Correct installation of ventilation in a private house. Natural ventilation in a private house: our advice. Principles of exhaust ventilation in a private home and video instructions for installing the hood

A supply of fresh air is needed to ensure healthy conditions accommodation, good maintenance of plants and high-quality functioning of technical systems. At the same time, it is necessary to remove various harmful impurities. Do-it-yourself productivity in a private home will help you solve these problems in a complex. Diagram, calculations, installation methods - all this is in today's review.

A good ventilation system is an essential element of the engineering equipment of a modern private home.

Read in the article

Installation of a ventilation system in a private house: general parameters and requirements

Modern buildings are created with improved airtightness and. This improves economic performance during operation, but blocks the access of fresh air. This example explains the need for an integrated approach when considering the functionality of engineering systems.

The following features should also be noted to correctly formulate the requirements for a good ventilation design for a private home:

  • The composition of the indoor atmosphere can be affected by the condition of the air outside and the presence of sources of harmful and unpleasant impurities in the property itself.
  • Ventilation control methods are essential.
  • It is possible that contaminants from products may enter the air household chemicals, finishing and building materials.
  • To calculate the ventilation device in a private house, you can use the method of taking into account maximum permissible concentrations of impurities, or indicators of normal air exchange.
  • We must not forget about the different needs in and on, in training room And .
  • , and other equipment actively consume oxygen.
  • Individual needs must be taken into account physiological characteristics and user preferences. Particular attention should be paid in the presence of allergic reactions.

It should be emphasized that current domestic and foreign regulations, industry and sanitary and hygienic standards contain contradictory data. The above information explains the actual complexity of the task. Too many factors influence indoor air parameters. In addition to objective indicators, individual preferences will have to be taken into account.

For your information! For residential premises, the total exchange rate is calculated using the proportion of 30 cubic meters. m. per hour per person. Below are adjustment data for different rooms and special operating conditions.

That is why, when performing calculations for installing ventilation in a private home, experienced specialists make a sufficient margin for performance. It helps make the necessary corrections during peak loads.

Types of ventilation systems

The supply of fresh air to the premises is constantly organized. Only the intensity of the corresponding operations changes. This means that the most convenient and economical system is one that performs its functions without close monitoring and power consumption. On the other hand, the use of forced mechanisms simplifies the ventilation of rooms.

Advantages and disadvantages of natural ventilation in a private house

This simplified diagram of natural ventilation in a private house shows the main parts of the engineering structure. Here there are holes in the walls through which air from the street comes in. Paths have been created for the free movement of flows between rooms.

To ensure air exchange according to the above standard (30 cubic meters per person per hour), it is enough to install a supply and outlet pipe with a diameter of 150 mm or more. The height of the vertical part is made from 300 cm or more. This typical example can be used for calculations taking into account the architectural features of the property.

Important Notes:

  • The same length of vertical pipes will allow equalization.
  • The efficiency of the system is reduced by: branches, horizontal sections, changes in cross-section.
  • For ease of construction, ducts from rooms on different floors are combined into a single ventilation shaft, or mounted side by side.

Filter elements are installed in some input channels to retain dust and other mechanical impurities. Such parts can significantly reduce system performance.

For your information! The height of ventilation pipes is not regulated by SNiP. However, in practice, chimney standards can be applied. If you follow the above rules, obstacles to the free movement of air in the desired direction will be minimized with different wind directions and strengths.

Why do you need a forced ventilation system in a private house?

In the systems discussed above, air moves due to different atmospheric pressure at different altitudes, when heated, under the influence of gusts of wind. The main advantage of these techniques is energy independence. However, they are all overly susceptible to all sorts of external factors. The task becomes more difficult as the height of the channels increases.

To ensure the required performance under any conditions, impellers with electric drives of various types are used.

This figure shows the centralized equipment of the facility. Here, one power unit is used, which provides air supply and outlet. When installing sensors and control devices, the ventilation performance of individual rooms is changed. When combined with, they solve the problem of maintaining comfortable temperature conditions.

air handling unit

What schemes are used to organize effective ventilation in a private home?

In practice, various combinations of natural and forced methods are used. To clarify the requirements of the technical specifications, it is necessary to study in detail the standard design solutions.

Supply ventilation in a private house: principle of operation

Using this kit, you can provide a dosed supply of purified air into the room:

  • To protect against the penetration of insects and leaves, there is a removable grille (1).
  • Air movement is provided by electric (2). The rotor speed of this model is adjusted by switch (5) in steps.
  • The liner (3) made of porous material retains small mechanical impurities.
  • The internal grille (4) performs decorative functions.
  • The sliding design of the pipe (6) ensures precise installation taking into account a certain wall thickness.

In such devices, multi-stage speed regulators, fine filters, and heaters are installed. Built-in electronics allow you to set custom operating modes based on time and temperature. Operation is simplified using remote controls.

Modern systems combined with intelligent control and management complexes of the category " smart House" This simplifies the optimization of equipment operation and allows you to organize remote remote control equipment via the network.

Features of exhaust ventilation in a private house

This system is needed to effectively remove exhaust and polluted air from premises. With its help, gas combustion products are removed from the atmosphere of residential real estate during operation and.

Using this example, you can explore the solution to a typical problem in a separate function block. This system removes moist air from the bathroom and odors from the toilet using forced ventilation. Electric drives are connected to power separately. Installed in the toilet. It turns off the fan automatically at the desired time interval after turning off the lights in the room. The reverse movement of air is blocked by two. Contaminants are discharged out through a common shaft.

In this option, you should not increase the length of the side channels excessively and use several turns. This will increase the resistance, so a more powerful fan will be needed.

For your information! In such systems, significant temperature differences occur over a small section of the route. This stimulates the appearance of moisture on internal surfaces. To prevent condensation from penetrating indoors, you should make a slight slope towards the street for free drainage.

