Reincarnation: how to recognize a person from a past life. Mysteries of karma: love from a past life - an enchanted soul - livejournal Did people know each other in a past life?

Love is the most mysterious of human feelings. At all times, philosophers, writers and even doctors have tried to understand its nature. An even more mysterious phenomenon is love at first sight.

It seems simply incredible. People see each other for the first time, but it seems to them that they have known each other all their lives. We just met and immediately became so close and dear! And it doesn’t matter that their social status, character, nationality, age may be completely different. No logic or calculation applies here. Everything happens at the level of intuition.

Those who were lucky enough to experience such a feeling compare it with a mystical illumination, insight, accompanied by complete confidence that this particular person is your destiny, your soul mate, a part, and without him life loses its meaning. And even if it is sometimes unclear to outside observers what is happening.

But these two know that they have found each other, and they don’t need anything, just to be together.
Another distinctive feature of love at first sight is that people do not need to wait for months or years to achieve reciprocal feelings - the attraction arises immediately and mutually.
What one experiences, the other experiences the same.

Happy together

Spouses who have lived together for more than one year understand each other perfectly. Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Bill Clinton and his future wife Hillary, then still students, saw each other for the first time at Yale University and literally froze in place. It is unknown how long it lasted, but finally Hillary uttered the phrase that later became famous: “If you’re going to look at me, and I’m going to look at you, we should get to know each other. I'm Hillary Rodham." Spouses Bill and Hillary have been together for over 36 years.

Love at first sight broke out between David Beckham and Victoria Adams. The legendary football player met his future wife, a member of the Spice Girls, at one of the football matches. In his book “Both Feet on the Ground,” David wrote about meeting Victoria: “I immediately felt that we were meant to be together.”

When Michael Douglas met Catherine Zeta-Jones at a film festival in France, he immediately said that he would like to be the father of her children. The film actress also admitted in an interview that she immediately fell in love with her future husband, despite the large age difference. Since then, Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones have been happy together and have two children.

Marina Vladi spoke about her acquaintance with Vladimir Vysotsky in her book “Vladimir, or Interrupted Flight”: “He comes up... sits down opposite me and no longer takes his eyes off me. His silence does not bother me; we look at each other as if we had always known each other.”

It is surprising that the first words that Vysotsky uttered that evening were: “Finally, I met you.”
Natalya Podolskaya met Vladimir Presnyakov on the set of the “Big Race” program. In an interview, the singer said: “It was love at first sight. An inner voice told me: “This is your future husband.” And so it happened.”

Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall, Muslim Magomaev and Tamara Sinyavskaya, Rodion Shchedrin and Maya Plisetskaya, Matt Damon and Luciana Damon, Vladislav Doronin and Naomi Campbell... It is impossible to list everyone whose dating stories were marked by love at first sight. What happens at such moments?

Three versions

Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones are happy together.

There are several versions explaining this phenomenon. The first version is psychological. Experts believe that the reason for love at first sight is hidden in a special emotional state. The famous Russian psychologist Nikolai Kozlov calls this state pre-love, or readiness to love and be loved.

For example, a girl is walking through the city, it’s spring all around, she’s in a romantic mood, and He meets her. We met eyes. And the feeling flared up. Although psychologists suggest that this is not love at all, but just illusions and dreams-fantasies.

The second version is physiological. It is known that our bodies secrete special volatile substances - pheromones. It is their smell that affects the production of the hormone amphetamine, which can cause real love passion in our body. It turns out that our subconscious, with the help of the olfactory function, finds among many others the object most suitable for us in terms of biochemical parameters, so to speak, our soul mate.

And finally, the most common and of particular interest is the mystical version. According to this version, the meeting of two loving people is predetermined from above, even before their birth. It is no coincidence that there is an expression that marriages are made in heaven. One of the legends says that shortly before the birth of each person, angels gather and indicate who he is destined to meet in the future. And people, obeying vague deep memories, recognize each other.

