The girls from the orphanage are such wives. Where and how children live after the orphanage. “My life could have turned out much better”

...I have no idea who my parents are, I only remember myself in the Children's Home. I don’t know why they put me there: just like a thing in a storage room, to which they later lost the key, I will never know, and I don’t want to know. Physically, I was a normal, healthy girl, so it was probably just fate. Some orphanages try to find their relatives, but I never wanted to do this.

I think I wasn't adopted because I was born in those years when people were afraid to have their own offspring: there was perestroika, lack of money, crisis. And grown-up children with established habits and established character are not nearly as willing to be taken into families as toddlers.

I have only good memories from the Children's Home: good teachers, holidays, Santa Claus with gifts. It was scary only at night, and even then not always. I still remember the toy - a gray hare with white ears and a chest, which I held close to me when I slept. Probably one of the sponsors of that time gave it to me: in those years, despite the difficult situation in the country, people did a lot of charity work. Then I gave this toy to someone and I still regret it.

But the orphanage, where I ended up later, was never a “home” for me: in my opinion, this is simply impossible. Nothing is “yours”, even if it is conditionally “yours”, it can be taken away or stolen. You can’t complain, as this is “snitching,” and you can’t cry either, because then you are a “weakling” worthy of contempt. Constant suppression of natural emotions was the norm, but hidden aggression grew and callousness strengthened.

Many children in the orphanage tend to invent episodes from their lives., the creation of entire legends that are presented so convincingly that it is difficult not to believe in them. Children from orphanages are real “storytellers” who can come up with a lot of stories, say, about heroically dead fathers. By the way, I have repeatedly noticed that in this sense it is easier with fathers: they lied much less about mothers.

In the evenings, expensive cars stopped near the orphanage with “adult uncles” who lured girls with gifts and money, although I am sure that these “uncles” probably had their own children of the same age: twelve to fourteen years old. The teachers, it seems to me now, knew everything, but turned a blind eye to it because they could not do anything. They tried to have conversations with us, but, as a rule, everything was in vain. In addition, the older girls did not warn the younger ones not to go, but on the contrary, they encouraged them to do such things. I didn’t do such things, simply because I was very cautious and timid, and in terms of morality, my head was such a mess that it’s scary to even remember.

For afternoon snacks we were often given milk, which most of the children poured down the sink: didn’t like it, didn’t want to drink. I didn’t know then that in most families this is unacceptable. One day, an elderly canteen employee, unable to bear it, shouted: “What are you doing! We were starving during the war, and we never saw a drop of this milk!” Then one boy splashed milk on her apron. And if someone thinks that children in an orphanage agree to carry any things from someone else’s shoulder, then this is a myth. In fact, they are very picky. Still only for kids. People brought us bags of clean, good clothes, but only the “fashionable” ones were chosen, and they turned their noses up at the rest.

Despite some negative life experience, orphanages very impractical. Now there are programs where graduates of orphanages are taught to adapt to life outside the walls of the orphanage. But we didn’t have that. Many did not know how to brew tea because it was poured from a teapot and the tea was already sweet. That is, someone was not able to even put granulated sugar into a cup and stir it, because he had never performed such an action.

The boys constantly sniffed glue, after which they became inadequate, and I was very afraid of them. There is such a ghost wandering around, and you don’t know what to expect from him! In general, wherever we orphanage girls were, the expression “keep your panties on” was in use. Because the opposite sex had a special scent for us. Personally, I managed to keep these very underpants until I left the orphanage, which was rare, but then I had big ones. psychological problems in terms of relationships with young people: I sensed deception and aggression everywhere, and could not free myself.

On the street, I always recognize children from an orphanage or a social shelter by their look: tense, not childish, sometimes aloof, and sometimes shrill or secretly pleading. If a ten- or twelve-year-old girl wears heavy makeup, that’s also “her.” The eternal question: where is it going, why, who is responsible for it? Once I saw a group of them sitting in a minibus going to Kukkovka. They got off at the final stop and disappeared into the darkness. Ask why I didn't talk to them? Because my words would be smashed like against a wall.

We were wary of each other and united only against “civilians”. Most of us did not understand them, were secretly jealous, and ultimately hated them. They lived beyond a certain line, belonged to a different caste: they had parents, their own things, perhaps a separate room and much more. But there was also some advantage: they were afraid of us. And many orphanages took advantage of this, asserting their authority and, in a sense, realizing themselves.

I have already said that children raised in an orphanage, despite their impracticality, they know how to lie like no one else and manipulate adults: they are able to evoke pity, and they will be believed. Never give money to any guys, even if they say it’s for food, travel or medicine for a sick mother. Because they will be used to buy cigarettes, beer and glue. And among many orphanage children, there is a widespread opinion that everyone owes them everything because they are “unfortunate orphans,” so I did everything to eradicate this in myself.

The teacher Tamara Aleksandrovna played a big role in my destiny. For many years I turned to her for help - even just to talk, and when I left the orphanage, she invited me to live with her for a while, because, of course, I didn’t have my own apartment. Tamara Alexandrovna, like many of our teachers, did not have a family: I think those who worked with us no longer had the strength to care for their personal lives and their children. This is why I don’t want to say anything bad about our teachers, although there were, of course, some negative moments in our relationship.

When I lived with the teacher, I enjoyed the silence, the fact that when you go to the toilet, there is always a paper that says you can take a shower at any time, and just sit in silence, think, relax, quietly read a book, watch TV, listen to music. Most people who have this opportunity don't appreciate it. Just imagine if there is a hubbub all around, everyone is doing their own thing, and you are not able to be alone with yourself! To be honest, sometimes I just wanted to hang myself or kill everyone around me.

I admit that for the time being I believed in a miracle: that the door would open, the teacher will come in and say: “Mom has come for you.” I loved dreaming about this moment until I realized it was all in vain. Once, when I was in the fifth grade, they adopted a very good boy Sasha, with whom we were friends. Secretly from everyone, I cried into my pillow at night for a month. I understood everything, but I was envious and offended. We didn’t communicate after that: he crossed the line and entered another world - none of us are proud of the fact that he is an orphanage child, and don’t want anyone to know about it. Therefore, in order to get a room in a hostel, I got a job at a construction company and trained on the spot. By the way, about our career guidance: there were posters in the corridors encouraging people to enroll in colleges (less often, technical schools), but there was no information about universities at all. Apparently, it was assumed that such an opportunity did not exist for us. Now I want to change my specialty and am studying part-time.

