The best pain reliever for teeth. What are the best medicines for toothache? Treatment with lard

Toothache is considered almost the most severe pain in the world, so it is very difficult to endure it without special medications.

Fortunately, pills against this condition are available to everyone, because they are sold in pharmacies without a prescription and at affordable prices.

By selecting the right drug, you can get rid of pain and not suffer until visiting the dentist. And the most effective medications for toothache are listed below.

The best (effective) tablets for toothache.

The drug against toothache is actively purchased and consumed by people, as it is cheap and gives a very good effect.

The product can cope even with acute discomfort.

But it is important to remember the contraindications:

  • time of gestation or breastfeeding,
  • kidney or liver problems,
  • gastrointestinal pain,
  • individual intolerance to the composition.

The fast-acting drug is considered one of the best for post-traumatic and muscle pain.

In addition, it is often prescribed by doctors in case of tissue inflammation. The tablets relieve pain perfectly and cause virtually no side effects.

In addition, it can be purchased without a doctor’s prescription and at a very reasonable cost.

A fairly popular remedy is actively used for various purposes, including for toothache. It affects the problem area in the tooth itself, due to which it quickly eliminates pain.

According to experts, these tablets can be safely taken even in the presence of pulpitis, as well as inflammatory processes in the dental neurovascular bundle.

An excellent drug relieves pain and reduces inflammation.

It contains codeine, which acts as a strong analgesic. The drug must be taken only in the specified dosage, which depends on the patient’s age, otherwise side effects such as headaches and loss of consciousness cannot be avoided.

Crohn's disease, kidney and liver failure.

The tablets combine two actions at once - combiotic and antispasmodic. They cope with both mild and moderate pain.

The product begins to act half an hour after administration.

And the main advantage of the medicine is the fact that it can be used by children at any age, but in the appropriate dosage.

As for contraindications, these include:

  • pregnancy,
  • lactation,
  • taking other medications,
  • liver problems.

The remedy is often prescribed by specialists for severe toothache, as it is fast-acting. You are allowed to take no more than two tablets per day.

But when taking it, you should observe contraindications:

  • developing asthma,
  • liver failure,
  • period of gestation.

An almost universal medicine that helps not only with toothache, but also with unpleasant sensations in the head, neuralgia, and arthritis.

Tablets quickly eliminate pain, but they cannot be used for therapy, since the pain will soon return if you do not consult a dentist.

For best effect, the product should be taken during or after meals.

Contraindications include:

  • age up to 12 years,
  • pregnancy,
  • heart and gastrointestinal diseases.

The product is considered an excellent representative of the ideal balance between cost and quality.

It effectively copes with mild pain, but when taking it, it is worth remembering that the composition can destroy enamel and weaken the immune system.

Completely safe tablets are suitable even for severe pain. Before taking, they must be dissolved in water, due to which the specific taste is less noticeable.

And the main advantage of this remedy is the absence of contraindications, if, of course, it is taken in moderate doses.

An equally effective remedy is famous for its favorable price and the absence of the need to obtain a prescription for purchase at a pharmacy, due to which it becomes more accessible to society.

The tablets make it possible to forget about pain within 10-20 minutes after taking it. Consumers claim that the composition is anesthetic and does its job really well.

But taking the medicine is prohibited if the patient is individually intolerant to its components, as well as if there is intestinal ulcers.

It can be used to relieve toothache and headaches, as well as to alleviate injuries.

Among the contraindications:

  • age up to 16 years,
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract,
  • liver,
  • heart and kidneys.

You are allowed to take up to four tablets per day.

A highly effective, high-quality drug is sold at an affordable price, so everyone can afford it.

It can eliminate even acute pain. To get the desired result, you only need to take one tablet and wait up to half an hour.

One of the best fast-acting antibiotic drugs is able to actively fight many pathogenic microorganisms.

The drug is prohibited for use by children under 14 years of age, as well as by those with colitis of various etiologies.

Despite the contraindications, doctors still sometimes prescribe this medicine to patients without adhering to them, but in a reduced dosage.

As a rule, this remedy is used by people undergoing a whole course of treatment at the dentist, since between sessions the teeth can hurt quite a lot and cause discomfort.

The only thing you need to know when taking the composition is that you need to do it exclusively on an empty stomach.

An excellent medicine against any pain, suitable for teenagers and adults.

Tablets of this type additionally eliminate inflammation.

However, there are not too many contraindications here:

  • kidney diseases,
  • asthma,
  • pregnancy.

Experts allow taking up to seven tablets per day. The effect of the medicine begins only 40 minutes after consumption, so you should not drink the entire permitted dosage at once.

The absence of pain after taking the pills will last about 6 hours.

Like any product, there are specific contraindications that are not recommended to be ignored:

  • allergic reactions to the composition,
  • blood diseases,
  • kidney disorders,
  • heart ailments,
  • lactation,
  • bearing a fetus.

This product is based on ibuprofen, so it gives no less effect than the previous medicine.

It eliminates not only pain, but also other symptoms such as fever, headache and chills.

The effect of the tablets begins within half an hour after administration.

Experts allow taking the drug up to three times a day, although such a frequency is required in rare cases, since the composition is very effective. However, it should not be used for more than a week.

Contraindications include:

  • diseases of the blood and optic nerve,
  • ulcer,
  • period of gestation and lactation.

This remedy combines several effects:

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antipyretic
  • and pain reliever.

There are practically no contraindications to its use, with the exception of age under 12 years, fever and alcoholism.

This drug can be found on sale not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of tea bags - in any case, the effect will be quick.

In addition, after the drug begins to act, you may not remember the pain for the next 8-9 hours. The drug can be prescribed by a doctor, but it is available in pharmacies without a prescription.

