How many years do budgies live in a cage? How long does a budgie live? Other important factors for the long life of budgies

One of the most common pets is the budgie. It has become popular because it is easy to care for, it is not picky about food, children love it and, of course, you can buy it not for very much money.

Parrots are very popular among residents of city apartments. Probably because they don’t need to be walked outside - you just need to open the cage and give them the opportunity to fly. Parrots are such bright and cute creatures that they can cheer up not only children, but also adults.

How long do budgies live at home?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, since it depends on many factors. First of all, its lifespan depends on the species, and there are many of them.

The life of a parrot in captivity is completely dependent from the attention and care of the owner. If everything is done correctly, the life of a bird can last up to 15 years; in the wild, the average life expectancy of budgerigars is no more than 5 years. This is because they may not have enough food, they are overcome by diseases and natural enemies.

There are cases where birds lived at home for almost 20 years. To do this, you need to provide him with a balanced diet, eliminate all kinds of stress, provide a long daily walk.

Bird life in nature

live budgies in Australia. A bright, small bird that feels great in its native habitat. Eats exactly the food it needs; flies where he wants. The life of a bird depends on the following factors:

It seemed that life in the wild for a parrot is a paradise in which you can live a long and happy life. It turns out that this is not the case at all. Using all the benefits as needed, the bird lives on average up to 6 years. There are cases when birds in the wild lived to the age of 8 years.

The life of a budgerigar in captivity is very different from life in the wild. Let's take a closer look at it.

Life expectancy of budgerigars at home

Children love the small, bright bird very much and really want it to live with them. Before buying a parrot you need to read with the conditions of its detention, how and what to feed and water him, how much to walk and what he cannot do without. The lifespan of the bird will directly depend on these factors.

A domestic parrot may be threatened by enemies in the form of a cat or dog that may live in the apartment. But animals can turn out to be friendly and make friends with a small bird - such cases exist in practice.

If you create favorable conditions for a budgie, then in captivity it can live three times longer- that's almost 15 years! These are the facts that you can’t argue with.

The decision to buy a bird for your home should be balanced and deliberate, so that later, when you suddenly get tired of it, you don’t have to release it into nature. You need to know that many species of parrots are artificially raised, so they will never be able to adapt to wildlife. Therefore, by releasing her to live on the street, you are thereby pushing her to certain death.

Factors that influence the longevity of a budgie can be systematized:

  • balanced diet;
  • availability of clean water;
  • comfortable temperature;
  • comfortable, spacious cage;
  • lack of stress;
  • walking around the apartment with the window closed and without pets.

In addition to the listed factors, it should be noted that a parrot, like any other animal, needs communication and attention. If he does not receive this to the fullest, he will soon become sad and may even get sick. And the reason for everything is loneliness.

Thinking about this, paying attention to external factors, we must conclude that when buying a parrot for an apartment or house, to the delight of children, we should not forget about the comfort of the parrot itself. You need to buy them in pairs, then the birds will simply have no time to be bored - their family will rejoice on their own, and delight you and your loved ones.

Parrot care

To know how to properly care for a bird, you need to take into account all the features of the species and conditions of detention:

  • A budgerigar by its nature cannot live on its own. He definitely needs someone to talk to and show off his bright feathers - he always needs to buy a couple of birds;
  • It is not advisable to smoke in a room where birds live, as a drop of nicotine can simply poison your pets;
  • regularly use ultraviolet lamps, which help produce vitamin D in the bird’s body;
  • The cage with parrots should be in a place protected from drafts and away from the TV. It is advisable that it should not be exposed to direct sunlight;
  • give the birds the opportunity to get enough sleep, take into account their dependence on sunrise and sunset. To do this, you need to cover the cage at night with a dense material that does not allow light to pass through, and open it in the morning;
  • think over the layout of the cage: where and what will stand. This is very important, because poultry feces should not get into the water or feed;
  • the cage should always be clean and dry - take care of this;
  • Birds' diet must be balanced. There is no need to feed them junk food, otherwise they will get sick.

Food for parrots should be feed in the form of a grain mixture, which includes: seeds of meadow grasses, flax, oats, small sunflower seeds, millet, etc. This mixture should be present in the diet in the amount of 1.5-2 teaspoons per day. In addition, homemade products should be present: low-fat cottage cheese, boiled egg and mineral supplements with high calcium content.

