Happy birthday toast in prose. In your own words: Short birthday toasts. Original toasts for a man's birthday

The site contains modern and original toasts, in verse and prose, which will quickly and easily be remembered by you and the recipient. Unique wishes for your Wedding Day will lift your spirits and will definitely please the newlyweds. The “Toasts” section includes more than 5,000 options: for family and friends, funny, for a birthday, beautiful, short, Caucasian, for love, for friends, for a wedding, among which you will definitely find what you need.

Birthday toasts in poetry and prose

A selection of great toasts from the “Birthday Toasts” section will be useful during the celebration. You can congratulate a loved one on their name day not only with a gift, but also with a beautiful toast. The collection contains the best sayings in poetry and prose, both short and long. The person making the toast must be confident in his abilities, at least for the duration of his pronunciation. And a luxurious ready-made option will give you confidence, which you can take without any difficulties in this section!

There are people whose birthday becomes a holiday not only for them, but also for all their friends. Congratulating such a person is already a joy. So let's drink to you - the one who, with your birth, gave us an annual celebration and good mood.

With the birth of man appears in the sky new star. Depending on how his life proceeds, it shines either brighter or dimmer. I would like to wish you that your life will be rich in impressions, positive emotions and joyful events, respectively, that your star will shine brightly, eclipsing all others around you!

Let's raise our glasses so that our birthday boy, crossing a crazy intersection, sees signs on the roads: the path to the right is happiness, the path to the left is to health, forward is to wealth, back is to goodness! And so that you go around this intersection up and down!

They say that birthday is a sad holiday because the years fly by and you become one more older. But for me age is just a number. It doesn’t matter how old you are, what matters is how you feel. I wish you to always feel eighteen! Let's drink to that! For your eternal youth, ageless heart and soul!

A long time ago God created the earth. And He endowed every living creature with the same life expectancy - all 30 years. The horse plowed and plowed for 60 years, she felt sorry for herself, she decided: “I will give ten years of my life to a man. During this time he will become wiser, come up with a tractor, and my life will become easier.” No sooner said than done. The dog thinks: “Am I a friend to man or not?” And she also gave her 10 years. Here the monkey says: “I read somewhere that the man and I are distant relatives. So I’ll give him ten years.” So it turns out that a person lives for 60 years: 30 years normally, 10 years he works hard like a horse, 10 years he runs like a dog, and another 10 years he is wrinkled like a monkey. Let's drink to the fact that our birthday boy lives another 100 years, but lives them like a human being.

Let it be like this: children will become pride, love will become the norm, friends will become support, money will be great, health will be ironclad, and life will be delightful. May all your aspirations come true, may all doors open, may fortune smile welcomingly, and may your dreams come true. For the birthday boy!

They say that the most important thing in life is health. It seems to me that this is not so. There are also healthy whiners. In my opinion, the main thing these days is good spirits and optimism. Therefore, I wish you to look at everything in life with a smile, and then all life’s adversities will be over your shoulder!

Let the weather in your heart always be sunny, and your life be bright like a rainbow, in case of rain - so that you always have an umbrella with you, and let thunder and lightning be just gusts of happiness! Happy birthday!

Birthday is everyone's favorite holiday since childhood. Sometimes you can’t even sleep, in anticipation of a gift, you think about the friends who will come to you and how much fun you will have. But with age, the holiday ceases to be such, because you are already thinking about age. Therefore, I want to raise a glass to you, birthday boy, and wish you to always remain a child at heart who enjoys every moment of life!

On a birthday it is customary to wish health, love, luck and money. I wish you understanding. So that viruses and diseases understand that you don’t need love and luck - that they have a place in your life, and your bosses understand your value and indispensability, encouraging you with an increase in your salary. Let's drink to that.

They say: “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends!”, but I wish you a lot of reliable comrades, and also more money, they are never superfluous. May your life have enough of everything - both moral and material. I wish you happiness, love, good luck, prosperity and wealth. Happy birthday!

Three young men were driving along the steppe, and on the way they came across a huge stone. And on that stone there was an inscription carved: “Whoever goes to the right will find love, whoever turns to the left will gain health, and whoever goes straight will receive wealth.” So let's drink so that you never have to choose between love, health and wealth. May all these blessings always accompany you on any path.

There are three things in the life of a happy person! Love, family, and favorite pastime. Love should shine brighter than the flash of the sun, the seed should be strong as the core of the same sun, the hobby should be filled with the same passionate feelings and discoveries that an astronomer experienced, long nights discovering and examining such new and such old constellations in the sky! So let's drink to having more space in your life!

They say that in life you need to treat everything with a grain of salt. And the best way out of any situation is the ability to forget everything bad and keep everything positive in your memory, say thank you to all your offenders for the invaluable experience and just move on with your head held high. I want to raise this glass to our hero of the occasion and wish him just enough indifference to not notice human stupidity and malice. And just as much attentiveness to always notice good and positive deeds!

