Psychological characteristics of Italians. The character and characteristics of Italians: everything you need to know! They create their own schedule of classes at universities

Beautiful nature, beautiful music, amorous Italian men - all this makes Italy a very attractive country for many of our compatriots.

Italy is a country of high fashion. They make high-quality and fashionable things here. Italian kitchens, wooden furniture for bedrooms and living rooms are an example of style. At the first opportunity, our compatriots try to go shopping in Italy. Italian clothes and the shoes will appeal to many fashionistas.

And profiles of Italian grooms on international dating sites are always popular.

What you need to know about Italy

Italy is a heterogeneous country, although 94% are Italian. But residents of different regions and cities differ in their lifestyle, habits, and level of well-being.

Italy is a developed European country with a fairly high standard of living, providing its citizens with a quality of life that is normal by European standards.

Salaries in Italy are not very high. But various companies use systems of bonuses and benefits for employees of their organizations. In the north of the country, in industrial regions, wages are much higher than in the less developed south.

Italy has an extremely developed shadow economy. Only here there are still black salaries in envelopes, mass tax evasion by representatives of certain professions.

Italian doctors, university teachers, and lawyers earn good money. You can safely cast your lot in with representatives of any of these professions. Unlike people with higher education, workers in Italy earn quite modestly by European standards.

What you need to know about national characteristics

When it comes to expenses, Italians love to splurge. Especially towards the women they like. They look after you beautifully and give generous gifts. Even if you are short on funds.

Italians love to eat and drink, and they don't spare money for it. Italian cuisine is varied and tasty. A family trip to a restaurant is not an emergency event.

Italians are conservative when it comes to clothing. At work - formal suits, polished shoes, white collars. Expensive clothing is in demand among clerks, civil servants, doctors, and lawyers.

A wife is the calling card of a real Italian, and from her appearance his image also depends. A woman who wants to marry an Italian should remember this.

Another one national peculiarity Italians - the desire for a comfortable life and a well-equipped home. They spare no expense on this. In particular, expensive furniture, luxury tableware, accessories and good household appliances are in demand.

Italians love to travel. Moreover, travel is not limited to Europe. Many even travel to Arab and African countries.

Picnics in the lap of nature are very popular within the country. The suburbs of all Italian megacities are built up with dachas, campsites and other places for civilized recreation. On weekends they are filled with vacationing townspeople. They grill meat over coals, drink wine, and chat.

During the season, Italians flock to the sea. From mid-July to the end of August, many offices simply close - lawyers, architects and other liberal professions are difficult to find in place at this time of year.

Italians are quite religious. Streets, firms and enterprises are often named after saints. And in Florence, even a sex shop received the name Ognissanti (“All Saints”).

In family relationships, Italians are conservative. Most of them are monogamous. In addition, they are very jealous of family values, children, and home. What makes an Italian happy is the comfort and cleanliness of his home, a delicious dinner, and the presence of a loving wife nearby.

Getting a divorce in Italy is an expensive and very long process. The vast majority of Italians who have separated from their wives live separately, but are officially married. In Italy they even came up with the term “separato”, that is, spouses living separately.

And the site advises our compatriot to take this point into account if she decides to marry an Italian. If a man has not officially divorced his wife, she has all rights to his property and income. And if something happens to him, the Russian wife will not receive anything, even if they have lived together for several years.

Many Italian men of separato status deliberately hide their status from Russian brides. And they often do not seek to check the legal status of their chosen one. As a result, women find themselves “at the bottom” both after five and fifteen years of marriage.

Italians are very open and good-natured people. Most of them are always ready to help even strangers - give directions, help solve some simple everyday problems.

But the whole family is often hostile towards Russian wives. Sometimes the disagreement of relatives with the appearance of a Russian wife leads to a breakup family relations between a man and his family. And for a real Italian, this is a big blow.

Since many Russian women marry Italians in adulthood, already having children, Russian teenagers also end up in Italy.