Research by Dr. Michael Newton

Marina Vladi claims that when Vladimir Vysotsky saw her, he said: “Finally, I met you”

Perhaps the most striking argument in favor of the mystical version is the works of the American researcher Michael Newton, based not on legends and hypotheses, but on real scientific experience.

Dr. Michael Newton, a certified hypnotherapist with 45 years of experience, has been treating patients with regression hypnosis for many years. Purpose: to awaken people's memories of what their soul did between physical incarnations. He described the acquired scientific experience in detail in his books, written in the form of conversations with patients.

These recordings reveal the features of life in a space unknown to us.

The scientist was able to establish that before each new birth we meet in the spiritual world with kindred souls, as well as with those who will subsequently have a strong influence on our lives. This is especially true for your main soul mate. Perhaps we have already met in past lives and were in close relationships. The memory of past meetings again attracts us to each other. Before leaving for Earth from the world where souls live, loving partners agree in advance how they can get to know each other. The levers of memory here are certain identification marks.

They can be various inconspicuous, at first glance, little things: perfume, certain jewelry, clothing, manner of speaking... One of the patients, whom Dr. Newton put into a trance using regressive hypnosis, said that he had to recognize his future wife by an original silver pendant on neck and a laugh ringing like a bell, and she should have remembered him from his big ears and awkwardness during their first dance.

In this regard, the love story of supermodel Heidi Klum and British musician Seal is interesting. The couple met in the lobby of a New York hotel. Heidi spotted her future husband as he left the gym. “I was amazed,” she later told Oprah Winfrey. “I looked at his sports shorts and was the first to go introduce myself.”

Love at first sight is the awakening of memories of past meetings, a sacred moment of recognition of a soulmate that will fill our lives with new meaning, regardless of the duration of the relationship.

Perhaps those readers who have already found their match will be able to recall the password signs during the first meeting that helped them recognize each other. Of course, it happens that for some reason we did not react to an important meeting and did not recognize secret signs. Then fate, as Dr. Newton believes, will “accidentally” collide us again and again.

We often visited her when I came to Russia on vacation from Dusseldorf. Anastasia Alexandrovna is a very pleasant woman, she often told us something interesting, but what she told us the last time we met amazed me. I knew that Anastasia Alexandrovna’s beloved husband had once died; I didn’t remember him well, but my mother told me that he was an unusually smart, interesting person. He was almost 17 years older than Anastasia Alexandrovna. I also heard that they had some kind of unusual love story. And then one evening, when the conversation touched on love, I noticed something in the eyes of this old woman that made me fall silent. And then Anastasia Alexandrovna told me what happened to her many years ago. I didn’t sleep all night... And the next morning I wrote down her story almost verbatim.

You've probably heard about reincarnation? – she asked me. – Of course, yes, I’m sure, because now they write about everything. But in our time, not only there was no such word, but somehow the very concept of “transmigration of the soul” did not exist. What was happening to me seemed to those around me to be a slight shift in my psyche. My parents, hereditary doctors, dreamed of my career as a doctor. And I was drawn to music. I ran to the music school as if to my own home. I was twelve when, one evening, returning from school in the evening, I suddenly felt ill. We lived then in Magadan. It was very dark - autumn, wet snow was falling. I was walking down the street, and suddenly it was as if something shot into my mind, I saw that I was on a completely different street, somehow narrow and dirty. It was me and not me. It's so difficult to explain this condition. “There” I was about fourteen years old. Blond hair, a cap on my head, a checkered woolen skirt, rough heavy shoes - that’s what I remember clearly. I also remember that I was going to see a very important person, on whom my fate depended. Then there was another sharp push, and I saw my real self again, on a bench, next to two women and a man, who were asking me something and wiping their faces with a handkerchief. Weak and confused, they brought me home and handed me over to my parents, who were terribly scared, because I had never been a weak child in terms of health. I told my mother about what I saw, and she was even more frightened. I remember that she even gave me some injections then.

