The meaning of the word is spelling, lexical direct and figurative meanings and interpretations (concept) of the word from the Dahl Dictionary Dictionary. The concept of the lexical meaning of a word What are lexical words

lower news, church lead; to know what, to know, to have information about, news, statement, knowledge. And we did not know and did not know such a misfortune.

To manage or rule, manage, dispose of by law. The head knows the parish. Who knows how, he dine like that. If I knew where you dined now, I would know whose song you are singing. If he knew, he would know. Grandfather does not even know where his granddaughters have lunch. If only I knew and knew where to dine now! I don’t know, I don’t know, but it’s my business. Not expected, not known, but trouble in the yard. What he himself knew, he told you. Eat, but we don’t know business. And deaf and dumb, we know no sin. Whose I drink and eat (whose bread we eat), that we also know. The owner did not know that the guest did not dine. Who dine with us, he does not know us. to know with whom, to know, to do, to deal with. Get on with yours. Deal with him as you know. to know with whom the court, to deal with the court, to search, to compete. The volost is in charge of the head, in charge.

Well, let's find out who to go, chickens. horse, throw lots, take the bottom and top of the stick. I lead, you know, instead I know, you know, I know, you know. And I, you know, did not shine at home. After all, union, know, know, understand, isn’t it, of course, isn’t it; pron. twist. After all, I told you in advance, didn’t I, didn’t I say something? Ask him why he is going. Find out where he went. Manage business, manage. He got busy, he confessed. You will not know the depths of the sea. Visit your brother, visit; look after his health. Get a beer. Tell me the truth, tell me Translate the matter better, find out again. He predicted his own death. Check it out, visit it. I found out about something. Goes home, but scouts. I know, so I say, I know. I knew, but it was too late, I found out. Notify the use only with a suggestion. To be ignorant, to be ignorant, to be ignorant. Notify, notify. Forewarn someone, forewarn. Be aware of what. Notify me of your arrival. Maintaining [_cf. genus] dt. or church. knowledge, knowledge, cognition, understanding, information, understanding, the state of the knower.

Department, management, range of action, management of what; in this meaning. used and knowledge. These matters are not in my control.

Leading, paper from an equal place in the degree of subordination to an equal one; intercourse, the same as the relationship between officials. The patient lies without knowing, Vologda. without memory, consciousness. driven, known, known, known;

to whom, subordinate, subordinate. Known adv. known; know; obviously; of course, of course, of course, of course. Usage also in childbearing. case. This was done without my knowledge, without knowledge, without my knowledge. The godfather was driving, no one knows where, about quirks. Sleep without knowing, Vologda. without memory and consciousness, firmly. Office [_cf. genus] branch, part of government, constituting something whole. Each ministry is a separate department. Departmental, pertaining to a department. Vedomosti [female] genus] conducting; knowledge, information, information.

Painting on paper, information in columns and numbers;

old department, chain of command and action. Vedomostsa, diminish. Vedomosti pl. newspaper, daily, time-based publication. Vedomosti, related to the statements. Veglas, messenger [male. genus] old. church leader. sage, dock, master, connoisseur, artisan. Veteran [male] genus] knowing what, knowing;

in charge of what. He does not know a voice, old. makes no sense. Neveglas, ignoramus. Department [_cf. genus] old. knowledge, knowledge, experience, experience;

sometimes the same as witchcraft. Vedun [male] genus] sorceress [female. genus] sorcerer, wizard, healer, fortune-teller. Witchcraft, witchcraft [_cf. genus] old. magic, sorcery, sorcery, quackery, divination, etc. Vedovsky star. pertaining to witchcraft. Witch [female] genus] south. or vydyoma novg. lower and other sorceress, sorceress, recognized, according to the superstition of the people, with evil spirits, a villain who has a tail. Skillfully, they beat the witch, backhanded from themselves. A learned witch is worse than a born one; according to belief, there are scientists, and born. Well, him to Bald Mountain, to the witches! On Sila (July 30), witches die, drunk on milk, milking other people's cows. The witches stole the month, the eclipse [from eclipse will be eclipse, and from eclipse, eclipse]: belief of Ukraine and the north. Witch, witch, witch peculiar, belonging. To witch, to conjure evil to others, to slander, to harm. Witcher [male] genus] south. app. chickens. thief. witch;

Lexical meaning of a word in Russian with examples.

Lexical meaning of the word is its content, i.e. the correlation between the sound complex and the object or phenomenon of reality, historically fixed in the minds of speakers.

Direct value called one that is directly related to an object or phenomenon, quality, action, etc.

portable is such meaning, which arises as a result of not direct correlation with the object, but through the transfer of direct meaning to another object due to various associations. Examples:

nose - the organ of smell, located on the face of a person, the muzzle of an animal (direct);

- front part of the vessel, aircraft (portable);

- bird's beak (portable);

- toe (boot toes).

Synonyms, antonyms.

Synonyms- words that are close or identical in meaning, which differently name the same concept. Synonyms can differ from each other by a shade of meaning, stylistic coloring, etc.

present, gift, offering, present, gift

dress up, undress, dress up, dress up, dress up

Antonyms- words of different sounding, which express opposite, but correlative concepts with each other.

