Rules for breeding the Kuibyshev breed of sheep. Funny and fluffy Kuibyshev sheep. A farmer is breeding sheep of the Kuibyshev breed.

General characteristics of the breed

The Kuibyshev breed of sheep can be called the first breed bred in Russia. The process took place through crossing the English Romney Marsh ram with coarse-wool Cherkassy sheep. Crossing and selection were carried out between 1936 and 1948 in the Kuibyshev region, which is why the breed received its name. After the procedure, specialists selected the best animals with good performance. Animals of this breed, both queens and rams, failed to acquire horns.

General external signs and photos of Kuibyshev sheep

In its appearance, the Kuibyshev sheep can strongly resemble animals of the Romney Marsh breed:

1. The body mass of the sheep is quite powerful and strong;
2. Elongated body;
3. Short legs;
4. Small neck;
5. The coat is uniform, white, with a characteristic sheen;
6. The length of the coat can vary from twelve to fifteen centimeters.

Breed productivity

The meat-and-wool sector is called one of the most effective among sheep farming. Representatives of this trend produce semi-fine wool, which is in high demand on the market.


The meat of lambs and rams of this particular breed is very popular among buyers. At the same time, you can get a sufficient amount of the product in just a few months of proper feeding of the lamb. A six-month-old individual can weigh about 60 kg. An adult male can boast a weight of up to 120 kg.


The wool of the Kuibyshev sheep is well suited for knitting warm clothes in industrial scale. One shearing of a ram can bring the producer about 5-7 kg of wool. The female is cut a couple of kilograms less. At the same time, the average yield of pure wool from Kuibyshev breed sheep is 60-65%.


Kuibyshev sheep produce excellent healthy milk. After the birth of a calf, each female is capable of producing up to 2 liters of milk per day. The milk of these sheep, in addition to the usual and well-known nutritional elements, also contains vitamins in the required proportions that will help compensate the human body for the deficiency of calcium, vitamin B12, and folic acid.


The fertility of Kuibyshev sheep can be judged by this indicator: for every hundred sheep, from 120 to 130 lambs are born.

Breeding area of ​​the Kuibyshev sheep breed

Breeding of this breed of animals in the area is very popular. Russian Federation: in Ulyanovsk and Samara regions. You can also meet farmers breeding Kuibyshev sheep in the Yaroslavl region and Tatarstan. In other words, these sheep can be found throughout the entire territory along the Volga River.

Difference from other breeds

The most important difference between the Kuibyshev breed of sheep and other breeds is that these animals feel great even in the coldest weather conditions. Along with this, they are able to adapt surprisingly quickly to fairly hot weather. This property of animals is very valuable for regions with a changeable climate.

As mentioned earlier, the Kuibyshev breed has excellent fertility (approximately 100-130 percent). And due to the fact that lambs grow quickly, breeding sheep of this breed has a high return on investment. These characteristics are quite relevant in the current financial and economic situation in our country.

Video about the Kuibyshev breed of sheep

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 4 minutes


Among large quantity Among sheep varieties in our country, Kuibyshevskaya is very popular. These animals, among other domestic breeds, are distinguished by their high quality wool.

Kuibyshev sheep have high adaptability to a wide variety of climatic conditions and high quality meat. They belong to the semi-fine-fleece breeds and have rather long hair.

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All these advantages made this type of sheep so popular.

This breed variety is a purely domestic product. It was created by crossing English stud rams of the Romney Marsh breed and Cherkassy coarse-wool ewes.

Subsequently, the best domestic breeders worked with the resulting hybrids. For a tribe within a breed, they selected animals with the best performance indicators, which they then crossed with each other. This selection and breeding work was carried out from 1936 to 1948 at the Koshkinsky state breeding station, located in the Kuibyshev region. Hence the name - Kuibyshev sheep. They were led by a team of breeders D.E. Nekrasov, A.V. Vasiliev and V.A. Vatagin.

The purpose of creating this breed variety was to obtain animals that, in terms of basic qualitative and quantitative indicators of wool, would not be inferior to their English ancestors, and at the same time had the ability to quickly gain weight even in unfavorable conditions of a harsh climate.

