Complete distance learning course on personnel management "HR director". Personnel Management. Higher education remotely Distance learning in personnel management

Zhuravleva Irina Vitalievna
- Lawyer by profession

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Zhuravleva Irina Vitalievna
- Lawyer by profession
- Is the scientific editor of the specialized publication “Personnel Solutions”
- Advises on issues related to labor activity: labor disputes, labor legislation
- Developed practical course distance learning for personnel service employees (RUNO center)

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Fedorenko Olga Nikolaevna

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Fedorenko Olga Nikolaevna
- Professional teacher-practitioner
- Experience in preparing for GIT inspections, participation in resolving labor disputes
- Work as HR Director, staff of 1200 people

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Course program - skill level 6“Staffing activities. Activities related to the organization of remuneration and labor of personnel. Activities to organize work with foreign personnel"

For admission you need: - Diploma ( Higher education or secondary special)
*Attention! If you have a diploma in a foreign language, in accordance with 273 Federal Law “On Education” Art. 107, a translation of the diploma into Russian is required.
- Passport

Upon completion of the course you will receive: -Diploma of professional retraining,which gives the right to conduct a new type of activity

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Who are the distance courses in HR administration for?

Distance courses for personnel officers Suitable for aspiring HR specialists, accountants and business owners. Upon completion of the course “Fundamentals of HR Administration 1C ZUP”, each student has the opportunity to receive additional vocational education. And distance courses in personnel records management provide an opportunity for residents of any part of the Russian Federation to receive professional education in the field of “Personnel records management” online.

Online HR courses – what is it?

This is a completely new unique product on the educational services market, created by practicing specialists in the field of personnel records management and personnel management.

Training to become a HR specialist remotely in our center is a combination of video lectures, tests, visual materials and much more. Currently, due to lack of time, distance courses for personnel officers in Moscow have become very popular.

Online HR courses include a large volume of in-depth practical materials and tasks. Small blocks of theory are reinforced by practical work in the 1C program. Thus, it is easily digestible new information, and also acquires the important skill of working with documents, which is so necessary for a young HR specialist. For even greater effect, we invite our students to conduct document management using the example of a real company. This allows the listener to experience himself in the role of a personnel officer - practice and practice theoretical knowledge.

After completing the HR courses remotely, you will learn:

  • Hire and fire employees, issue vacations, etc.
  • Competently prepare all personnel documents
  • Generate personnel documents in program 1 with ZUP 8
  • Interact with the accounting department

Benefits of our online courses

What are the advantages of the course - training to become a HR specialist remotely

  • Practical work with 1C ZUP simultaneously with theory
  • Practice with real documents from a real company
  • Electronic notes and links to Legislation
  • Electronic database of sample documents, etc.

What are the advantages of distance learning in our center:

  • The ability to view lessons as many times as necessary to fully master the program
  • Convenient access to material - a single window of the classroom
  • Communication with the teacher throughout the entire training period
  • The period of access to distance learning is significantly longer than face-to-face
  • Savings in tuition costs

You will be able to use all the training material after you complete the distance courses in HR administration. You will have at your disposal carefully developed notes and lectures that contain full program course.

Online HR courses are an affordable and practical way to learn a new profession that is in demand on the labor market.

All these skills and knowledge will allow you to raise your professional level and give you additional chances to get the desired high-paying job.

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The course consists of 2 modules (courses) - 108 videos, including 53 practical works.

Module 1. Recruitment (recruitment manager, recruiter). Workshop. Topic 1. Introduction to the profession of a recruiting manager- 1 video
Video 1. Key knowledge and skills of a recruiter

Topic 2. Stages of personnel selection- 11 videos
Video 1. Stages of personnel selection. general review
Video 2. Creating a job profile
Video 3. Filling out a position profile. Part 1
Video 4. Filling out a position profile. Part 2
Video 5. Practical work No. 1: Creating a job profile
Video 6. Application for personnel selection. Functions and areas of responsibility
Video 7. Practical work No. 2: Filling out an application for recruitment
Video 8. Analysis of an application for recruitment
Video 9. Practical work No. 3: Analysis of the application. Preparing for an interview with the customer
Video 10. Methodology for calculating the timing of filling a vacancy
Video 11. Practical work No. 4: Calculation of deadlines for filling a vacancy

