Vitamins and supplements for large and small breed dogs. Vitamins for puppies of small, medium and large breeds: review of products Vitamin and mineral supplement for dogs

Breeders who place their young pets into the hands of permanent owners always emphasize the importance of their proper nutrition during a period of active growth. We are talking about the presence of vitamins in daily menu tailed pupils. Specialized pharmacies for animals today offer a huge selection of such supplements. But which of them should be preferred, and what should be taken into account?

About vitamins for young animals

These substances have a positive effect on the development of young pets when food (dry and natural) enters their body. It is important for young animals to receive them daily. So, retinol (vitamin A) ensures healthy kidney function, salivary glands, promotes the health of the dog’s skin and visual apparatus. B vitamins serve as excellent helpers in shaping the functioning of the digestive organs, help in muscle development, and prevent vitamin deficiency. Ascorbic acid, known as vitamin C, is the main builder of immunity. It is important during the period when the puppy is taken away from its mother and transferred to independent feeding. Ascorbic acid protects young animals from infections, colds, and allergies. Ergocalciferol, or vitamin D, is essential for the healthy growth of the musculoskeletal system of young pets and the proper formation of joints and bones. Tocopherol, or vitamin E, ensures proper development of organs reproductive system doggies.

We focus on large dogs

Representatives different breeds have their own characteristics of growing up and the need for multivitamins. This is what their manufacturers take into account. U small breeds During growth, body weight increases 20 times, and in large ones - 70 times. Manufacturers of additives focus on this feature. For example, large breed babies are more likely than others to experience bone dysplasia or delayed skeletal development in general. This is why it is so important to provide young animals with protein and calcium. Breeders and veterinarians strongly recommend systematically giving puppies large breeds these multivitamins:

  1. ZooVIP BIORHYTHM. This is a tablet product that consists of morning and evening pills. The former contain microelements that affect the functioning of the stomach, energy absorption, strengthening nervous system. Evening pills enrich the blood with oxygen and promote healthy digestion of food. Collagen hydrolyzate as a component of multivitamins in combination with calcium strengthens cartilage tissue. These multivitamins are intended for young pets 10-12 months old. Their course lasts 24 days.
  2. VITA-BON Large Dog. The supplement provides the body of active young dogs with essential microelements. The pills contain 23 of these substances, and they themselves are divided into 2 types in the jar: fitness pills and Conditions. The latter are intended to strengthen the immune system, activate carbohydrate metabolism, strengthen joints, hair, and ligaments. Fitness pills help young pets gain energy. They normalize the functioning of the heart when it is highly active, that is, during training, training, jogging. The recommended course of taking VITA-BON Large Dog is 30 days.
  3. 8 in 1 Excel BREWER"S YEAST for Large. This vitamin supplement contains yeast and garlic, fish oil, and B vitamins. The instructions recommend that dogs weighing up to 25 kilograms be given ½ tablet per day, over 25 kg - a whole tablet for a course of 14-30 days.
  4. We focus on small dogs

    Small breeds acquire an adult appearance at 8-9 months. At the doggies good exchange substances, so they must be provided with sufficient energy every day. Here are the supplement options for them recommended by veterinarians:

    1. "Welpenkalk powder". Complex with optimal content calcium and phosphorus, B vitamins, with manganese, copper, cobalt. Multivitamins are recommended for babies from the age of six weeks.
    2. Vitacraft. Vitamins are designed to support the immune system, rapid absorption of food, accumulation of energy reserves, and normalization of heart function.
    3. “V25 Vitamintabletten” is a complex that strengthens the skeletal system and teeth, ensuring the health of the nervous system. Consists of 12 components. The course of taking the supplement is not limited.
    4. 8in1 Excel MULTI VITAMIN Small. Multivitamin complex based on natural ingredients, enriched fatty acids Omega3, B vitamins. The course of using the supplement is 14-30 days.

When it comes to natural nutrition, we mean the typicality and naturalness of the food components included in it, and we strive to bring the animal’s food closer to natural diet. It is on this basis that it is recommended optimal solution mineral supplement.

An adult dog that receives proper natural nutrition does not necessarily need to introduce additional vitamin-mineral complexes into its diet, especially on an ongoing basis. In the spring and early summer, you can add dry yeast to your food, which is a natural source of B vitamins. You can also feed seaweed(kelp), in this case it is necessary to take a test for a possible allergic reaction. When it comes to puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches, vitamins and minerals are necessary. A growing body needs minerals necessary for the correct and timely formation of the osteoarticular system. The market today offers many commercial mineral supplements, but it is not possible to recommend something specific that can completely balance the diet and satisfy the needs of a puppy or dog for a number of reasons:

availability of supplements, their balance and adequate combination with a natural diet, which we actually promote. There is practically no supplement that meets all the requirements not only in terms of composition, but also in terms of availability in different regions of the country.

