What beans go with: culinary advice. Rules for bean eaters: canned beans What do you eat white beans with?

When talking about the benefits of a particular product, emphasis should be placed on its compatibility with other vegetables, fruits, etc. After all, if we want to get the effect that is inherent, and along with it the necessary substances, we should focus on this. Beans, which belong to the category of grain legumes, have a mass beneficial properties, which the human body can receive if you learn how to properly prepare it and combine it with other products.

For cooking different dishes Two types of beans are used: ripe grains in a hard shell and green pods. This allows you to diversify your diet and expand your understanding of this product and its properties. I would like to immediately note that they cannot be combined in one dish. different varieties beans.

Beans are combined not only with traditional vegetables such as tomatoes, onions, carrots, and potatoes. For example, you can stew cabbage with meat and beans. Prepare bean stew Brussels sprouts, white cabbage and broccoli.

Despite the fact that beans are very high-calorie product, many people love dishes made from legumes, any type of meat, and various vegetables. Beans are added to salads, borscht, and pickles. Beans stewed with tomatoes in sweet and sour sauce are considered an excellent appetizer.

Let's consider bean compatibility options:

An independent dish. You can prepare a variety of porridges, purees, soups, and canned foods from beans.

Bean salads. Very often this legume can be found in combination with pickles or carrots and fried onions.

Garnish. Cooked beans in combination with tomatoes and onions are served as a side dish for meat or fish dishes. Canned green beans or fried with meat and barbecue sauce are also used as a side dish.

Casserole. In this case, beans are a flavoring and nutritional addition to basic products such as spaghetti, minced meat (meat), and vegetables.

Stew. Boiled green beans are mixed with baked bell peppers and garlic.

Borsch- the most common dish that includes beans (they can be either boiled in advance or purchased ready-made in a store).

Lavash with filling. In combination with chicken, cucumbers and bell peppers, bean pods will not be out of place at all.

Lecho. The cooking algorithm is the same as without beans, but with the addition of beans the dish becomes more satisfying.

To summarize, beans can be consumed and give an excellent taste, both as an independent dish and in combination with vegetables, fish or meat. These can be both first and second courses. Knowing all these simple points, be sure that after eating beans, only pleasant sensations will remain and plus the body will receive the entire range of vitamins and microelements.

It is known that beans are very useful product, on the basis of which you can prepare a lot of nutritious and very delicious dishes. You can choose what to eat beans with for a very long time, because they are good in both soups and salads, in addition, beans are added to borscht, traditional lobio and unusual pancakes with beans are prepared, and beans are also used in preparing fillings for savory pies.

Healthy beans are somewhat underestimated by the housewives of our country, but this product is very is well absorbed and saturates the body useful substances. The most important thing to remember when cooking beans is that the beans should be soaked for several hours before cooking, and that you should only salt the beans at the end of the cooking process.

Boiled beans are seasoned with fresh sour cream, a mild tomato-based sauce, and almost any vegetable oil. To make the beans more interesting in taste and aromatic, garlic is added to them. Beans go very well with sour apples, herbs and salads. The original one turns out to be pre-boiled beans with soaked prunes and sour cream, which are all simmered together for about 15 minutes, and finally seasoned with sugar and butter. One of the most simple options cooking beans is a simple and short-term stewing of boiled beans with fried carrots and onions in tomato juice.

It is not recommended to add potatoes or any cereals to bean soup, then you can avoid the occurrence of unpleasant gases in the digestive tract. It is better to add as many carrots, celery, onions and fresh herbs to the soup. In addition, you can add shredded white cabbage and diced zucchini to the bean soup.

Beans make an excellent stew with the addition of tomatoes, potatoes, onions and sweet peppers. Boiled beans are baked in the oven with chopped boiled eggs and butter; the finished beans are generously sprinkled with herbs. Combining cooked beans and cooked rice with herbs and onions you can cook original pilaf.

In salads, beans go well with both fresh and boiled vegetables, for example, boiled beans are added to beets with cabbage and apples; beans perfectly complement many favorite vinaigrettes. Very delicious salad it will work if you combine beans, fried champignons, ham and mayonnaise with herbs and garlic.

Seafood lovers can combine canned beans with the most common boiled vegetables and herring with mayonnaise, you will get a salad that you can’t tear yourself away from. In addition, seafood and beans go well; for example, squid can be added to bean and cabbage puree soup.

As a filling beans can be used in the preparation of original cabbage rolls. In this recipe, cabbage rolls are prepared without meat, but they turn out no less satisfying and nutritious. And cabbage rolls are made very easily: boiled beans with fried onions are wrapped in a cabbage leaf and placed in a pan, then poured with water with tomato and spices and simmered until tender. These original cabbage rolls are served in the same way as traditional ones - with sour cream.

