Strawberry smoothie recipes for blender. Strawberry smoothie: a selection of the best summer drink recipes. With grapefruit juice and blueberries

A homemade strawberry smoothie will always compare favorably with a store-bought one. After all, we select the best products for it, add a drop of our warmth and Have a good mood. In addition, during the preparation process you can get a little creative and please your homemade strawberry smoothies with banana, ice cream or blueberries.

Milk smoothie

Strawberry smoothies are typically made using milk. However, you can diversify it somewhat by adding ice cream, yogurt, other berries or fruits. Honey, lemon juice and spices will add a piquant twist.

Strawberries with ice cream

Smoothie with ice cream is an indispensable drink on a hot summer day. It will give you coolness, replacing the unhealthy Coca-Cola. It will require the following products:

  • 100 g ice cream;
  • strawberries – 200 g;
  • 3 ice cubes;
  • milk – 200 ml.

First, put strawberries with ice cream in a blender, pour milk over everything and beat until a puree-like mass is formed. Then the drink is poured into glasses, and ice is poured into the device. Crushed ice is added to glasses just before serving.

Interesting fact! Smoothies relieve stress! This property has recently been proven by scientists.

With yogurt

Yogurt smoothie contains live lactic bacteria and is very healthy. Recommended for children without allergies, as well as for dietary nutrition.

Ingredients for yogurt-strawberry smoothie:

  • frozen or fresh strawberries – 200 g;
  • a glass of milk 2.5% fat or higher;
  • natural yogurt – 150 g.
All products are pre-cooled in the refrigerator, except frozen strawberries. If the berries are fresh, they are washed and then dried on a towel. The stalk is removed, and rotten fruits eaten by pests are thrown away. Place strawberries in a blender, add yogurt and blend for a few minutes. Then pour in the milk and beat thoroughly again. You can sweeten it a little by adding honey or sugar to taste in a glass. The resulting cocktail is poured into tall glasses and garnished with mint leaves.

Vanilla flavored

A strawberry smoothie with vanilla will remind you of your childhood. The recipe for its preparation is simple and does not require special effort. For a vanilla smoothie you will need the following products:

  • strawberries – 200 g;
  • ice cream sundae – 150 g;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • 2 teaspoons sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice;
  • a pinch of vanillin.

Strawberries are crushed in a blender along with ice cream until pureed. Then pour in milk, add sugar, lemon juice, vanilla and beat. Served with a straw, half a lemon or a strawberry.

Advice! To prevent the drink from losing its taste and icy freshness, the glasses are cooled and ice is added immediately before serving.

With banana

Banana-strawberry smoothie does not require added sugar, as it has a sweet taste on its own. This is a fairly high-calorie drink, it can be recommended to athletes, children and those who want to gain weight.

Ingredients for banana-strawberry smoothie:

  • a glass of strawberries;
  • 1 banana;
  • half a glass of milk.

Strawberries are washed and lightly dried before chopping. Bananas are peeled and cut into slices. The milk is pre-cooled. All products are placed in a blender and whipped. The result should be a homogeneous thick mass with a characteristic banana-strawberry smell. You can hang a small berry or a slice of banana on the edge of the glass.

With oatmeal

This smoothie can hardly be called a drink. It has a thicker consistency and can easily replace breakfast. It will require:

  • 4 tbsp. spoons oatmeal, which do not require cooking;
  • strawberries – 200-300 g;
  • a glass of milk.

Before cooking, the flakes must be soaked in milk for an hour. Then this mass is put into a blender, strawberries are added there and crushed. Finally, milk is added. Beat the mixture thoroughly until smooth. If the mass is too thick, it can be diluted. Green tea is good for this purpose. Honey and spices will add variety.

Advice! A smoothie with oatmeal helps cleanse the intestines. If you have problems with stool, then eat this dish for breakfast every day, the problems will be solved quickly within a few hours.

Smoothie with fruit and berry juice

Strawberry smoothie can be made without using milk. To do this, take various fruit or berry juices, as well as a mixture of them. These cocktails are suitable for people with milk intolerance. They are low in calories and will help you lose weight without extra effort in a short time.

