Inflammation during frozen pregnancy. Frozen (non-developing) pregnancy in the early stages: symptoms, causes. How to detect a frozen pregnancy in time

Dear friends, we continue to talk about one of the most tragic outcomes of carrying a baby. Today's article is devoted to symptoms that can help identify the most dangerous pathology - frozen pregnancy.

Sometimes, if you manage to track the first signs, there is a chance to save the child. But more often the question is different: how harmful the consequences will be for the mother’s body. And also, whether the woman will subsequently be able to conceive a child and successfully give birth to him. Optimistic answers will be for those who are familiar with the manifestations of freezing, will be able to quickly identify them and, together with a doctor, minimize the consequences.

What are the most likely timing of fading?

When a woman becomes convinced that the formation of a new life has begun inside her, most often, she experiences mixed feelings. Joyful and alarming at the same time, because we have all heard about various deviations in the course of pregnancy.

It is believed that every fifth to eighth one ends in failure. The most common causes of fetal death are miscarriage, ectopic or frozen pregnancy.

Therefore, every woman should know the signs of a frozen pregnancy, because it accounts for about half of the cases of loss of unborn babies. True, there is another special option for a non-developing pregnancy, this is anembryony, that is, the absence of an embryo.

In such cases, only an empty fertilized egg is formed in the uterus, without an embryo. But sometimes the symptoms remain the same as during the normal development of the baby. “Misinformation” comes from the chorion, that is, the cells of the outer membrane of the fertilized egg, which are capable of continuing to secrete pregnancy hormones in this situation.

But today we will take a closer look at how the freezing process manifests itself externally and diagnostically. To begin with, let’s briefly talk about during which periods of gestation a baby is most vulnerable.

First dangerous period- 3-4 weeks, when the egg, after fertilization, is fixed in the endometrium of the uterus.

During the period of 8-11 weeks, the formation of fetal organs occurs, and hormonal and functional disruptions occur. That is why it is considered the most critical; most often, women notice signs of frozen pregnancy at 9 weeks of pregnancy.

And the last warning period is 16-18 weeks, this is the time of active growth of the child and the “borderline” period, when some mothers already begin to feel the baby’s movements.

We will talk about the causes of the pathology in detail separately, but here we will pay attention to only a few details. The risk of losing a baby increases many times with age: if for 20-year-old mothers it is no higher than 10 percent, then for 45-year-old mothers it increases to 50 percent.

A number of studies show that the frequency of the pathology we are considering in last years increased. Most likely, this is due to the wider dissemination of IVF technology and a number of external factors, including environmental and social ones.

What is the norm of development in the first trimester?

The first trimester is weeks 1-12 of pregnancy. Expectant mothers are just beginning to immerse themselves in a new state; they often look for information that worries them in available sources, including on forums about the signs of a frozen pregnancy. early stages.

But in order to assess the reliability of the information posted there, you need to have at least a general idea of ​​what is considered the norm. Then it is much easier to track whether there really are deviations, or whether the symptoms that frighten us fit well into the overall picture of natural physiological and emotional changes.

So, what happens during this crucial period? As mentioned above, by the end of the third week, a tiny embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. At 4-5 weeks, the neural tube is forming and a heartbeat appears.

Another two weeks later, the fetus already has a cerebral hemisphere; a little later, further folding of organs and body parts occurs. At the turn of 9-10 weeks, an ultrasound scan can distinguish the baby’s face. 11-12 weeks - the baby is already moving, his endocrine system begins to function.

Hormonal changes are observed at the end of the first trimester and in the mother herself, which is why the corresponding signs of a frozen pregnancy at the 10th week of pregnancy become a priority.

Frozen pregnancy: signs in the first trimester

In the early stages, it is not easy to independently suspect this pathology. The female body is already undergoing serious changes. Early toxicosis often occurs, and hormonal changes seriously affect the physiology and psychological state of the expectant mother.

Against this background, the first symptoms of trouble can be overlooked. And they do not develop abruptly, but gradually, as the vital functions of the fetus fade away and the accumulation of intoxication phenomena in the maternal body.

It is especially problematic to track such symptoms of early pregnancy as:

  • General weakness;
  • Stopping fetal growth;
  • Stopping toxicosis;
  • Bloody discharge, etc.

General malaise

Dizziness and pain resembling a migraine, weakness, elevated body temperature, mild nausea are indicators of deterioration in the mother’s condition. They appear 3-4 weeks after the death of the fetus.