Our life is a ladder, and every year we climb up one more step. This is an inevitable process, everyone knows it. Therefore, we need to learn to pay attention to various little things around us that make us happy and make us smile. This is probably the whole meaning of life. For you, birthday boy! Fill your life with unforgettable moments!

Coming up with toasts for men is more difficult than for the fair sex. Women are more sensitive to signs of attention, and therefore can be touched by simple and happiness.

For a spouse, father or boss, it should be a short work of art. Otherwise, it simply won’t be remembered.

Therefore, experienced ladies think in advance what kind words they will say at a gala event in honor of a man.

Birthday is a reason to give attention

It is not enough for the birthday boy to hear from loved ones that everyone is bored and successful.

A man celebrating his birthday wants to be showered with compliments and “petted on the fur.” The guests' memories of his personal victories and achievements will bring great joy to the birthday boy.

It’s better to write toasts for a man’s birthday by first asking himself the following questions:

  1. What special qualities does the hero of the occasion have? What can he be praised for?
  2. What interesting events are happening in the life of the birthday boy now or have happened recently?
  3. What is the job of the man in whose honor you are going to make a toast? What is so special about his profession?
  4. As usual, the hero of the occasion spends free time? What hobbies and interests does he have?
  5. What does he dream about? What goals does he set for himself?

By writing down the answers, you will understand what is important to mention in congratulatory speeches. At the same time, toasts to a man’s birthday will become more targeted, meaningful, and will sound sincere and sincere.

If there is no poetic talent

Is it necessary to prepare a table speech in poetry? Of course, every man is pleased to hear a poetic work in his honor on his birthday.

But if you don’t know how to write poetry and wouldn’t like to order them for a fee, you can make a toast in prose, supplementing it with rhyming lines from books or the Internet.

We offer you such toasts for men on their birthday.

An object of my pride -

Become one of your friends.

Talking to you about life

Simple news to share.

Any thoughts I have for you

I can trust you like myself.

I wish - let events take place

Pulls forward at speed

To cherished plans and dreams,

Let there be no limits!

And any goal is within my reach,

You will decide if “I want”!

Today is your birthday

Truly masculine

After all, every moment of life

You decorate with yourself!

At each point event

Worth both a stroke and a seal,

Any step without overlap

What are you ready to answer?

Let the decisions be lasting

Dreams come true in life for sure!

Let there be delicious joy,

Slightly pleasant fatigue

In the evening just before bedtime,

When work is for later!

Toasts in prose for a birthday

It’s quite easy to find ready-made toasts for men in verse. Poetic congratulations are no longer considered a curiosity. It is much more pleasant for the hero of the occasion to hear a table speech written in prose, with meaning.

One day an evil sorcerer and his student came to Earth. He liked the local women, but did not like the men. The sorcerer decided to exterminate the stronger sex on the planet so that beautiful earthlings would give birth to children only from him.

He began to turn the men into dust. He cast a spell on the first earthling - he immediately fell apart. I conjured the second one - nothing worked for about 15 minutes, and then it turned into a pile of ashes. The villain took on the third... an hour passed, another - no result. By the end of the day, the sorcerer was so exhausted that he himself became dust.

The magician's apprentice was stunned:

Why did this happen?

The sorcerer’s dying answer was heard from a handful of dust:

The third man has a powerful weapon against evil spells. This is the phrase “I’m great!” He, unlike the first two victims, said it more than ten thousand times in his life.

So let’s drink to our birthday boy living for a very long time and always saying: “I’m great!”

One day, millions of suitors from all over the world came to fight for the heart of the most beautiful princess in the world. Each of them performed a feat in the square in front of the palace. Brave men jumped on horseback to the princess’s balcony and handed her diamonds. The beauty just sighed.

Suddenly an unremarkable man began to walk past the square, who did not even look at the princess. He just walked and gnawed the seeds.

The most beautiful girl Planet jumped off the balcony and ran after the simpleton.

When they got married, the princess was asked why she chose this particular man.

“I also wanted to just walk, gnaw seeds and not think about anything,” she answered.

So let's drink to the fact that our dear birthday boy will always have enough seeds for his dear princess.

Round dates are great

Toasts on a man's anniversary should sound more solemn than on a regular birthday. It is important to emphasize in them that the birthday person is living a special date, borderline between life stages.

Honorary title of hero of the day,

It is given, oh, not without reason!

For the amount of steps passed,

Victories, successes, defeats,

For all the priceless deeds,

Which are no longer in number!

You have done a lot, and you can do more.

Fate is a lesson

And no more expensive

Her hints on the way

About where we should go.

Let it not be full of bumps

You are gaining experience

And so no longer sewn with bast,

Take the straight path!

Let the impressive amounts

They will come to your personal bank account

And on the noisy waves of luck

Glory and honor will come!

Let whatever happen

And everything at home is already upside down,

Days like today

They don't repeat themselves later.

Like a bright reference point,

The task is to start.