All carnivorous animals obtain minerals and, above all, the calcium and phosphorus in question, from the food they eat, namely from the bone components of the diet of captured prey, and they have no other artificial sources, except perhaps by eating a certain amount clay and other mineral sources such as natural water. At home, raw bone, as a source of balanced calcium and phosphorus, is extremely rarely present in the puppy’s diet and for the most part in a chaotic manner, and most owners and veterinarians In general, they are afraid to recommend her. Moreover, in the diet of small and miniature dogs, there are generally no bones, and feeding natural food a small dog is created by a lack of calcium and phosphorus; the situation is saved only by the small size of the dog and not intensive growth, since this reduces the needs in comparison with large and giant breeds. This is perhaps the most important and only flaw in natural nutrition - it requires adjustments in the dose of minerals and vitamin D 3 and vitamin A due to the lack of sufficient bones in the animal’s diet as a source of ash.

The best ratio of phosphorus to calcium in dogs is 1:1.5 or 1:1.2, that is, calcium should be 1.2-1.5 times more phosphorus

At home, raw bone, as a source of balanced calcium and phosphorus, is present in the puppy’s diet extremely rarely and mostly in a chaotic manner, and most owners and veterinarians are generally afraid to recommend it. Moreover, in the diet of small and miniature dogs, there are generally no bones, and feeding a small dog with natural food creates a lack of calcium and phosphorus; only the small size of the dog and not intensive growth save the situation, since this reduces the needs in comparison with large and giant breeds.

This is perhaps the most important and only flaw in natural nutrition - it requires adjustments in the dose of minerals and vitamin D 3 and vitamin A due to the lack of sufficient bones in the animal’s diet as a source of ash. Thus, we can recommend bone meal (not meat and bone) as a natural source of minerals, which is dehydrated to 8% moisture and fat-free ground bone and contains a natural ratio of phosphorus and calcium in bone, which is a ratio of 1: 1.8.

The best ratio of phosphorus to calcium in dogs is 1:1.5 or 1:1.2, that is, calcium should be 1.2-1.5 times more phosphorus. But this imbalance is compensated by natural food itself, which contains a significantly higher amount of phosphorus than calcium. The ratio of calcium to phosphorus in cottage cheese is 1:1.6, in chicken meat - 1:13, beef - 1:8.5, in liver - 1:38.

The combination of a natural diet with a predominant source of phosphorus with bone meal balances the amount, or rather the ratio, of calcium to phosphorus.

Perhaps this scheme is not absolutely precisely balanced, but in practical conditions home care dogs, this form of feeding will be as ideal as possible, which will reduce the errors of lack of minerals in the natural diet to a minimum and make it more accessible to most owners.

The advantage of this method of replenishing minerals is also the safety of exceeding the amount of bone meal, the excess of which simply will not be absorbed, by analogy with the safety of an abnormal amount of bone tissue eaten by wild animals. It is also important that bone meal contains the organic component of bone tissue - osein, which will have a positive effect on the formation skeletal system growing puppy and healing of fracture after injury

Adult dogs that regularly have a certain amount of raw bone in their diet may not be given bone meal at all, while puppies, pregnant, lactating and animals with fractures can and should be given. The ability to add bone meal to the diet of small and dwarf breeds dogs solves the problem of adding other commercial mineral supplements, and eating bones in such breeds is sometimes difficult or impossible. In addition, commercial mineral supplements, often recommended by doctors, such as Welpenkalk or SFC yeast, sometimes give a negative reaction from the digestive system, while natural bone meal does not present problems with eatability or unpleasant odor, due to the naturalness of the product.

  1. Puppies - 23 gr. bone meal
  2. Adult dogs 10 gr. or if there are raw bones in the diet, you can not give them at all
  3. Pregnant dogs require increased dosage adult dog by 10% in the first half of pregnancy and by 20% in the second half, from the norm for an adult dog outside pregnancy;
  4. Lactating dogs in the I-II weeks of lactation - by 50%, III-V weeks of lactation - by 70% of the norm for an adult dog outside of feeding puppies

A level teaspoon of bone meal corresponds to 5 grams.

In addition to calcium and phosphorus, vitamins A D are important components in a dog’s diet.

Vitamin D3 requirement

As you know, for the full absorption and distribution of calcium and phosphorus, the body requires vitamin D3. To provide normal level This component requires vitamin D3 for every 10 kg. weight per day:

    • Puppies - 200 IU
    • Adults - 70 IU
    • Puppy dogs in the first half of pregnancy - 100 IU and in the second half 140 IU
    • Lactating women in the I-II weeks of lactation - 140, III-V weeks of lactation - 160 IU.

During the period of active growth, it is also recommended for the puppy to include in the diet an additional amount of vitamin A for every 10 kg of the animal’s weight per day.

