Prepare ground coffee correctly. How to make delicious coffee? How to brew Turkish coffee correctly

A divine aromatic drink that gives you a boost of energy and vigor! Who would refuse to drink a cup in the morning to finally wake up and set up their body to accomplish great things. And during the day, sometimes you want to cheer up or just enjoy the breathtaking coffee aroma and tart, bitter taste.

Just don't drink instant coffee! It resembles a saucepan from Soviet canteens, it looks unattractive, and the taste is not so great. Or something brewed from freshly ground grains! And it smells so good!

How to properly brew Turkish coffee at home? Don't you know how? Now let's teach!

A turka, or cezve, is a metal vessel with a narrowed neck and a long wooden handle. These utensils have been used for making coffee since amazing invigorating beans were discovered in the East.

The wide bottom allows the contents to heat up evenly, and the narrow neck helps the contents settle faster. Well, the long handle prevents you from getting burned.

Previously, a jug for brewing coffee was made of clay and ceramics, but this material is fragile and is currently not popular. Their main drawback is their high heat capacity (not to be confused with thermal conductivity); when you remove coffee from the heat, the walls continue to give off heat and the heating process does not stop, which is why the drink escapes.

Stainless steel does not emit harmful substances, is durable and cheap. It just heats up unevenly, the bottom gets hotter, and the coffee oils burn, which affects the taste.

Aluminum Turks are cheap, durable and have good thermal conductivity. However, they are not recommended for use, since aluminum reacts with any products and can be harmful to health.

The ideal material for a cezve is copper. It is not only beautiful, but also has high thermal conductivity. The water in the copper pot heats up evenly and does not come to a boil. To prevent harmful substances from getting into the drink, the inner surface is coated with tin.

Silver is in no way inferior to copper, but is expensive and requires regular cleaning.

How to make a delicious drink - secrets and rules

You will get aromatic coffee if you adhere to the following rules:

  • whole pure grains;
  • proper roasting;
  • good grind.

Grinding grains is an important process; taste and aroma directly depend on it. When brewing a fragrant drink, the flavoring substances transfer from coffee into water. Acids are the first to pass through, and minerals are the last to pass through. This process is called extraction. With strong heating, the aromatic components disintegrate, which is why they try not to bring coffee to a boil.

Grind too coarse - extraction occurs quickly and the coffee will be sour. Ground into dust, on the contrary, gives bitterness and excessive thickness. It is necessary to adhere to the golden mean in order to get a truly tasty and aromatic drink.

You can grind the grains using an electric or manual grinder; there are several degrees of grinding.

  • Large. The grain particles are the size of bread crumbs. Ideal grind for coffee pots and coffee makers. But it’s absolutely not suitable for cezve, unless you like sourness.
  • Average. Universal, suitable for different brewing methods. The granules are the size of grains of table salt.
  • Small. It is similar in size to powdered sugar. Ideal grind for cooking in a Turk.
  • Ultra-thin. Almost dust. It can be brewed directly in a cup. The particles are so small that they do not settle to the bottom, the drink will be thick and strong.

The grains should be ground immediately before cooking, as the aromatic substances quickly evaporate when they come into contact with air. This is why it is not recommended to buy ground coffee. Only in beans!

Water level

The water should not reach the narrowed neck, otherwise your coffee will run away before it has time to brew. Due to the narrow neck, there is practically no contact of the drink with air; all oils and aromatic substances dissolve in water.

Heating level

Warm the cezve over low heat, and only then pour coffee into it, add sugar and your favorite spices (many people prefer cardamom, nutmeg, cinnamon). Lightly roast the coffee mixture, this will help form a nice, tasty foam. As soon as the sugar begins to melt, water is poured into the heated mixture; the colder it is, the better.

Determination of readiness

As soon as the coffee begins to rise, remove the cezve from the heat and let the foam fall or transfer it to a cup. Repeat the process several times, but do not bring the drink to a boil.

How to properly brew coffee in a Turk? And this depends on the recipe and national characteristics. After all, as many countries as there are, there are so many methods, but some are old and proven over centuries. Let's try to cook using them.

In Turkish

O yes! It is Turkey that is famous for its strong and aromatic coffee, which was first discovered there back in the 16th century. Imagine, to prepare a drink for the Sultan, more than 40 people and just an endless amount of all kinds of utensils were involved! Women from the harem were specially trained in the art of making “kahve” - this is what the word “coffee” sounds like in Turkey.

If you prefer a strong drink, then Turkish coffee is an ideal option, and we are not talking about the type of coffee beans, but about the preparation method. The drink is so strong that you can forget about your favorite half-liter cups, only small ones, like from your grandmother’s coffee set (most likely, you shoved it far away on the mezzanine, because you didn’t find a use for it, and it’s a pity to throw it away).

To make Turkish coffee, you need to grind high-quality coffee beans literally into dust, and then brew them over a fire or hot sand. The latter method, by the way, is more exotic and is presented as a national Turkish feature.

Fine grinding allows you to make a drink thick, very strong and aromatic, with lush foam. You can drink coffee only in small portions, small sips and be sure to wash it down with water - sometimes your heart could not stand it from the strength.

The classic cooking recipe involves having a small roasting pan with pebbles and fine sand of such depth as to immerse the Turk up to its neck.

For one cup, pour 50 ml of water into the cezve, add sugar to taste and heat until hot. Add one teaspoon of high-quality finely ground coffee, stir and wait for the first rise. Immediately remove the Turk from the heat (sand), transfer the foam to a cup and warm it up again. Repeat the process two to six times. Moreover, it is better to periodically move the Turk along the sand for uniform heating.