It is clear that a cage for a pair of birds should be quite spacious so that they can sometimes even fly there. It would be a good idea to hang a rocker, install a mirror and a couple of perches. A great place for a cage is the kitchen. Any housewife spends a lot of time on it, so she can talk to the birds constantly. They need communication, because from boredom, being in a cage all alone, a budgie can get sick.

If you notice any oddities in your bird, or his feathers begin to fall out, you need to contact seek help from a veterinarian. There is no need to experiment and self-medicate, as this may not end very well for the bird.

In order for a bird to feel normal, its daylight hours need to be 12-14 hours in the summer and 10-12 hours in the winter. In order for the parrot to have enough daylight for a normal existence in winter, you need to turn on additional lighting in the evening. This way he will be able to eat his daily amount of grain and get the required amount of vitamins.

Budgerigar Health

First of all, you need to choose your bird carefully. There are periods in the life of parrots when they molt and therefore do not look very attractive. If you see such a parrot in a pet store, don’t be alarmed, just take a closer look at its behavior. If the bird is active and flies a lot, eats well and sings songs, it means it is absolutely healthy.

But it may also be that the bird molts not because it is a physiological process, but because it is simply sick. This can be seen in her behavior: she doesn't fly and looks weak, is not interested in hanging toys and is completely indifferent to food. This bird is not worth buying, even if you decide to make a purchase today.

The condition of a parrot can be determined by other signs. He is absolutely healthy if:

  • the wings are pressed tightly to the body;
  • movements are smooth;
  • the eyes are shiny;
  • good mood;
  • a good appetite.

If the feathers are dry and ruffled, the look is simply dull, there is no appetite - such a bird not worth buying. And if your parrot is already sick at home, then you urgently need to show it to a specialist. This is the only way you can save and prolong his life.


When buying a budgie for your home, for your children and for yourself, you need to know exactly its age. The bird quickly wins the heart of the owner, it becomes a member of the family and is perceived as part of life. I want her to live in a family as long and carefree a life as possible, which her owners will provide her with.

Surely every person, before getting a feathered pet, spends a lot of time collecting information about parrots (keeping conditions, care, feeding, etc.). Not least important is the question of how many years these birds live.

For the lifespan of these exotic birds, first of all, is influenced by their type. When it comes to budgies, which are small parrots, they live on average 10-15 years. Larger varieties live longer (about 20-30 years). However, under favorable living conditions, parrots can live up to 60 years.

How long do budgies live?

Budgerigars are the most common species in Russia. A distinctive feature of these exotic birds is their talkativeness. Some individuals even know how to understand their owners and respond to them. Experts note that the lifespan of budgerigars is natural environment is no more than 10 years. At home, the life expectancy of this species is 10-15 years. Some birds live up to 20 years. The record holder is a parrot that lived for 21 years.

Budgerigars living in the wild must constantly look for food and hide from predators, which abound in the latitudes where they live. This is why their lifespan is so different from that of domestic parrots. Birds living in apartments, although their freedom is limited, are always safe and comfortable. Given good care and nutrition, they live three times longer than their “free” counterparts.

Any experienced owner of a feathered pet knows that under proper care This means a balanced diet (birds should receive a sufficient amount of necessary elements, but not in excess), the absence of stressful situations and regular exercise (walking to improve health). Which can be quite difficult to provide. For example, the biorhythms of humans and parrots are very different. Feathered pets should go to bed when it gets dark and wake up at dawn. If a bird is under the influence of constant electric light and extraneous sounds, then it is in a state of regular stress, which negatively affects the health of the feathered pet. In addition, if there is a cat in the house, the parrot will have virtually no opportunity to get out of the cage.

What affects the lifespan of budgies

As already mentioned, life expectancy depends on the type of parrot. If it comes specifically to budgies, then their life expectancy will depend on how well balanced their diet is, the optimal temperature and light conditions, and the cage (it should be spacious and equipped with toys and a feeder). In addition, caring owners should monitor the health and emotional comfort of their pet. Parrots can get sick if they are not given attention and care.

Some people believe that parrots need to be given conditions similar to their natural habitat and fed the same things they eat in the wild. However, many species of parrots are bred in captivity, so such care may not always be favorable for them. It is better to check with a specialist what will be best for your feathered pet.

How to choose a healthy and young parrot

Constant stress has an extremely negative effect on birds. They often get sick, lose their plumage, become aggressive and nervous. If a parrot becomes bald over time, then inexperienced owners think that this is due to age, although, most likely, he is simply intimidated, since budgerigars practically do not change with age. Therefore, when buying a young parrot, you need to pay attention to its eyes. If they are black, it means it is a young pet. In adult birds, only the pupils remain black. In addition, on the beak of the chick there is black spot, which disappears with age.

