For a great mood! A new collection of stories from life. Mobile horoscope - Gemini

If you were born today, March 6: You are an exceptionally hard-working person who has great passion and dedication to what you do. You seek balance, harmony and beauty in your life; and strive tirelessly to achieve these qualities. Responsible and purposeful, you do everything that depends on you and even more. you are strong in humanities, but never give up practical interests. You can be ruled by your fears and never forget your roots. Famous people, born today: Valentina Tereshkova, Mikhail Zhvanetsky, Buonarroti Michelangelo, Tatyana Bulanova, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Andrzej Wanda, David Gilmore, Fazil Iskander, Shaquille O'Neal, Mikhail Zvezdinsky, Alexander Sklyar, Vladimir Talashko, Cyrano de Bergerac, Pyotr Ershov, Vasily Utkin, Stanislav Jerzy Lec, Alexander Pokryshkin and others. The horoscope for March 6, 2018 will give recommendations that will help you find happiness and harmony.

Horoscope for March 6, 2018 Aries

The horoscope predicts a difficult day for Aries, when he will have to become an activist at home and at work. If you quickly emerge from the “darkness,” you will solve all pressing problems. The main thing is to approach all issues systematically so as not to overwork. You yourself wanted your chosen one to become a leader, so what is happening in the personal sphere of Aries is unlikely to please.

Horoscope for March 6, 2018 Taurus

On March 6, 2018, something extraordinary will happen in the life of Taurus, which will entail numerous losses. By the way, more moral than financial. Approach your work professionally, otherwise your boss will deprive you of your bonus and cut your salary. Unpleasant events await Taurus in love if he starts stomping his feet and shouting for any reason.

Horoscope for March 6, 2018 Gemini

The horoscope guarantees Gemini a spring mood, which will help them look at what is happening more positively. Your inner state may fluctuate to the point of “gloomy”, but you will be able to overcome depression. After all, a loved one is nearby, which already gives a charge of vigor. Gemini will be protected from financial investments by a friend who also found himself in such a situation.

Horoscope for March 6, 2018 Cancer

March 6, 2018 Cancer needs to keep a tight grip on himself so as not to lash out at loved ones. You should not put your opinion above those who are more experienced and older. Do not find fault with the past of your chosen one, otherwise jealousy will interfere with your amorous affairs. In the financial sphere, nothing can lead Cancer astray, so expect profit.

Horoscope for March 6, 2018 Leo

The horoscope recommends Leo to be responsible and honest when it comes to new tasks. Fate will throw you a couple of challenges in your career, but you shouldn’t anger her for this. On the contrary, say “thank you” that everything happened exactly this way and not otherwise. In love, Leo is inspired by an intoxicating sense of freedom, but the chosen one does not really like your craving for independence.

Horoscope for March 6, 2018 Virgo

On March 6, 2018, Virgo will experience a mismatch between credit and debit, which will serve as a reason to recalculate accumulated funds. You spend too much on unnecessary things and trifles, forgetting about saving. In her personal life, Virgo will have to avoid sharp corners in her relationship with her chosen one. If the non-interference method is used, then quarrels will not happen.

Horoscope for March 6, 2018 Libra

The horoscope predicts a lot of troubles related to money for Libra. You will have to make decisions that will affect your future budget. IN family life everything is fine, except for minor repairs and household troubles. Libra's mutual understanding with the people around him leaves much to be desired. Why do you grumble like a grandfather at everyone?

Horoscope for March 6, 2018 Scorpio

On March 6, 2018, Scorpio will have to deal with the problems of elderly relatives all day. I don’t want to get involved in this, but there is no other way out. Loneliness will overwhelm Scorpio, who recently broke up with his chosen one. To get a little distraction, you need to meet with friends, take a walk in the park, or leave the city for a while.

Horoscope for March 6, 2018 Sagittarius

The horoscope predicts Sagittarius will have doubts and complaints about himself. Especially if the bosses force you to do something useless and put moral pressure on you. First, decide - are you working or being lazy? Sagittarius's health is fine, but he needs to wait a bit with extreme sports. Injuries can be serious.

Horoscope for March 6, 2018 Capricorn

On March 6, 2018, Capricorn will constantly look ahead, which will prevent you from concentrating on today's tasks. Stop running ahead of the locomotive, it’s time to stop. In the personal sphere there are no barriers to mutual feelings. But Capricorn is always busy with his career, which already irritates the chosen one. In the evening, a school friend will invite you to visit.

