Pear short description for children. Interesting facts about pears. Pear and its history

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Amber apples
The apple tree is ripe.
Amber apples
Yana and Yasha were eating.
(N. Lunina)
Everyone knows what an apple looks like. This is not surprising. An apple is among fruits as a potato is among vegetables. Apple orchards on our planet occupy five million hectares. This is the most common fruit tree.
The apple has been known to people since ancient times. There is a mention of this fruit in the Bible. It was the apple that Eve plucked from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Ancient Greece is considered the birthplace of the home apple tree. The ancient Greeks and Romans considered the apple a symbol of love and dedicated it to the goddess of beauty.
The ancient Germans were sure that apples were the favorite fruit of the gods. They planted apple trees around their houses, hoping that the evil storm god would not throw lightning arrows at them.
In Russia, apple trees began to be grown already in the 11th century. In 1051 Kiev-Pechersk Lavra an apple orchard was established. The first apple orchards appeared in the Moscow region in the 12th century. by order of Yuri Dolgoruky. August 19 was celebrated in Rus' Apple Spas. Until this time, apples were not supposed to be picked. On this day, ripe fruits were collected from apple trees and blessed in churches. Apples were given to the poor and homeless. The more beggars you treat, the more abundant the harvest will be. next year will. Housewives baked apple pie on this day.
Several hundred varieties of apples are known in Russia. They are divided into summer, autumn and winter. In the second half of September, winter varieties of apples were collected: Antonovka and Semerinka. The skin of these varieties is thick, with a special waxy coating that protects the fruit from rotting. You can store them until spring.
Apples are eaten fresh, dried, soaked and frozen. They are used to prepare juices, compote, jam, jam, marmalade, and jelly.
Apples are very useful. It is no coincidence that the Russian people created a fairy tale about rejuvenating apples. Eat them and you will be young and healthy. Apples contain vitamins, sugars, iron, potassium and magnesium salts.
Just like a fist,
Red barrel.
You touch it with your finger - it’s smooth,
And if you take a bite, it’s sweet.
September smells like apples, October smells like cabbage.
No apple falls past the apple tree.
Like the tree, so are the apples.


Pear is very tasty.
We are very sad without a pear.
Pear is a delicious food
And especially in jam.
(I. Goryunova)
In terms of popularity and space occupied, the pear is in third place after the apple and cherry trees.
Pear cultivation began a long time ago. The ancient Roman writer Cato the Elder, in his treatise “On Agriculture,” written more than two thousand years ago, gave recommendations on how to properly grow pears. Pliny the Elder described 35 varieties of pears in his work. Unlike modern varieties, pears in ancient Rome were hard. They became soft at the end of the 18th century thanks to the efforts of French and Belgian breeders. One of them, Van Monet, developed 400 varieties of pears, 40 of which are still popular today.
Now the number of pear varieties has exceeded several thousand.
Pears are grown in gardens; they also grow on forest edges and in clearings in deciduous forests. It feels good on rocky mountain slopes, as it is not picky about the soil and tolerates drought and light frosts. Pear trees begin to bear fruit in 5–7 years. True, at first the harvest is small. But when the tree gains strength, they get up to 200 centners per hectare. Pears live quite a long time, up to 300 years. The oldest fruit tree in the world is considered to be a pear tree, planted in 1630 within the American city of Denver.
Wonderful pear
Very sweet, like honey.
It just begs to be held in the palm of your hand,
And then rather into the mouth.
(N. Migunova)
The pear fruit consists of 97% pulp, 2.5% skin and only 0.5% seeds. It contains vitamins D and C, potassium, magnesium, and iron salts.
Pears are eaten fresh, and a variety of dishes are prepared from them. delicious dishes, jams, jams, compotes are made, pears are dried and pickled.
On the trees between the leaves
Birds hang upside down.


