Complaints to Sberbank management about the actions of employees. Sberbank, complaints against employees and branches

Sberbank is one of the largest credit institutions in Russia. As part of protecting their own interests and rights, users can write a complaint against Sberbank.

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Common reasons are related to the lack of bank staff:

  • customer focus;
  • professionalism;
  • responsibility;
  • competence;
  • loss of user data;
  • operational errors.

Protection of rights will have to be ensured on our own and by all means available to consumers of banking services.

What complaints can you leave?

You need to write a complaint against Sberbank immediately if a conflict situation arises. There are several ways to do this:

  • written application;
  • electronic appeal;
  • call the bank's hotline contact center at 88005555550 within the Russian Federation or 84955005550 for international connections;
  • request to external authorities supervising the work of credit companies.

At the bank branch, a special form of forms is used for users. It must be provided upon request. The complaint is written to the head of the office.

Dissatisfied with the service at Sberbank

If the rights of potential or existing clients are violated, a complaint can be filed against Sberbank of Russia with regulatory organizations. To do this, you need to understand where to turn in different situations. Such issues are addressed by:

  1. Central Bank.
  2. Roskomnadzor.
  3. Rospotrebnadzor.
  4. Antimonopoly Committee of the Russian Federation.
  5. Prosecutor's office.
  6. Police.

central bank

This institution controls the activities of all credit and financial institutions in the banking sector in the Russian Federation. Address of the regional office for submitting a written application for SB. The Internet reception of the Central Bank operates online.

A number of rules are used for electronic requests:

  1. Only correctly completed forms will be accepted for consideration.
  2. The maximum size of each application does not exceed 15 thousand characters.
  3. Can not use:
  • obscene statements;
  • advertising of any nature;
  • incorrect language;
  • unreadable text (no spaces, capital letters, Latin alphabet);
  • incorrect or inaccurate information about the applicant.

It is up to the client to decide where the response from the Central Bank will be sent: to an email or home address.


The service scrupulously monitors the work of all companies in the field of information technology (IT), mass communications (QMS) and communications. It also accepts claims related to violations of the law regulating the use of personal data. Citizens can visit Moscow. The organization is located at building 7 on Kitaygorodsky proezd.

A personal visit is possible upon presentation of a passport from 17:00 to 19:00 on Thursdays. Information on the procedure for accepting individuals and legal entities and considering applications is clarified upon request by email or phone 84959876800. The company has an official website.


The organization monitors compliance with consumer rights in all areas, including financial ones. You can contact the company by phone or in writing. Claims are accepted by calling 88001000004 on weekdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Lunch break lasts from 12 to 12:45 p.m.

If the user decides to file a claim against the bank via the Internet, you need to follow the link to send an authorization letter through the State Services portal. The second option allows you to apply directly.

Antimonopoly Committee of the Russian Federation (FAS)

Queries related to:

  • forcing the bank to use the services of an insurance company;
  • misinformation of consumers (for example, when a bank advertises loan programs at a rate of 13%, but upon registration it turns out that the figure is 29%);
  • refusal of examination when the research is carried out in a company not included in the list of recommended organizations.

Court and prosecutor's office

When the usual methods of resolving the problem do not help, all that remains is to go to the judiciary for help. Before writing a statement, it is worth collecting all the evidence that the plaintiff’s issue remains unresolved. These include request numbers and bank responses.

In case of a visit to the prosecutor's office, you must contact the regional unit. When leaving an application, it would be useful to clarify that the client is not legally protected and needs the help of law enforcement agencies. Protecting consumers from illegal actions of the bank is the responsibility of the organization’s employees.


The reasons for the client's request in this case may be different. If the user’s personal data is disclosed and they call him at a number that was not provided to the bank’s specialists, there is every reason to contact the police department.

Dissatisfied with the work of a Sberbank employee

If the cause of dissatisfaction was the incorrect behavior of the bank manager, an erroneous transaction or the imposition of services, you should write an internal complaint. Many users are concerned about where to complain. There are several design methods available for this:

  1. Write a request on the official website.
  2. Contact the contact center (hotline).
  3. Make a written complaint, then send the form by email or give the form to the department where the employee works.

Attention! Whatever option is used, the bank is obliged to send a response to the request, as required by the regulations. The results of the verification must be received by the applicant within the agreed period.