On a three-dimensional model it is easier than on a flat drawing to study the relative position of engineering systems, decorative and functional elements of a house. This approach minimizes errors. In particular, for better ventilation, the supply and exhaust are installed diagonally in the room. Space is cleared around the ventilation holes so as not to create artificial obstacles to the movement of air.

Expanded possibilities for high-quality supply and exhaust ventilation in a private home

As the name suggests, this system provides fresh air in and exhaust air out. An integrated approach allows for economical use of energy resources and consistent implementation of assigned tasks.

The principle of operation of this technique is clear from the figure. The heat exchanger combines two channels (exhaust and supply) without mixing. This solution helps to preheat/cool air without using additional energy sources.

air handling unit with recuperator

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Helps ensure adequate access to fresh air. This article discusses the principles of operation, factory models, technology for manufacturing and installing equipment in-house.

Below are others important facts worthy of attention:

  • It is quite acceptable to use several dependent and autonomous systems in one object. The example above shows that it is better to equip the house attached to it with separate ventilation.
  • In some rooms it is more convenient to install individual sets of equipment. The breather can be installed in an hour. It does not need to be connected to the central ventilation duct. All work is carried out without making changes to the decoration of the room.
  • When assessing the noise level of duct installations, experienced specialists recommend taking measurements in the area of ​​the inlet and outlet openings, near units equipped with electric drives. Manufacturers indicate acoustic power or sound pressure in the accompanying documentation. For comparison, you need to take the same parameters.
  • The power of standard heating elements exceeds 3 kW. This allows you to quickly raise the temperature at any time of the year. But you need to make sure that the wiring and other network components are designed to handle the appropriate loads. If necessary, install a liquid heat exchanger.
  • The automation parameters must be checked carefully. You should make sure that the remote control is easy to use and the settings are simple. In addition to the standard change in rotation speed, the ability to set an individual time schedule will be useful. At night, for example, reduce the temperature and ventilation intensity.
  • It will be useful to save user settings in memory. Maintenance is simplified if there is a differential pressure sensor. This device measures pressure changes before and after the filter. An increasing difference in readings will indicate excessive contamination. In cheap modifications, time-based alarms are installed, which do not provide high accuracy of control.
  • Self-diagnosis using software and electronic tools will help you find out about equipment problems in a timely manner. Additional convenience provides user notification with forwarding messages to a smartphone, or other mobile device, desktop computer.
  • In serial equipment for household use, G4 filters are installed, which are capable of removing poplar fluff, bird feathers, and other large impurities. If necessary, elements with small channels are installed instead or sequentially. Retention of particles smaller than one micrometer is acceptable. It must be remembered that such modernization will increase the load on ventilation units.

When developing project documentation, it is necessary to separately study the issues of future operation. Ventilation equipment will have to be serviced. It is necessary to exclude situations when, in order to inspect and perform routine maintenance, parts of decorative finishing and building structures have to be dismantled. For this reason, it is more convenient to place fans, filters and other system components in a special technological room. This solution will simplify the creation of effective noise insulation of the ventilation unit.

What to consider when equipping individual rooms

During the distribution of flows, it is necessary to ensure the initial penetration of air from the street into the living room, bedroom, and other living rooms. From there, he is sent to the technical rooms, to the storerooms. This solution will create excess pressure in places of permanent residence, which will prevent unpleasant odors and other contaminants from entering there.

For your information! According to current standards, “permanently occupied” rooms are rooms in which people stay for more than 6 hours in one day or for at least 2 hours continuously.

Ventilation in the kitchen in a private house: a rational solution to complex problems

In this room the temperature varies over a wide range. The cooking process is accompanied by the appearance of odors and atmospheric pollution with hazardous and persistent impurities. It is necessary to take into account not only the intensity, but also the high frequency of various negative impacts.

It is also necessary to remember the peculiarities of working with kitchen appliances. If installed, an air exchange of at least 60 cubic meters should be ensured. per person per hour. When installing a gas stove, this standard is increased by 50% (up to 90 cubic meters).

infiltration supply valve

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You can ensure a healthy atmosphere different ways. If you install a supply valve into the wall, the problem will be solved quickly. In a special publication we will look at how to choose and install it correctly.

For your information! The minimum distance from the hood body to the gas/electric stove must be at least 65/75 cm, respectively.

Principles of coordinated operation of the two systems:

  • Rice. "A". Initially, the design of the house provided only natural ventilation using an opening (2). It can be seen that part (1) will reduce the cross-section of the common channel (3) after installation.
  • In Fig. “B” shows the work (5), which is installed behind the decorative grille (4). When the hood fan is turned on, it closes, blocking the air flow in the opposite direction.
  • The following figure “C” shows how natural ventilation works.

Table hoods lower into the cabinet furniture when turned off. They can be connected to ventilation shafts according to a standard diagram, from above. But if necessary, the corresponding channels are created in . The latter option involves significant changes in architectural designs. It is used in the construction of houses and during major renovations.

kitchen hoods

To maintain high performance, the following details must be taken into account when designing the hood connection:

  • Corrugated pipes are not difficult to work with. But these products create greater resistance to air flow compared to smooth channel walls.
  • The cross-section of the air duct is selected in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. It should not be less than the specified value.
  • When laying the route, it is necessary to prevent flattening of flexible pipes and other significant deformations. The number of turns should be minimized.

An approximate calculation of the required hood performance can be made using the formula P = (L x W x H) x 12 x 1.25, Where

  • P– the maximum amount of air removed from the room per hour in cubic meters;
  • D,Sh And IN– length, width and height of the room in meters;
  • 12 – standard correction factor;
  • 1,25 – additional power reserve, which is useful for quickly removing fumes from burnt food.

This operation can be performed safely by using steam over boiling water. Special detergents are also used. To remind you of routine procedures, hoods are equipped with electronic timers with sound and light alarms.