With orange juice and banana

This cocktail has a pleasant sourness and is rich in vitamin C. The banana softens the orange somewhat, and the strawberries add an unforgettable summer aroma.

Ingredients for making strawberry smoothie with banana and orange juice:

  • strawberries – 250-300 g;
  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • orange juice – 200 ml;
  • ice - 4 cubes.

Strawberries along with sliced ​​banana are crushed in a blender. Then add orange juice and beat. The drink is poured into glasses and ice is placed in a blender. The resulting crushed ice is added to cocktail glasses. You can decorate the glasses with a sprig of mint or a strawberry.

Vitamin smoothie made from strawberries, blueberries and grapefruit juice

In winter, autumn, and early spring, a smoothie made from blueberries and grapefruit juice will help strengthen weakened immunity. It is rich in vitamins and microelements necessary for our health. It will require the following products:

  • strawberries – 200 g;
  • blueberries – 100 g;
  • a glass of grapefruit juice;
  • spoon of honey.

Berries washed under running water are placed in a blender. Freshly squeezed grapefruit juice and honey are also added there. Everything is whipped until smooth and poured into glasses. You can decorate the drink by sprinkling grated chocolate on top or adding a mint leaf.

Exotic smoothie

This cocktail contains such exotic ingredients that it will certainly appeal to all lovers of the unusual. At the same time, it is not difficult to prepare. You will need:
  • coconut ice - 3 cubes;
  • coconut milk – 100 ml;
  • strawberry yogurt – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • frozen slice of seedless watermelon;
  • strawberries – 100 g;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons.

Ice is prepared from coconut milk, pouring it into molds and leaving for several hours until it hardens. It is added to glasses immediately before drinking. The remaining ingredients are blended in a blender until pureed, poured into glasses and served.

You can watch the step-by-step process of making a smoothie in this video.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Juicy strawberries can be used to make not only delicious desserts, but also healthy, surprisingly rich strawberry smoothies. Preserving all the benefits of strawberries and further revealing their taste, the smoothie allows you to use this summer berry in a new way for a quick, healthy and surprisingly easy-to-prepare breakfast. This trendy and vibrant drink will be an excellent addition to a healthy diet and will allow you to discover unexpected combinations of truly vibrant flavors. Fragrant and colorful strawberry smoothies are healthy and such a summer pleasure!

The Best Additions for Strawberries in Smoothies

Strawberry smoothies always seem light, low-calorie and surprisingly fresh. Despite the fact that this berry requires the addition of ingredients that can give the drink thickness and creamy texture, strawberries always dominate; they create the basis for both taste and vitamin-mineral composition.

Smoothies with strawberries will always taste better if you add ice and a sweetener - a little honey or sugar. They will highlight the characteristic texture of this berry.

Strawberries go well in smoothies:

  • with berries and fruits with dense pulp, for example, banana;
  • with all types of dairy products and their substitutes - milk, yogurt, kefir, cream, coconut and soy milk;
  • with dessert cheeses from mascarpone to Philadelphia;
  • with other berries and fruits, from blueberries and strawberries to apples, citrus fruits, kiwi.

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What kind of strawberries can I use?

In order for a thick cocktail based on berries and fruits to become a complete source of vitamins and minerals, give you energy for the whole day and become an indispensable component of any diet, it is best to use fresh ingredients. The most delicious (and healthiest) smoothies are made from fresh strawberries. Moreover, its preparation for adding to a cocktail is elementary and consists of several steps:

  • carefully washing the berries;
  • removal of stalks;
  • gentle drying of berries.

On a note. Many consider the disadvantages of strawberries as berries for cocktails to be the presence of seeds in them, which can ruin the pleasure of the drink. But this “minus” is easy to eliminate. Before preparing a smoothie, just chop the strawberries separately and grind them through a sieve, removing all the seeds. This will not affect the taste of the smoothie, nor will it affect its usefulness. But small bones will not get stuck in your teeth.

