Household chemicals that should never be mixed with each other. What household chemicals should never be mixed with each other? What substances should not be mixed

If you use several cleaning products at the same time, this can lead to unpleasant consequences. Read what combinations should never be used.

Chlorine bleach + vinegar

The compound produces toxic chlorine gas. Even in small quantities it causes coughing, breathing problems and watery eyes.

Hydrogen peroxide + vinegar

Mixing peroxide and vinegar leads to the formation of acetyl hydroperoxide, which provokes irritation of the skin, mucous membranes and respiratory system.

Alkaline agents + acids

Acids and alkalis can react violently with each other, presenting an explosion hazard. They can also leave chemical burns.

Bleach + ammonia

Ammonia is often found in window cleaners, so do not combine them with products that contain chlorine. Otherwise, the toxic gas chloramine will be formed as a result of mixing. It causes breathing problems and chest pain.

Bleach + alcohol

If you combine these agents, you get the same chloroform from the movies. Remember: a combination of alcohol and chlorine-containing products can easily cause headache and dizziness. Bleach can only be mixed with water.

Different brands of the same product

Do not use cleaners from different manufacturers together. They may experience uncontrollable reactions, release toxins, or simply become ineffective.

There are many on the Internet useful tips on cleaning the house with homemade products.

They literally prophesy amazing results quickly, cheaply and effectively. However, not all homemade remedies are really useful, and many of them are even dangerous to health.

If the hands and respiratory system remain intact, then the surfaces being treated are not a fact. We propose to debunk the most popular myths.

1. Combination of bleach and ammonia

Let's leave chemical experiments for laboratories, they have no place in the house.

Ammonia and any type of bleach are components that definitely should not be combined. Even a little bit. In any case, the experiment will be unfavorable for health. Bleach and ammonia tend to produce toxic gases. Inhaling such fumes can harm the body's respiratory system. In addition, increased concentrations of ammonia and chloramines contained in bleach can lead to explosive reactions. Don't risk your health.

2. What happens if you combine baking soda and vinegar?

It is better not to use tips that have not been properly tested for cleaning.

Many modern articles on the Internet recklessly and groundlessly advise creating a mixture of baking soda and vinegar, which supposedly will work wonders for cleaning. No, it definitely won't. Separately, these two products are good for removing heavily soiled areas and plaque, but together they are practically useless, and sometimes even dangerous. Sodium bicarbonate is a weak compound, and vinegar is an acid that breaks it down. When connected, they have the ability to neutralize each other. Mixing these ingredients in small, closed containers may result in an explosion or toxic fumes if opened.

3. Vinegar and bleach do not mix well.

Vinegar and bleach are effective separately, but together they do not promise anything good.

For cleaning and cleaning many surfaces in the house, vinegar is the best inexpensive and effective remedy. But mixing it with bleach is a worse idea. This dangerous combination evaporates acid gases, which are very harmful to the respiratory tract and lungs, and also literally corrode the eyes. Such cleaning will cost more if you take into account the costs of medications and visits to the doctor.

4. Who wins: vinegar and hydrogen peroxide

A horrifyingly dangerous mixture that will do no good.

If you combine hydrogen peroxide and vinegar, you get peroxyacetic, or sucacetic, acid. Such a chemical product in high concentration has a strong irritating effect on many human organs: it corrodes the skin, cuts and stings the eyes, nose, throat and harms the lungs. No cleaning is worth such sacrifices; it is better to use a proven store-bought product or choose a different mixture.

5. Alcohol and bleach are a bad pair.

Only someone inexperienced in housekeeping and chemistry can advise combining bleach and alcohol.

Knowledge of chemistry is extremely important when you are trying to combine any components into one powerful cleaning product. A striking example of lack of awareness is the advice to combine bleach and drinks containing a high percentage of alcohol. This combination produces chloroform and hydrochloric acid. Even if you just inhale a few times, unpleasant symptoms such as dizziness and even fainting immediately appear. When these chemical substances together, they can damage many internal organs person: nervous system, lungs, liver, kidneys and skin.

