Double suffixes in words are a rule. Double consonants at the end of a word. Double consonant in proper names

November 3, 2016

The doubled consonant at the root of a word is found in foreign borrowings and words of original Russian origin. Rules and examples are presented in the article.

Double "w"

The doubled consonant at the root of a word is written in words such as burning, yeast, buzz, juniper. But such cases should not be confused with a combination of the sounds “zh” and “z”. Example:

  1. Every evening a huge German Shepherd and was accepted unnaturally and mournfully scream.
  2. Come it became increasingly difficult to get to him, because the driver of the only bus in this city ignored the schedule posted at the stop.
  3. In the courtyard of his house it is dark, only a light that barely glimmers from the outbuilding window, illuminates the road.
  4. The teacher came into the classroom and first of all hung a diagram over the board cerebellum.

Double "s"

Double consonants "ss" are written in words such as cash desk, assorted, passenger, cassette, class, compromise. The spelling of these lexical units must be remembered. This doubled consonant at the root of the word is written in foreign borrowings. Except for token argument and words that are of the same root with it. Examples:

  1. In old age, her character deteriorated to such an extent that she managed quarrel with all relatives.
  2. Quarreling That day, the neighbors no longer wasted energy on scandals, but for almost three years they remained completely silent, as if a cold war had been declared between them.

The double "s" is also written in words such as poetess, flight attendant.

Compound words

Double consonants are written in words formed from two parts. But only if the first ends with the same consonant with which the second begins. Examples: maternity hospital, head physician

If in a compound word the first part is formed from a lexical unit in which there is a double consonant, only one is written. Examples:

  1. More than a hundred items were stored in a dilapidated barn behind the house. gramophone records, produced about a hundred years ago, a couple of rickety chairs and other unnecessary junk.
  2. Three people entered the office, one of whom introduced himself grouporg. The positions of the others sounded just as mysterious.
  3. The writer was in the past cavalryman, and because of how honestly he portrayed the class struggle he witnessed, he was shot in 1938, calling him a traitor to his homeland.


The full forms of some names are written with double consonants. Diminutive forms - with one consonant. Examples:

  1. Youngest daughter - Alka- was a restless and overly curious child.
  2. Kirilka He grew up quickly and increasingly asked his parents uncomfortable questions.
  3. Anka She was a simple woman, kind as a peasant.

The examples above contain names with double consonants: Alla, Kirill, Anna. The spelling of the full and diminutive forms is different.


In words that are formed from nouns, the doubled consonant at the root of the word is retained and written immediately before the suffix. Examples:

  1. Parents are used to five-point system and for a long time they could not figure out whether to praise or punish their son because in his diary, next to the teacher’s signature, there were the numbers “6”, “7” and “8”.
  2. All these tribes united into the so-called th Hun union.
  3. He did not like to discuss and, whenever possible, tried to accept compromise solution.

The same can be said about the diminutive form of a noun. Examples:

  1. The cemetery, where figures of Soviet and Russian culture are buried, has been abandoned by foreigners. All that's left is group sedate but inquisitive Japanese.
  2. He didn’t like the performance, and therefore during the first act he looked tiredly at program and thought about his own.
  3. Telegram- and this is precisely what one can call a message of such frivolous content - was brought in the evening by a tired and, as always, irritated postman.

At the junction of root and prefix

Nouns in which the prefix ends with the same letter as the root begins are also written with double consonants. Examples:

  1. on his appeals No one had been paying attention for a long time, and therefore he had to leave the podium.
  2. Forge He learned his father's signature in the third grade.
  3. Pedagogical views this teacher had nothing in common with the theories of Makarenko and Soroka-Rosinsky.


The spellings of words of foreign origin with double consonants should be remembered. Examples:

  1. Vikenty Timofeevich held the position collegiate assessor.
  2. Oxygen cylinders banned for use both at home and in offices.
  3. On platform he met her husband and suddenly became afraid that the trip, which had been planned for so long, would fail.
  4. Boardwalk terrace was covered with a thin layer of early clean snow.
  5. Idyll, which reigned in their house for almost five years, as it turned out, was imaginary.

One consonant

There are words in the Russian language in which double consonants are often mistakenly written. Perhaps the point is that these lexical units, as a rule, are of foreign language origin. For example: balustrade, dealer, vernissage, amateur.

Words with double consonants are radically subordinate simple rules Russian language, which is studied in high school. For correct spelling, You should learn in advance to parse the word components: roots, suffixes.