During other seasons, you can also enjoy the taste of strawberry smoothie. After all, even if you did not have the opportunity to freeze strawberries for the winter, frozen berries will always be on sale in supermarkets. Before preparing a smoothie from frozen strawberries, the berries are only slightly thawed at room temperature so that the core remains hard, bound with ice, and the whole berry does not have time to soften.

Delicious strawberry smoothie recipes

The best strawberry smoothie recipes, which are very good both as a refreshing drink in the summer heat, and for a light afternoon snack or snack at any time of the year.

Classic banana-strawberry smoothie with milk

Ingredients: for 250 g of strawberries - 2 bananas, 250 ml of milk or yogurt, ice and toppings as desired.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the bananas, wash and dry the strawberries.
  2. Blend the fruits in a blender until smooth.
  3. Gradually add milk or yogurt and ice to the mixture and use a blender to bring the smoothie to a smooth consistency.
  4. Serve sprinkled with your favorite toppings - chopped nuts, dried fruits, chocolate, etc.

Refreshing low calorie strawberry banana smoothie

Ingredients: 150 g chilled water, 2 lemons, 1 large banana, 100 g strawberries, honey and ice to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Grate 0.5 tsp. lemon zest.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the remaining lemon.
  3. Peel the banana, rinse and dry the strawberries.
  4. Combine banana and lemon juice in a blender (adjust the amount of juice to your taste), then add strawberries until smooth.
  5. Add chilled water in a thin stream and add honey.
  6. Add lemon zest and a few ice cubes to the smoothie and let it sit in the refrigerator for at least 15 minutes.

Cleansing smoothie with strawberries and apples “Fitness effect”

Ingredients: 250 g strawberries, 1 green apple, 1 sour grapefruit, 20 g fresh ginger.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the ginger and grate it on a fine grater. Transfer 1 tbsp. spoon of gruel into a blender.
  2. Peel and peel the grapefruit, core the apple, rinse and dry the strawberries.
  3. Mix all ingredients together with ginger.
  4. Chill smoothie on ice for no more than 10-15 minutes.

Strawberry and nut smoothie

Ingredients: 200 g ripe strawberries, 100 g hazelnuts or almonds, 1 banana, honey to taste, 200 ml water.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the hazelnuts in a blender, add water and continue blending until you get nut milk.
  2. Strain the resulting liquid through a fine sieve and pour it back into the blender.
  3. Wash and dry the strawberries and peel the banana pulp. Leave a few berries to garnish the cocktail.
  4. Add fruit to nut milk.
  5. Beat the mixture until smooth and sweeten with liquid honey if necessary.

This strawberry-nut smoothie is especially good when you add fresh strawberries cut into small cubes into the finished cocktail: pieces of berries emphasize the unusual taste and nutty base.


Ingredients: 200 g strawberries, 250 ml low-fat kefir, vanilla, sugar or honey to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Blend strawberries and kefir in a blender until smooth.
  2. Sweeten the cocktail with honey or sugar and accentuate the strawberry flavor with vanilla.
  3. Blend the smoothie until fluffy and foamy, at least 3-5 minutes.
  4. Refrigerate the kefir smoothie for 20-30 minutes before serving.

Orange-strawberry smoothie

Ingredients: for 1 large orange - 1 cup (250 g) strawberries, sugar or honey to taste, ice cubes.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the oranges and fillet them, completely removing all membranes.
  2. Wash the strawberries, remove the stems and dry slightly.
  3. In a blender, blend strawberries and orange pulp until smooth.
  4. Add ice and continue whisking for another 1 minute.
  5. Adjust the smoothie to your desired sweetness to taste.

Dessert smoothie made from kiwi and strawberries with ice cream

Ingredients: 200 g strawberries, 2 kiwis, 200 ml milk, 100-150 g vanilla or cream ice cream.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the kiwi and beat together with the washed strawberries into a homogeneous mass.
  2. Add ice cream to the fruit and continue whipping.
  3. At the end of the process, pour in milk in a thin stream and bring the smoothie until smooth.