Vitamin A requirement

  • Puppies -2000 IU
  • Adults - 1000 IU
  • Puppy dogs in the first half of pregnancy - 1500 IU and in the second half 2000 IU
  • Lactating women in the I-II weeks of lactation - 2000, III-V weeks of lactation - 2400 IU.

Separating the intake of mineral supplements and vitamins allows you to more accurately calculate the required and adequate dose of each component. The above vitamins are sold in medical pharmacies in the form of an oil or alcohol solution indicating the amount of IU in 1 drop. Vitamins are added to the bowl where the bone meal is located, and should not exceed the indicated doses.

For small and medium-sized dogs, even 1 drop of the drug may be excessive (in one drop - 500 IU), but you need, for example, 300. In such cases, you need to dilute the prepared purchased solution yourself as follows: 1 ml of an aqueous solution of vitamin D3 is mixed with 9 ml boiled water in a 10 ml syringe. After such dilution, one drop of such a solution will contain 50 IU (10 times less), and for a puppy weighing 15 kg you will need 300 IU - 6 drops of a diluted solution.

You dilute vitamin A in the same way, mixing not with water, but with refined oil in the same proportion. That is, dilute aqueous solutions with water, oil solutions with oil.

An example of calculating the dose of a vitamin or mineral supplement for a puppy. You need to calculate the dose of bone meal for a puppy weighing 24 kg. Let's make a proportion:

                • For 10 kg of weight ----------- 23 gr. bone meal
                • For 24 kg of weight ----------- X gr. bone meal
                • X = (24 kg x 23 g): 10 kg
                • X = 552:10
                • X = 552:10
                • Answer: A 24 kg puppy needs 55.2 grams per day. bone meal is 11 level teaspoons

In the same way, calculate the norm for your dog for any supplement, substituting the weight of your dog and the norm of bone meal or vitamin. As your dog's puppy's weight increases, for every 5 kg (or more often) you adjust the dose of mineral supplements and vitamins. With natural nutrition for adult dogs, the addition of mineral supplements and vitamins is not necessary, but during the period of growth, lactation and pregnancy it is necessary. This scheme is not the only one, and you can use drugs from Canina, as well as the drug SFK Yeast. These recommendations will be updated as other mineral supplementation regimens are considered to include other sources of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins.

How to calculate the amount of food

The total volume of food from all feedings per day is calculated using the formula: up to 6 months. 6-7% and older than 6 months. 3-3.5% of body weight (body weight is calculated without taking into account body fat, of course, approximately).

The resulting daily volume of food is divided in half between 50% fermented milk products, 50% raw meat and everything related to meat (beef by-products, poultry, fish), raw plant food is given in abundance, but approximately 15-20% of the volume of the meat portion. For example, for an average dog weighing 20 kg, you can eat a medium carrot, a cabbage leaf, two teaspoons of bran, a medium apple, etc. per day. Please note that vegetables and bran are an additive to protein diet and is not included in the calculated percentages (6-8% and 3-4%).

An example of calculating the volume of food for a dog weighing 15 kg, age 6 months and older: 15x0.04*=0.6 kg. or 600 gr. Of these, 300 gr. this is cottage cheese and kefir, which will make up fermented milk feeding and meat feeding will consist of 300 grams. raw meat, to which about 100 grams are added. raw grated vegetables and 1-2 tsp. unrefined vegetable oil.

An example of calculating the amount of food for a dog weighing 15 kg, less than 6 months old: 15x0.07*=1 kg. or 1000 gr. Of these, 500 gr. This is cottage cheese and kefir, which will make up fermented milk feeding and meat feeding will consist of 500 grams. raw meat, to which about 100-150 grams are added. raw grated vegetables and 1-2 tsp. unrefined vegetable oil. * - Coefficient obtained by dividing 4 and 7% by 100

This formula is not absolute and mandatory, the dog’s feeding regimen, and also the amount of food may vary depending on the physiological state (pregnancy, breed tendency to excess weight, presence of hormonal disorders, etc.); age: for old and aging animals, the amount of food is reduced to 2.5-3% of weight; from physical activity(duration of walk, official work, swimming); the animal’s habitat (apartment, open enclosure); time of year (more in winter, less in summer); other individual characteristics, etc. Also welcome fasting days no meat at all, but also without increasing the dose of dairy food.

Amounts of food required for a natural diet

For each dog, choosing the amount of food is an individual question. The age of the dog, its condition (pregnancy, illness), and lifestyle, which is often sedentary, are important. But some general guidelines can be set. Until 6 months, a dog (most small and many large breeds) is actively growing. To support the proper development of the body, the diet should not be meager. The dog should eat food in an amount of 7% of its body weight. After six months, food is needed in half: 3.5% of the animal’s weight.

