Famous Aries women. Russian actors are Aries. Famous Aries men

We all sometimes know Western actors better than Russian ones. Today I’ll tell you about domestic actors born under the sign of ARIES.

This is the first sign of the Zodiac. The Sun is in this sign approximately between March 22 and April 19. People ruled by this sign are mostly vain, but brave and energetic. They are never happy unless they are in charge and command others. They can be selfish and put their own interests above all else. They are very changeable, so their passions, no matter how hot they are, quickly pass. They are progressive, but can never fully come to terms with the need to be controlled by other people and obey other people. This is the most aggressive and destructive sign of the Zodiac.

Let's start with the actresses.

Christina Asmus (04/11/1988). This year the girl turns 23 years old. Graduated from VTU named after. Shchepkina. Master of Sports in artistic gymnastics. The actress's screen debut was the role of Varya Chernous in the comedy series "Interns" by Maxim Pezhemsky. In 2010 named the most sexy woman Russia according to Maxim magazine.

Oksana Akinshina (04/19/1987). Born in 1987 in the family of a car mechanic. At the age of thirteen, having passed the casting, she first appeared on screen in the drama “Sisters” directed by Sergei Bodrov Jr. For this film at the 2001 Sochi Film Festival, in the “Debut” competition, Oksana and Katya Gorina received the award “For Best Acting Duet”. In 2008, she played the main female role in the musical “Hipsters” by Valery Todorovsky. Until she was fifteen, she dated actor Alexei Chadov, after which she lived with Sergei Shnurov until 2007, when she met her future husband, Dmitry Litvinov, general director of the PR company Planet Inform. On June 2, 2009, the couple had a son, Philip. In 2011, we will be able to see the actress in 2 films at once: “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive" and "Suicides".

Nadezhda Granovskaya (04/10/1982) - was born in the Khmelnitsky region of the Ukrainian SSR. Soloist of the Russian-Ukrainian female pop group “VIA Gra”. She played in the films: “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka” (2001), “Cinderella” (2003), “ Sorochinskaya fair"(2004), "Cossacks" (2010) and others.

But you won’t give her 29 years, right? The face looks older.

Arrrrr, what a woman!

Natalya Yeprikyan (04/19/1978) - member of the KVN team "Megapolis", actress of the satirical genre, participant and producer of the television project "Comedy Woman". As she calls herself, “elite one and a half meters.”

Ksenia Rappoport (03/25/1974). Honored Artist of Russia (2009). In 2006, the actress played the main role in feature film Italian director Giuseppe Tornatore's "The Stranger" ("La Sconosciuta") - Italian Film Academy David di Donatello Award 2007 for Best Leading Actress. 2008 - “Yuriev Day” - prize at the Kinotavr festival for best actress. 2009 - “Double Hour” - Venice Film Festival prize for best actress. I really liked her in the series “Liquidation”.

Victoria Tolstoganova (03/24/1972). She played in the films “At a Nameless Height” (2004), “Stormy Gates” (2006), and the TV series “Moscow Saga”.

Alena Babenko (03/31/1972). The actress became famous for her main role in Pavel Chukhrai’s film “Driver for Vera.” She was invited to take on this role by her acquaintances, the director's assistants. In 2004, at the Kinotavr festival, the film “Driver for Vera” was a great success. In 2009, everyone watched the comedy “High Security Vacation” with her.

Elena Korikova (04/12/1972). The most striking work was the role of Lisa in Alexei Sakharov’s film “The Peasant Young Lady” (1995), based on the story by A. S. Pushkin. For this role, Korikova received the prize for best actress at the Kinoshock festival and the Nika award. Elena Korikova gained universal popularity after the release of the series “Poor Nastya.”

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk (04/01/1971) celebrated her 40th birthday this year. Born in Astrakhan, she was made famous by the TV series “My Fair Nanny,” which she got into by pure chance: they simply called her and offered her a role in a TV series that she had no idea about. The characteristic Ukrainian accent was borrowed from her theater colleague Olga Blok-Mirimskaya.

Dina Korzun (04/13/1971). In 1999 she was awarded the Nika Prize for her role in the film “Country of the Deaf.” She starred in Pavel Pawlikowski's film "The Last Resort" (2000), and received awards for her role as Tanya at film festivals in London, Gijon, and Bratislava.
Dina Korzun, together with Chulpan Khamatova, is the founder of the Gift of Life charity foundation, which helps children with oncohematological and other deadly diseases.

Ekaterina Semenova (04/18/1971) celebrated her 40th birthday this year. It was from Ekaterina Semenova that her mother, animator Natalya Orlova, drew Alisa Selezneva for the future cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet.” She played in the famous Russian TV series “Two Fates” (2002).