And if a woman has already experienced toxicosis at this point, then these manifestations of freezing can easily be mistaken for her next attacks. Therefore, it is simply necessary to compare similar signs of frozen pregnancy at 7 weeks of pregnancy and in other periods of the first trimester with other observations.

External signs

Hormonal changes cannot be determined by eye; tracking them will require certain laboratory tests. But change hormonal levels inevitably affects the functions of the body.

Thus, already in the very first weeks, the mammary glands begin to become engorged and become painful. The nipple becomes especially sensitive. And if an accident happens, the fetus loses signs of life, then the breast soon becomes softer and stops hurting.

This group also includes a sharp cessation of toxicosis and the appearance of bloody discharge. But these are not universal signs of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages; not everyone has them.


Most women are familiar with the strip test. This is when we buy a special bag at the pharmacy with a “magic” wand, which must be lowered into a vessel with urine. If fertilization has occurred, two bright stripes will appear on it.

Logically, after the death of the fetus, our wand should not react to the composition of urine. But, alas, not everything is clear here either, until negative result sometimes quite a lot of time passes. A more reliable diagnosis can help out - using a special INEXSCREEN test system.

Change in basal temperature

The general body temperature, as we have already noted, increases with the death of the embryo. What is caused by the decomposition processes that have begun in the tissues, resulting in inflammatory complications.

Otherwise, a graph of changes in basal temperature is constructed, that is, the one that is measured orally (in the mouth), rectally (in the rectum) or in the vagina. At the beginning of the term it rises to 37 degrees, sometimes a little higher.

And one of the fairly reliable symptoms of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester is a drop in BBT by about a degree. True, it is not absolute, not ideal, and requires supplementation with the results of other studies.

Examination and medical research data

An experienced and attentive doctor is able to notice the problem even visually, during a gynecological examination. The first thing that should alert a specialist is the disappearance of cyanosis of the cervix and vaginal mucosa. The second alarm bell is the opening of the cervical canal, from one and a half to three centimeters.

Finally, when taking measurements with a centimeter tape, the specialist records that the growth of the uterus has stopped: its size does not correspond to the due date.

In order to make sure that his suspicions are correct, the doctor prescribes laboratory and instrumental tests. We will tell you more about them later. And now let’s just mention one of them: a blood test for human chorionic gonadotropin will show a decrease in the level of this hormone.

Having analyzed the entire complex of signs of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages, the attending physician will make final conclusions on the diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. This could be drug induction of miscarriage or surgery followed by restorative measures.

Norm of development in the middle and at the end of gestation

Now briefly about the development of the fetus in subsequent periods. The second trimester lasts from 13 to 27 weeks. When the baby develops harmoniously, at this time mothers blossom. Toxicosis is behind us, we have adapted to the difficulties, our mood has leveled out, and my tummy is not too burdensome yet.

However, changing the circumference of the abdomen and the corresponding size of the uterus is one of the options to track the symptoms of a frozen pregnancy. After all, during the second trimester, the baby normally grows from 10 to 35 centimeters (these are, of course, average figures) and gains weight from the initial 30 grams to 1 kilogram 200 grams.

The gender of the unborn baby is already emerging. The skeleton and muscles become stronger.

Finally, at 18-20 weeks the baby begins to actively “kick”, and this becomes a powerful factor in facilitating the diagnosis of dysfunctions. In primiparous women, the first tremors are noted precisely at this time; if the birth is the second and subsequent ones, then the mother notices these joyful sensations a couple of weeks earlier.

A very alarming sign of a frozen pregnancy at 18 weeks of pregnancy is the absence of fetal movements.

Doctors advise mothers during this period to do tests for genetic abnormalities and other serious defects in the development of the fetus. Now they are most easily identified, which means that unnecessary risks can be eliminated or detected deviations can be corrected in time.

Third trimester: 28-40 weeks. The weight of the “duet” has increased significantly, and the volume of the abdomen has increased. It became more difficult to walk and even breathe, even to sleep, and even more so to carry out daily duties. Anxiety and irritability increase, and many people experience anxiety. Late toxicosis is also possible.

Meanwhile, the baby is learning to hear and distinguish taste differences. Hairs grow on its head.

