Recipe for Georgian cabbage with spicy beets. Georgian pickled cabbage is a beautiful preparation made from white cabbage and beets. Recipe for Georgian pickled cabbage with beets

How is cabbage prepared in Georgian? Not every resident of our country knows the answer to the question posed. After all, this preparation is especially popular only in the above-mentioned Caucasian state. However, this does not mean that Russian housewives cannot make it for their family. That is why in this article we decided to highlight this culinary topic.

General information about Georgian procurement

Today there are a huge number of options for how Georgian cabbage is prepared, including for the winter. This snack can be hot, spicy, sweet, etc. It should also be noted that Georgian cabbage goes perfectly with various meat and fish dishes.

Features of preparing pickled and sauerkraut

A characteristic feature of recipes for preparing such a preparation is that the cabbage for them is cut quite coarsely. It should also be said that beets are often added to this preparation. This vegetable not only determines the taste of the finished product, but also gives it a pleasant bright color.

Georgian cabbage, the recipe for which includes the two above-mentioned ingredients, can vary in taste and due to the fact that cooks often add to it components such as celery, hot or sweet peppers, herbs, carrots, dry spices, spicy seeds herbs and so on

A classic version of preparing a Georgian snack with beets

Georgian cabbage with beets turns out very tasty and spicy. It can be stored all winter and, if necessary, served along with any first and second courses.

So what products should you buy to make Georgian cabbage tasty and aromatic? For this we need:

  • large garlic - 8-11 cloves;
  • white cabbage, as fresh as possible - 1 pc. (by 1.5-1.8 kg);
  • young medium beets - 2 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 6-8 leaves;
  • allspice peas - about 6-8 pcs.;
  • cloves (dried buds) - 3-5 pcs.;
  • settled water - approximately 2 liters;
  • seeds of dill, cilantro and fennel - a small spoon;
  • table salt - approximately 2-2.4 large spoons;
  • sugar - approximately 200 g;
  • table vinegar 6 or 9% - about 140 ml.

Preparing vegetables

Georgian pickled cabbage, the recipe for which we describe, takes relatively little time to prepare. However, such a preparation can be consumed only a few days after the aromatic brine is added to it. After all, vegetables must marinate well and release their juice.

So how do you prepare Georgian cabbage with beets? To do this, wash the vegetables well and then chop them. The head of cabbage must be divided into 4 parts and the stalk removed using a knife. Next, the vegetable needs to be cut again into several large pieces. As for beets, they should be washed, peeled, and then chopped into strips.

Among other things, it is necessary to remove the husks from the garlic cloves and divide them in half lengthwise.

After all the steps have been completed, you need to take an enamel basin and put the processed vegetables into it. After mixing the ingredients with your hands, you can safely begin creating the marinade.

Preparing brine with vinegar

Georgian pickled cabbage turns out to be hot, salty or spicy due to what components are added to the marinade.

To prepare the brine, you need to pour the settled water into the pan and bring it to a boil. Next, you need to put sugar, salt, bay leaf, cloves and pepper into the bowl. After boiling the ingredients for five minutes, add table vinegar to them.

Process of pickling vegetables

After the marinade is ready and cools to a temperature of 20 degrees, it must be poured into a bowl with vegetables and mixed thoroughly. Additionally, it is advisable to flavor the ingredients with dill seeds, fennel and cilantro.

Forming the workpiece

Georgian pickled cabbage should remain crispy, but at the same time acquire a special taste and a reddish tint. After it has absorbed the aromas of the spices, it should be mixed well again, and then placed tightly in glass jars and sealed well.

How to eat pickled cabbage?

You can eat Georgian cabbage immediately after it has been marinated in brine. But it will be better if such a preparation is kept in a cool room for about 3 more days.

Thus, the snack should be placed in a sieve, rinsed lightly in cool water, and then shaken vigorously. Next, the cabbage must be placed in a deep bowl, seasoned with ½ dessert spoon of sugar and vegetable oil. After mixing the ingredients, the salad can be safely presented to the table along with any hot dish.

Georgian appetizer with cabbage, horseradish and hot pepper

Georgian cabbage, the recipe for which was presented above, turns out to be very aromatic and tasty. But if you want to make a spicier snack, then you should additionally add hot pepper and horseradish to the above ingredients.