I carried the stigma of being an “orphanage” for a long time. Young people believed that since I was raised in a government institution, I “gave” to everyone from an early age, which means they could easily hang out with me, but under no circumstances marry me. Potential mothers-in-law, having learned who I was, were horrified and did their best to dissuade their sons from meeting with me. But I, too, in no case wanted to get along with the guys from the orphanage - I had enough of communicating with them within the walls of a government institution, and I didn’t expect anything good from them.

I finally got married, but I still have a cool relationship with my mother-in-law. True, having learned that a not so small amount had accumulated in my personal account, that I was entitled to housing from the state and that I was not a ragamuffin and a beggar, as she thought, she became somewhat kinder. In the end they gave me a room, plus I privatized the one in the hostel. Now my husband and I live in a separate good apartment.

I can still be twitchy, I can become prickly. My husband calls me “hedgehog.” We don’t have children yet, but of course we want to have them. Sometimes I get scared because I don’t know what kind of mother I will make. But still, probably better than the one who once abandoned me in the maternity hospital.

My story is very personal and I am in no way claiming that other graduates of orphanages had the same impressions. And I don’t know very well what is happening there now, since I tried with all my might to distance myself from the orphanage environment. I also kindly ask you not to find out who I am, where I come from, or in which orphanage I was raised. It is necessary to solve problems when they are just ripening or in the midst, and not when someone’s life has already been crippled or someone, fortunately, has dealt with something on their own.

A bear cub that has lost its mother is doomed to death for two reasons: there is no one to protect it and no one to teach it the rules of survival in the forest jungle. But even if he manages to survive, he, who has not gone through the correct school of intraspecific relations and did not have before him an example of correct hunting and, in general, correct arrangement own life, will subsequently become an inferior individual and to a small extent capable of procreation.

Everything that has been said applies equally to tigers and Siberian Cranes, to deer and swallows, to bats, to hazel grouse and in general to all warm-blooded creatures, including humans.

Their cubs are born too small, too weak and incapable of independent existence, and it takes a lot of effort for them to begin a full life in a cruel and inhospitable environment.

The solution to this problem is due to the presence of two powerful instincts that the Creator initially placed in the consciousness of all animals and people: the parental instinct and the instinct of a newborn creature, which tightly binds it to its mother.

There is only one way to weaken these instincts: to take the child away from his mother. This action is akin to murder.

When a child is taken away from its mother, the precious bond between them is irreversibly destroyed.

The child finds himself in a state-owned house among many indifferent people, including among children, many of whom are capable of aggression. In this situation, the little creature's heart instantly closes. Once and for all. Irrevocably.

From that moment on, he is constantly alone among many other lonely children just like him. The fear of rude shouting and violence, the sad realization of the fact that he cannot complain to anyone and that no one will take pity on him, harden his soul.

It is then that extreme egocentrism, an inability to empathize, cruelty towards others who pay him in the same coin, as well as indifference and deceit as a means of allowing this defenseless creature to simply survive, are formed in the child’s soul.

In addition to this - complete failure in everyday life, lack of upbringing as such, poor education, which does not at all contribute to getting used to reading books, especially good books and also erroneous, randomly formed value concepts that often lead these grown-up children to prison.

As a result, creatures emerge from the orphanage, usually outwardly quite attractive, but in fact extremely emotionally impoverished and incapable of many of the feelings inherent in people raised in normal families.

Children from orphanages, as a rule, are not capable of strong, deep feelings, and if they experience them, they do not know how to express it properly.

They are not accustomed from a young age to any kind of work, even domestic work, they lived their childhood on everything ready-made, so they make bad owners, bad housewives and generally bad workers. Their wives are unimportant, because they are not capable of creating families in which warmth and comfort would be present.

However, all this is nothing compared to the main defect of their souls: their parental instinct is extremely weakened. They, deprived of maternal affection and care since childhood, were simply forced to suppress this instinct in themselves.

The very instinct that is designed to ensure their increased survival in favorable conditions under the wing of their mother turns into its opposite in the conditions of an orphanage: it weakens them in the face of a hostile environment, as a result of which the most convenient form of existence for them becomes a piece of wood, that is, a state complete insensitivity to blows and, accordingly, complete indifference to the problems of others, including, as it turns out later, to the problems of one’s own children.

They don't feel sorry for their children! And it is not their fault, but their misfortune. Nevertheless…

Now answer the question for yourself: if you are interested in continuing your family line, what kind of woman would you prefer to be the mother of your children? Still, the long-legged, blue-eyed orphanage blonde, right?

PS I am writing about this for the sole purpose of showing the murderous irreversibility of the tragedy of children separated from their mothers. I hope that you will be horrified and do everything to ensure that the state never takes children away from their mothers and thereby cripples their fate, as well as the fate of their future families!

PPS If anything, I’m from a boarding school myself.

Every year, 26 thousand children graduate from Russian orphanages. And in total, according to various sources, there are 670-700 thousand orphans in Russia. 80-90% of them are social orphans, that is, orphans with living parents. The question arises -

Most graduates of orphanages become disadvantaged elements of society, only a tenth of them more or less get back on their feet.

Children are a miracle, a blessing for some, but it happens that good parents are an even greater miracle... Orphans and children raised in orphanages know firsthand about the latter. They, in the majority, have suffered enough in this life even before entering government institutions, and after being placed in a “government bed” they generally forget what “mother” and “father” are, and at the same time what warmth, care, kindness are. .

But along with the moment of deprivation and the feeling of being useless to anyone, children often, experiencing dulling of feelings after the shock they experienced and many other negative emotions, begin to treat people the same way they treated them at one time.

Children very often reflect what they see in the behavior of their parents or others. Children brought up with an indifferent and consumerist attitude towards the world carry the same thing into adulthood. Children raised in a “conveyor belt” are often able to think the way the system taught them.