Therefore, during hybridization, the choice fell, on the one hand, on Circassian sheep meat direction, the distinctive feature of which was large live weight and coarse wool, and on the other hand, the long-haired English Romney Marsh breed, which was distinguished by the high quality of its coat. In addition, both ancestral breeds were distinguished by a high degree of endurance, early maturity and strong, tenacious offspring.

Main characteristics of the breed

Outwardly, these animals can be compared to a ball of yarn, which was placed on four thin legs and a cute face was attached to it. However, the first external impression, as always, is deceiving.

If you look closely, it becomes clear that the Kuibyshev sheep has a strong constitution and powerful bones. The head of this animal is wide, the neck is short but large, the barrel-shaped body rests on fairly strong, correctly positioned limbs. Neither ewes nor rams have horns. The coat is dense and covers the muzzle to eye level. The length of the wool fibers reaches 15 centimeters, its color is mainly white with small inclusions of spots of dark colors.

Experts classify the Kuibyshev breed of sheep as a long-haired, semi-fine-fleece breed.

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A distinctive feature of these animals is their high rate of maturation. At four months of age, young animals gain up to 30 kilograms of live weight, and upon reaching eight months of age, animals can weigh up to 65 kilograms.

At the same age, the skeleton of young animals is formed, like that of adults. The highest rates of live weight growth are characteristic of the spring-summer period, that is, during the period of grazing of animals. At 10 months, the young can safely be called an adult sheep or ram. Their bone structure is fully formed, and their live weight is comparable to that of adults.

Adult rams have an average live weight of 110 to 120 kg, but outstanding representatives of the breed grow up to 150 kg. Sheep weigh noticeably less - on average from 60 to 70 kilos, and maximum - up to 90. The breed's fertility is average - 100 ewes produce 120-130 cubs.

The meat of Kuibyshev sheep is highly valued on the market for its marbling. This quality of meat is explained by the fact that the muscle tissue fibers are still relatively small in size, and interspersed with fat already appear between them.

Marbling of meat is characteristic only of young animals; with age, muscle fibers become thicker and denser, and this quality is lost, and along with it the taste and quality of meat characteristics deteriorate.

In this regard, experienced sheep breeders plan the time of slaughtering animals in advance in order to catch the moment of “marbling” of the meat.

Sheep of this variety are sheared twice a year: in autumn and spring.

Each sheep farmer chooses the exact time of shearing independently, depending on climatic and other individual farming conditions.

The main income items for breeding Kuibyshev sheep are profits from the sale of meat, income from the sale of wool and, if such production exists on the farm, their processed products.

Therefore, the main advantages of this sheep variety are a good level of meat productivity and high quality wool raw materials. The meat of these animals does not have specific smell, which is typical for lamb.

An important advantage of Kuibyshev sheep is their high ability to adapt to any, even the most severe, climatic conditions - from hot semi-deserts to the cold northern regions of the country. The disadvantages of this type of sheep include fluctuations in wool fineness and difficulties in breeding in conditions of depleted pastures.

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This is due to the fact that, after all, this breed was created for the Volga region, which is characterized by a mild climate and abundant pastures with high quality grass.

The successes of domestic breeders in the middle of the last century made it possible to use the best achievements of foreign colleagues. Thus, the Kuibyshev breed of sheep originally originated from their English counterparts and, in fact, is in no way inferior to them. The combination of valuable indicators for meat, wool and fertility, combined with good endurance in the Russian climate, allowed these animals to widely spread in agricultural enterprises and private farmsteads.

The Kuibyshev breed of sheep was developed by breeders in the second half of the 1940s, immediately after the Great Patriotic War. Its name is associated with the place of breeding - the Kuibyshev region (now Samara).

Initially, scientists set themselves several goals:

  • in terms of meat indicators, sheep should not be inferior to English breeds;
  • animals must be fully adapted to Russian climatic conditions and can easily tolerate continental climate with cold winters and hot summer temperatures;
  • finally, the quality of the sheep's wool should be better than that of English breeds.

Comparison with English sheep and the desire to surpass them or achieve at least the same performance is not accidental: after all, it was the Romneymarsh breed that served as the paternal form of the future Kuibyshev breed. The result of the efforts of scientists was the emergence of a domestic breed, which is truly distinguished by good, soft wool, as well as optimal indicators of early maturity and endurance in local climatic conditions.

