Ascorbic acid for the bodybuilder. Ascorbic acid in the athlete's diet. Doses of ascorbic acid

Vitamin C- this is the “king” of muscle “mass”. The absorption of dietary protein and the further synthesis of new protein structures, in particular in muscles, depend on vitamin C. Vitamin C is the strongest stimulator of muscle anabolism. However, bodybuilders should take it with caution. The vitamin synthesized by the body independently.
Excessive intake of vitamin C from food can block your own production of the vitamin in much the same way as occurs with sex hormones when taking artificial hormones - steroids.

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6)

Athletes experience an increased need for pyridoxine, since it is involved in all processes of protein tissue growth, and primarily in muscles.
The best sources of the vitamin are natural. These include brewer's yeast, liver, cottage cheese, cabbage, potatoes, peas, buckwheat.

Thiamine (vitamin B1)

This vitamin is catastrophically important for bodybuilders, since carbohydrate metabolism entirely depends on it. If there is not enough thiamine in the body, the carbohydrates eaten are not absorbed. Moreover, toxic products of intermediate carbohydrate metabolism - lactic and pyruvic acids - accumulate in the body.

Vitamin D

Thanks to this vitamin, the body absorbs calcium and phosphorus - two microelements that are essential for muscle contraction. A lack of vitamin D leads to a decrease in strength and strength endurance. Interestingly, vitamin D can be formed in the body independently under the influence of the skin sun rays mainly in the ultraviolet spectrum. That is why a moderate stay on the beach results in an increase in physical tone.
Studies have shown that artificial irradiation of weightlifters with ultraviolet light in a solarium leads to an increase in results by 4-5%.

Niacin (vitamin B3)

This vitamin takes part in 60 metabolic processes aimed at extracting energy. In case of acute deficiency of niacin, the body is able to synthesize it on its own from an amino acid called tryptophan. Once upon a time, niacin in the form of the drug “nicotinic acid” was used by professionals on the eve of going on the podium. A loading dose of the drug reveals blood vessels, and therefore the competitor looks more prominent. Niacin should not be taken in large doses (50-100 mg) during pre-competition training. This vitamin blocks and almost completely stops the “burning” of subcutaneous fat.

Vitamin E

High doses of vitamin E are widely used in modern sports during periods of impact training. This is due to the ability of vitamin E to regulate muscle activity, preventing fatigue. At the same time, vitamin E acts as an important regulator of protein metabolism in muscles and affects the normal functioning of field glands. They, in turn, continuously provide the bodybuilder with the most important hormone - testosterone.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A takes part in the process of creating new muscle cells. It is clear that its deficiency can reduce post-workout recovery to zero. Second: vitamin A determines the rate and amount of glycogen formation in the body. Thus, not only muscle density and volume depend on it, but also the bodybuilder’s potential ability for high-intensity, energy-consuming training.
A huge problem is related to the fact that this vitamin is well absorbed only in its natural form. Tablets and capsules help little. However, today, in our age of canned and long-term stored products, you can get daily norm Vitamin A with food is practically impossible. This is due to the fact that vitamin A is easily destroyed in the air, under the influence of sunlight and acids. That is why for a bodybuilder it is necessary to deliberately enrich the diet with products containing increased content vitamin A: liver, cream, cheese, fish oil.

Riboflavin (vitamin B2)

Scientists have noted a strong connection between muscle volume and the absorption of vitamin B2. This is explained by the participation of riboflavin in protein metabolism. Studies have shown that playing any sport causes increased consumption of vitamin B2. In this regard, professional athletes must take it additionally.
Excellent sources of riboflavin are eggs, liver, buckwheat, and oatmeal.

Biotin (vitamin H)

This vitamin plays a huge role in the metabolism of amino acids, as well as in the processes that provide muscles with energy. Often, it is biotin deficiency that causes slow growth of muscle mass. Vitamin deficiency may occur due to the common habit among bodybuilders of eating raw eggs. In the human intestine, biotin binds with another egg white compound, avidan. As a result, a difficult-to-digest compound is formed, which deprives the use of biotin of any meaning.
Although taking raw egg whites is considered more effective among bodybuilders, it should be avoided not only because of the blocking of vitamin H. Raw eggs carry the danger of a severe intestinal disease - salmonellosis.