Symptoms of frozen pregnancy in the second trimester and at the end of term

Externally and internally in later stages, the cessation of the baby’s vital activity is expressed in many ways similar to how the signs of a frozen pregnancy appeared in the early stages. But, since the baby himself has already grown up, the mother will have more problems after his death.

Especially if a woman is inattentive to herself, she will miss the first symptoms of trouble, and even the doctor will not track the dysfunction. If the decomposition of the fetus continues for more than five weeks, then irreversible changes may occur in the tissues of the mother’s body.

In isolated cases, the tragic ending is the death of the woman herself. Experts cite cancer and acute infections, as well as the consequences of severe intoxication, as specific causes of the mother’s death.

Such serious consequences are possible when the doctor and the woman herself missed the signs of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages, and the pathology managed to acquire a lot of complications. Let’s still look at what will help avoid such an outcome, what nuances of a woman’s condition make us think and be wary.

Stopping movements

One of the most touching moments of waiting for a baby is the first tremors. The baby makes itself known, actively moves inside the fetal membrane, and finally, the mother begins to feel them subjectively. If this is the first child, the joyful moment usually dates back to the 20th week of the term. You can hear and feel the second and third baby a couple of weeks earlier.

When it suddenly calms down and shows no signs of activity for more than 10 hours, this is a good reason to suspect some kind of abnormality. In particular, such a lull may be one of the alarming signs of a frozen pregnancy in the second trimester.

Responsible mothers do not forget to listen to themselves and monitor the frequency of movements. Normally, about ten series of tremors are observed per day. If they stop, the baby may experience hypoxia (lack of oxygen). By promptly consulting a doctor, you can prevent a tragic outcome.

Uncharacteristic changes in the mammary glands

And what will become a definite signal of trouble in more early period, movements have not yet been recorded? For example, are there obvious signs of a frozen pregnancy at 15 weeks? Experts pay attention to one such factor, which the mother herself is quite capable of tracking.

We are talking about how the mammary glands change. Hormonal changes at the beginning of pregnancy make them dense, “heavy,” and slightly painful. But if growth stops and then the baby dies, the breast cannot help but react.

Approximately 3-4 days, sometimes several days later, its noticeable softening occurs. At later stages, at 25 weeks or more, the glands not only become soft, but also begin to secrete colostrum, and a little later, milk.

General weakness

Carrying a child is not easy work and a significant burden on the body of the expectant mother. U different women This period proceeds in its own way, but most still get tired both physically and emotionally.

We have already said above that a sign of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester can be a condition chronic fatigue, which lasts quite a long time. A similar condition is sometimes observed in later stages.

This is not just weakness, but rather a deep general asthenic disorder. A woman loses her ability to work, even simple household chores become a burden for her. Often apathy is accompanied by chills and dizziness; vision deteriorates, “spots” flash before the eyes.

You shouldn’t reassure yourself that this happens to women in this situation. It is better to consult a doctor and undergo additional examination.

Although the “pendulum can swing” in the opposite direction, suddenly a sharp improvement in the condition will occur, lightheadedness, vomiting, and other manifestations of late toxicosis will disappear.

Bloody discharge and pain

This is another sign that is universal for different periods of gestation. Painful sensations and vaginal discharge brownish in color can become symptoms of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages and at any other time.

It is especially dangerous if the discharge is accompanied by pain that does not go away, no matter how the woman changes her body position. Doctors advise that if such manifestations occur, do not even go to an appointment, but call an ambulance. Otherwise, the condition will worsen, and irreversible consequences may occur: miscarriage or intrauterine fetal death.

Increased body temperature

If an increase in basal temperature in a “special situation” is really the norm, then the usual body temperature, measured externally, should not change. Of course, mommy can catch a cold, catch the flu or another viral disease accompanied by fever.

But even in this case, it is better to resort to hospitalization in order to quickly and effectively cope with the problem and prevent complications, including fetal pathologies.

But strong fever or even a slight rise in temperature in our case may also be the body’s reaction to pathology, a sign of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester, as well as in the second and third. The tissues of the dead fetus, decomposing, infect the placenta, the epidermis of the uterus and neighboring organs.

The body gives an “alarm bell” with a rise in temperature, so it shows inflammation and at the same time tries to cope with this problem. By dismissing the hint, a woman risks missing the critical moment of no return.

The likely consequences of a delayed visit to the doctor: the inability to give birth in the future, the need to remove the uterus, or even the death of the mother herself.