So, Georgian spicy cabbage requires the use of the following components:

  • white cabbage, as fresh as possible - 1 pc. (by 1.5-1.8 kg);
  • young medium beets - 1 pc.;
  • coarsely ground black pepper - dessert spoon;
  • hot pepper - 1 pod;
  • fresh carrots - 2 large pieces;
  • horseradish root - about 100 g;
  • dill seeds, cilantro and fennel - a small spoon each;
  • table salt - approximately 2-2.2 large spoons;
  • sugar - approximately 100 g.

Ingredient Processing

Georgian sauerkraut is no more difficult to prepare than pickled cabbage. To create such a preparation, you should wash the head of the vegetable well, and then remove all damaged surface leaves from it and make sure that the product inside is free of putrefactive elements. Next, the cabbage must be chopped into large strips and placed in an enamel basin.

After processing the main component, you should begin preparing other vegetables. Beets and carrots need to be washed well, peeled, and then grated on a grater (large). These ingredients must also be placed in enamel dishes.

Mixing vegetables

After the vegetables are in a common container, they must be seasoned with coarsely ground black pepper, sugar, dill seeds, fennel, cilantro and table salt. To give the preparation a special taste and spiciness, shavings of horseradish root and chopped hot pepper should also be added to the products. Next, all the vegetables need to be mixed with your hands so that eventually the juice begins to stand out from them.

Formation and fermentation process

After mixing the ingredients, they should be distributed into glass jars so that the containers are filled only to the hangers. Moreover, in the process of laying out the cabbage, it must be regularly compacted using a masher. Finally, all vegetables should be loosely covered and left at room temperature for 2-3 days.

During the fermentation process, excess brine may form on the surface of the workpiece. If it overflows over the edge of the jar, then you can drain it a little.

Final stage

After tasting the cabbage, you can immediately put it in the refrigerator, or you can keep it warm. This decision depends entirely on your personal taste preferences. If you like more sour cabbage, then you don’t have to rush into putting it in the cold. If you like a softer, but sharper preparation, then it is enough to keep it at room temperature for 2 days.

Serve to the table

After the cabbage with beets and carrots has fermented properly, it should be tightly closed and refrigerated. You can store this preparation almost all winter.

Before eating, it is recommended to rinse the delicious sauerkraut thoroughly under cold water, then sprinkle with sugar, season with vegetable oil and mix. It is advisable to serve this Georgian salad along with a hot main course.

By the way, fermented preparation can be used not only for serving it at the dinner table, but also for making pies and pies. To do this, fry it a little in a frying pan along with fresh cabbage and carrots.

Georgian cabbage with beets

There are such dishes in cooking, just from the smell of which you get an excellent appetite and a good mood for the whole day. The list of such culinary masterpieces, intoxicating with aroma, includes many dishes from different cuisines of the world, including such a delight as Georgian cabbage with beets. A vegetable delicacy with an exquisite spicy-salty accent, it adds piquant notes of mysterious and “hot” Georgia to the feast of different nations.

  • White cabbage - 1 pc. (small, weighing no more than 3 kg) + —
  • Garlic – 2 heads + –
  • Petiole celery – 2 bunches + –
  • Beetroot – 1.5 kg + –
  • Hot sweet pepper - 3 pcs. + —

Brine ingredients:

True Georgians will certainly appreciate the name of such a wonderful dish with national flavor. But, for those who are not familiar with the language of the temperamental Georgian people, we will reveal a secret: Daria translated from Georgian means “mistress”. This is exactly how many people associate sauerkraut with beets. Its taste is inimitable, its color is pleasant, its smell is special, and its benefits are colossal.

It is very difficult to find a second dish like this that simultaneously conquers the mind and heart. Therefore, we should start working on the recipe for preparing a real Georgian delicacy as soon as possible.

Georgian cabbage with beets, step-by-step recipe:

Before we start processing the main ingredient of our dish, let's first prepare the brine.

We start cooking with brine because you need to fill the cabbage with cold, not hot or warm, brine liquid. Therefore, we boil water in a saucepan, then add salt to the boiling water and dissolve it.

The brine should taste a little saltier than sea water. Leave the boiled brine for a while and give it the opportunity to cool.

