General Buzhinsky Evgeniy personal life. Russia will protect Donbass, even if it has to take Kyiv. The West must not let its guard down

Russia will defend Eastern Ukraine, even if it means taking Kyiv. Senior Vice President of the Center for Political Research of Russia, Reserve Lieutenant General Evgeniy Buzhinsky stated this in an interview with the American news portal Vox.

“A year ago, I was absolutely sure that Russia would never interfere in the conflict. I'm not talking about volunteers, instructors - I mean regular troops. Now I’m not so sure,” the expert noted.

According to him, in the West they say that in Ukraine there is a “peace party” led by President Petro Poroshenko and a “war party” led by NSDC Secretary Alexander Turchynov and Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, but this is not true. As Buzhinsky emphasized, they are all from the same party, and they do not seek to resolve the conflict through political means, because for them it would be a “defeat.”

According to the reserve lieutenant general, President Vladimir Putin twice said that Moscow would not allow the physical extermination of the residents of Donbass. Buzhinsky did not rule out that a war between Russia and Ukraine is possible if the Ukrainian Armed Forces launch a large-scale offensive against the DPR and LPR.

“If Russia starts a war, it will not stop until the capital is taken. As in all other wars in which Moscow participated,” he noted.

At the same time, he emphasized that he could not predict what reaction should be expected from the United States and NATO.

The senior vice president of PIR Center doubted that Washington is seeking to resolve the conflict in Ukraine through political means, as demonstrated by “talks about the supply of lethal weapons.” In addition, the US will supply not only military equipment, but also soldiers. In his opinion, this is extremely dangerous, because if even one American serviceman dies, the White House will react in the same way as the Kremlin did in 2008, when the first Russian peacekeeper was killed in Georgia.

He noted that the American side does not understand Russia, and the Ukrainian crisis has only worsened the already damaged relations between Obama and Putin.

“During the Cold War, each side had its own clear red lines, and they tried not to cross or even get close to them. Ukraine for Russia is a red line, especially Ukraine, which is hostile towards Russia. But the US administration decided that this was not so. [Americans believe that] Russia and Putin will never dare to intervene in the situation,” Buzhinsky emphasized.

Regarding the NATO military parade in the Baltics, the expert emphasized that it was “not very friendly,” and next time Moscow will hold a similar event 200 meters from the Estonian borders.

From the editor: Evgeniy Petrovich Buzhinsky, reserve lieutenant general, candidate of military sciences. One of the most experienced military diplomats and experts in Russia. In the Armed Forces since 1968. Graduated from the Military Institute, Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze. In 1976-1992. served in various positions as an officer of the General Staff, in 1992-2009. - in the International Treaty Directorate of the Main Directorate of International Military Cooperation of the Russian Ministry of Defense. In 2002-2009 - Head of the International Treaty Department, Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of International Military Cooperation of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In 2009–2015 consultant, senior vice president of PIR Center. Since April 2014, Chairman of the PIR Center Board. Since 2010, he has been a permanent lecturer at the PIR Center International School on Global Security. Since 2013, he has been a lecturer at the joint educational course of PIR Center and MGIMO “WMD Non-Proliferation”. Member of the Russian International Affairs Council. Area of ​​professional interests: arms control, military-political aspects of international security, regional and global security issues, non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, military use of space, Russia-NATO relations, Russian-American relations.

Comrade Lieutenant General, how do you assess Moscow’s role in resolving the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict around Karabakh? What goals, in your opinion, is Moscow pursuing in this process?

For Moscow, the most important thing is to resolve the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. Frankly speaking, I personally do not know a recipe for resolving this conflict so that, firstly, it happens peacefully, and secondly, so that all parties are satisfied. But, for sure, there is some kind of compromise. Moscow’s goal is to prevent another armed clash between Azerbaijan and Armenia. You need to understand that we have allied obligations to Armenia, and Azerbaijan is our strategic partner, with which Moscow has simply excellent relations. Of course, in this regard, Russia faces a difficult task, but it seems to me that for now the Russian leadership remains to balance, regularly meeting with the heads of Azerbaijan and Armenia, as well as resolving military-technical issues with both states. To summarize what has been said, I will say this: Russia’s goal is to achieve a settlement of the Karabakh conflict by all political means and to prevent a resumption of the war.

However, anti-Russian sentiment is quite strong in Armenia, and there is acute dissatisfaction with the fact that the CSTO, in particular Russia, does not provide military assistance to Yerevan against Azerbaijan. What do you think, should Russia and the CSTO intervene if we are talking about military operations in Karabakh, on internationally recognized Azerbaijani territory? After all, Azerbaijan is not going to attack Armenia, why would the CSTO help it?

Surely, if anyone in Armenia had any dissatisfaction, then the position of both Russia and the CSTO was clearly brought to the attention of official Yerevan. I think they understood her there. I am absolutely sure that the Armenian leadership has a completely sober approach to this issue and does not expect that Russia and the rest of the CSTO members will rush to defend Armenia with arms in hand in any conflict, and even more so in such a delicate one as the Karabakh one.

