Talisman for twins women. Talisman for twins. Which amulets stones are suitable for a woman of the Gemini sign?

In the life of a person who believes in luck and destiny, talismans play a special and important role. After all, with their help you can completely change your life, make it full and rich. The Gemini talisman is not just a stone, tree or object, it is a means that will balance the two components of the sign - good and evil. Representatives of this sign can turn from sweet and kind into a real monster in one minute.

Talisman items

According to the horoscope, the sign of Gemini belongs to the air principles, therefore it combines sociability, fun, and freedom of this element. At the same time, this is a very changeable and fickle sign. Therefore, the talisman of such a person should be light, weightless and airy. It will have the greatest power if it is inherited from one of the relatives.

Before putting the amulet on yourself, you should cleanse it of foreign hostile energy. To do this, the item can be placed in the flow cold water or in salt. After a few days you can put on the talisman. But you need to remember the rule that you cannot give such a thing a bad name, it will not benefit the person, but it may well cause harm, because the energy of Gemini is very strong.

Most often, a key and a mask are used as amulets and amulets for this zodiac sign. Both items have their own special symbolism and character. But both are light and changeable.


The most successful amulet will be a mask. People of the Gemini sign are very mysterious, enigmatic and extremely dislike monotony and boredom; they are very changeable. A mask is just like that - it can hide a person’s true face and show it in the light in which he wants to appear at a given moment in time.

It is extremely difficult for people around Gemini to adapt to their changeable nature, which can change many times in a day. And the mask helps protect a person from himself and make him calmer and more balanced. Women can wear such an amulet in the form of a brooch, and the talisman for Gemini men can be made in the form of a key ring.


This symbol is a kind of access to information. And for representatives of the Gemini sign it is extremely important to have all the information in the world. People of this sign are sociable, are inquisitive and love to be the center of attention. And this interesting amulet does an excellent job of finding an approach to other people or protecting its owner from negativity from the outside. It is generally accepted that with the help of such a key, Gemini completely closes off their world from the penetration of evil forces. The talisman can be made of gold or silver and is a wonderful addition to the wardrobe of any beauty.

If a woman will wear such an amulet, then you should choose a key pendant and put it on a chain. A man should buy a key and always carry it with him, wrapped in a black cloth. If difficult situations arise in life, you should keep the amulet in right hand, and everything will be resolved easily and without problems.

Very often, with the help of an amulet in the shape of a key, fortune telling is carried out on a loved one. It is hung on a chain above a photograph of a loved one. One side of the photo should be marked. The next morning you can see the result: if the talisman has changed direction to the opposite, then the person has reciprocal feelings, but if the key remains in the same position, you should not entertain vain hopes.

Other amulets

Gemini is a very multifaceted sign. They are considered intellectuals, so an amulet in the form of a snake, hand or star is perfect for representatives of this zodiac sign.

Mercury is considered to be the patron saint of Gemini. This is an ancient Greek god who was distinguished by agility, cunning and speed. Therefore, objects that are capable of protecting information in any form can become a real talisman for representatives of this sign. It could be a beautiful pen, a flash drive, a small notepad, or even a car.

The Gemini symbol is all that what is associated with documents and records. They are true masters of their craft. Therefore, diaries, notepads and notebooks can become an excellent amulet for them.

But it should be remembered that the color scheme of the talisman plays an important role in this matter. Therefore, you need to select an amulet of a strictly cold shade:

  • grey;
  • blue;
  • violet;
  • blue;
  • lilac;
  • white.

If you take into account during repairs this color palette in the decoration of walls and ceilings, then working hours will become more productive, and the owner of the house or office will not get tired. After all, these colors are also a kind of symbol of well-being and success for airy Geminis.

Very often you can find occult pentagrams and stars on the amulet of air people. They are considered the most reliable protector and talisman for Gemini. After all, they have a connection with two worlds at the same time due to their patrons and inclinations. And such amulets help them become more successful in life and bring good luck.

Plants and animals

Animal mascot of Gemini according to the horoscope - elephant or crow. But in order to receive their protection, it is absolutely not necessary to have them in your home. It is enough to buy small figurines that will perfectly cope with the protective task.

People often wonder which tree according to the Gemini horoscope is a talisman so as not to make a mistake with a gift. There are several such plants or trees:

  • ash;
  • fern;
  • bay tree;
  • lavender.


