What is the name of George in the church? The meaning of the name George. Interpretation of the name. Day of the Three Namesake Saints

How much our name can sometimes tell us. Each name contains a certain mystery and traits of our character. We get so used to our name that we cannot believe that we could be called differently. Every day we are surrounded by people with different names, and each of them has its own meaning, purpose in this life and its own character. Sometimes, thanks to our name, we become luckier, and sometimes unluckier.

When parents choose a name for their child, they most often approach from all sides, look who was related with that name, and whether good man. Several factors become decisive in such a situation. Interesting and Russian name Georgy, as stated in the famous film, aka Gosha, aka Zhora, is becoming popular today. Yuri used to often call children this way, but for some period of time it moved aside. And only today it is coming back into circulation.

St. George

The Orthodox Church has many saints with different names, one of the famous ones is St. George the Victorious. Another name for him is Yegor the Brave. A bunch of interesting stories and miracles are associated with his name. There are several other meanings of this name, one of them is cultivator of the land. The Day of St. George the Victorious is very widely celebrated by Orthodox Christians. Many rituals are dedicated to the holiday, and most people to this day believe in its miraculous power, even after death. In honor of the famous victorious warrior, one of the most beautiful flowers, the dahlia, was named, which speaks better than anything about the beauty of the soul of this saint. This saint enjoys the greatest respect in Georgia, this is his native place and every child there knows that he lives on the land of St. George.

Character of George

Children with this name are very fastidious and ambitious. Very neat and responsible owners of this name sometimes grow up like real tomboys. Mischievous and noisy representatives of this name, sometimes it seems that they don’t care about anything. They find games so dangerous and fun that adults sometimes restrict their access to certain things. Georgy has a special relationship with his parents; he is very demanding, which typically begins to manifest itself from a very early age. He simply needs constant attention, otherwise he will switch to something else.

Such children are sometimes even too neat; Georgy watches his things very vigilantly. Everything is always laid out on shelves, and every thing has its place. Another trait of his character is modesty. He cannot always afford to ask to join a company; it is precisely this trait that prevents him from doing so. A smart and playful boy often remains aloof from events due to his difficult character.

With age, his character changes a little, and Georgy becomes more sociable and courageous. Already in his school years, he sometimes expresses himself, but he does this extremely rarely, because he believes that flattery for trouble is not his business. He knows how to listen and give the right advice in a timely manner; his surroundings value him for this quality. Friends begin to respect him and constantly take him with them to various events.

If Gregory makes friends, then, as a rule, they remain for life; he knows how to keep secrets, not only his own, but also those of everyone around him. He does not have any arrogance in his character; he never turns up his nose and is not proud of anything in vain. If he takes on any task, he approaches it very responsibly and always brings it to the end.

If strangers meet on his way, he will behave very kindly with them, but will never reveal all the secrets and secrets. So to speak, he doesn’t let you get close to him. Although at the first communication this cannot be immediately understood.

With close friends, he is the life of the party, an eternal ringleader and joker. For these traits, he is often invited to various parties, where he can show all his intelligence and help have fun. Cheerful and cheerful, he infects everyone around him with this. Many Georges can become famous presenters if they begin to develop their talent in time.

Somewhere deep in his soul he is a very dreamy person. Who will not open up to everyone he meets and will carry this within himself throughout his life. Such people love to live in their own world, which only they understand, where there are many interesting books that they read and dream along with the heroes of his novels. Usually they never let anyone into their world; it is very rare if Gregory opens the doors to someone.

Love relationship

Character in love and family relationships These people have a special one. Georgy himself is very bright in any relationship and shows himself from all sides. He likes women who are just as bright and relaxed, who can afford a little vulgarity. But this does not mean that he will be with an easily accessible woman. It’s just that a female type that expresses itself very clearly attracts him to her.

Women always like his romanticism and modesty, and they appreciate him for these qualities. That's why he always has a lot of fans, but he usually chooses the one he likes. In his personal life he is not always lucky, he often makes mistakes and chooses the wrong women for himself, they cheat on him and over time begin to deceive him. He never forgives this, he can forgive and forget anything, but not a lie. This is for him swipe, and he will worry about this for a very long time.