Evelina Bledans (04/05/1969) graduated from the acting department of LGITMiK (course of People's Artist of the USSR Igor Vladimirov) (1990), Theater Center for Classical American Musical named after. Eugene O'Neill (USA). In 1988 she made her film debut in the film “Regional Emergency”. Former member of the Masks comic troupe. She worked in the musical “Metro” and the play “Danae”. She is also famous for her role as Chris in the humorous series “One for All.”

Alika Smekhova (03/27/1968). Father is the famous actor Veniamin Smekhov. I remember most of all her role as Sonya in the TV series “Balzac’s Age, or All Men Are Theirs...”. She also aptly played the role of Kasim’s wife in the musical “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves” (2005).

Tatyana Protsenko (04/08/1968) - actress, known for her role as Malvina in the film The Adventures of Pinocchio.

Olga Drozdova (04/1/1965) - Honored Artist of Russia (2002). Most of all I love her in the TV series “Gangster Petersburg” in the role of Ekaterina Dmitrievna Zvantseva. Married to actor Dmitry Pevtsov. On August 7, 2007, the couple had a son, Elisha.

Irina Bezrukova (04/11/1965). Irina Livanova’s most famous works in the 90s were her roles in the historical film series “Richard the Lionheart” and “Knight Kenneth”, the melodrama “Obsession”, and the historical television series “Countess de Monsoreau”. Afterwards we know her more in the role of the wife of Sergei Bezrukov.

Elena Kondulainen (04/09/1958) celebrated her 53rd birthday this year. Ingrian Finnish woman. In 1990, in Hussein Erkenov’s film “One Hundred Days Before the Order,” the actress appeared completely naked. This picture caused a huge scandal. It was after this that Kondulainen firmly gained the title of sex symbol of Soviet cinema.

Tamara Akulova (03/25/1957). The unforgettable Lady Rowena from The Ballad of the Valiant Knight Ivanhoe (1982) and Lady Helen Glenarvan from the mini-series In Search of Captain Grant (1985).

Inna Alenikova (04/12/1950) - famous teacher French Inna Andreevna from “The Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin, ordinary and incredible” (1983). I also remember her very well from the TV series “Desired” (2003). The woman celebrated her 61st birthday this year.

Alla Pugacheva (04/15/1949) - The prima donna, of course, is also a fiery Aries! Few would disagree with me that The Woman Who Sings (1978) is one of the best films of Soviet cinema.

Natalya Kustinskaya (04/05/1938) - played Vasilisa the Beautiful in “A Spring Tale” (1971), director Yakin’s friend in “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession” (1973), “Three Plus Two” (1963), as well as Polina Lakhnovskaya in the television series “ Eternal Call" (1973). An incredibly beautiful woman.

Svetlana Nemolyaeva (04/18/1937) – celebrated her 74th birthday this year. The most famous films with her are probably “Office Romance” (1977) and “Garage” (1979).

Elina Bystritskaya (04/04/1928) is a real long-liver. Now she is 83 years old! The extraordinary Aksinya from " Quiet Don"(1957). Since 1978 he has been engaged pedagogical activity at the Higher Theater School named after. M. S. Shchepkina.

Lydia Vertinskaya (04/14/1923) is a woman of extraordinary beauty and charisma. This year she turned 88 years old! It is impossible to forget her in the role of Phoenix in “Sadko” (1952), Anidag in “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors” (1963).

These are the beauties of Russian Aries actresses! :)

I love, I love writing long posts with lots of photos. It’s a pity I rarely find time for this pleasure. :))

Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh, Nikolai Gogol, Korney Chukovsky, Hans Christian Andersen, Eddie Murphy, Andrei Tarkovsky, Alexander Herzen, Francis Coppola, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Steven Seagal, Garry Kasparov, Alla Pugacheva, Giacomo Casanova.

Top 7 famous Aries women: “Nobody but us!”

Of all the zodiac signs, Aries is the most stubborn, active and purposeful. But in Aries women, all these qualities are maximally enhanced and elevated to the absolute. If she is a careerist, then she is aiming for the very top; if she is an artist, then she intends to achieve world fame; if she is a housewife, then she is the most exemplary and exemplary. The Aries woman's motto is success, no matter what!

This is probably why representatives of this sign achieve a lot in life, being worthy competition for men in almost all areas. Let's see how the qualities of Aries manifest themselves in the characters of famous women, and how they influence their fate.

1. Alla Pugacheva

Born 15.04. 1949, pop singer

There is no need to introduce this great singer and living legend show business, whose multifaceted talent left a bright mark on the domestic stage and in the hearts of millions of fans. This is an extraordinary woman with a stellar destiny, who, with the determination, inexhaustible energy and optimism characteristic of Aries, managed to achieve truly dizzying success, realizing to the maximum everything that was given to her by nature.