In contact with

Double letters at the junction between the root prefix

  1. If prefix and root start with the same letter, then double consonants are written. Having parsed words into morphemes, it is easy to understand how these words are written. The rule applies to words such as: threshold, appeal, lawless, introduce, support, restore, anger, provoke, unscrupulous.
  2. Words with prefixes that end in –s and the same root word “quarrel” also written with double consonants.

Examples: quarrel, quarrel.

Note! Despite the fact that in the cognate word “quarrel”, together with the prefix, three letters C are formed, only two are written. There cannot be a triple in Russian. The same rule with the absence of a triple consonant also applies to other words.

Compound nouns with a double consonant

Nouns with a double consonant may be complex, consist of two semantic roots or bases. A double consonant is written if there is no connecting vowel between the roots, but they begin with the same letter.

An example of such words: Mossovet (Moscow Council), glavvrach (chief physician), Communist Party ( Communist Party)

Spelling of double consonants in foreign words

Borrowed nouns, which are written with double letters are the most common type of words.

It is impossible to check them, you can only memorize them, or use a spelling dictionary.

Here are a few of these words: ballast, hippopotamus, massage therapist, millimeter, occupier, ottoman, offshore, palazzo, passenger, pessimism, pizza, pleated, potpourri, programmer, professor.

Words with double RR are one of the most extensive groups of words. Examples: terrace, platform, terrorism, arrosion, corrector, hemorrhoids, cirrhosis, terracotta, barricade. These words are related to Latin and Greek words and represent medical or professional terms.

It is difficult to determine the stem of a word in words such as highway, attraction, collection. The root in the word alley is also written with two -LL-. All these words are foreign language by origin, their derivatives also have two identical letters at the base.

Important! Derivations from words with a pair of double consonants in the root are usually also written with two consonants.

  • Highway - highway.
  • Collection – collectible.
  • Compromise is a compromise.

An exception to this rule are formations that have become Russified over time. Usually double -НН- turns into single if the suffix -К- is used after it.

  • Column - column.
  • Manna - semolina.
  • Crystal - crystal.

To check these words, it is better to use a dictionary.

Moreover, in some cases, even in the absence of the suffix -K-, derivatives from foreign words with a double letter in the root form shapes with one letter. Examples of these exceptions:

Operetta - operetta, operetta.

Column – columnar, columnar, columnar, columnar. Other derivatives are written with two –H-. For comparison: colonnade, columned.

Crystal - crystal, little crystal. This rule applies only in cases where the combination -L- occurs in words. For comparison: crystalline, crystalline.

Double consonant in words with Russian origin

Spelling words with traditional Russian roots determined historically. There are rules that will help you check words with a double consonant.

Doubled –LJ-:

  • In words formed from “burn.” Examples: burning, burned, burning.
  • In native Russian words, doubled consonants are found in words such as: reins, juniper, buzz.

Advice! Combinations of letters zzh-zg-zd can be perceived by ear as double consonants in native Russian words.

Examples of such words: grumble (grumble), squeal (squeal), rattle (rattling).

Exceptions to the rule are also the words ground beetle and bryzhi. Their writing is connected with historical development.

Double consonants in the root of the word Russia and its derivatives. The spelling of these words is not checked by the rule, remember them. Some of these words: Russia, Russian, Great Russian. But when the root changes to Russian, one consonant remains in the root: rusist, Russify.

This rule is used unless the second -C- appears in the suffix.

Examples of such exceptions: Belarus, Russian.

Double consonant in proper names

Names with double consonant often found, so you need to remember to write them.

Female names: Alla, Anna, Rimma.

Male names with a double letter: Kirill, Savva.

Diminutive forms of proper names with the suffix –K- are written without doubling the consonant.

Anna - Anka.

Rimma - Rimka.

Kirill - Kirilka.

If the diminutive form is formed using particles, feminine and male names are used with a double letter. For example: Kirillushka, Annushka.

Spelling a double consonant at the junction of a suffix and a stem

Between root and suffix a common combination SS or NN. In this case, one letter is at the base of the word, the other is in the suffix. Most often, this spelling is observed where there are suffixes -STV-, -N-, -SK-.

Words such as lemon, cast iron, seed are subject to this rule.

We study double consonants in the root of words, examples

Words in Russian with double consonants


Spelling doesn't seem so difficult when you know the rules and can easily answer how to spell double consonants at the root of a word. Remember examples that cannot be verified! If you have a particularly difficult word in front of you, it is best to use a spelling dictionary, which gives the correct spelling of the word and its derivatives.