No heartbeat

At the turn of the midterm, that is, 20 weeks, you can not only track the baby’s kicks, but also listen to his heartbeat without complex instruments. During the examination, the doctor also uses such a simple tool as an obstetric stethoscope.

This is a tube with two cones at opposite ends, which amplifies the beating signals of a small heart and makes them audible to the doctor. A pronounced symptom of a frozen pregnancy is the absence of these sounds at the next appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

True, doubts may arise here too. The placenta adjacent to the anterior wall, as well as a solid layer of fat on the abdomen, can muffle the heart sounds. Therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes other studies, primarily ultrasound diagnostics.

Laboratory techniques

Modern equipment and conventional laboratory tests are already undeniable diagnostic methods. Above we talked about the rather subjective symptoms of frozen pregnancy in the early stages and in subsequent periods.

Objective, scientifically accurate data can be easily obtained by examining urine and blood, primarily for the presence and concentration of hormones characteristic of this condition.

Urine. 2000 per milliliter or a little less - this is how much leukocytes should be normal in the urine. The protein content should not exceed the norm of 0.14 grams per liter. If deviations from these indicators are observed, pathology should be suspected.

Progesterone. The average values ​​at the beginning of the period are 20.57 nmol/l; in the later stages they increase to 301 nmol/l. Progesterone is not called the pregnancy hormone for nothing; it is intended by nature to protect the fetus.

If, for various reasons, a serious malfunction occurs, the death of the fetus in utero, then the body automatically reacts by reducing the level of this hormone.

HCG. A test for the concentration level of human chorionic gonadotropin is one of the main ones in monitoring the dynamics of pregnancy. It also serves as a criterion for the presence of various pathologies; in particular, its fluctuations can signal ectopic pregnancy or Down syndrome in a baby.

If any primary signs of a frozen pregnancy appear in the early stages and in other, later periods of gestation, the doctor is obliged to prescribe such an analysis. These numbers mean little to the woman herself, but the specialist knows both the normal indicators and the list of conditions that lead to deviations.

Soon after fertilization, hCG begins to grow very rapidly, the level of the hormone increases in geometric progression: doubles every two days. Against this background, the noticeable external manifestations of pregnancy are understandable, including women’s emotional outbursts.

By the end of the first trimester, the hormone level reaches the upper limit, then gradually decreases slightly, and remains steady until childbirth. This is normal. But if the analysis shows a significant drop in this indicator, then the chance of a serious pathology is extremely high.

Definitive diagnosis using ultrasound

As we have already seen, none of the symptoms of a frozen pregnancy are absolute. They must be taken into account as a whole: external manifestations, laboratory test data, and information obtained during examination using special equipment. First of all, this refers to ultrasound examination.

It can detect pathologies such as ectopic pregnancy, anembryony (absence of an embryo in the fertilized egg), and fading.

Upon careful examination and appropriate measurements, the doctor notes that fetal growth has stopped. Another obvious symptom of trouble is the cessation of heartbeat. If it is difficult to establish one hundred percent accurately during an external examination, then ultrasound gives a clearer picture of the deviations.

During the period of bearing a baby, every woman worries that the development of the fetus may stop. Unfortunately, this is what happens sometimes. In approximately one out of three cases, a frozen pregnancy is diagnosed after fertilization. Signs in the first trimester may vary. This article will tell you about them. You will learn what causes it in the first trimester, and also find out about methods of diagnosis and treatment.

What it is?

Which ones does it have in the first trimester? Symptoms of the pathology will be described below. To begin with, it’s worth saying what it is.

The fading of pregnancy is the cessation of its progression. The fetus at some stage simply stops developing, but does not undergo a reverse change. As a result, its decomposition and rotting of the masses may begin. It is very dangerous.

Causes of pathology

Why does frozen pregnancy occur in the first trimester or later? Pathology can occur due to certain diseases. Infection with viruses is especially dangerous. These diseases include rubella, influenza, acute respiratory infections, toxoplasmosis and others. Often the fetus undergoes changes incompatible with further development due to diseases such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis and so on. These pathologies are transmitted sexually. That is why we can call it a frequent change of sexual partners.

Various can lead to a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester. Its signs may appear immediately or be hidden for quite a long time. Often the cessation of embryo development occurs due to previous abortions, diagnostic interventions and other manipulations in the area reproductive organ. This also includes congenital or acquired pathologies of other organs and systems. Hormonal levels play an important role in this problem.