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Please note that this is the total amount for the day, the dog should receive it 2-3 times. Example: 10 month old dog weighing 30 kg. 3.5% of the dog's weight is equal to 1 kg. Of this weight, half (0.5 kg) should be meat and offal, and another 0.5 kg should be dairy products. In addition, the dog needs plant food. It undergoes little digestion, but participates in the formation of proper intestinal microflora.

All plant foods (carrots, apples, cabbage, lettuce) should be given raw and chopped. Sweet fruits and starchy vegetables (bananas, potatoes) are unacceptable.

Cabbage is very useful for dogs, especially sauerkraut, natural fermentation products improve intestinal microflora, it is better to give cabbage boiled, after stewing (you can do it in milk or sour cream

Give a mixture of 80% raw meat and 20% fruits and vegetables in an amount of about 2-3% of the total mixture by weight of the dog. This is under normal activity conditions. When the dog works a lot, the diet can be increased to 5%. Another recipe recommends giving up to 10-15 grams of meat for every kilogram of an adult dog's weight, plus fruits and vegetables to taste.

If the dog feels great, is active and mobile, has normal stool, shiny and elastic hair, then you are doing everything right!

At natural feeding The dog does not get enough vitamins and minerals because they are destroyed during the cooking process. Not every owner knows which supplements to choose from a huge number of different mixtures, powders, capsules, tablets and other products of the pharmacological industry. That is why we decided to rank the best vitamins for dogs of different breeds.

Dogs who eat super premium food receive balanced diet, including vitamins, minerals and other beneficial microelements. However, not all pets have access to such food; many dogs consume home-cooked meals or eat economy-class food, which, as a rule, does not contain enough nutrients necessary for the animal’s health. useful substances.

With an unbalanced diet, they definitely need vitamin-mineral complexes as supplements. Vitamins help digestion, healthy skin, coat, vision, joints, internal organs and systems, and also affect the improvement of other important functions of the four-legged friend’s body.

The purpose of these supplements is to ensure that dogs receive the required levels of vitamins and nutrients, For life healthy life. However, it must always be remembered that before allowing dogs to try any nutritional supplements, it is best to consult a veterinarian to avoid overdosing or hypervitaminosis.

Today, vitamin supplements for four-legged friends are produced, conditionally divided into three types according to the degree of impact and by class:

  1. General strengthening. These are complex vitamin preparations that are created for seasonal use, prevention and maintenance of the pet’s immunity in different periods his life. Such vitamins tend to reduce the likelihood infectious diseases, strengthen the physical condition of the animal and have a beneficial effect on the entire body. Also, thanks to their balanced composition, the drugs help your pet maintain an active lifestyle and look healthy, and are suitable for use with budget-class dry food and natural nutrition.

Multivitamin complexes of this group contain:

  • Vitamins A, B, C, E;
  • micro- and macroelements;
  • useful substances of different directions.

Available in different flavors for different breeds and ages. In reasonable quantities they can also be used as a treat.

  1. Corrective. These vitamins are used to solve a number of specific pet health problems; they help improve the body’s health and prevent various diseases. They usually differ increased content certain substances that should have the desired effect on a certain area in the dog’s body. Effect:
  • Improvement appearance wool and skin.
  • Strengthening muscle, bone tissue and joints.
  • For use by elderly people.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Positively affects the immune system.
  • Elimination of allergic reactions.
  • Stress relief.
  1. Enhanced action. These vitamins are more intended for fighting breeds and for individuals with an active lifestyle. They are also used for recovery after operations, injuries, serious infectious diseases or after feeding offspring. It is also noted that the composition of such vitamins, balanced in the right proportions, has a wide range of useful substances and helps:
  • Increase your pet's stamina;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • build muscle;
  • restore your pet's strength.


Only a veterinarian can say with confidence that only a veterinarian is suitable for a particular pet, since when choosing, many factors play a role that need to be taken into account:

  • Height;
  • age;
  • predisposition to certain diseases.

For example, for domestic small breeds, vitamin-mineral complexes that include calcium for teeth and strengthening bones are suitable, but vitamins that contain a portion of fish oil, since these individuals are prone to obesity and in this case the drugs can only do harm.

Tips from a veterinarian on feeding dogs and choosing vitamins:

average price

The cost of the most popular vitamin complexes for dogs can vary from 110 rubles. up to 2500 rub. For comparison, excel vitamins are inexpensive, about 300 rubles. for 155 tablets, while a jar of Polidex can cost 600-700 rubles.

But there are some dog multivitamins and supplements that stand out above the rest.

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Rating of the best vitamins for dogs of different breeds

This additive, which must be mixed with animal food, is intended for adult and elderly dogs of all breeds. Its main purpose is to take care of your pet’s teeth, bones and joints.

Among the main active ingredients are hyaluronic acid, manganese, chondroitin sulfate, MSM, etc.

