What you need for a trip to the sea. A complete list of things for a summer vacation. What to wear for a child at sea

According to researchers, time spent traveling reduces a person's age. The thirst for learning something new always leads to a rejuvenating effect. All kinds of tourist programs, hikes and excursions relieve you of routine and everyday life, broaden your horizons, help you make new friends and acquaintances, and renew your taste for life. In anticipation of a vacation, you want to quickly put aside boring things, forget about everyday life, arrange a holiday for yourself and go somewhere to the ends of the world - to the sun, sea and palm trees.

Parting words

To ensure that your future journey does not transform into a test of the strength of the body and the strength of the nerves, you should be well prepared, because any road is stress for the body. Let's try to figure out what to take with us on a trip. The list of things for the trip can be very large, so we select only the most necessary ones. Everything else can be purchased on the road for money.

Holidays with a baby

If you are planning to go on a trip with your small child, do not forget that vacationing with your baby is very different from traveling alone, because how comfortable he will feel on the trip depends primarily on you. It should be remembered that children do not like to sit for a long time in a cafe or lie on the beach, or long car trips - they are much more interested in moving and playing. What to take with you? The list of what to take on a trip with a child depends on the age of the child and the place where you are going with him. If the child is small, then first of all you need to take diapers and food that is usual for your child, even if the food can be bought on the spot. When deciding what to take on a trip to the sea, don’t forget about panama hats and sunscreen for your baby’s delicate skin, as well as the usual baby cream. Small child He will feel more comfortable if he has his favorite toy with him.

List of things to pack for a trip with a baby

If you are planning to travel with a baby, here is a list of what you need to take on your trip for your baby:

  1. Documentation.
  2. Swimsuit or swimming trunks, as hotels do not allow children to be naked in the pool.
  3. Bottles, spoons, closed plastic containers so you can take food while going to the beach or for walks.
  4. Bibs.
  5. Water for drinking.
  6. Cream with a sun protection factor of at least 30.
  7. Pampers, several diapers.
  8. Wet wipes in large quantities.
  9. Swimming circle, sleeves.
  10. Beach towels if not provided by the hotel.
  11. Clothes, hats, shoes.
  12. Medicines.
  13. Baby soap and shampoo.
  14. Pot.
  15. A camera or video camera to capture interesting moments, as well as charging device to them.

Another one necessary thing on the list of what to take on a trip to the sea is an inflatable pool. It is indispensable on the beach when the sea water is still too cool or when the sea is stormy. The water in it will quickly warm up, and the baby will be able to splash around, launch ducks and boats. And parents will receive a temporary respite, without, of course, letting their child out of sight.

When going on a trip with a child, parents always hope that he will improve his health, learn a lot of new things, and get vivid impressions. This is only possible if you think everything through in advance. To avoid losing sight of your child in a crowded place, dress him in bright clothes. Buy a small trolley suitcase on wheels or a small backpack for your baby where he can put his toys, books or sweets. Having your own baggage develops a child’s sense of responsibility.

What to do with your child on the road

To prevent their child from getting bored on the road, parents often wonder what to take on a train trip. Before your trip, buy: cardboard books, construction sets, magnets, a small drawing board, multi-colored pens or pencils. The main thing is that they are interesting to the baby, do not fall apart and do not get lost in transport.

In addition to new toys, you need to take one or two of the usual ones that the baby loves. Another component of luggage is treats and always a bottle of drinking water. All kids love bright and rustling objects. Unwinding wrapping bags is a fun activity for a child. A very necessary thing on a trip is wet wipes: children love to take them out and wipe everything they see.

First aid kit for the road

If you have a long trip to a previously unfamiliar country, it is better to prepare medications in advance, before the trip. The first aid kit will not take up much space, but everything you need will always be at hand. Listed below are medications in case of any unusual situation. The list of what to take with you on a trip, what to leave behind is up to you, depending on the place where you are going.