Also, unscrupulous sellers may offer to buy a flightless bird, due to the fact that the chick is still young and has not learned to fly. But this is a hoax, the fact is that budgerigar chicks learn to fly very quickly. As soon as their flight feathers appear, parrots take to the air, because their survival in the natural environment depends on this.

A short tail is not an indicator of the bird's age, since during the molting period it falls out and is replaced with a new one. A sick bird is easy to distinguish from a molting one. Their body is covered with small needles, which will eventually turn into wings. In addition, during the molting period, parrots remain active and do not lose their appetite. If the individual looks weak and shows no interest in toys, then you should not buy it. Most likely, you will soon have to choose a new pet.

What to feed your budgie

It is important to know that birds have the highest body temperature among other animals (40-42 degrees). Therefore, their metabolism is fast. They constantly need to replenish their supply of important microelements and nutrients.

The main food for this type of parrot is a grain mixture consisting of wild and cultivated plants. But grains alone are not enough to provide your pet with all the microelements, so you should give him additional mineral feed.

Besides, budgies need proteins and fats. To do this, they can be given boiled chicken eggs. The diet should also include fruits and vegetables (apples, kiwi, bananas, berries, carrots, cucumber, pumpkin and zucchini).

By providing your feathered pet with comfortable living conditions, proper nutrition and care, you can extend its life for many years. And, in turn, it will delight the owners and others good mood and the chatter for which this species of parrot is famous.

Before purchasing a budgerigar, we look for answers to many questions, be it the nuances of nutrition or the arrangement of the cage. But invariably, one of the most frequently asked questions will be: “How many years do budgies usually live in a cage?” In captivity, oddly enough, birds live longer, about 10-15 years, because the need to look for food, water, and avoid predators is gone.

Of course, there are centenarians who are able to celebrate their 20th birthday, but this is the exception to the rule rather than the norm. Although there will always be a seller in a pet store who will say that it is their birds that live for 20, or even 25 years in captivity. However, it was recorded that the oldest parrot of the species presented was the wavy, whose life expectancy was 21 years.

But even in apartments, not all parrots die of old age, because there are many dangers from which a newly made neighbor should be protected. Remember that life expectancy directly depends on the conditions and quality of water, food, keeping the cage clean and the safety of the room.

Exactly proper diet is the key to health and for long years life of a parrot. Grain mixture has always been and will be an irreplaceable part of nutrition. Quite often, bird owners get lost when choosing food in a pet store, seeing how many different brands are presented.

However, the choice is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance; give preference to imported grain mixtures, even if they are more expensive, but their quality speaks for itself. Do not forget to carefully study the packaging, make sure that the food is intended specifically for budgies.

Look at the date of manufacture, check the tightness of the packaging and carefully read the ingredients, because there are medicinal grain mixtures that budgerigars should eat only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Before pouring grains into the feeder, inspect them for the presence of foreign impurities. You should not take food in bulk; anything could get in there, even mouse droppings, which can poison a budgerigar. If the bird has been feeding on the same brand of grain mixture for many years, then it is worth introducing a new one carefully and little by little, carefully observing the behavior of the budgerigar.

In addition to grain food, budgies need greens, vegetables, fruits and tree branches. Just think how many vitamins and useful substances contained in these products, but they significantly affect life expectancy and the number of years spent with you. Berries collected in summer can be frozen and treated to birds in winter.

Greens that are good for a parrot are spinach, dandelions and nettles. Also be sure to include carrots, cucumbers, zucchini and other vegetables in your bird’s diet.

Branch food is another essential component of a balanced and proper nutrition, twigs are rich in fiber and big amount microelements. In addition, they help take care of the beak and claws, gradually grinding them down and preventing them from growing too long.

Of course, there are trees that are not suitable for birds, these include:

  1. Pear.
  2. Bird cherry.
  3. Poplar.
  4. Lilac.
  5. All conifers.

The twigs must be collected away from roads and be sure to be treated with boiling water before offering them to your budgie. In winter, the branches are first placed in water, waiting until the buds swell, after which the parrot plays with them and feasts on them.


You've probably noticed how many different forms and cage sizes are now presented in pet stores, however, for a comfortable life for the bird, it is worth observing a number of criteria when choosing:

  1. Rectangular shape.
  2. Unpainted steel bars.
  3. Plastic pallet.
  4. Maximum horizontal roof.
  5. No grates on the bottom.
  6. The distance between the rods is no more than 20 mm.