There are those who break into life and take their place in the sun despite everything, but the opposite is much more common. Why does this happen? Parents actually mean a lot to children, the younger generation always absorbs the images of their ancestors most of all, and when there are many faceless and alien aunts and uncles before your eyes, then the child grows up lost, filled with stereotypes, etc. An orphanage will never replace parents.

Very often, children of orphanage residents repeat the fate of their parents - this already says a lot...

The future of those who leave the walls of the orphanage

What boys and girls become after leaving the orphanage can be judged from statistics.

« Every third orphanage pupil becomes homeless a year after graduation, every fifth becomes a criminal, every tenth commits suicide. Orphanages have become “factories” for the production of criminalized individuals. And the issue of money is not the main one here: such institutions are better provided for than many Russian families. How to change this situation?

Today in Russia approximately 144 thousand children are under state care. According to Galina Semya, an international expert in the field of children’s rights protection, for last years The population of orphanages has changed a lot.

70 percent are children over 10 years old, 15 percent are disabled children, the rest are mainly children from large families and with ethnic status. For most of them, future prospects for life in society are very dismal.

According to research by the Childhood Research Institute of the Russian Children's Fund, every third person will become a person without a fixed place of residence, every fifth person will become a criminal, and every tenth person will even commit suicide.”

“The statistics are scary. According to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, 40 percent of graduates of orphanages become alcoholics and drug addicts, and another 40 percent commit crimes.

Some of the children themselves become victims of crime, and 10 percent commit suicide. And only 10 percent manage to leave the threshold of an orphanage or boarding school, get back on their feet and establish a normal life.” .

They weren't taught to live

Genes or the influence of government walls? Why is the path of many children in orphanages predicted? There are studies and articles devoted to both one version and the other. Some people are convinced that genes are much more important than upbringing, even something as “soulless” as upbringing by the “state machine.”

There is even a certain gene for alcoholism, found by scientists, that is, if there are many children in an orphanage born from parents who abused alcohol, their children have a risk of repeating the path of their ancestors.

However, if you look at the lives of children who grow up in families of alcoholics, they simply repeat the fate of their parents, because they see it before their eyes.

There are also studies by foreign scientists that an adopted child who spent for a long time in a stepfamily - over time, it becomes similar both externally and genetically to the adoptive father, and there are also studies that upbringing means much more than physical, mental potential, phenotype, genotype, etc.

From personal observations I can say that both an adopted child and the life of an orphanage graduate are a lottery. In some cases, we can say that genes worked; in others, upbringing prevailed over genes.

I know a family where a natural and an adopted child grew up (both of the same age, but of different sexes, the girl was native, the boy was adopted and he did not know that he was stepchild), the girl was always positive, an excellent student, modest, similar to her father in appearance, and the boy was early years was prone to vagrancy, bad habits, and studied poorly.

And there are families where adopted children are more obedient than their relatives and being in a warm family community has had a very beneficial effect on them; they have grown up to be adequate, absolutely normal, independent people.

An orphanage is a string of strangers, indifferent emotions, friends who know no other attitude towards them than betrayal and they don’t know how to live, a shared room for 8-10 children (if you’re lucky, for 4), sometimes delicious food... walks on the territory of the orphanage, a broken swing, an unpainted horizontal bar.

Life according to the schedule, breakfast, lunch, dinner - everything is served, there is no need to wash the plates, no one will teach you how to sew on patches, children living in an orphanage sometimes have never held needles in their hands, have no idea what it means to “wash the floors” and other economic matters, they have no idea how money is obtained and what work and responsibilities are.

Hazing often reigns in teams, turning to educators and curators for protection is considered a disgrace, so poor children, those who are offended, are forced to keep all their annoyances to themselves, reaching the point of nervous breakdowns, and even in this case no one cares about them.

Older orphanage residents easily adopt bad manners, sometimes they smoke in corners, “shoot” cigarettes at passers-by, swearing and addressing elderly people as “you,” but in fact the terrible thing is that there are orphanages where morals are worse than in prisons where older students rape younger ones...

We have heard about how many cases of suicide of teenagers in orphanages who were bullied by their “classmates” on TV, and how many we have not yet heard about...

Complete impunity for aggressors and lax management is most often found in rural institutions for children, somewhere on the outskirts of the periphery...

Nannies working for pennies would have time to clean everything up before instilling the right values ​​in their children. Educators, who have a salary of a couple of thousand more than nannies and who have seen enough of different pictures of life, left their feelings in their distant youth, no longer care about much.

In boarding homes for disabled children, in the position of educators you can often find aunts who treat children only with obscenities and screams. People who came there to work with good intentions cannot withstand the psychological stress and quit... Children remain surrounded by people with a hardened conscience or die-hards who are used to everything... which of them grows up?

There are also good orphanages, I don’t argue, in the same village area... They are small, cozy, and children raised in such institutions can grow up to be human, but this is a happy accident.

In Russia there are different shapes placement of children in families, some of them are foster care and foster families(when the child is not adopted, but sometimes taken for a visit or a small orphanage is organized).

If at least every tenth Russian goes on a weekend visit (albeit not for every) child from an orphanage (most often children 7-11 years old are taken into foster care) and teach him something of life - we will have much fewer criminals and drug addicts. Indifference breeds cruelty...

Adoption is too serious a step for many (and it is better not to take risks if you are not confident in your abilities), and foster care is a compromise between adoption, which is difficult to decide on, and a little help for the benefit of the children.

Masha (a girl who grew up in an orphanage), when asked about when she had the best time, answers that in a state institution, they say, it’s almost like at a resort, only it’s boring, but the main thing is a positive impression - mashed potatoes with goulash like in a kindergarten, this is what is worth being there for, in her opinion.

Upon leaving the boarding school, Masha got into a thousand troubles; the girl, by the way, is very pretty and not stupid, but troubles stuck to her against her will.

She didn’t even want to remember her mother and father (who were no longer alive), they drank and treated her cruelly. The girl, despite all her potential, did not even want to study to become a cook; she dreamed of finding an oligarch, but remained close to unworthy gentlemen...

And these are not genes at all: this is a given vector of life, which a person placed in certain living conditions is not able to change, and a wounded soul that seeks healing where there is none... After all, despite the fact that Masha is cheerful and bright, she is not I wanted to live and tried to take my own life several times. And there are millions of such girls and boys...