This tree can give its owner those character traits that he so lacks. Thus, it develops accuracy, patience and scrupulousness, which the flighty Gemini clearly lacks. At the same time, ash helps your owner to see the whole picture in general, without getting hung up on the little things. After all, it is so important to understand in time what is behind this or that action or the actions of others.

In order for the talisman to begin to perform its action, it is enough to buy a small figurine made of this wood. It will help protect Gemini from envy and flattery, the evil eye and evil spells.


This plant perfectly helps to smooth out the always harsh representatives of the air element. After all, they don’t always think before they say something. And if there is a tub of fern next to them, they will think three times before offending a person.

Such a talisman will be especially valuable at work, where you need to be diplomatic and restrained.


The plant helps to extinguish aggression coming both from Gemini and to them from the interlocutor. If there is such a plant in the house, then quarrels and scandals are extremely rare.

This talisman helps women become more collected and balanced, relieves them of ambition and envy.


The laurel tree is considered to be an amulet for men of this sign. It brings success and prosperity to the stronger sex. It is also capable of protecting its wearer from all kinds of misfortunes.

The plant has a particularly beneficial effect on brain function and intuition. Gemini's intuition is quite developed; you should listen to it as often as possible.

Knowing what talisman Gemini has, you can choose the best gift for a friend of this air sign. This will not be just another trifle, but a gift with meaning, protecting the peace and life of a loved one.

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The main task of the talisman is to protect its owner from all kinds of misfortunes and illnesses. Its choice should be approached very responsibly; it is imperative to take into account the zodiac sign. For example, when choosing a talisman for Gemini ( May 21 – June 20), it is very important that it is in harmony with the individual character traits that are unique to this sign. The talisman must always be carried with you, it cannot be lent to anyone, otherwise it will lose all its magical properties.

Gold or silver key

The most powerful and effective Gemini talisman is the key. It is especially suitable for sociable people who like to be the center of attention. The horoscope endowed people born under this zodiac sign with an open and inquisitive character. The key will help them find an approach to any interlocutor, and will also protect them from evil and envious people. For Gemini women good option will wear the key on a chain as a pendant. As for men, they can wrap it in any color except black and carry it with them always.

Many-faced mask

The horoscope has endowed the representatives of this zodiac sign with many characters that coexist in one person. Gemini is constantly changing, and it can be difficult for people around him to adapt to his mood. A mask will help protect people of this zodiac sign from themselves. It should always be carried with you as a talisman. For women, again, a pendant is suitable, and for men, you can buy a keychain in the form of a mask.

Curiosity is not a vice!

People born under are constantly in need of receiving new information. This is why there are so many journalists among men and women of this sign.

Their ruling planet, Mercury, is distinguished by curiosity, dexterity and cunning. A talisman for Gemini can be anything that is somehow connected with information, for example, a pen or flash drive.

Gemini is an intellectual sign, so the horoscope allows them to use a figurine of a snake, a hand and a star as a talisman.

Plant talismans

The main plant talisman of Gemini is ash.. The tree gives people of this zodiac sign precision, patience and scrupulousness. This will be especially useful for those involved with scientific activity. Any products made from ash will protect Gemini from gossip and intrusive people. In addition, the tree prevents people of this sign from getting hung up on small details, allows you to see the big picture.

The horoscope has endowed representatives of this zodiac sign with excessive sociability; sometimes they are harsh in their judgments. Fern will help avoid conflicts in the family and at work. Thanks to this plant, Geminis become more diplomatic. It can also improve the functioning of the lungs and bronchi.

Lavender is very beneficial for women of this sign. It has a calming effect on them, extinguishes aggression and relieves negative emotions. Where lavender grows, there will be no litter or conflicts. In addition, this plant allows people to get rid of envy and excessive ambitions. For women, lavender is a real talisman that will help you find peace and harmony in your soul.

As for men, the laurel tree will be an excellent talisman for them - it is a symbol of good luck and prosperity.

The laurel tree can protect Gemini from misfortunes and retribution for mistakes made.

The tree smells pleasant - its smell helps to cope with diseases of the lymphatic system and brain. Plant talismans are very effective, they enhance positive features character and help to cope with shortcomings.