Sample complaint

Registration follows the same algorithm:

  1. Describe in detail the situation that caused dissatisfaction that occurred at the bank.
  2. Be sure to indicate the date of the operation, its number and the names of the workers who performed the service.
  3. List the requirements to be fulfilled by the bank.
  4. There is no need to evaluate or use incorrect expressions; instead, describe the facts concisely so that it becomes clear that the consumer's rights have been violated.
  5. At the end of the form, put your signature, date and transcript of the signature.

Important! In addition to drawing up a written request, Sberbank employees are required to provide the user with a review book. There you can voice your dissatisfaction or make a proposal to improve the quality of the bank’s work.

How to write a complaint online

At Sberbank, clients are invited to write a complaint on the Sberbank website using the “Feedback” option on the official website:

  1. For individuals, select the “Private Clients” section and indicate the purpose and reason for submitting the application.
  2. Next, fill out the text of the application to the bank.
  3. If this is not a primary request, you must indicate the number of the previous application. Check the accuracy of the entered data and click “Submit”.

Review takes approximately 30 business days. However, due to the large volume of work, the period often increases significantly. Many of the problems associated with conducting financial transactions cannot be solved immediately. This is explained by the limitation of powers of Sberbank managers.

Poll: are you satisfied with the quality of services provided by Sberbank in general?


File a complaint by phone

A hotline of Sberbank of Russia has been created to inform, solve problems and provide consultations to the client. From a mobile phone you can dial 900 or 88005555550. For an international call you need to enter +7 495 5005550. At the contact center, operators will help clarify:

  1. Necessary information on banking programs and products, which include deposits and plastic cards (debit cards, credit cards and salary instruments).
  2. Detailed data on the latest financial transactions carried out on bank accounts.
  3. Procedure for urgent blocking in case of card theft or loss.
  4. Conditions for disabling mobile banking.
  5. Algorithm for setting up safe plastic services for traveling abroad.
  6. Methods for filing a claim against bank employees will, if necessary, record the client’s appeal.

You can contact support 24 hours a day.

Written complaint to Sberbank

It is not always possible to organize the flawless and uninterrupted functioning of all branches of the largest financial company. When searching for employees, serious admission criteria are used for each position, but such a measure does not completely exclude the presence of shortcomings in a potential Sberbank employee.

If the manager has shown incompetence, incorrect attitude or unprofessionalism, you should leave a complaint against the head of the Sberbank office. This will be enough to resolve the issue. The maximum period for reviewing complaints is 180 days.

Despite the fact that there are more than five hundred credit institutions in Russia, Sberbank occupies a leading position among them. But there are enough shortcomings in his work that may become a reason to file a complaint.

The banking system in Russia is represented by more than five hundred credit institutions. It occupies a central and special place among them. It is to him that citizens entrust their savings; in its branches and terminals they pay bills, receive pensions, salaries, and take out loans. When a client has an unpleasant situation in a branch, they don’t want to solve his problems, the employees are rude, and waiting in line is exhausting, then a well-drafted complaint against Sberbank is designed to discipline the staff and resolve the conflict.

Table 1. Where and on what grounds can you complain about Sberbank

Instance Reasons for filing a complaint
Head of branch, central office of Sberbank Rude bank employee, slow service, refusal to fulfill duties, long queue, non-working ATMs
Central Bank of the Russian Federation This institution controls the work of credit institutions, including Sberbank. The reason for the complaint is systematic or gross violations of client rights in a Sberbank branch, incompetence of staff
Roskomnadzor Supervises compliance with the law in the field of information technology, mass communications, communications, as well as compliance with legal norms in the field of protection of personal data of clients
Association of Russian Banks, financial ombudsman This non-profit institution aims to maintain trust between clients and financial institutions; complaints against debt collectors, early repayment of loans, improper accrual of interest, etc. are considered.
FAS Russia Misleading the client (for example, about the real cost of the loan), imposing additional services (for example, insurance), annoying advertising (for example, regularly sending messages to the phone), violating competition rules (insisting on a property valuation from a specific appraiser)
Rospotrebnadzor Violation of consumer rights in the financial field (will consider a complaint about unsatisfactory service at a Sberbank branch)
Police Disclosure of personal information, fraud by a bank employee, loss of funds from accounts
Prosecutor's office When there is a violation of the law on the part of Sberbank, and also if the complaint has not been resolved by other authorities, or a response to it has not been received
Court When complaints to other institutions did not solve the problem