Then everything happened again about six months later. I was sitting in a biology lesson when suddenly everything “floated” and I saw myself in a large, bright room, in a long pink dress. I remember very well the decoration of the room and the harpsichord. A handsome gray-haired man sat at the harpsichord and played a waltz. I looked at him with adoration. I remember quite clearly that he was my guardian. My distant childless relative, rich and noble, took me, the poor daughter of ruined parents, to raise him with the goal of marrying me off successfully and thus finding heirs. Then the man stood up and we began to waltz “one”, “two”, “three”. He gently pointed out my mistakes, showing me how to turn my head. Then I returned to my present again. It felt like everything lasted several minutes, the lesson continued... For a long time nothing like this happened again, and I already thought that these were really age-related mental disorders.

After graduating from eight grades, to the great chagrin of my parents, I entered the Khabarovsk Music School. I studied well, met young people, dreamed of becoming a great musician, in general, I lived like many of my friends - nothing special. And here it is again, “turning on”. At that moment I was studying in the audience, playing Bach. I saw myself in a wonderful autumn garden. It was quite cold, but the rays of the sun were still shining. In the distance one could see a huge stone house and neat paths around the lawns. I walked, leaning on the arm of that gray-haired man, dressed in a warm coat with a cape. I was expecting a child. These were probably the last months of pregnancy. My guardian said something, but I didn’t listen. My heart was breaking with pain. I loved this man. And he married me off to a young noble youth and eagerly awaited the appearance of our first-born. I walked and thought that I would probably never dare to admit my feelings. At some point, my adoptive father, freeing his hand, quickly walked up to a small rose bush and picked a lonely, already withered rose. Then he came up to me, knelt down and handed it to me. And there was something in his gaze... I came to my senses at the piano, my hands were on my knees, and something was torn in my chest. I didn’t have any more inclusions from that life. Then I often thought about what language we spoke, and everything seemed to be in English. By the way, in my current life it was easy for me, I speak it as if it were my native language.

And then events happened like this: several members of the commission from Moscow were expected to arrive for the final exam, and, naturally, we were all terribly worried, because only a few lucky ones were expected to have a smooth transition to the conservatory. I go on stage and sit down at the piano. But before I play, I look at the examiners. And I literally freeze: in one of the chairs sits HE, a guardian from that life, only a little younger! I couldn't play. I felt so bad that it’s impossible to describe. In the hallway, my fellow students helped me drink water. A hand gently rested on your shoulder: “Don’t worry, you’ll hand over everything later. Don’t go anywhere, I’ll take you home.” This is how I met my future husband. Yuri took me to Moscow, where we got married. I loved this man madly, but still couldn’t find the strength to tell him about what had been happening to me these years.

I was in the last stages of pregnancy when my husband came to visit me at the maternity hospital. We walked through the hospital garden; it was the end of September. The trees had already all turned yellow, the garden was empty. But in one of the corners we saw a rose bush with one last flower. I involuntarily stopped, and Yura, like a boy, jumped over the fence, picked this rose and brought it to me, kneeling on one knee, like “there.” Can you imagine what happened to me? I started having contractions! I gave birth to twins, a son and a daughter. And six years later I lost my husband. I was called from the school where I taught straight to the hospital: Yura was hit by a car. Ridiculous and random. The doctors did not hide anything and said directly that he had only a few hours left. I will never forget these two and a half hours... Yura was unconscious, and I was afraid that he would die without saying goodbye to me. But at some point he opened his eyes and looked at me intently. I thought he was looking without seeing. My eyes were watering. I leaned over, trying to make out what he was whispering. At first it was impossible to make out anything, then he suddenly became tense and said quite clearly in the purest English: “Do you remember how I taught you to dance the waltz?” And then his mouth twisted into a spasm. A few minutes later he was gone...

So many years have passed, and I still ask myself the question: what was it, why? When various articles and studies began to be published about various unusual phenomena in our lives, I greedily read everything related to reincarnation, but I never found anything sensible. But one day, having told this story to one, so to speak, healer, I heard the following words: “You sinned in a past life, let true love pass by and remained apart without fulfilling your life task. Life has given you a chance again. But you have to pay for everything, and your Yura paid the bill.”