Gemini is a fickle sign, they simply crave change, they quickly get bored with everything. If a representative of this zodiac sign chose a talisman for himself, and then wanted another, then nothing good will come of it. The talisman must be with the person at all times and cannot be changed. You should choose it based on personal preferences; first of all, its owner should like it.

From this article you will learn:

    What to consider when choosing Gemini talismans

    What items are suitable as a talisman for Gemini?

    What stones are talismans for Gemini and how to choose them

    What animals and plants are Gemini mascots?

In ancient times they believed: if a person has a magical protective item, then all kinds of misfortunes and illnesses will bypass him. Many researchers today adhere to a similar point of view. True, you need to take not the first artifact you like, but the one that suits you. One of the parameters that must be taken into account is your zodiac sign. For example, when choosing a Gemini talisman (May 21 - June 20), do not forget: it must not only correspond to the person’s date of birth, but also be combined with character traits that are inherent only to people born under this sign. You should always have Gemini talismans with you: if you lend them to a stranger, even for a short time, all the magical properties of the gizmos will disappear.

What to consider when choosing talismans for Gemini

The main requirement for a Gemini talisman is that the person himself likes it. He must also carry a certain lightness, and even airiness. The most powerful talismans are those that you inherited or received as a gift.

Only you should own the talisman, and this applies not only to Gemini, but also to all other signs of the zodiac. If you transfer it to another person, even a close one, the artifact will not only lose all its magical properties, but may well begin to work to your detriment.

Gemini talismans (again, like all others), made with your own hands, will be the most powerful due to the personal energy invested in them. Their uniqueness also plays an important role. In the case when the talisman of the Gemini sign was purchased in a store or given as a gift, you will have to perform some manipulations on it in order to “tie” it to yourself and make it work.

The process is not too complicated. It is enough to hold this object in your hand as often as possible, look at it and even mentally talk to the thing. After the Gemini talisman tunes in to you, in a difficult life situation you can put it in your palm and ask for help.

The Gemini talisman does not have to be in the form of some kind of decoration. It can be an ordinary keychain or a miniature figurine, wrist watch or a “lucky” coin. Even a pet is quite suitable for the role of a mascot. If there is a thing that literally charmed you, and you don’t have the strength to part with it, then this is probably your talisman - no matter what it looks like. What talismans are most suitable for Gemini?

Basic good luck talismans for Gemini

Geminis are very changeable people; one person can literally have many characters. Therefore, Geminis never get bored.

Sometimes such traits begin to have a most detrimental effect on a person’s life. To stop this process, it is recommended to choose a small mask as a talisman for Gemini. The thing can be of very different types: cast from metal, engraved on some object, drawn or even real.

The most suitable metals for a Gemini talisman are amalgam, steel, silver and gold.

A kind of “golden key” to the doors behind which information is stored.

Few people compare with Gemini in sociability and curiosity. Such people love attention, they want to be “one of the people” in any company, and for this they need to find an approach to their interlocutors and be able to avoid negatively-minded individuals. The key also helps Gemini close their inner world from others. The thing can be made not only of gold, but also of silver.

For Gemini women, such a talisman is best worn in the form of a pendant. It is enough for men to always have it with them, wrapped in cloth - just not black. If problems suddenly arise, you need to hold the talisman in your hand, and all troubles will pass you by.

This talisman helps in fortune telling, aimed at obtaining information about the feelings of the person you care about. Write your lover's name on paper or simply take his photo and hang a key over it, after marking one side of it. Wait overnight and the result will be known in the morning. If the talisman turns over to the other side, the person for whom the fortune telling was performed is not indifferent to you. Otherwise, there are no reciprocal feelings.

  1. Other items.

Geminis are mostly intellectual people, and items with the image (or in the form) of a hand, a star or a snake are suitable as a talisman for them.

The patron of this zodiac sign is Mercury - the fast, dexterous and cunning Roman god. Based on this, any thing that symbolizes movement or information can serve as a talisman for Gemini. For example, money or a car, a book or a flash drive.

Working with papers does not present any difficulties for Geminis, and often they simply adore it. Therefore, talismans in the form of a notebook, diary, etc. are possible.

When choosing a talisman, you should always pay attention to its color. Geminis are suitable for talismans in cold tones:

  • blue;


  • lilac;


Such colors can help Gemini even not in the form of talismans. For example, walls of these tones in a room contribute to more productive work for people born under this zodiac sign. And it is much more comfortable for Gemini to relax in such an “environment”.