Strawberry smoothie with mint “Summer Breeze”

Ingredients: 200 g strawberries, 2 bananas, a small bunch of mint, 1 lime, 1 apple, 1 tbsp. chilled water (drinking).

Cooking method:

  1. Peel and core the apples and grind them together with the banana pulp in a blender.
  2. Rinse the mint and remove the leaves, leaving a few for decoration. After adding them to the banana-apple puree, whisk thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Squeeze a tablespoon of juice from the lime.
  4. Add strawberries and lime juice to the smoothie, then carefully add water to the smoothie.

Strawberry smoothie with apple

Ingredients: for 1 large apple - 200 g strawberries, 200 ml drinking yogurt (you can use both sweet and unsweetened), cinnamon and honey to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel and core the apples and grind in a blender until smooth.
  2. Add strawberries to the applesauce and beat the mixture again.
  3. Add all the yogurt to the smoothie.
  4. Enhance the flavors of apples and strawberries with cinnamon and honey.

Two-color smoothie with strawberries and spinach

Ingredients: 200 g of ripe sweet strawberries, a large bunch of fresh spinach, 2 sweet pears, 100 ml of any fruit juice (preferably orange), about 1 tbsp. ice, spices as desired.

Cooking method:

  1. Start creating this very healthy and vibrant drink with a green smoothie. Wash the spinach, remove the stems and dry.
  2. Peel and core the pears.
  3. Place all the spinach and three pear halves into a blender. Start beating the ingredients on low speed, gradually adding the fruit juice. Achieve a smooth texture and carefully pour the green smoothie into glasses.
  4. Clean out your blender and start making your red smoothie.
  5. Wash and dry the strawberries, grind in a blender until smooth puree along with half a pear and ice.
  6. Carefully, slowly pour the red smoothie over the knife into the glass, creating a thicker layer of strawberry drink over the green one.
  7. Consume this smoothie immediately after preparation without mixing the two layers.

Strawberry smoothie with mascarpone

Ingredients: 250 g of strawberries, 100 g of mascarpone cheese, natural yoghurt and milk, sugar, vanilla, favorite cookies and ice.

Cooking method:

  1. Using a blender, mix the washed strawberries with mascarpone cream cheese until smooth.
  2. Alternately add yogurt and milk to the smoothie.
  3. To enhance the flavor and texture, sweeten the smoothie and add vanilla.
  4. Grind the cookies to coarse crumbs.
  5. Add ice to the finished smoothie and continue blending for another 20-30 seconds.
  6. Pour the smoothie into glasses and garnish with cookie crumbs.

How to make a smoothie in a blender with banana and strawberries

Strawberry and banana smoothie with milk is a refreshing and healthy fruit drink that will please everyone without exception. The combination of banana and strawberry is a classic, and both ingredients complement milk perfectly. It will give the cocktail a pleasant creamy flavor. The smoothie will taste similar to strawberry banana ice cream. And the drink will have a pleasant soft consistency with many small bubbles. Instead of milk, you can take yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk or even whey. In summer, you can add ice cubes to add a refreshing effect. A strawberry and banana smoothie is not only perfectly refreshing, but also saturates the body with vitamins and minerals. And for those who want to refresh themselves, I suggest making even more delicious kvass from rye malt at home.

A smoothie is a thick drink made from fresh fruits, berries or vegetables. In addition to the main ingredients, milk, kefir, honey, tea, and spices are also added to the drink. Smoothie comes from the English. smooth - smooth, uniform. And as the name implies, the drink is prepared in a blender, where all the ingredients are ground to a homogeneous consistency. The drink appeared in California in the 30s of the last century, but gained particular worldwide popularity only a couple of decades ago.

Smoothies can be prepared both in summer from fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, and in winter from frozen foods. This smoothie is good not only for breakfast, but also for dinner, or as a snack between main meals. The combination of strawberries and banana with milk does not require any additions, but if you want, for variety you can add any seasonal berries or fruits to the drink, for example, cherries, raspberries or peaches.


