That he is hiding Lenormand birds. Lenormand card “Owls, Birds” in fortune telling: meaning and combination with other cards. In combination with

Main meaning:

Traditionally, Birds or Owls are depicted on the map. Birds are more appropriate in layouts on everyday topics, and Owls - on magical ones; this is a night card, a symbol of witches, secrets and wisdom. Birds are a superficial level that speaks of communications, communication, and the meaning of the card comes from the fact that birds tend to chirp incessantly. The birds are fussy and do not sit still, jumping from branch to branch, which is also taken into account when interpreting the map - stupid fuss, meaningless movements, chores, empty talk and gossip, events that do not carry any semantic load, but only drain energy and time. The image of owls imposes heavier meanings on the interpretation: secret negotiations, something is happening behind your back.

If you describe this card in one word, it is conversations. But what kind of conversations are they: conversations with a friend or neighbor (“washing out” bones, gossip), negotiations, a meeting at which there will be a lot of conversations, work negotiations, phone calls. If serious cards fall nearby, then the Birds indicate an important conversation that will affect the future, and some pivotal decisions will be made.

The Owl card portends short-term problems. Although they are unpleasant, they are insignificant and will not entail serious consequences. Unless of course there are heavy cards nearby ( Lenormand, Snake Coffin , Lenormand, Cross Cross , Lenormand, Kosa Scythe , Lenormand, Broom Broom). Therefore, all that is required of a person is not to escalate the situation and watch your language. Neighboring maps will give information about what will interfere and what will be useful.

Just as a bird stays in one place for a short time, so the problems on this card are fleeting. This is a temporary, passing phenomenon. Just like the night. And although these problems are scary, they are not at all dangerous, just like it’s scary to listen to the hooting of an Owl. But nevertheless, these troubles are worth taking into account, and it is necessary to think about how they can be resolved so that they do not lead to larger troubles in the future.

Depressing thoughts haunt you, premonitions and anxiety prevent you from working and resting normally. But Owls are a symbol of wisdom, so your thoughts are not fruitless, they will help you better understand yourself and look at old everyday problems from a new point of view, more spiritual and reasonable than you perceived it all before.

When you are preparing for an interview, or for giving a speech, for negotiations, Birds will definitely appear in the scenario. A map of impermanence and rapid developments of events.

A job offer. Meetings. Interviews.

Birds and Owls are also doubling cards because... Usually 2 Birds are depicted.
Birds and Owls are neutral cards with a negative bias.

Negative meaning:

Map shadow

In its negative aspect, the Owl card indicates excessive talkativeness, which will lead to problems. For example, a person will blurt out important information, lie or tell unnecessary things and harm both himself and others. Irritation and breakdowns against the background of everyday life, minor troubles that have simply accumulated and can result in a real problem. Gossip behind your back.

Owls may also indicate that when they meet, someone will tell you some news that does not concern you at all, but you begin to think, overthink yourself, get involved mentally, and then emotionally, in this situation. From this follows the second aspect of the Owl card - excitement and anxiety. Despite the fact that the excitement is over an empty, far-fetched situation, it is closer to the Bird card. But gloomy, depressing forebodings are already under the Owl card. This is the work of intuition and the subconscious, as well as the deep wisdom of a person, and the main thing is not to drown in these difficult forebodings, but to think in advance how to behave in a difficult situation. What exactly do the premonitions on the Owl card refer to? We look at nearby cards. By combining conversations and worries we get worries.

Owls also talk about shortcomings and misunderstandings. The person was told something, he misunderstood, misheard, misinterpreted, drew erroneous conclusions and began to act based on them. Such a minor misunderstanding can become fatal and will make you pretty nervous if you don’t bring it all out into the light of day in time.

In combination with negative cards, Owls speak of false information, damaged reputation, secrecy, lack of faith and spiritual blindness.

Owls introduce an element of surprise into the layout.

In matters of personal relationships:

Owls in a relationship speak of some inner unrest and uncertainty in their partner. If a card falls nearby Lenormand, Broom Broom, then there are frequent disputes, scandals, and many unclear issues that undermine relationships.

In a positive way – friendly communication.

In the negative - disappointment, uncertainty and doubt. Some events will occur that will entail a reassessment of one’s positions in relationships, and a reassessment of values ​​is also possible.

Conversation with a partner. A scandal may break out due to gossip and rumors.

