group of surnames that consistently exists in the oldest settlements of the Don region. These are largely common surnames in Russia, but here they are distinguished by their concentration in individual villages. The semantics of these surnames reflects the socio-historical and geographical features of the region, as well as the predominance of models typical for this area. Examples of the widespread prevalence of such surnames include Popov (80 villages), Kuznetsov (51), Kalmykov (33), Chebotarev (27), Kovalev (26), Makarov (25), Frolov (24), Tabunshchikov (11).

Instead of a surname - patronymic

In the files of the Moscow Ambassadorial Order, extensive lists of Cossacks from the Zimov villages (embassies from the Don to Moscow) have been preserved, in which we will not find names. The Moscow Tsar usually did not mention the surname of the Don Ataman in his letters, but only his first and patronymic. This was considered a special honor. Subsequently, patronymics turned into surnames, which began to be borne by the descendants of the Don atamans - Ermak Timofeev, Osip Petrov, Naum Vasiliev.

Where are you from?

Several subgroups of Cossack surnames reflect the names of the places from which settlers came to the Don. For example, the surname Bukanovsky suggests that the ancestor of the person bearing this surname came from the village of Bukanovskaya, now located in the north-west of the Volgograd region. Bogucharskovs, Samarins, Kaluzhenins are also telling surnames, most often they were worn by representatives of the boyar and streltsy classes, forced to move to the Don.

External signs

In Don documents of the 18th century one could find many anthroponymic nicknames, which later, while maintaining the same structure, began to acquire suffixes. This is especially noticeable in documents from different times of the same pages. Thus, in the village of Golubinskaya, the nickname Rastyapa, which was recorded in 1745, in 1800 grew into the surname Rastyapin, and in the village of Bagaevskaya, Sivokha (1752) turned into Sivokhina (1894).

Nature and craft

Very often, Cossack surnames were based on a nickname associated with fishing, or it reflected the flora and fauna of the area. Among the Don Cossacks, about 9% bear such surnames. Thus, the surname Bugaev comes from the nickname Bugai (bull), Vityutnev - vityuten (wild pigeon), the same word formation is in the surnames Baklanov, Dyatlov, Rakov, Shchuchkin. More than 100 Don surnames reflect the names of herbs, trees, fruits and vegetables. Among them are Verbichev, Rogozin, Shipshin (shipshina - rose hips). A significant share in the surnames of the Don Cossacks is made up of types of hunting: Kamyshanov, Kamyshkin - from the nicknames of waterfowl hunters (it was common in the village of Verkhnechirskaya) or Gulebshchikov - from the nickname Gulebshchik - a big game hunter (the village of Elizavetinskaya).

Memorable Events

A special place among the Cossacks is occupied by surnames that are associated with memorable events. Thus, the surname Dranitsyn (stanitsa Durnovskaya) is a derivative of the word dranets: a person who was torn by a bear. The surname Kuplenov (village Ilovlinskaya) comes from the nickname of a Cossack who was once ransomed from Azov captivity. But there are names that indicate that the Cossack did not take part in a specific event. For example, Neduvanov’s ancestor (stanitsa Starocherkasskaya) did not take part in any memorable division (duvan) of military booty after a raid on the Turks or Tatars. In general, Cossack surnames, with a noticeable relationship with typical Russian surnames, have a unique history that reflects the specifics and flavor of the life of the Cossacks. The surnames of the Black Sea Cossacks have their own destinies, which are more similar to Ukrainian surnames, mainly ending in “-iy”, “-oi”, “-iy”, “-a”, “-as”. They are based on Slavic and Turkic words, borrowed from their ancestors - the Black Klobuks, known as Cherkasy.

A Caesarean section is an operation in which the baby is removed from the mother's abdomen through a surgical incision in the uterus.

Artificial birth is the second name for cesarean section. Such births can be planned, or they can be emergency. More often C-section prescribed under special circumstances that may pose a threat to both the life of the mother and the life of the child.

In some cases, a caesarean section is the only possible variant childbirth with a successful outcome. It happens that women themselves ask for such an operation so as not to endure long, painful contractions, and then pushing.

Pros of caesarean section

Caesarean section, due to its specificity, is shrouded in myths and speculation. Today the editors of “So Simple!” will dispel five of them so that you can joyfully await the birth of your beautiful children and tell your friends about them.

  1. Hyperactivity
    It is believed that a cesarean section can cause uncontrolled activity in a growing baby. Hyperactivity is the scourge of our age. True, the reason for this is not always a caesarean section, and with good, wise upbringing these problems can be avoided.

  2. Problems with mental development
    Caesarean babies are registered with a pediatrician and neurologist immediately after birth. But don't worry! This is a standard procedure and is carried out solely for precautionary purposes. If a baby is still found to have a developmental delay, the cause is usually cited as several factors, not just a cesarean section.

  3. Physical underdevelopment
    A caesarean section does not necessarily necessitate special programs on development. In this case, certain types of problems can result from: the entry of amniotic fluid into the respiratory system, a late first breath, complications during anesthesia.

    The risk of complications increases during an emergency cesarean section when the mother’s body was not prepared for the procedure. But even in this case, the risk only increases and certainly does not become one hundred percent!

  4. Frequent crying
    The enormous stress caused by childbirth activates various hormones and strengthens the baby’s nervous system. Caesarea calves who have not gone through this vital process experience a certain depression of neuro-physiological processes. Various problems with nervous system - a possible risk factor. But not at all mandatory!

  5. Lack of milk
    The condition of the brain in caesareans returns to normal on the ninth day after birth. Babies born naturally return to normal on the first day of life. Sometimes the lactation process is actually disrupted under the influence of antibiotics, but it is mother’s milk that guarantees the correct, harmonious development of the baby.

  6. To prevent this problem, it is necessary to pay special attention to the qualifications of the doctor who will perform the operation and not to succumb to anxiety. Most often, milk begins to be released later precisely because of stress!

Risks are possible with any operation. It’s always worth thinking through them in advance, preparing well for them and knowing that a successful outcome is guaranteed by two things: proper care for the baby and a good, qualified doctor. Let your children be healthy!

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