Alla Borisovna is the quintessence of Aries qualities that have manifested themselves in her since childhood. For example, back in her school years she received the nickname “Sergeant Major” for her tendency to command and ability to stand up for herself. And subsequently, she more than once demonstrated to others her independence and strength of character.

2. Sarah Jessica Parker

Born March 25, 1965, American actress and producer

To this day, many do not understand how this girl with an unconventional and not typical Hollywood appearance managed to break into big-budget productions, the most striking of which was the television series “Sex and the City.” But the courage, special natural charm and originality inherent in Sarah Jessica Parker are the qualities of a real Aries, which helped her not only become a cult actress, but also an inspiring role model for many representatives of the fair sex.

3. Irina Khakamada

Born 04/13/1955, political and statesman, writer, TV presenter

The life of Irina Khakamada is a vivid illustration of such qualities as determination, perseverance and the will to win. This woman has had to endure many difficulties in her professional and personal life, but it is not so easy to break the spirit of a true Aries! She is famous for the fact that in 2004 she was the first woman in Russian history to become a presidential candidate, challenging men. Having gone from a simple watchman to the most famous woman in politics, she became an accomplished successful person, fulfilled her dreams and gained financial well-being.

4. Tatiana Navka

Born 04/13/1975, figure skater, Olympic champion

The brilliant, incomparable figure skater Tatyana Navka can be called a symbol of Russian sports and a standard female beauty and charm. Truly “Aries” perseverance, the will to win and determination helped her receive the title “Honored Master of Sports of Russia” and prestigious sports awards.

Even after the end of her sports career, Tatyana continues to delight viewers with her unique talent, participating in demonstration performances and ice shows, realizing herself as a presenter and singer. And all because she is a real Aries who never stops there!

5. Catherine de Medici

Born 04/13/1589, Queen of France

Catherine de Medici is a symbol of the greatness of royal power, and the time of her reign in Europe XVI century is called the era of Catherine de Medici. It is worth remembering that the ambitious and ambitious Aries is considered a typically masculine sign, with a penchant for politics and military affairs. And the female half of Aries has the same traits.

The fact that Catherine de Medici was a true Aries by nature is evidenced by the fact that all her life she strove for unlimited power and achieved it, stopping at nothing, even if it meant going over her head and sacrificing loved ones. Using the example of the fate of this most ruthless queen in world history, who organized the terrible St. Bartholomew's Night, which claimed the lives of several thousand people, one can see how strong the passion of Aries can be, burning him from the inside and forcing him to use any means to achieve his goal - black magic, insidious intrigues, not even sparing your own children. Despite her controversial reputation, Catherine de Medici remains forever in history.

6. Reese Witherspoon

Born March 22, 1976, American actress and producer

The famous beautiful actress Reese Witherspoon began acting in films very young, and the overflowing energy and determination characteristic of Aries did not allow her to stop halfway without achieving the intended success. The result is receiving worldwide recognition, the coveted Oscar and many more prestigious awards in the field of cinema.

On top of that, Reese is also a producer, the owner of his own company, and a designer. It's surprising that such a successful career does not prevent Reese Witherspoon from being an exemplary mother to three children. Even with a busy schedule, this active Aries mother will find time to support and participate in the lives of her children.

7. Bella Akhmadulina

Born 04/10/1937, Russian poetess, writer

Humanity would have lost a lot if such talented Aries as Bella Akhmadulina had not been born, whose persistence and drive serve as the foundation for creative achievements. No one but her could have written these lines filled with feeling: “And finally I will say: goodbye, don’t commit to love, I’m going crazy, or rising
to a high degree of madness..."

Her poems amaze with their musical sound, imagery and sincerity. The literary genius of this outstanding woman, born under the sign of Aries, attracted entire stadiums of fans in the 60s of the last century. And today she is considered one of the most talented poets of the 20th century.

Aries women are all so different, and at the same time very similar. The fire sign endowed each of them with a combination of magnificent qualities that allowed them to achieve a lot from life and move on - to those peaks that still remained unconquered.

"Aries: celebrities of the Zodiac sign", astrologer Nadezhda Zima

Compatibility horoscope: celebrities according to the zodiac sign Aries are the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

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– black leather wallet;

- toolbox.

Europe has long been losing morality and ethics and is not becoming a carrier of human culture. Drug addicts are allowed soft drugs; pedophiles, assholes, homosexuals, lesbians, cobbles to enter into same-sex marriages. Outwardly, everyone is such a lover of God and honors their church, but in reality they are hypocrites.