Here the hood is supplemented with air conditioning. This technique is more expensive than standard models. But it is capable of maintaining a user-specified temperature in the room.

Such equipment performs the functions of a filter. With its help, pollution is retained. As a rule, additional elements with carbon fillers are used. These sorption technologies help remove the smallest impurities and unpleasant odors. However, in any case, it is necessary to ensure work. In this embodiment, an existing shaft is used. To increase productivity, forced mechanisms are installed in the input (exhaust) tract.

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To find out, you need to supplement with deep thematic knowledge. This article contains information that will help you make a comprehensive analysis and make the right decision about purchasing a specific product.

How to create good ventilation in the toilet and bathroom

To calculate the needs of these parts of the property, the following air exchange standards in cubic meters are used. in an hour:

  • 25 – for each individual room;
  • 50 – for a combined bathroom.

Insufficient ventilation in the bathroom in a private house contributes to the appearance of mold and fungal colonies. Besides the unsightly appearance the composition of the atmosphere will deteriorate. Some microorganisms provoke the occurrence of diseases dangerous to health, so appropriate preventive measures can be called mandatory. Of course, we must not forget about peeling paint and damage to other decorative coatings, and the intensification of destructive corrosion processes.

Air can be supplied here from living rooms and corridors. If there are not enough existing cracks, through holes with plastic inserts are made in the door panels.

supply valve for windows

Natural ventilation is not sufficient for such premises. Therefore, more productive compulsory systems are used. The choice of fan is made taking into account individual conditions. The above are the minimum regulatory requirements. They will not be enough if you shower frequently and there are many people living in the house. As in the case of the kitchen, it is better to install a sufficient power reserve here.

For your information! For an approximate calculation, you can use the above formula with the coefficient “5” instead of “12”.

The walls are reinforced with a piece of plastic pipe. The installation location is chosen at a distance from plumbing fixtures in order to prevent accidental splashes on the body of the equipment.

When choosing equipment, you need to pay attention to the features of modern models:

  • The grille and body made of durable polymers are not damaged in conditions of high humidity or temperature changes.
  • Aerodynamic impeller with big amount The blades create a strong air flow at relatively low speeds, with minimal noise.
  • Vibrations from the electric drive are effectively dampened by damping inserts.
  • The rotor supports on ball bearings are designed for long-term intensive use.
  • Good tightness of the joints of individual parts prevents moisture from penetrating inside.
  • Light weight makes installation easier.
  • Some models are additionally, or as standard, equipped with check valves.

For your information! When choosing a fan for a small room, pay special attention to the noise level. A value of 35 dB and below can be called quite acceptable. If the manufacturer specified less than 25 dB, the sound of the operating electric drive will not be heard at a distance of several meters.

exhaust fan for toilet

Special ventilation in the basement of a private house: reliable protection against mold and dampness

The requirements for the system design are formulated taking into account the intended purpose of the premises in this part of the building. With an area of ​​up to 40-50 sq. m. In a low-rise building, it is enough to install natural ventilation.

This figure can be used to explain the main parameters of the system:

  • The entrance hole is covered with a grill to prevent rodents from entering.
  • The opening of the supply pipe in the basement is mounted at a distance of 20-30 cm from the floor level.
  • The hood is installed diagonally. The pipe entrance is 20 cm below the ceiling.
  • A plug is used to block the channel in winter, preventing the penetration of cold air.
  • An “umbrella” on the roof protects against precipitation from entering the system.

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In the review we will talk about how the air circulation diagram in such rooms should be arranged, as well as what types there are. After all, in a garage it is necessary not only to remove gases, but also to maintain humidity at the required level - its excess reduces the service life of the car.

The examples given are suitable for organizing suitable conditions in the lower part of the building for storing vegetables, canned goods, gardening tools, and consumables.

In this case, standard standards for living rooms are used to calculate the system and individual parts. They make additional supplies for the gym, shower room, and kitchen unit. Productivity is increased with forced ventilation.

Important! To figure out how to make ventilation in the basement of a private house, you need to create a list of requirements in advance, taking into account the characteristics of individual rooms. The mode of their operation also matters.

Mandatory requirements for boiler room ventilation

The parameters of the ventilation system when installing gas equipment are precisely established by the current ones building codes and rules:

  • The minimum supply capacity is determined by the characteristics of the boiler. The cross-sectional area of ​​the input channel is normalized (in cm2 per 1 kW of heating equipment power):
  1. 8 or more if the inflow is made directly from the street;
  2. more than 30 when air comes from adjacent rooms.
  • The exit hole is made on the ceiling. It is connected to the central ventilation shaft of the house.
  • In addition to the main one, it is necessary to install a second channel (25-30 cm lower) for routine inspections and removal of contaminants.
  • The volume of the room is made no less than 7.5 cubic meters. with a total power of heating equipment up to 30 kW.

For your information! A heated attic in a private house is ventilated using the usual standards for residential premises.

How does the ventilation of the sewerage system perform its functions in a private house?

The diagram of sewer ventilation in a private house shows that the number of outlet channels is determined by the design features of the sewer system. Here one pipe is installed in front. The second is in the far part of the infiltrator.

If it is not possible to install ventilation ducts on all risers, only the far part is connected to the roof outlet. The deflector increases the efficiency of removing contaminated air.

In this figure the following parts are indicated by numbers:

  • (1) connected to heating equipment;
  • “backlash channel” (2);
  • wooden (3) and cast iron (4) cover;
  • outlet section of the ventilation system (5);
  • brickwork (6);
  • clay castle (7), preventing the penetration of contaminants into the soil.

Base ventilation: important nuances

If this part of the building is not in use due to small height, or for other reasons, appropriate protective measures are necessary. Organizing good ventilation in a private house without a basement prevents damage to wooden parts of structures by rotting processes and the appearance of fungal spores that are dangerous to humans.

For your information! Installation of ventilation for the basement floor of a private house is necessary for the timely removal of radon. This radioactive gas is not detectable by human senses.