Cobalamin (vitamin B12)

The main importance of this vitamin for bodybuilders is that it directly affects muscle growth, since it is involved in the processes of protein metabolism and amino acid synthesis. In addition, it activates energy metabolism in the body. It is also important that it supports the vital activity of the nerve cells of the spinal cord, through which the general control of the muscles of the body occurs.
The vitamin is found only in animal products, such as liver, beef, chicken, eggs, cottage cheese, and fish. According to a number of nutritionists, consumption white bread, especially yeast, impairs the absorption of vitamin B12. That’s why bodybuilders are recommended to eat exclusively non-yeasted brown bread, or even switch from bread to cereals.

The most important nutrient in the human body is ascorbic acid(vitamin C). It is an organic substance that is in many ways similar to glucose. Vitamin C is necessary for the normal functioning of connective and bone tissue, participates in metabolic processes and is a powerful antioxidant.

Ascorbic acid in food.

The following foods are richest in ascorbic acid (vitamin C):

  • Citrus fruits;
  • Currant;
  • Rowan;
  • Rose hip;
  • Other vegetables and fruits.

Properties and effects of ascorbic acid

  • Synthesis of collagen, serotonin and catecholamines;
  • Formation of corticosteroids;
  • Restoration of vitamin E;
  • Stimulation of interferon production;
  • Improving iron absorption;
  • Antioxidant function – protection of lipoproteins from oxidation.

Ascorbic acid (vitaminC) in bodybuilding

Vitamin C is involved in protein synthesis and in the formation of new protein structures. In fact, ascorbic acid is a powerful anabolic agent, on which the absorption of consumed substances depends protein. Despite the above properties of vitamin C, athletes should still follow the recommended dosages and not exceed them. In any case, a reasonable approach will bring much more benefits. Along with the anabolic properties of ascorbic acid, its anti-catabolic effect has also been proven, which is expressed in the suppression of the secretion of the hormone cortisol. So the products sports nutrition , containing vitamin C, can be taken before and during training - this will protect your muscles from destruction. By the way, the best option is vitamin-mineral complexes, as well as various isotonic fortified drinks, which not only perfectly quench thirst, but also replenish vital vitamins and microelements.


The daily intake of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is:

  • For adults – 90 mg;
  • For bodybuilding athletes – 100-150 mg.

Among the most important nutrients for the human body, vitamins play a significant role. Being biologically active compounds, they take part in many biochemical processes and perform countless health-promoting functions. One of the fundamental biologically active substances should be called ascorbic acid. This substance is truly vital for each of us. Moreover, in fairness, we note that people experiencing increased physical activity need more vitamin C than ordinary citizens. We are primarily talking about athletes, for whom ascorbic acid is a real “lifesaver.”

General connection properties

Vitamin C is an organic substance related to the most “popular” carbohydrate, namely glucose. This is a water-soluble compound that is not capable of accumulation in tissues. For this reason, firstly, its excess in the internal environment is impossible, and secondly, ascorbic acid must be regularly supplied to the body with food and, if necessary, as part of specific preparations or dietary supplements.

Vitamin C, as mentioned above, is involved in a countless number of reactions and processes occurring in the depths of the human body. It is involved in hematopoiesis, metabolism, in particular, the metabolism of connective and bone tissues, the absorption of iron and, thus, indirectly in the synthesis of hemoglobin. In addition, without vitamin C, the restoration of another vitamin, tocopherol (E), and the formation of interferon, which is important for activating the immune system, cannot be achieved.

One of the main advantages of ascorbic acid is, undoubtedly, its ability to convert “bad” cholesterol into bile acids and remove it in this form outside the body, clearing blood vessels of cholesterol plaques, preventing their appearance on the walls of blood vessels. Of course, we must not forget about the ability of vitamin C as a powerful antioxidant, thanks to which you can achieve skin rejuvenation and protect yourself from possible cancer.

Benefits of Vitamin C for Athletes

Now let's talk directly about the properties of ascorbic acid, which are important for the body of a person who is purposefully and seriously involved in physical culture.