Girls don't have any special problems. They quickly integrate into society and become almost at home among their classmates. But boys very often have big problems communicating with peers.

Peers do not accept them, treat them down, and often even consider them second-class citizens. In addition, it is difficult for a Russian teenager to find a girlfriend. Italian women usually do not make contact with Russians, especially in terms of close relationships.

It is very difficult to take a common child out of Italy after a divorce. But there is a way to solve this problem. In Italy, a man cannot obtain a divorce without the consent of his wife. And women offer their consent to divorce in exchange for written permission to take the child to the mother’s homeland.

Correspondence with an Italian

We must calmly accept the fact that an Italian man can write letters to a large number of women. And everyone will admit eternal love. The selection process may take a long time. If your chosen one does not want to get married officially, you need to find out his status. It is possible that the previous marriage has not yet been dissolved.

If a woman has children, it is worth thinking about whether they will be able to adapt to Italy. Italian language our women learn quickly. Especially those who speak English well.

Italy is a country with wonderful museums and beautiful architecture. Everything in this country breathes history. If all this is to your liking, and an Italian man has won your heart, go conquer Italy.

The article was prepared specifically for the magazine website.

06 January 2011

Each country has its own character and characteristics of local residents. Coming to Italy, we are interested in learning more about this temperamental, noisy and hospitable people. I will tell you about my observations, about some features of Italians, which it would be incorrect to call advantages or disadvantages, but only distinctive features inherent in the majority. And remember that there will always be exceptions.

Italians and greetings

Greetings are definitely the first thing worth mentioning when talking about Italian etiquette and manners. Generally, Italians are very welcoming and friendly.

It is customary to say hello when entering shops, offices and other institutions, and also to say goodbye when leaving. You need to talk until 14:00-15:00 Buongiorno(good afternoon), and after 15:00 Buonasera(Good evening).

It is customary to address oneself with “you” (Lei), but often these formalities are omitted, and young people, and not so young ones, are addressed with “you.”

Italians greet acquaintances and friends with emotional hugs and a double kiss on the cheeks, even if they parted just a couple of hours ago. Such greetings can be observed not only between women, but also between men.

Although, to be more precise, they do not kiss, but simply press their cheeks to each other, making a smacking sound.

In the south of Italy, such emotional greetings are awarded to everyone, even those whom they have just met. In the north, people are a little more reserved and may well limit themselves to a warm handshake with strangers.

Italians generously use words like “thank you” (Grazie) and “please” (Prego/Per favore), but you don’t hear “sorry” (Scusi) as often as from Americans. The Italian does not consider it necessary to apologize if he does not feel guilty.

Italians and punctuality

The time the Italian gives you is always approximate

The punctuality of Italians is a stumbling block for foreign business partners. The fact is that punctuality and Italian are not entirely compatible concepts. This applies to friendly meetings, business negotiations, and various classes and seminars. It is important to remember that the time the Italian gives you is always approximate.

Of course, there are always exceptions. I know several punctual Italians, including my husband. When he started working with a Moscow translation agency, after several completed works, they doubted that Danilo was a real Italian, because he completed all the translations on time. He was the only colleague from Italy who turned out to be so punctual.

If you have Italian friends over for dinner at 7 pm, you can safely aim for 7:30, especially if your friends are from Southern Italy. In the north of Italy, things are a little better, here the period of delay is significantly reduced.

Then you will be able to please your guests with a hot dinner, and not worry about the cold risotto waiting for a long time, as happened to me.

I will never forget the first time we invited guests to our home, and not just guests, but my husband’s relatives. Exactly at the appointed time everything was ready and served to the table. The worst thing is that that evening I decided to cook risotto! After all, this dish is especially capricious; it should be served immediately when ready, because after standing for a while, it turns into a dry, unattractive porridge.

So our guests deigned to be 45 minutes late. It was a cruel, but unforgettable lesson for all subsequent years.