Horoscope for March 6, 2018 Aquarius

The horoscope promises Aquarius a difficult day when it will be impossible to get rid of self-doubt. Even if you analyze your behavior again, something still oppresses and infuriates you. In love, Aquarius will adhere to the “I myself” rule. There is no need to be so categorical, otherwise your partner will instantly run away and forget you.

Horoscope for March 6, 2018 Pisces

March 6, 2018 Pisces need to convince themselves that life is wonderful, no matter what. You will participate in a mass event, after which a lot will change in the professional sphere. In a relationship with a chosen one, Pisces should think first and speak later. It’s better to retire for a while if something is “rushing” out of you.

Mid-spring will be a period of increased business activity for you. This is evidenced by the horoscope for April 2018 for the sign Gemini. This circumstance should not bother typical representatives of this zodiac sign; they are used to doing several things at the same time.

The first two decades of the month will give you a lot of new impressions and provide an opportunity to make significant amendments to your life. At this time, you will make new plans, often meet with your loved ones and friends, and make new acquaintances. Gemini will spend the last days of April “in the shadows.” And this is correct, because the horoscope for April 2018 warns that high activity in the last ten days of April is fraught with serious consequences for you. Serious negotiations and making important decisions during this period of time should also be abandoned.

In April, the life of Gemini will be marked by a bright, memorable event. You will even gain some popularity among the opposite sex, which will be either a joy or a burden for you. And yet this period of time will become the most significant and happiest for you.

Do you want the month to be as successful as possible? Use these lucky amulets and factors, a list of which has been compiled for you by experienced astrologers:

Symbols of good luck for the Gemini sign in April 2018:

Plant: Buttercup

Stone: Citrine

Number: 20

Color: Wine red

Mascot: Mercury

Animal: Elk

Name: Ivan

Favorable days to fulfill plans for April 2018 for Gemini: 1, 4, 7, 9, 11, 16, 19, 23, 25, 29

Unfavorable days to implement plans for April 2018 for the sign Gemini: 5, 13, 20, 26

Horoscope of love and family relationships

The love horoscope for the sign of Gemini warns that in April 2018 your boat will rapidly sail along the river of happiness and love. You will express romantic feelings easily and freely, and this will bring you incredible pleasure. Geminis will delight their loved ones with gifts and demonstrate warmth and sometimes even sentimentality in close relationships. In April 2018, Gemini may begin a sensual relationship with their immediate superiors. You may have to think about where the boundaries of this relationship will be set.

Gemini family relationships with their loved ones they will be calm, pragmatic, but at the same time not at all deprived of small family pleasures. Your spouse will understand you perfectly, and there will be practically no reasons for disagreements and quarrels. In April, you have a great chance of conceiving a child who will be born with talent in the field of art.

Single Gemini Those who arrange their personal lives must stock up on patience and wisdom. Love is like a rose, which you can admire for a long time, but at one fine moment it hurts to get pricked. As you know, Geminis are freedom-loving and independent, which can lead to problems in love relationships. The horoscope warns that in April 2018, Gemini should not flirt with strangers in front of their chosen one. This behavior may result in adverse consequences. It will be much better if you prove to your loved one the seriousness of your intentions.

Gemini travelers, like those who practically live on business trips, can become heroes of vivid love stories. Single Geminis should stop complaining about their villainous fate and think about how to proceed. Maybe representatives of the opposite sex are scared off by your too uncriminal attitude. appearance? So be simpler, and people will be drawn to you! Use natural charm when you realize that you care about a person.

Career and finance

Forecast for employees. The Gemini horoscope for April 2018 indicates that mid-spring will be a good period for you, both financially and professionally. There is a high probability of career growth, salary increase or change of job to a better paying one. Using business skills, you can become an informal leader in your team, and at the same time not ruin your relationship with anyone.

Be prepared for what you have to give practical advice and make responsible decisions. And you will have virtually no room for error. In April, Gemini can safely raise the issue of increasing wages, but it will not increase immediately, but when the time comes.

