Entertainment scenario for the middle group “Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods. Scenario for the autumn harvest festival. (middle group) We are proud of legumes

Marina Kaznachevskaya
Sketch “Vegetables” (senior group)

Scene"Garden" (senior group)

(Mistress enters, Vegetables become staggered

turn their backs to the audience. The hostess takes a watering can and waters vegetables.

Vegetables grow(children turn around)

Mistress. The harvest in my garden is not bad.

I planted carrots, cabbage and peas.

The tomatoes are ripening, the cucumbers are growing.

And the potatoes and beets are growing, the onions are turning green.

The sun is in the garden beds, the rain is falling!

Vegetables they ripen quickly in the beds.

(Vegetables stand in one line, each one comes forward one by one and talks about themselves)

Mistress. It's more interesting which one of you

Both tastier and more necessary.

Who with all the diseases

It will be more useful than everyone else.

Carrot. I am Carrot to everyone's surprise!

And blush and beautiful

I am a smooth carrot

Red-haired, sweet.

Pull my ponytail

And I will come to visit you.

Cabbage. I'm white and juicy

I am useful and tasty

Your plates are empty without me

Most important of all, I am Cabbage!

At least in the salad, at least in the cabbage soup

Look for this one.

Peas. I'm so pretty

Little green boy

I am a cheerful braggart!

If only I want

I'll treat everyone to peas!

Tomato. I am very important Signor,

Ripe sweet tomato.

Red, juicy and smooth,

I treat everyone, my friends.

Who drinks my tomato juice?

Has not been sick for a whole year.

Cucumber. I'm fresh and crispy

I am a real Cucumber!

I was green in the garden

I'll become salty in the jar.

Potato. I am Potato, so modest.

She didn't say a word.

But everyone needs potatoes,

Both big and small.

Beet. I'm round and strong

Dark red sides.

Young beets, so sweet!

I am proud of it for lunch, both in borscht and in vinaigrette.

Onion. Ah, I’m Onion, I’m the most useful of all!

I save from diseases

From me there are at least a sea of ​​​​tears,

This is joy, not sorrow.

And there is no need to be afraid of tears.

Tomorrow you will laugh!

Vegetables(together). We are all from the garden bed.

Remember us, friends!

Rich in vitamins!

And you always need us!

Mistress. You are all right! To be healthy and strong -

There is no doubt about this -

Necessary love vegetables

All without exception!

The hostess invites vegetables in a round dance.

I invite you to a round dance,

My cheerful garden! (leave)

Publications on the topic:

“Health Day” (senior group) HEALTH DAY MORNING. Morning exercises GOAL: to instill in your child the habit of exercise. ANIMAL GYMNASTICS One - squat, Two - jump. This.

Scene-remake “Seeing off to school” 1 child My country welcomes a wonderful holiday in February. She heartily congratulates her defenders.

Homework on a lexical topic: “Vegetables” preparatory group Homework. Dear parents! Consider vegetables with your child: cucumber, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, beans, beets, pumpkin, radishes, peas.

1. Program content: To consolidate the ability to convey in modeling the shape of various vegetables (carrots, beets, cucumbers, potatoes, pumpkins, tomatoes.

Abstract of the educational activity “Vegetables and fruits” in the educational field “Speech development” (second junior group) SYNOPSIS of the integrated educational activity “Vegetables and Fruits”. Educational areas: “Socio-communicative development”, “Speech.

SHORT-TERM PROJECT “VEGETABLES”. By dominant activity: cognitive. Duration: short-term. Type of project: group.

Development of children's cognitive and creative abilities in the process of cognitive and research activities.

  1. Systematize and expand children's knowledge about vegetables.
  2. Develop children's cognitive and creative abilities, speech.
  3. Foster food hygiene and respect for your health.
  4. Involve parents in joint creativity with their child.

Progress of the event

Today is our holiday

Promises to be good

And our motto is:

“Be strong and be healthy!”