Remember, Turkish coffee is tricky to prepare. It requires only perfectly clean water, without impurities and salts (at least take boiled water, not from the tap). The grains must be roasted immediately before grinding, and ground so that they resemble flour.

And yes, if you like spices, put them together with sugar, and then add water, otherwise you will ruin the foam.

The Arabs have a coffee ceremony similar to the tea ceremony in China and Japan. Many national traditions are associated with it. For example, a drink should be served according to the seniority of those present and no more than three times during the entire conversation. If you want more, be patient; asking for more after three cups is indecent.

Any guest in an Arab home will definitely taste coffee. If you are desired, they will place a small cup in front of you and refill the drink as it disappears. When the owner wants to celebrate an unwanted guest, he will put a large cup in front of him so that he can drink it all at once and leave!

Real Arabic coffee does not recognize technological progress; the entire preparation process must be done manually. The grains are selected and roasted, burnt or spoiled ones are thrown away without regret. Now they need to be crushed, preferably by hand, using a metal pestle, and to the state of powder.

The peculiarity of Arabic coffee is the presence of cardamom and other spices. This coffee is even stronger than Turkish. Add a tablespoon of fine coffee powder to 80 ml of water.

This is the recipe.

  1. Pour sugar into the cezve (as much as you like) and fry it until golden brown. The caramel flavor harmonizes perfectly with cardamom.
  2. Pour in cold water at the rate of 75-80 ml per cup.
  3. Prepare coffee (a tablespoon) and cardamom (a quarter spoon).
  4. The water has boiled, remove it from the heat and add the coffee-cardamom mixture. Mix well.
  5. Bring until foam rises. Repeat three times.
  6. The drink is ready, pour into a cup and sprinkle with cinnamon.

In Brazilian

Each country comes up with its own special coffee recipe, so that it differs from others and has a national flavor. There is a real cult of this drink in Brazil; they say that during the day, Brazilians drink up to twenty cups. How does the Brazilian recipe differ from all the others?

It's simple - notes of dark chocolate and a top of whipped cream or ice cream will add richness and tenderness to the strong drink. And another important ingredient is rum, no wonder Brazilians love coffee so much!

For one cup, do the following:

  1. Place a quarter teaspoon of cocoa and sugar in half a glass of cold water and mix well.
  2. Add a large spoonful of ground coffee.
  3. Heat until foam rises. Take it off.
  4. Be sure to strain through cheesecloth. Brazilians do not tolerate upsets.
  5. Pour into a cup, add rum (as much as you like) and heavy cream or ice cream. Extraordinary deliciousness!

By the way, cups for Brazilian coffee should be large and wide. And, secretly, adding rum is not necessary at all. Most likely, the Brazilians are being cunning, otherwise drink 20 servings of a tasty and invigorating drink, but with the addition of rum... Then where do they get such fast football players from?

Austria. Opera. And a little coffee shop on the corner. What else does a tourist who comes to Vienna for the first time need? If you tried Viennese coffee once, you most likely fell in love with its taste forever.

Europeans did not really like the Turkish drink; it was bitter and too strong. The owners of the first coffee shops, in order not to go bankrupt, modified the recipe by adding milk and sugar. And they were right! A little later a top of whipped cream and a light citrus note were added.

Do you want to make your own Viennese coffee and enjoy the exquisite taste? Let's try.

  1. Roast the coffee beans until chocolate brown and grind in a coffee grinder. Everyone knows that the most aromatic drink will be obtained after fresh grinding.
  2. Whip 50 grams of cream until thick. The fatter they are, the lighter and thicker they will be.
  3. Brew coffee using any usual method at the rate of 2 teaspoons of powder and half a glass of water.
  4. Pour into a cup, add sugar and whipped cream. On top they can be decorated with chocolate, chopped nuts, orange zest or cinnamon.

Warsaw style

In Polish, the drink sounds like “kava sour cream” and is prepared not with water, but with good country milk. There are two classic Warsaw coffee recipes. Let's cook both and compare their taste.

With baked milk

  1. Pour a glass of baked milk into the Turk. Heat until hot, but avoid foaming.
  2. Gently stir in two tablespoons of ground coffee.
  3. Add a third of a spoonful of vanilla sugar and a teaspoon of regular sugar if you prefer sweet.
  4. Bring over low heat until foamy.
  5. Remove from the stove, wait for the foam to subside and repeat twice more.
  6. The foam has risen a third time, which means you can pour it into the cup. It is better if it is wide and slightly warmed up.
  7. Sprinkle a mixture of cocoa and fine chocolate chips on top, they will add sophistication.

Coffee with milk

  1. Brew coffee (100 ml water and 2 teaspoons freshly ground coffee powder).
  2. Add sugar to taste.
  3. Set aside and let it brew. Strain.
  4. Half a glass of milk (preferably baked) is well heated, but do not boil.
  5. Pour hot milk and strained coffee into a wide cup.
  6. Enjoy exquisite taste.

With honey and spices

In many countries it is customary to brew coffee with various spices. Shall we experiment?

  1. Black pepper will add aroma. It is enough to throw two or three peas into the Turk.
  2. Ginger. It perfectly reveals its qualities and combines with coffee; it is better to use it fresh. Add half a spoon of freshly grated ginger to the already prepared drink and enjoy.
  3. Nutmeg. Tones and excites. It can be added along with coffee powder or sprinkled over the foam already in the cup.
  4. Carnation. Adds a slight bitterness, neutralizes caffeine and is a powerful antiseptic. It is good to drink this coffee if you have a sore throat.
  5. Cinnamon. Its sweetish taste adds piquancy. Sprinkle the foam with cinnamon powder, or better yet, dip the whole stick into the drink for a couple of minutes.
  6. Cardamom. The coffee will taste sharp and aromatic due to the presence of essential oils. This coffee will relax you and relieve fatigue.
  7. Vanilla. When you add spices, you get a very fragrant drink.