Tell me, is it a joke for someone?

Should I exchange ten new ones?

And I wish - let everything be

It’s good on your journey,

Let no one from your loved ones judge:

Well, what else are you doing there?

Let your word be firm,

Remembered forever

And the spiteful critic is a stranger,

Not a very smart person

Will remain standing on the sidelines

Slightly envious of everything,

What about your flair, subtle talent,

Decide to take the honest route!

Toasts to a man's anniversary can also take the form of a parable.

Two friends, respected men, met on the street. Both are smart, in luxurious suits. One asks the other:

Why are you so dressed up? Are you celebrating something?

Yes, today is my 40th birthday. Why are you so handsome?

Also an anniversary. The fifth time I earned a hundred million rubles.

So let’s drink to the fact that our birthday boy will have many more anniversaries of both kinds in his life.

Congratulations to the defenders

Toasts to men on February 23 should emphasize and praise the strength and resilience of the heroes of the occasion.

The leader's movements are precise,

Without unnecessary stumbles,

There is no price for a man's victory

Not only for trophies!

And Happy Defender's Day now

I really want to congratulate you

Our heroes, definitely you

And glorify valor:

All your strength, valor, honor,

The radiance of smiles!

Praise from a woman is not flattery -

Confessions attempt!

And may there be happiness in your life

There will be so many

That the path to the goal will be smooth,

Treasured road.

And as deserved by labor,

The most honest and open

Money bag awards

Let them shower you with interest!

Toasts on February 23rd to men in your circle of friends can and should be less formal.

Work goes through the forest,

Fun is not a trifle -

February its twenty-third

This is the only way to celebrate!

With your rare gift

See the essence everywhere

You have every right

Rest easy!

I basically wish

More rights to you.

And to be recognized

Your every step in business.

Let the family believe it

Ingenuously into you,

Support during losses

And they will share the joy!

And I wish you joy

Both small and large:

From a sweet cup of tea

Until the world cups.

Let there be rewards

And in fame and money,

And let women love

You in our hearts!

Jokes at the table

It’s not enough for a man to write a toast with humor; it also needs to be delivered in such a way that it turns out funny. Ladies who are capable of this become welcome guests at any party.

To make your toasts for men funny, try speaking them not on your own behalf, but on behalf of a movie character or an inanimate object.

O master! You wrap your fingers around me so sensually and warm me with your palms.

I'm always there at work, but you very rarely invite me home. Your wife probably won’t like it if you don’t go to bed with her late at night and take me instead.

By the way, here I am, your faithful subordinate. I’m ready to give myself right now (we give a pen).

I watched a James Bond movie. At the most exciting moment, agent 007 looked at me from the screen and said: “Write down the encryption urgently. If you go to a birthday party, read it to the birthday boy. A letter appeared on the screen: “Unfortunately, I’m not with you now. I really wanted to come to your birthday. I specially purchased a new tuxedo and ironed it. But the Russian customs officers did not let me cross the border, no matter how much I explained that I was going to your birthday party. I miss you very much. You are my inspiration and role model."

I will drink the highest quality gasoline for you and roar with a powerful 600 horsepower engine. You will ask for my passport and read: Aston Martin Rapid S. I'm already on my way to you. I'll be in the garage soon. Let your wildest dreams come true!

Be yourself

If you are asked to say please, do not refuse. Yes, the one who gives the dinner speech is the center of attention. Not everyone is able to withstand the gaze of all the guests present. From excitement, you can behave unnaturally or even lose your voice.

But when you make a toast to men, each of them listens carefully, with gratitude. Give a speech at any feast, and you will have great success with the opposite sex.

Let your life be cloudless, like the sky over the desert, full, like a jug of a hospitable Caucasian, long and interesting, like the Milky Way and the Santa Barbara series. And may your eyes always glow with happiness, like Polar Lights above the pole.

Congratulations on your birthday. Today many kind words will be said about you and I would like to confirm in turn that these days you rarely meet people like you.
You often claim that it’s not the Sun and you won’t warm everyone, but I associate you with the bright and big Sun. So kind and affectionate.
I would like to wish you, dear Sun, a cloudless life, so that everyday clouds and sudden thunderclaps do not disturb you. I wish you lightness and optimism. Infect everyone you encounter in life with your philanthropy and energy. And then good people there will be more.
I wish you happiness, health and prosperity!

What is more eloquent than all words? Actions. They are the ones who speak about true feelings and thoughts; they are stronger than words and serve as a criterion of truth. What do our actions say? That we, the guests, put aside urgent matters, put on a show, polished our boots, put on formal suits, boarded the bus, then took the subway and came here to congratulate the “newborn” on his birthday. This means that he is dear to us. Let's toast him, for his good health.