§ 58. Double consonants are written when a prefix and a root are combined, if the prefix ends and the root begins with the same consonant, for example: po dderzhat', predvere', vvesti', o tretet, piss, vozstanovit, be zz akonny, counter pp evolution.

§ 59. Double consonants are written when combined components complex abbreviated words, if one part ends and the other begins with the same consonant, for example: Mo ss council, head vv rach.

§ 60. Double n and double s are written when combining a root and a suffix, if the root ends and the suffix begins with a consonant n or s:

With suffix -n-, For example: long (length), ancient (antique), stone (stone), blast furnace (blast furnace), legal (law), temporary (basis of times-);

with the suffix -sk-, for example: Kotlas (Kotlas), Arzamas (Arzamas), Russian (Rus), but: Tartu (Tartu), Hankou (Hankow);

with the suffix -stv-: art (cf. skillful).

Double s is also written in past tense verbs when combining stems -s with the reflexive particle -sya, for example: saved, rushed.

Note. Double n is written in the numeral eleven.

§ 61. Double n is written in the suffixes -enn-, -onn- of adjectives formed from nouns, for example: straw, painful, cranberry, artificial, internal, bucket, characteristic, dining, revolutionary, positional.

Note. In the word windy and in its derivatives one n is written, but in prefix formations it is written -nn- (windless, leeward).

Adjectives with the suffix -yan- (-an-), formed from nouns, are written with one n, for example: hair, wood, clay, leather. Adjectives wooden, tin, glass written with double n.

With one n the suffix -in- is written in adjectives, for example: nightingale, chicken, living room, and also in the noun hotel.

§ 62. Double n is written in passive past participles, for example: reports read at the ceremonial meeting; a soldier wounded by an enemy bullet; collective farm, organized in 1930; a detachment reinforced by two companies; deputies elected to the Supreme Council.

§ 63. Double n is written in all adjectives formed from passive past participles (or according to their type), if these adjectives have prefixes or end in -ovanny, -evanny(except chewed and forged), for example: the patient was prescribed enhanced nutrition, a volume of selected works by Pushkin was published, sublime style, inscribed triangle, aged wine, trusted person, temperate climate, refined manners, abstract question, absent-minded student, worn dress, used books, tear-stained face, rusty key, risky step, spoiled child, uprooted area.

But with one n you should write adjectives formed from passive participles of the past tense (including complex ones, see § 80, paragraph 2), if these adjectives do not have a prefix and are not formed from verbs in -ova, -evat, for example : scientific works, wounded border guards, torn clothes, smoked sausage, boiled milk, dried fish, slaked lime, salted cucumbers, soaked apples, boiled potatoes, plain-dyed fabric.

Words desired, sacred, unexpected, unprecedented, unheard of, unexpected and some others, defined in dictionary order, are written with two n.

§ 64. Double n is written in adverbs ending in -o and in nouns with suffixes ending in -ik, -its, -ost, formed from adjectives if the latter are written with two n, for example: accidentally, unheard of, excitedly, excited (excited); confidently, confidence (confident); education, pupil, pupil (educated); protégé (installed); captive (captive); birthday boy (birthday person); sennik (hay); korennik (indigenous); in-law (inherent).

If the adjective has one n, then the adverbs and nouns formed from it are written with one n, for example: confused, confused, confusion (confused); learned, learned (scientist); hemp (hemp); silversmith (silversmith). Also, with one n the words silver (in the meaning of a coin) and bessrebrenik (unselfish person) are written.

§ 65. Double n is written as plural. h. and in feminine and neuter gender units. including short adjectives formed from passive past participles, the full form of which is double n, for example: groups are disciplined nn s and organized nn y, the girl is raised nn and also smart; they are very scattered nn s.

Short passive participles are written with one n, for example: broken, broken, broken, broken, young man brought up Komsomol; pampering girl n and education; we will limit n s time; students of the organization We're in the group.

§ 66. Double w is written in words reins, yeast, juniper, buzz and in derivatives from them, as well as in some formations from the verb to burn, for example: burn, burn, burn, burn, burn.

If there is an alternation zg - zzh, zd - zzh, you should write not double zh, but zzh, for example: grumble (grump), cerebellum (brain), arrive (arrival), later(old. late, let's lie, late), I'll clutter up (clutter up), and also to dawn (cf. old. Brezg - “dawn”).

§ 67. More than two identical consonants in a row are not written, even if this is required by the composition of the word, for example: quarreling (ra s + quarreling), ode sskiy (ode ss + s kiy), prusskiy (pruss + sskiy) s cue), five-note nn-y (five-note nn + n-y).