The cage in which parrots live needs to be cleaned every day. This rule also applies to the drinking bowl, even if the water looks clean outwardly, you have no idea how many pathogenic bacteria can live in it if it is rarely replaced.

Make sure that the cage is not exposed to direct sunlight, as this causes discomfort in the budgie. Do not move it around the room; you should choose a place in advance and let the parrot get used to it. This way you will protect the bird from unnecessary stress, which significantly affects its life expectancy.

No cage is complete without toys. Hang a bell or mirror, add a couple of perches and twigs. But remember that not a single toy can replace a parrot’s communication with you; in the wild they live in large flocks, where they have more than enough communication, but in apartments loneliness is extremely destructive for such active neighbors.

A second parrot will be a good company in the budgerigar’s cage, and if the individuals are of different sexes, then there is a possibility of creating a married couple and the birth of offspring. Remember, if several birds live in one cage at once, its size must be appropriate.


The absence of stressful situations significantly influences how many years you will enjoy your budgie. Most often they are created by pets and children who live in the apartment and show great interest in the new tenant.

It is in your power to make sure that the cat or dog does not have direct access to the cage with the wavy, especially when walking, because many birds have died under the teeth and paws of animals trying to play or hunt.

If the bird was brought to a new home recently, then it needs time to adapt. During this period, avoid close contact, loud and sudden noises. The parrot has already received its share of stress when it was taken out of its usual environment and brought to a completely unfamiliar place, is it worth increasing its condition?

If before the arrival of the new tenant you already have a cage in which other budgerigars live, then you should monitor the new tenant separately for a couple of weeks; cases when a bird from a pet store is sick are far from uncommon. The wavy will fully adapt to the new environment and other residents within a month, after which you can start letting the parrot out for walks.

The quality of food and water, the comfortable temperature in the room and the cleanliness of the cage determine how many years the budgerigar will delight you and the whole family.

Indeed, often it is improper care and failure to comply with safety measures that lead to the interruption of the life of budgerigars, who fly out of windows, knock on windows and mirrors, are injured, and sometimes die due to the fault of pets.

Creating all the conditions for a good life for a wavy in captivity is not so difficult. Gradually, cleaning the cage, walking and regularly changing water will become a habit. It is thanks to the observance of such nuances that the life expectancy of a parrot can approach a record figure of 20 years.

Light and temperature conditions

Optimal duration daylight hours It is considered 10-14 hours a day depending on the time of year. It is very important for budgies to receive vitamin D, which is produced due to sunlight and affects bone growth and appearance plumage.

If it is not possible to provide these conditions, then special lamps are used that partially compensate for the lack of natural light.

A comfortable temperature for keeping wavy at home is 22-25 degrees Celsius.

With more high temperature breathing problems and overheating may occur, and if it is low, the risk of colds increases. Parrots are not so much afraid of the cold as they are of drafts and sudden changes, which significantly weaken the birds’ immunity.

Possible causes of death

The death of a parrot is usually due to oversight, improper treatment or a late visit to the doctor, but besides this, other reasons are possible.

Each species of parrot is allotted a certain life span, and budgerigars are no exception. As a result, each owner should know how long budgies live at home, so that after a while, if necessary, they can modify the menu of their feathered friend, taking into account his age: as a rule, they require lighter food or the addition of vitamin and mineral complexes to maintain your pet’s consistently strong immunity.

I would also like to note that if your friend has always had access to fresh greens, vegetables and fruits, as well as daily flights outside the cage, then you do not have to worry about physical health budgerigar and its immunity.

The only difficulty may be that it is impossible to determine the age of the parrot; perhaps he is 5, or maybe 15 years old. Only by purchasing a young chick before the first moult can you know the age of your new friend.

A feathered friend is not only fun, but also responsible

Each owner must be fully aware that he has a huge responsibility - after all, a feathered friend who needs care, care and constant affection will live next to you for a long time.

You will not only have to have fun with your budgie, but also periodically eliminate all his pranks: nibbled or discarded indoor flower, everywhere there are husks from grains and pieces of fruit, partially torn off wallpaper.

In addition, you should regularly carry out hygienic procedures in its habitat - cages, monitor the cleanliness and condition of the parrot's personal belongings, as well as constantly feed it with high-quality food and, if necessary, carry out proper preventive or therapeutic courses.