External signs of the breed with photographs

Sheep of the Kuibyshev breed in winter conditions

Typical Kuibyshev breed sheep

Kuibyshev breed sheep in summer

The description of sheep wool is legislatively approved in the Order of the Ministry Agriculture Russia No. 335 dated October 5, 2010.

The document provides the following requirements:

  1. The coat is white, covering hair. Small dark spots in the area of ​​the legs and ears are allowed.
  2. The structure of the fleece should resemble wool yarn - staple or staple-braid type.
  3. Coverage is complete, including completely above the head with abundant buildup right up to the eye line.
  4. The percentage of washed wool yield is at least 57%.

In appearance, Kuibyshev sheep have the following characteristics:

  1. The neck is short and muscular.
  2. The skeleton is massive, the general constitution is strong.
  3. The head is clearly defined and wide.
  4. The body is oval in shape and has a bright circumference like a barrel.
  5. Rams and sheep do not have horns - this is the main species difference between Kuibyshev sheep.

In appearance, a typical sheep of this breed resembles a pubescent barrel of light shades with a large head and a dark muzzle . According to the characteristics of their wool, they are classified as long-haired semi-fine wool breeds.

Productivity of Kuibyshev sheep

Sheep of the Kuibyshev breed are distinguished by high productivity and rapid growth.

Kuibyshev sheep are a highly productive and early maturing breed. They quickly gain live weight, which reaches about 27-30 kg by 17 weeks, and about 42-44 kg by 33 weeks.

Depending on specific intensity indicators, 3 groups of animals are distinguished:

  1. Elite.
  2. I class.
  3. II class.

Their comparison in terms of weight gain and washed wool yield depending on age and gender indicators is given in the table.

Comparison of weight gain and washed wool output.

Please note that numerous studies by breeders and zoologists have made it possible to clarify that the highest quality meat (in terms of taste, pulp-to-fat ratio, as well as appearance) the breed fattens up by 41 weeks. This is the optimal time for slaughter.

The fineness of wool is the most important indicator of its quality; it characterizes the diameter cross section hair (i.e. its thickness) and is measured in micrometers (µm) - millionths of a meter.

Caring for Kuibyshev sheep

It is better to purchase lambs only from trusted suppliers - agricultural enterprises or from breeders, private owners who can document the fact that the animal belongs to them. Optimal time purchases - early spring (early March), so that all individuals can purchase summer season good to gain weight.

Premises requirements

There are no special requirements - for example, unshorn sheep will be able to withstand the winter without additional heating. The temperature optimum starts from 4-5 o C above zero.

Unshorn sheep can survive the winter without additional heating.

Otherwise, the following conditions should be taken into account:

  1. By space standards, sheep are not demanding - 2 m2 for each animal is enough.
  2. It is advisable that the room has a sufficiently good ventilation system to avoid an increase in humidity.
  3. In terms of materials, a traditional wooden frame is suitable, while brick and concrete are not suitable without additional insulation.
  4. A mandatory requirement is also a continuous covering on the floor - made of clay or soil, depending on local climatic conditions.
  5. The bedding is made of sand (for drainage) and a layer of straw (for warmth).
  6. The presence of a special sewerage system is not expected.

Please note that one of the main enemies of sheep is rodents, so it is important to ensure complete protection of the animals from pests by constructing metal fences along the perimeter. They can be made from sheets dug to a depth of 30-50 cm.

Features of feeding

Kuibyshev sheep are fed from single- and double-sided feeders with grates tilted so that the feed does not fall out of them. Collapsible metal drinking bowls or stationary wooden drinking bowls; automatic drinking bowls are also used. It is important to provide each animal with access to the feeder and drinker of at least 25-30 cm.

Each type of food is placed in its own container:

  • mineral supplements(salt, chalk and others) must always be kept in sufficient quantities, since each sheep is able to set its own daily norm, more than which the animal will not eat;
  • dry food (hay, grain, brooms);
  • succulent feed (greens, silage, tops, fresh root vegetables).

The lambs eat with their mother - and in this case there is no need to worry about the animals: they will learn everything from her. If this is not possible, they are fed milk on their own (up to 2 weeks), and then given fresh greens, grains, and hay.