There is nothing in the world stronger And more powerless words.

Lie the religion of slaves and masters. Truth is the god of the free man.

Contextual synonyms and antonyms are words that are not synonyms/antonyms in common use, but acquire similar or opposite meanings in context.

They agreed: wave and stone,

Poetry and prose, ice and fire

Not so different from each other antonyms).

Vocabulary old and new.

historicisms- These are obsolete words that have fallen into disuse due to the disappearance of those concepts that they denoted.

* veche, oprichnik

Archaisms- words that in the process of language development were replaced by synonyms.

* barber - hairdresser, piit - poet, cheeks - cheeks, bed - bed

Neologisms- new words that appear in the language as a result of new concepts, phenomena, qualities

* home cinema, merchandiser, reception.


Phraseologisms- stable combinations of words that have a holistic meaning.

* roll up your sleeves

* rush headlong

Parsing the task.

Which of the following sentences contains phraseological units?

1) Often we carry with us the most sacred image and books.

2) We know perfectly well that a true book cannot be read only once.

3) How magic signs, the truth and beauty of the book are absorbed gradually.

4) So, the book depository is the first gate of enlightenment.

Phraseologism is a stable combination of words, where words are used in a figurative sense, therefore we should look for a phrase that looks like a saying in appearance. In all sentences, only one phrase is stable: first gate.

The lexical meaning of a word is the correlation of the sound complex of a linguistic unit with one or another phenomenon of reality fixed in the minds of speakers.

Most words name objects, their attributes, quantity, actions, processes and act as full-fledged, independent words, performing a nominative function in the language (lat. nominatio- naming, name). Possessing common grammatical and syntactic meanings and functions, these words are combined into the categories of nouns, adjectives, numerals, verbs, adverbs, words of the state category. Their lexical meaning is complemented by grammatical ones. For example, the word newspaper denotes a certain subject; lexical meaning indicates that this is "a periodical in the form of large sheets, usually daily, dedicated to the events of current political and social life." Noun newspaper has the grammatical meanings of gender (feminine), number (this subject is thought of as one, not many) and case. Word I read calls the action - "perceive what is written, saying aloud or reproducing to oneself" and characterizes it as real, occurring at the moment of speech, performed by the speaker (and not by other persons).

Of the significant parts of speech, pronouns and modal words. The first only indicate objects or their signs: I, you, such, so much; they receive a specific meaning in speech, but cannot serve as a generalized name for a number of similar objects, features, or quantities. The second express the attitude of the speaker to the expressed thought: Maybe mail has already arrived.

Service parts of speech (prepositions, conjunctions, particles) also do not perform a nominative function, that is, they do not name objects, signs, actions, but are used as formal grammatical language means.

Lexical meanings of a word, their types, development and changes are studied by lexical semantics (semasiology) (gr. semasia- designation + logos- teaching). Grammatical meanings words are considered in the grammar of the modern Russian language.

All objects and phenomena of reality have their own names in the language. Words point to real objects, to our attitude towards them, which arose in the process of knowing the world around us. This connection of the word with the phenomena of reality (denotations) is non-linguistic in nature, and yet it is the most important factor in determining the nature of the word as a sign unit.

Words name not only specific objects that can be seen, heard or touched at the moment, but also concepts about these objects that arise in our minds.

The concept is a reflection in the minds of people of the general and essential features of the phenomena of reality, ideas about their properties. Such features can be the shape of an object, its function, color, size, similarity or difference with another object, etc. The concept is the result of a generalization of a mass of individual phenomena, during which a person is distracted from non-essential features, focusing on the main ones. Without such abstraction, i.e., without abstract representations, human thinking is impossible.

Concepts are formed and fixed in our minds with the help of words. The connection of words with the concept (significative factor) makes the word an instrument of human thinking. Without the ability of the word to name the concept, there would be no language itself. The designation of concepts in words allows us to get by with a relatively small number of linguistic signs. So, in order to single out one person from many people and name anyone, we use the word human. To denote all the richness and variety of colors of wildlife, there are words red, yellow, blue, green etc. Moving in space various items expressed by the word goes (man, train, bus, icebreaker and even - ice, rain, snow and under.).

Explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language most capaciously reflect the systemic connections of words. They are lists of words of varying degrees of completeness and accuracy that make up the lexical system in all the diversity and complexity of its functioning in the language. Yes, the word Island does not indicate geographical position, size, name, shape, fauna, flora of a particular island, therefore, abstracting from these particular features, we call this word any part of the land surrounded on all sides by water (in the ocean, sea, on a lake, river) Thus , in words those essential features and properties of objects are fixed, which make it possible to distinguish a whole class of objects from other classes.

However, not all words name any concept. They are not able to express unions, particles, prepositions, interjections, pronouns, proper names. Special mention should be made of the latter.

There are proper names that name singular concepts. These are the names of prominent people ( Shakespeare, Dante, Leo Tolstoy, Chaliapin, Rachmaninoff), geographical names (Volga, Baikal, Alps, America). By their nature, they cannot be a generalization and evoke the idea of ​​a subject that is one of a kind.

personal names of people Alexander, Dmitry), surnames ( Golubev, Davydov), on the contrary, do not give rise to a certain idea of ​​a person in our minds.