Painkiller tablets, popular in Russia, cope with pain of mild to moderate intensity.

Additionally, they work as an antipyretic.

Although the effect of this product is amazing, there are many contraindications to its use, unlike other compounds in this rating:

  • age up to 7 years,
  • gastrointestinal diseases,
  • malfunction of the hematopoietic system,
  • heart ailments,
  • glaucoma.

This drug combines two analgesics - paracetamol and diclofenac. Thanks to this combination, the analgesic effect is significantly enhanced.

This product actively combats unpleasant sensations in the oral cavity in children and adults.

Additionally, it has an anti-edematous effect, due to which it unloads collagen and fibrin fibers that can increase in size during inflammatory processes.

Among the negative aspects of these tablets, it is worth noting the presence of acids in the composition that irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, but this does not indicate that the drug is very dangerous, but only the need to eat food before consuming the drug.

At the final place there are tablets against toothache, which are approved for use by both adults and children.

This remedy can be taken in a volume of up to 1500 mg, but this entire amount should be divided into two times, since only this approach will provide a good result.

The tablets will help you overcome discomfort in the oral cavity until you visit the doctor.

Remember, self-medication is dangerous; consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications.

Anyone who has ever experienced toothache knows how much trouble it can cause. Everyone knows that if this pain occurs, it is necessary not to prolong the situation and immediately consult a doctor. But the main problem is that this pain can occur at the most inopportune moment - on the road, while resting, or simply at night, when it is not possible to see a doctor.

Types of toothache and causes of its occurrence

If toothache has made itself felt, there may be several main reasons for this. Among them:

Depending on the type of pain, the causes of its occurrence can most likely be determined.

Sharp toothache while eating may indicate sensitive enamel or about caries disease. In the second case, when food gets into the recess of the affected tooth, the person feels acute pain. If you eliminate the irritant, the unpleasant sensations disappear.

A sharp, lightning-fast toothache for several minutes, which comes in peculiar attacks, can be a symptom of acute pulpitis.

If the pain is not pronounced, but also makes itself felt in attacks, begins and disappears for no reason, this may indicate pleural pulpitis.

If the toothache is cutting and shooting in nature (especially after interaction with cold liquid), this is a signal of the development of acute purulent pulpitis.

Use of analgesics and pharmaceutical drugs

As a rule, the first thing that comes to mind for a person who wants to stop unbearable pain is to take a pill. Quite popular drugs for relieving acute pain are Nurofen, ketones, ketonal, and ibuprofen. If there are no such drugs in the house, You can use weaker analgesics- regular analgin or spasmolgon.

If you have a lidocaine solution in the house, you can moisten a cotton swab with it and press it until it freezes completely on the painful tooth. Because the lidocaine is a strong drug, which is used under local anesthesia, its use allows you to quickly numb a problematic tooth at home. But when using it, you must be aware of possible allergic reactions.

In cases where a person is prone to polyvalent allergic reactions, and also during pregnancy, you can purchase special dental drops at the pharmacy.

Typically, they include components such as:

  • peppermint oil;
  • camphor;
  • Valerian tincture.

Moisten a piece of cotton wool with these drops and apply to the sore tooth. It is necessary to change the cotton wool every 10 minutes until the discomfort decreases. Drops are quite popular means, since it is really possible to relieve toothache at home with their help.

Rinse for pain relief

Don’t be upset if you don’t have the necessary pills in the house, and for some reason you can’t go to the pharmacy. For temporary pain relief, you can use another method, rinsing. To carry out this procedure, you will need components that almost everyone has in their home - salt, soda, iodine or almost any herbs with an anti-inflammatory effect (chamomile, calendula, sage).

Infusions and decoctions based on medicinal herbs

In addition to sage, calendula and chamomile, rinsing with decoctions and infusions of plantain, calamus root and mint will help relieve inflammation and slightly numb the tooth. You can prepare a simple herbal infusion like this:

From the same herbs you can prepare healing decoction, which can quickly relieve inflammation in the oral cavity. For this:

  • take grass (1 large spoon);
  • pour boiling water (1 tablespoon);
  • boil over fire (10 minutes);
  • cool and filter;
  • for a noticeable analgesic effect, also rinse your mouth at least 5 times for half an hour.

Soda and salt rinses

The main advantage of both soda and salt rinses for pain relief is that they have virtually no contraindications. Doctors recommend such procedures even for pregnant women.

Salt brings an analgesic effect due to the fact that it reduces water pressure on the dentin canals, accordingly, the sensitivity of the tooth decreases and the pain temporarily subsides. Also salt is a good antiseptic and in cases of exceeding doses does not cause burns to the mucous membrane (as, for example, potassium permanganate). To prepare a simple saline solution, you need:

  • take kitchen salt (you can also use sea salt) or baking soda(1 large spoon);
  • dilute until completely dissolved in one glass of warm water;
  • for a good antiseptic effect, you can add a drop of iodine;
  • rinse frequently until pain stops.

Rinsing with alcohol or strong alcoholic drinks

Quite often you can come across advice in which alcohol or unsweetened alcohol is taken as the basis for rinsing. alcoholic drinks. The analgesic effect of such rinses is due to the high content of tannins in alcohol. While rinsing, the gums around the diseased tooth absorb alcohol and goes numb for a while, which, in turn, brings temporary relief from pain.

If you use regular pharmaceutical alcohol, then it must be diluted with boiled water (1:1). If there is no alcohol, you can use drinks such as vodka, whiskey or cognac. You just need to hold the liquid in your mouth and then spit it out.

All of these rinsing methods are quite safe. The most important Carry out a warm rinse procedure, because if the solution is cold, it can only worsen the situation and lead to the formation of flux.