Normalizing the humidity level in the pool using efficient ventilation

This information will help you formulate the correct ventilation requirements for the relevant premises:

  • Experts recommend not increasing the water content in the atmosphere above 14 g per kg of air.
  • The normal range of relative humidity is 40 to 655.
  • If the surface temperature is below the dew point, intense condensation occurs. Such processes, in particular, can be observed on the outer walls of air duct pipes.
  • To prevent drafts and the respiratory diseases caused by them, the speed of air flow should not exceed 0.15 m per second.
  • Increasing the pressure in the room (special adjustment of inlet and outlet) will prevent chlorine chemical compounds from entering other rooms. If this pressure is set to more than 15-25 Pa, obstacles may arise when opening the doors.

How to make ventilation in a private house: preparation of calculations, design documentation

When calculating ventilation in a private house, professionals determine the following important parameters:

  • Air exchange system capacity in cubic meters. in an hour. It is determined for each functional room separately, based on current standards and operating characteristics.
  • The characteristics of the individual components of the air distribution network are further clarified:
  1. channel sizes;
  2. dimensions of distribution devices;
  3. resistance to air movement;
  4. power ;
  5. consumed electrical energy.
  • The data obtained is used to select a suitable air handling unit.

For your information! In order not to have to figure out how to properly install ventilation in a private home, you can use the help of experienced specialists. When purchasing equipment, such services are provided free of charge by specialized stores.

The materials posted in this article will help you understand how to make a hood in a private home yourself. It should be noted that in any case, personal preferences are of decisive importance. For a demanding user, the volumes of fresh air specified in building regulations may not be enough.

Do-it-yourself ventilation schemes in a private house: overview of standard solutions

Creating high-quality ventilation in a private house with your own hands

Such supply and exhaust ventilation can be created with your own hands. But to implement large-scale plans, you will have to study design issues at a professional level. You will need knowledge on how to properly set up the joint operation of all engineering systems in the house.

Proper distribution of labor and other resources will help solve difficult problems without errors. The execution of individual works and the most complex stages can be entrusted to specialized specialists. Some parts of the supply ventilation can be installed with your own hands without the help of assistants.

Proper solution of individual tasks during system installation

The installation of channels should not violate the tightness of the layers. Damage to wiring, water and gas supplies should be avoided. In order not to disrupt hidden communications, precise plans and step-by-step photographs of construction processes are used. Necessary materials should be prepared in advance. Similar precautions will come in handy when installing underfloor ventilation in a private home. If possible, routes are installed under removable suspended ceiling panels. Dismantling wooden cladding will also not be overly difficult.

roof deflector

How to choose pipes and other components of the ventilation system without mistakes

With the help of such parts, a route with a complex configuration can be created quickly, without errors.

Various devices are used to clean the incoming air from contaminants. In addition to mechanical (mesh and volumetric), you can install photocatalytic, carbon and other types of filters. Some of them perform their functions efficiently, but do not increase air flow resistance.

Such products can be used if they are suitable in diameter. Products in this category (gray) are intended for indoor installation. Excessive heating (above +60°C) and strong mechanical stress should be prevented.

Step-by-step installation with comments

How to make ventilation in a house using specialized components is described in the following table:

Photo Work operations, explanations, comments

It is convenient to use the system for work. The specially reduced height helps save space.

Such products are installed in horizontal and vertical positions.

Manufacturers' assortment includes air ducts with different channels: round (diameter - 100; 125; 150 mm); rectangular (dimensions - 60 x 120; 60 x 204 mm).

Fast and accurate installation is ensured by matching the dimensions of the joined parts and a large number of various additional elements. Lightweight products are not difficult to handle in hard-to-reach places or at heights. They are connected into a single structure without special tools. They are cut to the required size by hand with a wood blade.

Before installation work, it is necessary to prepare design documentation. In accordance with the drawings, holes are made in certain places in the building structures.

Next, select the necessary fittings.


This product makes the transition from a rectangular section of the channel to a round pipe.

Such bends are used to change the route in different planes.

To speed up the assembly of ventilation in the house with your own hands, functional modules from several elements are connected in advance.

Such blanks are mounted in the right places. Special fasteners are used to fix vertical and horizontal sections. This entrance hole is located taking into account that plasterboard sheathing with a decorative grille will be installed on top.

To speed up work operations, cutting to size is done using . But the use of hand tools is quite acceptable.

Connections are strengthened.

For your information! Installation of ventilation in a private house is often accompanied by drilling holes in the external walls to create supply channels. These complex operations are performed using diamond tips. To cool them, water is supplied to the working area, which flows down along with the debris, forming unpleasant spots. This procedure must be planned before finishing to prevent additional costs for restoring the flawless appearance of the facade.

Features of professional installation of ventilation in a private house: prices, scope of work, control operations

Installation and other work operations Cost of service, rub.
Design based on 1 sq. m. premises area55-70
Installation of flexible/rigid channels (per 1 sq. m.)99-120/300-850
Installation with a capacity of up to 2 thousand cubic meters. at one o'clock8000-35000
Installation of duct/roof fan4000-7000/3500-5000
Installation and configuration of an automation cabinet5000-10000
Departure of specialists for technical maintenance3000-6000

A correctly selected do-it-yourself ventilation scheme in a private scrapyard is a reliable basis for future success. Careful preparation will allow you to choose the best option for a specific structure and specific needs. An objective assessment of your own financial capabilities and installation skills will be useful. If necessary, specialized specialists can be involved to perform individual operations. You should carefully study technical innovations, modern materials so as not to miss out on current advantages in the relevant market segment.

In the comments to the article - ask questions on this topic, share your experience. For a successful solution complex tasks professional advice and knowledge about the practical implementation of similar projects will be useful.

As you know, a comfortable microclimate in a house largely depends on the efficiency of the ventilation system. We study the problem based on the experience of others.