Italians and queues

Here is another concept that is difficult for the Italian consciousness to perceive: a queue. If we talk about the south of Italy, everything there is generally very neglected.

Exactly what is happening is what is described in the video, which I have already published in the article, but for those who have not seen it, I am publishing it again.

To combat this situation, the Italians found a way out. Now, when entering a post office, pharmacy, meat or fish department, you need to take a number and wait for your turn. Although, to tell the truth, some people forget to take it))

Italians and rules

As I already said, the majority of Italians are very pleasant people to talk to. They smile widely and are always ready to offer you coffee. But the rules really irritate them.

For example, few Italians know, much less follow, the rules traffic. Why burden an already difficult life and remember who must give way when entering a roundabout?

In bureaucratic matters, there are simply no rules in Italy, well, maybe only theoretically. Each official has his own ideas about the rules, it depends on your luck. I have already written about complex issues of bureaucracy in an article.

Smoking in public places is not prohibited in Italy

In Italy, smoking in public places is not prohibited. Although, to be honest, I don’t think much would have changed if there had been a ban. After all, they don’t like rules))

Italians smoke a lot and everywhere, lying on the beach, standing in line, sitting at the next table in a cafe, without thinking at all that this may cause discomfort to others.

Italians also love talking on the phone, both women and men. It is not at all considered indecent to talk loudly on the phone, discussing personal matters in front of everyone. Answer phone call for an Italian it is sacred. To do this, he is ready to interrupt almost any activity.

Italians and their way of expressing thoughts

Italians are known to be very talkative. From a small incident, they can inflate many topics of conversation that will last not just for the whole day, but sometimes for years. This can partly be explained by the fact that Italians love to beat around the bush. They like to savor every detail without going too deep. I am always amazed at this ability of theirs.

Italians do not like directness, and may even perceive it as tactlessness and impudence. They talk about their feelings and desires in half-hints, which other Italians can understand almost instantly. This applies to both friendly and business communication.

There is a lot more that can be said about Italians. Some of their features are closer to us, others are not, but one thing is absolutely clear - it is simply impossible not to love the inhabitants of the sunny hospitable boot!

If you have been to Italy or live here, you have probably noticed other features regarding Italian etiquette and manners. I would be glad if you share your observations in the comments.

Image source:

Katerina Matveenko

Sunny Italy with its Cote d'Azur, masterpieces visual arts and architecture, delicious cuisine and divine nature, every now and then attracts Russian girls to itself. Many people prefer to leave their cold homeland and move closer to ancient civilization. And some even “use” Italy as the main geographical point of “sex tourism”.

Oh, these passionate men!

Russian women are often attracted to Italian men. However, popular belief about their "wild" mentality stops them from opening their hearts to sultry strangers.

Is the character of a typical Italian really that specific? Yes it is. The Italian character is a real storm of passions and emotions concentrated in one person. But, despite such an ardent disposition, a native of the Mediterranean can become for you the most gentle, caring and sensitive spouse, who, alas, is not so easy to find in the vastness of our vast Motherland.

In fact, the Italian mentality is really far from ours.

First of all, you must understand that men in Italy are not particularly interested in what is happening in the world. Therefore, if you say that you are from Russia, do not be surprised by such associative expressions on his part such as “perestroika”, “cold”, “vodka”, “red caviar”, “bear”, “balalaika”, and perhaps “ Putin". Italian men are not particularly interested in anything new, so such primitive epithets are the only thing you can hear about your native area.

Interesting Personality Traits of Italians

Italian men: what are they like?

This question is often asked by women who dream of getting a temperamental Italian as their husband.

The first thing you should pay attention to is their amorousness. They say that Italians are not in love only if they are dead. And this humorous expression has some truth behind it. And even if a man is not truly in love with you, he will desperately and skillfully pretend that he is in love, since “amorous affairs” for him are life itself, its sacred meaning.

He will not only shower you with compliments (and possibly valuable gifts), but also plan the wedding date, the names of the children, the nickname of the first pet...