Transcaucasia and Central Asia are considered the homeland of quince; it is in these areas that it is now found in the wild. Quinces have been grown since time immemorial, more than 4,000 years ago. Latin name quince - Cytfonia, presumably originated from the city of Cydon on the island of Crete, it was widely cultivated already in the first millennium BC.
The ancient Greeks treated the quince with respect; for them it was a symbol of beauty and fertility. It was customary to treat newlyweds to quince. According to one version, the cause of the discord between Hera, Athena and Aphrodite was not an apple, but a quince.
Currently, about 400 varieties of quince are known. They differ from each other in the structure of flowers and the shape of fruits. True, the differences between them are not as significant as, for example, between apple varieties.
Quince fruits yellow color with different shades, sometimes with a slight blush, very dense, hard and crispy. If there are greenish spots on the quince, it means that it is not yet fully ripe. The pulp of this fruit is slightly viscous, tart and quite aromatic - the smell has something of an apple, and there is also a coniferous tint. You should only eat ripe quince; it is advisable to give it a chance to age. The longer it sits, the tastier, more aromatic and softer it becomes, the astringent taste disappears.
Quince is a very healthy fruit. It contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, vitamin C, apple and citric acid. Quince pulp is rich in pectin.
Quince is a universal fruit. It is eaten raw and is used to make delicious compotes, jams, preserves, candied fruits, it can be added to porridge, salad, vegetable soup. Quince mustard is a seasoning made from quince and mustard with the addition of ginger and coriander. Quince cheese is condensed quince juice with pulp.
Quince is grown in many countries of the world - in Europe, North America, North Africa, Eastern and Central Asia. Cold-resistant varieties have also been developed and are successfully cultivated in the Volga region.
Another variety of quince is Japanese quince, or chaenomeles. The flowers and fruits of this plant are similar to quince. Chaenomeles was brought to Europe from Japan at the end of the 17th century. Gradually it gained popularity among gardeners - it has very beautiful decorative flowers. Fruit Japanese quince also edible, but more sour.

When autumn arrives, store shelves are filled with new harvest fruits. Among this abundance of nature's gifts, pears stand out - fruits with a unique aroma, sweet in taste and very juicy. And also good for health. It is not for nothing that in ancient China the pear was considered a symbol of longevity, and the ancient Greek poet Homer called the pear “the gift of the gods.”

Central Asia is considered to be the homeland of the pear, from where it came to Europe three thousand years ago, where it spread everywhere. At first, pear fruits were hard, but over time, through selection, people began to grow pear varieties with soft fruits.

The pear belongs to the apple family. This tree grows pyramidally and its branches are directed upward. The color of the bark of young trees is light gray, while that of old trees is gray-brown with longitudinal cracks. The leaves of the pear are long, ovoid, pointed, with fine serrations. The leaf stalks are short, with a groove. Young leaves are soft, light, shiny, old leaves are hard.

Fruits on young trees begin to appear 5-7 years after planting. The pear fruit usually has elongated shape, with a thickening at the end. But there are varieties with round or conical fruits.

The pear tree is a long-liver. Its age can reach hundreds of years. Pear wood is very durable. Furniture, dishes and even musical instruments are made from it. Products made from pear wood are distinguished by considerable longevity.

Useful properties of pear

Despite the fact that a pear tastes sweeter than an apple, it contains much less sugar. And it seems sweeter due to the lower amount of acids compared to apples. Pear juice is used in treatment diabetes mellitus. Pear juice also helps in the treatment of colds.

Pear fruits are a natural antibiotic and also have antifungal properties. They contain a lot of nutritional fiber, and the content folic acid this fruit simply has no equal.

Pears also help strengthen tooth enamel due to their high phosphorus and calcium content.

Ripe pears improve body tone and improve mood.

Calorie content of pear is 42 kcal per 100 g:

  • proteins - 0.4 g;
  • fats - 0.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 10.9 g.

Fully ripened fruits of this tree consist mainly of pulp (about 97%), as well as peel and seeds (about 3%). People use pear fruits to make jam, compotes, juices, preserves, dried fruits, pies, and of course they consume this gift of nature as food in its unprocessed - raw form.