We believe that FORUMHOUSE users will agree with the statement that a competent approach to the ventilation system is as follows - first of all, it is necessary to calculate the air exchange, then, based on this data, select the required cross-section of air ducts. And only after this can you draw up a ventilation scheme for the cottage and determine the installation location of the ventilation equipment.

Types and features

According to the user our portal (nickname on the forumpetrovk, Moscow) ventilation in the house can be divided into three types:

  • Natural;
  • Inflow, or as it is also called, mechanical;
  • Supply and exhaust unit with heat recovery.


– When designing a ventilation system, you need to be guided by the following principle The air in the house should be completely renewed within 1 hour. For my frame house of 200 m2, I settled on a flow-exhaust installation with heat recovery. The installation is selected based on the number of cubic meters of air in the house, I have 600, I took the installation for 700 cubic meters.

It should be remembered that a comfortable environment in the house is created not only due to the supply of fresh air, but also due to the speed of air flow. Supply and exhaust ventilation, due to the presence of a fan in it, creates a greater air flow than natural ventilation.

When mechanical ventilation is operating, the air movement speed in the ventilation system is on average 3-5 m3/hour, and with natural ventilation it is about 1m3/hour. Let's try to figure out whether natural ventilation creates a more comfortable environment in the house. This question is not as simple as it seems. After all, in order to pass the same volume of air through the mechanical and natural ventilation systems, a different cross-section of the ventilation duct is required. This means that the installation of natural ventilation will entail an increase in the cross-section of the channel, which is not always possible from a technical or aesthetic point of view.

With any type of ventilation - regardless of whether it is natural or mechanical - it is necessary to ensure unhindered air movement throughout the house.

One option is to install doors with a cross-flow grille in the rooms or leave a small gap between the door and the floor. To properly organize the flow of air, it is necessary that the air be taken in in the cleanest room, the living room or bedroom, and taken out in the kitchen or bathroom.

In the kitchen, above the stove, the hood should run through a separate channel. If the hood is forced, then the kitchen and bathroom can be combined with one ventilation duct. The diameter from inlet to outlet should not decrease. Due to the specific nature of the kitchen hood, the air duct from it must be round, galvanized and vertical, without elbows. Do not use corrugated, aluminum or plastic ductwork.

Consultant of our forumElena Gorbunova(nickname on the forum Matilda ):

– Natural ventilation works when there is a pressure difference between the inlet and outlet. The entrance is an exhaust valve; it is placed in the ceiling of the room or in the wall under the ceiling. The exit is the top of the pipe. The drop starts from 10 meters. The pressure difference also depends on the temperature difference. It is better in winter and worse in summer.

Natural inflow is made over heating appliances, which are usually located under the windows. Or two meters above the floor.

The question often arises,

Is it possible to combine the ventilation ducts of the kitchen, bathroom and boiler room into a single system, then install a duct fan, and take everything out through the roof with one pipe.

User of our forum Vladimir(nickname on the forum Careless Angel ) believes that:

– Under no circumstances should you combine the exhaust hood with the sewer, then the whole house will smell like a toilet, regardless of whether the air duct is installed before or after the fan.

Also great importance It also has the material from which the ventilation ducts for a private home are made. One of the best options is the use of spiral-wound galvanized air ducts. But during self-installation, developers massively use ventilation ducts made from a sewer pipe with a diameter of 110 mm.

Matilda :

Sewage pipes cannot be used. In general, plastic cannot be used for air ducts, unless these are special antistatic pipes. In this case, dust will stick to the walls. Besides sewer pipes have a small diameter. And the draft directly depends on the diameter of the air duct and the height difference. The difference in the cottages is quite small - this is not a high-rise building. This means that with a small diameter, there will be practically no traction, especially in summer. And if you install a fan, the sewer pipes will make a very unpleasant sound when the air moves.

Air ducts for ventilation for private homes - requirements and features

In order for the ventilation system to work with maximum efficiency, it is necessary that the inner surface of the air duct provides minimal resistance to air movement. Let's see how to choose the right one V air ducts for ventilation of your home.

Matilda :

- The main task
ducting is to allow air to move freely from the point of air intake to the point of its exit. And be safe from an environmental and fire safety point of view. Any loss of pressure greatly affects or eliminates air exchange during natural ventilation. Pressure losses arise from the uneven surface of the air duct, in horizontal sections, in elbows, tees, etc. With a rectangular duct shape, losses are higher than with a round one, and dust accumulates in them well.

Flexible - corrugated air duct has the greatest air resistance. And it is best used when it is necessary to make a turn or attach a kitchen hood to the ventilation duct.

Very often, developers, for various reasons, do not want to install the outlet through the roof, preferring to install the ventilation duct through the wall. It is not right.

Matilda :

Never, under any circumstances, vent through a wall. You'll ruin the façade.

Within a couple of years there will be a visible stain on the wall around the exit.
And thus, it is also pointless to remove natural ventilation, since there will be absolutely no difference in height, and, accordingly, pressure.

If, with a forced ventilation system, all air ducts are connected by elbows and adapters to one vertical duct, then it is recommended to install an E190P fan on the roof.

To control this fan, a thyristor speed controller is placed in a convenient place. And the air ducts themselves are taken with a diameter of 125 mm.

At FORUMHOUSE you will find an article about, a lot useful information, fascinating discussionchoice And after reading our video, youyou can clearly see how A complex approach to the ventilation device, allows you not only to provide the house with fresh air, but also to save money.

Ventilation installation is an important procedure when building a house. The circulation of fresh air in the premises of the house is necessary to prevent the appearance of dampness and mold, which not only harm the structure itself, but also have a detrimental effect on human health.