On your birthday I want to wish you to remain the same a bright person, which you are now. But let your life, on the contrary, not stand still, but change in better side, presenting pleasant surprises and surprises day after day. Let all your plans and dreams come true: your career will develop, your children will be pleased with your success, your loved ones will touch you with sensitivity and care, and your faithful friends will share everyday life and holidays with you. Let the stars converge in the sky in a pattern favorable to your destiny, and the gifts of life rain down on you as if from a cornucopia. Like a spring primrose, let the love for this world bloom in your heart, and let this love be sure to be mutual! I wish you happiness, health, good fortune and only wonderful days!

A birthday is an annual gift given to a person to rejoice in the love and affection that close friends have for him. And so we resolutely declare that this event is valuable and dear to us. May the days of your life go long, and may your love and affection for us always be. Long live the birthday boy.

I really want to give you the whole world. I give you a gentle dawn, a happy carefree day and a delightful evening. And at night I will throw a huge starry sky at your feet, where every star shines only for you.
May there not be a person happier than you today. Make your deepest wish, and I will make it come true.
Unfortunately, I was unable to catch goldfish, but I think you can do it without outside help make many dreams come true. I wish you to always have high aspirations and goals.

Happy birthday!
I congratulate you with all my heart! I wish you health and happiness! May good luck accompany you in life and work!
Always remain as you are. How much positive energy and human dignity you have.
Your intuition and charm make you special. You have so many other wonderful qualities. Take care of it all. Always remain the same soulful person!
Let life circumstances develop in such a way that this list only grows.
I wish you LOVE, Love with a capital letter. Mutual love, pure love, beautiful love and, of course, HAPPY love.

Happy birthday! I sincerely congratulate you on this joyful holiday! I wish you a serene, bright, happy life! May your road always be smooth, wide and smooth! Let bright and sublime desires live in your heart! Let your soul give birth to beautiful dreams, and let your mind make them come true! I wish you good health, cheerful spirit, joy! Live in peace and harmony with those around you. May your festive mood last for many, many years! Happiness to you!

You know that not only on your birthday, but also on any other day, I wish you only from the bottom of my heart and very sincerely all the most beautiful and cheerful things. Love, bright, unforgettable meetings, true friends, festive mood, fulfillment of cherished desires and creative achievements!
Happy birthday!

Two friends are talking.
“Is it true that your lover’s parents just hate you?” - asks one.
“Unfortunately, so,” the friend answers.
- And not only the parents, but him too. wife!
In our case, everything is different: the birthday girl is loved and idolized by everyone! And the husband's parents, and his brothers, and their wives! Let's drink to our common favorite, our birthday girl!

We wish you wisdom, kindness, generosity. So that your health does not fail. So that the mood is always high. Let the family be warm and comfortable.
Success, good luck, luck.

The Baltic peoples have this belief. If a child is born into a family, then 100 devils are born with him. When a child turns one year old, one angel appears, and there are one less devil in him. And so year after year: the number of angels grows, and the number of devils becomes smaller. If a person is fifty, this means that only 50 devils remain in him, but 50 angels have appeared. Today we have before us a man who is half devils and half angels. And every year the angelic principle will prevail in him more and more.
But I propose to drink to today’s birthday boy, in whom the dark and light forces are mutually balanced.

A birthday is a reason to come to a person and say what is in your heart.
So, I declare with a clear conscience:
I have joy in my heart because you, dear birthday boy, exist in the world.
That you decorate our lives, come to the rescue and simply love to live. Thank you for everything and for bringing us all together.

It would be better to celebrate your birthday not once a year, but every day, so that for this for a long time have time to list all the advantages of the birthday boy!
So let's drink to at least two of his main virtues - for the fact that he exists, and for the fact that he is with us!
Let's drink to your birthday!

Toasts in prose happy birthday
Happy birthday toast in prose. A collection of toasts for your friends and family for the festive feast!

Toasts for men in poetry and prose

Coming up with toasts for men is more difficult than for the fair sex. Women are more sensitive to signs of attention, and therefore can be touched by simple wishes of love and happiness.

A congratulatory speech for a spouse, father or boss should be a short piece of art. Otherwise, it simply won’t be remembered.

Therefore, experienced ladies think in advance what kind words they will say at a gala event in honor of a man.

It is not enough for the birthday boy to hear from loved ones the boring wishes for health and success.

A man celebrating his birthday wants to be showered with compliments and “petted on the fur.” The guests' memories of his personal victories and achievements will bring great joy to the birthday boy.

It’s better to write toasts for a man’s birthday by first asking himself the following questions:

  1. What special qualities does the hero of the occasion have? What can he be praised for?
  2. What interesting events are happening in the life of the birthday boy now or have happened recently?
  3. What is the job of the man in whose honor you are going to make a toast? What is so special about his profession?
  4. How does the hero of the occasion usually spend his free time? What hobbies and interests does he have?
  5. What does he dream about? What goals does he set for himself?

By writing down the answers, you will understand what is important to mention in congratulatory speeches. At the same time, toasts to a man’s birthday will become more targeted, meaningful, and will sound sincere and sincere.