If lambs eat with their mother, they will learn everything from her.

The complete transition to an adult feeding regimen occurs by the beginning of the 9th week. In the summer season, the diet consists almost entirely of fresh greens. In autumn and winter, typical sheep feed can be used.

Particular attention should be paid to the cleanliness of feeders. Cleanliness of feeders is a very important requirement for the normal health of sheep. If you constantly monitor the containers, the animals will have good digestion and their immunity will be significantly strengthened.

Sheep grazing

During the warm period, long-term grazing of Kuibyshev sheep is a prerequisite for the normal development of animals. It is optimal to walk at least 12-15 hours a day, and if it is possible to walk around the clock in pastures, then this option will be the best. The pen should be quite spacious (at the rate of 3-4 m 2 of green cover per head) and must have a canopy with a drinking bowl, where the sheep can hide from the sun on hot days.

Animal grooming

Sheep are most often sheared once a year at the very beginning of spring. If they manage to grow enough hair over the summer, you can do another clipping at the very beginning of autumn so that the animals can get pubescent for the winter.

Sheep breeding

It is not recommended to allow several rams into one herd at the same time.

The ram is allowed to breed lambs in the middle or second half of autumn. Sufficient time for full mating is no more than 4 weeks. Moreover, one ram is quite capable of fertilizing 20-30 heads of sheep. There is no need to allow two rams at the same time - it is better to bring them to different herds.

The duration of pregnancy is 19-20 weeks, so fertilization in the fall leads to the fact that the due date falls in early spring. The fertility of sheep is quite high and reaches an average of 120-130%.

It is important not to forget to trim the sheep's wool around the tail and teats a week before lambing. When this happens, you need to make sure that all the lambs are licked and brought to the breast. Together with the offspring, the animal is placed in warm room with a constant temperature of at least 15 o C. The umbilical cord, as a rule, has to be cut off independently.

It is known from practice that Kuibyshev sheep live up to 22-24 years. However, a significant deterioration in productivity and a decrease in the stability of the offspring occurs already by 8 years. Therefore, it is necessary to raise females from the younger generation, and it is better to take males from other herds - otherwise there is a risk of inbreeding.

Advantages and weaknesses of the breed

In general, the Kuibyshev sheep breed has proven itself well among professional and novice farmers. However, sheep are quite demanding to care for - some breeds are easier and cheaper to raise in this sense.

Sheep of the Kuibyshev breed quickly adapt to the Russian climate.

If you objectively analyze the pros and cons of raising Kuibyshev sheep, you can find the following advantages:

  1. Sheep quickly adapt to various climatic conditions in Russia, including that they can be raised in areas with a sharply continental climate.
  2. Since sheep quickly gain weight, slaughter can be done as early as 8-9 months of age.
  3. Meat has its own undeniable advantages - along with the fact that it has a beautiful marbled hue and valuable taste properties, it also does not have the characteristic smell of lamb, which gives it a significant competitive difference.
  4. High fertility rates allow the entire tribe to be restored quite quickly - every third queen gives birth to twins.
  5. The wool of this breed is valued in the market due to its density and softness.

Among weaknesses The Kuibyshev breed can be called the following:

  1. Sheep are quite demanding of pastures - they need fresh greens in plentiful quantities, otherwise their wool and meat performance will deteriorate greatly.
  2. The fineness of the coat can have different, often unpredictable values, depending on whether the animal is a breeding or non-breeding variety (in the latter case, the fineness is often worse).

Such characteristics of animals are associated with the fact that they were raised in climatic conditions Middle zone Russia, namely the Volga region. Accordingly, there is no shortage of grass and no space for grazing. If local conditions allow you to provide sheep with greens, then breeding them is a completely reasonable decision.

A great achievement of domestic selection during Soviet times was the Kuibyshev breed of sheep. Bred back in the 40s of the 20th century, they are still in great demand among livestock breeders, both in large farms and in private households. The successful crossing of Circassian sheep with English Romney Marsh rams gave the world an unpretentious, stable breed with excellent characteristics and productivity indicators.

The skeleton of the Kuibyshev sheep is large. The wide head smoothly transitions into a barrel-shaped, elongated body without narrowing in the area of ​​​​a powerful short neck.