Tampons and lotions for pain relief

The point of this method is to apply a mixture or liquid to the tooth that is causing pain for a while that can relieve the pain.

A tampon using a solution that can be prepared as follows is considered quite effective:

  • you need to take table salt (1 large spoon);
  • dissolve it in one liter of warm water;
  • 10% ammonia (100 ml) is poured into the resulting salt mixture;
  • add camphor alcohol (10 g).

You need to moisten a cotton swab in this mixture and apply it to the sore spot. This procedure can relieve pain for a fairly long period of time.

A tampon with validol also has the ability to soothe a sore tooth. To prepare it, you need to take water into a large spoon and crush a validol tablet in it. Dip a cotton swab in the resulting slurry and press it to the sore tooth. The analgesic effect will be strong, but short-lived.

If you have fir oil in the house, you can also use it. A cotton swab dipped in this oil is applied to the problem tooth for 15 minutes.

It is also possible to use garlic, which is famous for its strong antibacterial properties. Due to the high content of phytoncides, this plant has long been known for its antibacterial effect and is often used for its ability to relieve toothache. To do this, you can use the following method:

  • you need to crush the garlic;
  • further, crush the onion in the same way;
  • take the resulting mixtures in equal parts (1 large spoon each);
  • add salt to the resulting composition (1 large spoon);
  • mix everything, apply it to the diseased tooth and press with a swab.

This method is considered very effective and can freeze pain quite quickly. But it must be remembered that garlic is a very concentrated plant and may cause burns sensitive oral mucosa.

Use of lard in folk medicine

IN folk medicine There are many tips that can help you quickly relieve toothache. One of the oldest methods that can relieve toothache is applying it to the painful tooth. a piece or thin strip of lard. Official medicine cannot explain the reason for the pain-relieving effect obtained and calls it just a placebo effect. But those who have tried this method on themselves claim that it works.

In order to temporarily freeze the gums around a sore tooth, you can take not fresh, but frozen lard. The pain should subside within 15 minutes.

In most cases, it is necessary to use tablets for toothache in cases where the problem takes you by surprise and it is not possible to immediately contact a dentist. In addition, it often happens that a severe toothache persists for some time after visiting a dental clinic - for example, after endodontic treatment (removing a “nerve” and filling canals) and sometimes even after installing a seemingly harmless filling.

This is where all sorts of painkillers come to the rescue, some of which are already stocked in advance in almost every second home medicine cabinet. And let’s be honest, many people use tablets for toothache, unfortunately, not so much to wait until they see a doctor, but to avoid visiting the dentist altogether. And why not - after all, it would seem that I took a pill, the pain went away, and everything was fine...

So, before we talk about which tablets help with toothache better, which are worse, and which are not recommended to be taken at all, let’s first outline three important (one might even say key) points:

  1. Taking painkillers should never be considered a substitute for dental treatment. Painkillers do not cure, but only relieve acute or aching pain, while the problem that creates this pain does not go away and does not “dissolve” on its own with the tablets. There are many known cases when long-term use painkillers instead of urgent treatment of the tooth led to the need for its removal. In general, if your tooth hurts, then rush to the doctor, and the pills will only help you not to suffer too much while waiting for the doctor’s help;
  2. The second point is that all drugs used for dental and other types of pain have their own contraindications and possible side effects, the list of which is sometimes very impressive and frightening (especially in the case of powerful painkillers, which we will also talk about below). So, ideally, it is better to choose one or another remedy after consulting a doctor, at least by phone;
  3. And finally, there are often situations when, for example, two tablets of the drug have already been taken with a short interval of time, but this does not help, and a severe toothache does not go away. A third tablet is used, then a fourth... A person who, as they say, is ready to climb the wall from a severe toothache, wants to get the desired effect at all costs as quickly as possible, and he is ready to “eat” almost a whole pack of painkillers, just to relieve the pain. So, if one or two tablets did not help you at all, then you should not swallow handfuls of them, poisoning your liver and the body as a whole with a drug that is obviously ineffective in this situation.

On a note

Due to the individual characteristics of the body, the same painkiller can help different people with pain in different ways - for some it is better, for others it is worse, and for some it may not help at all. Well, even if this or that drug does not help you or is not suitable due to existing contraindications, in most cases you can find a worthy alternative.

The good news is that some tablets help relieve even very severe toothache caused by inflammatory processes in the pulp chamber or in the tissues surrounding the tooth. For example, sometimes a person may not find relief for an entire day from an acute throbbing toothache, and 20 minutes after taking the pill he will not feel even the slightest sign of a problem, there will not even be aching pain - and this has become real today thanks to the achievements of modern pharmaceuticals.

And, perhaps, it is worth noting: the information below is not a guide to action or a recommendation to take any pills. Before choosing a particular drug, consultation with a specialist is required.

Popular tablets used for toothache

Today, almost any pharmacy has a range of a large number of tablets that may well help with toothache. And what’s interesting is that not all of them are popularly considered painkillers - some, for example, are more often called antipyretics (and for some it may even be a discovery that such drugs not only effectively relieve fever, but also help a lot with toothache) .