Presenter: Guys, today we will talk about health! Who wants to be healthy?

Children: That's it!

Presenter: What kind of person can be called healthy?

Children: Cheerful, active

Presenter: Do you guys like to get sick?

Children: No

Presenter: Guys, what should you eat to avoid getting sick?

(Children's answers.)

Presenter: Let's play! I will name the products, and if you agree with me, Clap, if you don’t agree, Stomp!

Game: If you want to be healthy, eat more

Candy (NO – stomp)

Cakes, - Chips, - Cola, - Chewing gum, Fruits (YES pop), Vegetables.

Presenter: What healthy vegetables do you know? What are the healthy fruits?

Children call.

Host: That's right, guys.

To be healthy and strong,

Gotta love vegetables

All without exception, there is no doubt about it!

Each has its own benefit and taste,

And I don’t dare decide:

Which of you is tastier, which of you is more needed!

Presenter: Guys, you have prepared poems and it’s time to read them!

Hey, Carrots, come out and show yourself!

Little blue tomatoes, come out and tell us about yourself!

Show yourself, delicious potato, turn around!

Radish, radish, come out and tell me a poem!

Well, Cucumbers, well, darlings, come out and tell me a poem!

Carrot: The red nose has grown into the ground,

Green tail on the outside

We don't need a green tail

All you need is a red nose!

Tomato: From the sky, just for the sake of order,

The rain has started to fall on the garden bed,

A tomato washed itself in it,

It's been red and juicy ever since.

He lurks in the thick foliage,

Isn't he afraid of us?

Potatoes: There are many dishes made from potatoes

You can cook

Both simple and complex:

It is boiled, fried, ground.

What is tastier in the whole world?

What's a jacket potato?

Radish: In the garden, in the vegetable garden

Following the rain, at sunrise

A rainbow came down from the sky,

I gave them a color to everyone.

Orange color - carrots,

And green is for a cucumber,

Even the eggplant in new clothes -

Blue suits him!

Only radishes, as luck would have it,

No luck with paints -

She's white and white

On the contrary, it’s black...

And sadness took her,

So I became bitter.

Cucumber: I am a green cucumber.

I am a cunning and well done

I'm lying in the garden

And I play hide and seek

Do you want to find me?

Look under the leaf!

Presenter: There are so many vegetables in our garden. All healthy, with vitamins!

Now let's dance and have fun!

Round dance “We have a vegetable garden!”

Presenter: Not all our vegetables have read poetry yet!

Pepper, pepper, come out and tell me a poem!

Curly parsley, come out and tell us a poem!

Crispy cabbage, come out and tell me a poem!

Zucchini, zucchini, pot-bellied barrels! Come out and tell us a poem!

Boy Eggplant, come out and tell us a poem!

Multi-colored pepper, like a flashlight,

Sometimes it looks like a ball

It is shiny, strong, smooth,

Did you guess it? Sweet pepper!

Petrushka: I whisper in your ear:

I'm not a clown, I'm parsley!

Juicy and long

Vitamin greens!

Cabbage: We watered the cabbage

Saved from pests -

So she grew up

And crispy and white.

We made soup from it,

We stew it, eat it fresh,

They salted it for the winter,

And we'll eat it in salads.

Zucchini: He is from the pumpkin family,

He lies on his side all day,

Like a green log

Under the name - zucchini!

Eggplant: From distant warm countries

An eggplant has arrived.

Our guest is afraid of the cold,

So he will live in a greenhouse!

Presenter: And now we will act out a skit based on S. Marshak’s poem “The Mistress Came from the Market”

Vegetables involved: potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas, parsley and beets.

Presenter: Well done! And you read poems and show skits, but can you run fast?

A game is being played - a relay race “Who will collect fruits and vegetables in a basket most quickly”

Girls collect fruits, and boys collect vegetables.

Presenter: Guys, you did great, you recited poems, played, danced! Did you like our vegetable festival?