  1. Medicines for treating abrasions and wounds: bandage, plaster, iodine or brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide.
  2. To neutralize insect bites, you should take psilo-balm. For sprains and bruises, fastum gel is useful.
  3. To free yourself from nervous feelings and heart pain, you should take validol on the road. In addition, validol dissolved in water will help with itchy skin.
  4. Remedies for fever and headache based on aspirin and paracetamol are required.
  5. In case of allergies, the first aid kit should have “Suprastin”, “Lorantadine”, “Agistam”. Anti-inflammatory medications such as Strepsils, Falimint, Sebidin will be needed if you have a sore throat.
  6. "Guttalax", "Regulax", "Bisacodyl" are types of laxatives.
  7. "Enterosgel", "Imodium", "Loperamide" are fixative medications that will support the intestines when changing drinking water.
  8. Enzyme-based products that help prevent overeating: Mezim-Forte, Festal.
  9. Phosphalugel will save you from heartburn.

Personal hygiene items are also required when traveling.

You should not take antibiotics with you on the road, as they cannot be taken without examination and a doctor’s recommendation.

Road beautician

Your cosmetic bag should contain the required minimum. Here is a list of what to take with you on your trip.

  1. Shampoo with conditioner, preferably in single packages.
  2. For a beach holiday, you need sunscreen with SPF, preferably with different levels of protection.
  3. Moisturizing cream.
  4. Hygienic lipstick.
  5. Shower gel.
  6. Foot gel with refreshing ingredients.
  7. Unscented antiperspirant deodorant.
  8. Alcohol-free wet wipes.
  9. Refreshing tonic.
  10. From decorative cosmetics: makeup foundation, lipstick - blush, lip and eye pencil, water-repellent mascara.

What clothes should I take with me?

Travel wardrobe largely depends on the purpose of the trip and the destination, but it should always be convenient and comfortable during the trip.

Here is a minimal list of what to take on a trip abroad, what you will need in a foreign country.

  1. 2-3 swimsuits (one for the beach, one for the pool).
  2. Light dress or sundress.
  3. Linen trousers or a suit made of light fabric.
  4. 2-3 T-shirts, shorts.
  5. A skirt below the knees, a blouse or a closed dress - if the tour includes a visit to churches, monasteries or museums.
  6. An evening dress or suit - these will be needed on sea cruises, where special events are often held.
  7. Jeans, light sweater natural fabric.
  8. A windbreaker, a warm wool sweater and sports shoes - for hiking in the mountains.
  9. Comfortable shoes for walking.
  10. Hat, Panama or cap, sunglasses.

Necessary things on the train

When going by train, we collect the things that we need to take on the trip according to the list: a change of shoes and clothes, a towel, soap, a comb, wet wipes, toilet paper, toothpaste and brush should always be at hand. It would be good if they were in a separate package. On a long train journey, you should take flip-flops or slippers, this will make the ride more comfortable. What else should you take with you on your trip? The list will be complemented by an MP3 player, which will perfectly help pass the time on a trip if you download a lot of your favorite songs, but before the trip you need to recharge it or take a replacement battery. For those who like to read, it would be ideal eBook, it will be a great help on the road, as it takes up very little space, and it is convenient and comfortable to read.

Food on the road

Among the products you should not take those that have a very persistent smell that can be smelled by the entire carriage. Also, do not buy products that are too greasy or crumbly, so as not to stain your clothes and litter around you. It is better to give up sweet soda, it does not quench your thirst well, a bottle of clean drinking water without gases is the best option on the road. You can buy yoghurts and curds for the trip, but you need to eat them on the first day of the trip. Various flatbreads, buns, pita bread, baked pies are perfect for satisfying hunger, especially if they are made with apples, cabbage or jam. You can stock up on crackers, cookies, and gingerbread, which are perfect for tea. You don’t have to worry about the calorie content of foods; your body spends much more calories on a trip than it consumes. If you love cheese, it is better to take it in individual packaging. You can also take muesli, dried fruits, tea or coffee bags, nuts, fruits, candied fruits.

Let's go on a camping trip

Summer is a great time to travel. Many people go to conquer mountain peaks or enjoy the beautiful summer landscapes. For tourists who prefer active recreation, with a backpack on their back and spending the night in tents, a special list of things is needed. In order for the hike to be successful and without surprises, there must be a map of exactly the route that needs to be taken. It is better if it is 500 meters (1 cm = 500 m). With it you can find your way around the area, find springs and places to spend the night. You can't go hiking in new shoes. Otherwise, swelling of the legs and calluses will appear. Shoes need to be chosen in your size only with a reserve for warm socks. Sandals are suitable for changing shoes. You can wear them in camp or walk on flat terrain. All clothing should be carried in a waterproof bag to protect it from moisture.