Another reason for missed abortion is genetic abnormalities. Often such a fruit dies even at the very beginning. early stages. At the same time, the woman does not even have time to find out about her new position. In some cases, pathology develops due to external influences. For example, if future mom drinks alcohol, drugs or leads an inappropriate lifestyle.

Frozen pregnancy: signs in the first trimester

The most reliable symptom that the fetus is no longer developing is the absence of a heartbeat. It is worth noting that in the early stages this can only be checked using ultrasound diagnostics. Over long periods of time, such manipulation can be performed using a special sensor or cardiotocography apparatus.

During the study, the specialist always compares the expected date and size of the embryo. Much attention is paid to the fertilized egg. The examination is also carried out on the area of ​​the corpus luteum. A frozen pregnancy in the first trimester has the following signs according to ultrasound:

  • discrepancy between the size and timing of pregnancy;
  • in some cases the embryo is completely absent;
  • contraction of the heart muscle is not detected;
  • Additional defects are established (absence of the corpus luteum, presence of detachment, and so on).

It is worth noting that without ultrasound diagnostics it is impossible to talk about these signs. It is this method of examination that is considered the most reliable in making the described diagnosis. Let's look at what other signs a frozen pregnancy has in the first trimester.

Painful sensations in the abdomen

Up to 70 percent of missed pregnancies are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. They develop due to the fact that the body tries to independently reject the pathological. This is how the human self-preservation system works. Pain occurs when the production of certain hormones stops. The uterus becomes more sensitive and begins to contract, the cervical canal slightly changes its position and expands. A woman may experience an unpleasant pulling sensation in the lower abdomen or feel severe cramping pain. Each situation is individual and does not depend on the stage of pregnancy.

It is worth saying that such sensations often arise when there is a threat of interruption. If a woman’s body does not produce enough certain hormones, as well as under the influence of other factors, contraction of the reproductive organ may begin. This process can be reversed in the early stages. You just need to take the appropriate medications and follow the doctor’s instructions. This is why it is so important to seek help from a doctor if pain in the lower abdomen occurs in the earliest stages and later.

Discharge from the genital tract of various types

What other signs does a frozen pregnancy have in the first trimester? A symptom of the development of pathology can be called vaginal discharge. During pregnancy, especially in the early stages, their number increases. This is considered the norm. However, the color of such a liquid should be transparent or milky. Impurities of blood, pus and other substances are recognized as pathology. They should be a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Bloody discharge may indicate that the process of rejection of the fertilized egg has already begun. As a result, small capillaries are damaged. When bleeding becomes severe, we may be talking about a progressive spontaneous miscarriage. In the presence of purulent discharge There may be a suspicion that the fetus died quite a long time ago, and the process of its decomposition has already begun. It is worth noting that, as in the previous paragraph, these signs can only indicate a threat of miscarriage. The sooner you seek help from a gynecologist, the greater the chance of saving the child.

Sensations in the mammary glands

What other signs does a frozen pregnancy have? Symptoms of pathology can manifest themselves in the form of disappearance of soreness and sensitivity of the mammary glands.

Under the influence of the pregnancy hormone (progesterone), the process of preparation for pregnancy begins. breastfeeding immediately after fertilization. The mammary glands will undergo changes throughout pregnancy. First, the breasts become larger and become especially sensitive. Some women even experience pain. All these signs persist until approximately 12 - 16 weeks. This is when the placenta begins to work. A sudden disappearance of breast sensitivity may indicate that there has been a stop in fetal development.

Toxicosis and its absence

What are the signs of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester? A photo of the embryo is presented to your attention in the article.

Most expectant mothers experience toxicosis. It appears within a few weeks after fertilization and can be more or less strong. The reliable reasons for this condition still cannot be stated.

An abrupt cessation of severe toxicosis may indicate that the pregnancy has stalled. This sign is indirect, but, like all those described above, it requires additional diagnostics and confirmation. It is worth saying that some expectant mothers do not experience such sensations at all. They successfully endure the first stages of pregnancy. This does not mean at all that there is a risk of a frozen pregnancy.