Features of serving

The Georgian dish can be served in different ways. You can chop the pickled “petals” and pour oil over them. It is possible to serve cabbage with finely chopped herbs. However, the best serving is sauerkraut with beets in its pure form, without any additional additives or spices.

You can serve this special Georgian delicacy as a side dish or appetizer with potatoes, as well as meat, fish dishes, etc. The amazing taste of Georgian sourdough will add spice to the culinary sensations and will pleasantly delight the guests at your family table.

  • For a fermented dish, it is very important to choose the right vegetables. For example, cabbage should be small, and beets should be sweet and have a rich, bright color.
  • Using the technology for preparing this recipe, it is better not to put any greens into the starter, except celery, so as not to spoil or interrupt the true taste of the fermented products.
  • Ready Georgian sourdough must be stored in the refrigerator so that it retains its taste longer, does not lose its saltiness and does not disappear.

By following simple cooking and storage rules, you can get an amazingly tasty dish that has already been appreciated by many families. Georgian sauerkraut with beets is a dish for which a special place is provided in the cookbook not only of the Georgian people. Anyone who has learned the secrets of its preparation can enjoy delicious crispy pieces of salty cabbage, which has a spicy-sharp flavor.

Ferment a healthy product for your health, and let a piece of extravagant Georgia happily settle in your cozy kitchen!

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The sour taste of spicy Georgian cabbage with beets is loved by many. Folk Caucasian herbs make this dish especially tasty and attractive. It is popular because it is both crispy and tender. Ideal as an appetizer or side dish for meat dishes. Looks perfect on the table, having a pleasant pink color. If you want to learn how to cook cabbage with beets in Georgian style, then all you need for cooking is the ability to cut vegetables and your desire. In this recipe, many housewives like the quick way to prepare sauerkraut. It marinates for no more than a week. If stored properly, it has a long shelf life. Although such a tasty dish usually does not stay in the refrigerator. There is no doubt that this dish will win your love.

Step by step recipe


  • Heads of cabbage – 3 kg;
  • Water – 2 l;
  • Chili pepper – 3 pcs;
  • Garlic – 8 cloves;
  • Salt – 3 tbsp. l;
  • Celery – 50 g;
  • Burak – 1.5 kg.

  1. It is necessary to prepare the brine. Pour salt into boiling water and cool.
  2. Chop the head of cabbage not very coarsely.
  3. Peel and then cut the beetroot into rings. All pieces must be the same size.
  4. Chop each clove of garlic.
  5. Cut the hot pepper into rings.
  6. Transfer some of the beets to a large container. Then - part of the chopped heads of cabbage. Add spices. Mash the leaves and add to the container.
  7. Fill the food with brine so that it is 4-5 cm higher than the contents.
  8. Cover with a lid and leave for 5-6 days.

Quick recipe for the winter with photos

Salted Georgian cabbage with beets is ideal for preparation. The manufacturing method is very simple.


  • Heads of cabbage – 1.5 kg;
  • Red beets – 1 large piece;
  • Lavrushka – 5 pcs;
  • Celery leaves – 50g;
  • Hot pepper – 1-2 pcs;
  • Water – 1.5 l;
  • Vegetable oil – 120 ml;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Salt – 3 tbsp. l;
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp. l;
  • Allspice – 1 tsp.
  1. Pour water into the container.
  2. Add seasonings: bay leaf, black pepper and sugar.
  3. After boiling, pour in the vinegar and remove from heat.
  4. Cut the head of cabbage into large pieces.
  5. Place sliced ​​​​products in layers in a pre-prepared jar.
  6. Peel the beetroot and chop into pieces.
  7. Chop the celery and place in a container.
  8. Finely chop the cloves and place in a container.
  9. Repeat layers.
  10. Add chili.
  11. The beetroot must be under the lid.
  12. Pour liquid and do not touch for 1-3 days.
  13. The resulting dish must be stored in the refrigerator.