And if you add a spoonful of honey instead of sugar to freshly brewed coffee, you will be surprised at the richness of taste sensations.

With cognac

French coffee will be good on cold winter evenings; it will warm you up, invigorate you and at the same time relax you after a hard day. Just remember that the alcohol must be of high quality and in moderation so that you don’t end up with cognac and coffee. A couple of spoons per cup will be enough.

How to replace Turk?

Coffee is brewed in a Turk or cezve, but what to do if you don’t have them on hand? Cook in a saucepan? Why not? Just take an enameled one and a small one. You can also use coffee makers. Since the times of the Soviet Union, they have been produced in a great variety of types and modifications.

Some gourmets claim that a ceramic pot is not inferior to a traditional Turkish pot, but it is inconvenient to use. As a rule, pots do not have handles.

Another way is the microwave. But here you need to know the exact boiling time of the water in the cup and set the time a little less so that the coffee does not run away.


Whatever recipe you choose, enjoy your coffee! This drink improves performance, relieves fatigue and stimulates mental activity.

Brew coffee correctly Not every person can do it at home. Buying this aromatic drink in specialized establishments is not always advisable, and you can’t guess the taste. But brewing coffee yourself at home is an ideal option! In this case, you yourself will be able to control the entire process and add any herbs and spices you know, as well as all kinds of fillers.

Nowadays, the popularity of such a drink as coffee is staggering. There is probably no person who has never tried it. There are hundreds of companies and factories that produce all kinds of coffee: with flavoring additives, with a tonic effect, classic coffee, etc. In addition, today you can order a cup of coffee in almost any eatery, as well as in all restaurants and cafes in the world. But is instant coffee from a kiosk comparable to freshly ground and brewed coffee by hand? Of course not. That is why it is better to prepare delicious coffee with your own hands at home. It's completely easy and doesn't require any talent. It’s enough to know what to mix with what and how to cook, and the rest is up to your stove.

In addition to the fact that coffee is one of the most delicious and aromatic drinks, it can benefit our body. Despite the fact that controversy surrounding this product never subsides, it can be assumed that absolutely any product that we use daily at home can both bring benefits and cause harm. Let's see what is more: pros or cons?

Invigorating effect


Preventing the occurrence of cancer cells

Depletion of nerve cells due to constant stimulation

Prevention of Parkinson's disease

Harm to the cardiovascular system

Preventing diabetes

Harm to a weakened and fragile body

Increased sperm motility in men and, as a rule, improved reproductive function

Destruction of some important microelements entering the body from food

Benefits for digestion, which is that coffee helps the body absorb nutrients

Incitement to uncontrollable aggression

Increased effectiveness of sports exercises and, as a result, rapid weight loss

The number of pros and cons of coffee is approximately the same, but the advantages of an invigorating drink undoubtedly outweigh the scales. But, nevertheless, you should decide for yourself whether you should drink coffee and in what quantities, since in each case this is a purely individual question, depending on your health status.

How to cook properly at home?

Once you have decided on the type of coffee and purchased it, it is time to properly brew the aromatic drink at home. Exists three main ways, which can be used to make delicious coffee:

  1. in Turk;
  2. in a saucepan;
  3. in a coffee maker.

The second method, by the way, is the most accessible. No special devices are required here. All you need is coffee, water and a saucepan, and, of course, the desire to prepare a drink.

Making coffee in Turkish

Natural coffee brewed in a ceramic or other pot is much healthier and tastier due to the fact that most of the beneficial substances do not evaporate from it, due to the special structure of the pot. So, how to brew Turkish coffee at home?

First, you need to warm the Turka a little over low heat, then you should pour water into it approximately to the level of the Turka’s neck. After this, add the required amount of sugar, based on your own preferences, and pour two tsp on top. coffee. There is no need to stir; put the Turk on the fire and watch it carefully. It is very important that the water does not boil under any circumstances. When foam begins to form, you need to remove the Turk from the stove and stir the contents thoroughly so that it settles. Then return the Turk to the fire and wait until the foam appears again. When this happens, remove the Turk from the heat again, stir the contents, and then return to the fire. You can do this procedure about four times. When finished, let the coffee brew, and then you can pour it into cups that have been previously washed with boiling water.

In a saucepan

Brew coffee in a saucepan on an electric stove at home recommended if you need to give a fragrant drink to a whole crowd of guests. Some of the beneficial properties of coffee are lost with this method of brewing, but it is faster and also allows you to brew a larger amount of the drink.

Prepare a clean, dry saucepan and use a coffee grinder to grind the coffee beans. Rinse the pan with boiling water, then fill it with water and send it to medium heat, adding sugar as desired. When the water boils, turn off the heat, then add the ground coffee to the pan. You need to add about six tablespoons of coffee per liter of water. Return the pan to the heat, but do not let the coffee boil! When you find coffee grounds on the surface of the pan, turn off the heat and let the drink cool slightly and brew. During this time, the grounds should settle, so you should pour coffee with caution. It is best to strain it using a strainer. The coffee is now ready to drink.

In the coffee maker

Brew coffee in a coffee maker at home - the easiest and most convenient way. This method of preparing an invigorating drink will require a minimum of action from you. Although the design of coffee makers is approximately the same, before you start preparing a drink, you must carefully study the operating instructions for the device.

So, pour coffee into the filter, fill a special container with water, and then turn on the coffee maker. Your participation here is reduced to a minimum. Just wait for the coffee maker to do everything for you, after which you can immediately enjoy delicious and fresh homemade coffee.