Basal body temperature

What are the signs of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester? The causes of the pathology have already become known to you. Another symptom of the problem is a decrease in high basal temperature. If you have observed the work of your body in this way, you may notice that immediately after ovulation the level of the thermometer readings increases. After fertilization and implantation, it can become even taller. Thus, the average basal temperature in expectant mothers is 37 - 37.2 degrees. If the graph line suddenly drops to 36 - 36.5 degrees, then we can talk about a frozen pregnancy.

It is worth noting that this sign can only be checked by those women who have previously conducted appropriate observations. The initial measurement in most cases turns out to be unreliable, because you will have nothing to compare with.


Another sign of a frozen pregnancy is an increase in body temperature. It occurs due to the fact that the fetus in the uterus begins to gradually decompose. It is worth noting that this symptom appears over a long period of time. This can be very dangerous for a woman.

If you have a fever heat, and there are additional signs described above, then you should immediately run to the hospital, or better yet, call an ambulance. The slightest delay during sepsis can lead to the death of a woman.

How to find out about a frozen pregnancy before an ultrasound?

If you have any suspicions, only an ultrasound examination can confirm them. Any indirect signs cannot be a reason for making a diagnosis, remember this.

There are studies that can help you find out about the problem before diagnosis. This is a blood test. During the study, the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin in your blood is determined. The results are checked against generally accepted standards. Based on this, you can judge whether your actual deadline matches the expected one. For a more accurate diagnosis, it is recommended to conduct the study several times with a break of three or five days.

Frozen pregnancy in the first trimester: treatment

If you find out about the presence of this pathology, it must be eliminated as soon as possible. In most cases, gynecological curettage is performed. For short periods of time, it is possible to use other methods of cleansing the uterus, for example, medical abortion or In some situations, when abortion begins (bleeding), doctors choose expectant management. If complete cleansing of the uterus does not occur within a few days, the patient is offered a cleaning. What are the consequences of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester?

In most cases, the pathology does not in any way affect the patient’s future life and fertility. Only in particularly severe cases can we talk about acquired infertility. Usually, a representative of the fairer sex is capable of a new pregnancy within 3 to 6 months after the incident. Often, after the manipulation, a woman is prescribed medications to correct the condition. These could be antibiotics, immunomodulators, agents for restoring microflora, and so on.

Instead of the conclusion of the article, or a short summary

You have learned what causes a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester. This is a very unpleasant phenomenon. This is especially difficult for those women who for a long time they want to have a baby, but they can’t do it. If the situation with a frozen pregnancy is repeated more than twice, then the fairer sex, like her partner, is advised to consult a hematologist and geneticist. In such situations, it is worth starting a full examination and finding the reason why conception occurs, but the embryo at some stage simply stops developing. I wish you good health and success!


Many early pregnant women fear that the embryo will stop developing. This condition is called frozen pregnancy. It is diagnosed not only using special laboratory and instrumental procedures. Knowing the first signs of a frozen pregnancy, the woman herself will be able to suspect pathology.

Signs of frozen pregnancy in the first trimester

This is the medical name for pathology, which is miscarriage even if the pregnancy has previously been normal. As a result, the development of the embryo stops and it dies. The danger of frozen pregnancy in the early stages is that long time she may hardly show herself at all. In such cases, only tests and regular visits to the doctor help identify the pathology. Other women experience the following signs of frozen pregnancy in the early stages:

  • chills, general weakness, internal trembling;
  • stopping breast enlargement;
  • pain in the lower abdomen of a pulling, aching nature;
  • heat;
  • disappearance of symptoms of toxicosis for no reason;
  • bloody or spotting vaginal discharge.


Symptoms of frozen pregnancy in the first trimester are often associated with changes in the nature of vaginal discharge. This is how the body begins to gradually hatch the embryo. Signs of a frozen fetus at 12 weeks and any other period are practically the same. Thus, the following allocations indirectly indicate it:

  1. Normal consistency, whitish color. This is normal discharge that is observed within 1-2 days after the onset of regression.
  2. With reddish veins. Such discharge appears on the third and subsequent few days. This is due to the beginning of the decomposition of the embryo and the gradual detachment of the fertilized egg from the uterine wall.
  3. Red-brown, bloody. Observed 14 days after the cessation of embryo development.


Another characteristic symptom of fading fetal development, especially in the early stages, is the abrupt cessation of toxicosis. Normally, it appears in most women after implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterus. Nausea and others characteristic symptoms toxicosis is associated with an increase in the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a pregnancy hormone.