The dosage depends on the size and weight of the animal:

  • Small individuals weighing up to 10 kg take 4 ml in the first 2 weeks, then 2 ml;
  • Dogs weighing 10-25 kg - 8 and 4 ml, respectively;
  • Large animals weighing 25-40 kg should consume 12 and 6 ml (after 2 weeks);
  • Very large individuals weighing more than 40 kg - 16 and 8 ml each.

The cost of 200 ml of suspension is 2000 rubles.


  • Designed for dogs of different sizes;
  • Effective in the prevention and treatment of inflammatory and degenerative joint diseases;
  • Convenient pipette for dosing included;
  • Helps strengthen bones in older animals.


  • Not suitable for puppies.

Agrovet protection "Radostin"

Domestic vitamins are intended for dogs under 6 years of age.

They are produced in the form of tablets, which contain vitamins: A, B, C, D, as well as minerals: calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, zinc, manganese, copper.

Vitamins contribute to:

  • Normalization of metabolism;
  • Prevention of vitamin deficiency;
  • Strengthening the immune system;
  • Maintenance and restoration of reproductive function;
  • Improving the condition of the skin.

Vitamins are taken orally with a small amount of food. The dosage depends on the weight of the animal: from 1 tablet per kg. weight for a small individual weighing less than 10 kg and up to 6 tablets (in total, not per kilogram) for a dog weighing more than 20 kg.

Cost: 160 rubles for 90 tablets.

Agrovet protection "Radostin" for adult dogs


  • Excellent composition;
  • Antioxidant effect;
  • Wide range of effects on the animal’s body;
  • Contains prebiotics.


  • The tablet form is less convenient than the suspension, although the taste of beef compensates for this disadvantage.

This feed additive is available in powder form. Its main direction is the normalization of the animal’s gastrointestinal tract. Indications for this supplement:

  • Gastroenteritis;
  • Loose stools caused by a violation of the intestinal microflora, stress, taking antibiotics or errors in diet;
  • Acute enteritis.

Can be used by puppies if stool consistency or quality is unsatisfactory.

The drug is taken once a day for a month. The contents of the bag are simply poured onto the food.

Cost – 1300 rubles for 30 bags.

Pro Plan Veterinary Diets Forti Flora


  • Convenient release form;
  • Excellent composition, which in addition to living microorganisms contains yeast, vitamins C and E;
  • Really effective for the digestive system.


  • It is confusing that the dosage does not depend on the weight of the animal, although the necessary adjustments will be made when the veterinarian prescribes the drug.

Anivital CaniDerm

Vitamins for dogs have a main effect on the condition of the animal’s skin and coat.

Vitamins should be taken for a minimum of 4-6 weeks, with the dosage calculated based on the pet’s body weight, 1.5 tablets for every 10 kg.

Cost: 1400 rub.

Anivital CaniDerm


  • Works for any dermatological problems;
  • Can be used for bites, cuts, and skin injuries;
  • Contains omega-3 fatty acids.


  • Narrowly targeted action;
  • Long course of admission.


Vitamins for dogs for healthy skin, growth and hair loss.

Very good reviews of this comprehensive multivitamin supplement.

Manufacturer Germany.

This complex is universal and suitable for small breeds of dogs and large ones.

Brewer's yeast is a recognized source of vitamin B, which has a good effect on the body; it also contains linoleic acid, amino acids, zinc, iron, copper, cobalt. The complex improves immunity, improves skin condition, promotes rapid growth wool, are the prevention of liver diseases in dogs.

Average price on the market: 300 rubles.



  • Packaging 80 and 260 tablets;
  • smell attractive to animals;
  • suitable for dogs with allergies;
  • effective.


  • Not detected.

Vitamins for joints, ligaments and bones.

The best nutritional supplement for maintaining joints, ligaments and bones in a healthy state is the feed additive Gelakan, produced in the Czech Republic. These vitamins are available in powder form and are practically the only drug on the market that contains collagen hydrolyzate, which forms the basis of articular cartilage. Gelakan is represented by 5 types - Darling, Baby, Pro, Fast and Champion. Introduced into the diet gradually over the course of a week.

  • Gelakan Darling. Designed for medium and large breeds, you can start giving it from the moment your pet turns 8 months old. The supplement is administered in courses of up to two months, but it can also be taken without breaks.
  • Gelakan Baby. Intended for puppies from one and a half months of age until the formation of the skeleton; lactating and pregnant bitches can be given from the second half of pregnancy until the end, also after lactation and weaning of the offspring. The required daily dose of powder is 1.2 g/1 kg.
  • Gelakan Pro. Suitable for hunting, sporting, service dogs and for dogs that have significant loads on their musculoskeletal system. This drug is suitable for dogs of any breed, but those who have reached the age of one and a half years. Recommended daily norm powder 6g/10kg.
  • Gelakan Fast. Emergency vitamins for rapid restoration of cartilage and bones. It is prescribed during the recovery period after fractures, for arthritis and arthrosis, inflammation of ligaments and joints, after operations, osteoporosis in old dogs. Recommended daily dose 0.15 g/1 kg of weight. The course can last up to 2 months.
  • Gelakan Champion. In two versions, selected depending on the color of the individual. For colored pets, a complex that includes beta-carotene would be a good choice; this substance is not present in preparations for black and white pets. Suitable for dogs with problem skin, allergies and helps in the treatment of dermatitis, eczema, seborrhea, often accompanied by itching and loss of skin elasticity. Give for two months.