Is it necessary to prepare a table speech in poetry? Of course, every man is pleased to hear a poetic work in his honor on his birthday.

But if you don’t know how to write poetry and wouldn’t like to order them for a fee, you can make a toast in prose, supplementing it with rhyming lines from books or the Internet.

We offer you such toasts for men on their birthday.

An object of my pride -

Become one of your friends.

Talking to you about life

Simple news to share.

Any thoughts I have for you

I can trust you like myself.

I wish - let the events take place

Pulls forward at speed

To cherished plans and dreams,

Let there be no limits!

And any goal is within my reach,

You will decide if “I want”!

Today is your birthday

After all, every moment of life

You decorate with yourself!

At each point event

Worth both a stroke and a seal,

Any step without overlap

What are you ready to answer?

Let the decisions be lasting

Dreams come true in life for sure!

Let there be delicious joy,

Slightly pleasant fatigue

In the evening just before bedtime,

When work is for later!

It’s quite easy to find ready-made toasts for men in verse. Poetic congratulations are no longer considered a curiosity. It is much more pleasant for the hero of the occasion to hear a table speech written in prose, with meaning.

One day an evil sorcerer and his student came to Earth. He liked the local women, but did not like the men. The sorcerer decided to exterminate the stronger sex on the planet so that beautiful earthlings would give birth to children only from him.

He began to turn the men into dust. He cast a spell on the first earthling - he immediately fell apart. I conjured the second one - nothing worked for about 15 minutes, and then it turned into a pile of ashes. The villain took on the third... an hour passed, another - no result. By the end of the day, the sorcerer was so exhausted that he himself became dust.

The magician's apprentice was stunned:

- Why did this happen?

The sorcerer’s dying answer was heard from a handful of dust:

“The third man has a powerful weapon against evil spells. This is the phrase “I’m great!” He, unlike the first two victims, said it more than ten thousand times in his life.

So let’s drink to our birthday boy living for a very long time and always saying: “I’m great!”

One day, millions of suitors from all over the world came to fight for the heart of the most beautiful princess in the world. Each of them performed a feat in the square in front of the palace. Brave men jumped on horseback to the princess’s balcony and handed her diamonds. The beauty just sighed.

Suddenly an unremarkable man began to walk past the square, who did not even look at the princess. He just walked and gnawed the seeds.

The most beautiful girl on the planet jumped from the balcony and ran after the simpleton.

When they got married, the princess was asked why she chose this particular man.

“I also wanted to just walk, gnaw on seeds and not think about anything,” she answered.

So let's drink to the fact that our dear birthday boy will always have enough seeds for his dear princess.

Toasts on a man's anniversary should sound more solemn than on a regular birthday. It is important to emphasize in them that the birthday person is living a special date, borderline between life stages.

Honorary title of hero of the day,

It is given, oh, not without reason!

For the amount of steps passed,

Victories, successes, defeats,

For all the priceless deeds,

Which are no longer in number!

You have done a lot, and you can do more.

Her hints on the way

About where we should go.

Let it not be full of bumps

You are gaining experience

And so no longer sewn with bast,

Take the straight path!

Let the impressive amounts

They will come to your personal bank account

And on the noisy waves of luck

Glory and honor will come!

Let whatever happen

And everything at home is already upside down,

Days like today

They don't repeat themselves later.

Like a bright reference point,

The task is to start.

Tell me, is it a joke for someone?

Should I exchange ten new ones?

And I wish - let everything be

It’s good on your journey,

Let no one from your loved ones judge:

Well, what else are you doing there?

Let your word be firm,

And the spiteful critic is a stranger,

Not a very smart person

Will remain standing on the sidelines

Slightly envious of everything,

What about your flair, subtle talent,

Decide to take the honest route!

Toasts to a man's anniversary can also take the form of a parable.

Two friends, respected men, met on the street. Both are smart, in luxurious suits. One asks the other:

- Why are you dressed up like that? Are you celebrating something?

- Yes, today is my anniversary - 40 years. Why are you so handsome?

- Also an anniversary. The fifth time I earned a hundred million rubles.

So let’s drink to the fact that our birthday boy will have many more anniversaries of both kinds in his life.

Toasts to men on February 23 should emphasize and praise the strength and resilience of the heroes of the occasion.

The leader's movements are precise,

Without unnecessary stumbles,

There is no price for a man's victory

Not only for trophies!

And Happy Defender's Day now

I really want to congratulate you

Our heroes, definitely you

And glorify valor:

All your strength, valor, honor,

Praise from a woman is not flattery -

And may there be happiness in your life

There will be so many

That the path to the goal will be smooth,

And as deserved by labor,

The most honest and open

Money bag awards

Let them shower you with interest!

Toasts on February 23rd to men in your circle of friends can and should be less formal.

Work goes through the forest,

Fun is not a trifle -

February its twenty-third

This is the only way to celebrate!

With your rare gift

See the essence everywhere

You have every right

I basically wish

More rights to you.