Legislators are involved in decisions regarding the recognition of same-sex marriages. They agree. So it's full of gays.

Psychopaths are always arrogant and persistent. Society has followed the lead of the minority, which sex therapists and psychiatrists are obliged to deal with. But this brotherhood is silent. The church is not active in condemning such marriages either.

At the very least, we talk about men’s hobbies. How are women doing with this matter?

A man must do only three things - build a house, plant a tree, raise a son.

This is already a banal standard. In the city, only a son can be raised somehow and that’s all, but I think that a man’s hands should grow in the right place and he simply still has to be able to do a lot in life.

– know plumbing, electrical, be able to assemble furniture, nail, solder, clean your computer from viruses and rewrite Windows;

– peel potatoes, wash dishes, do renovations in the apartment (plastering, painting, wallpapering, changing parquet or laminate), digging, chopping, repairing equipment, etc., etc.;

- in addition, he must work, and also be able to cook, drive and repair a car, and love.

Which celebrities were born under the zodiac sign Aries?

Which Russian and foreign celebrities were born under the zodiac sign Aries?

Famous historical figures, writers, artists, performers, politicians those born under the zodiac sign Aries, who are they?

I am an Aries myself, and therefore I have always wondered which celebrities were born Aries just like me. I don’t really believe in horoscopes and never read them. However, the description of this zodiac sign suits me very well. Here's who from famous people is also or was an Aries (born between March 21 and April 20):

  • world famous scientist and artist Leonardo da Vinci,
  • author of many fairy tales, Hans Christian Anderson,
  • Adolf Gitler,
  • famous actor and screenwriter Charlie Chaplin,

and many more celebrities.

The sign of Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. It is believed that real fighters are born under this zodiac sign: warriors, athletes and extreme sports enthusiasts, lovers of danger and adventure.

In support of this version, the following outstanding personalities were discovered among people born under the sign of Aries:

  • Giacomo Casanova (April 2, 1725) is a famous Italian adventurer.
  • Joachim Murat (March 25, 1767) – Marshal of France, commanded the French cavalry in the army of Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • Harry Houdini (March 24, 1874) is an American illusionist, master of extreme tricks that risk his life.
  • Irakli Toidze (March 27, 1902) – graphic artist, author of the famous wartime poster “The Motherland Calls!”
  • Marina Raskova (March 28, 1912) - famous Soviet pilot during the Second World War, Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Jean-Paul Belmondo (April 9, 1933) is a French film actor, star of action films and adventurous comedies.
  • Slava Metreveli (March 30, 1936) is a famous Soviet football player, European champion in 1960.
  • Alexey Buldakov (March 26, 1951) – performer of the role of General Ivolgin in the classic film “Peculiarities of the National Hunt”
  • Jo Nesbe (March 29, 1960) is a Norwegian detective writer, author of bloody thrillers featuring detective Harry Hole.
  • Quentin Tarantino (March 27, 1963) is an American film director who directed the famous “bloody” action films “From Dusk Till Dawn,” “Pulp Fiction,” and “Kill Bill.”
  • Jacques Villeneuve (April 9, 1971) – racing driver, Formula 1 champion in 1997.

Born under the sign of Aries

* Vertinsky A.