They have not been taught how to live; they may have a ton of potential, but zero ability to realize it.. You can’t help everyone: even if you make an effort to “pull” such a Masha out of the whirlpool, she often does not understand the outstretched hand, since she has already grown up in a cruel atmosphere and “bites” herself and does not trust anyone.

But the main thing: after a cold, unfriendly home, an indifferent, but all-providing orphanage - they break any desire to achieve something, teenagers do not understand why they need to achieve something...

They were fed and clothed for a long time, and now some independent life, where you have to bite into the ground with your teeth to survive... why? The whole problem is that they do not understand not only “how”, but also “why”. If they at least understood that they desperately needed this, they would find opportunities, but there is no initiative.

Children who grew up without parents, within the walls of state-owned houses, do not think about what’s next, they live one day at a time, and therefore very often end up in tears as soon as they leave the walls of the orphanage.

The reality of life for orphanage graduates

After leaving the orphanage, many boys and girls are given apartments, however, this is not an unfounded statement: they still need to achieve housing and have time to get on the waiting list before the age of 23.

115 thousand children from orphanages (as of 2015) were not given apartments, that is, they were taken away fraudulently, or they were given ridiculous refusals...

Vika and her brothers were deprived of the opportunity to get apartments, having been declared incompetent based on a “false” psychiatrists’ report; naturally, the management of the orphanage was involved.

The girl, having left the institution, managed to restore her legal capacity through a local people's deputy and get an apartment, but how many people like her remain overboard and turn into homeless people or spend their lives in a mental hospital, prison...

By the way, Vika met good people, who replaced her family, often stays with them, and they brought her into the public eye. And in terms of behavior, despite her 25 years, she is a reckless child... if she didn’t get into good hands- it is unknown what would have happened.

They can give housing for demolition, on the outskirts, but this is better than nothing, but you can achieve better, only which of the orphanage residents knows about their rights... Two graduates of the orphanage (a guy and a girl, whom I know personally) were given housing on the outskirts, in wooden houses.

The girl, despite everything, has become a very good person, a wonderful mother and wife, and the guy, despite the fact that he is not a bad person, has already been in prison several times, cannot get settled in life...

Unemployment benefits (if you register with the labor exchange) in the first six months after leaving the orphanage today range from 37 to 45 thousand rubles. Where do you think those who have never been able to earn money spend this money?

They simply squander what they could have used left and right, but this is not the worst thing, but the fact that many become drunkards and become addicted to needles during this period... and when the funds run out, it is not so easy to return to a sober life.

In our remote area of ​​the city, among ordinary panel high-rise buildings, there are several buildings in which apartments are being given to children from orphanages en masse. Neighbors often complain about noise, rows, brothels, and drinking parties organized by graduates of orphanages.

They don’t pay utility bills, not even because there is no money (after all, with benefits they could pay for a couple of years in advance), but because they don’t understand that they need to pay, that not everything will be given to them and not everything is owed to them... Nobody taught them how to organize their lives, plan the future...

In the five-story building next to a friend’s house there is a cluster of criminal elements, they rent apartments there, and every evening groups of drunken young people occupy benches and huddle in nearby parks... Among them are many orphanage residents. Why are they together?

Those who leave prison try to survive by any means possible; who is better suited for this than a young man who recently left the walls of an orphanage, who knows nothing, has no skills in life, and receives an allowance of 40 thousand? So the latter end up drinking themselves to death and end up on a “slippery slope”...

Girls who grew up without maternal care often have a carefree, indifferent attitude towards their children, whom they can give birth to immediately after leaving the orphanage.

I remember a story on TV where they talked about a girl at 18, expecting her 3rd child, a couple of cereals at home and empty shelves, the first children were already in an orphanage. They either lack or have a poorly developed maternal instinct... Their children quite often also become pupils in orphanages.

“Orphanage syndrome” is an almost incurable disease than more people lived with the understanding that everything around him is given for nothing - the more difficult it will be for him. The habit of a dependent lifestyle, of what everyone around should do, is one of the most harmful habits.

Graduates of the orphanage are victims and dependents at the same time, they are not to blame. But for people who have been taught at least something and once found themselves in a difficult situation, a “compensation mechanism” can work, that is, they will find a way out, but those who have not been taught anything — forever remain in the position of a victim-dependent.

And this is sad, but, in general, it is fixable, as they say, nothing is impossible. Many people are saved by coming to faith; this protects them from drugs, alcoholism and other negativity and gives them hope for a good life...

Let’s not forget that dependency affects not only those who were raised in state institutions. but also a huge part of young people who grew up in prosperous families... and among the graduates of the orphanage there are still enough of those who have become people, and usually very good ones.

Also, do not forget that we can all make our small contribution, I mean patronage.

“Life after the orphanage”, TV channel “Teledom”:

This story is about how a young guy liked a girl, she grew up from an orphanage, she had no family or loved ones, everyone mocked her. Our main character felt sorry for her, but then...He truly fell in love with her. Our main characters' names are Andrei and Anya, at the time they met they were 17 years old.
Chapter 1
Our main character was leaving school, he studied in the 11th grade with straight A's and B's, education was his first priority, he wanted to finish his last year with dignity academic year. The most the main objective in his life - To do a lot of good in the world. He was fond of filming games, although few people took him seriously, he lisped and because of this, few people supported him, but he fought until the very end. One day after school, while walking around the evening city, approaching home I witnessed a fight, hooligans attacked one girl and Andrei hastened to intercede for her.
Andrey - Hey, let her go!
Attacker - Ha, so what?
Andrei, without hesitation, took a knife out of his pocket and threatened, and then took out a stun gun and stunned one of the attackers, although one was able to escape, carrying a purse in his hands.
Andrey - Are you okay?
And then Andrei saw our future heroine so much so that he could not take his eyes off her. She was brunette, thin, tall, in general, she had everything that Andrei liked in girls.
Anya - Yes, I'm fine.
Andrey - Well, um... Let's get acquainted? I am Andrey.
Anya - “With a smile” Well, hello my savior, let’s introduce myself, I’m Anya.
Andrei was struck to the very heart, he was delighted, because he had no luck with girls, everyone avoided him, who was very dear to him, those girls did not care about him, it seemed that this was the only girl who agreed to meet him and even smiled .
Andrey - You...You are so wonderful, I don’t understand how such a girl can be so offended. (Short pause) If you want, I’ll walk you home, at least this way I’ll feel safer that you’ll be okay.
Anya “With a smile” - Of course I want to.
Andrei was overwhelmed with emotions, firstly, he liked to stand up, support and simply help girls in some way, he believed that the most important quality should be in a guy. And secondly, he met the most friendly girl he had ever met. They talked all evening on the social network VK and did not want to go to bed.
The next morning:
Andrey and his friend often streamed (made live broadcasts) on YouTube. Andrey’s friend thus helped him find an audience, since Alexander was more developed in this activity.
Sasha - Well, are you ready to stream?
Andrey - You know that I am always ready.
Sasha - By the way, what were you doing on VK late at night yesterday? There wasn’t even a single entry in your VK group.
Andrey - I talked.
Sasha - Really? With whom? Not a single girl wants to talk to you.
Andrey - Sash, stop it, at least you won’t troll me, especially since you’re younger than me, maybe by a year, but still.
Sasha - Okay, okay, I understand everything, I have a girlfriend, so I won’t mess with your new friend, “With a grin,” do you think I haven’t seen her?
Andrey - Okay, let's start already, otherwise people are already waiting.
Alexander launched a program for live broadcast.
Sasha - Hello everyone, dear viewers, you are on the gaming channel Sasha, and today my colleague Andre Geyman is sitting in the comments...
Andrey - Hello, today we will continue the game To the Moon, let me remind you that I play it on my channel, you see, I really liked voicing the characters, so come to my channel. And now we begin to enjoy the music and drama of the game.
After some time, Andrey’s phone rang.
Andrey - Sash, can you stay without me for a couple of minutes? just an urgent call.
Sasha - Yes, of course.
Spectator from the audience - A girl called Andrey.
Andrey “With a smile” - What do you guys want, 17 years old and all that...Okay, I need to answer, I’ll be in a couple of minutes.
Andrey walked out the door.
Andrey “With a smile” Yes, hello?
Anya "In a dead voice" - Hello...
Andrey - Did something happen to you?
Anya - It’s okay, don’t worry....
Andrey - Do you want me to come to your house in an hour?
Anya - Yes, I would be glad.
Andrey - Agreed, don’t be bored without me.
Anya - Okay, I won’t.
Andrey hung up and returned to Alexander’s room to continue the stream. An hour later, when the live broadcast ended, Alexander saw off Andrey....
Andrey - You know, after playing such games, you become kinder and more compassionate... Since I was 14 years old, I wanted to make the life of a girl from an orphanage happy, because she had no one, no parents, no loved ones... She never received any affection , no love... I am very sorry for such girls, I would love such a girl, I would try to please her, so that she always laughs... I would become for her the only, dear little person.
Sasha - Are you saying that because girls avoid you, but she will be sincerely happy, communicate and smile at you?
Andrey - Maybe... Otherwise you won’t understand me. Okay, I'll go.
Andrey went to Anya’s house, he was very worried about her. At times it seemed to him that they were close friends who had been friends for a century, and at times it seemed that they were kindred spirits who were separated at birth and only now met and would never be separated again. Andrey walked up to the entrance and called through the intercom. Anya opened it to him and was very happy that Andrei had come to visit her.
Anya "With a smile" - Hello.
Andrey “With a smile” - Well, here I am. Aren't you late?
Anya - No, maybe for five minutes.
Andrey “With a smile” - And I... (Holds out flowers) These are the culprits of my lateness.
Anya “With a smile” Wow, thank you, very nice.
Andrey - Such beautiful girl, should give flowers every day.
Anya “With a smile” - Thank you very much. Well, come on in.
Andrey went into the apartment. Anya led him into the room. There was a large wardrobe in the room, next to it there was a sofa and two armchairs on either side of the sofa.
Anya - Well, here is my room.
Andrey - Wow, how beautiful she is, like a princess.
Anya “With a grin” - Maybe stop praising me today? Suddenly you'll praise it.
Andrey - No, it’s impossible to praise such a girl.
Anya laughed.
Andrey - But why were you sad on the phone then?
Anya “Sigh” - If I tell you, you won’t want to communicate with me.
Andrey - Me? How can I? I still need to look for a friend like you.
Anya - I...I...I was taken from an orphanage at the age of three. At first I was happy, but when I turned 14 years old, my adoptive parents began to drink, at first it was not noticeable, then after drinking alcohol they began to shout at me, accuse me of not doing anything, and then beat me. They bought me this apartment and I was left completely alone, without family, relatives and friends... Sometimes I get very bored and sad. I understand that I'm tired of being alone....
Andrey - This is very touching. I really feel sorry for you....And I...I really want to be your dear person, a faithful friend...I really want you to smile.
Anya - Is this true?
Andrey - The purest truth. I will always be with you now.
Anya - Thanks a lot you.
Andrey - You're welcome.
Andrey looked at his watch; it said 16 o’clock.
Andrey - It’s already 16, it’s time to go home.
Anya - Well, I knew you wouldn’t want it.
Andrey - Well, what are you doing? I’ll go to VK now and we’ll communicate through it.
Anya - Really?
Andrey - Of course.
And Andrey went home. He was overwhelmed with emotions. Firstly, his dream came true, he found the very girl he wanted to make happy. Secondly, he feels very sorry for Anya, who is all alone...
Andrey needed to go to bed, but he was on the social network VK. I corresponded with Anya.
Andrey - “What is so nice to write to her?” I’ll write: Smiley smile and sleeping moon.
The next morning, Andrei wanted to give Anya something, which is most pleasant, he remembers that on the day they met, when Andrei was saving Anya from hooligans, one of them stole a purse with jewelry. Andrey decided to buy a handbag for Anya and went to the store. Andrey approached the merchant. The merchant was a middle-aged woman.
Andrey - Hello, please tell me how much this pink handbag costs?
Trader - 60 rub.
Andrey - I'm buying.
Andrey bought a purse and headed to Anya. On the way, he met a troll who decided to mock Andrei. The troll saw the pink handbag that Andrey was carrying in his hands.
Troll "With a grin" - Oh, who do I see? This is Andre Gaiman himself and his pink handbag. Does this mean the name of your shitty and useless channel GAIMAN has acquired a direct meaning?