Required Items

A mug, spoon, bowl, knife - you can’t do without them on a hike. The tent must be waterproof and windproof to withstand heavy rain and strong winds. The tent must consist of two awnings, the upper awning is waterproof. The bottom one is a mosquito net with a waterproof bottom. On any hike, a flashlight is simply necessary; being away from civilization and electricity, you can’t do without it. In addition, you need to take with you: adhesive tape or electrical tape, a needle and thread, lacing and ropes, a folding knife. With their help you can repair any thing or object.

When planning a trip, of course, you should make a detailed list of what to take on a trip for a week or more long time, but the most important thing is not to forget to take with you a sense of humor and good mood, and then any trip will only be a joy.

What to take to the sea?
It seems that this skirt, and those slippers, and that disk are vitally important on a trip. As a result, the suitcase swells to enormous sizes and does not close.
Minimum things needed!

Not forget!!!
Passport (foreign passport), tickets, insurance, hotel reservation (trip, voucher), money, credit cards. Make sure that your passport contains a visa (for traveling abroad) and that your insurance covers all events that may occur. It is also worth stocking up on the address and phone numbers of the embassy if you are going on vacation to another country.

List by category.

1. Items of clothing and footwear:
- a couple of changes of underwear
- swimsuit (2)
- skirt/shorts (2 pcs.)
- T-shirt, T-shirt, top (2-3 pcs.) and a tank top (T-shirt) with long sleeves (1 pc.)
- jeans and trousers made of light fabric
- sweater (in case of cold weather)
- socks (2 pairs)

Think about where you will go.
If there are any evening activities planned (clubs, parties), take something for them.
For such exits, you should not take half the cabinet. A pair of bright blouses (or an evening top) that will harmonize well with existing skirts or trousers, as well as spectacular jewelry, will be enough. For men, it seems to me that there is no need to take anything special. Jeans, a light shirt or T-shirt are the best look for a beach party.
If you have the desire and space in your suitcase, you can add beautiful sandals for evening outings to a disco or bar.

Shoes to take with you to the sea:
- beach shoes (flip-flops or flip-flops or sandals)
- light shoes for outdoors and excursions

2. Hygiene products:
- Toothbrush
- soap
- shower gel/shampoo
- towel, one large and one medium
- sanitary pads or tampons
- wipes, regular and wet
- shaving products

3. Cosmetics:
- decorative cosmetics (it is better to take waterproof ones and you don’t need to take a lot of decorative cosmetics, in the heat it only prevents the skin from breathing).
- creams before, from, for, after tanning
- milk or cream to moisturize the skin

4. Miscellaneous:
- camera/video camera
- telephone
- chargers for the above
- Sunglasses
- headdress
- Beach bag
- travel wallet
- comb
- hair accessories

What to take with you to the sea from medicines
A first aid kit with a minimum set should also be at hand, especially in exotic places.
The required set includes:
- band-aid (excursions always involve a lot of walking)
- headache tablets
- cotton wool and bandages
- Activated carbon
- hydrogen peroxide
- from diarrhea
And, of course, if you are allergic to something or have any diseases, take medicine for them as well.

So let's get down to business. We sort things in this way (each item has its own bag): shoes, underwear, wrinkled items, wrinkle-free items, trousers (fold along the seam and in half twice).
We choose a container - a suitcase or a travel bag.

At the bottom there are shoes, in the gaps between them there are socks and underwear, rolled into rollers, then those gadgets that are not included in hand luggage and will not be needed to our destination. All remaining items, except trousers, are folded in a stack in an unfolded form so that those that wrinkle are separated by two or three items of clothing that do not wrinkle (the shirts will thus end up in the middle). The filling of this unique sandwich will be trousers. Now all that remains is to cross the sleeves at the front, fold the entire structure in half and put it in the suitcase.

On the side there will be space for a travel bag (French necessaire, literally - necessary), 1) a travel case or a small suitcase with toiletries. 2) A box with a set of accessories for needlework or sewing), which must be placed so that it is easy to use when necessary.