In order to approach marriage, he takes a very long time to get ready and, as it seems to him, calculates everything. In fact, this is all not true; sometimes he does not see obvious things that later come back to haunt him. All women see him as a reliable and successful man. At the first meeting it may seem like this, but as they get to know him better, many begin to understand that in front of them is a little boy, cheerful and not always self-confident.
Relationships in the family go well if this happens mutual love. If he proposed, then you can safely, without fear of anything, marry a man with that name. But he will have to wait a long time for the proposal until he decides everything and comes to the conclusion that his mind needs this marriage. It is very important for him to know that he is loved and will never be betrayed, which is why he takes so long to propose marriage.


Once he has decided on the choice of his chosen one, he can completely relax; such people almost never change their decisions. In a family, this is a wonderful husband who often turns a blind eye to his wife’s minor failures and will not stir up conflict over trifles. If at least once he catches his soulmate lying, it will be a huge scandal and it will last a long time. You can't even hide it from him small parts, and he will perceive everything that happens behind his back as betrayal.

At such moments of deception, one simply cannot recognize him from a gentle and kind person; he turns into a cruel and irrepressible tyrant who for a long time will take revenge on his wife with reproaches. He himself tries to tell the truth all the time and therefore demands this from the people around him. Children can also get the first number if they lie to their father. He has no pity after he is caught lying.

Such people love to spend everything free time with their family, and will never exchange this communication for gatherings with friends. Georgy loves to play with his children. Although if he gets tired of it, he doesn’t hide it and quickly goes to rest in another room. By appearance, many cannot determine whether he is happy or not; he is too reserved and never shows his true feelings in public.

If a family goes on vacation, this is a real miracle for the Grigorievs. They are lovers of active recreation and noisy, cheerful companies. Therefore, every trip with your family always becomes memorable and memorable. In George’s family there is no leader, and equality reigns. Although he sometimes manifests himself as the head.

Sexually, he is an unsurpassed lover and, oddly enough, has several mistresses while married. His great imagination and intelligence allow him to come up with very interesting intimate life and in bed with him it’s always wonderful and comfortable. Walking from my wife. He is well aware of everything, but he can’t do anything about it; he just needs to assert himself on the side.

Any George is a wonderful and kind person, but only until he realizes that he is being deceived. Some types with this name can simply throw a tantrum after something like this, which will end in loud swearing. There is no need to deceive him and he will never allow you to yell at a person for any reason.

When is George's name day according to the church calendar:

August 31 – George I of Constantinople, patriarch, confessor; May 5, November 16, December 9 – St. George the Victorious, Great Martyr; June 10 Georgy Svyatogorets.

It seems that Georgiy is a rather rare name in Russia. However, it is not. After all, it became popular among the people in other, slightly modified variations. This is Egor and Yuri. The latter are a dime a dozen in Russia. Many named their sons after the first cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin. There are also many Grigorievs in Russia. But despite the similar sounding names, they are completely different. Although both are of Greek origin. But Gregory appeared much later, already at the dawn of Christianity. It means "awake, vigilant." This is one of the names that defines the quality of a good Christian. What does the name George mean? We will describe Angel's Day (name day) and its secret in this article. We will also talk about saints, people revered by the church, called Georges. We will give the forms of this name in different countries.


"Gregoreo" means "awake" in Greek. And the word “georgos” back in Ancient Hellas was given instead of a name to male babies. What did it mean? In ancient times, names were often given to children with a specific purpose - to determine his fate. Same with Georgiy. Having named the boy this way, the parents wanted him to become a farmer. The literal translation of the name is “he who tills the earth.” Does this name seem to demean a person? Or was it the name given to boys born into the lower strata of society? After all, this is not Vasily (the king). But the meaning of the name George, whose name day is celebrated several times a year, will be more clear if we become familiar with ancient Greek mythology. The epithet “Farmer” was borne by the supreme god of Olympus - Zeus. After all, he was the first to cultivate the world and populate it with people. Therefore, the name George was considered more honorable than Vasily.