You can learn more about the coffee brewing technology in the video below.

Coffee... Strong - like love, black - like night and sweet - like sin! And there is only one way to get rid of this temptation - drink it!

Millions of people around the world begin their day with a sacred meditation - the coffee ritual. In addition to coffee, it requires three indispensable attributes: a Turk - better than copper, a spoon - better than silver, and water... better than holy. No, of course, water, like a spoon, can be quite ordinary. But it’s not worth replacing a Turkish or Arabic cezve, even with the most convenient coffee machines. Not a single machine can convey the subtle taste of the East, which contains the spirit of the times, unshakable traditions and real coffee magic.

The most popular are three main varieties of coffee: highland Arabica, strong Robusta and aromatic Liberica. As for the quality of coffee, it is usually determined by three main parameters - the size and density of the grain, its aroma and adherence to technology. It is the methods of roasting, grinding and brewing coffee that determine whether it will be an ordinary drink or a true elixir of life that has no equal.

Arabic, Turkish, French coffee, coffee with cardamom, ginger, pepper, chocolate, milk or honey... All this is the art of preparing a drink from coffee beans, which has become part of the culture in many countries. From simple huts it has evolved into luxurious coffee shops with oriental interiors and cozy homes where no one can imagine life without this legal drug.

Making coffee: TOP 5 recipes

Recipe 1. Classic Arabic coffee on sand

The traditional Arabic method of brewing coffee is controversial. Some determine its authenticity by using special spices, while others insist that only coffee prepared on sand is worthy of the “Arabic” prefix. All coffee recipes have a right to life, but only a drink brewed using ancient technology can be called Arabic. We will try coffee, the recipe of which has been tested and approved by true connoisseurs who know a lot about the Arabic brewing method.

For 1 cup: a teaspoon of sugar, two teaspoons of finely ground coffee, a glass of water.

  1. Heat the empty cezve on hot sand, add freshly ground grains. Pour a teaspoon of sugar into the bottom of a hot dish (determine the exact amount according to taste).
  2. Slightly deepen the cezve into the sand and wait until the sugar begins to caramelize.
  3. When a light brown color appears, pour water into the vessel, just above half of it. Stirring with a long spoon, bring to a light boil.
  4. Remove the ladle from the hot sand and add freshly ground coffee. Mix everything again and add a large spoonful of cold water. This action will prevent the drink from boiling too quickly and the coffee will have time to saturate the taste. Return the cezve to the sand.
  5. There is no need to interfere further with the brewing process. But as the lush foam appears each time, it should be carefully removed with a spoon and transferred to a cup. This is one of the main secrets of delicious coffee.
  6. The next important point is not to let the coffee boil quickly. As soon as the uncontrollable foam tries to overflow over the edge of the cezve, the ladle must be immediately removed from the sand. This action can be carried out 3-4 times. If you need particularly strong coffee, you can add another spoonful of water and start brewing again.
  7. Pour the drink into a cup, keeping the sediment at the bottom of the vessel. Drink piping hot. This is another sign of ideal coffee prepared in oriental traditions.

The best spices for Arabic coffee are cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg. If you want to diversify the classic taste with a spicy flavor, you should add spices along with coffee.

Recipe 2. Turkish coffee

For 1 cup: two teaspoons of finely ground coffee beans, a teaspoon of granulated sugar, one hundred grams of water, a handful of salt.

  1. Start preparing coffee by heating a copper pot over the fire for 15-20 seconds. Warm the coffee only slightly so that it releases the aroma better (about a minute).
  2. Add sugar and pour cold water to a level just below the narrowest point on the neck of the vessel. Season the drink with a pinch of salt. Cook over low heat.
  3. Monitor the formation of foam throughout the entire coffee brewing process. When it starts to bubble slowly, you need to quickly remove the Turk from the heat and not allow the “cap” to collapse. It will block the outlet for coffee aromas, so the narrower the neck of the Turk, the better.
  4. When the foam “calms down”, the vessel can be returned to the hob. Repeat the process 2-3 times. For shallow Turks, end the number of repetitions at two.
  5. To make the sediment settle faster, you can lightly tap the ladle on the table, but this should not destroy the nut-colored foam that has formed on the surface.
  6. Pour the drink into a hot cup. Small particles and foam should get there along with the coffee. The latter in the east is a sign of properly prepared coffee. Her absence there is considered an insult to the guest.

Recipe 3. French coffee

For 1 cup: a teaspoon (with top) of ground coffee beans, a teaspoon of sugar, a teaspoon of Cocoa liqueur, whipped cream.

  1. Pour fresh coffee into the heated pot. According to the French version of the drink, it should not be too strong, but this is a matter of taste. The quantity of ground beans can be increased. Pour water over the coffee and place on the stove with the lowest heat possible.
  2. As soon as the surface of the drink begins to be covered with the first bubbles, add sugar and stir until the crystals dissolve.
  3. After a lush foam has formed, remove the coffee from the heat three times. Once brewing is complete, allow the coffee beans to settle to the bottom.
  4. Pour the coffee into a warm cup, pour in the cocoa liqueur. It can be replaced with a thin chocolate topping.
  5. Coffee, which is served in Paris “with a view of the Eiffel Tower,” is decorated with airy cream so that it just covers the foam on the coffee.

Recipe 4. Ice coffee "Eskimo"

For 1 cup: a tablespoon (topped) of ground coffee, a teaspoon (or to taste) of sugar, a glass of water, a few pieces of dark chocolate, 2 scoops of ice cream.