Beans are an excellent source of protein, so it is recommended to periodically include them in your diet. But still, how to eat beans, how to cook them, what products to combine them with - these questions constantly arise for those who are just getting used to eating them.

What do you eat beans with?

Chefs can prepare many delicious and healthy dishes from beans, from soups to a variety of side dishes. There are two types of beans: mature grains and green pods, prepared according to special recipes. Let's look at options for eating beans.

  • An independent dish. You can prepare a variety of porridges, purees, soups, and canned foods from beans.
  • Bean salads. Very often this legume can be found in combination with pickles or carrots and fried onions.
  • Garnish. Cooked beans in combination with tomatoes and onions are served as a side dish for meat or fish dishes. Canned green beans or fried with meat and barbecue sauce are also used as a side dish.
  • Casserole. In this case, beans are a flavoring and nutritional addition to basic products such as spaghetti, minced meat (meat), and vegetables.
  • Stew. Boiled green beans are mixed with baked bell peppers and garlic.
  • Borscht is the most common dish that includes beans (they can be either boiled in advance or purchased ready-made in a store).
  • Lavash with filling. In combination with chicken, cucumbers and bell peppers, bean pods will not be out of place at all.
  • Lecho. The cooking algorithm is the same as without beans, but with the addition of beans the dish becomes more satisfying.

Thus, beans can be on your table either as an independent dish or as an addition to the second course. It can be found in combination with a variety of foods: meat, fish, vegetables and mushrooms.

Beans are added to a variety of dishes, but you should remember what beans are combined with in order for your dish to be tasty, nutritious and low in calories. This legume cannot be combined with products containing large quantities starches, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Food combinations are talked about a lot and often now. And it is right. The fact is that completely different digestive juices are secreted in the digestive system to digest this or that food.

The whole process begins in oral cavity, and each type of food is digested in a specific section digestive tract, that time that is unique to him. All this formed the basis separate power supply, as one of the ways to form healthy image life.

Principles of food combinations

All products, for the most part, belong to one of three groups: fats and carbohydrates. When we consume a product containing proteins, acid is released in the body; when carbohydrates are absorbed, alkali is released.

Therefore, when we eat proteins and proteins at the same time (for example, potatoes or pasta with meat), the acid is neutralized by the alkali, and the food is poorly digested. Poorly digested food is deposited in the body as an accumulation of waste and fat, which leads to weight gain and illness.

We combine products correctly

  1. Starchy foods, such as: cereals, bread, potatoes, rye, wheat, oats, rice, millet, buckwheat, pasta - these are difficult to digest foods. Therefore, they cannot be combined with animal proteins (meat, cheese, eggs), as well as with nuts. Even bread, if it is not whole grain, is a product for a separate meal. But we accompany them with absolutely any food...
  2. Don't eat at the same time carbohydrates and acidic foods. Tomatoes, grapefruit, cranberries, tangerines, pineapple, orange, pomegranates, lemon, sour apples, plums, pears, grapes are not compatible with potatoes, bread (not whole grain), beans, peas, bananas and dates.
  3. Don't mix together proteins and fats. The fact is that fat interferes with the secretion of gastric juice during the digestion of protein foods. Therefore, meat, eggs, cheese, nuts are not compatible with sour cream, butter, cream and vegetable oil.
  4. Concerning vegetable oil(corn and sunflower), consume it unrefined, raw.
  5. Legumes- These are sources of starch and vegetable protein. Beans, lentils, soybeans, peas go well with greens, vegetable oils and starchy vegetables (carrots, beets, horseradish, parsley and celery root, squash, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower). And it is better not to combine starchy vegetables with sugar, so as not to cause strong fermentation.
  6. Do you know that meat with alcohol– one of the most incompatible products? Alcohol prevents the body from digesting animal protein. Green and non-starchy vegetables remove harmful cholesterol from meat and help digest meat better.

  1. Non-starchy vegetables- This White cabbage, green and onion, cucumbers, parsley and celery, green pea, bell pepper, dill, radish and beet tops, eggplant. Goes great with meat and eggs.
  2. Follow the rules of use one type of protein without combination with another, that is, do not eat meat and fish, nuts and meat at the same time.
  3. Likewise, do not combine the technique two types of starch, for example, porridge with bread or potatoes. Because one of them will be absorbed, and the other will lie as a dead weight in the stomach, preventing the rest of the food from being absorbed, promoting its fermentation, increasing the acidity of the gastric juice, causing belching...
  4. Melon, watermelon, milk– these products are always consumed separately, this may be the case, but you should not drink milk with a bun or eat melon after a hearty lunch. All other berries, fruits and dried fruits can be consumed 20 minutes before meals, as they are digested faster than denser foods.

The right combination of foods will help you feel better, look slimmer and younger, and live longer without illness, heartburn, bloating and indigestion!

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