Impact on character

As children, Yura and Egorka are reserved boys. But their peers do not reject them, but willingly confide in their secrets. Georgy loves to listen and learn more than to rant. He is good-natured and tolerant, and therefore surrounded by friends. Georgy is diligent and careful in his studies. That's why he brings it home from school good grades, although it does not shine with special genius. At work, he is modest and does not boast of his successes. Often Georgiy reaches the position of deputy chief, who keeps everything under control, but who is loved by the team. In his personal life, indecision and modesty prevent him from meeting his chosen one. But since he is always surrounded by well-meaning friends, everything works out in the end. As a rule, he marries his friend's sister. In married life, a man shows the qualities of a good family man and hospitable person. On George's name day, as a rule, a large and friendly company gathers. But he has a particularly tragic attitude towards adultery. Therefore, he carefully selects his life partner.

George's name day according to the church calendar. Orthodoxy

This Greek name worn by many saints, ascetics and great martyrs. Therefore, in terms of the number of days of an angel, George can compete with Ivan, Peter and Maria. Orthodox calendars are especially full of this name. So, only in January the Russian Church honors George on the 11th, 21st and 30th. In February, you can congratulate Yegor five times - on the 4th, 10th, 17th, 24th and 27th day of the month. Name days for George are no less sparse in joyful events: March 6, 17, 18, 23 and 24. In the fourth month of the year, these dates are April 5, 15, 17, 18, 20 and 26. In May, Yuri, Georgiy and Egor can convene a feast four times - on the 2nd, 6th, 10th, 26th and 29th. George's name day in June is celebrated on 8, 18, 19 and 27. In July, the Orthodox Church honors Saint Yuri on the following days: 4, 9, 10, 16 and 23. If a boy was born in August, he can celebrate his name day on 2, 3, 13 or 31st. The church honors the memory of St. George three times in September - the sixth, eighth and tenth. October is especially rich in joyful events for Yuri. This month he celebrates his name day on the 2nd, 11th, 14th, 15th and 29th. But in November there is only one day dedicated to St. George. This is the tenth number. And finally, in the last month of the year, joyful dates for the Yurievs and Egorovs fall on December 9, 16 and 31. Gregory can celebrate his last name day with the whole world. And the feast will continue until the next morning.

Name day of George in the Catholic calendar

But this Christian and warrior is famous not only among the Slavs, Copts and Greeks. Roman- Catholic Church honors some saints on an equal basis with the Orthodox. This is explained by the fact that before the schism of 1054, both branches - Western and Eastern - were united in Christianity. Therefore, saints who lived before the mid-11th century are venerated in both churches. But later, in both Orthodoxy and Catholicism, Georges appeared, who were canonized or recognized as blessed in only one branch of Christianity. If you are a Catholic, you will be interested to know when the Roman Church honors St. George. This name became popular in the West after crusades, when the knights met him in Palestine. So it became popular, like some other names of Greek origin. January 27 is the day of Blessed Georges Napierre. George also celebrates his name day on February 12th. And on the fifteenth of this month the church honors the Auvergne Virgin George. Also included in the calendar are April 11, 19 and 23, May 4, 6 and 9. The Catholic Church celebrates George's name day on the 27th in July. Saint Georges is also honored on August 24, September 9, October 20 and 25, November 2, 9 and 22.

Name forms in other countries

It is not surprising that different peoples pronounce the same word differently. And even in Slavic languages ​​the name George takes such forms that it is difficult to establish a connection with the Greek original. For example, in Poland it is Jerzy, and in the Czech Republic it is Jiri. In Germany the name sounds like Georg, in Great Britain - George, in France - Georges, in Italy - Giorgio. Georg is extremely popular in Georgia, but he sounds like Givi. The word underwent a strange metamorphosis and became completely different from the Greek original in Spain. There Georgiy is Jorge. The name also sounds strange in Hungary - Gyorgy. Although, if you think about it, the form that was universally used in the territory of Kievan Rus was borrowed there. The Slavs celebrated George's name day, but the bearers themselves were called Duke, Dyurgi or Gyurgi. Extremely popular in Western Europe female forms this name. These are Georgina, Georgette and others. But in Russia it is an exclusively male name.