The entire body, except the legs and muzzle, is covered with thick hair. Hair length - up to 15 cm, color - white, darkening is allowed in the area of ​​​​the ears and around the legs. Staple-braided wool with large curl and sheen, fineness quality 50 – 58.

Reference: Fineness is the thickness of the hair axis of wool, the quality of fineness is the coefficient of uniformity and its properties. The best quality scores for semi-fine fleece sheep are in the 50 to 60 range.

Legs with muscular thighs, short and strong. Sheep and rams are hornless.

Kuibyshev sheep in the pen - photo

External signs of degeneration are: heterogeneity of color, lack of waviness and dullness of the coat, shortening of the body, arching in the back, weakness of the legs.

Production characteristics

Kuibyshev sheep develop quite quickly. By six months, lambs, with optimal feeding regimen, reach 50–60 kg in live weight. At this time, meat has the greatest consumer qualities: a characteristic taste without foreign odors, delicate layers of fat make it marbled. After 9 months, the protein thickens and the product becomes tougher. Adult rams reach 120 kg, and some individuals - 160. The average weight of a sheep is 70 kg, and there are also 90-kg females.

The productivity of the flock is on average 130%. Every third lambing produces twins.

The breed belongs to the meat-fleece direction. In addition to productivity in the form of lambs, rams and ewes supply good semi-fine wool. It is used in industry and in private households. The yield of wool from an adult ram is 5 - 7 kg, from a sheep - 4 - 5, pure dry raw material for spinning can be up to 60%.

Video - Kuibyshev breed of sheep at the All-Russian Sheep Exhibition

Adaptive capabilities of the breed

Kuibyshev sheep and rams perfectly adapt to living conditions. They tolerate both heat and cold well. Endurance and resistance to diseases, resistance to factors that weaken the immune system were among the priority goals when breeding the breed. And they have been achieved: these sheep are not susceptible to colds and do not suffer from overheating of the body.

Reference. An unfavorable living condition is considered to be excessive dampness of the earth and air in the absence sun rays. Wet hooves and fur create conditions for the perception of fungal diseases.

If the insolation is sufficient, then there are no problems.

Raising Kuibyshev sheep

Properly organized raising of a flock involves the acquisition of producers, the creation optimal conditions existence, balanced diet, timely haircut, regular updating of manufacturers, proper care.


It is necessary to buy the founders of a productive herd from reputable breeders or agricultural enterprises. If you are interested in the purebred base of the flock, then you should not purchase lambs from unknown suppliers: a random purchase may result in the loss of qualifying characteristics in the next generation.

Most often, young lambs and ewes are purchased in early spring, at the very beginning of the warm period of the year. In this case, the formation of sheep and lambs occurs in best conditions, with a sufficient amount of fresh feed and sunlight.

Conditions of detention

Before acquiring the first representatives of the breed, a sheepfold is prepared. Sheep will spend the winter in it, wait out bad weather in warm weather, and breed offspring.


The size of the room must correspond to the livestock: with all the tolerance and even tendency of sheep to crowd together, each individual should have at least 2 m² of area.

They build a barn from materials that absorb excess moisture and do not cool the air. Brick and concrete without internal cladding will not work. A wooden beam would be a good choice.

Sheep housing - dimensions

In the southern regions, you can do without pouring the floor - sheep are kept directly on the earthen floor. It is often compacted with an additional layer of clay. Bedding is placed on top. It is important to block access to the premises for rodents: metal sheets are dug along the outer perimeter of the building to a depth of at least 20 cm.

In more severe climatic conditions, a concrete floor screed is made. Planks or thick plywood are laid on top. Bedding is required: a layer of sand as an absorbent element for moisture, and straw or dry leaves on top. This will ensure a favorable microclimate in the sheepfold and maintain the temperature at the desired level.

Sheep feeders - sizes

A nursery is set up in the room - a place for storing dry food (hay, brooms, grain), a feeding trough - a container for succulent food (silage, root vegetables) and a drinking bowl - a container for water. There is a separate public mineral feeding station where salt and chalk are constantly kept; each animal regulates their consumption independently.

The compartment for lambing and primary housing of newborn lambs is fenced off in advance.

During construction, windows are made to allow natural light to enter. The ceiling height is at least 1.5 m for ease of maintenance. Often mezzanines are installed under the roof to store hay and brooms for the winter.