As soon as you succumb to his tricks, he will begin to persistently call you to him, or beg to come to you. And if you refuse, you will be considered cold (as are all Russian women!).

What can bring an Italian to natural panic is criticism and ridicule. If you try to “kindly” make fun of a newly minted man, but your humor seems too caustic or offensive to him, you risk being branded not only as a cold, touchy person, but also as an evil bitch.

An Italian man will throw out a phrase like “You don’t respect me at all!” and turns away. If in any other representative of the stronger sex the hunting instinct leaps up at this moment, then in the Italian there is only resentment and irritation. The fact is that these men do not have an iota of self-criticism, and consider themselves the most skillful and wonderful lovers in the whole world. Globe. And how dare you doubt this?!

But the bitterest disappointment awaits you when you finally end up in bed with this home-grown Casanova. The fact is that sex with an Italian is very mediocre (of course, speaking of most of the statistics). Most of our compatriots would rate it as "a solid C".

It turns out that the man from Italy is something like an arrogant bird: he swaggers all evening, trying to awaken in you faith in his amazing "bed skills", and in the end, expecting something phenomenal, you get something that everyone is famous for "Russian Vanka", otherwise even more boring and ordinary. But they also have pleasant features. For example, Russian women will be guaranteed to be bribed by an abundance of compliments and words of praise coming from any passerby, and even the baker from the bakery.

Italians are exceptionally gallant, something our men have been lacking for a long time. They will always give you a hand, push your chair back, take off your coat and treat you like a queen. They are very well-groomed: they are always dressed tastefully (however, the cult of clothing in Italy is itself obligatory), they smell nice, they are clean-shaven and “fresh”.

Rules for communicating with Italians

Unions of Italian men and Russian women, despite the temperament of the former, are still successful. Especially if a foreigner, having arrived in Italy, knows how to behave correctly with local representatives of the stronger sex.

So, here are some rules that will be useful for you when communicating with Italians:

Italians... The mentality of Italians consists of contradictions and paradoxes. World famous opera singers and loud and rude voices of the inhabitants. The cult of the family – and a very low birth rate. Classic ideals of health and strength - and weak warriors. Developed individualism - and the superiority of the crowd. One of the most advanced European waste recycling systems - and indecently dirty streets...

It is almost impossible to give a brief and succinct description of Italians. Every Italian distinctive feature temperament gets along well with its opposite.

Keep the style!

One of the main components of the nature of the inhabitants of Italy is the desire to preserve “bella figura”, which means “to keep the style”. This is a kind of code of external behavior, very important for Italians, whose life always takes place in public. This code also includes a specific manner of dressing smartly. Clothes should always be beautiful. No Italian woman will allow herself to go out into the street in an old home dress or tracksuit. Even your shopping bag should match your clothes.

The desire to always be “on top” is expressed in the manner in which one behaves in public. It is important for an Italian to show himself as self-confident and decisive; everyone should see that he is the master of life, even if in fact he is all complex.

Food and pleasure

Neither work, nor politics, nor money, nor career are as important for local residents as receiving pleasure. This includes delicious food, a street or family celebration, good wine, communication with a friend, and beautiful woman. This is probably why Italians are often accused of laziness.

The people of Italy take such a pleasure as food with great passion and very seriously. Eating here is not just eating, gastronomic delights, their variety and abundance - this is a responsible process in which everything is significant: mood, order, atmosphere, and time. Neither price nor location matter in this case.

Italians are also sensitive to alcoholic drinks. What, where, with whom and when to drink are the unshakable rules here. On early Saturday mornings, strong and mature men in bars drink raspberry-colored liquid, and on a weekday they drink prosecco, the Italian version of champagne. After a meal, be sure to have wine of the appropriate color; after a meal, a digestif; for normal digestion, something strong, for example, grape vodka. Italians drink almost all day long, but despite this, drunk people on the streets are extremely rare.