And to be recognized

Your every step in business.

Let the family believe it

Ingenuously into you,

Support during losses

And they will share the joy!

And I wish you joy

Both small and large:

From a sweet cup of tea

Until the world cups.

Let there be rewards

And in fame and money,

And let women love

You in our hearts!

It’s not enough for a man to write a toast with humor; it also needs to be delivered in such a way that it turns out funny. Ladies who are capable of this become welcome guests at any party.

To make your toasts for men funny, try speaking them not on your own behalf, but on behalf of a movie character or an inanimate object.

O master! You wrap your fingers around me so sensually and warm me with your palms.

I'm always there at work, but you very rarely invite me home. Your wife probably won’t like it if you don’t go to bed with her late at night and take me instead.

By the way, here I am, your faithful subordinate. I’m ready to give myself right now (we give a pen).

I watched a James Bond movie. At the most exciting moment, agent 007 looked at me from the screen and said: “Write down the encryption urgently. If you go to a birthday party, read it to the birthday boy. A letter appeared on the screen: “Unfortunately, I’m not with you now. I really wanted to come to your birthday. I specially purchased a new tuxedo and ironed it. But the Russian customs officers did not let me cross the border, no matter how much I explained that I was going to your birthday party. I miss you very much. You are my inspiration and role model."

I will drink the highest quality gasoline for you and roar with a powerful 600 horsepower engine. You will ask for my passport and read: Aston Martin Rapid S. I'm already on my way to you. I'll be in the garage soon. Let your wildest dreams come true!

If you are asked to make a toast to men, please do not refuse. Yes, the one who gives the dinner speech is the center of attention. Not everyone is able to withstand the gaze of all the guests present. From excitement, you can behave unnaturally or even lose your voice.

But when you make a toast to men, each of them listens carefully, with gratitude. Give a speech at any feast, and you will have great success with the opposite sex.

Usually includes refreshments for friends and family, receiving guests, giving gifts to the hero of the occasion and, of course, congratulations. Well, what else but congratulations are toasts! Therefore, we have prepared beautiful short birthday toasts so that you can properly congratulate the birthday person.

I wish you to be like an orange! It is bright and attracts attention, sweet in taste and always in the juice, just like you! Happy Birthday!

I wish you a generous harvest of earthly blessings: health, wealth, luck, love and happiness. And so that all this is present in your life in abundance, and only one thing is missing: time to think about where it all comes from!

Dear friend! I raise this toast so that you always have heaviness in your pockets and lightness in your heart!

A little math: a dacha is zero, a car and garage are zero, an apartment is zero, money is zero, health is one. So let's drink to the fact that the whole life of the birthday boy will be one with big amount zeros.

I want to drink to our dear birthday boy! It is difficult to list all his advantages, but the main one is that he is a bright man! I would venture to suggest putting a lampshade on it!

Let's thank the birthday boy and drink to him. Since only he was able to gather so many good and wonderful people in one place!

I would like to wish the birthday boy the health of a marathon runner, the mind of an academician, and wealth like Rockefeller!

I wish you happiness, health and goodness, more crispy dough!

My toast to your wisdom, to your kindness and to your earthly simplicity. Be the best and most successful. The happiest and very charming!

May your life go peacefully and may your health be good. And may your head always be dizzy with joy, love and goodness!

I raise my glass to have everything you need in life: love, health, positivity and great strong friendship!

I say this birthday toast: I want to wish you happiness and health. Let everything be okay in life, don’t be timid when you see happiness.

For you to always feel like a king on the throne!

You will live up to two hundred years, and we will be witnesses!

Give me a foothold and I'll make a toast!

If for one reason or another you are embarrassed to say solemn congratulations and toasts at your birthday, and you simply don’t know what to say, it’s not a problem. We bring to your attention the best lines with which you can please the birthday person on his birthday. A successful birthday toast is the key to a well-spent holiday.

I wish you a lot of money, a lot of love and a lot of time to enjoy it!

I wish you to go to work with pleasure in the morning and to return home with pleasure in the evening!

So that your desires are overwhelmed by your possibilities!

I wish you to make friends with sports! Literball doesn't count. Health to you, my friend, let's drink to yours healthy image life!

I wish your life to be like a fairy tale, painted with all the colors of the rainbow: red is your eternal mutual love, orange - warmth friendly relations, yellow - bright sun, green - peace and tranquility in the soul, blue - clear cloudless sky, blue - loyalty and honesty, and so that you can relax sometimes, let everything be purple for you from time to time.

Happy Birthday! With all my heart I wish that you do not encounter difficulties and adversity on your life path. May your destiny be long and happy, and may you always be surrounded by family comfort and harmony with the world around you.

With all my heart I wish you and your family health, happiness and prosperity, great success and achievements in all your endeavors, encouragement and inspiration, for long years life in a strong family circle and among loyal friends and reliable partners.