Although the homeland of this wonderful fruit is not known for certain to this day, it can be argued that its history goes back to the prehistoric era. The very first information and mentions of pears date back to the second millennium BC - they were found in ancient Chinese Odes, which suggests that pears were grown in Western as well as Central China. According to other sources, it was the cultivated pear that came from Ancient Greece several thousand years BC.

It is worth noting that modern varieties of pears have little in common with their ancient ancestors, the fruits of which were not particularly soft, and thanks to the efforts of French and Belgian breeders, the pear acquired tender and literally melting in the mouth pulp only at the end of the 18th century.

IN ancient Rome Several dozen pear varieties have been described, but the pear culture became most widespread in Europe in the 19th century. In Russia, the Patriarchal and Monastic gardens, also called rais (from the word - paradise), were famous for their selected fruits. Later, the red gardens of the famous nobles Ordin-Nashchokin and Golitsyn were considered wonderful.

Vitamins and microelements contained in pears

What is the reason for such truly healing and magical properties of this fruit? A real, properly grown, well-ripened pear smells very strongly, and the more aroma it gives off, the more vitamins and microelements it contains. Vitamins of groups A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B5, B9, B12, C, E, K, retinol make up nutritional value unprocessed pear.

Biologically rich active substances it also contains potassium, iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and sodium. It also contains fiber, which is extremely important for the normal functioning of the human body.

Pear - combines taste with extremely beneficial properties for the body. It should be borne in mind that when we talk about the unconditional benefits of this fruit, we mean fully ripened fruits: tender, juicy, with a unique aroma.

Opposition infectious diseases, chronic and not only inflammatory processes, removal of toxins and heavy metals from the body, mobilization of the body’s protective functions, increasing the resistance of the immune system and, as a result, increased resistance to bacteria and diseases are far from full list what a pear helps the person who eats it.

Help with intestinal disorders, restoration of stomach microflora, antihelminthic properties, you will be surprised, but this truly healthy fruit can do all this.

It also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system (by the way, the better and stronger the smell of pear, the greater its benefits, especially for the heart), and it plays a huge role in recipes traditional medicine: it can easily cure cough, relieve fever in adults and children, and be used as a diuretic.

In addition, pear is one of those rare types of fruit that does not contain allergens, which means it is useful even for the little ones! Pear also fights pancreatic dysfunction and helps get rid of diabetes and obesity. Latest Research Scientists in the field of beneficial properties of pear allow us to conclude that it is no less effective in resisting the main disease of mankind in the 21st century - stress and depression!

Harm of pears and contraindications

With all of the above, fantastic beneficial influence pears per person, you should not lose sight of the fact that there are some precautionary rules (contraindications) that should be followed so that this gift of nature does not cause you slight, but still harm. Do not consume this favorite fruit before meals (it is advisable to wait at least an hour), on an empty stomach, do not combine pears with fresh milk, raw water and heavy foods in order to avoid stomach problems. All this, of course, should be considered only as a warning about the correct use of pears as food, because this fruit is the healthiest and delicious fruit, which will gladly come to any table.

Video about beneficial features pears:

Pear is a representative of the genus of fruit and ornamental trees and bushes. Belongs to the class Dicotyledons, department Floral plants, order Rosaceae, family Rosaceae, genus Pear ( Pyrus).

In the Old Russian chronicles of the 12th century, the pear is mentioned as “hrusha,” presumably because of the characteristic crunch when biting the fruit, and is consonant with some Slavic names: hruska (Czech), krusha (Bulgarian).

Pear wood is hard, dense, with a fine texture and barely noticeable growth rings. Due to the presence of special “stone cells”, dried raw materials are quite easy to process. Treated with black stain, pear wood perfectly imitates expensive ebony wood, and when exposed to hot air it turns red. As pear wood naturally ages, it acquires a distinctive amber color.

The average lifespan of a pear is 150-200 years, although some types of pear trees live up to 300 years.

Where does the pear grow?

In the wild, the pear is widespread in Europe and the countries of Central Asia, found in the form of deciduous thickets, but such wild pears produce small and completely tasteless fruits. As a result of successful breeding activities, the pear tree is also grown as a cultivated plant in household plots. Today, the distribution area of ​​this tree extends from the Urals and regions Western Siberia to Crimea, Belarus, Ukraine, the foothills of the Caucasus, Japan, China, southern and northern regions of the European continent.