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Recently, one of the readers asked an interesting question: “How can we find out from our loved ones and relatives who we have previously met in past lives?”, “How many such people do we meet during our lives?”, “Is it possible to immediately Do you understand that this is not the first time we’ve met?” Indeed, many of the people with whom we walk through life, we have already met more than once in our past incarnations. And with many people, even if we are just getting to know them in this life, we already have a huge common history.

A joint story can be good if, for example, for several lives people are friends, help and help each other out, etc. And there is also very negative joint karma, when people have been enemies for many lives, killed, framed and betrayed each other many times in the past, etc. Remember for yourself, you meet a person for the first time, start communicating and you immediately feel something towards him. Or sympathy and trust, although, it would seem, there are no special grounds for this. Or antipathy, rejection, aggression or fear, although, again, this person has not done or said anything bad to you in this life.

Where do these persistent feelings come from? Of course, from past memory, which, as a rule, is almost immediately activated upon contact with a person. The joint accumulated karma (common destiny), either negative or positive, is also activated. If you meet a person for the first time, communicate with him for 5 minutes, and you have the impression that you have known him for “100 years”, all your life - rest assured, you have already met him in past lives! And if you have the desire and psychic abilities, then you can sit in meditation and look at your shared past with any person - in what lives you met, what you quarreled about, what harm you caused each other, or vice versa, how much you loved and what you won victories together. Why do people meet for many lifetimes in a row over and over again?

Because all the accumulated tails, crimes against each other, mutual grievances, claims and debts - ultimately must be closed, forgiven and cleared. And until two people atone for their guilt to each other, they will meet in their new incarnations. This is one of the Laws of Karma. 50-70% of all our loved ones and relatives with whom we go through life are our old acquaintances from past lives. Sometimes this percentage can be less, and sometimes more. And believe me, we live next to those with whom we live - for a reason! We almost always have common sins that need to be atoned for and common tasks that we need to learn to solve. And running away from these relationships and problems is useless!

The more a person runs away, the more painful and difficult it will be to solve them later. It’s not for nothing that many events in life are repeated many times until a person finally turns to the situation and the corresponding problem and solves it. And if you don’t decide in this life, you will still have to decide in the next, but in more difficult conditions. There is such a thing as “Karmic ties” or “Karmic knots”.

This specifically applies to complex, intricate relationships, when conflicts are not resolved for decades, grievances and claims only accumulate, and people cannot get rid of each other. Serious “Karmic knots” cannot be untied simply by one’s own desire. Here you need the help of a Healer. Working with a Spiritual Healer allows you to get to the root cause and events in past incarnations where this karmic knot was tightened. A good Healer helps to quickly eliminate this root cause and help people untie the corresponding black knot. Along with the knot, as if by magic, the negativity towards each other goes away. It often happens that after working with a Healer, people who have hated each other for a long time become instant friends. So any problem can be solved! But it is important to find such a great specialist who is able to solve this problem!

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November 29th, 2007

TO arma represents the influence of past lives on the present. A related term in the Western tradition used to describe similar influences is fate. Now not everyone takes karma so seriously, but many people are interested.

To believe or not to believe in all these “astrological things” related to karma, past and future lives is up to each of you. But what if knowledge turns out to be useful?

“Six months ago I got divorced... I had quite deep feelings for my husband, but after some time we separated on his initiative. When the mental wound healed, I tried to objectively look at our relationship and I myself realized that he was not suitable for me as a spouse - different characters, views on life... But all this time I was periodically overcome by a strong feeling that we should not have separated as quickly as we did it. That we didn’t give a lot to each other. And sometimes I get a strong feeling that if we break our connection for good, something irreparable will happen...”

This is an excerpt from a letter from a woman who came to me for consultation, which served as inspiration for writing this article.

Every astrologer familiar with the eastern direction of astrology knows that many encounters with people in everyday life are far from accidental and carry a karmic character. Some data suggest that there can be many such karmic encounters throughout a lifetime.

Coming into this world, we find ourselves surrounded by people who help us realize our karmic tasks. These are ours children, friends, relatives, bosses, work colleagues and just passers-by.