6. Cleaning products from different manufacturers

It is very difficult to predict the reaction in cleaning products.

How many of us have sufficient knowledge of chemistry to predict how certain ingredients will interact? Therefore, it is better to always avoid combining several cleaning products, especially those with different purposes. Of course, you can read on the label what they consist of, but is it worth the risk for a dubious effect?

7. Bleach and products for other surfaces

Bleach does not tolerate proximity to any other products. It's better not to take risks.

It's best not to mix bleach with any cleaning products. Especially with products that are intended for other purposes. These include, for example, dishwashing detergents, furniture polishes and glass cleaners. All such combinations cause the release of chlorine gases, which are harmful to the respiratory tract and our eyes.

Have you started cleaning and just can’t get rid of the stubborn dirt? In such situations, you just want to attack the stain with a “stronger” product so that not a trace of contamination remains. For example, mix cleaning products with different mechanisms of action. It seems that in this way we will increase their effectiveness and the stains will come off in one or two seconds! However, don’t rush to play “chemists”!

Note to housewives

  • Be aware that many cleaning products that can be safely used separately, when mixed, can enter into a chemical reaction with dire consequences for your health;
  • Remember, even if the resulting mixture turns out to be not too toxic or dangerous, it can damage the surface of the furniture or objects that you try to clean.

1. Hydrogen peroxide and vinegar

Hydrogen peroxide and vinegar are used to disinfect kitchen surfaces and utensils. Typically, these liquid products are sprayed onto contaminated objects and surfaces using a spray bottle. Vegetables and fruits are processed in a similar way - this way you can extend their shelf life. Both products perform their functions well. However, they should only be used separately from each other!

If both of these products are mixed in one container, peracetic acid is formed - a toxic substance that can cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract.

2. Baking soda and vinegar

Separated from each other, these products cope very effectively with various contaminants, but mixing them will lead to the exact opposite result. The fact is that soda is alkaline, and vinegar is acidic. By combining them, you get water and sodium acetate. We can say that it will be practically just water, which means the product will be stupid, although safe.

All-purpose cleaner. Cleans literally everything - from a spoon to a bathtub!

3. Two different means for clearing clogged pipes

Such products have a very powerful cleansing formula, and mixing them, especially in large quantities may also lead to an explosive situation. Cleaning agents for removing blockages in pipes should not only not be mixed, but also not be used one after the other. Use only one selected product according to the instructions. Usually half a bottle is enough.

If the blockage cannot be cleared, do not pour another pipe cleaner into the drain hole, but take the trouble to call a plumber.

4. Chlorine bleach and vinegar

The desire to “kill germs outright” may lead you to think about creating a powerful disinfectant using bleach and vinegar. However, we kindly ask you to refrain from such an experiment!

When these agents are mixed, chlorine gas is released, which, even in small concentrations, can cause coughing, difficulty breathing, burning in the eyes and lacrimation. By the way, chlorine is also called asphyxiant gas and is used for gas attacks.

5. Chlorine bleach and ammonia

It might not be a good idea to mix chlorine bleach with ammonia either. Together they form chloramine gas. Poisoning with this gas causes similar symptoms as in the case of chlorine.

By the way, ammonia is included in many glass cleaners, so be extremely careful - keep such products tightly closed and away from chlorine bleaches.

6. Chlorine bleach and rubbing alcohol

Have you heard of chloroform? Yes, yes, the same one that kidnappers use in movies to “knock out” their victims? Well, most likely, you have already realized that you should not mix chlorine bleach and alcohol. You may not die, but you will experience severe irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as impaired respiratory and cardiac functions.
Never mix chlorine bleach with anything other than plain water!

Use purchased cleaning products strictly according to the instructions, and under no circumstances mix one with the other! Then your home and your health will be in perfect order. We wish you effective and safe cleaning, cleanliness and comfort in your home!

20 07.18

What fertilizers cannot be mixed?