Pear is a tree that grows on fertile, loose soils and produces abundant harvests of fragrant fruits. Moreover, the optimal soil for planting pears should be neutral or with minimal acidity. On poor, acidic and excessively wet soils, the pear takes root very difficultly and often refuses to bear fruit.

Planting a pear. How to plant a pear?

An important step is right choice places for planting pears and careful preparation landing pit. For planting, one- or two-year-old pear seedlings with a developed root system and no visible damage to the above-ground parts are used. Spring planting of pears is acceptable, although experts recommend planting pears in the fall - in the middle or end of September, when the leaves of the seedlings have fallen and sap flow has stopped.

The best soil for planting pears is clay and loamy, deep. groundwater. Acidic soils are pre-limed. Choose a place for planting pear seedlings that is sunny and protected from the winds.

A planting hole 1 m wide and 80 cm deep is dug in advance. At a distance of 30 cm from the center, a stake is driven in, which is necessary for correct height tree.

8-10 kg of rotted manure or compost, 50 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium salt and mix with a small amount of earth.

The pear seedling is placed in the hole and they begin to add soil, periodically shaking the tree itself. At correct landing the root collar will rise 6-8 cm above ground level. Then the soil is firmly trampled and several buckets of water are spilled. The trunk of the pear seedling is tied to a peg and finally the trunk circle is mulched with humus or manure so that the mulch does not touch the tree trunk.

Pear care

Young pear trees need to be watered regularly at the rate of 1 bucket of water per week; during drought, watering is increased.

  • Feeding pears

In the first 4 years, the pear is fed with nitrogen fertilizers, several times a season, and once a season with any potassium fertilizer. When loosening the tree trunk circle in spring and autumn, the same complex of fertilizers is applied as was used during planting. Starting from the 5th year, fertilizers are placed in specially dug grooves along the periphery of the crown.

  • Pruning and shaping the crown of a pear

The formation of the crown consists of spring and autumn pruning of branches. Remove close and parallel growing pear branches, shorten especially long ones, achieving the same length of the crown tier. The cut areas are covered with crushed coal or garden pitch.

  • Pear care in autumn

Autumn care for a pear tree includes a number of necessary activities:

    1. sanitary pruning of branches;
    2. preventive treatment against diseases and pests;
    3. fertilizing pears with phosphorus fertilizer;
    4. whitewashing pear trunk with lime;
    5. digging and deep watering of tree trunk circles;
    6. covering the tree trunk circle with straw or sawdust in a layer of up to 25-30 cm.
  • Pear care in spring

Spring pear care begins with removing the covers and repeats the autumn one, only phosphorus fertilizers are replaced with nitrogen ones.

Depending on the variety, the pear begins to bear fruit at 4-7 years of the tree’s life. Pear blossoms occur in April–May; pear harvest occurs, depending on the region, in August–September.

Pear propagation

Pears are propagated by seed, cuttings, layering and grafting. Seed propagation more used by breeders to develop new varieties. Among the people the most in a simple way Reproduction is considered to be by layering, and the layering begins to bear fruit much earlier than the seedlings.

Pests, diseases and treatment of pear

Despite the resistance of modern pear varieties to a number of dangerous diseases, bad weather conditions and failure to comply with preventive measures can lead to tree disease:

  • scab

on pears it affects young branches, leaves, and ovaries of pears with characteristic dark spots 2-4 cm in diameter. The fruits become smaller and become tough.

  • stem rot

occurs from frost or sunburn, poor care or lack of nutrients. Bark pear tree turns dark red and the tree dries out.

  • powdery mildew

a fungal disease of pear, characterized by a whitish coating covering the branches, leaves and flowers, which leads to the fall of the ovaries.

  • pear sucker

feeds on the cellular sap of trees, causing the buds, leaves or buds of the pear to fall off.

  • pear codling moth

lays eggs on pear fruits, and the emerging caterpillars devour the pulp.