Types of ventilation in a private house

There are three options for air circulation in the premises of the house:

  • Natural type of ventilation. Air moves from the house to the street. Special channels through which air is directed help circulate air masses due to pressure.
  • Forced type of ventilation or supply and exhaust system. It is an auxiliary air exhaust system. Produced using a special design for air exchange.
  • Mixed type of ventilation. Natural ventilation is used in conjunction with forced ventilation.

Each type of ventilation has both pros and cons. For example, if the area of ​​residence is quite environmentally friendly, then installing a forced system is not necessary; residents of the house already have access to clean air. The filters built into the system will only prevent the aromas of nature from entering the house.

But if the home is located in an area where environment leaves much to be desired, then air filtration must be present in the room. But installing ventilation requires careful planning and calculation.

How to make ventilation with your own hands

The most ideal option is to consider the issue of ventilation when planning the construction of a house. Supply ventilation must be thought out to the smallest detail.

It is necessary to take into account the basic input data of the object:

  • Location of the house;
  • Materials from which the house is built;
  • Environment.

Only taking into account all of the above can you make a choice in favor of one option or another.

The natural method of ventilation is suitable for the following location features:

  • Clean air in the building area;
  • The house is built of brick, wood, adobe, foam concrete, ceramic or expanded clay blocks.

If the natural ventilation option is not able to ensure normal air circulation, then the mixed type will good option. It is also possible to install ventilation in a specific room: kitchen, bathroom, etc.

Basement ventilation helps to ventilate the room and prevent the formation of mold.

Forced type ventilation system

A forced exhaust system is installed in cases where:

  • The house is located in an area whose air must be free of pollution;
  • During construction, 3D panels, sandwich and vacuum panels were used, frame type of house.

Under such circumstances, a forced filtration system is simply necessary to provide comfort to residents and extend the life of the building.

Do-it-yourself ventilation installation in a private house

To properly install ventilation in your home, you need to have some knowledge on this topic.

If there is no hood in the house natural type, or it is not sufficient for a comfortable life for residents, then an additional ventilation system is necessary.

Condensation on the walls, mold fungi and other negative factors often appear in bathrooms and bathrooms. Installing a wall fan will help eliminate these disadvantages.

Of course, installing this equipment is impossible without material costs, and the noise from the operation of the ventilation unit can bring discomfort to residents.

The fan can be powered by electricity or in conjunction with a lighting system.


Various types of installation of these systems can be seen in the photo of do-it-yourself ventilation.

The ventilation system must be of high quality so that the supply of fresh air through the ventilation pipes circulates in sufficient quantity for the comfortable existence of residents.

To properly install a ventilation system at home, study all the installation nuances and familiarize yourself with the basic rules and conditions for proper operation of the equipment. Carry out the installation in accordance with the diagram you calculated.

Photo of ventilation of a private house with your own hands


Ventilation is one of the most important systems for providing any residential and non-residential premises. Without well-organized air exchange, you can’t even dream of comfortable operation of the room. An integral part of any ventilation system are supply air ducts.

These elements are responsible for supplying fresh oxygen. You can handle the installation of natural and forced ventilation with your own hands. Read the suggested recommendations and get to work.

The supply vent should be placed on the wall opposite to the wall with the hood.

The following places are suitable for placing the supply channel:

Modern plastic windows, in most cases, are initially equipped with a supply ventilation valve with a filter and damper. This configuration makes the operation of the valve adjustable and as convenient as possible.

A hole for air flow can be made in the wall. But if in the region where you live the temperature in winter goes far beyond zero, icy air will flow into the room through such a channel. Because of this, condensation or even frost will begin to appear on the wall.

To solve this problem, ventilation systems are equipped with special air heaters.

The most optimal place to place a supply vent is the space under the window sill. During the operation of such ventilation, no significant problems or inconveniences arise. At the entrance to the room, the air will be sufficiently heated by the heat of the heating radiator, which eliminates the need to install additional heaters.

Ventilation valves may have different shapes. There are no specific recommendations for choosing a form. Choose the valve that is most convenient for you to install and use.

Ventilation kit

  1. Sledgehammer.
  2. Spanners.
  3. Locksmith's hammer.
  4. Hammer.
  5. Screwdriver.
  6. Ratchet wrench.
  7. Clamps.

The installation kit can be expanded or reduced depending on the method you choose for arranging the supply ventilation. At this point you must find your way on your own.

Installation guide for natural supply ventilation

Among the main advantages of natural supply ventilation, it should be noted that it is energy independent - fans and no other electrical appliances are included in such a system.

First step. Place the body of the purchased valve against the surface of the wall under the window. Using a marker or pencil, mark the location of the air supply hole.

Second step. Using a hammer drill or other suitable tool, make a through hole in accordance with the markings. For most rooms, it is enough that the diameter of the inlet opening is 60 mm. Make the channel with a 5-7 degree slope towards the street.

Third step. Insert insulation and air duct pipe into the prepared channel. Seal the voids around the pipe with insulating material. In some situations, polyurethane foam can be used instead of insulation.

Fourth step. Place the vent body so that it does not come into contact with the air duct pipe. Mark locations for placing fasteners. Drill holes according to the marks and screw the valve body using self-tapping screws.

Fifth step. Insert the sound absorber into the housing. Typically this element is included with the valve.

Sixth step. Place the face cap over the installed vent. Place a protective mesh (grid) on the outside of the ventilation hole.

Installation of the supply valve is completed. Select the number of such channels individually in accordance with the volume of the room served. For greater convenience, you can purchase a valve model with a gate valve - this is a very easy-to-use solution that allows you to open and close the ventilation if necessary.

Arrangement of forced supply ventilation

In some situations, natural supply ventilation is not enough to provide the necessary air exchange. Especially for such cases, there is forced ventilation.

Key Features

Among the main features of such a system, it is necessary to highlight the presence of fans, due to which air is pumped. The system requires an electrical connection.

There are several types of supply ventilation systems, namely:

  • installations for servicing one room;
  • whole house maintenance installations;
  • kit units, including air ducts, fans, various filters, noise absorbers, recuperators and other additional elements.