Do not forget that all fertilizers cannot easily interact with each other. Since they contain chemical elements, which can neutralize the effect of each other, which can negatively affect the earth.

Every experienced gardener knows that it is not recommended to feed plants with fertilizers individually. To get a rich harvest in the fall, they should be mixed thoroughly. Before storing them for a long time and prepare for application, it is recommended to adhere to some simple conditions so that there are no serious problems in the future.

What rules exist

  1. The fertilizer must be stored in a separate container and have a label with the name. Children and animals should not be allowed to touch them;
  2. Fertilizers should only be kept in a dry room, since many types have the ability to dissolve;
  3. Before you add them to the soil, you need to inspect it. If it has caked and turned into lumps, you should knead it or break it with a hammer, and if it is wet, dry it well.

When combining different types of fertilizers, it is advisable to adhere to certain conditions, since if done incorrectly, it is possible to lose a lot useful substances. After all, they have the ability to evaporate, and some simply turn into a form that will be practically insoluble.

What errors may occur

Most even experienced gardeners can make stupid mistakes when applying fertilizer.

The main condition is the introduction of various mineral fertilizers into the ground, distributing them in equal amounts throughout the entire area. It is also recommended to dig it in immediately, and it is important to take into account the quality of the soil mixture.

For example, the beneficial substances of fertilizers will be perfectly absorbed and fixed on clay and heavy soils. Since they will advance throughout the entire earth quite slowly, their loss will not be great. But if the soil is sandy loam or sandy, fertilizers will be very weakly fixed and absorbed. But on the other hand, progress across the entire piece of land will be much faster, which can lead to huge losses of useful substances. Most often this happens in regions where the humidity is very high.

The answer is simple - it's dangerous. Of course, you won’t get your head blown off if you squeeze paste from different tubes onto the bristles of your toothbrush, but as for cleaning and cleaning products, especially aggressive and potent ones, there is no detailed knowledge and understanding chemical composition It's better not to experiment. A potential reaction could cause harm to health and property damage.

Potential Hazards

Mixing chemicals by non-professionals risks creating explosive, flammable and toxic substances that can make a healthy adult not only feel sick, but maim and kill.

Don't want to fall victim to the love of cleanliness? Do not mix cleaning products and follow the instructions on the packaging, both regarding the use of the substances and the conditions necessary for proper storage.

Substances in the mixture are capable of exploding, flaming, foaming indefinitely, splashing a corrosive composition on people, animals, plants and furnishings, as well as forming extremely dangerous fumes that primarily damage the organs of vision and mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, and then everything else in the body .

What is incompatible with what?

Adding bleach to anything other than water is a very bad idea.

So what happens if you accidentally make a mixture involving the above substance?

  • Combining bleach with furniture polish, window cleaner, oven cleaner, or anything else containing ammonia can create chloramine vapors, which cause symptoms such as nausea, coughing, shortness of breath, and even pneumonia.
  • You should also avoid mixing bleach with vinegar. While the combination may seem promising in effectiveness, what you get is not disinfection, but chlorine gas, which will cause your eyes and nasopharynx to burn, can ignite in the presence of fire sources or intense heat, and will also cause these problems to your neighbors. In such cases, it comes to the evacuation of residents by rescuers.
  • Combining alcohol-containing compounds with chloride compounds is another bad idea. A mixture of these two substances will generate hydrochloric acid and chloroform; too much concentration of the latter in the air will cause you to lose consciousness and can even kill. Hydrochloric acid can cause serious chemical burns.

Other products that should be avoided when mixed are hydrogen peroxide and vinegar, which together become a toxic product that can cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory system.

It is also better to keep baking soda and vinegar at a distance from each other or use it with extreme caution and caution - when mixed, the baking powder begins to foam, and if the reaction occurs under storage conditions in a closed container, the composition will at some point become capable of exploding.

Have you ever experienced an unexpected chemical reaction from household products? If so, how did you manage to deal with it?

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