Andrey - Well, first of all, “Game” from English. "Game" and "Man" is a man. If you combine these two words, you get Gambler. Secondly, what I say shouldn’t worry you. Thirdly, if you don’t like it, don’t look.
Troll - Look how literate we are, it’s scary. Even frogs hate to listen to your filthy voice. "Laughs"
Andrey - Well, God didn’t give me a good voice, but why remind me of this every time?
Troll - Look how touchy we are.
Andrey - In short, it’s useless to talk to you. Of course, what do you even know about life? No one even died, you didn’t have any serious illness, you weren’t in an orphanage, and if you had visited an orphanage or children with cancer for even a day on an excursion, you would... Although not if you’re hunchbacked , then one place will fix you. Of course it’s good to live on everything you need on your parents’ salary.
Troll "With a grin" - Dude, your fart exploded, again!
Andrey clenched his teeth and fists. At first he wanted to grab a knife, but at the last moment he changed his mind and grabbed a stun gun.
Andrey - Well, there will be more for you.
Andrey stuck a stun gun into the troll’s stomach and hit him against a tree.
Andrey - Rest.
Anya saw this event and ran up to Andrey.
Anya - Andrey?
Andrey - Everything is fine. Go here.
Andrey and Anya moved a little away from the troll.
Anya - Who was it?
Andrey is an envious person, he wants my creativity to disappear, but no, I won’t give in to them that easily. Otherwise it doesn't matter. I'll deal.
Anya - Really?
Andrey - Of course. By the way, on the day we met, hooligans stole your handbag with jewelry. So, “He holds out his handbag to Anya.” Keep in it those jewels that would decorate a princess like you.
Anya “With delight” - Wow, thank you, I’m pleased.
A day later.
Andrey decided to invite Anya to the restaurant, he called her on the phone.
Andrey - Hello An, what are you doing tonight?
Anya “with a smile” - I’m not doing anything, but you want to take a walk?
Andrey - Surprise, I’ll call you closer to five o’clock.
Anya “With a smile” - Okay, I’ll wait.
And Andrey went to broadcast live with his friend Sasha.
Viewer from the chat - Andrey, if you could make games, what genre would you choose?
Andrey - I would make games like: In the middle of a dream, about a two-year-old girl and her fears, a mother didn’t watch much with her daughter, flooded her working day with a bottle, and then scared her daughter and hit her... Like To the Moon, about true love, what is called from pot to coffin. Like the Bird's story about a small and useless boy, everyone treated him with contempt, and this bird became his only friend with whom he was happy. Even the game Do you remember my lullaby also delighted me, because this story about a lonely mother with a living son, who left his mother completely alone at Christmas... And the mother waited for her son until the last minute, and she never got it... My soul hurts very much for this, it hurts to see that children and teenagers have gone cruel and selfish, they offend quite a few young teachers and parents with their behavior... Unfortunately, shooting games don’t teach anything good... Considering what’s going on in the world now... Of course, it’s cool to shoot, but... I hope that through in five years they will release a lot of games “For the soul” And I will completely switch to such games... At the age of 17, when you have seen a lot of grief from others and you penetrate into their souls and want to help these people, but you are still trying to save them and you want them to smile for a moment, but you can’t do it at all, but you still... In general, if I made games, it would be like this, I would try to make at least children and teenagers at least a little kinder... .
An hour later
Sasha - Well, you distinguished yourself today...
Andrey - I simply answered the viewer’s question.
Sasha - I understand, of course, you are 17 years old, you are in adolescence, your farts are bombing, you have some kind of offense that goes out to the whole world, but dude, be careful in your answers, these are my viewers...
Andrey - Yours? And I thought that these were our common viewers...
Sasha - Well, I'm sorry, that's not what I wanted...
Andrey - Okay, I went to Ani.
Andrey and Anya agreed to meet in a restaurant Moonlight at 17:00. Andrey's watch showed 17:10. Anya was late, Andrei was waiting for her near the restaurant.
Anya - Sorry, I'm late, traffic jams while you get there... Well, where are we going today?
Andrey - It’s okay princess, you have nothing to apologize for. So today is Friday, I decided to relax, I would really like to spend this evening with you. Let's sit in this restaurant.
Anya “With delight” - Wow, I want it!
Andrey - Great! Let's go to.
Andrey and Anya entered the Moonlight restaurant. The ceiling was made in the style of a starry sky, and disco balls in the shape of the moon were visible all around. Andrey and Anya sat down at a table near the window.
Andrey - Here, sit down, and I’ll buy you a cake, the kind only princesses eat. Please don’t refuse, today everything is possible, you can relax. Eat at least a piece with me.
Anya “With a smile” - Okay, I’ll eat.
Andrey ordered a flower cake. Later the heroes continued their conversation.
Anya - What are you doing anyway?
Andrey - I’m in 11th grade, I want to work somewhere in computer technology. IN free time I'm a game commentator, this is when you shoot videos on games. I prefer adventure and drama games. Now there are few of them, but everything is ahead. I also like writing stories...
Anya - “Interrupting with curiosity” - Really? Do you write stories?
Andrey - Well, how can I say...Now I’m just trying to develop my content, few people will understand this, but still.
Anya - Look, it's still great. Will you let me read it?
Andrey “With a smile” - They’re not entirely successful for me, but it’s good, of course I’ll give them for the princess.
Anya “With a smile” - Excellent!
Suddenly a boy came in.
Boy - Mom, buy me this cake, as always.
Boy's mother - Of course, that's why we came...
Anya fell silent and became sad, then said...
Anya - You know, I have a dream: To adopt a child from an orphanage, I will raise him in love and desire...
Andrey - In this way, you will take revenge on your adoptive parents, who beat you, do not put you in anything, and you will raise him with love?
After these words, Anya became even more sad and drooped. There was a long silence from Anya.
Andrey - Sorry, I didn't mean to...
Anya - No, it's okay. It’s just... Such children received nothing: No love, no warmth, no children’s joys... And I could give him all this. Make his life happy. Do you know how good your soul feels at this thought...
Andrey - Yes, I understand. I would also like to make this child’s life happy.
Anya - Really?
Andrey - Of course...I'm sure you would be a great mom.
Anya - Thank you.
Andrey - You're welcome, princess. And please don't be sad. You have a very beautiful smile. Look at these stars and the moon, they smile only at you... Smile after them.
Anya "with a smile" - Okay.
Anya smiled and cheerful music began to play. Andrey stood up and extended his hand to Anya.
Andrey - Dear princess, may I invite you to dance?
Anya "Easy laughter" - With pleasure.
Andrey gently took Anya by the waist and they danced for half an hour without looking away from each other for a second, not noticing the time, and the clock had already struck 20 o’clock.
Anya “With a smile” - We had a good time, thank you for the cake, it’s very tasty.
Andrey “With a smile” - You’re welcome, I tried very hard to please you. Shall we do this every Friday?
Anya “With a smile” - I want.
Andrey - Well, then we agreed.
They talked and smiled at each other for a long time until they reached Anya’s house.
The New Year holidays have arrived, Andrey wanted to spend the outgoing 2014 with Anya. Andrey called Anya to invite her to his party.
Andrey - Hello, Anya, how are you going to celebrate this New Year? Do you mind if I invite you to my home?
Anya - There’s no way I’m going to celebrate it, until I was 14 I loved this holiday, but now...I have no one to celebrate it with...
Andrey “With a smile” - You have someone to celebrate it with. Let's spend the outgoing 2014 together. Just you and me.
Anya - That would be great.
Andrey “With a smile” - So we agreed. Well, are you coming to me or am I coming to you?
Anya - Come on, you better come to me.
Andrey “With a smile” - As you order, princess. I’ll come to you in the evening and we’ll be together, just you and me. Agree?
Anya - Of course.
Andrey - Please promise me that until the evening you will never be sad, but now you will smile.