§ 68. The spelling of double consonants in foreign words is determined in dictionary order, for example: irrigation, corrosion, cassation, excess, essence, But: poster, letter, official, etching, report.

§ 69. In words formed from stems ending in two identical consonants, double consonants before suffixes are preserved, for example: group - group, small group; program - program, software; kilowatt – kilowatt; Calcutta - Calcutta; class - cool; Hun – Hunnic; point(unit of measure, evaluation) – five-point, Gallic – Gallic; libretto - librettist.

Today, all of us who have gone through a modern comprehensive school habitually read spelling “edifications”, such as:

However, at the same time, those who know do not forget how they used to write without spaces at all. Imagine, today we write prefixes together with the root, and prepositions separately. And earlier, when prefixes and prepositions (and everything!) were written together, in continuous text, HOW to distinguish in continuous text, for example, the prefix “ at» ( pier) from the preposition " at» ( at the camp…)?..

It is clear that they were guided by meanings and meanings. But what and how did they think about this when there were no spellings with spaces, when there were no spelling rules like today, when they focused more on meaning?

It is clear that no one (even those who are not at ease with literacy) deliberately wrote two identical consonants, that they actually appeared at the border of parts of words. This means you need to see these boundaries and understand.

It is also clear that the modern Russian language develops through formal rules and new word creation the previous established logic and individual traditions.

But why was it necessary to lose meanings, without which the whole is destroyed!?

Double consonants are obtained if different parts words (for example, in a prefix and a root) there are two identical consonants next to each other: underD + Hold, OT + Drag, Ras + Build etc.

(In fact, the prefix here is “Raz”, not “ras”, but more on that later.)

It’s a pity that now even prefixes and roots turn into almost “signs”, without meaning, with some kind of conventional meaning. But in Antiquity it was different: what we now read as “ support", the ancient intelligent ancestors read meaningfully as “Under Hold” (i.e. “to hold the basis, foundation, essence, foundation”), where “Under” is a name, and not some kind of service unit of language, some "prefix".

And further. There is something to think about here as to why this is done.

When we combine two bricks to make one large brick, then in life we ​​remember that the brick is “double”. Even when we attach another brick to this double brick.

But such common sense does not apply to strange world modern linguistics, where the logical chains are very short, and even then only formal. In addition, some kind of “sclerosis” interferes: therefore, where there were just two bricks, suddenly only one is seen. We're not kidding. Here's an example:

And they get a new education, not related to the previous one: “ calculate+calculate", and not as it actually appears: " race+s+read", while maintaining consistency and continuity in origin.

This is not “academic nonsense” at all, but a methodical formation in the minds of those mastering the Russian language of incoherent logical chains, suspended as if in emptiness, i.e. actually torn off from the living, unshakable foundation of the Living Russian Language and Living Russian Speech. Why oppose one to the other when they are clearly connected in continuity and meaning?

C + Even = Count, Ras + Even = Ra With even

Without + With + Even = Be zs honest

(And in this place, only by the artificial assumption of the language reformers of 1917, the prefix “non-existent in the Russian language” is written demon", resulting in the modern " countless", to the laughter of all sane people who discern stupid subtext and know how to read what is written, and not what is made up: " demon countable"!).

The same situation applies to other similar words:

Ras + C + Triple = Ra ss triple(although in fact here it is necessary “ Ra zs triple" based on the real prefix "Raz").

Without+With+Fatal(from Rock) = Be ss fatal(according to pre-reform: “ Be zs fatal»)…

Introduction of “false prefixes” Ras-" And " Demon-", along with real prefixes " Once-" And " Without-”, in fact, does not result in the “ordering and development of language”, as the reformers wanted, but in the destruction of ancient living meanings in Language and Speech, where every sound, every letter has meaning!

It’s the same here, as a result of the “simplification” reform, i.e. compounds of “normal” words formed by prefixes (such as “Woz+Zha” = Vo zzh A), with those that can be classified as “onomatopoeic” (such as Zhu LJ at).

Although “prefix, prepositions, suffixes” are all quite conventional things for the Living Language (in Antiquity they meant living words, independent ones, and not some “additional parts”), this is not what we are talking about.

The meaning of a word, according to an artificial rule, is nevertheless destroyed and removed. What remains is an incomprehensible but “progressive” neoplasm: “ rein", the spelling of which must now be remembered according to the new rule.