The regulatory framework for Sberbank’s activities is based on the following documents:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • Charter of PJSC Sberbank of Russia dated May 29, 2015 with the latest amendments dated May 27, 2016;
  • Federal Law No. 395-1 of December 2, 1990 “On banks and banking activities”;
  • Regulations on the General Meeting of Shareholders dated May 30, 2017;
  • Corporate Governance Code dated April 20, 2015;
  • Regulations on the internal control system dated October 17, 2011;
  • Code of Corporate Ethics;
  • Payment System Rules 2017;
  • Policy for the processing of personal data at Sberbank PJSC dated April 29, 2014 (with the latest changes dated December 28, 2017).

This list is not limited to the above acts.

Functions of Sberbank

The following tasks performed by Sberbank can be distinguished:

  • conducting cash settlements and payments, including international ones;
  • accumulation of funds of citizens and organizations;
  • transactions with securities;
  • lending;
  • provision of financial information;
  • currency operations;
  • lending and settlement services for legal entities;
  • constituent function.

All units of Sberbank (branches, branches) organize their activities on the basis of existing regulations.

Complaint against Sberbank

The work carried out by the bank is aimed at qualitatively satisfying the needs of its clients in a favorable environment and promptly. Since not everything depends only on the intentions of management, no matter how good they may be, there will always be reasons to file a complaint against a department, branch or employee of Sberbank.

When to complain

Reasons to motivate you to write a complaint may include:

  • inappropriate behavior of bank employees (for example, rudeness of a manager);
  • slow service leading to crowds of citizens;
  • illegal seizure of money in accounts even if the client has a debt (for example, child benefit, alimony) or a long wait for the cancellation of such an action (sometimes in the presence of a corresponding resolution from the bailiff service);
  • problems with a bank card;
  • incorrect calculation of interest on the loan;
  • with client funds;
  • non-functioning ATMs;
  • damaged credit history due to the fault of a bank employee;
  • non-receipt of a payment made (for a loan, utilities, etc.);
  • imposition of additional services by the bank;
  • false information about the full cost of the loan, which is deliberately underestimated;
  • refusal to recalculate the debt or issue a certificate of its closure;
  • Failure to provide required financial advice.

In reality, there may be other reasons for applying, depending on the person’s situation. As a rule, the claim is initially addressed to the head of the department or branch where the trouble occurred. And if the problem is not solved, they turn to other authorities.

Who can file a complaint about service at Sberbank

Any citizen or legal entity whose interests and rights have been harmed when servicing or contacting this financial institution can file a complaint against the bank or its employees.

What to write in a complaint

The complaint must include the following information:

  1. name and address where it is sent;
  2. information about the applicant or his representative (last name, first name, patronymic, address and contact telephone number, for the representative - information about the power of attorney);
  3. essence of the complaint (briefly);
  4. the applicant's requirement;
  5. attachment of available additional evidence (payment receipt, payment schedule, loan agreement, certificate of transfer of child benefit, etc.);
  6. At the end of the complaint, the date and signature of the applicant (or representative) are affixed.

Attention! The given structure of the complaint is relevant for a written appeal. When filing a claim online, you are usually asked to fill out a template provided.

Claim Forms

You can file a complaint against a bank or employee:

  • orally by calling the Sberbank hotline number 8-800 5555 550;
  • via the Internet through electronic appeal (on the official websites of institutions);
  • by filling out the form directly at the department where the incident occurred, or by writing a complaint in the guest book;
  • in writing by sending a complaint to the selected institution.

Important! When submitting an electronic application form, the text size is usually limited to a certain number of characters.

Where to complain about Sberbank

A complaint against Sberbank or an employee can be sent to:

  • head of the department;
  • senior management (up to the Chairman of the Board of Sberbank Gref G.O.);
  • to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • to the Association of Russian Banks or the financial ombudsman;
  • to Roskomnadzor;
  • to the police (if fraudulent actions have been carried out with funds on the card or on the current account);
  • to Rospotrebnadzor;
  • to the Federal Antimonopoly Service;
  • to the prosecutor's office (if the appeal was not resolved on its merits or a response was not given, there was a violation of the law on the part of the bank).