Many talismans for Gemini (and not only for them) are made with pentagrams applied. Preference for such gizmos is mainly given to people inclined towards the occult. The purpose of these amulets is to attract good luck and warn their owner against rash actions.

Lucky numbers for Gemini are 3 and 5. Therefore, when choosing a talisman, make sure that the repeating elements on it - if any - are multiples of these numbers.

How to choose talisman stones for Gemini

To choose the right stone, you need to have some information.

First, decide what exactly you want to get from the talisman. Each mineral has its own purpose. For example, some stones attract good luck and prosperity. Others are love. Still others have their own role. Think about what you need most at this moment in your life, and based on this, choose a stone for your talisman.

It is very important to listen to your inner feelings when buying a gem. If you are determined to choose a Gemini talisman for yourself, do not rush into the purchase, do not stop at the first gem you come across. Carefully examine each stone, because at the very end you may come across the most suitable one, literally attracting your gaze and warming your soul even from a distance. I just want to pick it up. If there is no such stone for a talisman, then another one will do - the main thing is that it does not cause negative emotions.

Gemini birthstones by date of birth

Geminis who were born in the first ten days (from May 21 to May 31) are favored by the planet Jupiter. Such people have iron logic and at the same time excellent intuition. Most suitable stones for the talisman in this case there will be agate and malachite, neurite and amazonite, obsidian, moonstone and rock crystal.

Gemini in the second decade (from June 1 to June 10) is under the protection of Mars. They are assertive, selfish and even aggressive. Talisman stones for Gemini with this date of birth will be completely different. You need to choose between opal, cat's eye, onyx, chalcedony, chrysoprase and pearls.

Geminis born from June 11 to June 21 are patronized by the Sun itself. Such people are very warm towards their loved ones, but are not immune to uncontrollable outbursts of anger. These are very bright personalities who do not know how to obey anyone. Of the talisman stones for the “third-decade” Gemini, topaz and tourmaline, alexandrite, emerald and sapphire are most suitable.

Talisman stones for Gemini women

Many men give their beloved and family members jewelry with certain stones. But not everyone knows which gems are suitable for people born under one sign or another, and which are not. For example, Gemini women and girls will be best influenced by talisman stones of warm colors: green, yellow and red.

Representatives of the fair sex, born under this constellation, often change their mood, sometimes they themselves are not able to understand what exactly they want. Gemini women will be happy if they can choose between jewelry with a variety of stones: coral, pearls and amethyst, agate and carnelian.

A very good talisman for Gemini women would be yellow or golden topaz. One of its properties is the ability to make a more cautious and reasonable lady out of a flighty girl. Topaz helps the young and frivolous representative of the Gemini sign become more serious and not get involved with inappropriate people. As for adult women, thanks to this talisman stone they can climb the career ladder and achieve certain success in business.

Gemini girls can be greatly helped by Christoprase, which is responsible for good luck in their personal lives and at the same time for protection from severe disappointments. Agate is also suitable as a talisman for Gemini, providing personal happiness and nipping quarrels with a loved one in the bud.

Agate works best when placed in earrings. This is how he attracts the attention of possible suitors for the hand of a Gemini girl, and protects his mistress from unnecessary gossip.

Talisman stones for Gemini men

It would also be nice for Gemini men to know which stones are right for them. For friends and relatives this information will also not be superfluous. A gift for a Gemini man should be decorated with a mineral that, having quite high energy, has not an immediate effect on its owner, but a gradual one - drop by drop.

A talisman for a Gemini man in the form of citrine will help its owner become a successful entrepreneur. This gem also promotes communication skills and develops the talent of a speaker.

Gemini men rarely consider others because of their exorbitant selfishness. For this reason and family life Not everything goes smoothly for them. Yellow or white agate can solve these problems and teach a person to reach a compromise on almost all issues. If a Gemini man is actively building a career, then an emerald, beryl or heliodor will come in handy as a talisman, guiding its owner to achieve any, even the most difficult, goals.