Timely treatment of pears with insecticidal preparations, colloidal sulfur, Bordeaux mixture, as well as sanitary pruning and burning of affected pear shoots and foliage help prevent the spread of the disease and in most cases save the plant.

Types of pears, names, descriptions and photographs

The modern classification includes 33 species of pear, divided into 2 botanical sections - Pashia and Pyrus. Below are several varieties:

  • common pear or wild(Pyrus communis, Pyrus domestica )

large shrub or tree up to 20 meters high. This type of pear gave rise to most of the cultivated varieties grown in the temperate climate zone. In nature, the wild pear is distributed from Eastern Europe to Western Asia. It is considered a good honey plant and valuable dietary product. Varieties of common pear:

    • Pyrus communis L. subsp. Communis
    • Pyrus communis L. subsp. Caucasica– Caucasian pear
    • Pyrus communis L. subsp. Pyraster– Forest pear

  • forest pear(Pyrus communis subsp. pyraster)

subspecies of the common pear. It grows in the form of low shrubs (up to 4 meters) and trees growing up to 20 meters. The forest pear gave birth to hundreds of cultivated varieties, and thanks to its durable wood, it is successfully used in carpentry and turning. This tree grows in the forests and forest-steppes of Central and Eastern Europe.

  • boissier pear(Pyrus boissieriana)

drought-resistant, rare view pears, grows to a limited extent in Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, where it is listed in the Red Book. It is also found in northern Iran. Used as a rootstock and hybridization.

  • pear(Pyrus pyrifolia)

drought-resistant, not demanding on soil, has a trunk height of up to 20 m, varietal plants grow up to 6 m. The pear-leaved pear grows in the countries of Central Asia and Far East Russia. It is widely used in agriculture, has a high decorative purpose, and in China is revered as a sacred tree.

  • Ussuri pear(Pyrus ussuriensis)

grows up to 15 meters in height and is characterized by increased frost resistance, due to which it is used in breeding as a source material. The Ussuri pear is widespread in the Far Eastern region of Russia, China and Korea.

  • pear(Pyrus elaeagrifolia)

is different small height up to 10 m and high resistance to frost (up to -25 degrees). Small pear fruits are used in cooking, and the trees are used as a rootstock and for gardening. In the wild, the shaggy pear is found in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

  • loose pear(Pyrus salicifolia)

This type of pear reaches a height of 8-10 m. The crown of the willow pear is lush, with openwork foliage and early mass flowering. The fruits are small and inedible, so the pear is mainly used as a rootstock for new varieties and as ornamental plant.

Varieties of pears - names, descriptions and photos. Classification of pears

By ripening time:

  • Summer (early) varieties of pears,
  • Autumn (medium) varieties of pears,
  • Winter (late) varieties of pears.

By fruit size:

  • Large (large-fruited) varieties of pears,
  • Medium varieties of pears,
  • Small (small-fruited) varieties of pears.

By method of use:

  • Decorative pear,
  • Fruit pear.

According to winter hardiness:

  • Winter-hardy (frost-resistant) varieties of pears,
  • Not winter-hardy pear varieties.

By height:

  • Tall varieties of pears,
  • Medium-sized varieties of pears,
  • Low-growing varieties of pears,
  • Dwarf varieties of pears.

By crown type:

  • Varieties of pears with a pyramidal crown,
  • Varieties of pears with a round crown,
  • Columnar varieties of pears.


  • Sweet pears,
  • Sweet and sour pears
  • Pears with a tart-bitter taste.

By pollination method:

  • Self-pollinating (self-fertile) varieties of pears;
  • Non-self-pollinating pear varieties.

Now let's look at each classification separately with examples of varieties.

Early (summer), middle (autumn), late (winter) varieties of pears, descriptions and photographs

Depending on the timing of ripening, pears are divided into early (summer), middle (autumn) and late (winter) varieties.

Early varietiespears ripen at the end of July - August; in cold regions, harvesting occurs at the beginning of September. Summer pears must be harvested on time. The fruit should not be allowed to overripe or fall off. Depending on the variety, summer pears are stored in a cool place for 7 to 17 days. Despite the limited shelf life, early fruits distinguished by juiciness, excellent taste and high commercial value.