* Mozhaisky A.(1825 - Rooster), Russian aircraft designer

* Mussorgsky M.P.(1839 – Pig), Russian composer

* Utesov L.(1895 – Koza), Russian singer

* Fourier J.(1768 – Rat), French mathematician and physicist

* Kozhevnikov V.(1909 – Rooster), Soviet writer

* Lysenko N.V.(1842 – Tiger), Ukrainian composer

* Marcel Marceau(1923 – Pig), actor

* Rudhyar D.(1895 - Goat), American astrologer

* Ulugbek M.(1394 - Dog), Uzbek astronomer

* Laplace P.(1749 - Serpent), French astronomer

* Minkus L.(1826 – Dog), composer

* Pisemsky A.F.(1821 – Snake), Russian writer

* Fromm Erich(1906 – Horse), Freudian psychologist

* Kiprensky O(1782 – Tiger), Russian artist

* Kozlovsky Ivan(1900 – Rat), singer

* Novikov-Priboy A.(1877 – Bull), writer

* Shulzhenko Klavdiya(1906 – Horse), singer

* Bruno Giordano(1548 - Monkey), Italian. thinker and preacher

* Vronsky S.(1915 – Cat), Russian astrologer

* Grabar I.(1871 – Koza), Soviet artist

* Murat I.(1767 - Pig), Napoleonic marshal

* Toscanini A.(1867 - Cat), Italian conductor

* Ross Dayana(1944 - Monkey), singer

* Togliatti Palmiro(1893 - Snake), famous Italian communist

* Frankl Victor(1905), Austrian psychiatrist and psychologist

* Louis XVII(1785 - Snake), French king

* Pearson Karl(1857), psychologist and lawyer at the University of Cambridge

* X-ray B. (1845 – Snake), German physicist

* Romulus(770 BC – Horse), founder of Rome

* Rostropovich M.(1927 – Cat), musician-cellist

* Gorky Maxim(1868 – Dragon), Russian writer

* Dashkova Ekaterina(1743 – Pig), Russian memoirist

* Komensky Ya.(1592 – Dragon), Czech teacher

* Smoktunovsky Innokenty(1925 – Bull), actor

* Govorukhin Stanislav(1936 – Rat), film director

* Kandelaki V.(1908 - Monkey), Soviet singer

* Verlen P.(1844 – Dragon), French poet

* Goya H.(1746 – Tiger), Spanish artist

* Ilyushin S.(1894 – Horse), Soviet aircraft designer

* Stanyukovich Konstantin(1843 - Cat), Russian writer

* Tropinin V.(1776 - Monkey), Russian artist

* Brusilov A.A.(1853 – Bull), Russian general

* Haydn I.(1732 – Rat), German composer

* Descartes Rene(1596 - Monkey), French philosopher

* Diaghilev S.(1872 - Monkey), theater figure

* Chukovsky K.(1882 – Horse), children's writer

* Busoni F.(1866 – Tiger), Italian composer and pianist

* Villon F.(1431 - Pig), French poet

* Harvey W.(1578 - Tiger), English anatomist

* Gogol Nikolay Vasilievich(1808 – Dragon), Russian writer

* Maslow Abraham Harold(1908), American psychologist and philosopher

* Pryanishnikov I.(1840 – Rat), Russian artist-Itinerant

* Rachmaninov Sergei(1873 – Rooster), Russian composer-pianist

* Simonov Ruben(1899 – Pig), Soviet director

* Yakovlev A.(1906 – Horse), Soviet aircraft designer

* Zola Emile(1840 – Rat), French writer

* Casanova J.(1725 - Snake), famous Italian adventurer

* Charlemagne(742 – Horse), king of the Franks

* Chrysler W.(1875 – Pig), automobile manufacturer

* Brando Marlon(1924 – Rat), actor

* Gonchar Oles(1918 – Horse), writer

* Kireevsky P.V.(1808 – Dragon), Russian folklorist

* Nagibin Yuri(1920 - Monkey), writer

* Vlaminck M.(1876 – Rat), French artist

* Tarkovsky A.(1932 – Monkey), film director

* Demidov N.(1656 - Monkey), Russian industrialist

* Karayan G.(1908 - Monkey), Austrian conductor

* Terborch G.(1617 – Snake), Dutch artist

* Fragonard O.(1732 – Rat), French artist

* Chaplygin S.A.(1869 – Snake), Russian aerodynamicist scientist

* Muradeli V.(1908 - Monkey), Soviet composer

* Rafael Santi(1483 - Cat), Italian artist

* Sklifosovsky N.(1836 - Monkey), Russian surgeon

* Coppola F.(1939 – Cat), American film director

* Fourier Sh.(1772 - Dragon), French utopian socialist

* Shpet G.(1879 - Cat), Russian philosopher

* Raevsky N.N.(1771 – Cat), Russian general, friend of Bagration

* Tartini G.(1692 - Monkey), Italian composer and violinist

* Baudelaire Charles(1821 - Snake), French poet

* Robson Paul(1898 – Dog), American singer

* Akhmadulina Bella(1937 – Bull), Soviet poetess

* Lévy-Bruhl Lucien(1857), French philosopher, sociologist, psychologist, ethnographer

* Lassalle F.(1825 - Rooster), French socialist

* Meunier K.(1831 – Cat), Belgian sculptor

* Ostrovsky A.(1823 - Koza), Russian playwright

* Przhevalsky N.M.(1839 – Pig), Russian explorer of Central Asia

* Catherine de' Medici(1519 – Cat), French queen

* Kasparov Garry(1963 – Cat), chess player

* Huygens H.(1629 - Snake), Dutch physicist

* Mani(216g - Monkey), philosopher, founder of Manichaeism (about the equality of good and evil in the world)