Georgian sauerkraut recipe


  • White cabbage – 1 piece;
  • Red beets – 1 piece;
  • Carrots – 1 piece;
  • Vinegar 9% - 250 ml;
  • Water – 1 l;
  • Sugar – 125g;
  • Chili – 1 piece;
  • Salt – 2 tablespoons;
  • Seasonings - to taste.
  1. Chop the head of cabbage into large pieces.
  2. Chop the beetroot.
  3. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  4. Finely chop the garlic and chili.
  5. Stir the resulting salad and place it in a container.
  6. Add allspice.
  7. Prepare the brine and pour into the food.
  8. Add seasonings.
  9. After boiling, pour in the vinegar and remove from heat. Cool.
  10. Pour the prepared liquid into a jar and leave it in the cold for a day.

Recipe using red cabbage with photo


  • Red cabbage – 1 kg;
  • Burak – 200 g;
  • Chili - to taste;
  • Vinegar – 0.5 l;
  • Salt – 7 g for vegetables and 30 g for brine;
  • Garlic – 8 cloves;
  • Peppercorns – 5 pcs;
  • Water – 0.5 l;
  • Dill, basil, tarragon - 40 g each.
  1. Cut the head of cabbage into pieces.
  2. Place it in boiling water for 2 minutes. Then transfer to cool water.
  3. Chop the garlic.
  4. Fill the food with water and add salt. After boiling, cool.
  5. Peel and cut the red beets into wedges.
  6. Place the ingredients in a jar in layers: pieces of cabbage, beetroot, seasonings and herbs. Repeat.
  7. Add water to the food container.
  8. After boiling, pour in vinegar.
  9. Maintain at a warm temperature for 2-3 days.
  10. Keep refrigerated.

  1. Cut the head of cabbage into 6-7 pieces.
  2. Thinly slice the red beets.
  3. Grind the cloves and pepper.
  4. Put the water to boil. Add salt and stir thoroughly until dissolved.
  5. Cool to a temperature of 80 degrees.
  6. Chop the greens.
  7. Distribute the products in layers into the jar. There should be red beets under the lid.
  8. Pour brine into the resulting “salad”.
  9. Leave covered for a couple of days.
  10. Transfer to the refrigerator and let simmer for another two days.
  • Do not use aluminum utensils for salting. This metal can negatively affect the taste and health of the dish;
  • Any herbs you like will do. Be it coriander, horseradish or star anise. It is important that you like them;
  • The white cabbage leaves become crispy and soft. You can safely give preference to this type;
  • While the dish is marinating, you can taste the result by adjusting the amount of sugar and salt;
  • If there are boiled beets left in the refrigerator, you can use them for pickling. It will make the cabbage cauliflower and sweet. But it won't be as crispy as raw beets;
  • If you want, you can add colored inflorescences for variety. Rest assured, the taste will not be lost;
  • When choosing vinegar, give preference to wine or apple. They have a more natural composition;
  • When slicing the cabbage heads, try to stick to medium-sized pieces. Then a delicious result of your work will be achieved;
  • When storing, use the bottom shelves of the refrigerator. There the dish will not spoil and can marinate perfectly;
  • For decoration you can use green onions, dill or parsley.

Salted pickled cabbage contains many useful elements, vitamins and fiber. They help the intestines work and have a positive effect on the immune system. Cabbage contains a small amount of calories. This dish is ideal to prepare for the winter. The recipe for Georgian pickled cabbage with beets includes affordable and cheap products. The bright color, rich taste and incredible aroma of this dish will not leave anyone indifferent. Any housewife can prepare a culinary masterpiece using these recipes. A well-prepared marinade will allow you to create a new, spicy and bright side dish. You and your family will be able to enjoy a new dish in your diet.

Reddish-pink color, sharp taste, large cuts - cabbage, pickled or pickled in Georgian style, is difficult to confuse with any other appetizer. It turns out crispy, aromatic, bright, with a pronounced piquant taste. It can be served separately or as an addition to a side dish, or used to prepare salads and other dishes. Georgian cabbage is made with beets with the addition of garlic and hot pepper - this is the secret of its unique color and fiery taste. Preparing such a snack will not take much time and effort, but you will get real pleasure from eating it. Guests and household members will not be disappointed either.

Cooking features

Georgian cabbage can be prepared according to different recipes, and the cooking technology may also not be entirely identical. However, knowing a few points will allow you to get the best result.