If you make a conditional list of the most commonly used painkillers and arrange them in descending order of strength, you will get something like this:

  1. Ketanov, Ketorol, Ketorolac are considered the strongest tablets for toothache (the active ingredient is ketorolac). They allow you to relieve even very acute pain and last up to 8 hours. They are quite toxic, have many contraindications, and therefore are sold in pharmacies only with a doctor’s prescription (with a prescription in theory, but in practice some pharmacies can sell them without a prescription). They are used in the most severe cases, with serious inflammation, open wounds, after complex operations;

  2. Nurofen - tablets based on ibuprofen. They also allow you to relieve quite severe pain. In addition, the drug has pronounced antipyretic properties. The analgesic effect lasts 7-8 hours;
  3. Nimesil is a drug based on nimesulide. The potency is comparable to ibuprofen;
  4. Nise - one might say, a “classic of the genre”, quite effective tablets for toothache, which are also very popular among the people (the active ingredient is still the same nimesulide). For pulpitis or periodontitis, this drug will not completely relieve pain in most cases, but will significantly reduce pain. The anti-inflammatory effect of Nise tablets is higher than that of Nurofen, but the analgesic effect is usually less pronounced;
  5. Analgin (metamizole sodium) is also still a very popular drug for toothache, which, however, today is hopelessly outdated and can be dangerous to health (we will also talk about this a little later);
  6. Tempalgin can be said to be an analogue of Analgin, since the main painkiller drug is metamizole sodium. According to the instructions, Tempalgin is used for moderate and mild pain syndromes;
  7. Paracetamol - this drug is usually used primarily as an antipyretic, but not everyone knows about its analgesic properties (the active ingredient is para-acetylaminophenol). Meanwhile, although Paracetamol is generally inferior in terms of pain-relieving effectiveness Nise tablets However, it is quite capable of easing a moderately severe toothache. In addition, such tablets for toothache can be given to children (after consultation with a doctor);
  8. Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is also used primarily as an antipyretic drug, and compared to the above-mentioned drugs, it has a weaker analgesic effect. For example, according to research results, aspirin is approximately 350 times inferior in pain-relieving effect to the same Ketanov.

Let us note once again that the effect of taking certain pills can vary greatly - depending on the clinical situation, the characteristics of the body, and even the current emotional state of the person.

For example, there are rare cases when the same Nurofen does not help get rid of acute toothache, but Nise works. Therefore, the above list of painkillers should be considered only as a rough guide, and you need to be prepared for the fact that sometimes even relatively weak painkillers help well with acute pain, and vice versa, stronger tablets may not help relieve toothache.

What is useful to consider when using pain medications

As noted above, if you have an acute toothache, instead of taking pills regularly, you should consult a dentist as soon as possible. Some may think that to do this they need to first call, make an appointment, and then wait a few more days until it’s their turn. In reality, everything is much simpler - in case of acute toothache, dental care is provided in district clinics immediately, that is, without an appointment (and in some institutions such care is provided at any time of the day).

Moreover, it is not at all necessary to carry out all the treatment in the clinic. Emergency assistance can be obtained at the clinic (for example, they will open the festering area, install drainage, give useful recommendations), and if you really want to complete the treatment as efficiently as possible, then later, when you feel better, you can safely sign up for a business class dental clinic.

On a note

Generally speaking, the high intensity of toothache is often an indicator of the need for urgent assistance, because if there are serious problems in the tooth - while you make an appointment, until you wait until the appointment - it may no longer be about treatment, but about tooth extraction. It makes sense to make an appointment in cases where, due to circumstances, it is not possible to immediately see a doctor.

Further. In cases where a difficult-to-erupt wisdom tooth grows and hurts, and the gums above it become inflamed and swollen, there is no point in constantly taking painkillers and waiting “by the sea for weather,” that is, when the tooth will finally erupt and the pain will disappear. There are known deaths resulting from failure to provide timely assistance for pericoronitis (difficult eruption of wisdom teeth).

During pregnancy, Paracetamol is allowed from tablets to relieve toothache according to doctor's indications. For children over three years old, depending on age, they give Nurofen for children or paracetamol preparations (Panadol for children or analogues).

Analgin is outdated and may be hazardous to health

Despite its popularity among the people and its more or less pronounced analgesic effect, it is better not to take it at all.

It is clear that compared to many other products, Analgin is very inexpensive tablets (their price is only about 50 rubles for a pack of 10 tablets). However, the possible side effects from the use of this drug pose a serious health risk that cannot be justified by any savings.

The fact is that metamizole sodium (the basis of analgin) can cause so-called agranulocytosis - a blood disease accompanied by a severe weakening of the immune system. According to statistics, even with correct treatment, the mortality rate from this disease is about 7%. It is because of this that in many civilized countries of the world Analgin is prohibited for use and taken out of circulation.

Nevertheless, Analgin continues to be sold in our country. In addition, other, also very well-known painkillers are produced based on metamizole sodium:

  1. Tempalgin - the famous green tablets for toothache. Their active component is metamizole sodium, with all the ensuing consequences and side effects (in particular, Tempalgin should not be taken by people with hematopoietic disorders);
  2. I took tablets for toothache, which are used quite rarely;
  3. Pentalgin-N;
  4. Spasmalgon.

Be that as it may, both Analgin and all its analogues have a relatively weak analgesic effect. If you decide to take such drugs, then only with moderate toothache, or in the absence of other drugs available (for example, somewhere in the village).

Analgin should not be used during pregnancy, lactation, hematopoietic disorders, liver and kidney failure, as well as alcoholism.

If possible, it is always better to use another remedy instead of Analgin.

“I’m somehow used to taking citramon for headaches, and analgin for toothache. It is enough to hold half a tablet in your mouth for a little while near the painful tooth, after about 10 minutes the pain begins to subside. My wife constantly uses it for her scalp, so we always have it in our medicine cabinet, like activated charcoal.”

Stepan, Pskov

Aspirin is an antipyretic with a weak analgesic effect.