Life expectancy of budgerigars

In wild nature

In the wild, the life expectancy of birds is significantly lower. According to studies, the life expectancy of budgerigars in the wild in Australia varies from four to eight years.

This species of birds leads nomadic image life, as a result of which they have to constantly travel long distances in constant search of water and food, and the slightest aggressive factors environment put the wavy in mortal danger.

It is worth noting that various epidemics constantly break out in flocks of parrots, the causes of which scientists have not yet fully studied, since each time they are caused by various natural disasters or a combination of circumstances.

For example, due to many factors, water in Australia quite often becomes contaminated, which leads to death large quantity birds. To prevent their mass death, special organizations have been created that do their best to provide birds with clean water, especially during periods of severe drought. People build artificial reservoirs and drinking bowls on their own in the most diverse parts of their continent.

It is also worth considering that the life of budgerigars is significantly complicated by predators. The physiological peculiarity of budgerigars is such that they have an incredibly strong immune system, which allows them to fully and quickly restore the population.

At home

One of the most common questions that worries people who want to buy a feathered friend is how many years do budgies live at home? Their lifespan at home depends on the subspecies. The average lifespan of small budgies is 10 to 15 years. However, among them there were also record holders whose life expectancy was 20 years. If you believe that the lifespan of a bird depends on gender, then you are mistaken. It doesn’t matter what gender of bird you buy, the main thing is that it is not sick.

The lifespan of medium-sized birds at home can be from 20 to 30 years. Unfortunately, to date, the exact life spans of large subspecies have not yet been studied: some believe that the life span varies from 50 to 120 years, while others believe that everything is limited to 60 years.

From what factors life expectancy depends budgerigars at home?

  • Genetics: as a result of unsuccessful selections, various congenital diseases develop, which significantly reduce the life expectancy of the pet. Budgerigars occupy the third place of honor among popular pets after cats and dogs. This factor contributes to the fact that everyone who has acquired a wavy pair tries to breed birds. Unscrupulous breeders or inexperienced owners who do not want to delve into the pedigrees of their charges doom them to possible torment and short life spans. Closely related ties between birds lead to the flow hidden forms chronic diseases, which are not always possible to identify. At first glance, a healthy and cheerful pet, for reasons unknown to the owner, can fade away quite quickly.
  • Balanced and high quality nutrition: according to their own physiological characteristics, budgies are susceptible to malignant neoplasms. They are formed as a result of an unbalanced and unhealthy diet, which leads to organ breakdown gastrointestinal tract or poultry obesity. It is worth noting that the above pathologies may be congenital. Obesity can shorten the life of a budgie by 70%.
  • Cage and living conditions: the room should be well lit, moderate air humidity, constant indoor temperature and long daylight hours, as close as possible to natural conditions. The owner must regularly clean the cage, bathe the bird and change water and food as necessary. Careful monitoring of product quality should be carried out.
  • Physical form: Daily walks for budgies are the key to their health and longevity. The owner must create all the conditions so that his bird can leave the cage and fly every day.
  • Stressful situations: the owner must pay special attention to the psychological state of his ward. By constantly playing and talking with your pet, the owner will help him never experience loneliness in captivity. A social budgie will be less susceptible to stress and will become relatively calm about extraneous noise, renovations, changes in the room, guests and other pets. Feeling a connection with its owner, the pet will steadfastly endure all the hardships of everyday life, because it knows that its faithful friend is always there.
  • Accidents and failure to comply with safety regulations for a budgie, this is perhaps the most common reason that leads to the death of a pet. It is extremely important to be able to provide first aid to your pet, as well as contact an ornithologist in time.

It is worth noting that the age of the budgerigar plays perhaps the most important role in their breeding. For successful breeding you need budgies of a certain age.

Keeping a budgie at home

First of all, for comfortable living conditions for your bird, you should purchase a spacious cage. If, due to some circumstances, you are deprived of the opportunity to purchase a full-fledged cage, then you need to let your feathered friend fly every day. Lack of physical activity has a detrimental effect on the pet’s condition, since it does not correspond to its lifestyle in the wild.

Special attention attention should be paid to the location of the cell. The bird does not tolerate the following factors well:

In the wild, budgies rise with the sunrise and fall asleep with the sunset. If you do not sleep at night, then cover the cage with thick material, which will protect the cage from the bright light of the lamp. Otherwise, your pet may begin to experience sleep deficiency, which will have a detrimental effect on its health. An equally important factor is that the fabric must allow air to pass through itself, and also not subject the microclimate of the cell to changes.