  • The intake of vitamin C into the internal environment of the athlete’s body increases the latter’s endurance due to increased resistance, immunity to various types of bacterial and viral infections. Such an organism adapts faster and without significant problems to increased physical activity.
  • Ascorbic acid is involved in tissue regeneration and collagen protein synthesis. The latter is essentially building material for connective tissue. Collagen, formed under the influence of vitamin C, at an accelerated rate reduces the risk of muscle injuries and at the same time accelerates the process of repair of damaged tissues.
  • The organic compound affects the absorption of protein, and therefore provokes growth muscle mass, helping athletes quickly achieve their desired goal. This effect is enhanced by the reduction, under the influence of vitamin C, of ​​the production of the stress catabolic hormone cortisol and the suppression of the process of peroxidation, which is destructive to muscle tissue, due to which the organic compound helps out those involved in bodybuilding (at the time of drying, it is easier to give the muscles pronounced relief contours).
  • Ascorbic acid is responsible for reducing the likelihood of so-called bronchospasm, often observed in athletes. This term refers to a transient narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, which is observed after or at the time of sports training under the influence of physical activity. In addition, ascorbic acid helps to significantly reduce respiratory symptoms such as wheezing, cough, shortness of breath. Of course, the quality of training also increases significantly due to the improvement in a person’s well-being at the time of exercise.
  • Vitamin C gives athletes excellent athletic performance because it takes part in the formation of steroid hormones. This is especially true for testosterone.
  • Finally, ascorbic acid protects the human body from psycho-emotional overloads that often accompany serious physical training. This is because vitamin C is nothing more than a powerful antidepressant, which won this “title” due to the stimulation of the formation of the “joy hormone” serotonin in the body.

Vitamin C intake standards

Each person must receive a certain amount of a biologically active compound daily for the normal functioning of the vast majority of organ systems and their components. An adult should take up to 90 mg of vitamin C per day. For an athlete, especially a professional one, this amount is not enough - he needs from 100 to 150 mg of the compound per day under conditions of intense exercise. This is particularly true for individuals involved in bodybuilding. By the way, the same norm is prescribed for patients with colds, sore throats, and flu.

There are some deviations from the basic rules in this regard. If an athlete has completed a course of anabolic steroids, his body needs an amount of ascorbic acid equal to 1-2 g. This necessary measure to block cortisol. The maximum allowable daily dose of vitamin C for an athlete is 3000 mg.

Harmful effects of vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is not as safe as it might seem at first glance.

First of all, it threatens the integrity of tooth enamel. Therefore, fruits and berries containing a record amount of ascorbic acid should be consumed more often in the form of juice, using a straw, to protect the surface of the components of the chewing apparatus from destruction. In addition, after eating foods rich in vitamin C, you should rinse thoroughly. oral cavity clean water.

You should not take ascorbic acid in excess of the norm, especially in the spring and autumn. This can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, and in persons who have not previously suffered from such ailments, their appearance, even stomach ulcers. The thing is that vitamin C is, as you know, an acid, and any acid acts as an irritant upon contact with the mucous membrane.

Some studies indicate negative impact organic compound to increase muscle volume. According to experiments, individuals who took vitamin C along with the practice of playing sports ultimately experienced a lower increase in muscle mass than those who did not additionally consume ascorbic acid. But this information requires further verification and new research.

Sources of Vitamin C for Athletes

People involved in physical activity should include foods rich in ascorbic acid in their daily diet. Record holders for the content of organic compounds are dried rose hips, black currants, sweet red peppers, pine needles, sea buckthorn, rowan berries, parsley, cranberries. A lot of vitamin C was also found in garden strawberries, potatoes, fresh tomatoes, cabbage, oranges, lemons, apples, and beef liver.

In addition to products containing a decent amount of biologically active substances, athletes can take special drugs: calcium ascorbate and sodium ascorbate. The first has no taste and contains calcium. To obtain the second, “ascorbic acid” is mixed with baking soda. The drugs mentioned above are salts and do not have any side effects on the athlete’s body.

Ponomarenko Nadezhda

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My respect, dear readers and visitors of the project! It just so happens that the topic that we will discuss today - vitamins in bodybuilding and fitness - is often ignored and not given due attention, but in vain. After all, vitamins help an athlete improve the quality of his training and, in general, raise physical and emotional activity to a new level.

I will try to tell you in as much detail as possible about vitamins, namely: what they are, the functions that are assigned to them, what you need to include in your diet in order to increase their level in the body, and we will also look at the pharmaceutical and practical side.

In general, let’s not ramble on for too long, let’s start our review and let’s go...