Generally speaking, Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) tablets are known primarily as an antipyretic. In terms of the strength of its analgesic effect, Aspirin is even somewhat weaker than Analgin, but does not have such serious contraindications. For toothache, it is sometimes useful to take it also in cases of inflammation due to its pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

On a note

However, you should not cherish the hope that with pulpitis, Aspirin tablets, due to their anti-inflammatory properties, will relieve inflammation of the neurovascular bundle in the pulp chamber of the tooth - even “horse” doses of the drug are incapable of this, except that they will slightly reduce the level of intoxication and swelling of the pulp. However, the drug does not stop irreversible changes in the pulp, and the canals will still have to be treated.

As with Analgin, Aspirin tablets are very cheap. Therefore, for moderately severe toothache, many people prefer to use them (often this is due to the fact that people do not want to poison themselves with “strong chemicals”).

Aspirin should not be taken during pregnancy or in combination with alcohol consumption. In the latter case, even normal doses of the drug can lead to severe disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and bleeding.

“For me, good old aspirin - the best remedy not only from temperature, but also from toothache. How many times has it happened that a tooth hurt over the weekend, but there were no problems with aspirin. I drank and forgot..."

Tatyana, Omsk

Ketanov, Ketorol and Ketorolac - powerful tablets for pain

These drugs are among the most powerful tablets for toothache, which can be more or less freely purchased at the pharmacy. They are often prescribed even after major operations for a more comfortable postoperative period.

The drugs Ketanov, Ketorol and Ketorolac are based on the same active ingredient - ketorolac, which provides a well-defined analgesic effect for about 7-8 hours. Accordingly, with proper use of the drug, you can often limit yourself to taking 2 tablets per day.

On a note

Due to prescription availability, even for acute toothache, tablets of this group of drugs can usually be purchased only after visiting a doctor. Often, after tooth extraction, to relieve pain that occurs after the anesthesia wears off, dental surgeons prescribe these medications.

Ketorolac-based products are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, children under 16 years of age, sepsis, aspirin-induced asthma, renal and liver failure, hematopoietic disorders, ulcers, hemorrhages, as well as polyps on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.

These pills have a huge number of side effects: from abdominal pain and blood in the urine to the development of stomach and intestinal ulcers, hearing impairment and bronchospasm. Therefore, the reason for prescribing Ketanov, Ketorol or Ketorolac should be very significant.

“I went to the dentist last week. In general, it unexpectedly thundered there. In the morning I had an acute toothache, I took Nise and paracetamol, but the pills did not help, nor did the rinses. It’s good that the doctor had a window. I immediately removed the nerve and put in a temporary filling, but I don’t know why the tooth hurt even more after that. The doctor explained that this happens and prescribed a prescription for Nimesil, but I asked for Ketanov at the pharmacy because my husband said it was stronger. Ketanov really helped a lot, one tablet was enough for almost the whole day.”

Oksana, Moscow

Nise tablets - a classic for toothache

Nise today is one of the most popular tablets for toothache. In many ways, people's love for them is due to a combination of four factors:

  • Nise helps quite well against toothache;
  • is relatively cheap;
  • sold in pharmacies without a prescription;
  • and the drug does not have such an extensive list of contraindications and side effects, as is the case with the use of more powerful means.

In terms of the analgesic effect, Nise is generally noticeably inferior to Ketorol and even Nurofen, but significantly superior to Analgin, Paracetamol and Aspirin (although we should not forget about cases of individual sensitivity to a particular drug, when, for example, Nise does not help, but Paracetamol relieves pain " with a bang").

Judging by numerous reviews, Nise tablets often help relieve even the most acute attacks of toothache.

Nise should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, children under 2 years of age, or with renal failure.

“Nise is a very good pill. Although such a strange name. The last time I got a toothache at work, the pain was so hellish that sparks came out of my eyes. Colleagues gave me some, took it - and that’s it, after half an hour, even when biting, the tooth didn’t hurt! I worked a normal shift, and in the evening I was at the dentist..."

Vera Ilyinichna, St. Petersburg


Again, it is worth noting that Paracetamol is more often used as an antipyretic than as a pain reliever.

In terms of the strength of its analgesic effect, Paracetamol is inferior to Nise tablets, but, so to speak, it acts more delicately - it can be taken even by infants (preferably, however, in the form of a syrup or suspension, rather than tablets). An important advantage of paracetamol drugs is the absence of a large number of side effects characteristic of many other painkillers.

Thus, Paracetamol is of little help for acute toothache. Its area of ​​application is pain syndromes of moderate severity.

“The most disgusting thing about it is not the removal itself, but the recovery after it. When the freezing stops working, all the injection sites ache wildly, the tooth doesn’t give anything pleasant either, my temperature even rose to 37.5, it was impossible to bite. Personally, regular paracetamol, which we gave to my little one for the flu, helped me. I had to take it twice, once about two hours after the dentist, and the second time the next day in the morning. The effect is felt after about half an hour and then lasts for a long time.”

Maxim, Odessa

If you have personal experience using any medications to relieve toothache - be sure to share it by leaving your review at the bottom of this page: what product was used and whether it helped you relieve pain, or, conversely, it turned out to be practically useless.

Useful video: how sometimes you can quickly relieve toothache at home without pills

But what do those who don’t want to go to the dentist do (no need to repeat...)

If toothache catches you at work, at night or on a holiday, we will tell you how to relieve this symptom and wait comfortably for an appointment with the dentist, choosing the appropriate drug for severe or moderate dentalgia.

But do not forget that dentistry is an area of ​​medicine where pharmacological treatment is practically not used. And for toothache there is only one cure - surgical removal of the source of infection in the diseased tooth, followed by its restoration with artificial materials.

Painkillers: the opinion of dentists

Dentists are not particularly fond of painkillers: when carrying out a simple dental procedure, they suggest doing without them and, if possible, use dental treatment methods without a drill.