Moreover, the CSTO is not NATO. The CSTO is still in its formation period. How are things going in NATO? If the Americans do something, then all other NATO members unanimously support them (the exception was Iraq, when France and Germany refused to participate in this adventure). There is no unanimous support in the CSTO. For example, in Russia's conflicts with Georgia and Ukraine, there was no unanimous support from Moscow. Therefore, it is not yet possible to say that, if necessary, the CSTO will immediately support one of the organization’s member countries.

Middle Eastern terror is already approaching the borders of post-Soviet states. How can we protect ourselves from this threat?

We can protect ourselves by improving interaction between our countries and sharing intelligence information. By the way, in this regard there is well-established cooperation between Baku and Moscow. According to my information, the level of cooperation between Moscow and Baku in this regard is in no way inferior to the level of cooperation between Russia and CSTO members.

How nervous is Moscow about NATO's approach to Russian borders? What can Russia do in response? And won't this lead to a military clash between Russia and the West?

Of course it's unnerving. Moscow has repeatedly stated that our main concern is the expansion of NATO. It is not that new countries are joining this bloc, but that the entry of a state into NATO automatically creates either the creation or improvement of military infrastructure on the territory of the new member of the North Atlantic Alliance. Naturally, when military infrastructure approaches the borders of Russia or is improved, for example, in the Baltic countries or in Eastern Europe, our Soviet military infrastructure, adjusted to NATO standards, cannot but worry us.

What can Russia do in response? It is already consolidating the western and northwestern directions, forming new divisions and even a tank army, putting in order what was neglected in the 90s.

At the same time, I hope that there will be no military clash between Russia and NATO, because any military clash between them, and above all, between Russia and the United States, will escalate into a global nuclear conflict.

Bakhram Batyev

Russia will defend Donbass, even if you have to take Kyiv for this. Senior Vice President of the Center for Political Research of Russia, Lieutenant General of the Reserve Evgeny Buzhinsky stated this in an interview with one of the American news portals.

“A year ago, I was absolutely sure that Russia would never interfere in the conflict. I'm not talking about volunteers, instructors - I mean regular troops. Now I’m not so sure,” the expert noted.

According to him, in the West they say that in Ukraine there is "peace party" led by President Petro Poroshenko and "war party" led by NSDC Secretary Alexander Turchynov and Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, but this is not true. As Buzhinsky emphasized, they are all from the same party, and they do not seek to resolve the conflict through political means, because for them it would be a “defeat.”

According to the reserve lieutenant general, President Vladimir Putin twice said that Moscow would not allow the physical extermination of the residents of Donbass. Buzhinsky did not rule out that a war between Russia and Ukraine is possible if the Ukrainian Armed Forces launch a large-scale offensive against the DPR and LPR.

“If Russia starts a war, it will not stop until the capital is taken. As in all other wars in which Moscow participated,” he noted.

At the same time, he emphasized that he could not predict what reaction should be expected from the United States and NATO.

The senior vice president of PIR Center doubted that Washington is seeking to resolve the conflict in Ukraine through political means, as demonstrated by "lethal weapon talk". In addition, the US wants to supply not only military equipment, but also soldiers. In his opinion, this is extremely dangerous, because if even one American serviceman dies, the White House will react in the same way as the Kremlin did in 2008, when the first Russian peacekeeper was killed in Georgia.

He noted that the American side does not understand Russia, and The Ukrainian crisis has only worsened the already damaged relationship between Obama and Putin..

“During the Cold War, each side had its own clear red lines, and they tried not to cross or even get close to them. Ukraine for Russia is a red line, especially Ukraine, which is hostile towards Russia. But the US administration decided that this was not so. (The Americans believe that - note “Voice of Sevastopol”) Russia and Putin will never dare to intervene in the situation,” Buzhinsky emphasized.

Regarding the NATO military parade in the Baltics, the expert emphasized that it was “not very friendly,” and next time Moscow will hold a similar event 200 meters from the Estonian borders.

Yevgeny Buzhinsky took off his military uniform after more than thirty years of service in the General Staff and the Ministry of Defense. Now he is the head of the independent PIR Center in Moscow and an expert on relations between Russia and NATO.

In a conversation with SvD, he directly holds NATO responsible for the escalation in the Baltic near Sweden and asks rhetorically who is threatening whom.


The West must not let its guard down

Defense24 06/06/2016

NATO in the Baltic provokes Russia

Aftenposten 06/06/2016

Putin sternly warned NATO

InoSMI 06/02/2016

“I have worked with NATO for many years and I know that NATO needs an enemy, a strong enemy, such as Russia. Now NATO has a mission, and I think it will last for a long time.”

What are your conclusions based on?

“Even in my time, when we had friendly relations with NATO, in any case, cooperation in eighteen groups and joint exercises, when the exercises moved into the appropriate phase under Article 5 of the NATO treaty, I asked the NATO opponent what kind of big unstable a country that attacked a small alliance member country. China? No, the opponent answered, it’s just a fictitious country.”