Vitamins in bodybuilding: why they pay little attention

We all know very well (and I have said many times in my previous articles) about such nutritional nutrients as, and. The first ones build muscles, the second ones are stored in the form of depots, the third ones provide energy to the body for its life. But not everyone knows that the efficiency and completeness of assimilation of food components depends on micro-catalysts such as vitamins and minerals. This, in turn, often gives rise to such a phenomenon as a lack of microelements in the body and, as a result, inhibition of recovery processes and hypertrophy of muscle fibers. The whole point lies in the fact that sometimes these vitamins are not enough due to the fact that, out of ignorance, a person simply consumes the wrong foods, i.e. in his food pyramid, similar food components are given the very last (top side, near the aisle:)) place.

Well, let's figure out why vitamins in bodybuilding should play an important role and, in general, what are the benefits of them.

So, vitamins (from Latin vita - “life”)– these are nutritional components of food, biologically active organic compounds that are vital for our body to maintain its vital functions. They are not synthesized by the body and come from outside, i.e. with food or as supplements.


Avitaminosis is a lack of vitamins. It makes itself felt most actively during spring, when the body, after winter “hibernation,” experiences an acute deficiency in “vital amines,” and there is nowhere to get them yet.

Vitamins in bodybuilding: main functions

The main functions of vitamins are:

  • the launch of biochemical reactions on which the growth and preservation of muscles depends - i.e. these are catalysts for hypertrophy processes;
  • regulation of metabolic processes (metabolism);
  • assistance in energy synthesis;
  • regulation of neuromuscular activity
  • protecting cells from destruction.
  • strengthening the bone frame.

The role of vitamins is underestimated by many beginning (and not only) athletes, but meanwhile, these micronutrients significantly increase the activity of enzymes involved in the biochemical processes of protein synthesis (no, well, I wrapped it up :)). In addition, without them you simply will not be able to build high-quality muscles, because all the macronutrients supplied with food will simply lie as “dead” weight in the body. Those. no processes of transformation of these substances into active building elements will occur.


There is a disease called osteoporosis - when the bones become thinner and, as a result, muscle mass decreases. This all happens due to a deficiency in the body of a certain group of vitamins.

Because almost all men (and sometimes some of the fair sex) If you are interested in the growth of muscle mass, you must remember that any process of hypertrophy is accompanied by the release of energy, and it (in turn) is “tied” to vitamins. They are also involved in the formation of contractile protein.

Total vitamins 13, and according to the nature of assimilation they are classified into:

  • fat-soluble(A,D,E,K) ;
  • water soluble (B and C);

Fat-soluble vitamins do not always require daily intake, therefore, if their reserves are in sufficient quantities, the body will simply take them from its “stash” and put them to work. Can accumulate in body tissues (mainly liver) with a cumulative effect – i.e. to a toxic dose.

Water-soluble vitamins are compounds from the B complex (B1, B2, B3, etc.), as well as folic/pantothenic acids and biotin. They are practically insoluble in fats (but good in water) and do not accumulate in the body (except B12), their excesses are excreted in the urine. The dosage of these vitamins is significantly higher than fat-soluble ones.

Man is a walking “hydraulic structure” and, because... Since his muscle cells are mainly composed of water, it turns out that the greater the weight of the athlete, the more vitamins can be dissolved in his muscle tissue. Thus, there is a deficiency of these micronutrients in other tissues, which tells us about the increased need for water-soluble vitamins compared to ordinary people.

Vitamins in bodybuilding: where they are found and what functions they perform

Let's take a closer look at each specific type and look at what they are needed for and what functions they perform, what products they contain, and other miscellaneous things. A pivot table will help us understand this more clearly.


I will try not to overload you with all sorts of abstruse terms, but to give only practical and applicable information in life.

So, water-soluble vitamins.

For fat-soluble vitamins, the table looks like this: (see image, clickable).

It is worth saying that Mother Nature ordered it this way - our body is not capable of (or capable, but to a very small extent quantities) to synthesize the vitamins he needs, but is only able to obtain them from food or in the form of medications and nutritional supplements.

And because water-soluble vitamins are not stored for future use (as opposed to fat soluble), then it is extremely important to correctly approach their dosage and the correct percentage in your own. And these tables can easily help you with this. Based on them, you can adjust your diet according to the ratio of vitamins and find out which “life amines” are missing and which ones are in excess.


The need for vitamins increases on average 1,5-2 times among people leading an active lifestyle, and these are: athletes, bodybuilders, fitness ladies and young mothers.