But now I would like to talk not about all karmic encounters, but specifically about the karmic relationship between a man and a woman. They are understood as relationships between partners who knew each other in past lives and experienced deep emotions towards each other.

A sign of a karmic relationship is that he or she, or maybe both, carry unresolved emotions within themselves, such as jealousy, anger, guilt, fear, addiction. Having failed to find a way out for their emotions, they are attracted to each other in the next incarnation.

The purpose of the new meeting is to provide each other with the opportunity to resolve the pressing issue. This occurs by recreating the same situation for a certain period of time.

Having met again, karmic partners feel an urgent need to become closer to each other and, after some time, begin to repeat their old emotional roles.

They must re-face the "old" situation and perhaps deal with it in a wiser way. The spiritual purpose of this meeting is for both lovers to make a different choice.

Let me give you an example. Imagine a woman who had a very jealous husband in her previous incarnation. A usurper who loved her madly, but at the same time tormented her with his jealousy. At some point, she decided that it was unbearable to live like this and left him. Not having survived the divorce from his beloved wife, the husband, after some time, falls ill and dies.

The woman feels remorse. She feels guilty. She regrets that she didn’t give him a chance to improve. She lives with this feeling of guilt for the rest of her life. In another life they meet again. An inexplicable attraction arises between them. At first, the man is unusually charming, and she becomes the center of his attention. He idolizes her. They develop a close relationship...

From this moment on, the man becomes an incredibly jealous owner. He constantly suspects her of cheating. She is angry and upset because the accusations are baseless. But she also feels an unusual obligation to forgive him and give him another chance, believes that he has a psychological complex (fear of abandonment), and hopes to help him overcome it.

In this way she justifies her behavior, but in reality allows her personal territory to be violated. The relationship negatively affects her self-esteem. The best choice for a woman would be to break off the relationship and go her own way without feeling guilty. The “complexes” of her husband (fiancé, lover) are not her responsibility.

The meaning of a new karmic meeting is that a woman learns to let go without feeling guilty, and a man must learn to endure emotional experiences with steadfastness. The only right decision here is to break off the relationship. The “mistake” the woman made in her past life was not that she left her husband, but that she felt responsible for his illness and death.

The departure of the wife in this life will once again leave the husband alone with worries and fear, and will give him a new opportunity to face these emotions, and not run away from them. The karmic relationship between these two will be repeated until they do the right thing.

I am often asked: is it possible to identify karmic relationships and how to do this? A professional astrologer can determine them by analyzing the synastry of partners (compatibility horoscope). In the compatibility horoscope, sometimes there is a position of the planets that accurately explains the reason for the meeting of two people.

I mean, when the majority of planets intersect under karmic aspects (i.e. the distance on the zodiac circle between the planets is 20, 40, 80 or 100 degrees) - this is an indisputable indicator of a karmic connection. Aspects of the Ascending and Descending nodes, Proserpina, Selene and Lilith to the higher planets, as well as ties between Saturn and Neptune can also tell whether the relationship between a man and a woman is karmic in nature, and what are the goals and objectives of this karmic meeting.

A certain age difference between partners can also serve as an indicator of karmic relationships. Age difference 5 or 10 years between a man and a woman is a completely non-random meeting. It is likely that there is a karmic connection between these partners, which requires working off mutual debts.

Karma keeps them close to each other. They will go through life in one direction, but at the same time one of them must take on the role of a guide, and the other must become a follower.

The age difference of 15 years is an indicator of a very strong karmic attraction. It is difficult for such people to break up, even if they want to do so. But their relationship is complex - they either help each other make the right life choices, or, conversely, lead their partner astray, thus increasing his karmic debts in the coming life.

Some indicators of karmic relationships are

unusual situations.

They are not a mandatory feature, but they also need to be taken into account.


Relationships begin unexpectedly for both partners or one of them, as well as their friends and relatives. The surprise is that these partners can be completely different in character, temperament, differ in social and financial status, and have a large age difference.