Despite his harsh language, in Russia Buzhinsky is more of a dove than a hawk. It is clear that he adheres to the view typical of Russian politicians, military officers and analysts: that it is not Russian behavior that is to blame for the fact that Europe is heading towards a new Cold War, but the expansion and aggressive actions of NATO. This position is exactly the opposite of that expressed by politicians and military personnel in NATO and EU countries, including Sweden.

The tone of Russian state media is much more hostile. In June, NATO is holding three simultaneous military maneuvers involving a total of 40,000 soldiers, which has left the alliance under a barrage of accusations. “Anakonda” in Poland, “Saber Strike” in the Baltics and the “Baltops” exercise that started on Friday in Finland, Sweden and Poland with the participation of Swedish soldiers are generally perceived as hostile military actions aimed at territory of Russia.

News site Sputnik calls the exercise a "war game" and claims that NATO is planning a nuclear attack and preparing for a third world war.

Hinting at NATO exercises in Poland, the RIA news agency writes that the anaconda is “winding ever more tightly around Russia’s throat” and wonders whether this can be called armed aggression.

The magazine National Defense states that Russia will respond if NATO decides on another build-up of forces at the July summit in Warsaw:

“Throw away illusions, we will not compromise”

According to the magazine, Russia's response will be to deploy new Iskander-M missiles in Kaliningrad, whose range will also cover Sweden. And Russian submarines with cruise missiles will appear in the Baltic Sea.

“Of course, there is an information war,” says General Buzhinsky. “For many years, it was the West that won the information wars. This is probably the first time Russia has not lost. So far we have a draw."

Is it correct to portray NATO as an instigator?

“No, I do not intend to demonize NATO, the EU or allies in Europe. But NATO now has a real enemy, and the alliance will arm itself, train and develop its military infrastructure. This is fine. We are training, so is NATO.”

Buzhinsky believes that a military threat to the Baltic states or Sweden and Finland from Russia is empty talk.

“This is paranoia. But people with paranoia and phobias are difficult to convince.”

Russia won't go on the offensive?

"No. We are not crazy. Putin is not crazy. The Russian government has not gone crazy. An attack on a NATO member could start a nuclear war."

What does the annexation of Crimea mean in this light?

“Crimea is not that important. As Putin said, this issue is closed for us. Crimea is part of Russia and will remain so for the foreseeable future.”

Fedor Lukyanov's office is located in the university area. One of his positions is as chairman of the Russian government's advisory body on defense and foreign policy. He also believes that there is a rhetorical war going on between Russia and NATO.

“I must say, we have a propaganda war on both sides. Hysterical moods sometimes arise in NATO and the Baltic. In Europe, some claim that Russia is preparing an invasion. This is reflected here in Russia, where there are also those who believe that NATO has military goals.”

What is this connected with?

“They look not only at current events, but also at the entire period after the Cold War. If you look at it objectively, in 1991 there were 12 countries in NATO, now there are 28. According to Russia, NATO is moving step by step closer to Russian borders and to the core of Russian security strategy.”

Lukyanov wants to say that what the EU and NATO considered Russia's acceptance in the 1990s was in reality its weakness. Now the pendulum has swung in the other direction, and the situation has changed.

“NATO proceeded from the fact that there was a reaction in the military field in Europe and the Baltic. Now Russia is trying to explain that this is no longer relevant, and NATO must take into account the presence of a major military power nearby.”

About the problem

In June, NATO is gathering 40,000 troops to participate in three exercises that will take place simultaneously in the Baltic region. "Anaconda" will be held in Poland, "Saber Strike" - in the Baltics, "Baltops" - in Finland, Sweden and Poland.

This is not the first time Sweden has participated in Exercise Baltops, which kicked off on Friday, and will join Anaconda for the first time.

Russian state media call the exercises a provocation and preparation for an attack on Russian territory.

In 2014, the Russian army began its own unannounced exercises in parallel with Baltops. In 2015, there was no Russian reaction. There is no information yet about what might happen this year.

Chairman of the PIR Center Board. Reserve Lieutenant General.

Military Institute.
Military Academy named after. M.V. Frunze.
Candidate of Military Sciences.

Positions held:
Member of the Russian International Affairs Council.
Since 2009, Deputy General Director of JSC Radio Engineering Concern VEGA.
Since 2013, Lecturer of the joint educational course of the PIR Center and MGIMO (U) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation “Non-proliferation of WMD”.
Since 2010, permanent lecturer at the PIR Center International School on Global Security.
Since 2014 Chairman of the PIR Center Board.
2009-2015 Consultant, Senior Vice President of PIR Center.
2002-2009 Head of the International Treaty Department, Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of International Military Cooperation of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
1992-2009 International Treaty Directorate of the Main Directorate of International Military Cooperation of the Russian Ministry of Defense.
1976-1992 General Staff Officer.
Since 1968, the USSR Armed Forces.

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