In matters of business and finance:

Anxiety related to money. Fussing, looking for money, talking and caring about money. Financial instability, small one-time extra income. You should refrain from making important decisions. Calculate all the moves again and check the estimates. There is a big risk of taking the wrong step or making a bad decision.

With map Lenormand, Book Clover may indicate receiving a good amount of money. WITH Lenormand, Pisces Pisces– money will flow to the person, payment for the performance.

In medical matters:

Headache. Broken voice. A mild, quickly passing (superficial) disease such as a cold, ARVI. Phobias.

As a personality card:

The description of the person under the Owl card is very different from the description of the person under the Bird card. Always take this point into account when working with a particular deck.

The Bird card person does not sit still, he is sociable, restless, curious, eager for new experiences and a change of place, freedom-loving, socially active, has many contacts, but is rather superficial. He is also very resourceful and dexterous, which brings him success in the entrepreneurial field; he can get out of any difficult situation. Bird card people look very busy and worried, to the point of nervousness and nervous tics. Sometimes they really have a lot to worry about and need to be on time everywhere. But most often it is internal anxiety.

In the positive version, a person is not afraid to take on new projects, try himself in new projects, take on something he has never done before, and learns easily. In general, he studies with pleasure and tries to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. For personal expression, he requires freedom. The character is restless, constantly looking for new experiences, new acquaintances, new plans. He brings very exciting waves to any company. But all this is dangerous because a person, due to impulsiveness, commits rash acts and can say unnecessary things. A carefree lifestyle and gullibility lead to the loss of money and friends. But these are optimists who do not dwell on failures for long, but always strive forward.

Great learning ability indicates an excess of mental energy. Also, such people are characterized by lightning-fast reactions. Therefore, one can highlight communication skills, speed of reaction, swiftness in action and a talented ability to work with words.

In the negative aspect, the Bird card person is overly tense, fussy, feverishly nervous, even to the point of problems with the nervous system and psyche. All positive or neutral qualities go overboard and lead to troubles: curiosity turns into a person sticking his nose in everywhere and spreading gossip; restlessness and the desire to change places leads to chronic inconstancy, frivolity, a person cannot be relied upon either in business or in relationships. He is absent-minded, unstable, does not have his own point of view and is subject to other people's influence and mood swings. Tends to promise more than deliver. Having promised a lot and taken on an unbearable burden, a person cannot fulfill the terms of the contract and hides from his obligations. This is normal and natural behavior for him. He doesn't see anything prejudiced in this. Gets into debt up to your ears, because... cannot calculate his expenses and does not compare what is desired with what is possible. Due to his excessive talkativeness, he is constantly at the epicenter of scandals, while often being the instigator of them, spreading false information, pitting people against each other, gossiping and slandering others. There are scandals not only with neighbors, but also with relatives at home. From such people you can often hear reproaches and discontent. They impose their opinions without taking into account the interests of others. They are also characterized by such unpleasant character traits as hypocrisy and insensitivity.

12. BIRDS (Seven of Diamonds)

KEY VALUES: temporary difficulties, failures.
This card signifies difficulties or short-term problems. If BIRDS appear in the reading, this is advice to you to accept temporary difficulties as inevitable, but not to give up, but to look for a way out of the current situation and not lose sight of the goal. The BIRDS card encourages you to get down to business with enthusiasm, be ready to learn, overcome fears of new things and boldly continue your path. Neighboring cards provide information about what or who will be useful or will hinder.

In matters of relationships: disappointment or events that will lead to a reassessment of values, one’s positions or one’s relationships. The card can symbolize doubts and uncertainty.

In business matters: carefully! Maybe you've made a bad choice or are about to make a bad decision. Calculate all possible moves again, check the estimates. In any case, refrain from taking any action or making a decision for now.

In medical matters you need to pay attention to your health. Even if there are no visible signs of illness, do not be lazy to get tested or undergo an examination.

Advice: Don’t make hasty decisions, take time to think carefully. This card encourages you to seriously think about whether you really need all this?