When other actions in the form of complaints to various authorities have not brought results, it is necessary to turn to judicial protection of your rights. A well-drafted statement of claim with available materials attached as evidence will help to defend violated interests.

File a complaint on the official website of Sberbank

If you have access to the Internet, you can complain by filling out the form provided on the website From the proposed list, all you have to do is select the desired item, enter the text of the claim and, if necessary, attach a file in the established format. You can also leave a complaint about a department or employee on the website

To file a claim, registered users can use the State Services portal.

An electronic appeal can be sent by filling out a form on the website of the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor, the Association of Russian Banks, Roskomnadzor.

Higher education. Orenburg State University (specialization: economics and management of heavy engineering enterprises).
June 22, 2018.

Among Russian banks, Sberbank is the largest. It represents a huge network of branches and regional offices that covers the entire Russian Federation. In the process of working with clients, situations may sometimes arise that require investigation. What should a client do if he encounters such a problem? If Sberbank is wrong, a complaint is a chance to restore justice, reaching even such a large bank. But it is necessary to objectively understand the intricacies of drawing up and filing a claim.

Reasons for complaints

In a huge, well-oiled banking mechanism, glitches can sometimes occur.

For example, we can talk about the following situations:
  1. If you had to deal with incorrect treatment from bank employees, then you have a choice. You can pretend that nothing happened, or you can appeal their behavior. But at the same time, this is grounds for filing a complaint about the service. If a client complains about the rudeness of the staff, the bank is obliged to respond to this.
  2. The mechanisms of banking services are not always clear to the client. The attentive attitude of employees and advice on how to act correctly in a certain specific situation can help here. Sometimes it will help if a bank employee simply provides moral support to a nervous client. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for a client to be treated rudely, avoid answering difficult questions, and provide poor quality banking services. If not in this case, these shortcomings may develop further.
  3. Sometimes problems that arise lead to incorrect calculations and accrual of funds. The client has every right to protect his money and restore justice.
  4. In some cases, when repaying a loan, the borrower complains about the bank’s mistakes, which lead to an unlawful tightening of the conditions for repaying the loan.
  5. A serious violation may be the disclosure of personal data about a client. After all, everyone knows that banks store information about the client’s passport data, financial condition, and address. Disclosure is not only unethical, but also against the law. If Sberbank allowed this, then the complaint will be completely legal.
  6. Unfortunately, in our time there is a practice of imposing additional payments or unfavorable conditions on bank clients. This is also illegal.

There are other types of possible violations. Let's say a customer has encountered one or more similar problems and wants to submit a written complaint. Where to start and what to do next?

Overview of options

Despite the apparent complexity of the situation, there are many opportunities to correct it.

These methods can be roughly divided into two groups:
  • relatively softer methods;
  • more serious options.

The following lists the available options in order of increasing complexity. It will be completely legal to choose from this list where to complain about Sberbank of Russia, but it should be understood that the more significant the chosen method, the more time and effort will need to be spent on bringing the matter to a result.

It is most rational to start with the simplest method of appeal and, if unsuccessful, move on to the next one until a positive result appears.

Where to begin

A sample complaint to Sberbank for any application option discussed later in the article provides for a clear formulation of the problem and a statement of all the facts that confirm the applicant’s point of view.

The simplest action is to simply reprimand the relevant employees and ask them to correct the mistake they made. This is not a complaint, but sometimes it can help correct the situation.

The first option may be to call the hotline. You may not need to write a complaint to Sberbank. Just call the number - 8-800-555-555-0. In this case, you can simply count on a polite answer. The operator will explain the current situation and give this or that advice. And only in rare cases can a complaint to Sberbank be transferred to the responsible person. However, the chances of this happening are almost zero. The request is not recorded, it is not given a unique number, and there is no way to track what the bank is doing to correct the situation. This is not difficult to do, but in most cases you should not count on correcting the situation.

Visit site

The next option is also not difficult. But its effectiveness is still somewhat greater. Nowadays, almost any bank has its own website on the Internet, which represents it. Sberbank also has such a website, and complaints can be submitted through it. We'll tell you how to write a claim to Sberbank. If you go to this page, there is a transition to a special page for feedback.