If these signs were observed in the early stages, a couple of weeks after conception, then a change in the amount, frequency and intensity of vomiting may indicate problems with the child. The reason is that hCG is produced by the membranes of the fetus, which is why this hormone can only be detected during pregnancy. If the development of the embryo has stopped, then the specified substance ceases to be produced. As a result, toxicosis abruptly disappears. Although during a frozen pregnancy it can change differently:

  1. On the first day, toxicosis appears unchanged.
  2. The next day, due to a decrease in hCG, vomiting may develop into only mild nausea.
  3. After 4-5 days, the signs of toxicosis completely disappear.

General health

The deterioration in health is associated with the prolonged presence of a decomposing fertilized egg in the body of a pregnant woman. Certain signs of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages appear depending on the time that has passed since the death of the fetus:

  • Dizziness, a feeling of nagging pain in the lower abdomen and weakness. These signs appear 3 weeks after the onset of regression.
  • Temperature rises to 37.7 degrees, sharp pain in the uterus. Occur a week after previous symptoms.
  • Cramping pain in the uterus, even higher body temperature against a background of weakness and even loss of consciousness. Such signs can be observed in a woman 5 weeks after the death of the embryo.

Change in basal temperature

A characteristic sign of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages is a change in basal temperature. It is the lowest and is observed during rest (sleep). It is measured immediately after waking up. During pregnancy, the increase in basal temperature is 0.3-0.5 degrees, which is associated with the action of the hormone progesterone. With normal intrauterine development of the fetus, it is 37.2-37.5 degrees when measured in the rectum immediately after waking up.

If the basal temperature decreases, this indicates problems during pregnancy. This sign is not considered an absolute confirmation of the arrest of embryonic growth. Many women keep a diary from early pregnancy, recording basal temperature readings there. After the start of regression, this body parameter changes as follows:

  1. After two days, the indicators will begin to decline. The norm is a basal temperature of at least 37 degrees. 48 hours after embryo development stops, it decreases to 36.9-36.8 degrees.
  2. After 4 days the indicators will decrease even more. The basal temperature will already be 36.7 degrees. It will remain at this level for several more days.
  3. After the beginning of active decomposition of the fertilized egg, the occurrence of intoxication of the body and inflammation of the pelvic organs, the basal temperature will rise sharply.

Symptoms of frozen pregnancy in the early stages on ultrasound and hCG concentration

The doctor confirms the death of the fetus using special laboratory and instrumental procedures. The first involves a blood test to measure the level of the hormone hCG. When fetal development stops, the following are observed:

  • a decrease in hCG concentration below normal for a certain gestational age;
  • a persistent decrease in the amount of hCG over several days;
  • very slight increase in hCG levels.

Ultrasound examination helps to accurately assess the condition of the fetus. Based on its results, the doctor can identify changes in the embryo and fertilized egg. In case of a frozen pregnancy, an ultrasound shows the following:

  • deformation of the ovum at a gestation period of up to 4 weeks;
  • discrepancy between the size of the embryo and the gestational age;
  • at 6-7 weeks the fetus is not visualized;
  • lack of embryonic heartbeat (normally it is detected from the 5th week of gestation);
  • discrepancy between the diameter of the ovum and the norm for a certain period of pregnancy.


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When a woman visits an ultrasound room, she is afraid to discover that the embryo has died in the womb. Every beautiful lady expecting a baby should know the signs of a frozen pregnancy. In the early stages, it is necessary to pay attention to any fluctuations in health status.

Frozen pregnancy in the early stages - signs

The death of the fertilized egg (frozen pregnancy) can be detected by certain signs in the early stages. If you carefully study the symptoms below, you will prevent complications. But it is important to understand that they are all indirect. For a detailed analysis, undergo a gynecological examination.

No. 1. Nausea, vomiting

1. Otherwise, this condition is called toxicosis. If it appeared in the first weeks of conception, it will soon subside completely.

2. After the death of the embryo on the first day, toxicosis manifests itself in a similar way to ordinary nausea and vomiting, as throughout the development of pregnancy.

3. Starting from the second day, hCG levels drop sharply, and accordingly, severe vomiting is replaced by a slight malaise in the form of nausea.

4. After another 4 days, the state of health returns to normal and the toxicosis goes away. Sometimes it disappears within 1 day (on the second day).


Signs of a frozen pregnancy in the form of vomiting and nausea are often similar to the usual cessation of toxicosis due to the adaptation of the expectant mother’s body to the new condition. However, in the early stages the girl should be vigilant.