The price ranges from 730-1630 rubles, depending on the type of Gelakan dragee.


  • Can be combined with all components of feed mixtures, medicines and feed additives;
  • The daily norm can be given divided into several feedings or at one time;
  • No side effects.


  • Price.

Canina Herz Vital

Vitamins to support the functioning of the cardiovascular system for adults and older and inactive dogs.

Vitamin supplement made in Germany, suitable for all breeds and ages. These vitamins are needed by dogs with cardiovascular problems. They restore the efficiency of the heart, improve blood circulation in the heart muscle and normalize heart rhythm.

Vitamins are produced in liquid form and packaged in bottles of 100 and 250 ml, taken with meals. The dosage for small breed dogs is 3 ml per day, medium - 6 ml per day, large - 9 ml. The duration of the course depends on the severity of the pet’s condition and is up to six months.

Average price: 1,500 rub.

Canina Herz Vital


  • Slows down aging;
  • prevention of cataracts.


  • Not identified

The best multivitamin complex.

Vitamins from Switzerland have earned credibility among a circle of professional breeders. Especially suitable for small and dwarf breeds, lactating bitches, puppies from one month of age. Contains all important substances and minerals: A, B, D, E, calcium, phosphorus and yeast. If you are faced with the fact that your dog eats something that is not allowed, for example, feces, soil, etc. — this complex will help your pet stop doing this.

Complexes have also been developed for animals of different weights; the dosage depends on the age of the animal. Vitamins contribute to the complete absorption of calcium and the stabilization of digestive processes in babies after the suckling period and nursing mothers.

The average price for 180 tablets is: 700 rubles.



  • Prevention of pathologies of bone and cartilage tissue;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • prevents the development of infectious diseases.


  • Not available everywhere

Farmavit Neo

Budget vitamins of various types are presented in the Farmavit Neo line, produced in the Russian Federation. There are various complexes for: pregnant and lactating dogs, puppies, for fur, against shedding, etc. The vitamin-mineral complex is suitable for eliminating the deficiency of useful elements, stimulating the immune system and strengthening the body’s protective functions. The recommended course of use of vitamins is 60 days. After a month of break, repeat the course again.

Average price on the market for 90 pcs. is 200 rubles.

Farmavit Neo


  • Price;
  • smell like food.


  • Dosage for unbalanced diet.

Polydex Gelabon Plus

A universal complex of vitamins, produced in England, is indicated for all dogs that do not receive enough or balanced diet. Also, these vitamins help very well with the formation of ears in puppies after cropping, dysplasia hind limbs, rickets. The vitamin complex includes: phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamins A, D, C, E, collagen hydrolysate, methylsulfonylmethane, manganese and calcium. The drug is available in tablets. The duration of admission is from 2 to 3 months. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to carry out the course three times a year.

Average price on the market: from 500 rubles.

Polydex Gelabon Plus


  • Effective.


  • Allergy to components;
  • needs to be mixed into the feed.

What supplements should you not buy?

It is impossible to definitely name the manufacturers of bad drugs, and it is impossible to answer the question of which company is better, since the selection process is purely individual and is based on the needs and characteristics of a particular pet. However, many owners and experts say that foreign brands still outperform domestic ones both in quality and in the variety of products offered, even though they are in the same price category.

Keeping a dog is a labor-intensive and responsible process, requiring a lot of time, effort, care and, of course, material costs. Only a loving owner will not skimp on his pet, and will be able to raise a healthy and energetic friend and companion who will have excellent performance characteristics if it is a service dog, beautiful appearance if it is a show dog, and simply good upbringing and a friendly character, if it's a family favorite.

In order to raise a strong and healthy dog, he needs a balanced diet with tasty daily rations, which is sometimes not enough to satisfy all the body's needs. In this case, vitamins for dogs come to the rescue, as they play an important role in the formation of the body of puppies, strengthening the health of adult dogs, and maintaining optimal activity and vigor of older pets.

  • The Zooshef online store offers a wide range of various vitamin and mineral complexes at an attractive price for dogs different ages, breeds and activity level.

In the range of choices, you can choose vitamins that not only suit the individual characteristics of your dog, but also satisfy all the needs of the pet’s body. To make it easier to find the right product, all vitamin complexes and nutritional supplements are divided into categories and subcategories, which allows you to immediately go to the desired section without wasting time scrolling through the entire product range.