In order to figure out how to write a complaint against Sberbank, you need to remember how to correctly draw up the document.
  1. The length of the appeal cannot exceed five thousand characters. Therefore, you should write about the essence of the matter, using clear language and citing relevant facts.
  2. The statement must indicate the general topic to which the complaint relates.
  3. Since the bank operates throughout the Russian Federation, it is necessary to select the region where everything happened, and also indicate the name of a specific Sberbank branch.

After sending the message, it will be assigned a number with which the applicant will be able to track the progress of the application.

If the client indicates the email address he has, an official response will be sent to him.

From your personal account

Russian clients of the bank have a personal account on the website. It is needed so that you can perform certain banking operations with additional convenience. How to complain about Sberbank in this way? If problems arise, you can submit a complaint through your personal account. At the bottom of the page there is a subtle link “Letter to the bank”. After going through it, you can submit an electronic application to Sberbank.

Written submission of a claim

Employees must be provided with a complaint to Sberbank, a sample and the forms themselves in order to fill it out and send a complaint. It is generally accepted that it makes sense to fill out an application directly in the boss’s office. Although a special form is provided here, the application is also written in free form. Having seen the seriousness of the client’s intentions, in most cases the manager will be able to solve the problem on his own. It is best to address the document to a higher-level manager. This could be a division director or a regional director. You must ensure that the document receives a registration number, and also obtain a copy of the complaint with this number and the signature of a bank employee.

Submitted documents are reviewed within 25 days.

Internet complaints

They do not have an official status, but to a certain extent they create the bank’s reputation. Therefore, you can tell your story via the Internet on one of those thematic sites where the quality of services of various Russian banks is discussed. In addition, it is important to know that among them there are those that have official support from Sberbank of the Russian Federation. Speaking out there is the same as contacting Sberbank itself via the Internet. On these pages you can not only learn about the experiences of other people, but also see examples of cases where someone was able to successfully win a dispute with a bank.

Using thematic sites, it is also possible to file a complaint against Sberbank.

Next level

Subsequent methods of fighting for your rights can be considered quite serious actions. The previous sections talked about claims that the bank itself tries to eliminate after learning about them. But what to do if complaints against Sberbank did not yield any results? You can contact the Central Bank, the prosecutor's office and other addresses.

Contacting the Central Bank

This organization controls the work of all banks in the Russian Federation. An appeal to the Central Bank is, in fact, an appeal to a regulatory authority. He has great power over the banking system, including revoking the relevant license. The Central Bank has its own website where you can write a complaint to Sberbank.

Antimonopoly service

In some (not all cases) a complaint against Sberbank can be sent here. For example, her competence includes situations where advertising was deceiving, and the client entered into an unfavorable agreement with Sberbank based on false information contained there.

Prosecutor's office

In some cases, a complaint is filed with the prosecutor's office. If the law was violated in relation to the applicant, this may help. It is believed that it is necessary to write a statement of complaint about the work of the bank to a higher prosecutor's office (region, territory or region). There they will not only consider the complaint against Sberbank of Russia, but will also provide some legal support.

Contacting the police

This is appropriate in cases where the client’s personal data was provided by the bank to third parties. Such an appeal can also occur when the bank sends information about financial transactions to those who are not authorized for this, and also do not have the corresponding rights by law. Complaints filed against Sberbank of Russia submitted to the police will be investigated with the utmost care.


In some cases this organization can help. In particular, you can file a complaint:

  • if Sberbank refuses to repay the loan early, to which in this case there may be serious claims;
  • if interest on the loan was accrued with errors;
  • for assistance from Rospotrebnadzor in resolving problems with collection services;
  • if the loan payment is late for valid reasons, this organization may help convince the bank to restructure payments.


If no other means have helped, but you still have the determination to fight for the restoration of justice, then all that remains is to go to court. It is recommended to apply at your place of residence, and not at the location of the bank branch. This procedure is long, troublesome and can be expensive. In this case, all available documents confirming the complaint will be of significant benefit.

Even in cases where Sberbank is not willing to cooperate, the court often makes a decision in favor of the applicant.

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