The holiday season begins, and once again the question is perplexing: what clothes to take to the sea? Almost every time, returning from the sea and unpacking our suitcase, we notice that many things were never worn. That is, they were not useful, but they added weight to the enormous suitcase.

Today, together with the online magazine Korolevnam.ru, we will try to figure out how to reduce the size of your suitcase to a completely acceptable size.

First, before you start packing, think about the type of vacation you are planning. Some people love a relaxing beach holiday, some love fun parties and clubs, and others cannot imagine a vacation without educational excursions. For all these purposes, the set of clothes will be different.

Minimum set of clothes for a vacationer

Still, despite the purpose of the trip, the basis of your wardrobe will consist of several things:

- swimsuit. A vacation at sea, after all! And to worry less about whether your swimsuit will dry or not, take a couple with you (how to choose a swimsuit, read). If this is not enough, you can buy it on the spot;

sunglasses , preferably a couple - universal classics and “fun” ones with bright frames. Read our article about how to choose the right glasses based on quality and style: ;

- set necessary linen for all occasions;

- headdress required. It is extremely dangerous to be in the sun with your head uncovered; you risk ruining your vacation with sunstroke. At a minimum, you can get headaches, as well as dry out and damage your hair;

good to take with you beach clothes- tunic or pareo. The tunic is very comfortable to walk to the sea, it can be easily removed and is not at all hot in it. Pareo is a universal part of the wardrobe. It can be tied like a dress or skirt, or hide delicate skin from straight sun rays;

mandatory set - several tops and shorts(or skirt). On vacation, you will look great in bright tops, and it is better to take shorts and a skirt in a universal cut (you can). This way, it will be possible to combine clothes;

can I take a couple light dresses, or long sundress;

comfortable sandals, rubber slides for beach.

Below we have given several examples of good looks for a seaside holiday, take note *wink*

Let's decide on the purpose of the trip

If you are wondering what clothes to take to the sea, then first decide on the purpose of the trip. If your goal is a relaxing holiday on the beach, then you are unlikely to need any other things.

If the purpose of the trip is fashionable parties and discos in nightclubs, then it is worth adding to this set heeled sandals and a couple of more sophisticated dresses. Choose dresses that are not too shiny; no tan and no sparkle is an unimpressive combination. Dresses of a simple cut can be enlivened with a couple of bright accessories - large beads or a bracelet made of jewelry. For safety reasons, it is better not to take expensive jewelry on vacation.

A vacation with an abundance of excursions will require, first of all, comfortable shoes . For open sandals, take some closed shoes - sneakers or moccasins. These shoes will protect your feet from unpleasant calluses.

What kind of clothing should you wear for the beach and sea?

When packing your suitcase, you should think about the quality of the things you want to take with you to sea. Thirty-degree heat and high humidity clearly speak against synthetic items. In such non-breathable clothing, you will quickly get wet and experience terrible discomfort.

It is best to choose things made from natural fabrics - calico, silk and linen.

Strange as it may seem, even more may come in handy on vacation. warm clothes. After sunset or early morning A fresh breeze blows from the sea, so bring a cardigan and light jeans or pants. It’s most convenient if you wear these clothes on the road, then there will be more space in your suitcase.

Will not be superfluous on vacation bag. Again, several options will be useful for different purposes.

For a beach holiday, take a spacious bag - you can put towels, sun cream and other things in it. If you want to do a lot of walking and sightseeing, a small crossbody bag is best. It is always comfortable to wear, and it is much more difficult to “steal” such a handbag.

Well, we’ve sorted out the clothes that will come in handy on your vacation at sea. Do not forget that it is better to take clothes that do not require special care. To make things less wrinkled, it is better to put them in a suitcase, rolled them up.

We wish you a bright and memorable holiday!

Many of us are going to go to the Black Sea for the first time, and many go constantly - every year. But what’s interesting is that every time is like the first time. We are constantly tormented by the same questions: What to take with us to the sea? Have we forgotten anything? Did we take everything? What else do you need?