  • 300 g strawberries;
  • 1 large banana;
  • 200 g cherries;
  • 500 ml milk;
  • a little honey to taste;
  • mint for decoration;
  • 10 ice cubes.

How to make a strawberry and banana smoothie, recipe with photo

1. Fill fresh cherries with water for 10 minutes so that all the worms, bugs and other debris float to the surface. Then we wash the berries and sort them, removing damaged ones. We tear off the stalk and remove the seeds using a pin, paper clip, or a special device. If the cherries are frozen, we simply take them out of the freezer and use them without defrosting, if the berries are already pitted. And if you have frozen cherries with pits, they can be easily removed from the frost-hard berries (if your hands are cold, you can let the berries thaw for 5 minutes).

2. Wash the strawberries and remove the stems. Dry the berries with a paper towel. If the strawberries are frozen, simply remove the required amount from the freezer and use immediately.

3. Peel the banana and cut it into small circles. For smoothies, it is advisable to take ripe bananas so that the drink acquires a richer and brighter sweetish aroma. If you want to make your smoothie more dietary, take green or slightly unripe bananas.

4. Transfer all prepared fruits to a blender. Add 10 ice cubes and beat on medium power until a homogeneous consistency is formed.

Attention! Not all blenders grind ice, and if you are worried about your kitchen assistant, you can add ice cubes to the finished drink.

5. Add a couple of teaspoons of honey to the crushed mass (can be replaced with sugar).

6. Pour milk of any fat content. Beat for a couple of minutes until smooth. The drink acquires a more delicate milky taste, becomes soft and airy. Taste and add more honey or sugar if necessary.

Strawberry and banana smoothie with milk in a blender is ready! Immediately pour the drink into glasses and garnish with mint sprigs. Let's bring it to the table. Bon appetit!

Hello dear readers. A smoothie is usually called a sweet diet drink, somewhat similar to drinking yogurt, made from whipped chopped berries, fruits or vegetables with the addition of juice or milk. The history of the word smoothie dates back to the thirties of the last century. And although this word came to us from the English smooth - “homogeneous, soft, pleasant”, it did not really take root in the Russian language, and we are more accustomed to calling such a drink a cocktail. Smoothies gained particular popularity in the sixties and seventies of the last century along with the development of sports and healthy image life. Smoothies are still a favorite among surfers today, as they are both light and nutritious. This is the kind of food that people leading an active lifestyle need.

And according to some sources, smoothies appeared thanks to the hippie movement. It was fashionable to walk the streets with a bright bottle of smoothie in your hands.

At first it was exclusively a drink homemade, but now you can easily buy a bottle of smoothie in any supermarket.

One way or another, now this drink is an integral part of the diet of people who care about their health. They prepare smoothies from different fruits and vegetables, there are... There are a lot of recipes for this drink.

What is a smoothie - health benefits

One of the most common is the strawberry smoothie. The high content of vitamins and antioxidants makes this drink unique and inimitable.

Regular consumption of strawberry smoothies throughout the year will bring significant benefits to both children and adults.

There will never be a shortage in the body necessary vitamins, nutrients. A smoothie instead of breakfast will charge you with energy and vigor for the whole day.

Thanks to smoothies, our body receives complete nutrition, and the beneficial vitamins and minerals contained in berries and fruits moisturize the skin from the inside and strengthen the immune system.

A smoothie is an ideal snack for those who want to lose weight, burns extra calories and at the same time is an incredibly tasty dessert.

It is an excellent substitute for sweets, so smoothies are an indispensable aid for weight loss.

Of course, smoothies are most popular in the summer, when during the heat and heat you want light and low-calorie food.

But even in winter, when the body lacks nutrients, we must not forget about the benefits of smoothies.

The value of the product (regardless of its additional composition) is universal.

Main health benefits of smoothies:

Saturates every cell of the body and every organ with valuable substances (vitamins, minerals and others).

It has an excellent general strengthening effect.

Has a very positive effect on appearance, well-being and emotional state.