  • For fermentation, even if you do not plan to store the snack for a long time, late varieties of cabbage are more suitable. Tender young cabbage makes the dish somewhat dry and less crunchy. But the size of the heads of cabbage depends on the chosen recipe. If you cut the head of cabbage into 6-8 pieces, it should be small. Large specimens are also suitable for smaller cuts.
  • You cannot ferment or pickle cabbage in aluminum containers. This material forms harmful substances when in contact with acids. You can use stainless steel containers, but it is not advisable - cabbage in them may acquire a metallic taste. The best choice would be enamel pans or tanks. According to some recipes, you can salt cabbage in Georgian style in glass jars.
  • It is recommended to ferment cabbage in Georgian style at room temperature, but it must be stored in a cool place, ideally in the refrigerator or cellar.
  • Georgian cabbage is a spicy appetizer. If you are not used to dishes with a strongly pronounced hot taste, it is advisable to reduce the amount of pepper and garlic relative to that specified in the recipe.
  • If you peel a lot of peppers and garlic, use gloves, otherwise you may get a skin burn.
  • Cabbage absorbs salt gradually; during the fermentation process, the brine has to be added. To get a snack with a pleasant taste, do not hesitate to periodically taste the brine and add the ingredients that you think are missing.

Before serving, Georgian cabbage should be removed from the brine, cut into smaller pieces if necessary, poured with vegetable oil and garnished with fresh herbs.

Classic Georgian cabbage recipe

  • cabbage (small juicy hard heads) – 3 kg;
  • beets – 1.5 kg;
  • hot capsicum – 2-3 pcs.;
  • garlic – 10-15 cloves;
  • celery greens – 100 g;
  • salt – 120-150 g;
  • water – 2-2.5 l.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the heads of cabbage while removing the outer leaves.
  • Cut each head of cabbage in half, then divide each half into 3-4 slices with a sharp knife. Part of the stalk should remain in each slice.
  • Peel the garlic cloves and cut each clove in half.
  • Wash and peel the beets, let them dry. Cut into plates about 5 mm thick, maybe a little thicker.
  • Wash, dry the celery, shake it off the water, wait until it dries.
  • Wash the pepper, cut into rings, remove the seeds from inside the rings, otherwise the cabbage will come out too spicy.
  • Boil water, add three heaped tablespoons of salt into it.
  • Cook, stirring, until the salt is completely dissolved. Allow the brine to cool to room temperature.
  • Place beet mugs at the bottom of the pan or other container in which you intend to salt the cabbage. Place a layer of cabbage on top. Cover with beet slices, sprinkle with garlic and pepper. Remember to have celery sprigs in your hands and place them on top.
  • Continue adding vegetables, alternating, until they are all gone.
  • Fill with brine.
  • Cover the container with a lid. Leave for three days.
  • Taste the brine and add salt if necessary. Leave for another 2 days.

After the specified time, the cabbage can be tasted and served. From now on, it should be stored in the refrigerator or other cool place. Don't forget to cut the cabbage into smaller pieces before serving.

Georgian cabbage marinated with vinegar

  • beets – 0.3 kg;
  • fresh herbs – 100 g;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • hot capsicum – 1 pc.;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) – 100 ml;
  • salt – 60 g;
  • sugar – 60 g;
  • bay leaf – 3-4 pcs.;
  • allspice peas – 5-6 pcs.;
  • water – 3 l.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the cabbage. After hitting the top leaves, cut the cabbage into square pieces about 3-5 cm in size.
  • After washing and peeling, cut the beets into round slices about half a centimeter thick. If you pickle cabbage in jars, you can cut the beets into quarters.
  • Cut the pepper into thin rings, garlic into slices.
  • Place a layer of this vegetable at the bottom of the container in which you will pickle the cabbage. Cover with a layer of beets, sprinkle with garlic and pepper.
  • Continue adding vegetables, alternating, until they are all gone. The beets should be on top.
  • Boil water, dissolve salt and sugar in it. Add spices and a bunch of herbs, boil for 5 minutes.
  • Add vinegar and stir.
  • Pour the hot marinade over the vegetables. You don’t need to close it tightly, but covering it with gauze won’t hurt.
  • When the marinade has cooled to room temperature, put the containers with cabbage in the refrigerator.

The sample can be taken within a day - cabbage marinates quickly with vinegar.