Yes, yes, even though many people start getting ready a month before their vacation, they will definitely forget something or simply won’t remember. Of course, if you forget something not very important, it’s not a problem; if it’s important, then you can reassure yourself that there are shops everywhere and you can buy everything you need. But situations are different - you can buy an analogue of a forgotten item on the spot, but much more expensive than in your city. You can relax not in the city, but in a quiet village, and it happens that the things you need are not sold there, and you don’t want to go for them. After all, who wants to spend “extra” money on “extra” things? Therefore, let's make a rough list of these most necessary things that we will simply need both on the road and on vacation. And it’s easier to collect from the list and check if everything is in place. So, let's begin...

1. The most necessary thing is, of course, a suitcase and preferably on wheels. Without him, we are nowhere, as they say. Everyone knows why it is needed, but wheels are very useful for those who go on vacation using any type of transport except a car, so as not to overstrain themselves while carrying their things to their destination.

2. Of course, tickets. You can treat the lack of tickets in your hands before departure with humor, and say, as in that joke - “where the train goes, I still have the tickets.” However, if you forget them at home, there will be no time for jokes.

3. These are documents. Let's not forget the slogan: “Without a piece of paper you are a bug, but with a piece of paper you are a person!” So we are preparing the documents.

4. These are our precious money and credit cards on which this same money is stored. If you are a bug without a piece of paper, then without money it is much worse.)))

5. These are mobile phones, chargers for them, cameras, tablets, laptops and hedgehogs with them. If you are traveling as a family and if you have old but working phones, as well as other similar equipment in the same condition, it is better to take it, and leave the expensive and new ones at home in case something happens, you know what. It won't be so offensive! It is enough for two adults in the family to have telephones, since on vacation usually all household members are together. After all, at the resort you will have to pay for roaming if you communicate using your regular SIM cards. Although this is of course all individual.

Now about the essentials - more for ladies, a list of necessary clothes, of course this is all approximately, here is a list of the main things without which it will be difficult, the amount each person needs individually:

  1. Underwear
  2. Swimsuit
  3. T-shirts, T-shirts, tops
  4. Shorts
  5. Long Sleeve Shirts
  6. Sundresses, dresses
  7. Cocktail dress for going out
  8. Loose trousers, lightweight, preferably made from natural fabric
  9. Jeans
  10. Sweater
  11. Pareo
  12. Beach Flip Flops
  13. Sandals for city tours
  14. Sneakers for mountain excursions
  15. Sun protection hat
  16. Sunglasses
  17. Bijouterie. With jewelry it’s the same as with digital technology, you don’t need to wear “all the best at once,” jewelry can be easily lost, accidentally drowned in the sea, and it can also be stolen. And on vacation you need to relax, and not worry about what you have acquired backbreaking labor things. And we need to give our ears and fingers a rest, they also really need it. So we take inexpensive trinkets and some.
  18. Hair clips (for those who need them)))
  19. A needle, thread and small scissors are important things to have on vacation, and they don’t take up much space.
  20. Beach bag (which you don’t mind rolling around in the sand)))

Personal care products

  1. This is, of course, a sunscreen. Without it, you'll burn in the sun the first day you hit the beach.
  2. Hygienic lipstick is simply necessary, since we shouldn’t forget about our lips and we don’t need cracks from the sun on vacation.
  3. Hand cream will save our hands from dryness that occurs when they are frequently immersed in sea water.
  4. Personal hygiene products (soap, shampoo, intimate gel) - although it’s easier to buy it on the spot, use it, and leave the rest at the hotel, because it’s not particularly expensive, and spilled shampoo in a suitcase is not a pleasant phenomenon.
  5. Towels - both bath and beach - for hands and face are usually provided in guest houses, but not in all, so it’s better to take them with you, and if they suddenly get dirty or accidentally tear, you won’t have to answer, so you’ll have even greater peace of mind, and this is very important on vacation.
  6. Wet wipes are a necessary thing everywhere, especially on the road and especially if you drive a car, but you shouldn’t feel sorry for them and you need to use them as often as possible in addition to washing your hands, so as not to let germs run wild and ruin your vacation. Now they sell a special product for such cases - an antimicrobial spray, it’s very convenient, you spray it and there are no microorganisms on your hands, but it costs a penny and lasts a long time.
  7. Mosquito repellent is also a very important element on vacation; if you buy it locally it is much more expensive.
  8. You need to take cosmetics, but without fanaticism, only the essentials - less luggage, and both your face and body need rest. At least on vacation we should allow our skin to rest properly and work on its own, without the help of creams.
  9. And this also applies to hair; usually you only have to do your hair on vacation if you go to a restaurant or on a date. After each swim in the sea, you must take a shower, as the salt remains on the skin and can corrode it, so the salt must be washed off. And if you go to the beach with your hair, then by the time you get there, there’s nothing left of it. Although this is also all individual. If you want to do your hair, don’t forget about gels, varnishes and, most importantly, a hair dryer.
  10. You need to take a manicure set, even if you are going to visit nail salons, it will always come in handy.