This is due to the pharmacodynamics of analgesics. By inhibiting the production of “pain enzymes”, prostaglandins at the site of inflammation, analgesics simultaneously affect other organs and systems of our body, which leads to side effects:

  • disruption of water-salt metabolism, due to which excess fluid accumulates in the body;
  • horse racing blood pressure;
  • changes in the threshold of pain sensitivity;
  • dehydration of the mucous membranes of the eyes, blurred vision;
  • increased risk of blood clots and blood clotting disorders.

For this reason, we recommend starting the fight against toothache by rinsing with a solution of salt or soda (1 teaspoon per glass of warm water), and only then start taking tablets.

Tablets for mild and moderate dentalgia

Taking a loading dose of an analgesic reduces the pain sensitivity threshold: so, during the next attack, the painkiller may be ineffective, and the anesthetic injection may not have an effect.

In order not to harm yourself before the inevitable trip to the dentist, it is advisable to limit yourself to taking one of the medications for mild to moderate toothache. They will help relieve an attack of chronic pulpitis, inflammation of the gums and caries.


Inexpensive, safe and effective pain reliever, non-narcotic analgesic.

Paracetamol (acetaminophen) blocks pain receptors at the nervous system level and does not affect pain centers in the brain. Which means it doesn’t provide side effect, characteristic of mega-powerful painkillers, does not depress breathing and does not affect the functioning of the heart.

A paracetamol tablet will relieve you of aching pain in a tooth with medium and deep caries.


Analogues: Nurofen, Imet

Tablets for dentalgia from the group of NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition to pain relief, they also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Ibuprofen will help with tooth pain, accompanied by hyperthermia and inflammation of the periodontal tissues.

Aching pain will be relieved by one tablet containing 200 mg of the active ingredient, ibuprofen. If necessary, the dose is increased to 400 mg, but not more than 800 mg per day.


Analogs: Askofen, Excedrin

A “head pain” tablet, which is found in every first aid kit, will also help with toothache!

Citramon contains paracetamol and aspirin, which mutually enhance each other's analgesic effect, plus caffeine, which will tone the blood vessels and relieve drowsiness - a side effect of analgesics.

For dentalgia, it is recommended to take 2 Citramon tablets at once. But it is strictly forbidden to combine this drug with alcohol and alcohol-containing tinctures: even a few grams of alcohol with Citramon, Askofen or Excedrin can provoke gastric bleeding.


One of the most popular painkillers in everyday life: as research shows, about 80 billion aspirin tablets are consumed annually in the world!

Acetylsalicylic acid, unlike other NSAIDs, acts on the problem area in the tooth itself, focally - reduces the severity of inflammation and relieves pain. Her tablets will relieve unpleasant symptoms of pulpitis, inflammation of the neurovascular bundle of the tooth.

A combination of two analgesics at once - paracetamol and diclofenac, which enhances the analgesic effect. Fanigan, among other things, also has an anti-edematous effect: it unloads collagen and fibrin fibers, which swell during inflammation.

Fanigan's tablet can be taken for dentalgia, accompanied by swelling of the soft tissues of the face, as well as for enlarged lymph nodes and sore throat caused by the eruption of the 8th wisdom tooth.

Analgesic tablets are made on the basis of acids, and most of them have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, before taking a painkiller, it is advisable to eat something; if the tooth hurts badly, “put” at least yogurt on the bottom of the stomach.

Extra remedies for severe toothache

The heavy artillery of painkillers - tablets Ketanov, Nimesulide, Tempalgin and Flamidez - should be used only in extreme cases, when toothache is truly unbearable. For example, with acute pulpitis and periodontitis, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve - diseases that are characterized by attacks of pulsating, severe dentalgia at night.


Analogues: Ketorol, Dolak, Ketalgin, Toradol

One of the strongest painkillers, ketorolac (the active ingredient of Ketanov tablets) is used in the postoperative period, for injuries and severe toothache caused by periodontitis, pericoronitis or pulpitis.

Like other NSAIDs, ketorolac blocks the production of pain enzymes - prostaglandins, but slows down kidney function. Less blood is filtered and accumulates in the body large quantity harmful substances, so people with kidney failure should not take Ketanov.

A single dose of the drug is 1 tablet of 10 mg, for severe pain, take every 4-6 hours, but not more than 90 mg, 9 tablets per day.


Analogues: Analgin, Baralgin

The active ingredient in “green tablets” is metamizole sodium, which has a strong analgesic and weak anti-inflammatory effect.

Tempalgin also contains a tranquilizer - the sedative tempidon, which will help you relax and fall asleep after an exhausting attack of toothache at night.

By the way, metamizole sodium does not irritate the gastric mucosa and does not affect water-salt metabolism in the body. Therefore, it is suitable for elderly people and patients prone to gastrointestinal disorders.


A combined drug from the NSAID group, it consists of the analgesics diclofenac and paracetamol, as well as the decongestant serratiopeptidase.

Flamidez has a powerful analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, and helps relieve swelling. Dentists prescribe Flamidez tablets to relieve pain after tooth extraction, in the complex treatment of alveolar abscesses, purulent inflammation in the root periosteum.

Dosage – 1 tablet twice or thrice a day.

Analogs: Nise, Nimid

A synthetic drug from the NSAID group with strong analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.

A Nimesulide tablet can be taken in case of acute pain, during a night attack of dentalgia, after tooth extraction and radiating pain due to inflammation of the trigeminal nerve.

The drug does not have a toxic effect with long-term use and is often prescribed to older people. The exception is patients with heart failure, bronchial asthma and liver disease - they cannot take Nimesulide.

All strong analgesics are prohibited for children under 14 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

It is impossible to experiment and combine the use of several drugs per day - for example, Aspirin tablets, and after 4 hours Ketanov, according to the principle of “what is more effective”! This can cause hepatic coma and kidney dysfunction.