In general, by analyzing the data in the table, we can conclude that your diet should definitely include the following products:

  • milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, eggs;
  • grain bread, bran (wheat, rice); cereal porridge;
  • liver, sea ​​fish, seafood (mussels, squid); lean poultry meat;
  • legumes (lentils, beans), seeds (pumpkin, etc.) nuts; oils (fish fat, flaxseed, mustard);
  • citrus (grapefruits, oranges), berries (raspberries, currants, rose hips), greenery (celery, cilantro).

By including or increasing the dosage of the above products, you will feel a powerful surge of strength, and working weights and heavy endurance workouts will be much easier.

Now let's talk about the practical side of using vitamins, namely...

Vitamins in bodybuilding: what to choose at the pharmacy

It is necessary to constantly adjust the percentage of vitamins consumed, for example, if carbohydrates predominate in the diet, then increased consumption of vitamin B1 is required, but if the main components are proteins of plant origin, then attention should be paid to vitamin PP (B3).

The most effective method Vitamin consumption in bodybuilding is considered combined, i.e. when a combination occurs, the interaction of individual vitamins occurs, and the phenomenon of synergy occurs (increasing positive effect). For example, the following combination of vitamins allows you to achieve synergy:

  • B1, B2 and PP;
  • B12, B6 and C;
  • B1, B2, B6 and C;
  • S and R.

Now I want you to remember something. In general, it is generally accepted that fruits contain more vitamins than animal products, but this is not the case, and to confirm my words, I suggest you read the following table (see image).

Values ​​close to the norm for an athlete training with weights are highlighted in blue.

Analyzing this table, we can conclude that beef/pork liver has the richest content of vitamins, and not some fruits. They are only ahead of animal products in terms of vitamin C content, but this is far from the only essential vitamin, Truth?

When people talk about vitamins in bodybuilding, they most often mean special vitamin-mineral complexes or pharmaceutical drugs in its purest form. That's what we'll talk about in more detail.

Vitamins for bodybuilding: inexpensive options

At the initial stage (up to 1 year) of classes in gym You should minimize or even limit your body’s exposure to various types of chemistry. As for vitamins, you should pay attention to pharmaceutical and canned preparations. Let's look at the most popular ones (monetarily affordable) vitamins and their complexes, which can be found in any pharmacy.

So, first in line is...

Complivit(price 150 R)

Although it is written in black and white on the packaging that this drug is intended for children aged from 7 before 12 years, yet in the description you can find the following line: “used to increase the body’s resistance during increased physical activity and with regular exercise." Therefore, this complex can be used as vitamin supplement when exercising with weights.

Alphabet effect(price 180 R)

Positioned by the manufacturer as a vitamin and mineral complex intended for people with high physical activity. Distinctive feature is a partition into 3 tablets: morning, afternoon and evening doses (just like in the Matrix, only they added a “spare tire” :)). This approach is due to their gradual order of assimilation.

Vitrum Performance(price 500 R)

Very often found in pharmacies. According to its intended purpose, it belongs to a multivitamin complex used during prolonged mental and physical stress - and this is exactly our case.

(price 400 R)

It contains components such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids and ginseng extract. Direct purpose – use under high physical and mental stress in order to increase endurance, performance and concentration.

Gerimaks Energy(price from 250 R)

Contains ginseng root and green tea. Also intended for athletes experiencing severe physical activity.

Undevit(price from 30 R)

The most famous and cheapest of those presented. Contains 11 vitamins that 1 less than in Complivit. The manufacturer is not positioning it as a complex for athletes, but it is very often used by the latter.

Vitamin standards for athletes during intense and strength training

Now let's compare the intake of vitamins for athletes during intense and strength training (see image).


Fill colors: 1) red – ideal ratio; 2) yellow – composition very close to normal; 3) green – close to normal; 4) no filling - there is not enough vitamin.

Judging by the results of the table, the cheap "Undevit" in its composition is practically in no way inferior to its more expensive analogues (Gerimaks and Dynamisan). In terms of composition and consumption rate, Vitrum takes honorable first place, followed by Undevit and bronze by Alphabet Effect. This is followed by “Gerimaks”, “Dynamizan” and “Complivit” trails behind.