Topic 3. Formation of a search strategy- 18 videos
Video 1. Personnel search methods: Recruiting, Preliminaring
Video 2. Personnel search methods: Exclusive search, Headhunting
Video 3. Practical work No. 5: Personnel search methods
Video 4. Internal sources of personnel search
Video 5. Practical work No. 6: Formal requirements for an internal candidate
Video 6. External sources of personnel search. Standard search sources: work sites
Video 7. Basic mistakes when writing a job advertisement
Video 8. Practical work No. 7: Job advertisement analysis
Video 9. External sources of personnel search. Company website, media, candidate resume database
Video 10. Alternative sources: CZN, job fairs, leaflets
Video 11. Practical work No. 8: Alternative sources of personnel search
Video 12. Non-standard sources of candidate search
Video 13. Practical work No. 9: Non-standard sources of candidate search
Video 14. Rules for working with recruiting (personnel) agencies
Video 15. Practical work No. 10: Rules for working with recruiting agencies
Video 16. Recruitment sources: advantages and disadvantages
Video 17. Analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of search sources
Video 18. Practical work No. 11: Effective sources of personnel search

Topic 4. Selection and assessment of candidates- 15 videos
Video 1. Pre-assessment: resume screening
Video 2. Practical work No. 12: Selection and assessment of candidates
Video 3. Telephone interview: purpose and conversation script
Video 4: Telephone Interview: Completing and Preparing for the Interview Screen reader support included
Video 5. Practical work No. 13: Telephone interview conversation script
Video 6. Personal interview
Video 7. Biographical interview
Video 8. Practical work No. 14: Biographical interview
Video 9. Structured interview
Video 10. Competency Interview: STAR Model
Video 11. Practical work No. 15: Competency Interview: STAR Model
Video 12. Stressful interview
Video 13. Recruiter mistakes during an interview
Video 14. Practical work No. 16: Recruiter mistakes during interviews
Video 15. Consent to the processing of personal data from the candidate

Topic 5. Specifics of group interviews- 8 videos
Video 1. Stages and features of mass recruitment. Part 1
Video 2. Stages and features of mass recruitment. Part 2
Video 3. Practical work No. 17: Group interview
Video 4. Assessment center. Part 1
Video 5. Assessment center. Part 2
Video 6. An example of an assessment center
Video 7. Candidate selection funnel: principles of calculation
Video 8. Practical work No. 18: Calculation of the Candidate Selection Funnel

Topic 6. Application of personnel profiling technology, techniques used during interviews- 6 videos
Video 1. Projective techniques
Video 2. Analysis of metaprograms
Video 3. Practical work No. 19: Metaprogram Analysis
Video 4. Case-tasting methods
Video 5. Practical work No. 20: Using the case method when assessing candidates
Video 6. Additional assessment tools

Topic 7. Decision making on candidates- 4 videos
Topic 8. Building a personnel selection system- 4 videos
Topic 9. Automation of the selection process. Software - 2 videos
Topic 10. Adaptation of new employees to the company- 4 videos
Topic 11. Personnel assessment- 6 videos
Topic 12. Building a system of training and development of personnel in the company- 5 videos

Module 2. Personnel motivation system. Topic 1. Motivation system. Definition. Target- 1 video
Video 1. What is motivation. The purpose of the motivation system for a commercial enterprise. Formation and understanding of the company's goals. HR Tools Overview
Practical work No. 23: Formulate three company goals and offer the manager a set of personnel management tools to achieve these goals

Topic 2. Participants in the motivation system. Goals of SM participants- 1 video
Video 1. Participants in the motivation system (SM). Expectations from SM and goals of SM participants
Practical work No. 24: Case. Analyze the value of an employee and determine a way to realize the goal of this employee

Topic 3. Types of motivation- 1 video
Video 1. Types of motivation. Material, intangible, mixed. TOP - 20 motivation tools in a modern company
Practical work No. 25: Situational task. Offer a motivational event for a PR manager