The importance of vitamins for dogs

The role played by vitamins and special food additives in the life of pets cannot be overestimated - properly selected multivitamin complexes:

  • Improve work gastrointestinal tract and strengthen the immune system;
  • Regulate metabolism and other vital functions of the body;
  • Help to resist the effects of harmful and negative external factors;
  • They increase the quality of life, giving vigor, activity, health and good spirits.

Vitamins are of particular importance during a certain period of life - pregnancy and lactation, puppyhood, illness and rehabilitation period, aging. Even healthy, adult dogs, if they do not receive certain vitamins and minerals, run the risk of getting vitamin deficiency, which has a bad effect on all the animal’s organs, and, of course, on its well-being and appearance.

Modern pharmacology includes more than 30 types of vitamins, which are equally necessary for both humans and pets. The most best vitamins for dogs are the following:


The effect of vitamin on the dog’s body

A (retinol)

Responsible for growth, development and bone formation, improves the condition of the coat and skin, maintains visual acuity and healthy joints

B1 (thiamine)

Improves metabolism, stimulates the nervous, muscular and digestive systems

B2 (riboflavin)

Responsible for the regulation of metabolic processes in the body, the health of the mucous membrane and hair growth

B3 (pantothenic acid)

Promotes optimal functioning of the endocrine and central nervous systems, improves skin condition

B6 (pyridoxine)

Normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system and improves metabolism

AT 9 ( folic acid)

Promotes proper growth of joints, is responsible for hematopoiesis and normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system

B12 (cyanocobalamin)

Responsible for metabolism, the functioning of the nervous system, gonads, stimulates growth and development in general

WITH ( ascorbic acid)

Guarantees a high level of immunity and proper functioning of the immune system

D (cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol)

Responsible for calcium-phosphorus metabolism in bones and joints for their proper formation and health, strengthens the immune system

E (tocopherol)

Playing the role of an antioxidant, promotes muscle development and stable functioning of the reproductive system

PP (nicotinic acid)

Forms proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system, improves digestion and skin condition

Important! You should not feed your dog such an extensive list of vitamins at once; a competent approach is important here - an excess, as well as a lack of vitamins, negatively affects the overall well-being and health of pets.

An excess of vitamin D, which owners “like to feed” puppies, leads to the deposition of salts in the pet’s joints and bones; an overdose of vitamin C in pregnant bitches causes toxicosis, and B vitamins in all dogs – various allergic reactions. Hypervitaminosis is the reverse side of vitamin deficiency, it causes disruption of metabolism and processes associated with it, and entails disruptions in the functioning of all body systems.

This is especially true for owners whose dogs eat industrial food that already contains a certain percentage of vitamins, minerals and food additives. For those dogs that are on a natural diet, vitamins should be included in the diet no more than twice a year - in spring and autumn. The inclusion of vitamins in your pet’s daily diet, both when fed commercial feed and natural food, should only be started after consultation with a veterinarian.

Classification of vitamins by groups

The dog’s body requires a small dose of vitamins per day, but industrial food cannot always meet the needs of the dog’s body, because some of the vitamin supplements may not be absorbed from the pet’s daily diet. In this case, multivitamin complexes and vitamin and mineral supplements come to the rescue.

In the Zooshef online store you can select and buy vitamins for dogs at a competitive price, providing your pet with everything necessary for active and happy life. In the range of assortments you can choose:

  • Multivitamin complexes for dogs;
  • Vitamins for healthy coat and skin, joints and bones;
  • General strengthening vitamins;
  • Vitamin and nutritional supplements to improve the functioning of the immune, digestive and gastrointestinal tracts.

There is no single classification of all vitamin supplements and preparations, but they can be divided into three main groups:

General drugs

Conventional multivitamin complexes, which include a standard complex of vitamins for the prevention of vitamin deficiency. The composition of the complexes varies among different manufacturers, but guarantees that the pet receives all essential vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the dog’s body as a whole

Corrective drugs

This group of vitamin preparations includes complexes that are urgently needed during illness, plus vitamin supplements for the prevention of various diseases. Such drugs include all vitamin and mineral complexes designed for the health of hair, skin, joints, bones, teeth, to improve vision, gastrointestinal tract function, and others

Enhanced action drugs

Enhanced vitamin supplements are developed specifically for physiological characteristics and the needs of the dog’s body, most often selected according to an individual program and intended for service dogs and dogs who have undergone major surgery, suffering from vitamin deficiency, severely malnourished and weakened animals

What is important to consider when choosing vitamins for pets

The variety and wide range of vitamin-mineral complexes, vitamins for dog fur and the best nutritional supplements for the stable functioning of the immune, cardiovascular, endocrine systems, musculoskeletal system and gastrointestinal tract can puzzle even an experienced dog breeder.