  1. Prepare coffee using the “Turkish” method from water, finely ground coffee and granulated sugar (how to brew is indicated above).
  2. Infuse the finished coffee a little, strain and cool completely.
  3. Melt dark chocolate bars using a steam bath. You should get 3-4 tablespoons of liquid chocolate.
  4. Pour the cold coffee into a cocktail glass and place ice cream balls (or 2-3 tablespoons) on top.
  5. Drizzle melted chocolate over the coffee cocktail.

Recipe 5. Coffee according to Lady Di’s original recipe

For 6 servings: 6 tbsp. spoons of coffee beans, 10 g of coffee extract, 100 g of coffee mousse, 4 lemon slices, a tablespoon each of sugar and rum.

  1. Grind the coffee beans using a coffee grinder. For this recipe, the grind should not be too fine.
  2. Pour coffee powder into a pot, add chilled water and place on hot sand.
  3. After foam has formed, without bringing the coffee to a boil, remove the Turk from the sand.
  4. Turn the coffee cups over and soak the edges in rum, then dip the cup in sugar grains.
  5. Carefully pour the drink into cups without touching the walls. Pour a little coffee extract into each and add a large spoonful of coffee mousse.
  6. Garnish coffee cups with thin lemon slices. They can be placed on top, or they can be carefully placed on the edge of the cup.

Coffee is a drink with a subtle, oriental soul. To reveal and experience the full depth of its aromas and tastes, coffee must be brewed as required by coffee traditions.

  1. The quality of the taste of the finished drink is influenced by the type of coffee. Coffee made from premium Arabica beans will have the best taste. The first and second varieties include some Robusta.
  2. Turkish coffee should be brewed very slowly over low heat. Gradual heating allows you to fully reveal the aroma of the drink.
  3. For Turkish coffee, it is better to use finely ground coffee. The grains should be ground immediately before cooking. Essential substances evaporate very quickly, and during long-term storage, coffee will lose all its charm - aroma.
  4. Water requirements: soft, without impurities, not boiled.
  5. A pinch of salt will help emphasize and consolidate the flavor notes.
  6. No matter how much sugar is criticized in natural coffee, it is a necessary component. Firstly, sugar does not allow water to boil quickly - added at the very beginning of brewing, it forms a syrup at the bottom, which conducts heat for a long time. Secondly, sugar promotes better foam formation, and thanks to it, it adheres more firmly to the surface.
  7. If you pour sugar into an empty pot and start making coffee by caramelizing the sugar, then the finished drink will have a slightly pleasant caramel tint. However, you need to be extremely careful with this “trick”, because... Sugar can be overcooked and burned.
  8. If, before pouring coffee into a cup, add a spoonful of cold water to the cup, or lightly tap the cezve on the table a couple of times, the caffeine will settle and will not get into the drink.
  9. You need to pour hot coffee into heated cups. This way it will cool more slowly and continue to reveal its flavor right in the cup.
  10. The same type of coffee will give different flavors if you add spicy spices: cardamom, anise, cinnamon, cloves, etc. The amount of seasoning is determined by taste, but you should not add more than the tip of the knife.

Deliciously prepared coffee- an indicator of the highest skill. The process cannot be underestimated, and fuss and haste are inappropriate here... After all, sometimes coffee is entrusted with the most important mission, in which it is salvation from loneliness, or the right reason for a meeting, or a mediator resolving disputes. Or perhaps he is simply a witness to life’s small celebrations or a participant in big victories. Who knows where and when coffee may decide our fate...

A cup of hot, freshly brewed coffee can invigorate even the cloudiest autumn-winter morning. Every year there are more and more connoisseurs of this invigorating drink. The reason is simple, because bean coffee is not only tasty, but also a very healthy drink. Suffice it to say that one cup of this drink a day can reduce the risk of cancer by 30%.

However, to fully develop the rich flavor of ground coffee beans, they must be brewed properly. For this, it is best to use a Turka - a traditional eastern vessel, the history of which goes back hundreds of years. We wrote about how to choose the right coffee pot.

In order for coffee beans to fully reveal their taste and aroma, it is enough to follow a number of simple recommendations.

How should the coffee grind be?

The finer the grind, the better. This way, the coffee will brew faster, and during the brewing process a dense foam cap will form on its surface, which will preserve not only all the flavor tones, but also the beneficial substances contained in abundance in this drink. Any modern coffee grinder is suitable for thoroughly grinding beans. You need to grind coffee immediately before brewing, since even short-term storage in ground form will lead to loss of taste and evaporation of the divine aroma.

How much water should I pour?

There should be enough water in the Turk. Ideally, it should reach the narrowest part of the vessel - the “neck”, but so that there is still a little space left for foam on top. Therefore, the Turk for brewing coffee needs to be selected in appropriate sizes based on the number of servings of the drink. It is better to use well or spring water, but simply filtered water will do, as long as it is cold.

In no case Do not pour cooled boiling water into the Turk– this will greatly spoil the taste of the coffee.

What fire to cook on

With rare exceptions, you need to prepare ground coffee over low heat, which will help avoid boiling water.

When to add salt and sugar

Avid coffee drinkers often debate whether to add sugar right away or add it after brewing. Perhaps there is no single correct answer here, and you can choose the optimal algorithm of action by trying both options. Some people believe that a small piece of refined sugar placed in a Turkish cup can make the taste of coffee fuller and reveal all its notes. Sugar slightly slows down the boiling process of water and forms a denser foam. Salt has a similar property; several crystals of it can be placed on the bottom of the Turk before putting the coffee on the fire.