Who should I name my son after?

A child’s character will be formed not only through upbringing. The person after whom the boy was named will also pass on his qualities to him. Celebrating George's name day church calendar, you should know who exactly the church honors on this day. And there are many saints with this name. The most popular in Russia is St. George the Victorious. His day is celebrated on May 6, November 16 and December 9. This great martyr accepted death for the Christian faith. Another holy ascetic revered in Russia is George the Stylite. His day is December 31st.

Famous Georges

There are a lot of people who have glorified their names. Suffice it to recall Yuri Gagarin or Georgy Brusilov, Arctic explorer. And if you named your son in honor of these outstanding people, you can celebrate the name days of George/Yuri on one of the above dates.

Name day is a holiday also called Angel Day. Essentially, it is dedicated to the saint after whom the person is named. Such a saint of God is considered a heavenly patron and intercessor before God for all who are named in his honor. Accordingly, the name day holiday is a purely Christian tradition. So it makes no sense to celebrate it for those who hold different views. Below we will look at what days George’s name day falls on.

About name days

Name days are determined solely by the name with which the person was baptized. Anyone who has not undergone this rite of initiation into the Christian tradition cannot, in principle, celebrate a name day. The baptismal name is given in honor of a saint, who subsequently becomes the heavenly patron of the newly baptized. This special spiritual connection remains for life. Name day is considered the day on which the church honors the memory of this saint.

It often happens that several saints have the same name. But only one of them will still be the patron. If it is not known for certain in honor of which saint from the list of saints of the Lord with the same name a person was baptized, then the patron is selected by date of birth: the namesake saint whose memory in the church calendar is closest to the person’s birthday is his intercessor. However, if you feel a special connection with any other saint of the same name, you can choose that one.

Name day of George

Most often, boys with the name George are baptized in honor of the holy martyr George the Victorious, whose image adorns the state emblem and Russian coins of small denomination. The horseman piercing the dragon with a spear, this is him - George the serpent fighter, bringing victory. However, this is far from the only saint in the Orthodox calendar with such a noble one, which was once called Zeus himself. Let's look at what other days St. George's name day may fall on according to the church calendar.


In June, on the 19th, the memory of St. George is celebrated. This is a kind of ghost saint, in the sense that the memory of him is preserved in the church, but there is no information about his life.


July 4 is the name day of George, baptized in memory of the holy confessor of the same name, archimandrite, who died in Nizhny Novgorod in 1932, and during his lifetime he repeatedly suffered from repression by the Soviet regime.

The definition of “ghost” also applies to another St. George, who is listed in the calendar on July 16. However, there are many such saints.


On August 3 and 13, the church honors the two holy martyrs George. Nothing is known about either of them.



On October 2, the memory of Saint George Olgovich, Grand Duke of Kyiv and Chernigov, is honored. In the world he bore the name Igor, and the name with which he entered the calendar was given to him during forced tonsure as a monk, after, as a result of a conspiracy, the prince was overthrown from the throne. Subsequently, the enemies of his family did not spare the monk of princely blood. They took him away for execution straight from the liturgy and threw his corpse to trample underfoot in the middle of the city square.


On November 20, the name day of George, named after the martyr George (Yurenev), is celebrated. During his lifetime, he worked as a judge in the city of Vitebsk, until he was expelled from the city in the 20s. In the 1930s, he was accused of counter-revolutionary activities and sentenced first to the camps, and then, on November 20, 1937, for belonging to one of the branches of the Catacomb Orthodox Church, to


On December 16, the church remembers the holy confessor. During his life, he was a layman who suffered at the hands of Soviet authorities in the 30s and 40s. He served as an elder in various churches until a staircase collapsed on him. He died from his injuries a year later.




April 26 is the name day of George, another unknown saint. Again, only the name survives.