Stones that are not suitable for Gemini as a talisman

There are stones that not only do not help Gemini, but, on the contrary, can harm them to one degree or another. Keeping them with you is absolutely contraindicated. For example, if a person born under the sign of Gemini comes into contact with an onyx talisman for a long time, he may well become depressed. Equally likely is a decrease in the ability to think clearly. Gems such as diamond, opal and ruby, black pearl and hematite have a bad effect on Gemini. Such talisman stones have too strong energy for a zodiac sign that is rather weak in this regard.

Geminis love various changes in life, but even they are not able to cope with some. This is where a jade talisman can come to the rescue. But keep in mind: this same stone can lead Gemini to complete loneliness.

Gemini mascots: animals and plants

The best companions for Gemini are a raven or an elephant. But if it’s all right to have a live raven at home, then certain inconveniences may arise with an elephant. However, this problem This problem can be easily solved if you find figurines on sale depicting these representatives of the animal world.

With flora the situation is much simpler. The following flowers and plants can act as talismans that bring good luck and protect Gemini from troubles:

    Violets. Responsible for romance and love. If there is a bouquet of violets at home, a person will not be left alone for a long time.

    Daisies. An excellent talisman that attracts good luck to Gemini in money matters. For everything to work as it should, just put a bouquet of these flowers on a new tablecloth.

    Buttercups protect Gemini from seasonal colds and other health problems.

    Jasmine is responsible for human performance, helps relieve stress and restores strength. Also, the magic of such a talisman for Gemini is that it revives self-confidence and helps to overcome disappointment.

    Daffodils. Like violets, these talismans are aimed at attracting love and romance. The only thing is that you should be careful with daffodils. Too many of them can lead to the fact that instead of looking for a life partner, a person becomes fixated on himself.

    Quinoa. A good talisman against evil spirits, and in this sense it helps not only Gemini. If you put quinoa on the windowsill, evil spirits will not be able to enter the house. By the way, in some places a similar tradition still exists.

    Honeysuckle. A talisman that attracts to Gemini not only the attention of higher powers, but their favor. With the help of honeysuckle you can avoid minor troubles in everyday life, a large number of which can drive even the most “impenetrable” person to a nervous breakdown.

    Tulips as a talisman they can give Gemini excellent health and a wonderful mood. But for this, the flowers must be alive and stand in a green or red vase. In the first case, it is protection from illnesses, in the second, it is the attraction of financial prosperity. Many articles have been written about natural talismans. One of them is “Signs and superstitions about indoor plants"- reads quite interestingly.

Individual Gemini talismans

You can make any object that caught your attention and from which you felt the emanating energy your talisman. It doesn’t have to be some kind of expensive gem: an ordinary pebble from the beach can bring no less benefits. Even a button can be a talisman - provided that you believe in it magical power. Sometimes, not a thing, but an animal and even a person can act as a talisman for Gemini - or any other zodiac sign.

Imagine that your personal mascot is a fighting dog. He already protects you from enemies, but when he manages to put evil spirits to flight, there will be no price for such a four-legged friend! On the other hand, even a Pekingese is quite capable of becoming your talisman - if you love him very much and endow him with such magical energy. Everything depends only on your will, on what you think and what you believe.

Having found a talisman for yourself, take care of it and keep an eye on it. Such a talisman should not be lost or given to anyone: this way you will harm not only yourself, but also the one who accepts this gift. An object donated by someone can also play the role of your talisman, but not immediately: this will happen only after an energy exchange occurs between you and this object, and you become completely akin to the object. When you are given things decorated with gems, be sure to pay attention to what kind of stones they are. It would be nice to know the history of the gift: if the item is stolen, then it can only bring misfortune. It is not recommended not only to wear it, but even just to store it in the house.

A talisman for Gemini or another zodiac constellation, which came into your possession by inheritance, on the contrary, has very strong positive energy. But here, too, there is one condition: any antique item must be cleaned of accumulated negativity under running water. If you follow all the above advice, you will provide yourself, your family and friends with strong and thorough protection.

If you decide to purchase talismans for Gemini on the Internet, we are pleased to present to your attention our online store “Witch’s Happiness,” which is rightfully considered one of the best esoteric stores in Russia.

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Visit a corner of true magic!

As you know, a person’s date of birth contains a great deal of information. By turning to a horoscope, you can find out almost everything: character, personality traits, talents, a suitable profession and a person’s potential.