If the budget for “symptomatic therapy” is tight, take tablets from the “list of necessary and vital medicines of the Russian Federation”: Paracetamol (about 40 rubles), Ibuprofen (38 rubles), Acetylsalicylic acid (from 20 rubles) or Ketorolac (26 rubles).

Drugs from foreign manufacturers will cost more: Nise - from 200 rubles, Aspirin Cardio - from 80 rubles, Tempalgin - 130 rubles, Ketanov - about 60 rubles, Nurofen - 90 rubles.

All medications have contraindications. Before use, carefully read the instructions and consult your doctor.

An analgesic will relieve you of toothache for several hours, but will not eliminate its cause. Only a good dentist can do this. We recommend contacting him in order to avoid the recurrence of even more severe attacks of dentalgia.

When a tooth begins to hurt, its insides and nerves become inflamed. It is he who transmits to the brain those sensations that we call toothache. It is considered one of the most powerful because it simultaneously inflames the nerve and gums.

It's easy to describe. Imagine that a tooth has been taken out, and the remaining bare nerve is constantly being poked with a needle or knife. This simultaneously sharp and dull pain spreads throughout the entire jaw.

It is better to immediately run to the dentist, because inflammation can occur due to gumboil or incorrectly placed braces. But if the attack happened at night, and there are no 24-hour dentists in the area, a strong painkiller will help.

List of drugs for toothache

List of approved NSAID drugs that you can take:

  • Ketanof;
  • Nise;
  • Ketorol;
  • Nimesil;
  • Took;
  • Actasulide;
  • Ketonal;
  • Nurofen;
  • Drotaverine;
  • Kamistad;
  • Dentol;
  • Metrolgin;
  • Papaverine hydrochloride;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Medicines based on paracetamol.

All of these painkillers are non-narcotic. They are available without a prescription and can be taken for headaches, among other things.

Will medications help?

Painkillers don't always help. This is due to two things: the inflammation is too strong, and only professional treatment is possible, or this is not the cause of the disease.

There are often cases when pain is the result of other activities in the body. A tooth may ache from a migraine or as a result of braces, or it is a symptom of a complex disease, such as a myocardial infarction. In the second case, painkillers will not help.

If toothache is a symptom of a dangerous disease, then you should not take medications. Some tablets contain substances that aggravate the disease. Therefore, it is better to start with weak painkillers, and after finding out the source of the disease, decide to take strong pills.

Low intensity pain

In this case, weak drugs are used. These tablets are called:

  • Took;
  • Nurofen;
  • Metrolgin Denta;
  • Analgin;
  • Aspirin;
  • Preparations based on paracetamol.

Sharp, shooting pains

The following analgesics help with this illness:

  • Nise;
  • Effective paracetamol-based tablets;
  • Ketanov.

Aching pain

This type of toothache is one of the most unbearable. It is recommended to take the following antispasmodic drugs:

  • Spasmalgon;
  • Papaverine;
  • Ibuprofen.

Unbearable pain

With her it is impossible to sleep, eat, sit, lie down - absolutely nothing. To relieve the disease you will need strong drugs. The following are the names of painkillers:

  • Ketanov;
  • Nise;
  • Ketorol;
  • Kamistad;
  • Dentol.

Popular medications for toothaches

There is a list of medications that are widely taken by people at home. These are cheap painkillers that are available to everyone and have a quick positive effect.


The drug is popular due to its effectiveness and low price. The active ingredient is ketorolac - one of the well-known and effective painkillers in medicine.

It calms the dental nerve and relaxes it, due to which the pain goes away. The drug is produced in India, one of the leading countries in drug production.


These tablets in green packaging are based on metamizole sodium, a substance used in the manufacture of soft tissue antispasmodics. It effectively relieves spasms and is suitable for relieving dull and aching toothache.

Produced in France. Substitutes for Baralgin are drugs such as Bral and Spazmalgon, which have a similar composition.


One of the most famous and most powerful analgesic painkillers, produced in adult and children's versions. It helps equally well with dull and acute pain.

Children's pain relief not only reduces sensitivity, but also relieves inflammation. Helps with teething in infants. Produced in the UK. Available in the form of tablets, suspension and anesthetic powder. For children it is better to take it in liquid form.


Anti-inflammatory and analgesic for acute and dull pain in adults. Calms nerve endings and relieves muscle spasms. The main substance used is trometamol, a component actively used for pain relief after operations.

Dexalgin is used as an anesthetic. Manufacturer: Berlin-Chemie, a German pharmaceutical company.


A popular inexpensive remedy that perfectly relieves spasms and dull pain. Made in India. Strong pain reliever tablets for teeth: one pill is enough to relieve unbearable acute pain.


A well-known drug that can be taken against tooth pain. Pharmacies sell many analogues. Affordable. For severe toothache, Drotaverine can be used as a replacement.


Cheap, proven in Soviet times, means. Analgin is a popular drug for toothache. The tablets contain pure metamizole sodium - one of the best antispasmodics. It relaxes muscles and sensory nerves.

Medicines based on paracetomol

The list of analgesic tablets based on paracetamol includes:

  1. Pentalgin;
  2. Panadol;
  3. Ibuklin.

These are soft, but at the same time effective substances that can be taken even by a child.

Homeopathic recipes

Homeopathy is a modern medical science that uses the principle of “knocks out a wedge with a wedge.” The point is to cure like with like, i.e. cause in the patient symptoms similar to those exhibited by the disease. This is achieved due to highly diluted substances in water that cause this disease.
If we consider toothache, then a homeopathic remedy such as Mercurius Solubilis will help. It is mercury highly diluted in water, which in small doses relieves spasms and eliminates illness by acting on muscles and nerves.