* Smirnova Maria(1905 – Snake), film actress

* Stolypin A.P.(1862 – Dog), Russian minister-reformer

* Toynbee A.(1889 – Bull), English sociologist

* Tolman Edward Chace(1886), American psychologist and philosopher

* Fonvizin D.(1745 – Bull), Russian playwright

* Hobbes T.(1588 - Rat), English philosopher

* Gumilev Nikolay(1886 – Dog), Russian poet

* Durkheim E.(1858 – Horse), French sociologist

* Catherine I(1684 - Rat), Russian queen

* Nanak(1469 - Bull), Indian religious reformer

* Struve V.Ya.(1793 – Bull), Russian astronomer

* Euler L.(1707 - Pig), German physicist and mathematician

* Steel J. de (1766 – Dog), French writer

* Telman Ernst(1886 – Dog), famous German communist

* Ustinov Peter(1921 – Rooster), English film actor

* Chaplin Charlie(1889 – Bull), English film actor

* Morgan(1837 - Rooster), American millionaire

* Pugacheva Alla Borisovna(1949 – Bull), singer

* Khrushchev N.S.(1894 - Horse), Soviet state. activist and leader

* Shankar R.(1920 - Monkey), Indian musician

* Zuppe F.(1819 - Cat), Austrian composer of operettas

* Milyutin G.(1903 - Cat), Soviet composer

* Stokowski L.(1882 – Horse), American conductor

* Kaverin Veniamin(1902 – Tiger), Soviet writer

* Ricardo D.(1772 – Dragon), English economist

* Fechner Gustav Theodor(1801), German psychologist and physician

* Shine G.(1892 – Dragon), Soviet astronomer

* Myaskovsky N.Ya.(1881 – Snake), Russian composer

* Napoleon III(1808 – Dragon), French Emperor

* Pinay Philippe(1745), French psychiatrist

Famous Aries

Every celebrity is first and foremost a person, and only then an actor (actress), singer (singer) or model. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that every famous person has his own lucky star, now called a zodiac sign, just like ordinary people who are not shown on television. There are 12 zodiac signs, and each of them characterizes the distinctive characteristics of a person, but do not forget that sometimes astrology is powerless and even the weakest zodiac sign can actually be the strongest nature.

So, let's start with Aries, because this zodiac sign comes first.

Aries are impressionable individuals with a strong will. They are often individualists, so it is difficult not to notice them. They quickly grasp the essence of phenomena. You can always rely on them, because Aries give only sincere, friendly advice.

Aries truly believe that life is in their hands, they are impatient and have absolutely no faith in fate. For them, their whole life is a constant movement. Aries do not know how to lie and often do not think before saying something, therefore, it is safe to say “What is on Aries’s mind is on his tongue.”

There is something childlike in the nature of Aries that immediately catches the eye. Aries is either loved or hated fiercely, since no one is indifferent to them. They have a poor understanding of people, completely oblivious to the nuances of human characters. Therefore, they are often disappointed in communicating with people.

Aries have a brilliant mind. But they need, first of all, to think, and not to talk, since people are more sensitive than Aries can imagine. Not everyone can get along with Aries, because great patience and a complete lack of arrogance are required.

Aries: Celebrities born under the sign of Aries

Hans Christian Andersen

Johann Sebastian Bach

Vincent van Gogh

Franz Joseph Haydn

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Famous Aries

Famous Aries - actors, performers and musicians

Famous Aries

Wild, loud and lively, representatives of the Aries sign (which is ruled by Mars) easily hold their audience. And they will never let her go.

The sign Aries is associated with the color red. For many Aries, their hairstyle only emphasizes the fire element of the sign. And Aries move through life as if in a bright flame (especially the famous Aries). Aries have a lot of energy and an incomparable desire to always and everywhere be the first in life!

The zodiac symbol of Aries is the Ram. Aries will resist the horn, but will overcome any obstacles in their path.

Every day is like a challenge for Aries. And they greet the sunrise and sunset with strong emotions and enthusiasm. You won't believe it, but all these celebrities are Aries by birth.

Emma Watson (April 15, 1990)

What Emma Watson doesn’t want is to remain Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter films forever. In 2010, Emma Watson cut her hair in a pixie style (only the lazy one didn’t scold her). And all because Miss Watson wanted to acquire a completely new image. Outwardly, Emma Watson is a typical Aries. A perky face, an upturned nose, a wildly daring look and a wide forehead.

Natural Aries usually know what they want. So Emma, ​​at the age of 6, wanted to become an actress. She studied at the Stagecoach School of Theater Arts in Oxford, UK. In 1999, one of Emma's teachers recommended her for casting for the role of Hermione. The casting directors for the Potter series were blown away by the level of confidence that Emma Watson showed. It worked! After all, Hermione is the very embodiment of girl power. Now Emma is a very rich and famous young lady. She is very smart and is not afraid to explore new horizons (like a true Aries sign). Ultimately, Emma received a bachelor's degree in arts and letters from Brown University.