Presentation of gifts.

Lidiya Mametyeva
Scenario for the autumn holiday in the middle group “Harvest Festival”


Presenter: There is a guest walking everywhere,

The guest is not easy,

She comes to us

Just golden

She gives generously

Nice gifts,

The summer day takes away

He asks for winter to visit.

So who is this guest?

Children: Autumn!

Presenter: Well done! Do you know songs about autumn?

Children: Yes!

Presenter: Let's sing the song "Autumn has come"?

Performing the song “Autumn has come.”

Presenter: Autumn is already around the corner. I would like you to. Guys, would Autumn come to visit us now for a holiday?

Children: Yes.

Presenter: For the sorceress Autumn to come to us, we need to call her.

The guys loudly call Autumn. Autumn enters the hall to the music.

Autumn: Hello my dears,

Elegant, completely different from each other! (children say hello)

Presenter: Today there is a holiday in the yard

Autumn has come!

We are talking about children's autumn

Let's ask you to tell us.

1 child: Autumn with a long thin brush

Recolors leaves.

Red, yellow, gold,

How beautiful you are, colored leaf.

2nd child: In the morning we go to the yard

Leaves are falling like rain.

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly.

3rd child: Various birds flew away,

Their sonorous chorus ceased.

And the rowan tree celebrates autumn,

Putting on red beads.

4th child: It's raining down the street, the road is wet,

There are a lot of drops on the glass, but little heat.

We carry umbrellas like autumn mushrooms,

Because autumn has come.

5th child: The golden autumn is leaving,

It is being replaced by another:

Silver autumn.

With the sad sound of pine trees,

With black paths

With bare aspen trees,

With the first snowflakes,

With the chill of the night

Yes, with crispy ice.

Autumn: Thank you guys for the wonderful poems. And now I want to invite you on a journey.

Everyone get ready quickly

And come with me.

I'll show you the miracle kingdom

Vegetable State.

Presenter: And now guys, we invite you to meet the inhabitants of the vegetable kingdom-state.

Mysterious music sounds, Autumn waves her wand, the lights go out and come on.

A group of children comes out: the owner and vegetables.

Master: I have a vegetable garden! Here!

And in the garden it grows:

Tomato and cucumber

Luchok, just great!

Wonderful cabbage

Beetroot, parsley,

Pumpkin, watermelon, zucchini,

Hot pepper pod.

Generous basket –

Enough for the whole winter!

Presenter: The vegetables are all wonderful.

But which one is the most

Children love

I do not know yet.

Vegetables: (together) Which of us is the tastiest?

Which of us is the most important?

Cucumber: I am the most delicious

I am the most important.

We live in a brine

Everyone eats us to their heart's content.

Beet: Don't shout, cucumber,

You are, of course, great

But who is more important than beets?

Who, tell me, is more needed?

Sugar is made from beets,

And beet salads, and beetroot soup too.

Who is more important, who?

Carrot: An important vegetable, you beetroot,

And more importantly, I am a carrot!

You can't make soup without me,

You can't go a day without me!

Cabbage: So that you feel empty

Cabbage is the best!

Rich in vitamins

My guys love cabbage soup!

Tomato: Oh, what a ridiculous argument

Tomato is the healthiest of all!

The one who drinks tomato juice

He's growing up healthy.

Presenter: Quiet, quiet, don't make noise,

Stop the quarrel quickly!

There are no tasteless vegetables

All are useful, no doubt.

To grow and be healthy,

You need to love vegetables.

Autumn: Vegetables, don't fight

Hold hands together

And at the children's holiday

Let's sing and dance!

Performance of the dramatized song “Garden Round Dance”.

1. We have a vegetable garden,

There are carrots growing there!

This is the width

Such a height 2 раза!}

2. You, carrot, hurry here,

Dance a little!

And then don't yawn

And get into the cart! ) 2 times

3. We have a vegetable garden,

Green onions grow there!