May 6 - three namesake saints at once: the Holy Fool of Shenkur, the Wonderworker of Ptolemais, and also St. George the Victorious himself. The last of them is a great martyr, beheaded in 303 or 304. During his lifetime, he was a military commander and one of the favorites of Emperor Diocletian, until he openly confessed to him that he professed Christianity. The martyr was tortured for eight days, trying to get him to renounce, but, having failed, they were put to death.

May 10 is the day of remembrance of George, brother of the holy stylite Simeon of Cilicia. Apart from this, there is no more information about him.


This is the main list of saints named George. Orthodox name days can also be dedicated to the memory of other saints - little-known or not included in the general church edition of the calendar. So, in choosing your patron, you can be flexible and turn, for example, to the list of Arab Orthodox saints who are practically unknown in Russia.

According to the church calendar, George’s name day is considered a holiday for a person, similar to a person’s birthday. However, on this day one should not only have fun, but also, first of all, show tribute and honor the memory of one’s patron by praying at the liturgy in church and receiving the holy mysteries.

On May 6, 2018, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the feast of St. George the Victorious. In 2018, this day falls on the fifth Sunday after Easter - the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman.

St. George's Day what date in 2018

St. George's Day (Day of Remembrance of the Great Martyr George the Victorious) - days of remembrance of the Great Martyr George in Christianity, celebrated on April 23 (May 6), November 26 (December 9), November 3 (16) and November 10 (23).

April 23 (May 6) - memory in Orthodox churches, celebrated according to the Julian calendar, and April 23 is commemorated in Orthodox churches, celebrated according to the New Julian calendar.

In Russia, until 1592, when the enslavement of the peasants occurred, a week before St. George's Day on November 26 (December 9) and a week after it, peasants could exercise the “right of exit” from the landowners’ land. It is believed that at this time the expression “Here’s to you, grandmother, and St. George’s Day” arose as a designation of regret from an unexpected event and disappointed expectations.

Saint George's Day Orthodox holiday

The history of the saint began in the 3rd century in a family of noble citizens of Beirut (Lebanon). The parents raised their son as a Christian and gave him an education. The boy grew up handsome and strong, distinguished by his lively mind and courage. Then he entered military service, where he achieved success and became a military leader.

Emperor Diocletian noticed a capable warrior and brought him into the circle of his entourage. When George learned about the brutal persecution of Christians that began on the orders of the emperor, he decided to come to their defense. Knowing the severity of the ruler, the military leader distributed property to the poor in advance and released the servants, and then came to the ruler with an accusatory speech.

George tried to dissuade Diocletian from infringing on Christians, but was ordered to renounce the faith and become an idolater. George remained faithful to the Lord, for which he was imprisoned and subjected to cruel torture. His body was beaten with veins to the point of meat, spun on a wheel with knives, his skin was burned with lime, and shoes with inner soles made of nails were put on his feet. The martyr endured everything, then the ruler ordered his head to be cut off. So the soul of the saint departed to the Lord in 303.

On icons, George is often depicted as a young man on a white horse, holding a spear in his hands and killing a snake. The production is connected with the life of a wrestler; not far from his native land there lived a huge snake, he attacked the settlement and ate the inhabitants. To prevent the snake from attacking the residents of the village, girls and boys were regularly brought to it to be eaten. When the lot fell on the daughter of a local ruler, George came to her defense - on a horse he rode up to the reptile and pierced him with a spear. Today the image is interpreted as a victory over Satan.

St. George the Victorious is considered the patron saint of the military. They pray to him with a request to help in the work begun, to protect him from enemies or to support him in battle for victory.

Veneration of St. George in Rus'

Veneration of St. George in Rus' St. George is considered the patron saint of warriors. His image on a horse is a symbol of victory over the devil, who has long been called the “ancient serpent.” This image became part of the coat of arms of Moscow; it has been displayed on coins of different countries for many years.

They also remember on the feast of St. George the Victorious the story when he revived the poor farmer’s only dead ox. This and other miracles gave rise to his commemoration as the patron of livestock breeding and protector from predators.