Heating is not required in the sheepfold, even in the northern regions: Kuibyshev sheep are alert and active at a temperature in the home of +3 – + 6 °C. In a wooden building in winter, it is provided with the vital activity of the flock.


Good development and good health of the livestock is only possible if grazing is provided during the warm season. In addition, this significantly reduces the cost of providing food to animals.

If possible, sheep should spend 14 hours a day outdoors, and it is better to organize round-the-clock grazing. In addition to the fence, you need a canopy with access to water - for relaxation during the hottest hours.

The grazing period is especially useful for growing lambs. Under natural conditions, they gain weight well in the fall.

The full value of pasture forage can be ensured by sowing the necessary grasses in the meadow: clover, alfalfa, and peas. The feeding area for 1 individual is 3 m². When the pasture is depleted, it is advisable to transfer the herd to another place. Portable fences are often used for this purpose. The grass grows back after the sheep eat it in 3 weeks - the flock is returned to its original place.

Reference. When grazing, it is important to inspect sheep daily for skin damage. This occurs when injured by a sharp object (protruding branches, fence nails) or insect bites, and then eggs are laid in the wound. Any wound is thoroughly cleaned (the hair around it is first cut off), treated with brilliant green, peroxide or iodine.

A haircut

Kuibyshev sheep are sheared 1-2 times a year. They have time to cut before the start of spring molting, at the very beginning of spring. Over the summer, the sheep grow new wool, and in the fall the procedure can be repeated. When kept in an unheated room in winter, not all breeders decide to harvest wool in the fall. But a month before the onset of persistent cold weather, it is quite safe.


Newborn lambs feed on ewe's milk until they are three weeks old. It can be weaned earlier if you plan to mate the female soon for a new fertilization. But in this case you will have to feed the lambs.

From two weeks onwards, succulent feed, hay, brooms, grain and fresh herbs are gradually introduced into the menu of young animals. It is better if the lambs are with their mother at this time - she will ensure their safety and teach them how to eat.

To achieve a weight gain of 1 kg, a lamb requires 5 - 6 feed units. The use of mixed feed is effective, but not rational; it is much cheaper to provide a variety of feed for the season.

Reference. Feed unit is the amount of food corresponding in caloric content to 1 kg of oats.

By two months, the young animals are transferred to the adult diet. Regular nutritious meals provide good set weight.

Sheep need clean water at any time of the year. Free access is possible, but not very effective: animals use water extremely carelessly, and the excess left will certainly be clogged or spilled. Therefore, it is better to organize watering 2–3 times a day after feeding. You cannot take water from stagnant sources (ponds, swamps), or use unsettled tap water. Chlorine disappears from a container of water within 3 hours; this period must be maintained.

A very important aspect of sheep nutrition is the cleanliness of feeders. The immune system, which does not allow diseases due to hypothermia or overheating, is powerless when bacteria from poor-quality food enter the body - the risk of poisoning and persistent indigestion is very high.


By 3–6 months, lambs reach slaughter weight. Owners of private farms rarely keep young animals in winter - complete feeding teenagers is not justified economically. By autumn, only queens and rams remain in the herd.

In mid-late autumn, the foundation for spring recruitment is laid: a lamb is allowed into the sheep for about a month. One male is enough for 20 - 30 females. If there are two rams, then they must be taken from different farms, and the herds must be separate.

Survival lasts about 5 months. Lambing occurs at the end of winter - beginning of spring. 7 - 10 days before the due date, the sheep's wool is trimmed under the tail and around the nipples. The expectant mother is transferred to a separate section of the sheepfold, where after the birth of the lambs the temperature is maintained at about 15°C. During lambing, the presence of the owner is important: Kuibyshevkas rarely need help, but it is necessary to ensure that the mother licks the newborn and allows it to approach the udder. The umbilical cord should also be cut and the placenta removed to prevent the mother from eating it.

Video - Keeping sheep in winter

Duration of productivity

Sheep can live 20 – 25 years. But with regular lambing and feeding, the body of a productive sheep wears out much earlier: by 7–8 years, the offspring weakens, a change of sires is necessary. Therefore, new, most promising youngsters are grown from young animals. Rams are purchased externally to avoid inbreeding.