HORSEMAN - rumors, gossip
CLOVER - change of mood
BY SHIP - a troublesome trip
AT HOME - bustle in the house, many small problems
WOOD - slight malaise (indicates health problems and the need to pay more attention to it)
CLOUDS - a lot of sadness
SNAKE - "evil wisdom"
GROM - reflections on death and the frailty of existence
BOUQUET - Epicurean philosophy
OBLIQUE - despair
BROOM - vanity, petty quarrels
AS A CHILD - immature assessments, naive reasoning
FOX - sophisticated trick
BEAR - the desire to help everyone
WITH STARS - abstract thoughts, “high sciences” (including astrology)
STORK - need to switch to new tasks
WITH A DOG - brainstorming with a friend
TOWER - lack of strength
PARKOM - misunderstanding among friends, boredom
GOROY - difficulty understanding (or - the need to carefully weigh the pros and cons before making a decision)
FORK - "to be or not to be - that is the question"
RATS - breakdowns, losses
WITH THE HEART - rethinking love relationships
RING - a dubious alliance
BY BOOK - enlightenment
BY LETTER - questionable papers
MAN or WOMAN - a person immersed in himself, his problems, or a thinker, philosopher
LILY - “my sadness is bright” - refined philosophy, reflections on high matters
or questionable reputation
SUN - insight
MOON - suspiciousness
KEY - the solution that has been sought for a long time has finally been found
PISCES - material worries and troubles
ANCHOR - fixation on one's problems, obsessions
CROSS - reflections on the meaning of life.

This card denotes difficulties or temporary difficulties. Lenormand owls in a reading are often a harbinger of future difficulties. And it is important not to be disappointed by their appearance, but to move towards the intended result with a positive attitude, calmly solving problems that arise along the way.

Interpretation of the Owl (Bird) card from the Lenormand deck of cards

General meaning of the card &Owls&

The card calls for active action. Owls Lenormand, the meaning recommends being open to new knowledge, putting aside all worries and walking your path with joy in your eyes, without fear of novelty. The cards that fell nearby will tell you what events or people may be useful to you or vice versa, which will cause future difficulties.

How to understand the meaning of Lenormand cards?

Hello. I bought a Lenormand deck for fortune telling, but I can’t learn how to use it. I don't know how to understand when...

Correspondence between the Lenormand deck and playing cards

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How to interpret Lenormand cards in fortune telling?

Good afternoon. I am now mastering fortune telling with Lenormand cards. And since I'm a newbie, I'm confused that there are two images on the cards.

The meaning of the card in various situations

  • Key meanings – minor difficulties, bad luck;
  • The correspondence in the playing deck is seven of diamonds;
  • Regarding relationships - upsets or situations that will make you think about changes in the relationship. The meaning of the Lenormand Owl card in a love context is fear and indecision.
  • Regarding business, be careful: you can easily make a mistake. Take the time to carefully review your cases and draw up a clear plan for next steps. And it is advisable not to make any decisions right now.
  • Regarding health, you should pay attention to it. You may feel great, but the card still recommends taking care of your health. And maybe you should get checked, just for prevention
  • The advice of the Lenormand Owl card is to think it over well and refrain from making hasty decisions. And think about the appropriateness of your intentions regarding the question on which you are guessing.

Combined with other cards

What does the combination of Lenormand cards mean: Birds (Owls) and neighboring cards.

12 Lenormand card Owls, Birds (seven of diamonds)

  • Horseman - empty talk;
  • Clover - a change in your worldview;
  • A ship is a restless journey;
  • Home - household chores;
  • Tree – deterioration in well-being (you should take your health more seriously);
  • Clouds - sadness;
  • Snake - unkind intelligence;
  • Coffin - discussions about the end of life and its difficulties;
  • Bouquet – sensual reflections;
  • Scythe - despondency;
  • Broom - anxiety, small squabbles;
  • Child – childish conclusions;
  • Fox - slyness;
  • Bear - an impulse to help everyone;
  • Stars - switching attention to other topics, perhaps even sublime ones;
  • Stork - it’s worth paying attention to other matters;
  • Dog - reflections with a friend;
  • Tower - lack of energy;
  • Park – “a stranger among one’s own”, melancholy;
  • Mountain - you need to take decisions seriously;
  • Fork – hesitation when making a decision;
  • Rats - damage, loss;
  • Heart - reflection on the affairs of the heart;
  • Ring - unreliable relationship;
  • Book - development;
  • Letter - unreliable news
  • Man or woman - you are a thinker;
  • Lilies - thinking about philosophical questions;
  • Sun – clearing;
  • Moon – suspicion;
  • There is a key - a solution to your questions;
  • Pisces – money issues;
  • Anchor - too much attention to some issues and problems;
  • The cross is a reflection on the purpose of existence.