Lady Gaga (March 28, 1986)

Aries is ruled by the active nature of Mars. Therefore, representatives of this zodiac sign probably know how to attract attention. And Lady Gaga (née Stefani Joanna Angelina Germanotta) is exactly that! Lady Gaga's nickname is taken from Queen's hit "Radio Ga Ga." Some claim that the pseudonym was suggested to her by her record company.

Those born Aries (and Lady Gaga is exactly like that) have ambition in their blood. Lady Gaga, for example, with early childhood I dreamed of becoming a singer and writing songs. In 2003, she dropped out of school and began performing in various small clubs in New York. In 2007, a contract was signed with Streamline Records. Fame's debut album became an instant hit in 2008. The next album, The Fame Monster (2009), suffered the same fate. Already in 2010, Time magazine considered Lady Gaga one of the most influential people of the year.

Since the beginning of her career, Gaga has been famous for her extreme outfits. Well, who will be as fearless as Aries to wear a dress made of meat?

Aries never hide anything to themselves and are very loyal. So Lady Gaga publicly declared her support for the gay movement and gratitude to her fans (among whom there are many gays).!

Mariah Carey (March 27, 1969)

Aries never gives up. Here is Mariah Carey, like a Phoenix, always reborn from the ashes and any failure. Mariah was taught to sing by her mother, a vocal teacher.

From the very beginning of Mariah's career, the eminent music producer Tommy Mottola noticed her and began to patronize her. In 1990, she had as many as 4 hit singles. Including - “Vision of Love.” And in 1995, Carey already entered musical history. Her track "Fantasy," from the album Daydream, reached number one on the Billboard chart. Mariah became the first woman to achieve this.

In 1993, Mariah married Mottola, but divorced him in 1998. Mariah then stated that Mottola wanted to control her every move. And Aries cannot stand this. They also can't stand being told what to do. In 2001, Carey was admitted to a psychiatric clinic, but was completely cured. Obviously, this was a prolonged breakdown. Be that as it may, Aries cannot remain sad for long. Now Mariah is the mother of wonderful twins (their father, ex-husband- Nick Cannon). Mariah Carey's children were born in 2011.

Steven Tyler (March 26, 1948)

Steven Tyler, the famous Screamer, singer and songwriter from the band Aerosmith. Back in 1970, Tyler was one of the founders of the group.

The element of Aries is Fire. Tyler has a lot of colorful stage costumes, and he also loves to dance on stage until he completely forgets. Aries cannot be called modest. It's literally bursting. Tyler drank and used drugs for many years, but he quit a long time ago. After all, Aries can cope with the most difficult tasks.

Like his zodiac sign, Aries (known for being foolish and fiery lovers), Tyler has been married twice (not counting many affairs). When Aries tries to conquer someone, they put their whole mind, soul and body into it. Once the goal is achieved, Aries quickly loses interest. Famous actress Liv Tyler is Steven's daughter from model Bebe Buell. As for official marriages, Stephen has three more children. Aries never stops in their development. So Tyler was a judge on the famous TV show American Idol.

Eric Clapton (March 30, 1945)

Guitar virtuoso Eric Clapton was born in the small town of Ripley (in the county of Surrey. As Clapton himself states in his autobiography “Clapton,” he had a difficult childhood. So Eric sincerely believed that his grandparents were his real parents. After World War II During the war, Patricia, Clapton's mother, had an affair with a Canadian pilot. She liked to introduce Eric as her younger brother. This continued throughout his childhood. And Aries constantly need honesty, they cannot live without it. At the age of 15, Eric picked up a guitar, and by the age of 18 he began giving concerts in London clubs. The ambitions of the true Aries in Clapton soared when she played, first in the Yardbirds, then Alexis Korner Blues Inc, Cream and Derek and the Dominos. Only later did Clapton begin a solo career. Passionate nature Aries will definitely make itself known. So Clapton, in love with the (at that time) wife of his best friend George Harrison Pattie Boyd, wrote the famous hit about unrequited love - Layla. They later got married, but eventually divorced. Clapton is now married to Melia McEnery, with whom he has three daughters. In 1985, his daughter Ruth was born. Eric's only son Conor died tragically in 2001.

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By interacting with people born under other zodiac signs, our character is polished and changes somewhat. But the qualities given to us by the constellations remain dominant throughout our lives.Today I want to talk about the zodiac sign Aries.

Herecharacter description Aries

Aries is a born leader, and nothing can be done about it. Our society needs such people, they are the engines of progress. Already when you first meet Aries, you can literally feel with your skin the main feature of this zodiac sign - inescapable confidence in yourself and in your rightness. Even when Aries is silent, one can read inner firmness and inflexibility in his every gesture. And if he speaks... Believe me, arguing with Aries is not very promising.