Quickly normalizes the state of the digestive system, even with severe disorders.

Allows you to reset excess weight without significant efforts made for this.

It has a detoxifying effect, clears toxins, gets rid of excess cholesterol, and so on.

Allows athletes to feel a real surge of energy and build up, who needs it, muscle mass, containing many easily digestible proteins.

Through internal action it helps restore the health and beauty of hair and skin.

Contributes to a guaranteed strengthening of your immune system, with all the positive benefits that come from it.

Normalizes biological rhythms, including sleep, which today is disturbed for many people for one reason or another.

Stimulates brain function and brain cell activity, which helps both at work and at rest.

Significantly reduces cravings for all sweets.

And these are only the main positive aspects of the influence of the product we are considering today on your health. So, be sure to pay attention to it!

How to consume smoothies - how to drink or eat correctly

There is a lot of controversy about what a smoothie is: a food or a drink? And although a smoothie is called a drink and is served in a glass or glass, it is still more of a food product than a drink.

A smoothie is a thick cocktail that should be eaten not with something, but instead.

And the main ingredients are berries and fruits, which contain complete fiber.

Still, some gourmets add juice or milk to the smoothie, making it liquid.

So, if smoothies are a regular part of your diet, you should stock up on cocktail straws and dessert spoons.

Only if consumed correctly will a smoothie bring the desired effect to the body.

Strawberry smoothie - how to make from fresh berries

There is no point in arguing that strawberries are beneficial both fresh and frozen.

Even after heat treatment, strawberries do not lose their beneficial qualities. Therefore, strawberries are useful not only in fresh form. Jam also contains a lot of healing properties.

Making a smoothie does not require much effort, energy or time. We offer you one of classic recipes making a strawberry smoothie.

You need to prepare:

  • half a kilogram of strawberries
  • half a liter pack of yoghurt
  • two tablespoons of sugar
  • one tablespoon lemon juice

Mix all products and beat with a blender until smooth and soft.

First of all, strawberries are enriched with vitamin C, which our body needs at any time of the year. The beneficial qualities of strawberries are obvious.

The human circulatory system will always be normal if you eat strawberries daily.

IN folk medicine Strawberries are an effective cure for many diseases. Psychologists say that strawberries contain anti-stress components.

Combined with other healthy ingredients, strawberries will bring many nutrients and vitamins to your body.

A strawberry smoothie made at home will always be different from what you can buy in the supermarket. After all, if we cook at home, then our food, as a rule, consists of the best and highest quality products.

A piece of the soul, warmth and love of the hostess is put into cooking. As a rule, strawberry smoothies are made with the addition of milk.

But experienced housewives will always find something to diversify it: you can add juice, sweet syrup, yogurt, kefir, honey or ice cream.

Strawberry Banana Smoothie - Delicious Recipe

Since not all products are compatible with each other, it does not always bring, although, undoubtedly, it is a very tasty drink. You can prepare a delicious and healthy cocktail at the same time by choosing the right ingredients, taking into account their properties.

Fresh strawberries and bananas are excellent complements to each other, giving the drink a delicate, pleasant taste and aroma.

They are rightfully considered low-calorie foods used in diets, so they bring great benefits to children and the elderly.

A pregnant woman can get a full range of vitamins by systematically eating strawberries and bananas.

Cooking process

To prepare a delicious strawberry-banana smoothie, all ingredients need to be placed in a blender bowl and blended into a fluffy, homogeneous mass.

To prepare this smoothie you will need:

  • three bananas
  • two hundred fifty grams of strawberries
  • one glass of milk or yogurt (according to your taste and desire)
  • piece of ice
  • mint leaves

The banana should be cut into pieces, and the milk or kefir should be chilled. Immediately before drinking, the resulting drink can be garnished with mint leaves if desired.

Various strawberry smoothie recipes

By combining strawberries with other berries and fruits and ingredients, you can add a festive look and delicious taste to your smoothie by adding ice cream or almonds.

What else can you add to a smoothie?