Georgian cabbage with carrots and beets

  • white cabbage – 1.5 kg;
  • carrots – 0.2 kg;
  • beets – 0.4 kg;
  • garlic – 6 cloves;
  • sugar – 80 g;
  • salt – 10 g;
  • apple cider vinegar (6 percent) – 60 ml;
  • ground black pepper – 5 g;
  • vegetable oil – 60 ml;
  • water – 0.5-0.75 l;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the cabbage into square pieces, carrots and beets into circles.
  • Finely chop the garlic.
  • Wash the three-liter jar. If you want the cabbage to be stored longer, the jar can be sterilized first.
  • Fill the jar with vegetables, alternating layers so that the beets are on top.
  • Boil water, add spices, sugar and salt. When the salt and sugar dissolve, add oil and vinegar and boil the marinade for 2-3 minutes.
  • Pour marinade over cabbage, carrots and beets.
  • Cover the cabbage with a nylon lid, cutting a slit in it with a knife so that the cabbage does not “suffocate.”

The cooled jar should be placed in the refrigerator. The snack can be stored for up to two months, but it turns out so tasty that it is unlikely to last that long. According to this recipe, the dish, compared to the traditional version, is not too spicy, since it does not contain hot pepper.

Video: cabbage marinated with beets in Georgian “Red”

Georgian cabbage is one of the most popular appetizers. It is valued for its unique spicy taste and appetizing color. She acquires it thanks to the addition of beets. You can prepare a popular dish according to several recipes, in marinade or brine.

In Georgia, the appetizer is simply called: mzhave kombosto, or Gurian cabbage. Ours is more clear - Georgian cabbage with beets. And all this is a special way of salting, pickling or pickling cabbage in large pieces framed by vegetables, among which beets and hot seasonings play the main role. Our housewives salt it with carrots, onions, garlic, and bell peppers. Sprigs of cilantro, celery, and parsley are added to add flavor to Caucasian cuisine. It is made with instant vinegar, or fermented for several days through natural fermentation.

Georgian salad comes with beautiful pink cabbage petals and an amazing aroma of hot spices.

Classic Georgian cabbage recipe

Keep the recipe for spicy red cabbage, pickled without vinegar. You can cook it in a saucepan, or directly in jars.


  • Forks – 3 kg.
  • Beetroot – 1.5 kg.
  • Garlic heads – 2 pcs.
  • Hot chili pepper – 3 pods.
  • Leaf celery – 200 gr.
  • For brine:
  • Water – 2 liters.
  • Salt – 4 large spoons + a little more during fermentation.

How to pickle:

  1. Make a brine: put water to boil, add salt. After the spices have dissolved, remove from the burner and leave to cool.
  2. For Georgian pickling, the head of cabbage is divided into 6-10 parts, coarsely cut right with the stalk.
  3. Peeled beets are also cut into large rounds.
  4. Decide for yourself what to do with garlic. Leave small cloves as is, divide large ones in half.
  5. Remove the seeds from the chili and chop into rings. If you like eye-catching snacks, you can also send the seeds to pickle the cabbage.
  6. Place prepared vegetables in jars in layers. Make the bottom from beet rounds, then tightly arrange the cabbage petals.
  7. Between them add pepper, garlic, celery, and add a little salt. To ensure that the greens fully impart their unique aroma, remember the branches with your hands. Make sure to make the top layer from beets.
  8. Pour the cooled marinade into a jar.
  9. If possible, press down the contents with pressure. Be sure to tie gauze around the neck to prevent flies from getting into the container when fermenting.
  10. Leave in kitchen conditions for three days. During this time, the cabbage will begin to ferment naturally.
  11. After the specified time, pour a tablespoon of salt into the jar. To do this, lift up a layer of beets and, if possible, some pieces of cabbage. Gently stir the salt.
  12. Keep the jar in the apartment for another 2 days.
  13. Then transfer to a cool place. In principle, you can already help yourself, but the longer the salad sits, the more aromatic and tastier the rose petals turn out.

Quick Gurian cabbage with beets

Since in Georgian families Gurian cabbage recipes are passed down from mother to daughter, this one cannot claim to be the most authentic one. But I think it's the best.