Before the revolution in Orthodox holiday St. George the Victorious, Russian villagers in their entirety went to churches for church services. After a procession of the cross, a prayer service to the holy great martyr, and sprinkling of houses and domestic animals with holy water, the cattle were driven out to pasture for the first time after a long winter.

Another day on which the holiday of St. George the Victorious is celebrated is popularly called “Autumn St. George”, or “St. George’s Day”. Until Boris Godunov came to power, on this day serfs had the right to move to another landowner.

People call the holiday in honor of the Great Martyr George the Victorious Yegoriy Veshny

In folk tales he was considered the patron saint of livestock. Therefore, on this day, for the first time after winter, the peasants drove their cattle out to free grazing. The first work in the field began after a prayer service and sprinkling of the fields with holy water. It was believed that dew had special power on this holiday. If on Yegoria it's raining, then good offspring of the cattle will be born. If it’s warm on Yegoryev’s day, then wait for summer to come.

Many Russians statesmen considered St. George the Victorious their heavenly patron. Yaroslav the Wise in holy baptism was named George, in honor of the saint. The founder of Moscow, Yuri Dolgoruky, was named in honor of the Great Martyr George.

Entered Russian epics and spiritual poems as Yegor the Brave and Grand Duke Vladimirsky Yuri Vsevolodovich, who led the fight against Mongol yoke. The grandson of Alexander Nevsky, the son of Daniil of Moscow, Yuri Danilovich, is also known - the builder of Moscow.

St. George's Day 2018: signs and traditions of the holiday

This day is dedicated to the protector of livestock and all animals, which was very important for peasants, since the well-being of the family directly depended on the health of domestic animals.

This sign appeared due to the fact that on the seventh day of torture, Saint George not only healed himself from his wounds, but also raised one dead man and raised one fallen ox.

Since then, people believe that on the eve of this day, St. George the Victorious flies across the sky on his horse, protecting all animals.

It was believed that whatever the weather would be like on that day, the winter would be like that. By this day, it was customary to caulk windows and cellars.

And before the journey, a prayer was always served for well-being on the upcoming journey.

St. George's Day 2018, prayer

Holy, glorious and all-praised Great Martyr George! Gathered in your temple and in front of your holy icon, people worshiping, we pray to you, known to the desires of our intercessor, pray with us and for us, beseeching God from His benevolence, that He may mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not abandon all ours to salvation and life needful petitions, and grants our country victory in the face of resistance; and again, falling down, we pray to you, victorious saint: strengthen the Orthodox army in battle with the grace given to you, destroy the forces of the rising enemies, so that they will be ashamed and put to shame, and let their insolence be crushed, and let them know that we have Divine help, and to everyone in sorrow and the current situation, show your powerful intercession. Pray to the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver us from eternal torment, so that we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and we confess your intercession now, and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

He was born in Georgia also into a very noble family. At the age of 7 he was taken to one of the convents, where his sister Thekla lived and was raised at that time. He lived in this monastery for three years. Twice the Lord, through His providential ways, saved the boy from death.

Once, he almost drowned in a local river, and another time he could have burned in the flames of a fire that broke out in the monastery. Then his relatives decided to send the boy to be raised by Elder Hilarion, under whose spiritual guidance he lived for 3 years. Then George was sent to study in Constantinople to receive an education.

Only after this, he returns to Georgia again and takes monastic vows. Soon he decided to make a pilgrimage to holy places. In the monastery of Simeon Divnogorets, he found a spiritual mentor, George the Silent. After three years of prayer and spiritual guidance from him, Saint George accepts the great schema, after which he goes to Holy Mount Athos. He spent a lot of time translating liturgical books. In 1044 he was elected abbot of the Iveron Monastery of Stefan Hartulari. Soon he will leave this place and go to his homeland in Georgia, where he will instruct the people with his example and spiritual word. He selected 80 Georgian youths and went with them to Athos, so that they would begin to study at the school that Saint George founded there. In 1065, he peacefully departed to the Lord, and his body was buried on Mount Athos.

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