In another scenario, partners may know each other for years, but the decision to get married itself turns out to be an unexpected continuation of the relationship. For example, for many years they communicated only as friends, but suddenly one evening the situation turns into a very intimate direction and after that the couple in love decides to get married.


Relationships are formed in a very short period of time between lovers (a day, a week, a month). This is a situation where partners seem to have an epiphany. Such relationships are often marked by the effect of hypnosis.

They begin so quickly that a person is not fully aware of the changes taking place and only after a year or more begins to perceive the situation consciously. Before this, he is driven by forces and reactions that he is unable to fully explain. But the question: will partners want to look at each other “after waking up” often remains open.

After marriage, spouses can move to another city or even abroad. Moving far away somewhere after meeting and getting married, breaking family ties, starting a new life somewhere far from the place of birth is another important sign of a karmic connection.

A difficult situation

The most common option is that the partner is a drunkard or the partner is a drug addict. Maybe some health problems with a marriage partner (living with a person in a wheelchair, mentally ill) or the early (before 40 years) death of a partner. Such relationships can certainly be called “punishment.”

Apparently, this “punishment” is arranged by the person himself, unconsciously choosing a problematic partner. Most likely, due to a hidden feeling of guilt that came from the past, but the question “for what reason” remains open.

Or the problematic partner is attached to him himself, according to the genetic memory of a past life. Probably, in the previous incarnation the roles of the problematic and good partner were opposite, but in the current incarnation they change places and “justice is restored.”

No children in marriage

This is an indicator of a closed future for the generation through these people. Such karmic relationships between spouses are focused on themselves and serve to understand their own character traits. To some extent, this relationship can be called a short circuit. As a rule, in the end, after years or almost immediately, they turn out to be empty and lead to separation.

In this karmic connection, everything depends on how “correct” each partner was in his actions. If the partners showed themselves “correctly” (from the point of view of Fate and Cosmos) in this relationship, for example, they did not quarrel and blame each other for infertility, but adopted a child from an orphanage, then this couple may later have a child together.

If only one of the partners tried to behave “correctly”, but did not receive support, as a reward, life will give him another partner, from whom he will have children.


Relationships in a couple are marked by a certain inevitability, predestination, often in a negative sense, in the style of “Tristan and Isolde.”

These include: love triangles; situations of “impossible” love, for some objective and subjective reasons; situations of love-hate, when it seems that partners have been fighting each other all their lives, and yet they are unhappy without each other. It's like they love each other madly and hate each other madly.

Or fate simply constantly brings partners together, whether they want it or not. A striking example is the characters of Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger in the famous film “The Marrying Habit.” In the karmic relationships of such a couple, little changes or can be changed - these relationships seem to develop on their own according to a predetermined plan.

These are some of the most basic options that describe karmic relationships.

You can recognize a karmic meeting if the other person seems familiar to you. Quite often there is mutual attraction, something attractive “hangs in the air”, forcing you to be together and get to know each other. And most often, a strong attraction develops into a love relationship.

How long do karmic relationships last?

It depends on what type of connection your karmic relationship is - healing or destructive. Distinctive feature healing relationships is that a man and a woman who meet feel like soul mates, love and respect each other for who they are, without trying to change anything.

They enjoy being with each other greatly, but do not feel anxious, jealous, or lonely when their partner is not around. In such a relationship, you offer your loved one understanding, support and approval, without trying to solve his or her problems brought from past lives.

Relationships are filled with freedom and peace. Of course, there are times when there are misunderstandings, but the resulting emotions are short-lived. Both partners are ready to forgive. There is a heartfelt connection between them. Emotionally, both partners are independent. He or she does not fill a gap in his or her life, but on the contrary, adds something new, important, vital.

In a healing relationship, partners may have known each other from one or even several previous lifetimes. This creates an inextricable connection over the next several lives. Such a couple will never separate, will never divorce. They will always be together and happy. Marriage with such a karmic partner can be a wonderful and amazing journey!

But it also happens: the emotions you experience about a new love are so overwhelming, and you think that you have met your soul mate, your soul mate. Carefully! Things may not be as they seem.