When to remove from stove

“How long does it take to brew coffee?” - this is the most popular question asked by novice ground coffee lovers. The Turk should be removed from the heat when the first bubbles appear. They mean that the coffee is starting to boil, but this should not be allowed, as this will lead to the destruction of the essential oils that make this drink so aromatic.

Other nuances of making coffee at home

To ensure the rich taste of coffee, it must be stored in appropriate conditions - in airtight packaging in a dark place.

There is no need to exceed the standard rate, which is 1–2 tablespoons of ground coffee per 1 cup., since this will not greatly affect the degree of richness of taste, but will add bitterness.

During the brewing process, it is undesirable to allow foam to break through on the surface, since it is this that serves as a barrier to essential oils, which quickly evaporate upon contact with air, greatly impoverishing the aroma of the prepared drink.

Recipes for making Turkish coffee at home

There are a huge number of ways to brew Turkish coffee. Here are some of the most interesting.

Oriental coffee

The most common and affordable option for brewing coffee in a Turk. For this recipe you need:

  • 100 ml water;
  • teaspoon of coffee.

The main condition for properly brewed oriental coffee is that the drink should not be boiled. Therefore, you need to cook it over low heat. In Turkey and the countries of the Middle East, the Turk is generally not placed on an open fire, but use hot sand as a heating element. You can also reproduce these conditions at home. It is enough to take a deep cast iron frying pan, pour clean river sand into it, turn on low heat and bury the Turk in the sand, where it will slowly heat up.

In Turkish

One of the most popular recipes for brewing bean coffee. For 1 serving you will need:

  • 70 ml water;
  • a heaped teaspoon of coffee;
  • sugar to taste.

The Turk itself must be copper or silver. It is in such a container that you will get real oriental coffee.

Put coffee in the pot, add a few grains of salt or sugar if desired, mix thoroughly, add ice water and stir again. Put on fire, wait for foam to appear, remove from heat, wait 1 minute and bring to foam again. When cooking at home, the flame on the gas stove should be the smallest. Repeat steps 3-4 more times.

You can find other recipes for making Turkish coffee at.

In Arabic

For the Arabic version of brewing coffee, you will need the same ingredients as for the Turkish and Oriental brewing methods.

Put sugar in a Turk and fry it over the fire until dark. Add water, bring to a boil. At the moment of boiling, add coffee, bring to a boil, wait for the foam to settle and return to the stove again, bringing to a boil. Repeat these manipulations 2-3 times. You can add spices to brewed coffee.

In Brazilian

Brazil is a country with rich coffee traditions, so it is impossible to ignore this recipe. To prepare it for 1 serving you need:

  • 150 ml chilled water;
  • 10 g cocoa powder;
  • 15 g ground coffee;
  • cold cream;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • refined sugar to taste.

Boil the cocoa by stirring in 50 ml of water for several minutes over medium heat until the mass begins to thicken. Dilute the cocoa mass with the remaining water, add coffee, put on fire and cook until foam appears. Sprinkle the foam with salt, cover the pot and let the coffee brew for a while. Whip the cream and put it in the refrigerator. Bring the coffee to a boil over low heat again and pour into a cup. Place 3-4 tablespoons of cream on top. If desired, you can add a few drops of dark rum.


Add 40–50 g of heavy cream whipped with 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar to ½ cup of coffee brewed using any traditional method. You can add a little chocolate or vanilla crumbs to taste.


For the classic version you will need:

  • 125 ml water;
  • a third of a teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • a third of a teaspoon of granulated sugar;
  • a teaspoon of ground coffee.

Pour all ingredients into a Turk. Without adding water, heat over the fire for 3-4 minutes, add water. Of course, ideally it is better to brew such coffee over coals, but in the absence of this, a regular gas stove will do. After boiling, pour about a third of the volume into a pre-prepared cup and return the Turk to the fire. Repeat these steps until all the coffee is in the cup. Coffee prepared according to this recipe has a particularly rich aroma and a very dense foam head.

Information about the benefits and harms of coffee with cinnamon, as well as other interesting recipes, is in the following.

With honey, cardamom and chocolate

For 1 cup of aromatic coffee you need:

  • ½ teaspoon honey;
  • 2–3 boxes of cardamom;
  • 1 teaspoon coffee;
  • chocolate to taste.

Grind the chocolate on a fine grater. Pour coffee and cardamom seeds into the pot. Pour water, put the Turk on low heat. Remove the vessel from the stove when the foam rises. Pour coffee into a cup, add honey, stir gently. Spread the grated chocolate evenly over the surface of the drink.

With cognac

For 2 cups you will need:

  • 50 ml cognac;
  • 350 ml water;
  • 2 teaspoons coffee;
  • refined sugar to taste.

Pour coffee into a Turk and fill it with hot water. Bring to a boil, but do not boil. Pour hot coffee into cups, adding cognac in equal proportions. A great option to warm up a little on cold winter evenings.

You can find other recipes for coffee with cognac.

With liqueur

The liqueur goes well with coffee. For preparation, egg or cream liqueur with a strength of 20% is usually used, but if desired, you can add stronger varieties of this drink. The brewing process itself is no different from making coffee with cognac.

With foam: how to brew correctly?

Coffee foam is an indispensable attribute of this drink. To make the foam dense and rich, you need to bring the drink in the Turk several times to a boil over medium heat, removing from the heat when the foam rises. As soon as the foam begins to settle, the Turk must immediately return to gas. The more such cycles are performed, the stronger the coffee foam will be. You can add a little cinnamon or cardamom, this will add a pleasant tartness to the drink.

Delicious coffee with milk

Brew coffee using any method described above. Add boiled or steamed milk. The more milk there is in the cup, the more delicate the taste of the drink will be.
Natural coffee beans are a drink that is worth trying at least once in your life. Many recipes for its preparation will help you discover new facets of the taste and aroma of this invigorating drink each time.