Family and women

For an Italian, the true center of the universe is the family. The most reverent and tender attitude is noted towards children and mothers. Children are not only loved, children are admired, allowing them to do whatever they want.

The local culture has a special attitude towards representatives of the fairer sex. It is customary to admire a woman without hiding it. Moreover, Italians admire any representative of the fair sex - old or young, ugly or beautiful, smart or stupid. A woman in Italy can truly be the center of attention of men, feeling delightful and desirable.

All life is theater...:)

The secret of a real man's success is fully revealed by theatrical acting. Nobody gives himself to the game with sincerity and passion like an Italian. He is always in character: a bar visitor, a family man, an employee, a friend - and he always brings his chosen image to perfection. In the country, it is customary to address a person by his position. The natural apogee of Italian theatricality is the popular carnivals of Italy, which take place not only in Venice, but also in other cities. Venetians prepare for the holiday throughout the year, creating not just costumes, but entire masterpieces that are real works of art.

Many small Italian towns have a traditional pre-dinner walk - “la passegiata”. People put on nice clothes and go outside to walk around before eating. The usual setting for such an evening performance is the main street, which fills to such an extent that traffic stops. And so every evening...

Italians are characterized by a subtle aestheticism and an innate sense of taste. This is manifested in the artistic design of shop windows, in exquisite clothing, and in beautiful furniture. In the most remote corner of Italy you can see shops whose interiors are equated to works of art. Even dilapidated, at first glance, houses hide masterpieces of modern art inside.

Italians communicate everywhere and always, and they speak emotionally, passionately and loudly, as if they were kept locked up for a long time, not allowed to open their mouths. But this sociability does not at all mean that they are open. No one in Italy just talks to a stranger, but if an Italian considers someone a friend, then this person will not have any problems in the country. Friendship for him is sacred. There is a certain naivety and youth in Italian friendship; it is impossible for them to betray a friend.

New and old, living side by side in Italy, contrast with each other, but do not exclude each other. It is this amazing character of the Italians, their naive and childlike clear perception of the world, their unique style of life that creates the charm of this amazing country, which cannot be expressed in words, cannot be conveyed in words, but which is also difficult to resist.

I found an article on the Internet about Italians, which seems correct to me. A good generalization and highlighting the main thing about the inhabitants of the "boot" ;)

10 rules of life for Italians:

Italians are masters of many arts. The art of a beautiful life, the art of adapting to the world and getting out of situations, the art of living in the moment and enjoying it.
It makes sense to take a few lessons from them.

1. Food is a pleasure, eating is a ritual.
Italians live according to a schedule. It sounds incredible, but it is true. Only the schedule is special. This is a strict adherence to the course: coffee with pastries in the morning - lunch with the family in the afternoon - aperitif at 17:00-19:30 - dinner at 20:00-21:00 at home or in a restaurant.
On the go? Running with a glass of coffee in hand? Fast food? All these are forced measures, used only as a last resort.
The best food is the one that grows where you are, is freshly prepared and eaten immediately. And food is also a pleasure that must be shared with someone. Because savoring and sharing impressions is an integral part of the ritual, it makes the food even tastier.

2. Communication is the engine social life, conversation is an art.
Can you freely chat with someone you don’t know well, and not on forced weather-natural topics, but in a way that’s interesting? Italy is a place where organizers of networking courses face inevitable bankruptcy, since everyone has mastered this art since childhood.
Topics range from views of the citrus harvest and comparisons of wines from the Veneto and Abruzzo regions to the relationship between Caesar and Cleopatra and the dominance of Romanesque architecture in the Emilia-Romagna region. Such conversations provide food for thought, enrich with new knowledge, give new acquaintances and expand boundaries.

3. Life is not a pursuit of something. It's just life. Here and now.
Italians live with the feeling that they can do everything. And this greatly reduces the level of stress around you. You suddenly stop rushing and start to have time. Even with a three-hour siesta. Even with the constant delays of everyone and everything. Your focus just shifts to something else.
Give yourself time for everything you do (food, a long walk home, a leisurely chat with a friend), and you will be surprised how quickly these expenses will pay off. Slowing down is the way to better quality life and... faster progress in many areas of life.