Horoscope for entrepreneurs of the Gemini sign. The combination of planets indicates that they are currently being created the necessary conditions for the successful growth of your income, as well as for fruitful work with new professionals and specialists. Do not ignore the opinions of experienced workers, listen to their comments and advice, even if these people do not seem likeable to you. The time will come and this will help you get out of your predicament.

Financial forecast. In April, according to the horoscope, Gemini can make good money on the side, without even making any plans for this. You do not expect any special expenses, but there is a risk of losing part of the profit. Don't make rash decisions, avoid pointless spending, and don't overreact to unexpected situations. All decisions should be made by you only in an atmosphere of absolute emotional balance.

Health and energy background

According to the horoscope for April, you have no particular reason to worry about your health. Unexpected changes in mood are quite likely, making some adjustments to the general physical condition. However, Geminis live almost constantly in a changing energy field, and therefore you can easily adapt to any condition or event.

It is possible that a high amplitude of energy fluctuations in combination with nervous tension can lead to sleep disturbances and surges in blood pressure. Therefore, try to refrain from violent reactions to any external stimuli, do not succumb to the fears that haunt you, and stay more fresh air and experience positive emotions.

You take a lot to heart and worry a lot if anything doesn’t go the way you would like. You shouldn’t expect too much from others or create illusions. The more realistic you look at things, the easier it will be for you today. Be careful, try to notice everything that happens around you. So the chance of being in the right place at the right time and benefiting from it will be higher.
It is not advisable to make purchases, especially large ones, if they were not planned in advance. Your many fleeting desires today can lead to serious expenses!

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Love horoscope - Gemini

Tomorrow you should not have any obstacles to spending a pleasant evening in the company of your lover.


You will be of little interest in superficial hobbies and fleeting affairs. You will truly strive for truly deep emotional and spiritual attachment. Try to find a worthy person who will share this desire with you, and next to whom you will really feel comfortable and warm.
Today you will show exceptional care and gentleness in communicating with the people around you. You will be able to console them and help them forget about all the problems and difficulties that haunted them. In this way, you will significantly increase your karma, and subsequently you will be rewarded for it - including in your personal life.

A romantic trip awaits you. A country trip or a short vacation is always very romantic and helps bring two hearts closer together. Finding yourself alone, in the middle of an endless highway, you will be able to open your hearts to each other and strengthen your relationship.


Family horoscope - Gemini

Despite all your efforts, the situation in relationships with loved ones will be nervous. You will lack patience when dealing with children. Fortunately, there will be no serious consequences.

Business horoscope - Gemini

Things don't require close attention. You can rest easy and work on your future actions.


Today opens up the green light for new beginnings, especially if you are engaged in commerce or work in the field of highly skilled labor. The day is also good for starting your own business in the leisure, restaurant or hotel business.

Health horoscope - Gemini

If you are not satisfied with your well-being and physical capabilities, then start developing the desired qualities in yourself right now. Don't think that this is incredibly difficult, start doing exercises for those muscle groups that you want to develop first, and you will see for yourself how quickly the first results will appear.


You will be full of strength and energy and will successfully cope with many emotional problems. Try doing yoga - it will promote mental balance.

Mobile horoscope - Gemini

Today you are charming and beautiful to everyone around you, but you are not looking for just ordinary communication with people. At first you will enjoy the company of friends and will happily relax at the event, but inside you will feel a certain emptiness. This feeling means that your connection with people is not deep enough. You would like to strengthen your relationship with someone who truly understands you. Of course, people may misunderstand you when you express your desire, but their doubts will quickly disappear when you show them your willingness to go beyond your comfort zone.

Beauty Horoscope - Gemini

Today your life will seem truly happy and joyful. And you will have every reason to do so! After all, now you will be surrounded only by those closest and dearest to you, and any of your undertakings and undertakings will be crowned with brilliant success.

The day is not suitable for starting new important things or taking on important projects. To achieve any results, you need to put in a lot of effort, and you don’t always want that. You act carefully, do not take risks. This allows you to avoid serious mistakes, but it prevents you from taking advantage of all the opportunities that this day opens up.
Organization and discipline are important. Do not indulge your whims, do not break the promises you made earlier because of fleeting desires. Communication with loved ones will require patience.

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Love horoscope - Gemini

Maybe Gemini will be really lucky tomorrow and your dreams will come true. If not, then think about whether Gemini really needs all this.