Topic 4. Material motivation- 2 videos
Video 1. Methods of material motivation. Labor Law Requirements
Video 2. Rewards, bonuses, additional payments and allowances, compensation, financial assistance
Practical work No. 26: Working with the regulatory framework
Practical work No. 27: Identify financial motivation tools to increase the percentage of employees passing the probationary period

Topic 5. Types of bonuses. Bonus system. Calculation of premiums- 9 videos
Video 1. Definition. Types of awards
Video 2. Categories of personnel in the LNA
Video 3. Frequency and timing of payments to LNA
Video 4. The structure of bonus indicators and the system for their evaluation in LNA
Video 5. The procedure for calculating the amount of the premium in LNA
Video 6. Conditions for the emergence of the right to a premium in LNA
Video 7. Grounds for paying bonuses in LNA
Video 8. The procedure for making a decision on paying a premium to the LNA
Video 9. The procedure for considering disputes in the LNA
Practical work No. 28: Determine the types of bonuses of production and non-production nature

Topic 6. Balanced Scorecard- 2 videos
Topic 7. Quarterly and annual bonus system- 1 video
Topic 8. Grading of positions- 4 videos
Topic 9. Mixed motivation group- 1 video
Topic 10. Non-material motivation- 2 videos

    Borovkova Elena Alekseevna
    - Practitioner teacher

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    Borovkova Elena Alekseevna
    - Practitioner teacher
    - Experience in the field of personnel management since 2002
    - Project manager for HR outsourcing with a full range of tasks from setting up HR records from scratch to submitting documents to the archive
    - Regular participant in events (member of groups) to conduct personnel audits, including supporting companies during inspections by the State Labor Inspectorate (GIT)

Choose distance course- Administrative and economic support for the activities of Obstetrics and Gynecology Anti-corruption measures in the implementation educational process Anti-terrorism activities in an educational organization Anti-terrorism security Anti-terrorism and anti-extremist activities Audit / Internal audit of the Belarusian Railways. Theory and methods of teaching BJJ Librarian. Library science. Library, reference, bibliographic and information services Biology. Theory and teaching methods Accounting Fiscal policy Budget system Budget accounting/ Economics, budgeting, accounting (budget) accounting and control Otorhinolaryngologist State and municipal administration State and municipal finance State defense order Civil defense and emergency situations After-school groups. Design and implementation of educational activities within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard Defectology and special psychology Diagnosis and correction of delays mental development in children Dietetics Protection of information, personal data and information security Fine and decorative arts. Pedagogy and teaching methods Investment management / Investment director Inclusive (integrated) education for children with disabilities Foreign language. Theory and teaching methods Labor instructor Instructor-methodologist Information and communication technologies in the electronic information and educational environment Personnel records management / HR inspector Cardiology Clinical psychology Contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works and services to meet state and municipal needs / Management Corrective pedagogy and psychology Laboratory assistant. Laboratory analyses, tests, measurements during training sessions in chemistry and biology General medicine Speech therapist. Psychological and pedagogical support for children with speech pathology Marketing and sales management Master of Business Administration Master of Sports Administration / Sports Management Mathematics and computer science. Teaching mathematics and computer science in educational institutions Emergency medical care Medical massage Management Management in education Teaching methods political sciences Methods of teaching economic disciplines Methodology scientific research. Innovative approaches to teaching Junior medical staff Musical psychology and pedagogy. Technologies for planning and implementing music education taking into account the requirements of F