  • 1 kilo head of cabbage.
  • Medium carrot.
  • Big beets.
  • Garlic – 3-4 cloves.
  • Hot chili (green, red) – 2-3 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil – 100 ml.
  • Table vinegar – 100 ml.
  • Water – 500 ml.
  • Granulated sugar – 100 gr.
  • Table salt - a tablespoon.
  • A bunch of parsley (cilantro).

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. First cut the head of cabbage into halves together with the stalk. Then cut the halves into 4 more pieces.
  2. Cut the carrots into rings. Divide the garlic cloves into halves lengthwise.
  3. Cut off the stalk of the chili pods and cut into rings. To enhance the spiciness of the salad, do not remove the partitions with seeds. For those who are less daring, it is better to remove the middle.
  4. Cut the beets into slices (cut in half lengthwise, then divide into slices).
  5. Coarsely chop the cilantro along with the stems.
  6. Place the ingredients in the pan in layers: cabbage petals, then beets, carrots, garlic. Next is a layer of chili and greens.
  7. Repeat the layers until you run out of vegetables.
  8. Drizzle oil on top.
  9. Cook the marinade from water with salt and sugar. Remove from heat and pour in vinegar. Stir and let cool to room temperature.
  10. Pour into a bowl and place under pressure. Wait 3-4 days. Then transfer to a cool place.
  11. After 3-4 minutes, try and enjoy. If you put the snack in jars and put it in the cold, the snack will be stored for a long time, so feel free to prepare the salad for the winter.

Instant Georgian cabbage with beets

Thanks to hot pouring, marinated Georgian salad with carrots and garlic will be ready after just 3 days. The appetizer is made with vinegar and cut into large pieces, so for cooking it is better to take wide dishes; it is inconvenient to put pressure in jars.


  • White cabbage – 2-3 kg.
  • Beets – 300 gr.
  • Carrots – 300 gr.
  • Garlic cloves – 300 gr.
  • Leaf celery, cilantro, parsley.
  • For 2 liters of marinade:
  • Table salt – 3 large level spoons.
  • Sugar – ¾ cup.
  • Vinegar (apple, wine) – glass.
  • Peppercorns - a teaspoon.
  • Bay leaf – 3 leaves.

How to do:

  1. Remove the top leaves from the head of cabbage, divide into halves, and cut into large pieces. Take them apart into petals.
  2. Chop the greens. Cut the carrots and beet into rings. Divide the garlic cloves into slices.
  3. Place cabbage leaves on the bottom of the pan.
  4. Arrange the pieces, interspersed with slices of carrots, beets, sprinkled with herbs and garlic.
  5. Cook the marinade by adding salt and sugar to boiling water. When the bulk spices disperse, add pepper and pour in vinegar. Let it come to a high boil.
  6. Fill the pot with the cabbage with marinade. To prevent the pieces from floating, cover with a plate and press down with pressure.
  7. After three days, you can take a sample. If you prepared a lot of Georgian snacks, put the leftovers in a jar. Store on the refrigerator shelf.

Georgian cabbage pkhali recipe

Pkhali is a Georgian snack, the highlight of which is nut dressing. This is a group of dishes made from various ingredients. I offer a classic cabbage recipe.


  • Cabbage – 400 gr.
  • Red beets – 200 gr.
  • Onion.
  • Red onion.
  • Walnut kernels – 200 gr.
  • Sprigs of cilantro, parsley.
  • Spicy adjika.

How to cook:

  1. Boil coarsely chopped beets and cabbage until tender (allowed together).
  2. Drain and cool.
  3. Pass through a meat grinder, adding the remaining vegetables except red onion.
  4. Crush the nuts or chop them with vegetables.
  5. Stir the mixture, add chopped herbs.
  6. Season with adjika and salt. Stir again.
  7. Make balls of arbitrary size from the resulting mass. Place beautifully on a dish, garnish with red onion rings and parsley.

Secrets of preparing Georgian salad

  • The recipes give the correct proportions for preparing cabbage in Georgian style. But no one obliges you to follow them exactly. If you want to give the appetizer more spiciness, add more pepper and garlic.
  • Do not cut the cabbage into too large pieces; they will have time to salt, but will not have time to be completely saturated with beet juice.
  • It is better to chop the garlic, but if you neglect this, after cooking you will get neat pickled cloves as a bonus.

Video with a step-by-step recipe for Georgian cabbage. If you are not confident in your talent, watch and repeat the steps.

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