This is the width

Such a height 2 раза!}

4. You, little onion, hurry here,

Dance a little!

And then don't yawn

And get into the cart! ) 2 times

5. We have a vegetable garden,

And cabbage grows there!

This is the width

Such a height 2 раза!}

6. You, cabbage, hurry to us,

Dance a little!

And then don't yawn

And get into the cart! ) 2 times

7. We have a truck,

He is not small, not big.

This is the width

Such a height 2 раза!}

8. You, driver, hurry here,

You dance a little

And then don't yawn

Take away your harvest!

Autumn: You know a lot about me. Who can name the signs of autumn?

Children's judgments.

The leaves turn yellow and fly off.

The grass is turning yellow.

It rains often.

It's getting colder outside.

It rains often.

Leaf fall.

Birds fly south.

It's getting colder outside.

It rains often.

Educator: That’s right, it’s getting colder, it’s raining, there’s slush outside...

The sound of rain sounds, there are pictures of rain and puddles on the screen. Children sing the song "Rain". Then the guys take their seats.

Autumn: If it rains heavily

He will flood our garden.

Help me guys

Reap a rich harvest!

Game "Sort out the vegetables." Two teams play. On one side of the hall there are 2 baskets, on the other side of the hall there are buckets of vegetables with carrots and cucumbers mixed on them.

Each child, at a signal, runs to the bucket and selects either a carrot or a cucumber, which he takes to his basket and returns back.

Whoever completes the task faster wins.

Autumn: Great, you completed the harvest. But not everyone does it so well. Would you like to listen to a tale about the harvest in our fabulous vegetable state?

Children: Yes.

Autumn: Then watch the fairy tale “Puff-Puff”.

A dramatization of the Russian folk tale “Puff-Puff.”

Presenter: Grandmother and grandfather, a cat and a dog, and a little granddaughter lived in the same hut. Once my grandmother went to the garden to collect vegetables: potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers and beets. She came and heard some sounds.

Hedgehog (under the leaf): Puff-puff-puff.

Presenter: Grandma got scared and ran home.


Presenter: Grandfather went to the garden.

Hedgehog (under the leaf): Puff-puff-puff.

Presenter: Grandfather got scared and ran home.

Grandfather: There's someone scary in the garden. Puff-puff-puff at me. Puff-puff-puff.

Presenter: The dog went to the garden.

Hedgehog (under the leaf): Puff-puff-puff.

Presenter: The dog got scared and ran home.

Dog: There's someone scary in the garden. Puff-puff-puff at me. Puff-puff-puff.

Presenter: The cat went to the garden.

Hedgehog (under the leaf): Puff-puff-puff.

Presenter: The cat got scared and ran home.

Cat: There's someone scary in the garden. Puff-puff-puff at me. Puff-puff-puff.

Presenter: My granddaughter went to the garden. I parted the grass and saw a hedgehog. He sits and puffs. The granddaughter picked potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, and beets. And she took the hedgehog with her.

Granddaughter: That's who said: "Puff-puff-puff."

Autumn: You see, although not right away, in this fairy tale they managed to harvest the harvest. But in Rus' there was always dancing and fun after good work. Maybe you will please me with a cheerful round dance?

Children: Certainly!

Round dance.

Autumn: Hey kids, well done

Both dancers and singers!

I'll be glad to say goodbye

I'll give you an award, friends.

For a kind attitude towards nature,

For Autumn, attention and respect.

Available for a shared table

I have a treat!

Autumn brings out a basket of fruits.

Presenter: Thank you, Autumn!

Autumn: It was a nice holiday, guys.

It's a pity, it's time for us to say goodbye.

Farewell "Goodbye"

And “See you later,” kids!

Autumn is leaving.

Presenter: Our holiday is over, it's time to go back.

Nadezhda Panova
Entertainment scenario for the middle group “What’s in my basket...” on the lexical topic “Vegetable garden. Vegetables"

Target: creating a favorable emotional state in children through musical, cognitive and motor activity.