Young animals reach sexual maturity at 8 months, but sheep and lambs are bred closer to a year. The reproductive cycle is most often planned so that the offspring appear in early spring and spend most of their lives grazing.

Thus, the Kuibyshev sheep can become a regular supplier of meat, wool and even fermented milk products (in particular sheep cheese). Dressing hides and sewing sheepskin products is a separate branch of sheep breeding, which also requires study, but is quite applicable as an additional source of income.

Meeting the family's needs for complete dietary protein and high-quality wool when breeding Kuibyshev sheep is a reality. The unpretentiousness of the breed has gained recognition among many generations of livestock breeders. Surplus products can be easily sold on the agricultural market.

Video - Kuibyshev breed of sheep. Description

A beautiful breed, each representative of which looks touching at a young age and impressive in adulthood. Kuibyshev sheep tolerate cold, heat, and windy weather well, but do not tolerate dampness or excess humidity.

The Kuibyshev breed is a semi-fine-fleece breed and produces a lot of wool of excellent quality. It was the coarse-wool and fine-fleece ancestors of the Kuibyshev sheep that made it possible to obtain a wonderful example of a semi-fine-fleece animal. Thus, breeders managed to increase the wool and meat productivity of their offspring. The fleece of Kuibyshev sheep can be staple, as well as staple-braided. Wool fibers reach a length of up to 15 centimeters.


The Kuibyshev breed was obtained by crossing Romney Marsh and Cherkassy sheep. The name of the breed was given according to the place of breeding - Kuibyshev region (Russia). Thanks to a very dense layer of wool and unpretentiousness in food, sheep have taken root well both in their homeland and in other countries. Currently, the Kuibyshev breed is being bred and actively sold in Tatarstan, Mordovia, Ukraine, Bulgaria and other countries.


The body is strong, squat, the body is barrel-shaped and slightly elongated, the neck is wide and short, like the head. Features of the Kuibyshev's appearance are polled. And they are born hornless and remain that way all their lives. The withers of Kuibyshev individuals are muscular and powerful, and the thigh muscles are well developed. The weight of a ram can reach up to 110-150 kg, and that of a lamb - up to 65-70 kg.

Beautiful wool is another reason to be proud of this breed. With good care, the animal literally shines, its fur shines and lies well, as if it had been combed. The uniform structure of the wool and the braided structure increase the value of the shorn material. Each shearing of lambs brings about 5 kg of wool, and each ram shearing brings about 6 kg.


The diet of the animals cannot but please, because they eat any grass, cereals, fresh and dry hay. They are very fond of mineral supplements, wheatgrass, turnips, and sweet root vegetables. The basis of the winter diet of lambs and lambs is hay, feed and clean water. The more balanced a pet’s diet, the less often they get sick and the better their coat looks. These animals eat a lot, love to eat well and run free.

Experienced farmers do not advise giving finely ground grain to their shaggy animals - the animals' nostrils may become clogged. The main thing is that the diet is nutritious and regular. It is unacceptable to starve yourself with expired feed, moldy or damp during storage.


The fertility of the animals is about 130%, the lambs look funny almost immediately after birth and are very good-looking. They quickly gain weight; in six months they can already weigh 65 kilograms. Due to its early maturity, the breed quickly recoups feed costs. Lambing period is mid to late spring. Insemination is carried out in the fall, but it is better to avoid the birth of young animals in winter, because this way the animals will get sick more often.

Now let's talk about how to properly maintain the breed and whether there are any maintenance secrets. The sheepfold may be cramped, but never cold and damp. The herd tolerates cold well if in the pen where they spend most daytime, it will be warm and dry. Room humidity is the main enemy of sheep wool quality and a contributing factor to infections.

Raw wool will speed up the appearance of mites and colds in sheep. The best fattening and weight gain in sheep will occur at temperatures from 6 to 12 degrees Celsius. Best product for weight gain - barley. The room must be ventilated and cleaned constantly, otherwise infections and a persistent unpleasant odor, which is already strong in sheep in itself, are inevitable.

Photo gallery

Video “Kuibyshev sheep at a livestock exhibition”

In this video we suggest watching the presentation of the Kuibyshev breed at an exhibition in Elista.

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