The following early (summer) varieties of pears are considered the most popular among gardeners:

  • “Chizhovskaya”;
  • “August dew”;
  • "Julia";
  • “Space”;
  • “Krasulya”;
  • “Cathedral”;
  • “Severyanka”;
  • "Victoria".

Variety Severyanka

Autumn (medium) varietiespears can be harvested in September - early October, the fruits have a short harvest period, which is shortened in particularly hot weather summer season. Autumn varieties of pears are stored in a cool place for 45 to 70 days; during storage, their taste improves significantly. Most autumn varieties have increased resistance to frost.

The best middle (autumn) pear varieties:

  • “Autumn Dream”;
  • "Fun";
  • “Yakovlev’s Favorite”;
  • “Moskvichka”;
  • “Beauty Chernenko”;
  • "Conference";
  • “Nerussa”;
  • "Simply Maria".

Variety Conference

Winter (late) varietiespears They reach harvest maturity in mid-autumn and then ripen during storage, which is why they are grown mainly in regions with a mild climate. At a temperature of + 3-5 degrees, late winter pears, depending on the variety, are stored until January - April of the next year.

The most famous winter pear varieties:

  • “Pervomayskaya”;
  • “Noyabrskaya”;
  • "Nika";
  • “Cure” (“Williams winter”);
  • “Hera”;
  • “Belarusian late”;
  • “Kondratievka”;
  • “Yakovlevskaya”.

Winter variety Williams

Small, medium and large varieties of pears, descriptions and photographs

Depending on the size and weight of the fruit, large-fruited, medium-sized and small-fruited pear varieties are distinguished.

Large pear varieties - fruits weighing from 200 to 500 g and above. A pear with large fruits is characterized by stable fruiting and motivates owners to set personal records for growing giant fruits without the use of any chemicals.

The best large pear varieties:

  • “Bere Dil” (250-500 g);
  • “Marianna” (200-350 g);
  • “Marshal Zhukov” (320-560 g);
  • “Autumn large” (200-250 g);
  • “Space” (300-550 g);
  • “Vidnaya” (350-540 g);
  • “Clapp’s Favorite” (250-450 g);
  • “Bere Ardanpon” (200 – 250 g).

Variety Favorite Clapp

Average (medium-sized) pear varieties– fruits weighing from 80 to 200 g. The largest varietal group is characterized by increased fertility, which is why most trees are often overloaded with harvest.

Popular medium pear varieties:

  • “Ilyinka” (up to 150 g);
  • “Melting” (up to 200 g);
  • “Dicolor” (up to 150 g);
  • “Talgar beauty” (up to 200 g);
  • “Muratovskaya” (up to 150 g);
  • “Chizhovskaya” (up to 120 g);
  • “Lada” (up to 120 g);
  • “Annushka” (up to 140 g).

Variety Chizhovskaya

Small (small-fruited) varieties of pears have a fruit weight of 30-80 grams and are most often intended for processing and preparing compotes, jams, confitures and other desserts.

The best small varieties of pears:

  • “Ultra early”;
  • "Olga";
  • "Myth";
  • “Veselinka”;
  • “The first swallow”;
  • “Thumbelina”;
  • “Moskovskaya”;
  • “Severyanka”.

Variety Severyanka

According to the method of use, pears are divided into fruit and ornamental.

Fruit pear (technical, table, universal) – varieties, description and photographs

Fruit varieties of pears are divided into technical, table (dessert) and universal.

Technicalpear varieties mostly intended for recycling. The fruits cannot boast of high commercial qualities, but have excellent taste and aroma, and therefore are actively used in cooking and for preservation.

Technical pear varieties:

  • “Oryol Summer”;
  • “Melitopol juicy”;
  • "Granddaughter";
  • “Hanging”;
  • "Allegro".

Allegro variety

Canteens (dessert) pears They are consumed mainly fresh. The variety is distinguished by its excellent presentation, good shelf life and transportability, and, of course, excellent taste.