Anya “With a smile” - Okay, I promise.
Andrey “With a smile” - That’s another matter. Okay princess, I kiss you.
Before Andrey went to Anya, he decided to record a video New Year's greetings to the audience.
Andrey - Hello dear audience, I want to congratulate you on the upcoming or, for some, the already arrived, new year. I wish that this year all your endeavors become successful. Never give up and go forward until the very end. You see how it turned out, I was insulted for a whole year because of my voice, they wanted me to film without a microphone or not film at all, but despite this, I did not give up, I continued filming no matter what. From here we conclude: If you want to achieve something in this life, then you don’t need to listen to trolls, there will still be adequate people who will support you, and send trolls to the frank three letters. The new anniversary season will begin on January 26. In general, happy 2015 to you, you are the best!
Having recorded the video, Andrey headed towards Anya, on the way he met little kitten and Andrei took him into his arms, covering him with the kitten’s coat, Andrei headed towards Anya’s house. Our hero rang the doorbell.
Andrey “With a smile” - Hello princess.
Anya - Hello.
Andrey “With a smile” - And I didn’t come alone “Takes a kitten in his arms”
Anya “With delight” - Wow, how lovely.
Andrey “With a smile” - I thought, today we will walk and have fun, and this cat will be all alone and sad on the street. Do you mind if she spends this evening with us?
Anya “With a smile” - I don’t mind. Come in with our guest.
Andrey - Great. Now we need to feed her.
Anya - Let's go to the kitchen, I'll find something.
Andrey and Anya went to the kitchen. The kitchen was small. The brown table was near the window, flanked by two wooden chairs.
Anya - So, we need to find a bowl for her.
Andrey - And you put a small plate for her on the floor, near the refrigerator.
Anya “With a smile” - Oh yes, exactly. I'll put the saucer down.
Anya put the red saucer on the floor, near the refrigerator.
Anya - So what should I give her to eat?
Andrey “With a smile” - Well, she’s very hungry, so she at least eats a piece of bread. Break it off for her small piece some bread, and then, when he eats it, we’ll add more.
Anya “With a smile” - Okay.
Anya broke off a piece of bread and put it in a saucer.
Anya “With surprise” Look, Andrey, he’s eating.
Andrey “With a smile” - Well, what did I say?
Anya - Look, she ate everything. Great!
Andrey - Now give her a piece of potato.
Anya “With a smile” - Okay. “In a joyful voice” Now we will have a hearty meal.
Anya put whole potatoes in a saucer.
Andrey “With surprise” - Wow, will she eat that much?
Anya - Yeah, and he’ll ask for more.
After a couple of minutes, the little cat ate everything that was in the saucer.
Andrey - Well, I ate everything! Well, let me, now I’ll feed her.
Anya - No, let me feed her.
Andrey “With a smile” - Don’t you want to feed her together?
Anya “With a smile” - Well, okay, go ahead.
They fed their new friend for a long time, when suddenly the light was turned off.
Anya - Oops, the lights went out. After all, they promised that on New Year’s Day the lights would be turned off from six in the evening to three in the morning.
Andrey “With a smile” - Nothing, we’ll see, but for now we can go outside.
Anya - Dangerous.
Andrey - Are you because of this maniac? “With a smile” Don’t worry, I’m with you and if anything happens, I’ll protect you.
Anya “With a smile” - Okay, let's go. I'm not afraid of anything with you. Let’s just take our cat, why should she turn gray in the dark? Scary.
Andrey - No, she’s not scared, she has night vision, so she sees everything.
Anya - Don't argue with me. I'll carry her.
Andrey - Oh, oh...Well, okay, okay, I won’t argue with the princess.
Anya “With a smile” - That’s good. Okay, now it’s 18:50, we’ll walk until ten o’clock and come back. I want to celebrate the New Year at home.
Andrey “With a smile” As you order, princess.
Our heroes went outside, it was dark and cold. The first snow began to fall in the city. Andrei and Anya loved this phenomenon very much, since snow fell very rarely for them.
Andrey “With a smile” - Yes, even though it’s dark and cold here, at least there’s snow. Let's take a walk in the yard and play in the snow?
Anya “With a smile” - That would be great.
Andrey began to bend down and make a snowball.
Andrey - Come on Anya, make a snowball too.
Anya "With a smile" - Well, let's try.
They started throwing snowballs at each other and got very excited about it.
Anya - It’s not fair, you threw it at me in the back.
Andrey “With a smile” - Well, I’m loving.
Anya - Oh, where is our cat?
Anya began to look for the cat and saw that she was hiding in the snow.
Anya “With a smile” - Oh, how cute she is, but what should we call her?
Andrey - Let's call Fakir.
Anya - Fakira? Unusual name.
Andrey “With a smile” - Well, would you like to call it that?
Anya “With a smile” - I would like to.
Andrey - Excellent! “Looking at the cat” - You already have a name - Fakirochka.
Anya “With a grin” - I won’t give it up, my Fakirochka.
Andrey - Yours, princess, of course yours.
Anya “With a smile” - That’s okay.
Anya took out her cell phone to find out what time it was.
Anya - Oh, it’s already 21:53, it’s time to go home. Went.
Andrey “With a smile” - As you order, let’s go.
Our heroes entered the apartment, Anya checked whether the light was turned on, but it had not been turned on yet.
Anya - Well, they haven’t turned on the light yet, well, nothing, candles, romance. Isn't that cool?
Andrey “With a smile” - Of course, princess.
Anya - Well, let's go to the kitchen. You shine a flashlight on me, and I’ll burn the candles and pour champagne.
Andrey “Laughing lightly” - Of course, go ahead.
They entered the kitchen, poured champagne and Andrei said his toast. The clock showed 22:48
Andrey - Well, I want to thank this year 2014 for you. You, Anya, are my dearest and most valuable gift. It is very interesting and fun to spend time with you. I really want us to get into this 2015 and have the happiest year of our lives. I am very glad that you are smiling and having fun now. I'm glad you're happy, stay that way and never be sad. I wish that we spend 2015 without being separated for a second.
Anya “With a smile” - God, how nice it is. Yes, I think I'm really happy. Let's try to spend 2015 without being separated for a second. I hope we can do it.
Andrey “With a smile” - And I believe that we will succeed. After all, I even have Fakira and it’s just great for me to have two wonderful girls like you.
Anya “With a slight grin” - Netushka, I won’t let her receive affection from you, I’ll be jealous.
Andrey “With a smile” - Are you very jealous?
Anya "With a smile" - terribly jealous.
Andrey - Well, okay, I won’t touch her.
Anya - That's good.
Anya looked at her watch.
Anya - It’s already 23:18, it’s a pity that you can’t turn on and watch anything.
Andrey - My tablet is fully charged, would you like me to show you my work, thanks to which I felt sorry for Fakir and I took her to live with us.
Anya “With a smile” - Wow, of course I want to.
Andrey turned on the video and after some time our main characters were already watching the final scene.
Voice from the video - Hurray, you came, you flew, how I was waiting for you... You fly, how happy I am for you, my dear... They hugged and the bird flew far, far away... Yes, they made a nest here and began to live...
Anya “In a touched voice” - And they began to live happily ever after and died... Although no, they lived forever.
Fakira came to Anya and began to caress her, asking to be held, Anya took her in her arms.
Anya - If this game had not existed, Andrey would not have brought you to me, but now you are here and I will look after you.
Andrey - Yes, we will.
Anya looked at her watch.
Anya - Wow, it’s already 11:47 pm, let’s quickly have a glass of champagne and go ahead and celebrate the new year 2015!
Andrey “With a smile” Well, pour it.
Anya filled the glasses and looked out the window
Anya - Wow, they’ve already given light to the nine-story building, which means they’ll give it to us soon.
Andrey - Of course, right at midnight.
Anya - Well then, there are only five minutes left until the new year.
Andrey - Well, let's meet him.
They came very close to each other and Andrei hugged Anya and kissed her tenderly.
Anya “With a smile” - Do you have a girlfriend?
Andrey “With a smile” You are my girl.
After 12 seconds of them tenderly kissing, the lights were turned on in the house where Anya lived.