Taxes and taxation Training of responsible persons for the safe operation and maintenance of pressure vessels (steam sterilization) Oligophrenopedagogy and oligophrenopsikhologiya. Training and development of children with intellectual disabilities in the context of the implementation of the FGO Organization of procurement of goods, works, services certain types legal entities Organization of healthcare and public health Organization of preventive measures and work to counter extremism and terrorism Organization of effective activities to provide consumer credit Fundamentals of office work and secretarial work Fundamentals of engineering National history and social studies. Design and implementation of the educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard Occupational safety / Occupational safety for managers and specialists of organizations, members of committees (commissions) on occupational safety / Palliative care Educator (educator, methodologist, psychologist) preschool education according to the Federal State Educational Standard of the Preschool Educational Institution Pedagogue (teacher, methodologist, psychologist) of primary education according to the Federal State Educational Standard of the Non-Governmental Educational Institution Pedagogue additional education/ Teacher of additional education Teacher of additional professional education Pedagogy and methods of higher education according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education Pedagogy and methods of teaching physical education / Physical education instructor in preschool educational institutions, non-profit educational institutions Pedagogy and methods of vocational education Pedagogy and psychology. Organization and content of activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard Teacher Education(by industry) First aid. Training workers in first aid skills First aid First aid. Training workers in first aid skills Cook Fire safety / Fire technical minimum for managers and those responsible for fire safety in an institution Applied pedagogy and psychology Inspection of supervisory authorities educational institutions Programming Industrial safety Anti-corruption in the system of state and municipal government Radiation safety Rehabilitation work in social sphere Radiology Head of an organization (division of an organization) operating in the field of physical culture and sports Russian language and literature. Pedagogy and teaching methods in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Sanitar. Sanitary maintenance of wards, specialized offices, movement of material objects and medical waste Nursing Social pedagogy and psychology Social work Anti-doping specialist Internal control specialist (internal controller) Maintenance and repair specialist sports equipment and equipment Specialist in working with families Specialist in the operation of water intake structures Dentistry Customs Theory and methods of teaching life safety Theory and methods of teaching mathematics Theory and methods of teaching construction disciplines Theory and methods of teaching choreography Theory and methods of teaching environmental disciplines Therapy Technology. Pedagogy and methodology for teaching technology in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard Technosphere safety Trainer Ultrasound diagnostics Management of state and municipal property Management of state, municipal and corporate procurement Management of organization documentation Personnel management Personnel management and personnel records management Project management / Project management Physics. Theory and methods of teaching physics. Physical Culture and life safety Financial management / CFO Functional diagnostics Surgery Environmental safety / Maintenance environmental safety managers and specialists of general economic systems Economics and tourism and hotel management Economics and finance Economic security Excursion activities Expert in procurement Electrical safety Energy saving and increasing energy efficiency in organizations and institutions Jurisprudence - I need academic hours - - I have academic hours - I don’t have I’m counting on a discount From 40 to 71 ak. hours From 72 to 119 ac. hours From 120 to 250 ac. hours Over 250 ac. hours - Number of students - 1 2 3 4 5 and more - Assign qualification -