There are 2 air supply options:

  • straight from the fans;
  • through the air duct system.

If the second option is more suitable for your case, the system must be additionally equipped with plastic or stainless steel air ducts. The end of each air duct is covered with a grille.

If you wish, you can equip your ventilation system with automation equipment, for example, a temperature sensor. There is a large selection of automation available on the modern market, which will allow you to set up the most efficient and easy-to-use ventilation unit.

For placement in a private house, it is most rational to choose a stacked ventilation system. Such a complex is located in the attic or in another convenient room, taking into account the fact that the fans make quite a lot of noise during operation.

An extensive network of air ducts is connected to the kit, through which air flows to different rooms of the house.

The ventilation unit must be equipped with filters. If you wish, you can additionally purchase and install various types of disinfectants, humidifiers and other similar elements.

Air ducts with rectangular (square) and round profiles are available for sale. Round models are more preferable because... they do not have large aerodynamic losses. For materials, give preference to aluminum and stainless steel.

To ensure the required tightness, the ventilation system is equipped with flanges and seals.

Among the advantages of forced ventilation, independence from weather conditions deserves special attention, which makes such a system much more effective compared to its counterpart with natural ventilation.


Traditionally, supply valves are installed in the walls. The finished holes are equipped with fans of suitable power (selected taking into account the volume of the room served).

First step. Prepare a hole for the duct in the outside wall. Do everything exactly the same as in the case of arranging natural supply ventilation. The only significant difference is that the hole can be installed in any convenient place.

Second step. Insert the air supply pipe into the hole.

Third step. Insert the fan into the installed duct pipe.

Fourth step.

Fifth step. Place a device with a filter, air heater and noise absorber on the inside of the wall. Install additional devices if necessary. Plug in all electronics and test the system.

Immediately after completing the arrangement of the supply ventilation, check its functionality. Also, such checks must be carried out regularly during system operation. The recommended frequency is at least every three months.

The verification is extremely simple. Close all doors and windows in the room, take a sheet of any loose paper and bring it to the supply vent. If the sheet deviates noticeably from the ventilation duct or even just moves, your system is working properly even with behind closed doors and windows.

If the leaf does not react at all, open the doors and windows. If the paper still does not reject after this, your ventilation duct is most likely clogged and requires cleaning.

If at open doors and vents, the paper is deflected, but when closed it does not react at all, air flows in insufficient quantities. This indicates the need for forced ventilation.

Thus, you can handle the installation of supply ventilation yourself without any problems. You only need to assess the volume and features of your room, choose the optimal type of ventilation unit and install all the necessary elements in accordance with the instructions received. Follow the recommendations given and everything will definitely work out.

Good luck!

Video - Do-it-yourself supply ventilation

The secret dream of many of our compatriots is a beautiful country house. Professionals know that at the design stage it is necessary to provide for every little detail, especially communication solutions for the future building. And few people know how to make ventilation in a private house in such a way that it is comfortable to live in at any time of the year.

A well-organized system for the influx and removal of air masses in a living space can provide:

  • additional protection of premises from fungal and mold spores, dampness;
  • circulation of oxygen in each room;
  • comfortable conditions for work and relaxation at home.

    Show all

    Which rooms require ventilation?

    Without access to clean air, the human body is unable to function normally. In a residential building, it is necessary to ensure the flow of oxygen primarily in the nursery, bedroom and living room. Don't neglect the kitchen and bathroom. These small rooms often contain a high concentration of humidity, as well as characteristic odors (most of them not very pleasant), which require release to the external environment.

    note! A properly implemented ventilation device in a private home will eliminate the likelihood of dirt, accumulation of dust, condensation, stuffiness, and will also prevent mold and harmful microorganisms from spreading throughout the home..

    Features of the implementation of the air exchange system

    Traditionally, experts distinguish two types of implementation of air exchange systems in residential buildings:

    • natural;
    • mechanical (forced);
    • mixed (the first type is supplemented with a forced exhaust device).

    From the technical side of the issue, home ventilation systems are classified into the following categories:

    • functional purpose;
    • method of moving air masses (ducted, ductless);
    • device that moves air.

    But how not to make a mistake in choosing? What kind of cottage ventilation provides comfortable conditions for those who live in it? Note that each option has both obvious “pros” and obvious “cons”. To better understand the problems of the issue, we should dwell on them in more detail.

    Natural ventilation of a residential building is determined by the difference in pressure inside and outside the room. The entire process is based on physical laws and does not require human intervention. Its essence is as follows:

    1. 1. Since the air temperature indoors is higher than outside, the air becomes light. Due to this, it moves through the ventilation duct to the street.
    2. 2. A partially rarefied mass is formed inside the room, facilitating the influx of fresh oxygen through small openings located in the structure of the object.
    3. 3. The received masses are heavier in structure. They are located in the lower part of the premises, which is why floor ventilation in a private house is so important and is an integral part of the air exchange system.

    note! As the temperature rises, the exchange through the wall occurs faster, especially if it is supplemented by wind.

    Modern residential buildings are practically devoid of cracks and small holes, so natural ones, as a rule, do not work in a private house. Inflow is possible exclusively through small valves built into walls and windows.

    System advantages:

    • No emergency situations. Structural simplicity eliminates the slightest breakdowns or malfunctions.
    • Economical. Ventilation in a country house is carried out automatically; additional equipment (and with it financial costs) is not required.
    • Flexibility. The device can be easily complemented with air conditioning and filtration solutions.
    • Silence.

    Natural ventilation in a private house

    The natural ventilation system of a private house is not able to provide a forced flow of air, which greatly increases the risk of the formation of fungi, mold, and unpleasant odors. Such “neighbors” not only destroy the building, but also harm people’s health. It is not surprising that in the 21st century they are practically not used. Forced ventilation of the cottage is much more effective.