The most famous varieties of dessert pear:

  • “Bronze”;
  • "Dawn";
  • “Banquet”;
  • “Marble”;
  • “Perun”;
  • “Quiet Don”.

Variety Marble

Universal varieties of pears used both for processing and for fresh consumption.

The best universal varieties of pears:

  • “Zoe”;
  • “Otradnenskaya”;
  • “Bere winter Michurina”;
  • “Black Sea Amber”;
  • “Pidkumok”;
  • “Academic”.

Variety Otradnenskaya

Decorative pear: varieties, description and photographs

The ornamental pear comes from China and is a rare guest in Russian gardens. Trees decorative varieties very attractive, therefore ideal for landscaping private gardens and city parks. The fruits of most varieties of ornamental pear are small and inedible, but this deficiency is easily compensated for by the unusually beautiful foliage that forms graceful crowns, as well as high levels of winter hardiness.

The best varieties of decorative pear:

  • “Calliere Chanticleer”;
  • "Beach Hill"
  • "Loach";
  • “Liana.”

Beech Hill variety

Winter-hardy pear varieties, description and photo

Based on the degree of winter hardiness, a distinction is made between frost-resistant pear varieties, suitable for cultivation in risky farming conditions, and non-winter-hardy varieties, cultivated in areas with a warm climate.

Winter-hardy (frost-resistant) pear varieties bred mainly in the Far East from the Ussuri pear, the most winter-hardy in the world. Most varieties were selected back in the last century; they are reliable, time-tested and do not freeze out at temperatures of -30-35 degrees.

The best winter-hardy pear varieties:

  • “Dressy Efimova”;
  • "Subject";
  • “Lel”;
  • “Krasnopakharskaya”;
  • “Tyutchevskaya”;
  • “Dulya Novgorodskaya”;
  • “Thin Vetka”;
  • “Uralochka”.

Variety Uralochka

Not winter-hardypear varieties can be grown in the northern regions at their own risk, but in severe winters most varieties freeze out, although some agricultural practices can increase the frost resistance of trees.

Pear varieties not resistant to frost:

  • "Enchantress";
  • “Yeseninskaya”;
  • “January”;
  • “Kieffer” (“Kieffer’s seedling”);
  • “Bere Russian”;
  • “Kupava”;
  • “Morning freshness”;
  • “Black Sea Amber”.

In botany, the common pear (Pyrus communis) is a representative of the genus Pear, family Rosaceae. The plant first appeared in Europe and Asia. For favorable growth it is necessary following conditions: sufficient light, moist, drained and fertile soil. The pear reaches no more than 30 meters in height. The tree can survive up to 50 years. Pears are propagated by planting cuttings, seedlings and seeds.

Characteristics of the common pear

The plant is a tall tree, up to 30 meters tall, or a large shrub. The bark of the tree is uneven, wrinkled, the trunk is smooth, reaching a diameter of 70 centimeters. Pear wood is distinguished by its density and strength. The branches are densely strewn with leaves. The leaves, attached to long petioles, have an oval, pointed shape. The leaves have a shiny appearance, the dark green color below becomes dull.

In spring they appear on the tree large flowers, white or Pink colour. They can grow one at a time or be collected in inflorescences of several pieces. The legs on which they are located can reach a length of up to 5 centimeters. The corolla is white or pink, the number of stamens does not exceed 50, the pistil consists of 5 columns. Flowers grow on the tree before the leaves appear.

The size, shape, and taste of the fruit can be varied, it all depends on the plant variety. The pear has an oblong, slightly elongated, rounded shape. The seeds contained in the pear are covered with a brown peel. The tree begins to bloom in spring, the flowering period lasts about 2 weeks. Often, this period begins at the end of April and lasts until mid-May. At the end of August and beginning of September, you can pick ripe fruits. Having reached the age of 3 to 8 years, the tree begins to bear fruit. The common pear grows and bears fruit for up to 50 years.