Common nouns ( historian, engineer, son-in-law) according to the distinguishing features of professions, degrees of kinship allow you to get some idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe people named by these words.

Animal names may approach generalized names. So, if the horse's name is Bulany, this indicates its gender and suit, Belka usually called animals that have white wool (although this can also be called a cat, a dog, and a goat). So different nicknames correlate differently with generalized names.

The French writer and journalist Alfred Capu owns the following aphorism:

"The word is like a bag: it takes the form of what is put into it."

These words will help us answer the question, what is the lexical meaning of a word?

The image of the bag, although quite mundane, reminds us that not every word has a single meaning, so the bag can be very heavy, because:

  • words are both single-valued and polysemantic;
  • they can be used either literally or figuratively, depending entirely on the context in which they are used.

And yet we simply may not know what the word means, and mistakenly ascribe to it a completely different meaning. Therefore, we need to look into explanatory dictionaries more often so that our oral and written speech is accurate, as clear as possible and not full of errors.

Word to science!

In the textbook of the Russian language we read:

The lexical meaning of a word is the correlation of the sound complex of a linguistic unit with one or another phenomenon of reality fixed in the minds of speakers.

Not very clear? Then we use the following definition:

Lexical meaning- this is the content of the word, which allows you to get an idea about various phenomena, processes, properties, objects, and so on.

What is the lexical meaning of the word?

The main part of the words performs the so-called nominative function, that is, names objects, as well as their various properties, actions performed, processes, phenomena. These words are characterized as meaningful and independent.

Performing a nominative function, each word can acquire either direct or figurative.

direct- implies a direct connection of the word with a very specific phenomenon real life which it stands for. For example, to build means to erect buildings (literally), but the same word would mean mental intention (to make plans) if used in a figurative sense.

Figurative meaning is considered secondary, since in the process of its appearance the name and properties of one phenomenon are transferred to another. The figurative meaning is based on associative links: common features, similarities, functions, and so on.

One more example.


direct - hot place.

portable - stagnant processes in society, stagnant time.

Lexical compatibility

Another important concept worth mentioning when it comes to lexical meaning is compatibility. Not every word can be attached to another. In addition, there are words that can be called "non-free", strongly associated with others and not used without these words.

Among the latter are syntactically or constructively And phraseologically related.

Syntactically conditional- a kind of figurative meaning that appears in a certain context. In this case, the word begins to perform functions that are not characteristic of it.

For example:

Oh, you stupid oak!

Already done? Well, you're a hammer!

Phraseological connection can be found only in stable expressions and phrases. For example, the adjective "brown", meaning "color", is combined exclusively with the word "hair", and bosom can only be friend.

Deprived words

However, there is a group of words that have no lexical meaning. This

  • interjections;
  • particles;
  • unions;
  • prepositions.


To constantly replenish your lexicon and to know exactly what certain words mean, you can instill in yourself the habit of analyzing words according to the following algorithm:

    1. Find out the lexical meaning of the word that it has in the context of the sentence and write it down.

    2. Determine how many meanings this word has: many or one.

    3. Establish what meaning: direct or figurative, - has the analyzed word.4. Choose synonyms.

    5. Choose an antonym.

    6. Determine the origin of the word.

    7. Establish how widely it is used (common / limited in use, for example, professionalism).

    8. Determine if the word is obsolete.

    9. Find out if this word is included in set expressions and phraseological units.

Lexical meaning and spelling

In conclusion, we note that often only knowledge of the lexical meaning and the context in which it is used prevent errors from appearing.

Classic example:

It was comfortable to sit in the easy chair.

He started going gray early.

The same can be said about the spelling of roots -equal- And -even-, -poppy- And -mok-. In order to avoid mistakes when writing them, you need to know the meaning of the words in which they are written.

-equal- = same, equal // -even- = smooth, even

-mak- = to lower into liquid // -mok- = to pass moisture

Be careful with the word and fill each vocabulary bag with the right content!

The meaning of the word spelling, lexical direct and figurative meanings and interpretations (concept) of the word from the dictionary Dahl's Dictionary

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Our world is multifaceted, has a lot of different directions and opinions, a lot of specific and professional terms. In order for people to understand each other, to communicate, share information and not experience any difficulties, for all this we publish Russian explanatory dictionaries on our website. Each Russian dictionary has its own unique history, carries the echoes of its creator, his work and efforts. Each Russian explanatory dictionary is the result of incredibly painstaking work and research. Dictionaries, in the truest sense of the word, have been collected bit by bit for many years. Each dictionary required from its creator a lot of energy, travel around the country, a lot of communication with representatives of different peoples and professions. For example, Dahl's explanatory dictionary required 20 years of effort from its creator, Vladimir Dahl, a talented Russian lexicographer. Vladimir Dal traveled all over Russia, from the Siberian frosts to Kamchatka, so that his explanatory dictionary would today have a reputation as one of the highest quality and most used dictionaries of our time.

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