Thus, Vitrum Performance may be the best pharmacy option for a novice bodybuilder. Well, if the “toad” is pressing here too (:)), then “Undevit” is in your mouth and off to training! Of course, the latter will not provide you with all the necessary components, but still the price for someone can play a decisive role, and the latter is at least 16 times less (in comparison with the same Vitrum). With the money saved, you can “stock up” on the same ascorbic acid with glucose and all sorts of vitamins.

Yes, “Undevit” is not a universal vitamin and you need to add a handful of different ones on top, but for some this may be quite an option. So see for yourself, my job is to tell, your job is to take note and draw conclusions.

Actually, that’s all about vitamins for today, let’s say goodbye.


So, what would I like to say in conclusion?

Vitamins play a very significant role in bodybuilding, much larger than many people give them credit for. Of course, a balanced diet of food is the main, but not the only way to obtain all the required vitamins; it is also necessary to resort to special vitamin-mineral complexes and supplements.

So take extra vitamins, and your strength indicators and muscle volume will not keep you waiting! All the best, I was pleased that you spent this time on the pages of the “ ” project, see you again!

PS. As always, comments are welcome, so share your thoughts about vitamins, the usefulness of the article, and other miscellaneous things.

Ascorbic acid is an essential nutrient for every person. Vitamin C regulates many functions and processes in the body, is involved in the metabolism of amino acids and is safe due to the rapid release of excess amounts of the substance from the body in the urine.

Effects of taking vitamin C:

Ascorbic acid has the following positive effects on the body:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • accelerates the recovery of muscle tissue;
  • keeps testosterone levels high in men;
  • enhances liver functions;
  • stimulates the synthesis of collagen, serotonin and catecholamines;
  • restores vitamin E;
  • stimulates the production of interferon;
  • promotes healing of wounds and cuts;
  • promotes speedy recovery from damage to bones, cartilage and teeth;
  • assists in the formation of steroid hormones;
  • improves iron absorption.

Vitamin C Every person needs it to strengthen the immune system and normalize blood pressure, in addition, ascorbic acid is an excellent antidepressant and gives energy for the whole day. Used to regulate recovery processes, proper functioning of connective tissue and stimulation of muscle tissue anabolism. The substance is an antioxidant, protects lipoproteins from oxidation, cells from damage and increases the rate of their recovery.

Ascorbic acid in sports:

In bodybuilding, ascorbic acid is used to improve the absorption of dietary protein and the further production of protein structures in muscle tissue. In reasonable quantities, vitamin C stimulates muscle anabolism, which speeds up the process of creating new cells and muscle fibers and leads to muscle growth.

The substance is often used at the end of a course of anabolic steroids to suppress the release of cortisol and slow down the process of oxidative degradation of lipids due to its anti-catabolic effect. The substance reduces catabolic processes and protects muscles from destruction, so it is recommended to use it for post-cycle therapy.

Ascorbic acid deficiency:

Vitamin C is not able to accumulate in the human body, so it is necessary to constantly replenish its reserves to improve metabolism and absorption of useful elements.

A lack of vitamin C in the body can be recognized for a number of reasons:

  • dry and split ends;
  • weakened tooth enamel;
  • inflammation and bleeding of gums;
  • decreased immunity;
  • rough and flaky skin;
  • weight gain as a result of inhibition of metabolism;
  • long healing of wounds;
  • swelling and pain in the joints.

If you notice symptoms of ascorbic acid deficiency, it is important to seek help from a doctor and undergo a full medical examination to prevent other negative consequences and discussions of treatment options.

Doses and regimen:

Numerous studies have determined the optimal daily dose of vitamin C for humans. different ages, for example, people who have reached adulthood need to take 75-85 milligrams of the substance per day for the proper functioning of the body. Athletes especially need vitamin C due to their high activity during training and should consume at least 150 mg of the substance per day.

Bodybuilders and powerlifters often increase this to 2,000 milligrams for training large quantity collagen, which is the main component of connective tissue and reduces the risk of injury during strength training, or up to 3000 mg per day to block cortisol at the end of a course of anabolic steroids or during a cold.

Sources of Vitamin C:

Ascorbic acid is found in many foods and enters the body during meals, but this is not enough when playing sports, so athletes make up for the lack of the substance with the help of special tablets or injections. The most popular sources of vitamin C include: melon, broccoli, cauliflower, watermelon, pineapple, mango, tomato, strawberry, pepper and many other berries, fruits and vegetables. It is not advisable to take large doses of vitamin tablets on an empty stomach to avoid stomach upset.

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