Not all playing cards have the usual rectangular shape and a certain size. For example, in India they are round in shape.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of Lenormand cards.

Owls (Seven of Diamonds)

Brief meaning: conversations, excitement, empty chatter, imitation of something.


The Lenormand OWL card symbolizes minor troubles and difficulties that may arise daily. You just need to keep doing what you are doing and this period will pass. Don't let trivial problems affect your life.

The OWL card just says that small troubles easily deprive you of your peace of mind, you start to fuss too much, and in stressful situations you lose the ability to make correct and thoughtful decisions.

OWLS also directly indicate spoken language, which can be either live conversation or telephone communication. The card also symbolizes rumors, empty talk, gossip about people who like to “wash their bones.”

Personality. Small trader, barker, performs on stage, dentist, tells stories, informer, traveling salesman, bore.

Love. Private dates, good and affectionate relationships.

Job. Endless chatter in the office, worries at the workplace, shopping on the Internet.

Finance. Promotion of goods on the market, interview with a business publication.

Well-being. A visit to a speech therapist, sore throat, throat problems, treatment methods may not be available to you.

Relationships. Doubts, lack of confidence in yourself or in your partner, quick reassessment of the situation, likelihood of disappointment.

Business matters. You need to check everything again, you are very close to making a wrong decision. It is better to refrain from important actions altogether.

Health. Even if nothing hurts and your health does not bother you, it is better to see a doctor and get examined. Perhaps there is a hidden disease that needs to be treated before it is too late.

Combining the Owl card with other cards

CROSS- You will have long thoughts about the meaning of life, about whether you are living correctly.

ANCHOR- Obsessive ideas, fixation on a certain thought, which can turn into obsession.

FISH- Worries of a material nature, conversations about finances, earnings.

KEY- You will find a solution to an old problem that you have been looking for for a very long time.

MOON- Self-immersion, introspection. All this will help you better understand your actions.

SUN- Negotiations will end in success; if there is a dispute, then you will emerge victorious. In the near future, you will experience activities that can cause stress.

LILY- Conversation with an important person. Your reputation is at risk due to gossip.

WOMAN- Someone is thinking about you and will contact you soon. Also indicates a talker, a student, or a mediator in something.

MAN- Similar to the previous one.

LETTER- An unexpected message will disrupt the usual course of life. Active communication on social networks or instant messengers. Press conference.

BOOK- This combination of cards promises advanced training; new knowledge will be acquired easily. There will be an opportunity to learn a new profession. It may also indicate that an important secret will become public knowledge.

RING- A spontaneous proposal that we didn’t have time to think thoroughly about. The combination of RING + OWLS + FOX cards speaks of a fictitious marriage.

HEART- Nervous state due to mental anguish, you have to take a fresh look at your relationship and rethink it. Expect a very emotional conversation during which you will learn a lot about your partner.

RATS- Difficult conversation, stressful situation. Equipment breakdowns, losses, damages.

FORK- A painful but necessary choice lies ahead. In the near future, you will experience a difficult period in terms of peace of mind; your nerves will be seriously tested.

MOUNTAIN- It is difficult to find mutual understanding; communication is very difficult. Before making a decision, it is recommended to think very carefully; perhaps there is an easier and more promising way. There will be difficulties ahead that you just need to accept and analyze the reason for their occurrence.

GARDEN- Unpleasant rumors about you have appeared in your social circle, which can take you out of this circle. There is a performance to be made in front of people.

TOWER- Conversation with superiors, court hearing.

DOG- A pleasant and useful conversation with a friend, together you will find a solution to a complex problem. One head is good, but two are even better.

STORK- You have to suddenly break away from your favorite place, also this combination of cards symbolizes sudden changes in general. Talks about moving, warns about minor troubles while traveling.

STARS- The negotiations will be successful. Also indicates astrology, perhaps now you need to look at your horoscope.

BEAR- Difficult decision, difficult conversation with the manager. Interaction with representatives of government agencies. The likelihood of contacting law enforcement agencies.

FOX- You are a cunning person, perhaps you need to show your cunning.

CHILD- Active, cheerful child. Carefree and fun, a very pleasant state, but do not forget that excessive gullibility and a good attitude towards all people can backfire on you. Your childish spontaneity will lead to you being deceived.

BROOM- Extra fuss, minor disagreements, swearing over trivial reasons. You should not spread gossip, for this you will be punished.

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