1. Human resource management and work ethic
  • Principles, models and methodological foundations of personnel management
2. Essence, purpose and main goals of the personnel management strategy
  • Development of personnel management, personnel policy, effective use of human capital
  • Intellectual capital: essence, structure, assessment
3. Personnel management in practice: rights, responsibilities, assessment methods
  • Construction of work, organization and functions of the personnel service
  • Labor assessment and changes in the economic indicators of the organization under the influence of HRM
  • Problems of international HRM and international policy in the field of HRM
4. Organizational context of HR management
  • Individual system of motives and factors determining human behavior at work
  • Forms of material incentives and methods of influencing employee motivation
5. The role of employees' commitment to their organization
  • Developing a Mutual Commitment Strategy: Goals, Plans, Resources
6. Various functions organizations
  • Organization theory and organizational process
  • The basis of group behavior, people development and teamwork. Types of power and leadership
7. Corporate ethics of the organization
  • The role and structure of corporate culture
  • Classification, assessment and consolidation of organizational culture
8. Idea of ​​work
  • Labor process theory, organizational factors and their impact on employee performance
  • The concept of “employment relations” and various work models
  • Psychological contract and transformations leading to its changes
9. Practical use theories of organizational behavior
  • Design of jobs and roles and types of organizational guidelines
  • Theory of models of organizational change and management of change and innovation in an organization
  • Reorganization of a legal entity
10. Human resource management process
  • HR policy theory, concept, essence and factor determining competence and competency
  • Social capital, organizational culture, intellectual resource management
  • Analysis of jobs and roles, competencies, role analysis, types of surveys
  • Repertory grid techniques and core competency models
11. Enterprise labor resources
  • Fundamentals and objectives of human resource planning
  • Personnel turnover management and resource planning
  • Recruitment rules, methods of attracting and retaining personnel
  • Recruitment of candidates on websites, selection of questionnaires, types of interviews
12. Documents, rights and obligations during employment and dismissal
  • Screening interview, assessment interview, interview methods
  • Professional selection and psychological tests, analysis of results, introduction to the organization
  • Legal norms for reduction and dismissal
13. Performance management in practice
  • Labor efficiency indicators, purpose and principles of labor performance management
  • Implementation of performance management
14. Performance management processes
  • Main activities and criteria for assessing work performance
  • Performance agreements, paperwork rules and performance reviews
  • Pros and cons of performance evaluation
  • Managing continuous learning and achieving consistency in the work of all management levels
15. Method of current personnel assessment “360 degrees”
  • Definition, methodology, pros and cons of 360 degree feedback
16. Most effective methods human resource development
  • Human Resource Development System
  • Organization of the staff training process. Methodology and learning style options
  • Definition and characteristics of a learning organization, organizational behavior
17. Vocational training system
  • Professional training within the organization. Methodology for drawing up curriculum plans
  • Strategic management and features of the vocational training process
  • Classification of teaching methods. Features of sales training and office workers. Technical and vocational training
  • Responsibility for training and assessment of the quality of vocational training
18. Personal development planning
  • Setting goals and identifying needs for personnel development planning
19. Qualifications of the organization’s management personnel
  • The role, approaches and activities for improving the qualifications of managers
  • Emotional Intelligence and leadership skills
  • Role and Responsibilities of the Human Resource Development Specialist
20. Career management of the organization's personnel
  • General goals and career management process. Supply and Demand Planning
  • Assessment of labor indicators and potential, career planning methodology
21. Reward management
  • Reward management systems. Remuneration policy and changes in remuneration management
  • Determining salary levels and effective personnel remuneration strategy
  • Changes in personnel compensation systems
22. Evaluation of the performance of company personnel
  • Introduction of job evaluation and classification various types labor activity
  • Factors influencing the ranking of work activities and methods of labor assessment
  • Creation of a point-factor scheme for assessing labor and a system of measures for assessing types of work
23. Analysis of the level of market rates
  • Introduction to the concept of “market rate”
24. What are wages made of?
  • Classifying types of pay structures and determining the structure that suits your business
  • Pay structure for manual workers and comprehensive pay structures, rates according to age scale
25. Features of the use of dependent payment
  • Strategy and criteria for dependent pay, variable part of remuneration
  • Pay based on performance, competence, skills, contribution
  • Team pay and wage incentives for production workers
  • Methodology and frameworks applied throughout the organization
26. Features of remuneration for special groups
  • Remuneration of directors and senior managers, employees working abroad, personnel involved in trading
  • Remuneration commissions
27. Classification of benefits for enterprise employees
  • Main types of benefits. Types of corporate pension schemes, bonuses and other payments
28. Management of the remuneration system
  • Payroll fund, revision of budgets, salaries. Staff information
  • Assessment of the remuneration system. Responsibilities and procedures related to remuneration
29. Building relationships with employees
  • We form a structure of relations with employees. Concept, structure and processes of industrial relations
  • Features, levels and agreements of collective bargaining. Relations between organizations and trade unions
  • Construction rules and processes in the field of employee relations
  • Management together with and without trade unions. Non-recognition of newly created trade unions by employers
  • Creating a climate of trust and involving and participating employees in the management of the organization
  • Proposal systems, works councils, communication systems
30. Basics of labor protection in an enterprise
  • Labor protection, safety precautions. Conducting audits and risk assessments
  • Comprehensive health programs for employees of the institution. Right to social security and its types
31. Recruitment and human resource management
  • Concluding employment contracts when hiring, monitoring attendance
  • Equality of opportunity in personnel policy and ways to combat discrimination
  • Key procedures in the human resource management system
  • Automated Information Systems human resource management and applications
  • The process of assessing the parameters of the HRM system

Personnel management courses at the University of Business will allow you to learn the specialty of HR director “from scratch” or improve your qualifications. Executive courses "Human Resource Management" are distance learning in personnel management for real professionals in their field. How to motivate company employees? How to create an atmosphere of trust? What is social marketing? How to manage the wage system? You will find answers to all these questions at retraining courses in personnel management at Business University No. 1! Apply for training right now - and soon you will learn all the features of professional management! Become a successful HR specialist with the No. 1 Business University!

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