Finally - video on how to make Turkish coffee correctly at home:

Coffee is a drink without which many cannot imagine their morning. You don’t have to go to a coffee shop to drink a cup of invigorating drink. The “Simply There” correspondent found out from barista Alena Averyanova how you can make aromatic coffee in your kitchen.

Coffee beans

When purchasing coffee beans, you need to study information about single varieties. The taste largely depends on the brand of coffee. Each trading company has its own methods of processing coffee, so the same single variety may taste slightly different.

Single-origin coffee is coffee from one plantation. If a coffee is called "Ethiopia", it means it is from Ethiopia. Sometimes the name may contain the names of plantations or the port of departure: “Ethiopia Sidamo”, “Ethiopia Harrar”, etc. You should not buy flavored varieties (“Vanilla”, “Cherry”, “Amaretto” and others). First, these flavors are not always individual. Secondly, why spoil the taste of natural coffee with additives? Thirdly, it is unknown what taste the drink will have in the end.

There are several types of roasting coffee beans:

  1. Light, or Scandinavian, roast: the beans have a light brown hue and a sour taste.
  2. The medium degree of roasting, Viennese, has a darker color and a fuller development of aroma.
  3. Strong roast, French, is perhaps the most popular in America and Europe. The grains are dark and oily, and the drink has a slight bitterness.
  4. The strongest degree of roasting is Italian. The beans are roasted at very high temperatures until they are almost black.

For cooking at home, it is better to choose medium roast beans. When coffee is dark roasted, the taste becomes bitter, it is not always possible to get a pleasant aftertaste, most of the beneficial substances and essential oils are burned. You will end up drinking a bitter drink. Often coffee is roasted heavily to hide some negative aspects. It is believed that high-quality grain will never be dark roasted.

An important aspect is the grinding of coffee. For each method of preparing coffee, the grind is selected based on the type of drink you want to get. Extraction depends on the fineness of grinding. Extraction is the interaction of coffee with water. The finer the grind, the more flavor substances will be released from the grain. But at the same time, fine grinding is only suitable for Turks. If you make finely ground coffee in a French press, it will simply clog and it will be difficult to get the drink itself.

There are several universal rules to remember when making coffee:

  1. Coffee should be poured into heated cups. Before making coffee, pour hot water into the cups, let them warm up, and when you are ready to pour the coffee, pour the water out of the cups and wipe with a clean, dry cloth.
  2. It is not recommended to use espresso blends, only pure single-origin varieties. Home methods are designed not to invent new tastes, but to reveal existing ones. But the choice of a specific monovarietal is purely a matter of your taste.
  3. Any coffee you make at home doesn't like three things: wet dishes, cold dishes and boiled water.


When preparing coffee, cold water is used. Initially, it was believed that Turkish coffee was prepared only on sand, but since we do not have the opportunity to cook in such conditions, we can use ordinary fire. There's nothing wrong with that, it doesn't change the taste. Take ordinary cold purified water, very finely ground coffee, 5-6 grams per serving. If you want the taste to be more intense – 8-9 grams per 100 ml of water. 100 ml is the average amount of coffee in your cup, prepared in a Turk. If you prepare coffee correctly, there will definitely be a thick sediment, similar to a viscous mass. The first thing you need to do when preparing coffee in a Turk is to first pour cold water over the Turk. Next, add a portion of coffee, sugar, and spices as desired into cold water. You should not let the coffee boil - as soon as a cap of foam begins to rise, you must immediately remove the Turk from the heat. If the coffee boils, the drink is spoiled and needs to be thrown out. It is served with foam. It is advisable to use small porcelain cups no larger than 100 ml. Approximate cooking time is 4-5 minutes, depending on the heat. The cost of Turks is on average from 400 to 3000 rubles. But if you wish, you can also find old, exclusive pieces for a higher price.

French press

It is considered the most popular and easiest method of brewing coffee at home. The French press is a glass flask installed in a glass holder. A piston is inserted into it, before cooking it is pulled out, the flask is heated with hot water, coarsely ground coffee is poured in (8-9 grams per 100 ml) and filled with hot water from 88 to 94 degrees. Coffee should be ground just before brewing, and the grind should be coarse to prevent particles from passing through the French press filter. Water must be filled to a level just below the fully raised piston. Stir the coffee quickly to improve the extraction process. Coffee releases carbon dioxide, which creates a fluffy cap on the surface. If this does not happen, then you got stale coffee. Now you need to cover the coffee pot with a lid with the piston raised up. After 4-5 minutes the piston needs to be lowered. The advantage of a French press is that the strength of the drink can be adjusted independently: the longer you brew, the stronger the coffee will be (the more contact of water with the coffee bean, the more caffeine there will be in the drink). The downside of this method is the presence of coffee particles in the cup, and also the fact that the drink tends to cool quickly in a French press if you leave it to brew longer. The cost of a French press depends on the quality of the material used and the volume - you can find a small teapot for 200 rubles and a large one for 2000.


One of the simplest methods of making coffee after the French press. It was invented relatively recently - in 2009. Very easy to use, small, you can even take it with you on a hike. Its operating principle is the piston method. This is a cylinder into which another cylinder, a paper filter and a perforated plug are inserted. Next, pour in 8-18 grams of finely ground coffee, add water at 88-94 degrees, and infuse the coffee. The advantage of the method: a pure drink without particles. It is important that the coffee is freshly ground and the dishes are hot. Preparing coffee in an AeroPress will take you about 3 minutes, its average cost is from 2,000 rubles.