Negation modern world horoscopes do not make this knowledge invalid or ineffective. On the contrary, by excluding some knowledge from our field of vision, we make ourselves weaker. After all, the rule is valid at all times: whoever owns the information owns everything.

Each zodiac sign has its own unique characteristics, its own set of qualities, its own path. Depending on the element - water, earth, fire or air - each sign is literally imbued with the characteristics of the element. So, for example, Gemini is an air sign. Indeed, these people seem to be made of air, they are light, floating, seemingly unburdened by anything.

Characteristics of the sign

According to the horoscope, Gemini is air personified! They are sociable and have excellent speaking skills. They are able to engage anyone, even the most silent interlocutor, in a conversation.

They easily make new acquaintances and are easy to please other people. All this ease creates in them a somewhat inflated self-esteem. Many Geminis feel a little superior to everyone else.

Also, women of this sign are distinguished by their duplicity and inconstancy; they know how to quickly transform from one state to another. Many of them tend to hide their real emotions behind a mask of fun and good nature. Most often, they have a good mind, cunning and prudence, which help them achieve their goals.

Frequent reincarnation, and even constant contacts make Gemini unprotected. They spend a lot of energy and are not always able to replenish their reserves. Talismans or amulets can help them with this.

Types of amulets

At the moment, there are many amulets and talismans that can help Gemini, but which one will be more effective must be decided individually by each person. These magical devices can be divided into several groups:

  • Magic symbols.
  • Stones.
  • Flowers.
  • Animals.

You should start with magical symbols and talismans. They can be a good amulet for men and women whose birthday falls during the Gemini period.

As mentioned earlier, representatives of this sign are very difficult people and can often hide something, so an amulet like a mask will help Gemini keep themselves under control. This talisman protects its owner from mood swings and gives him the necessary energy.

A golden key as a talisman can help Gemini spend less energy during constant communication. This amulet makes it possible to quickly select the right words and win over your interlocutor. It is better to wear this amulet as a pendant.

Chrysoprase is a stone of incredible beauty that can give strength and energy. If you carry this amulet with you, it will help increase efficiency, concentration and normalize the work of everyone internal organs and systems. If you have long dreamed of a full and deep sleep, then this stone can give it to you.

The tiger's eye is the ideal talisman for Gemini; it is this stone that helps both protect against damage and calm down during times of stress. For a woman, these stones are also useful, because they contribute to the development of the qualities of a real housewife, making her more efficient and thrifty.

If you want to look great, then you should decorate yourself with carnelian. Moreover, these talisman stones are able to enhance all the positive qualities of Gemini men and women, especially those who are passionate about any kind of creativity.

Also, the ideal talismans for Gemini, and indeed any other sign, are flowers. They have power both in their natural form and as images, figurines, decorations - and are able to protect both men and women.

So, the following flowers are suitable for Gemini:

  • Daisies are able to endow their owner with kindness and warmth. They also work as a talisman and protect against various minor problems and misfortunes.
  • If you want to add stability to your life, then your amulet flower is the bell. It minimizes the number of changes in life.
  • If Geminis - women or men - want to learn to perceive and assimilate information, then a flower-amulet such as lavender is suitable for them. It will not only smell great, but will also strengthen the functioning of the entire nervous system.

It is also necessary to say separately about talismans in the form of animals, which will be suitable for airy and light Geminis. The main animal-amulet that can give representatives of this sign a feeling of stability and support is the elephant. In addition, the image of a raven can have a beneficial effect on Gemini men.

As you can see, if you turn to the horoscope and be sensitive to your personality, then you can choose a talisman or amulet that will make your life more interesting and richer. Whatever talisman you use as an assistant, be it stones or flowers, the main thing is to believe in your strength and in your talisman, and then luck will never leave you. Author: Daria Potykan

Gemini woman stones - how to choose the right talisman? To enhance personal positive sides and eliminate negative qualities, use special talisman stones. These amulets will help you get rid of bad influences and protect you from misfortunes.

In the article:


A woman under the sign of Gemini can choose anyone as a talisman. But there are special ones that can emphasize advantages and make disadvantages invisible.

Having jewelry with an emerald in your arsenal is important for every Gemini woman. People born under this sign are quick-tempered, often take any mistakes and mistakes to heart, are unpredictable, and sometimes even aggressive. Emerald is able to calm even the most hot-tempered Gemini.