First aid at home

If your tooth hurts at night and there is not one in the house medicinal product, you will have to save yourself with natural remedies that are at hand.

Many people apply ice to the sore spot - this effective method. The nerve endings cool and sensitivity becomes dull.

Another effective remedy is rinsing your mouth with a soda solution. Metamizole sodium, or analgin, is a popular pain reliever. Soda does not contain this sodium derivative, but sodium itself also alleviates the disease.

If we talk about rinses, then a well-known remedy is decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, sage and rose hips. The analgesic and calming properties of these plants are known to many. They also help with toothache, acting directly on the site of the disease.


Folk recipes also do not stand aside. Many people call them effective and use them before taking on chemicals.

Essential oils

Camphor, fir or clove oils help well. To apply this folk recipe do the following:

  • soak a cotton swab or a piece of gauze with oil;
  • Apply to the sore spot until the sensitivity goes away. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Try it also after treatment or tooth extraction.

Alcohol tinctures

Take tincture of propolis, valerian or eucalyptus. These plants soothe muscles and nerve endings.

The recipe for this remedy is simple:

  • blot cotton wool or gauze with alcohol tincture;
  • Apply the compress to the sore tooth until the sensitivity subsides.


Popular in villages and villages folk remedy. Propolis is known for its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, which is why it is used for toothache. Even children are allowed to use it.

It's simple:

  • take a small ball of propolis;
  • press into a sensitive area;
  • if after 12 hours the pain has not gone away, repeat the procedure.


Cold salted lard cools the tooth, and the enzymes it secretes have a calming effect on the nerve endings, eliminating spasm. To use this recipe, you must do the following:

  • cut off a small piece of lard;
  • apply it to the inflamed area for several hours until the illness goes away.

It is best to take the advice of knowledgeable people - dentists. No one can tell you better how to deal with toothache. Doctors' advice is safe and effective. Do not buy medications without prescriptions.

Do not apply a hot compress to the sore area. Heat will intensify the inflammation process, which will lead to even more serious consequences.

Dentists allow the use of a decoction of chamomile, sage or echinacea. These herbs contain soothing and anti-inflammatory enzymes. Gargling with this decoction oral cavity, you will relieve pain and stop the inflammatory process.

Another feasible method is to apply a cotton wool moistened with valerian tincture to a sensitive area. The extract soothes the tooth well and relieves pain before visiting the dentist.

The dangers of sick teeth during pregnancy

During pregnancy, organs form inside the mother and nervous system future baby. If a tooth hurts during this period, the treatment may affect the child’s health.

The cause of tooth sensitivity is an inflammatory process - pathogenic bacteria develop inside. They can get into circulatory system women, and from there into the baby’s body and thereby cause abnormalities or pathologies.

Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, a woman should consult a dentist to cure all diseased teeth. This is done to prevent inflammation and avoid the need to visit the dentist while carrying a baby.

During lactation

Toothache with breastfeeding no less dangerous than during pregnancy. A nursing woman passes it on to her baby through milk. useful material, entering the mammary glands through the blood. As we found out, when a tooth becomes inflamed, pathogenic microbes enter the bloodstream.

This does not bode well for the baby. During lactation, a child can get serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since his body and intestines are not yet able to fight harmful bacteria.

It is important to know

When planning a pregnancy, expectant mothers should definitely visit a dentist. Tell your doctor that you want to have your teeth examined, prevented, and treated because you want to have a baby.

The dentist will carry out all the necessary measures, and will also give recommendations on how to care for the oral cavity and how often you can take painkillers during pregnancy and during feeding.

How to quickly relieve toothache without pills?

Rinsing your mouth with a soda solution will quickly relieve this disease. The sodium contained in soda has an anti-inflammatory and calming effect and eliminates all types of pain, including unbearable pain.

Rich herbal decoctions: chamomile, sage and rose hips will also quickly relieve this ailment. They contain more enzymes and are able to quickly cope with toothache and inflammation.

The most popular and effective remedy is cold compress for freezing. The cold freezes the nerve endings in the tooth, thereby relieving pain. The ideal option would be to use ice cubes.

Some people escape with alcohol. Indeed, it has the ability to help, but it does not bring anything good to the body.

List of the best painkillers for toothaches

Such medicines are not only effective, but also safe. These include:

  • Ketanov;
  • Nise;
  • Tempalgin is a drug similar in composition to analgin;
  • Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs based on paracetamol.

The most powerful painkillers

Strong pills are not always recommended by doctors, but they are highly effective and have no side effects. If there are no chronic diseases, then the following list of the strongest anti-inflammatory tablets for toothache is suitable:

  • Ketanov;
  • Ketorol;
  • Ketonal;
  • Nise;
  • Nurofen;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Spasmalgon;
  • Baralgin.

Antibiotics in dentistry

To avoid tooth extraction, it is necessary to treat them in a timely manner. The disease is caused by inflammation inside, which is treated with antibiotics. But pathogenic microorganisms—the sources of inflammation—are different from ordinary ones.

To destroy them, special antibiotics are used, produced in tablets or injections, developed for the field of dentistry:

  • Amoxiclav. A strong, broad-spectrum drug of a new generation that affects a large number of bacterial families;
  • Abaktal. A special medicine developed to eliminate jaw diseases, including dental inflammation;
  • Digital Antibiotic in ampoules, widely used in dentistry. Due to its strong effect, it is recommended for serious diseases;
  • Sumamed. Affects the vast majority of pathogenic anaerobes, including those that multiply in the jaw and teeth;
  • Lincomycin. Stops the proliferation of bacteria, which is useful when the infection develops extremely quickly.

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