Today is the best time to warm up your loved one with warmth and care. This period is also favorable for eliminating some family problems and issues, just try to listen to the opinion of your significant other. It is best to devote the evening to communication; joint walks will be successful.


Family horoscope - Gemini

Be more tolerant towards your loved ones. If you strive to leave the last word for yourself in any dispute, this will bring nothing but problems and conflicts.

Business horoscope - Gemini

Think carefully before making an important decision. It will be better if you, Gemini, wait and gather more information.


The day promises stability in the professional sphere. No luminary will have a direct influence on this area of ​​your life, so the day promises to be quite easy in terms of work. Your position is secure, you have absolutely nothing to fear.

Health horoscope - Gemini

Don’t stress, avoid emotional outbursts and, as a result, losses large quantity energy. Do everything with joy and don’t worry about difficulties that arise. If you are calm and confident in your abilities, you will easily cope with everything. If necessary, support yourself with herbal infusions.


Restless Neptune threatens your health with troubles. No, no terrible diseases, just a loss of strength, which healthy sleep will help you cope with. And if sleep doesn't help, then it makes sense to do a blood test. You may be lacking iron or magnesium.

Mobile horoscope - Gemini

You are filled with the energy of kindness and compassion, and you want to show compassion and support everyone who needs it. But it seems that you are not confident enough in yourself and cannot fully feel free, because you are afraid to show your weak sides. you try to be the best version yourself, but you are afraid that your responsiveness will scare people away. However, this is not a reason to hide and not do what your heart tells you. Do everything you can to regain your confidence. When you radiate it, people will definitely accept you for who you are.

Beauty Horoscope - Gemini

Today is a great day for any collective projects and endeavors with your friends. You will be filled with ebullient intellectual energy and enthusiasm, and your comrades will certainly agree to support any of your initiatives.

Thank you. I'm a Gemini, I can handle it.

Try not to put too much strain on your body physically or emotionally in the near future, although, most likely, you will feel considerable strength in yourself. Avoid conflicts and showdowns on this day. Get plenty of rest.

You should not indulge in adventures and take unnecessary risks. Also, you shouldn’t rush to implement other people’s ideas: it will soon turn out that they are not as good as they seemed. You may meet people who will be energetically stronger than you. If you feel pressure from them, it is better to retreat.

On this day, you should not ask anyone for help or support, since you yourself are able to cope with any task. You will draw your strength and inspiration from your relationship with your loved one, or a new acquaintance may affect your emotional state.

You will have a huge supply of strength and energy, so do not waste precious time, but start solving issues that seemed quite difficult. Everything should work out for you now. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of pampering yourself with pleasant purchases.

The coming time is more conducive to not too active activity or relaxation. Now you may be lucky in love, especially if you are not burdened with family ties. Just try to make a good impression on your new acquaintance and not push him away with a frown or abstruse speeches.

It’s worth re-evaluating your relationships with some people around you, but don’t rush to carry out your sentence. The time has not yet come for this. Now you may not take into account all the nuances. Avoid new acquaintances with people of the opposite sex, especially if you are being pushed into communication not by spiritual kinship, but by a love interest.

On this day, any work should be done slowly. Do not chase quantity, as in this case you will not be able to complete everything you planned. Before seeking professional or financial assistance, think carefully about whether the person you have chosen is reliable.

You will feel good both physically and emotionally. At least there should be no irritating factors. Try to spend more time outdoors, as this will help you stay in a good mood.

Meetings with friends and acquaintances, as well as various trips, can give a positive result that will exceed your expectations. If possible, go out of town. When you have time and desire, then you will deal with pressing problems. Pleasant surprises can await you in a love relationship. The stars warn: be very careful with alcohol.

Now you may encounter some difficulties in love sphere. It will be difficult for you to find a common language with a person. whom you love, and because of any little thing you will be able to cause a scandal. Try to avoid conflicts by any means.

The day will fly by unnoticed. If you don’t feel like doing something, put it off for a few days. Now favorable time in order to properly rest and gain strength. Try to avoid a showdown. Take care of your health.

Do not accept gifts from people who obsessively seek your company but are not among your friends or relatives. A person may feel that by accepting gifts from him, you become obligated to him. And in some cases, things can be “charged” with certain information, most likely negative.

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