No. 2. Brown discharge

1. When the fetus stops developing, it remains in the uterus for some time. The female body is designed in such a way that getting rid of a dead fetus will proceed slowly.

2. For the first two days, vaginal discharge does not change in color or consistency. They are whitish, translucent or transparent.

3. On the third and subsequent days, decomposition of the embryo begins, which leads to detachment of the fertilized egg from the uterine wall. The discharge takes on a brownish tone.

4. After another 10-14 days, heavy bleeding develops. Discharges of a brownish tone acquire red streaks.


A frozen pregnancy is accompanied by heavy bleeding, go to the doctor immediately. But this factor does not always signal early fetal death. The symptoms are similar to detachment for other reasons.

No. 3. Deterioration of health

1. The decomposition of the fetus will have a negative impact on overall well-being. But this sign may not exist. It manifests itself only when the dead embryo remains in the uterus for a long time.

2. Among the signs of a frozen pregnancy are fatigue, apathy, and general weakness. In the early stages, the girl feels pain in the abdomen 20 days after the death of the fetus.

3. Temperature may rise above 37.5 degrees. Tingling sensations are felt in the area of ​​the uterus. You will find this symptomatology if the dead fetus has been in the body for a month.

4. If about 35 days have passed since the death of the embryo, the temperature rises to critical levels. Cramping pains also appear in the uterus. Sometimes there is loss of consciousness.


A dead fetus should not be allowed to remain in the body for a long time. Otherwise, a severe inflammatory process will develop, which can develop into blood poisoning.

No. 4. Changes in basal temperature indicators

1. Signs of a frozen pregnancy are detected in different ways. In the early stages, monitor BT indicators. This allows you to quickly determine fetal death.

2. Girls continue to regularly monitor their BT levels, even when they definitely know about pregnancy. This is a good habit because temperature changes indicate the condition of the fetus.

3. If he died, after 2 days the temperature will gradually drop. Under normal conditions, it should not be below 37 degrees. If the embryo dies, you will see a value at 36.8-36.9 degrees.

4. After 4 days, the temperature drops to 36.7 degrees and continues to hold for another 3-5 days. After this, the embryo will begin to actively decompose and provoke inflammation. Against this background, the temperature may rise sharply.


BT may not show the death of the embryo due to the characteristics of the organism. Therefore, be guided by other symptoms to react in a timely manner.

How to detect a frozen pregnancy in the early stages

A doctor can accurately determine the signs of a frozen pregnancy. In the early stages, undergo an examination, which will show everything. Often, during a routine ultrasound, pathologies of a certain nature are detected.

No. 1. Ultrasound

A frozen pregnancy is detected using ultrasound. Even if you have not noticed any signs, a gynecological examination in the first trimester is mandatory.

1. Upon examination, the absence of a heartbeat will indicate fetal death. It can only be determined from the 5th week after conception.

2. With correct development, the size of the fertilized egg should correspond to the duration of pregnancy. If it is less, it is bad.

3. If everything is normal, the embryo has optimal size in the fertilized egg, corresponding to the period.

4. During pregnancy up to 4 weeks, the fertilized egg becomes deformed, this indicates a stop in the development of the embryo.

5. On ultrasound, a healthy and living embryo is visualized without problems at a period of 6 to 7 weeks.

No. 2. hCG

The test results indicate normal development or, conversely, fetal death.

1. If the hCG level does not coincide with the period that was established during an early examination by a gynecologist, you should worry.

2. If the development of the embryo stops within several days, the level of the hCG hormone will steadily decrease.

3. When hCG levels increase, but rather weakly and do not correspond to the norm, this may be a consequence of fetal death.


To accurately determine the signs of a frozen pregnancy, the combined results of hCG and ultrasound in the early stages are taken into account.

Causes of frozen pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy cannot be groundless. Therefore, it is necessary to identify symptoms and establish causes at an early stage. Only a doctor can do this.

1. Most often, the embryo stops fully developing due to genetics or mutation.

2. The fetus dies due to the presence of infectious diseases.

3. This can also happen due to autoimmune pathologies and disrupted hormonal levels.

If you suspect that you have symptoms of a frozen pregnancy, be sure to get tested. Such procedures are necessary in the early stages of pregnancy. A timely visit to the doctor will help avoid the development of most pathologies.

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