Geyser coffee maker (Moka Express)

Moka is widely used in Europe, especially in its homeland, Italy, where it is a national symbol. The original Moka is made of aluminum with bakelite handles. The principle of operation is as follows: steam reaches high pressure and gradually displaces boiling water through a funnel and filter containing ground coffee. The water passes through the coffee powder and enters the upper reservoir, where the finished coffee is collected. The required amount of drinking water must be poured into the lower reservoir and covered with a metal filter. Then pour medium-ground coffee into the filter funnel at the rate of 9-12 grams per cup of coffee. Then screw on the top and put on low heat. After the water boils, the finished drink will begin to flow into the upper reservoir; after the end of the coffee flow, remove the coffee maker from the heat. Cooking time – 5-8 minutes. The price range of geyser coffee makers is from 700 to 5000 rubles.

Drip coffee maker (filter coffee maker)

It is especially popular in offices. Cold water is poured into a special glass container; the average volume of the tank is about 1 liter. Medium ground coffee (8-9 grams per 100 ml) is poured into a cone filter. The lid closes, the coffee maker turns on - the water heats up, rises through a special tube, falls into the filter with coffee, and brews it. Then the finished drink drips into the coffee pot. When the water in the reservoir runs out, the coffee maker automatically switches to the drink heating mode. There is a heating pad under the coffee pot, which allows the coffee in the pot to cool down very slowly. The average price of a drip home (or office coffee maker) is from 1000 to 5000 rubles. Depending on the type of coffee maker and the volume of water, preparing coffee will take on average from 5 to 15 minutes.


This method of making coffee was invented in 1941 by the Americans. The Chemex was popular more because of its design: a chemical flask with a large funnel. Usually, at the narrowest point of the Chemex, either a wooden or rubber nozzle is made to make it convenient to grip. The Chemex must be made of thick heat-resistant glass so that nothing cracks upon contact with hot water. Before you start preparing the drink, you need to make sure that the water is between 88 and 94°C. This temperature is necessary to ensure that the coffee does not burn. A special paper filter is taken, placed in a heated flask, doused with hot water - it is necessary that the filter be moistened so that it can stick to the flask and air does not penetrate into it. Then the water is drained, since it has already cooled down, and coffee does not like cold water. Medium grind coffee is poured on top - an average of 25 grams of coffee is used per 360 ml. Next, water is poured in - it needs to be poured slowly from the edge to the center. You must first pour 30-60 ml of water and wait 30-60 seconds for the coffee to open and come into contact with oxygen, and then slowly pour in the rest of the water in a thin stream. If you pour coffee in a thick stream at once, the water will be distributed unevenly throughout the coffee and it will not brew properly. It is better not to use bitter varieties for Chemex; this is one of the methods where the drink turns out to be sweetish. You need to select grains based on your taste preferences. The coffee takes about 4 minutes to prepare. The issue price is from 2000 to 6000 rubles.


A method similar to the Chemex brewing method. The difference is that when a filter is inserted into a Chemex, it must fit snugly into the flask, whereas a pour-over has small raised grooves in the funnel into which the filter is inserted. When the filter is inserted, you need to pour water on top and make sure that it fits only along the grooves and that there is oxygen access inside. A pourover is a regular funnel into which a filter is inserted. You can put it in a cup or a teapot at once - wherever is convenient for you. Add 8-9 grams of medium-ground coffee per 100 grams of water. Another difference between a pour-over and a Chemex is that it is smaller and more compact, so you can put it anywhere and take it with you. In 4-5 minutes your coffee is ready. The price of a pourover is up to 2000 rubles.


The most spectacular cooking method. The siphon is very similar to a chemist's apparatus for laboratory work. A tripod and flask are installed, a water container is placed on the flask, an alcohol lamp is placed underneath, water is poured into the flask from below, a paper filter is installed on top, and coffee is poured into it. The alcohol lamp is set on fire, and it begins to heat the flask. The water evaporates, penetrates the upper filter, the coffee begins to get wet and then gradually flows down into the same flask where the water was. The siphon was often installed in bars and cooked right at the guest’s table. Coffee is prepared in a siphon for about 5 minutes. Like the Chemex, 360 ml requires 25 grams of medium-ground coffee.

If you have certain equipment at home, you can prepare espresso. Now you can buy home ones, they even came up with manual espresso machines, pocket ones. They run on gas cartridges.

How about a cup of instant coffee?

Instant coffee contains no more than 15% coffee itself. The rest is flavoring additives, preservatives, dyes, oxidizing agents, etc. There is absolutely nothing healthy in this coffee, but rather the opposite. Instant coffee is often the cause of stomach ulcers, gastritis and cellulite. Instant coffee contains a very harmful substance – benzopyrene resin. This resin is an oxidizing agent and it has a strong effect on the body.

As for drinking natural coffee, in moderate quantities it does not harm, but benefits a healthy person. The only contraindication is high blood pressure. A harmless amount of coffee for the body is a cup or two a day.

What kind of milk makes homemade coffee even tastier and healthier?

It is best to use ultra-pasteurized milk - it is closer in taste to natural milk, unlike sterilized milk. The latter has a boiled taste, and if boiled milk, which has a strong characteristic odor, is combined with coffee, a bright aftertaste is obtained that will overpower the taste of coffee.

Fat content may depend on a person's taste preferences. Of course, it is not advisable to take very rich milk, because coffee already contains essential oils. 3-3.5% fat is the best option. If you are on a diet, then 0% is fine.

Some people try to add homemade milk to their coffee. Here the taste of your coffee with milk will directly depend on what the cow ate. And again, this milk already has a pronounced taste, which can overwhelm the taste of your drink.

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