My wife and I couldn’t have a child for a long time. Nothing came of it... We visited so many doctors, took so many tests... They didn’t do anything. And the wife could not get pregnant. We decided to take the child from the orphanage.

We didn’t even know which child to take (a boy or a girl) and what age. They wrote different things on different sites, but everyone advised not to take a child over 10 years old, since the child has already matured. And there is no way to change the child. I want to say right away that children do not need to be “remade” - they just need the love and care of their parents.

Ulyana. The girl who loves sweets

Going to the orphanage, we didn’t know what to expect... We just wanted to see the children. To be honest, I wanted to take all the kids. They craved attention, because they knew why adults came. Some of the children pulled their pants leg to attract attention, some showed toys... And only one girl of about four came up and said: “I know that you won’t adopt me, but I really... I really love sweets! anything?". The wife burst into tears. We decided to take this particular girl who “loves sweets.”

Apparently, the children took away not only goodies from each other, but also bread. For three months, my daughter could not completely get rid of a strange reflex: she hid bread under her butt while eating. He bites off a piece of bread and quickly puts it under his dress so that no one can see. She was very greedy and did not share. I kept sweets in a children's chest in my room. And she hid the chest behind the toys.

Time has passed. My wife once caught a cold and was lying with a fever, so Ulyana brought her her chest of candies and said: “Mom, I love candy very much, but I love you more. Eat it and you will get better.”

Margarita. The girl who doesn't cry

Six months have passed since the first adoption, when we decided to take another child. We noticed a girl about five years old. It turned out that she did not cry at all. But we discovered this strange feature later. We adopted Margarita in the spring. On the very first day they gave her a bicycle. And somehow she fell off him very hard and broke her hands until they bled. What surprised me was that she didn't cry. A little later, she accidentally touched the hot kettle with her hand, got a burn, but again did not cry. Then Rita said that she was used to not crying, because in the orphanage tears did not help anyone, it only got worse. I realized that there was nowhere to wait for help.

This is how we live with our daughters. They, of course, have changed during this time, their behavior has changed, their habits are slowly changing, but most importantly, their outlook has changed. This cannot be put into words.

Children really need loving parents. We need even more than sweets or expensive gifts. They really, really need parents.

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