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday. I wish you health, happiness, good luck and inspiration in business. Let your family always surround you with love and understanding, and your colleagues with respect. I hope that all this will be the key to good luck and joy in your life.

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! I wish you good health, personal happiness, bright successes and the fulfillment of your cherished desires. Let every day be illuminated by the high rise of the soul, and good health and good mood become the key to prosperity. Peace, harmony, respect, love and prosperity!

I wish the birthday boy a life as cloudless as the sky in the desert. Full of bright emotions, like this festive table. Big and interesting, like our Universe!

I would like to wish that at least eight stars shine in your life - a star of happiness, a star of success, a star of love, and five stars of strong and expensive cognac!

They usually say: if a star falls, it is fortunate. I’d like to drink to our birthday boy getting caught in the stars every night.

To be happy, one day is enough to get drunk. To rest for a week, it is enough to get sick. To live in joy for a whole month - get married. And if you want to be happy all your life, be healthy!!!

May there be no bitter moments in your life, but more sweet moments! Just like this beautiful and delicious birthday cake!

Maybe someone considers birthday a sad holiday. After all, every year we get older... So let's drink to completely dispel prejudices and just enjoy a good holiday!

Not everyone can come up with beautiful words for the birthday boy. After all, not everyone is a humanist. Yes, and very often festive table, when it comes to making a toast, everyone is smart and beautiful words disappear somewhere, and instead beautiful congratulations I have to babble something inarticulate. Therefore, we suggest learning wonderful short, beautiful birthday toasts so as not to make a mistake while standing with a glass in your hand. After all, as they say, the best impromptu is a pre-prepared impromptu.

In every person, nature grows either as grains or as weeds. So let's drink to ensure that the former are watered in time and the latter are destroyed! For the beautiful garden that the birthday boy has grown in himself!

Today everyone congratulates you, and I want to thank your parents! Be as good a son to them as you are a friend and family man - they deserve it! Always remain as kind and cheerful! Congratulations!

The building of our life consists of a hall of expectations and a hall of accomplishments. Let us wish the hero of today's celebration not to linger in the waiting room longer than he should. Let's drink to his patience, courage, luck and health!

What should I congratulate you on? ... Congratulations on having someone to congratulate you on! This, you agree, is important. And this is your merit. Because I have never met such a smart, cheerful, sociable person. Stay the same always! Congratulations!

Don't be upset that you're one year older. If you look from the other side, you have become one year more beautiful, more attractive and smarter! You can't stop on this path. Congratulations!

Is it just me or is it your holiday? It's hard to understand at first glance, because you're always in a festive mood. I wish you to remain as cheerful, joyful and friendly! Congratulations!

May your life be filled with happiness, joy and prosperity. I wish you never know what tears and grief are, never know or make mistakes in life, believe in your dreams and try to make them come true. Happy Birthday!

Birthday is a wonderful holiday. All the best on this day is only for you. Do not be discouraged that the years fly by unnoticed, you need to rejoice in the experience and wisdom you have acquired. With all my heart I wish to see only the best in life, more positivity, less sadness, a sea of ​​joy, mountains of money, more fun moments and a huge supply of health. We raise a glass to you!

I wish for the birthday boy to break everything: the table from treats, his wallet from dollars and euros, and the bed from pleasure.

I wish you strength like a bull, wisdom like an owl, perseverance like a donkey, grace like a panther, grace like a gazelle, health like an elephant. Well, there’s as much money as all these living creatures weigh.

Our life is a ladder, and every year we climb up one more step. This is an inevitable process, everyone knows it. Therefore, we need to learn to pay attention to various little things around us that make us happy and make us smile. This is probably the whole meaning of life. For you, birthday boy! Fill your life with unforgettable moments!

They say that the most important thing in life is health. It seems to me that this is not so. There are also healthy whiners. In my opinion, the main thing these days is good spirits and optimism. Therefore, I wish you to look at everything in life with a smile, and then all life’s adversities will be over your shoulder!

They say that in life you need to treat everything with a grain of salt. And the best way out of the situation is the ability to forget everything bad and keep everything positive in your memory, say “thank you” to all your offenders for the invaluable experience and just move on with your head held high. I want to raise this glass to our hero of the occasion and wish him just enough indifference to not notice human stupidity and malice. And just as much attentiveness to always notice good and positive deeds!

Let it be like this: children will become pride, love will become the norm, friends will become support, money will be great, health will be ironclad, and life will be excellent. Let all hopes come true, all doors open, fortune smile welcomingly, dreams come true. For the birthday boy!

With the birth of a person, a new star appears in the sky. Depending on how her life goes, she shines either brighter or dimmer. I would like to wish that your life is full of new impressions, positive emotions and joyful events and, accordingly, that your star shines brightly, eclipsing everyone else around you!

A toast, also known as a toast, is a speech that precedes drinking alcoholic beverages. At a birthday party, wishes or a toast should contain a greeting addressed to the birthday person. Here you will find toasts for every taste and for any company, toasts for a girl’s birthday and for a man, toasts for mom and dad, for a friend and for a girlfriend... So learn toasts, and have fun at your birthday.