Ginger, mint and cinnamon will give the cocktail an exquisite piquant taste.

Many other berries and fruits will make it much healthier.

Among all the numerous options and recipes, you can find recipes for banana, banana and apple smoothies, cottage cheese, tropical.

And in the summer, we are completely pleased with the rich selection of fruits and berries.

It is very useful to add iron-containing apples to smoothies.

And if you add cottage cheese, nuts, oatmeal or avocado to the smoothie, you will get a nutritious and satisfying breakfast.

Strawberry-banana smoothie is so nutritious that it will replace you with a full breakfast.

Oatmeal added to smoothies contains a lot of carbohydrates, the consumption of which gives a person a feeling of vigor.

Honey will replace sugar, fill the drink with glucose and satisfy the body's need for energy. Raspberries and blueberries will saturate your body with vitamins and strengthen the immune system.

Here are some fruit smoothie recipes.

Strawberry and kiwi smoothie

To make this dessert we need:

  • glass of strawberries
  • two ripe kiwis
  • glass of chilled milk
  • a glass of creamy ice cream (optional)

Before cooking, peel and wash the fruit. Mix all ingredients and beat into a fluffy mousse-like mass. At the end of whipping, add milk. Serve chilled.

Diet strawberry-apple smoothie

We will need:

  • glass of strawberries
  • one apple
  • one sweet and sour grapefruit
  • twenty grams of ginger

First you need to peel the ginger, then grate it on a fine grater. Peel and wash the fruits. Mix all ingredients in a blender bowl and beat thoroughly.

Strawberry-orange smoothie


  • one large orange
  • one glass of strawberries
  • honey to taste

Wash and peel the fruit before cooking. Blend the zested orange and strawberries in a blender until smooth and fluffy. Finally, add honey until it reaches your desired sweetness.

Can I make smoothies from frozen strawberries?

Frozen fruits are not much different from fresh ones. They also preserve almost all useful vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.

Therefore, the benefits of smoothies in winter and spring are invaluable.

During the period of vitamin deficiency, when our body weakens and requires replenishment, a smoothie made from frozen strawberries will come in handy.

Frozen strawberries, along with fresh berries, do not contain fat or cholesterol and are a valuable source of vitamin C.

So you can enjoy your favorite frozen strawberry dessert without worrying about your health!

Strawberries are one of the first summer berries; they mark the beginning of summer and are identified with everything tasty, sweet and pleasant. Drinks based on it are especially popular, and today we will look at one of its varieties in detail - strawberry smoothie.

It’s simple to make, but it tastes so amazing that it’s impossible to resist it, and if you remember that it’s also healthy, then it definitely belongs in your diet.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with a unique selection of strawberry smoothies that will help you get into real strawberry heaven and get your portion of gastronomic pleasure.

How to make a classic smoothie with strawberries and milk


  • - 10 pieces. + -
  • - 1 tbsp. l. + -
  • Ice - 2-3 cubes + -
  • — 100-125 g + -

Prepare strawberry smoothie with milk in a blender according to the classic recipe

Let's start with the classics, because, as you know, they are immortal and forever. There is nothing complicated in preparing a voluptuous berry drink; we will even need the simplest ingredients.

So, if you have some fresh strawberries on hand, cook without hesitation, because in this case the result simply cannot disappoint.

  • Cut the strawberries into medium slices, place them in a blender bowl (you can use a food processor), pour in the milk and mix the ingredients until smooth.
  • Add a sweet ingredient - sugar or honey - to the milk-strawberry mixture and turn on the blender again for a few seconds.
  • Pour ice cubes into the finished “composition” (if desired, you can also beat them in a blender along with strawberries and milk) and serve your favorite smoothie to try.

True, try it first it's better that way who cooked to understand what your refreshing drink is missing.

If it’s sweet, add the sweet component, if it’s thick, add a couple of berries, and if, on the contrary, it’s too sweet and the consistency of the smoothie is thick, add a little boiled water, and again beat everything with a blender for a few seconds.