4. Quality of life is priority number. No compromises.
The very structure of life in Italy is such that it leaves room for pleasure and quality living. Remember we talked about scheduling? It is actually designed in such a way that all those little things that form the basis of a quality life are already built into the normal daily routine. There is time for morning coffee and newspaper. Time to spend the day with family, pick up your child from school, or take a nap. Time to meet friends and have an aperitif and so on.
Not to live in order to work, but to work in order to have time to live. And have time to live well.

5.Be more lenient with yourself. "Why not?" is a philosophy of life.
Italy is full of temptations: tasty coffee at every step there are delicious desserts, excellent wines, ice cream, interior shops and stores with accessories, where it is impossible to leave without shopping. So why not?! The idea is not to deny yourself small joys, and so on every day.

Important: this is not about eating up problems, it’s not about overindulging yourself, it’s just a little bit, when you want, in order to continue to feel that life is wonderful!

6.Spend time with your family. Family is a fortress.
When you run out of money, your achievements are forgotten, your friends scatter around the world, all that remains is your family. In the conditions of constant political and economic instability that characterized Italy throughout its history, the family often remained the only place where you would be sheltered and not betrayed.
Now everything is far from being so brutal, but family is still important. Italian Sunday dinners, for which all close and distant relatives gather, have already become a proverb; Italians make fun of their family gatherings, but... they observe them. Because, despite the noise and din, unbearable aunties, grandmother’s boring signature dish and constant conversations about figure and football, the family continues to give a feeling of stability and security.

7.Walk with children. Everywhere. Children are great.
In Italy you are welcome to see you everywhere with your children. Children are everywhere: in fancy restaurants, in beauty salons, and in boutiques, not to mention ordinary cafes, trattorias and shops. They will quickly bring you a special chair, have fun with the baby, find something to occupy your three-year-old - in general, if you have a child in your arms, then you are not an outcast who is denied access to decent places.

8. A healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle.
Therefore, pasta and pizza do not affect your figure. The average Italian eats 26 kg of pasta per year and wears a size M. You will hardly find Italians on a diet. Their daily diet itself is, in fact, a diet. It is based on several simple rules: maintain a balance of vegetables / flour / protein foods / fruits, prepare food only from fresh ingredients, use simple recipes, control portions.
And the second aspect of the Italian healthy lifestyle: on foot and by bicycle. A car is for going on large-scale shopping or to work if you work far away. Shopping is not a weekly cart filled at the supermarket, it is a daily visit to a bunch of small shops and to the market for freshly baked bread, pesto, caught fish. Meeting with friends is a park, square, beach, hanging out in a bar or near it - everyone is on their feet.

9. Clothes make a person. This is our way of communication.
Italians care VERY much about the impression they make on others. And you know, that's good. It is beautiful. It's nice to see people on the streets. They have clothes for every occasion: you won't go to the park in what you wear to the market or to meet friends.
Shorts, colorful shirts, flip-flops in the summer in the city center somewhere in Rome or Florence are nonsense. If a person is dressed like this, he is 100% a tourist. Being well (not necessarily expensive!) and appropriately dressed for the situation is respect for yourself and others. A completely special story is how they treat scarves, neckerchiefs, hats and other accessories. As one of my friends said, I’m ready to sell my soul to learn how to tie a scarf like this!

10.Good manners make life more enjoyable.
Wherever you enter, smile and greet all the people there. When you enter a small supermarket near your home, every employee greets you, whether he is standing at the checkout or doing the display - it doesn’t matter. When talking to a person, respond to his gaze, maintain contact. If you get pushed, say “Sorry” first and the incident will turn into an exchange of compliments. Some will call these things social tinsel, so be it, but it is more pleasant to live with it than without it, and society as a whole is becoming kinder.

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