If you are bound by unresolved emotional problems from the past, then sooner or later they will come to the surface. The spiritual lesson to all souls bound in this way is to let go of each other and become free and independent beings. The karmic relationships mentioned in the example of a jealous husband and a blaming wife are never long-lasting, stable, or loving. Often the main purpose of the meeting is to free each other from this love.

If your relationship causes a lot of suffering and tears, but you are not able to break them, try to understand that nothing obliges you to stay with that person. Understand that strong emotions often have to do with deep suffering rather than mutual love.

The energy of love is not so emotional - it is extremely calm and serene, joyful and inspiring! It is not depressing, exhausting and tragic. If your relationship shows similar traits, it's time to let your partner go.

Some women, suffering in marriage from drunkenness or the bad character of their husbands, convince themselves that they still need to stay together, because “this is fate” and they need to “go through it together.” They appeal to karma as an argument for prolonging the relationship, but they distort the concept of it.

Karma is individual for each person, it is impossible to go through your karma together with someone! In the relationships mentioned above, karma often requires that you be able to let go of your partner by leaving the tormenting relationship.

Sometimes you are so connected to your partner's complexes, to the emotionally hurt part within him or her, that you feel that you are the only one who can "solve" the situation and save him or her from problems. But nothing good will come of it. You will only reinforce the emotions of powerlessness and victimhood in the other person, when it would be more helpful to draw the line and stand up for yourself.

Your purpose is to be a free person. This type of painful relationship can set you back spiritually, and because of it, it may happen that you create heavy karma for subsequent incarnations. Do you want that?

You may only have a few months to resolve the past situation between you and your problematic partner. You may serve him or her well in life's journey, but you do not have to involve yourself in relationships that are detrimental to your spiritual growth. Love relationships are not meant to drag us down. When we love, we want from the bottom of our hearts to support each other in both happiness and sorrow, but we should not bear the entire burden of each other’s problems. All the best to you!

When people from a past life meet in the present life, a person is given a chance to correct his karmic relationships with his historical enemies.

Meeting with once close people allows you to bring unfinished situations from the past to their logical conclusion. Listen to your feelings, all meetings are not accidental.

Signs of a past life

Every sensitive person has several memories of strange occurrences:

When meeting a stranger, sympathy, emotional attachment and the feeling that you have known each other for a long time arise;
Some strangers cause rejection and rejection, although they have done nothing wrong and are quite attractive in appearance;
A mysterious connection with another person is manifested in the utterance of the same word, or a phrase begun by one, but the second ends with the same words that are spinning in the head of the first interlocutor.

Such signals cannot be regarded as an accident - these are signs that people met in a past life.

Your past lives

The immortal soul travels from one body to another. If the connection in a past life with a relative or enemy was very strong, then memories of past lives break through into the current spiritual incarnation.

A meeting with a pleasant person is given as a reward; it is likely that once upon a time you tragically parted, did not have time to say important words, and now you are given the opportunity to enjoy communication.

A meeting with an unpleasant person is not in vain. This is an opportunity to reconcile, eliminate the cause of the ancient conflict and improve karma.

Memory of past lives

The secrets of the human psyche hide the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious. Stories of past lives manifest themselves in the phenomenon of déjà vu; scientists cannot explain the reasons why a person seems to be reliving the situation.

Remembering past lives, a person has the opportunity to look deep into his soul and correct previous mistakes. The state of jamevu, when it seems to a person that the familiar surroundings are unfamiliar to him at all, defies logic, frightens, and creates the impression of madness. You should not be afraid of it - it is quite possible that at this moment the soul is looking into its future incarnation.

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Sometimes it happens that you meet a complete stranger, but inside you feel as if you had met an old friend. Such a connection happens, parapsychologists say, when this “someone” is a person from a past life. At least this can explain many of the coincidences that we sometimes have to deal with. It can be useful to recognize such a person from the crowd, because meeting a kindred spirit in our vain, restless times is a rarity.