To form in children an idea of ​​autumn as a time of year;

Consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits;

-develop attention, ability to act on a signal from the leader, logical thinking, dexterity, speed, coordination of movements;

Foster a desire to help fairy-tale characters.

Materials: autumn leaves: maple, birch (2 leaves for each child, telegram, baskets(4 pcs., dummies of fruits and vegetables for the competition« Vegetables fruits» (7 pieces each, headbands (masks) with image vegetables: onions, carrots, cabbage, steering wheel, cap, tape recorder with recordings of children's songs and funny music.

(The children, together with the teacher, enter the music room accompanied by calm music, walk through and sit on chairs).

Educator: Guys, what time of year is it? (autumn). How did you guess? (the weather is cold, the leaves have turned yellow and have begun to fall, it rains often, the birds are about to fly south). Guys, this morning I went to kindergarten and saw the group, there is a telegram, it is from Postman Pechkin. Let me read to you what is written there. (I open the envelope and read the letter).

Dear Guys.

We have a big harvest in Prostokvashino this year vegetables and fruits. Come and help harvest the harvest. We can't do it alone.

Matroskin and Sharik are writing to you.

Educator: Well, guys, let's help out Matroskin and Sharik? (Yes).

Educator: Then we go to the village of Prostokvashino. The path is not close. Let's go by train. (Music)

Educator: Guys, this is the stop. Let's take a walk through the autumn meadow. Look how beautiful it is around. (Looking around). Guys, it seems that we have arrived. This is Prostokvashino.

Educator: Guys, do you want to know what harvest? vegetables especially good this year? But for this, Matroskin and Sharik have prepared riddles for us.

Riddles about vegetables:

Whoever undresses them sheds tears? (Onion).

IN I'm growing in the garden, and when I ripen, they boil me into a tomato, put it in cabbage soup and eat it like that? (Tomato).

The maiden is beautiful, sitting in prison, and her braid is on the street? (Carrot).

I am long and green, I am delicious when salted, Tasty and raw. Who am I (Cucumber).

They buried it in the ground in May, And they didn’t take it out for a hundred days, And they started digging in the fall.

Not just one was found, but ten (Potato).

Educator: Well done! They did a great job solving the riddles. It's time to see the harvest vegetables. But a lot of vegetables, we need a driver to help transport vegetables from the garden home.

(The teacher chooses a boy to play the role of driver, puts on a cap and gives him a steering wheel).

The song is a game « Garden - round dance»

Words by A. Passova

Educator: Guys, while we were transporting vegetables, it started to rain (Phonogram "Rain", because in the fall it often rains, you know about it. In the meantime, while it’s raining, I want to invite you to sit on some chairs. And guess more riddles about autumn.

Riddles about autumn:

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly. (Autumn)

The days have become shorter

The nights have become longer

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen (Autumn)

They grow and turn green,

If they fall, they will turn yellow,

If they lie down, they turn black. (Leaves)

The field, forest and meadow are wet,

City, house and everything around!

He is the leader of clouds and clouds,

You know this is - (Rain)

The fields are empty, the ground is wet,

Does it rain when does it happen? (Autumn)

Leaves are falling from aspen trees,

a sharp wedge rushes in the sky (Autumn)

I bring the harvest

I am sowing the fields again,

I send birds to the south,

I strip the trees

But I don’t touch pine trees and fir trees.

I - (Autumn)

Came without paints

B without brush

And repainted all the leaves. (Autumn)

Educator: Guys, what a great job you are, but while we were solving riddles, the rain stopped. And I want to suggest that you all stand in a circle and we do some physical exercise.


One evening in the garden (Children walk in a circle holding hands,

Turnips, beets, radishes, onions (In the center the driver sits on his haunches with

We decided to play hide and seek, blindfolded).

But first we stood in a circle. (They stop and turn the driver).