I would like to raise my glass and ask others to do the same. Since I propose to drink to the hero of this occasion, to the birthday boy. Many kind words have already been said and many more will be said, but first of all I would like to wish you good health. Since this is the foundation on which happiness, success and our whole life are built! Happy Birthday!

They say that even the smallest good deed weighs more than huge promises. Based on this, I want to raise a toast to our birthday boy and wish him to be surrounded by people who could appreciate all the kind and good deeds that he does for them!

There are people whose birthday becomes a holiday not only for them, but also for all their friends. Congratulating such a person is already a joy. So let’s drink to you, the one who, with your birth, gave us an annual celebration and a good mood.

Happy Birthday! We wish to be in life happy man, and let misfortune and grief remain aside, more health and good luck!

On this joyful day, I raise this toast for you and wish that your most cherished dreams come true, that there is less sadness and melancholy in your life, and more joy and love, that you have money and great friends. Have a wonderful and long life!

Every birthday is a kind of equator when we can take stock and set new goals. I would like to wish you that only pleasant moments of previous years will be imprinted in your memory. And may each subsequent year make you at least a little happier.

It's another day when you cross another milestone and become older and smarter. And on this day I want to wish you, if your life completely suits you, that it remains just as wonderful. And if not, so that you have the patience to wait for the bright streak, because it always comes, whether we want it or not.

Let's drink to our dear and beloved birthday boy, in whose honor we have all gathered here. Today is your day and we drink only you! For your days of happiness, for your days of joy, for your days of fun!

Let me say briefly: for you! So that there are many more name days in your life, and happiness is in full swing. Let your health never give you weakness!

Happy Birthday to You! May your cup of life overflow with happiness, health and love! May all your wishes come true! And may everything be as you wish!

At the Empress's feast, Count Suvorov refused to eat or drink, because he couldn't do it before the first star. At our table there is a star of the first magnitude - our birthday girl! So let's eat and drink for her health!

More sun for you! Love! Happiness! Warmth and joy! It may be trivial, but it is very important! Thank you for having us!

May you have as much health as your mother wishes for you! May you have as much power as your wife wishes for you! And when you stay late in the evening, let what your wife thought happen, but not what your mother thought!

I propose a toast to the seven “H”s of our heroine of the occasion. For our unusual, unique, incomparable, gentle, necessary, beloved!

My toast today to your birthday! Remain as kind and purposeful! So that everything is yours good qualities developed, and the shortcomings disappeared by themselves. On your birthday I wish you happiness, health and good luck. For you!

A real man
I want a hug today.
This is a good reason
So that the toast can now be raised
For your successes and goals.
And I hasten to wish,
So that there is so much happiness,
So as not to hug with your hands!
I want to wish you good health,
So that there’s even enough for future use!
Joy, love, wealth,
This is my monologue!

I look at you and understand: there are still real men in the World. Not only are the head, arms, and legs in place, but everything in the head is as it should be. For your.. (age)!

Men, traditionally, are wished for courage and strength. I wish you weakness and tenderness. After all, love for a wife and tenderness for children are wonderful masculine qualities. If you cry from happiness, cry for your health. For the wonderful moments in your life, when you can be a little softer and a little weaker.

They say that there is a way out of every situation, in order to find it you just need to decide to take the first step. I want to raise this glass to our birthday boy, may he always be decisive and then no difficulties will stop him on the path to achieving his goal! Well, if something suddenly goes wrong, your friends will always help you find a way out of a difficult situation!

Today, raising this glass to our hero of the occasion, I want to wish him that he would always be himself, because no one can be good to everyone anyway! And therefore, relatives and loved ones will always understand this, and let enemies and envious people choke on their opinions!

From the entire team,
And from us personally,
We wish that your
Wishes came true.

Prosperity to the family,
Both at work and at home.
We are all very proud
That we know you.

Raise a glass
And once again we wish
To make everything work out,
After all, we expect success.

It sometimes happens that all the things that were going just fine suddenly stop. And somehow you don’t want to do anything, and even if you start to move, it still doesn’t make any sense. There is only one answer - inspiration has disappeared. This is the thing on which, sometimes, everything depends. I wish you, birthday boy, that inspiration will always be with you, like a head on your shoulders. May it never leave you!

I'll raise a glass to this day,
In which one man was born,
Who is not too lazy to help his friends,
Who is not used to looking for reasons!

Also for his health and success,
I'll drink to the bottom without grimacing,
To make your laughter sound
May you always go through life laughing!

I want to raise this glass to our birthday boy today. May his generous heart, kind speech and diligent life always be an example for others to follow and cause pride in his family and friends!

Let's raise our glasses to today's hero of the occasion. Let there always be a woman in his life who would tell others that she is not looking for a prince on a white horse, because she already has her own king! Always be a king, not only in the material component but also in the breadth of your soul!

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