1. When you are around this person, you lose the sense of time.

This is one of the most obvious signs. When the fabric of time ceases to exist and gets blurred every time you communicate or spend time together. It's like you both are escaping from the rest of the world in each other's company.

2. You know the other person like 5 fingers

Another clue for you should be the fact that you read this person like an open book. You easily catch his movements of the soul and mood, although your interlocutor may not even know about it. You don't have to ask him to know whether he's nervous, genuinely happy, or sad. You intuitively understand what is on this person's mind, and your intuition does not let you down.

3. Click

This point can be explained this way: you met and, as if by magic, you understand that you are ideal for each other (we are talking here not only about personal relationships, but also about friendship). And only some unfortunate accident kept you apart all this time. Such a feeling does not come often, but it is almost impossible to confuse it with something else.

4. It’s difficult to contain your real emotions around such people.

Another proof, according to parapsychologists, that you have already met in a past life is that you cannot restrain your true emotions. You laugh in the most sincere way, cry from the heart. Basically, every part of you wants to be yourself. With someone you may be embarrassed, afraid, or feel uncomfortable. And this person exposes the deepest strings of your soul.

5. Feeling "I'm at home"

You could be hundreds of kilometers from where you live. But as soon as you look into the eyes of such a person, you are overcome by comfort, gentleness and complete calm. This is a feeling of happiness, and the ability to be yourself, and security, and ease of communication. Therefore, we can only say one thing: it doesn’t matter whether you believe in a past life or not, but if you are lucky enough to meet such a person in your life, hold on to him and cherish him!

Recently, one of the readers of the website “Myself a Psychologist” asked an interesting question: “How can we find out from among our loved ones and relatives who we have previously met in past lives?”, “How many such people do we meet during our lives?”, “Is it possible to somehow immediately understand that this is not the first time we have met? ” .

Indeed, many of the people with whom we walk through life, we have already met more than once in our past incarnations. And with many people, even if we are just getting to know them in this life, we already have a huge common history. A joint story can be good if, for example, for several lives people are friends, help and help each other out, etc. And there is also very negative joint karma, when people have been enemies for many lives, killed, framed and betrayed each other many times in the past, etc.

Remember for yourself, you meet a person for the first time, start communicating and you immediately feel something towards him. Or sympathy and trust, although, it would seem, there are no special grounds for this. Or antipathy, rejection, aggression or fear, although, again, this person has not done or said anything bad to you in this life.

Where do these persistent feelings come from? Of course, from past memory, which, as a rule, is almost immediately activated upon contact with a person. The joint accumulated karma (common destiny), either negative or positive, is also activated.

If you meet a person for the first time, communicate with him for 5 minutes, and you have the impression that you have known him for “100 years”, all your life - rest assured, you have already met him in past lives!

50-70% of all our loved ones and relatives with whom we go through life are our old acquaintances from past lives.
Sometimes this percentage can be less, and sometimes more. And believe me, we live next to those with whom we live - for a reason! We almost always have common sins that need to be atoned for and common tasks that we need to learn to solve. And running away from these relationships and problems is useless! The more a person runs away, the more painful and difficult it will be to solve them later. It’s not for nothing that many events in life are repeated many times until a person finally turns to the situation and the corresponding problem and solves it. And if you don’t decide in this life, you will still have to decide in the next, but in more difficult conditions.

There is such a thing as “Karmic ties” or “Karmic knots”. This specifically applies to complex, intricate relationships, when conflicts are not resolved for decades, grievances and claims only accumulate, and people cannot get rid of each other. Serious “Karmic knots” cannot be untied just like that, at your own will. Here you need the help of a Healer. Working with allows you to get to the root cause and events in past incarnations where this karmic knot was tightened. A good Healer helps to quickly eliminate this root cause and help people untie the corresponding black knot. Along with the knot, as if by magic, the negativity towards each other goes away. It often happens that after working with a Healer, people who have hated each other for a long time become friends. “Don’t spill the water”. So any problem can be solved! But it is important to find such a great specialist who is able to solve this problem!

If you want to work with a good Spiritual Healer, I can recommend such a specialist, please contact me. Write to me at .

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