In case of " yeast“It’s also not very clear why one option was chosen, although there are other, more meaningful options (see Dahl’s dictionary): Dro railway and, Dro zzh And. In our opinion, an unspoiled option: Drozzhi, as a more typical case, because we know a lot of such words in the Russian language, where exactly this combination occurs: in zzh And, in and zzh here, there zzh dude zzh ah...

“Juniper” also has the same more meaningful version: mo zzh ear.

It seems that the same situation is with “ LJ tion": this word comes from the original versions, which most likely had " ZZH" But let's not guess.

And, as a conclusion, it is no coincidence that this sound combination ZZh (“ZaZh”), which includes, if it’s a pun, everything that “ Z A AND izn"! And this is in almost all words that do not have simple onomatopoeia.

And one gets the impression that the selection from the commonly used options was made according to the principle of “as bad and incomprehensible as possible.”

This is what can be said today about the rule, which, according to modern spelling, suggests writing formally, without comprehension LJ.

Ss ora- this noun actually comes from the form “ argument» ( rubbish): you remember well the phraseological unit “ don't wash dirty linen out of the house" Apparently, a situation has been recorded where conflict begins small, “with rubbish.”

They now simply want to include a kind of “neologism” here: Russian, formed through Western (in particular, Polish borrowings of the 17th-18th centuries) forms of word formation relatively recently, at a time when the previous names were removed at the turn of the 18th century " Tartary», « RU sya " And " RU ss and I» (« Rus+Siya" - from Rus with other similar relatives, like: “ Po+Rus+Siya", modern Pru ss and I). When written in continuous text, without spaces, the title was unambiguous “ Rus", but with a kind of adjective form " Siya” (“shining, radiant” - because in Antiquity, as is known from the remaining ancient handwritten books, scribes very often wrote well-known and frequently repeated concepts in abbreviated form!).

Foreign words, since they were introduced into the Russian language, memorize them as is customary now (including for passing tests and exams): A ll her, and pp Arat, Komi ss yeah, those nn is, ho bb and, to mm ersant, uh ff ect, those pp history, oh kk upation, co tt ej, Zha nn A…

We won't touch them. They themselves will die out and go out of use as the Native Speech revives.

But we must remember that among them there are also ones that seem to be ours, but have been preserved in other countries, i.e. ancient words common to many peoples, such as: Drama(“Before Ram”), etc. Naturally, they cannot contain double consonants.

Spelling of consonants in the root includes three types of rules:

1) spelling of voiced/voiceless consonants;
2) spelling of unpronounceable consonants;
3) double consonants.

Rules 1 and 2 are discussed by us in paragraph 1.14. Changes in consonants in speech, paragraph 1.15. Spelling of consonants. In this paragraph we will dwell in more detail on spelling. double consonants in the root.

For the spelling of double consonants at the junction of morphemes, in suffixes, prefixes, see paragraph 2.5. Prefixes, clause 2.7. Suffixes. Postfixes.

1. At the root of a word, double consonants are written, as a rule, in borrowed words.

Alley, assembly, ballad, column, correspondent, repression, tennis, ton, terrace, effect.

    Word point matter:

    1. “a unit for assessing the degree of something” ( wind force six);
    2. “grade in school, sports, etc.” ( passing score).

    Word ball means "big dance party" ( prom).

2. In the roots of Russian words, two identical consonants are written in the following cases:

3. Root double consonants are preserved in derived words.

Wed: program - program - program - program, Cannes - Cannes.

4. Exceptions:

One consonant is written A double consonant is written
1. In the first part of compound words: com party (communist party), cor point (correspondent point).
2. In diminutive forms of personal names with the suffix -k-, cf.: All a - Al ka, Ann a - An ka, Kirill - Kiril ka, Rimm a - Rim ka, Savva a - Sav ka. In other cases, a double consonant is written - All points, Ann Uska.
3. In some derivatives of the word crystal (if written after l): crystalline, crystalline, crystalline, crystalline. In other derivatives a double consonant is written: crystal ic, crystal IR and etc.
4. In some derivatives of the word column: columnar, columnar, columnar, columnar. In other words a double consonant is written: columnar, columns of hell, column-shaped and etc.
5. In some derivatives of the word operetta: operet ka, operet full-time, operet full-time.
6. In some derivatives of the word Finn: Finnish, Finland, Finnish. But: Finn o-Ugric.
7. In one of the derivatives of individual words, cf.: antenna - antenna, ton - three-ton, five-ton. But: antenna point, antenna y.
But: tons and etc.

Exercises for the topic “2.4. Spelling of consonants in the root"

  • 2.4. Spelling of consonants in the root
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