Representatives of this sign need to always be on the move, exchange information, absorb new energy and give back their own. Geminis who do not receive enough communication may fall into long-term depression. Emerald will help avoid negativity.

The amulet is capable of imparting composure to the owner, prudence and wisdom. Geminis usually lack these qualities when making important decisions. The stone will not allow you to be guided by emotions alone; with its help, a woman will make sound decisions.

Moon rock

Moonstone is an indispensable attribute of every Gemini. The talisman can be used for various purposes. The stone is able to cleanse the owner of bad energy that has accumulated during the day. The decoration harmonizes the hostess.

A woman who wears a pendant with a moonstone is less susceptible to mood swings and will be able to be more loyal to others. This is a powerful amulet. If, upon purchase, you charge it with your own energy, the owner will be in close connection with the talisman - not a single sorcerer will render negative impact on a woman.

Moonstone is able to attract positive emotions and strong energy. Those Geminis who wear jewelry with moonstone are successful and are able to achieve their goals.

The amulet can be used during various rituals. If a woman practices magic, having a talisman made of moonstone is a must. With the help of the amulet, the sorceress will be inaccessible to evil spirits.


By nature, Geminis are active and have a large supply of energy and strength. But representatives of this sign do not always have enough spirit, will and endurance to concentrate and direct energy in the right direction. Pearls will help a woman with this. The stone is able to guide the owner towards self-improvement and achieving goals.

Pearls are essential for single Gemini women. The talisman attracts success in love affairs: and if you wear the stone for a long time, the lady will quickly meet the love of her life.

For Gemini, pearls are the most powerful talisman against the envy of enemies and ill-wishers. If there are bad relationships in the work team, you must definitely wear pearl jewelry, then your enemies will not cause harm. To be less stressed, wear pearls in a bracelet.

Jasper - a talisman of love

Gemini women are rarely happy in early marriage. In order for the marriage union to be strong, built on love and mutual understanding, you should not rush and connect your life with another person at a young age.

Problems in love relationships may arise due to the fact that Gemini women tend to quickly get enough of their partner, and a beloved person today may become a complete stranger tomorrow.

To regain lost emotions, reawaken love and become happy, a woman should take a closer look at jewelry with jasper. This stone will make feelings in marriage mutual, and will return understanding, love, and warmth to the relationship.

Agate for Gemini women

Agate - can protect against negativity. With its help, a woman will protect herself from evil spirits, envy, damage and the evil eye. It is believed that the stone can even protect the owner from various physical influences.

Gemini women need to wear agate at a young age. During this period, girls are not able to make the right decisions, be wise and judicious. The talisman will strengthen the mind and provide the opportunity to correctly assess the situation.

It is especially important to have jewelry for those whose lives are connected with art. If a woman is prone to creativity, agate will contribute to the development of abilities.

If you choose a stone red or brown colors, the person will become a real winner. This is an amulet of those who are not used to retreating from difficulties, who are capable of achieving anything in life. A talisman of this shade will help strengthen friendly relations and love unions.

Agate dark colors will give confidence and attract not only success, but also wealth and fame. Most Geminis need to be the center of attention and feel that their opinions are listened to and valued.

If a woman feels very ill, let her wear a bracelet made of yellow agate on the left hand.

White must be worn with earrings. For Gemini women, the stone will bring success: it will give the owner inexhaustible internal strength, give confidence, and improve her financial situation.

If selected black stone, talisman will contribute to the development of strong business ties and will give strength to fight difficulties. You need to be careful: if a woman is weak in spirit, this stone will attract sadness.

Laminate Women are not advised to wear agate, since the talisman obeys mainly men.

Blue recommends wearing it if you have health problems. For those suffering from joint diseases, it is advisable to wear the talisman constantly.

How to protect yourself from lying people? It is imperative to arm yourself gray an agate that will help avoid conflict situations and see through dishonest people.

What stones should Geminis avoid?

Gemini women are not advised to wear heavy stones. The following amulets will not always have a positive effect on health:

  • diamond;
  • ruby;
  • aquamarine.

Aquamarine diamond ruby

Opinions differ regarding the ruby. If it is a family jewel, especially in a gold frame, the jewelry can become a powerful amulet. It depends on what energy the owner has, what connection he has with the decoration. You should try wearing the ruby ​​item for several days.

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