Original milk smoothie with strawberries, chocolate and mint

This recipe is a true gourmet find. Anyone who has tried such a drink at least once will definitely make it again and again. After all, this version of a strawberry smoothie - made with milk and mint leaves - has a truly divine taste.

All components combine perfectly and harmoniously, each ingredient complements each other. Be sure to try making this popular twist on the delicious strawberry mint drink - you won't regret it.


  • Chocolate (grated) – 4 slices;
  • Strawberries (fresh or frozen) – 400 g;
  • Milk – 200 g;
  • Sugar – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Mint – 20 g.

How to quickly and deliciously make a strawberry-chocolate mint smoothie with a blender

  1. Wash the strawberries and take out the stems. If the berries are large, divide them in half.
  2. Three chocolate slices on a grater (you can take any type: black, white, milk, porous, etc.).
  3. Beat the strawberry halves with a blender.
  4. Pour mint and sugar into the resulting mass, beat everything thoroughly again using a blender.
  5. Pour fresh milk into the mint-strawberry summer drink, add chocolate chips and again use the familiar unit to mix the ingredients together for 2-3 minutes.
  6. We pour the delicious vitamin drink into glasses, decorate it with cream, a small portion of grated chocolate and serve it to the table with pride and in anticipation of admiration.

Savory smoothie with strawberries, yogurt and ice cream

We will tell you in detail how to make such a smoothie right now. This drink has a place not only in the everyday menu, but also at a festive feast.

If you want to surprise soft drink anyone, then pay attention to the step-by-step technology for preparing milk-strawberry smoothie with ice cream and yogurt.

This combination of products along with exquisite decoration makes the finished drink delicious.


For making smoothies

  • Large strawberries – 6 pcs.;
  • Ice cream (strawberry or vanilla) – ½ cup;
  • Whole milk – ½ cup;
  • Regular yogurt or with strawberry filling – ½ tbsp.

For drink decoration

  • Coconut and chocolate shavings - to taste;
  • Strawberry - half;
  • Mint – 2-3 leaves.

Making your own summer strawberry smoothie with milk and ice cream

  1. Combine milk with strawberries and beat them thoroughly with a blender.
  2. Add yogurt and ice cream to the resulting mixture and whisk everything again.
  3. We pour our smoothie cocktail into a beautiful faceted glass and, at our discretion, elegantly and tastefully decorate it with all the specified decorative elements.

This cocktail is prepared quite quickly, so you can safely serve it for breakfast, lunch, or use it as a snack on regular and fasting days.

Multifruit smoothie made from strawberries, grapefruit and blueberries without milk

Drinking such a cocktail, made from different fruits with your own hands, will not only help you easily lose extra pounds (which is important when dieting), but will also enrich the body with many useful vitamins and micro-, macroelements.

So natural vitamin complex indispensable all year round, but in the winter-spring period it is simply necessary to maintain vitality and as a prevention of vitamin deficiency.


  • Blueberries – 100 g;
  • Honey – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Strawberries – 200 g;
  • Grapefruit – 1 pc.

Homemade Strawberry Smoothie Recipe with Grapefruit Juice and Blueberries

  1. Place clean strawberries and blueberries in a blender bowl.
  2. Squeeze the juice out of the grapefruit and also pour it into the bowl with the berries.
  3. Beat everything with a blender until you get a beautiful homogeneous mass.
  4. Serve the finished fruit cocktail in glasses with a fresh fragrant mint leaf. You can, if desired, sprinkle the smoothie with a little grated chocolate - it will be even more unusual and refined.

Choose any of the proposed recipes and prepare a delicious refreshing drink using them. You can make your own adjustments to any recipe, because completely different and sometimes unusual fruits and berries coexist with strawberries, for example: pears, apples, bananas, watermelon, oranges, etc.

Watermelon drinks, two cocktails from the chef

If you want to surprise your guests with tasty and unusual, but not difficult to prepare, watermelon drinks, use our chef’s recipes.

Try and get great pleasure from the best drink that Mother’s boundless and varied cooking gave us.

Bon appetit!

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