Choosing the right poly vitamin complex depends on many parameters, first of all, these are:

  • Nutritional features – industrial feed or natural diets;
  • Dog breed – this takes into account the weight and size of the dog;
  • Age - vitamins for the growing body of puppies are an important factor in growth and development, supplements for pregnant and lactating bitches guarantee healthy offspring and the health of the dog itself, and complexes developed specifically for older animals provide calm and gradual aging, plus support for the body.
  • Activity level - the more active and cheerful the dog, the more energy it spends, and to replenish it, food alone is not always enough; it is advisable to include vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • Health status is a separate category of animals for which vitamins are vital, playing not only the role of supporting the body during illness, but also providing a certain therapeutic and preventive effect.

Just don’t guess which complex will suit your dog best - a consultation with a veterinarian will help determine which vitamins and minerals your pet needs most, and you can quickly and easily buy the drug, following the recommendations.





Hokamix 30 Vitamins for dogs

(997 rub. pack of 80 tablets)

The vitamin complex does not contain components of animal origin, but contains extracts of 30 herbs that strengthen the immune system, promote complete absorption of daily food, strengthen bones, teeth and provide a general health effect (suitable for all breeds of dogs)


Doggy's Junior Vitamins for puppies

(RUB 240, pack of 150 tablets)

The composition of the vitamin complex is selected taking into account the puppy’s rapidly growing body, is absolutely harmless and provides it with vitamins, protein for better growth, calcium, phosphorus and other elements for the formation of bones and further development


Excel Multi-Vitamin Senior Multivitamin for senior dogs

The unique formula of the vitamin complex ensures that the aging body receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals, maintaining an optimal level of vigor, activity and health. Precisely adjusted quantity and ratio of ingredients strengthens weakened immunity, protects against stress and guarantees the stability of the gastrointestinal tract.

Buy vitamins for dogs in the Zooshef online store with delivery in Moscow

By choosing our online store “Zoochef” you can order a wide variety of vitamins for dogs and buy them in Moscow at a competitive price and with home delivery. All drugs are offered in different forms release (tablets, powder, syrup and others), which will allow you to choose the most convenient option for both the owner and the dog, who are sometimes suspicious of various types of food additives.

  • The range of products includes only certified products from such well-known brands as: Anivital, Beaphar, Purina, Hokamix,Unitabs, 8in1 and other brands that produce multivitamin complexes that are healthy and absolutely safe for your pets.

We offer favorable prices for the entire range of products, provide quality guarantees through proper storage and transportation, create ease of search and order for customers, sell goods wholesale and retail, plus we offer delivery not only to Moscow, but also to other regions of Russia.

The health, activity and happiness of your pet is in your hands!

Vitamins are selected depending on the age, gender, and breed of the dog. We have funds for:

  • stimulation of immunity;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • normal course of pregnancy and lactation in females;
  • beauty of fur and improvement of skin condition, especially during the molting period.

Vitamins are conventionally divided into three categories: general, corrective and enhanced action. For example, the developers have provided vitamins for older individuals; dogs undergoing rehabilitation after injuries and operations; for therapy, prevention of diseases, in particular joint problems.

Vitamin complexes and phytomines can also be used to build muscle mass in pets, restore cartilage, strengthen teeth and bones, which is important during exercise and training.

The products are available in different forms, some have a pleasant taste, which makes them easier to feed to your pet.

Purpose of supplements

Feed additives include amino acids, biologically active components and allow you to:

  • normalize the dog’s digestion, eliminate constipation or diarrhea;
  • relieve your pet from allergies and dermatitis;
  • help your pet switch to a new diet or overcome stress.

The prebiotic drink stabilizes the intestinal microflora in dogs, increasing their resistance to infections and other ailments.

Carotene enhances coat color, and natural pigments make pigmented areas brighter. Medicinal oil with unsaturated fatty acids for oral administration will add shine to the coat and moisturize the epidermis. The formula with fish oil has a similar effect on the animal’s body.

The lime mixture strengthens the skeleton and muscles, and sulfur is an antiseptic and antibiotic. Herbal preparations make it possible to diversify a dog’s diet. Four-legged friends will also definitely like sugar cubes for eczema.

Deworming drops for dogs effectively destroy roundworms and tapeworms at any stage of development. They can be given to animals for the prevention and treatment of nematodes, cestodes, and dirofilariasis.

Infant formulas for orphaned or early weaned babies are made from whey, which is close to real milk. Puppies like them, they are easily digestible, enriching the body with nutrients for full functioning.

The proposed drugs are made from proven natural raw materials. Well-known manufacturers guarantee the safety and effectiveness of their products. But a consultation with a veterinarian will not be superfluous. Our staff will also be happy to give advice. We offer discounts and convenient delivery of orders by courier.

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