  1. Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic, antibiotics such as doxycycline, which help in the treatment of a wide range of infections.
  2. Painkillers (“analgin”, “baralgin”, “nurofen”, etc.)
  3. Medicines for motion sickness
  4. Antiseptics (“iodine”, “brilliant”, “hydrogen peroxide”)
  5. Bandages, cotton wool, various plasters
  6. For digestive problems (“mezim-forte”, “festal”, “nosh-pu”)
  7. Remedies for allergies, even if there is none, sometimes it is there, but hidden and until a certain case it does not appear, so the usual “Tavegil” will not hurt.
  8. Means for healing wounds, cuts, and burns - “rescuer cream”, “levomikol” ointment
  9. First aid medicines for poisoning - “rehydron”, “activated carbon”
  10. If among you there are heart patients or hypertensive patients, take Valocardine and medications that lower blood pressure.
  11. Contraception if you need it.

If you have any medical conditions, be sure to consult your doctor before your upcoming vacation. Remember that not everywhere there are pharmacies, and in some resort villages either there are no medicines you need, or they are very expensive, and time is very valuable when trouble happens, so the ones you have on hand medicines sometimes they can save lives.

And finally - take something that will specifically bring you pleasure on vacation - a book, scanword puzzles, various Board games or something else useful and interesting. Enjoy your holiday!

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Is it time to pack your bags and fly to the warm sea? Hooray! Congratulations! Beach holidays are wonderful! :-)
So as not to accidentally forget to take anything with you to the long-awaited vacation at sea Of course, you need to collect things according to the list! This will provide you with the necessary comfort on site and avoid unnecessary and unplanned expenses. I offer my list, tested over the years :-) So, let's get started!

Additions to the list of things to do at sea for a girl:

  • Makeup remover.
  • Cream(s) for face, hands, feet... Century! In general, all the necessary creams :)
  • Jewelry, costume jewelry, hair clips.
  • Decorative cosmetics.
  • Handbag. Beach bag.
  • Everything for nails and their care.
  • Hairdryer - if the hotel doesn't have one or a good one is important.
  • Pins, threads, needles.
  • Cotton pads.
  • Gaskets - if needed.

List of things to do at sea with a child

If we, adults, forget to take something with us to the sea, most likely, we can do without this thing for some time, but with children the situation is different. A child should not need for anything. Moreover, when the climate changes, children usually experience acclimatization. And its severity may vary. Therefore, be extremely responsible when collecting a first aid kit for your child! There should be at least two different antipyretic medications, cough syrup, allergy medications, medications for gastrointestinal disorders, drops for eye infections, sunburn medications, and antiseptics.

When packing things for a child at sea, of course, it is important to understand what age the child is. But I will add to the list all the things that can be useful at different ages, from diapers to a bicycle. You will weed out what is not needed yourself.

And just in case, go through the top list again - this time regarding the child. He also probably needs a toothbrush and toothpaste, a hat, and maybe already mobile phone with charger.

What else might be useful to take with you on vacation at sea:

  • Towels. Incl. beach Perhaps a beach umbrella. Beach rugs (mats).
  • Food and drink for the road.
  • Thermos.
  • Inflatable travel pillows.
  • Earplugs.
  • Dishes, knife. Corkscrew. Camping kettle.
  • Driver license.
  • Book.
  • Contact lenses, container and solution for storing them.
  • Flashlight.
  • Umbrella:-)
  • Backpack, foam, sleeping bag. Tent and awning.
  • Iron.
  • Adapter, extension cord.
  • Fins and mask for snorkeling.
  • Inventory and equipment for your favorite sports activities.

It seems that's all! Have a nice holiday!!!)))

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