It is worth paying attention, in order for pears to begin to bear fruit, you need to plant 2 varieties next to each other that pollinate each other. “Polya”, “Granddaughter”, “Povislaya”, “Tema” are the most famous varieties that are resistant to winter conditions. In addition, the fruits of these varieties can be consumed fresh; they have excellent taste properties.

Tree Spread

The tree grows well in Europe and Asia. The common pear can be found wild in southern Russia, the Caucasus, Ukraine and Belarus. For good tree growth, soils rich in nutrients and microelements, chernozem, are suitable. The tree can often be found in elevated areas where there is good air drainage.

Poor ventilation and stagnation of cold air in the lowlands have a bad effect on the quality of the pear. The tree loves well-moistened soil, but stagnation and excess moisture negatively affects its growth and development. For the most part, pears are resistant to drought and frost. IN winter period With very low temperatures, branches and wood can freeze. If there is a sudden change in temperature or frost in the spring, flower buds may be damaged.

The fruits are popular due to their content of vitamins and minerals, as well as their good and pleasant taste. Tannins, organic acids, pectin, fiber, vitamins A, B1, C, this is not a complete list of substances contained in pears. The taste of pear fruits is sweeter than apples, this is due to the minimal amount of acids and sugar contained in the fruits.

Pears are used to produce juice, desserts and wine. Dry fruits are used to prepare decoctions. Pear juice includes a huge number of vitamins and microelements. Fresh fruits are well digestible and have a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Dry pear compote helps cope with thirst.

Using a pear

Pear fruits are widely used in the food industry. The dried seeds are used as a coffee substitute. The fruit tree has become widespread in various sectors of the economy. Pear wood is in demand among artists. It has high strength and good aesthetic qualities, is perfectly processed and polished. Wood is used in the production of furniture, musical instruments, goods for children, stationery.

During the flowering period, a large amount of nectar can be collected from the flowers of the common pear. A hectare of garden will bring up to 30 kilograms of honey, which is very important for beekeeping. In addition, the tree is used for landscaping personal plots, courtyard areas, parks, squares, due to its decorative qualities.

Plant growth, quantity and quality of fruits depend on whether the shape of the branches is correctly formed. It must be regularly pruned. Immediately after planting a pear, you should take care of the formation of the crown. There are two ways to shape the branches of a tree. The first method is pruning, which reduces the length of the shoots and thins out the branches. With the help of a shortened shoot, new buds and shoots are formed. Shoots of 1 year of life are shortened by making an incision near the bud. Reducing the number of branches promotes entry large quantity light to the crown, because of this the number of buds increases.

By bending the branches, the growth of the pear improves. To improve fruiting, large branches are tilted 40 degrees from the trunk. Small branches should be perpendicular to the trunk, their ends should be slightly higher than the beginning of the main branches. For bending, use wire, so as not to spoil the bark, use electrical tape, winding it at the attachment points.

At the time of transplanting the seedlings, the skeleton of the crown can be formed. If the seedlings do not have branches, the cut should be made above the bud, 70 centimeters from the surface of the ground. To form the first tier of branches, the remaining buds are used, which contribute to the development of side shoots.

If the size of the pears has decreased significantly, and the shoots have begun to grow less than 15 centimeters per year, rejuvenating pruning is used for old trees. Obsolete branches are removed, and skeletal and semi-skeletal branches are pruned. Shoots of 1 year of life are cut off, leaving two buds. This procedure leads to the formation of well-developed shoots. Some of these shoots will replace the main branches, the other will be used for fruiting. Branches that make the crown very thick are cut off. The tree requires good watering, nutrition, protection from pests, after taking measures related to anti-aging pruning.

Historical facts

The varieties used in agriculture got their distribution from the wild plant. The ancient Greeks selected the sweetest and largest pear fruits, thus cultivation occurred. The pear was brought to Russia from Byzantium. At first, the fruit tree was grown in the gardens of monasteries. There were 16 types of trees in the Romanov Royal Garden. By decree of Peter 1, new varieties of pears were imported to the country every year to increase the number of varieties fruit trees. Nowadays, there are about 5,000 species of fruit trees. Each type of common pear has a special taste, color, shape and size.

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