Calculated clearly here same: (They run up, crouch,

One two three four five. (The driver is looking for them).

Better hide, hide deeper,

Well, go look.

Educator: Guys, what a great fellow you are! And now we will have a competition.

Contest « Vegetables fruits»

(The teacher divides the children into 2 teams. Each team gives basket, Where vegetables mixed with fruit. One team is called « Vegetables» where offered from baskets, select vegetables and place them in the basket, and the other team "Fruits" where offered from baskets select only fruits and place them in cart. During the competition, cheerful music is played. The competition can be held several times).

Educator: Guys, you divided by baskets of vegetables and fruits, let's play with our fingers.

Finger gymnastics “The hostess came from the market one day”.

Educator: Well done, now we will all check together whether you completed the task correctly. (I take basket with vegetables

Educator: What do we call these gifts of autumn, in one word? (Vegetables) .

Educator: Right. Where do they grow? vegetables? (IN vegetable garden) .

Educator: What can you cook from vegetables?

Children: Salad, soup, main course, preparations for the winter. Vegetables can be boiled, fry and eat raw.

(I take fruit basket, I show them one by one to the children, they name them).

Educator: What should we call them, in one word? Where do they grow (Fruits grow in the garden).

Educator:What can we cook from fruits?

Children: Kissel, compote, make jam. But it's better to eat them fresh.

Educator: Why, children, do you need to eat? vegetables and fruits, especially fresh?

Children: They contain many vitamins that we need for growth and health.

Educator: Well done boys. They did an excellent job. Can you identify fruits and vegetables, you call them correctly. Eat more vegetables and fruits and you will become smart and strong, you will not get sick.

Educator: Guys, let's close our eyes for a minute and imagine that we are a breeze. (When the children have closed their eyes, the second teacher lays out the leaves on the floor).

Breathing exercises "Breeze".

Educator: Guys, while you were a breeze, fallen leaves appeared in our clearing, and let’s dance with the leaves.

Dance "Leaves Are Falling".

Educator: Well, guys, ours has arrived fun to the end, Matroskin and Sharik will be glad that you guys helped them harvest so much. And now we're going back to group.

Entertainment "Gifts of Autumn - Housewarming" with the participation of parents

for middle group children

general developmental orientation from 4 to 5 years.

Goal: To evoke a joyful mood in children. Involve parents in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

Develop good relationships between parents, children and teachers;
Teach improvisation to parents for children;
Foster a sense of responsibility.

Materials and equipment:
Fruits for the competition;
Jam and berries for the competition;
Pies with different fillings;
Small toys - carrots, peppers, turnips for playing;
Three buckets for playing;
Caps-masks of fruits and vegetables;
Kerchiefs for playing;
Chest with toys;
Costumes for Alice the fox and Basilio the cat;
Tablecloths, napkins;
Sweets and tea for tea drinking.


The song “Guests have come to us!”
" Dance of little ducks!"

Scene "Dispute of vegetables"
Scene “Vegetables in the garden”

Game "Harvest"
Game “Guess the taste” (jam, berries from our region) for parents
Game “Guess the taste” (fruit) for children.

Progress of entertainment


Hello dear guests,

We're glad to see you.

We invite you to our holiday.

1st child

Good autumn has come,

She brought us gifts:

Fragrant apples,

Fluffy peaches

Golden pears

Autumn has arrived.

The song “What will autumn bring us?”

Poem "Miracle Garden"

2nd child

People are surprised:

What kind of miracle garden is this?

There are radishes and salad here,

Onions, parsley and spinach.

Tomatoes cucumbers

They are maturing together - well done!

3rd child

And potatoes and cabbage
They grow densely in the beds.

And everyone says in unison:

“We are growing here for the guys.

For diligence and work

The whole harvest will be reaped"


Now guess what is growing in our garden.

4th child

In the garden, on the path.

Under my window

The sun bloomed today

On a high leg. (Sunflower)

5th child

I am both fresh and salty.