    Forced ventilation system

    Photo of forced ventilation

    A mechanical system through which air masses are set in motion artificially - through injection devices (compressors, pumps, fans). Such ventilation in a cottage is much preferable. Forced air exchange has the following advantages:

    1. 1. Oxygen can be pre-humidified and heated, thereby creating a comfortable environment.
    2. 2. Ventilation country house autonomous and in no way dependent on the environment.

    As for the shortcomings, they are obvious:

    • To organize such a system, additional equipment is required, implementation at the design stage, and electricity costs;
    • regular maintenance during operation.

    Mechanical ventilation in a private house can be implemented using several methods. Experts distinguish the following types:

    • exhaust - “old” air is removed from the room using appropriate mechanical solutions;
    • inlet – a private house is saturated with air from the street forcibly;
    • supply and exhaust - supply and removal of air masses is carried out mechanically.

    Ventilation of a private house. Forced ventilation (general overview).

    If we are talking about a fairly large brick house or cottage, it is advisable to choose a mixed type option. Its main advantage is the excellent combination of forced and natural systems.

    Proper organization of ventilation in suburban housing

    So, how to properly make ventilation in a house and is it possible to carry out all the activities yourself? Proper organization of the air exchange process will improve the microclimate in the living space, as well as maintain the integrity of all structures. Regardless of the room, do-it-yourself ventilation installation in a private house is carried out in several stages:

    • determine the volume of clean air required to ensure compliance with accepted sanitary standards;
    • calculate the diameter and cross-sectional size for the air duct system - this value will determine the atmosphere in the living space;
    • choose the optimal ventilation scheme in a private house (carefully weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of each of them);
    • prepare a plan diagram for air channels (a competent approach will ensure effective operation);
    • determine where ventilation will be installed in a private house;
    • the next step is to install zones for the influx and removal of air masses;
    • build the system itself for multi-apartment living space.

    Deciding on the optimal system

    Photo of a typical project

    Professionals emphasize that in a private home it is customary to start at the stage of preparing documentation for future housing. A qualitative criterion for any modern project is the presence of all communications necessary for a comfortable life for people. And in this context, the presence of fresh air is an important component of harmonizing the surrounding space.

    note! Not only the ventilation itself in the house is important, but also the speed of movement of the oxygen itself.

    Many cottage owners do not perform any preliminary calculations, but equip their homes with powerful mechanical systems. In this case, fans can forcefully cool the interior space. Experts emphasize that exhaust hood in a private home should be natural if there is no need for additional air exchange. Due to its natural nature, it guarantees a natural humidity regime for everyone within the living space.

    Proper ventilation in a private house is created with your own hands based on a given norm of volumetric air velocity. If we are talking about a mechanical solution, the corresponding value can vary from 3 to 5 m 3 /hour. The natural system provides a run of up to 1 m 3 /hour. The difficulty is that if the housing has basements, then a compulsory system cannot be avoided.

    note ! To pass 300 m 3 /hour of fresh air, you will need a channel with dimensions of 250x400 mm, which corresponds to the standard d 350 mm. However, if you equip a mechanical system, you can stop at a channel of 160x200 mm or d 200 mm.

    The video below provides information on how the ventilation system in a country house works:

    Ventilation in a private house: calculated data

    Ventilation of a private house is based on careful calculations. The determining factors for this approach are:

    • object area;
    • number of permanent residents;
    • volume of air in each room.

    Advice! Professionals strongly recommend taking into account all household appliances and technical equipment operating in living rooms, since they actively absorb clean air.

    Installation of ventilation in a cottage is possible only if all the listed factors are taken into account. For proper calculations, you should use special tabular data and diagrams. The easiest way to equip a hood in a private house with your own hands is to carry out calculations by taking into account the area of ​​a specific object.

    This method is most often used for residential properties. In accordance with the standards for such premises, each “square” must have at least 3 m 3 /hour of clean air, and this does not take into account people. To calculate this value, it is necessary to calculate the air norm per area of ​​the object.

    Example ! How to make a hood in a private house with an area of ​​90 square meters? The air exchange rate value is set using the following formula: 90x3 = 270 m 3 /hour. This will be enough for living space.

    Ventilation duct and its cross-section

    Having calculated the optimal level of oxygen exchange, they select the best ventilation scheme in a private house to implement with their own hands, and count the ventilation ducts. Regardless of where such a system is planned to be installed, in the underground or in the ceiling area, there are only 2 types of air ducts with a rigid structure - round and rectangular.

    Provide average speed air exchange at a level of 5 m/s, if we talk about branches - no more than 3 m/s. In a natural system, the indicated value does not exceed 1 m/s.

    You can read about the pros and cons of plastic pipes for ventilation in the article: Plastic pipes for ventilation

    To organize effective ventilation in a private house with your own hands, you need to decide on the optimal cross-section of the channel. To do this, use a special diagram that takes into account the flow of air masses and the speed of their passage. Before making ventilation in the house or carrying out installation activities, please note that the standard value of air exchange is 360 m 3 / hour for forced-type systems. Therefore, the optimal value for air ducts will be d200 mm or 160 x 200 mm.

    Rectangular plastic air ducts in the video below

    Ventilation in the house, plastic air ducts - installation and assembly

    When thinking about how to ventilate a house, many of our compatriots forget that their homes have metal-plastic windows, whose design is absolutely airtight. In this case, care should be taken to ensure that the frame of metal-plastic solutions contains supply valves, through which air masses flow into the interior space.

    note! If there is no hole in the windows, you can make one in the wall. We are talking about a standard pipe having a round shape, which is placed in the hole made. On both sides it is covered with protective metal grilles with a small cross-section.

    Ventilation of the basement of a private house is carried out in a similar way. It is enough to follow simple recommendations and creating a favorable microclimate within the living space will not be difficult. In such a room, every person will feel as comfortable as possible.

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