Take care and love your pets, because they deserve it!


From our video you will learn how to independently determine the age of a budgie.

IN wild conditions Budgerigars live a maximum of eight to ten years. Healthy eating, rich in vitamins and microelements can extend the life of a bird, so it is necessary, first of all, to correctly formulate for it daily menu. However, this is not the only condition that must be met when getting a feathered pet. In this article we will look at what exactly determines the life expectancy of a budgerigar.

The lifespan of budgerigars in the wild is relatively short. A rare individual is able to live up to a maximum of eight to ten years. Generally in their Australian homeland, these birds live for about four to six years. Under natural conditions, they are quite common and in huge quantities.

Why these birds live so short can be explained by the fact that many dangers await them on the Australian mainland:

  • starlings - after they were brought to Australia, starlings began to fight for territory, displacing small parrots;
  • such predator birds like hawks or falcons;
  • long flights in search of water and food;
  • hunger;
  • drought;
  • human traps in wheat fields;
  • contaminated water bodies;
  • bad weather conditions (rainy seasons, heat).

But nature has endowed the “wavy birds” with excellent immunity, so these birds are able to restore the population in a short time. Now let’s compare how long budgerigars live at home.

Apartment life

How long does a budgie live in captivity? When near humans, the lifespan of these pets increases. Naturally, if there is someone behind them. Of course, in a cozy house the bird will not be attacked by a hawk or falcon, and it will not rain. But if the owner feels bad, forgets to pour clean water and refuses to fly freely, then the parrot will not be able to tolerate such conditions for long and will die.

The lifespan of a budgerigar that grows in an apartment and is well cared for varies from five to ten years. And some centenarians can please their owners and live much longer. There are cases when these birds lived up to twenty years. Of course, the “wavy” old men’s abilities such as hearing or activity deteriorated, but they never ceased to please their owners.

Factors influencing the lifespan of a bird

The lifespan of budgerigars at home depends on many nuances. Let's take a closer look at each point.

Firstly, how many years budgerigars live at home directly depends on genetics. These pets are gaining more and more popularity, so everyone who is not too lazy has started breeding them. As a result of improper work by novice breeders or unscrupulous breeders, these birds develop congenital problems. This leads to a significant reduction in their lifespan.

Secondly, the longevity of “wavy animals” is influenced by the quality of their diet. Only the correct balance of vital substances in bird diet capable of adding to average duration a pet's life is more than one year.

With poor quality feeding, these birds begin to develop health problems, which lead to various complications. For example, to malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract and, as a consequence, to obesity and tumors.

Fourthly, how long a wavy pet will live is greatly influenced by its physical form. The bird, in addition to various perches and swings, should always have the opportunity to fly freely. Periodic walks outside the walls of its home cage, in the wild in the room, are one of the most important requirements for the proper development of a parrot.

Fifthly, communication with the bird and the absence of stressful situations affect its psychological state, and therefore can prolong its life. Budgerigars simply need the attention and care of their owner. If he constantly communicates with his pet, talks, plays, lets him fly around the room, then the parrot will be less nervous, knowing that he is being taken care of.

All kinds of extraneous noises, the arrival of guests, possible repairs will not frighten the bird if the owner is nearby. If the owner does not have the opportunity to pay daily attention to the bird, it is necessary to purchase a neighbor for it. No pet can live long in sadness and loneliness.

Sixthly, how many years a budgerigar lives is influenced by compliance elementary rules security. Open windows while a bird is flying freely around the room, a cat suddenly running in, kitchen activities (cooking, harmful odors), house plants not removed in time or exposed wires pose a direct threat to the life of the pet. To avoid an accident, it is necessary to prepare the room in advance for arrival wavy pet and always keep an eye on him while he is out for a walk.

Seventhly, the life expectancy of a parrot is affected by compliance with the light regime. In the wild, these birds wake up at dawn and go to bed when night falls. At home, the owner needs to follow the same regime so that the pet can get enough sleep and eat the daily amount of food.

The parrot should stay awake for fourteen to fifteen hours in the summer, and three to four hours less in the winter. Therefore, at certain times, depending on the time of year, with the onset of darkness, you need to turn off the lights or, if this is not possible, cover the cage with dense, breathable fabric. If the bird falls asleep during the daytime, it should not be disturbed. Most likely, she is tired and thus trying to gain strength.

Eighth, timely contact with a veterinarian can save the life of a wavy pet. If you suspect any health problems with your parrot, you should consult a doctor.

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