All pimply. Green.

Don't forget me my friend,

Stock up on your health for future use. (Cucumber)

Scene “Vegetables in the garden”

6th child

I am a carrot, a red tail.

Come visit more often.

To make your eyes sparkle,

To make your cheeks turn red,

Eat carrots, drink my juice,

You will only be healthier!

7th child

I'm a fat red tomato

I have loved children for a long time.

I am a chest of vitamins

Come on, take a bite of the barrel!

8th child

And I am juicy cabbage.

I'm proud of my vitamins.

In cabbage rolls, borscht, salads

Of course I'll come in handy

And how delicious

My cabbage soup!


We beans are proud

That we are suitable for different porridges,

That the fruits are in our pods,

Like in magic chests.

But healthy proteins

We don't hide things under lock and key.

Those who have been friends with us since childhood.

They grow up to be heroes.

10th child

Is this an optical illusion?

Blue, blue -

A thick eggplant is ripening.

It is long in shape.

Scene "Dispute of vegetables"

11th child

Somehow a zucchini was arguing

And a bean pod:

The one who blooms is more beautiful

And who will grow up first?

So they argued and decided everything,

But they didn’t know the simple answer:

Everyone, this always happens.

It matures in due time.

Game "Harvest"

Children collect turnips, cucumbers, and peppers in different buckets.

Sketch “Favorite fruits and berries”

12th child

I am strong, crispy,

The miracle is real.

Yellow and red -

The skin is satin.

The apple is ruddy

Everything children want!


Apple is a wonderful fruit

I'm growing here and there

Striped, colorful.

Fresh and in bulk.

My juice is also good for everyone,

Helps against diseases.

14th child

They call me a pear.

I'll tell you, and you listen:

Love me, children!

I am the most useful person in the world.

15th child

Grape. Grape,

Lots of berries in a row

Grew on a branch -

Lunch, kids!

16th child

Yellow, sunny lemon,

It is useful with tea.

And without tea it is sour -

We know about this.

17th child

Lilac plum,

Ours is a garden

Delicious, tender,

Very useful.

And also from a ripe plum

We can make jam!

18 child

Lingonberries have a special taste6

Either sour or not.

No matter how much you try it,

You won't find the answer to that.

And the green leaves

They do not turn yellow in winter either.

We brought it from the forest

Take this berry home.

19th child

Ripe, juicy orange -

Fruits contain the first vitamin.

How good is he?

And he looks like the sun.

20th child

We'll bake a big pie

With apple filling

Apple juice in a glass

Irinka and I are full.


Look what beautiful pies our mothers baked.

Pies with different fillings.

To find out what fillings

We'll play a game.

Game "Find out by taste"
pie tasting by parents
fruits (children)
jam (parents)
berries (parents)

Song "Guests have come to us"


Someone is knocking on our door

Who is this coming to us?

The fox Alice and the cat Basilio enter the group with a large chest.

Fox Alice:

Hello, where are we?


This is kindergarten No. 6 “Fairy Tale”

Today we have a holiday “Gifts of Autumn - Housewarming!”

Fox Alice:

We found this chest

On it was a letter with the address:

“Kindergarten No. 6 “Fairy Tale”,

Group No. 9 “Cloudberry”

This is your address.


Cat Basilio:

To open the chest,

You need to solve riddles:
What they dug out of the ground,

Fried, boiled?

What we baked in the ashes

Did they praise you? (Potato)
He never

Didn't offend you in the world.

Why do they cry because of him?

Both adults and children? (Onion)
The thick house split

In two halves

And fell into the palms

Shot beads. (Peas)

Children and parents dance around a chest of toys

"Dance of little ducks"

After the dance, the fox Alice and the cat Basilio open the chest and show the toys to the children; after looking at the toys, everyone sits down at the tables to drink tea.

This message was written on Friday, August 24th, 2012 at 13:28 in the section , . You can receive messages by subscribing to the feed. You can

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