Well, the reason for this is simple: Aries is the first sign of the entire Zodiac circle, symbolizing the origin of Life, the beginning of all beginnings. That is why all the astrologers of the world inevitably compared the character of Aries with the character of a newborn baby. For Aries, the first place in the Universe is their “I”. The whole world, in his firm belief, revolves around him and must adapt to him. It’s not surprising that Aries may simply not notice other people’s desires and needs, but they are so sensitive to their own.

Just as a baby, having wanted something, immediately notifies the whole world about it with his persistent cry, Aries also considers it necessary to declare his desires, demanding from those around him and even from Fate itself what, in his opinion, rightfully belongs to him. His style is not to look for difficult paths, but to achieve what he wants in the most in simple ways. Oddly enough, such self-confidence often bears fruit: both those around him and Fate really meet the selfish Aries halfway, helping him achieve his goal.

However, Aries’s selfishness and even narcissism are to a large extent smoothed out by his other “childish” traits. Indeed, it is difficult to be offended by a person who is capable of learning with such unflagging interest the world, recklessly rush to the defense of the weak or take at face value all the words of your interlocutor. Aries is sincere and truthful, and always expects the same from others.

In general, in a relationship with an Aries, you can be sure of one of his invaluable qualities: he does not keep a stone in his bosom and does not weave cunning intrigues behind your back. He is all in front of you, in full view: if something does not suit him about you, he will tell you about it with all directness. If it comes to conflict, Aries is easy to lose his temper with - get ready for his violent and sudden outbursts of anger, which, however, pass as quickly as a May thunderstorm.

Not hesitating to express to others everything that he thinks about them (and these are not always pleasant things), Aries himself, like any child, in his soul always craves recognition, approval and praise. For all his confidence, sometimes excessive, he can react very painfully to criticism addressed to him, and praise and even rude flattery can inspire him.

In work, Aries always strives for leadership and a set goal, and ideally, for recognition and glory, and often achieves his goal. He is independent, energetic, knows how to take responsibility, and in times of failure, his optimism and incredible self-confidence do not allow him to give up for long. In other words, Aries is a born leader, and he has every chance to reach the very heights.

The element of Aries - Fire - gives him optimism and passion. His ruling planet, warlike Mars, gives his character decisiveness and energy.

Sincere and truthful, active and persistent, courageous and generous, with a keen sense of justice, Aries is a true leader. Despite the obstacles, he is ready to move forward, paving the way for those who follow him. His energy is limitless, as is his faith in himself, and he never tires of taking everything from life in order to generously share with others.

Famous Aries

Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh, Nikolai Gogol, Korney Chukovsky, Hans Christian Andersen, Eddie Murphy, Andrei Tarkovsky, Alexander Herzen, Francis Coppola, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Steven Seagal, Garry Kasparov, Alla Pugacheva, Giacomo Casanova.
Among my very close friends there are a lot of Aries, and I want to tell you that my experience of communicating with them confirms everything that has been said about this sign, but nevertheless I have developed very good relations with them. I've often wondered what attracts me to Aries. And I came to the conclusion that it is their assertiveness, self-confidence and kindness, and in general, that attracts me to everything that is not in me. My horoscope is “Taurus”, and this sign tends to think about everything for a long time, doubt its actions, fear of accidentally offending someone, sometimes this even weighs on itself. In Aries, I am attracted to self-confidence, assertiveness, and energy.

Aries will share everything with you

Love, friendship, money.

But you must not only take,

But also be able to give to them!

Aries doesn't like boring everyday life,

For them, a gray day is terribly difficult.

I like holidays,

They make them very happy!

And in order to defeat Aries,

You have to be quite brave.

You must be smart enough

Turn an Aries into a lamb!

There is no fear of collapse in this life,

If the steering wheel is in his steel hands!

Hot debate on your birthday

Aries will not lead with us:

On this day he is friendly to people,

We are patient and generous with treats,

Without thinking about time,

Ready to party until dawn -

And we welcome this in him,

Anticipating our feast.

Who can have fun as well

Forgetting about all the problems,

Like Aries, putting yourself at risk

Your health (ours too)?

Ah, Aries, you have bravado in everything

In love, resentment and creation -

And even a show from birth

Ready to create for everyone's delight.


Ode to Aries

I'm an Aries, born in April
And, in general, I’m proud of it,
And the fact that I’m a romantic in life,
So I'm not ashamed of this!

It's probably absurd to be ashamed
What is given by fate
Moreover, many
We, Aries, cannot be understood...

We, Aries, are a great force!
We, Aries, are support and light!
No need to prove to the world
That Aries is no more reliable!

Sometimes we can be capricious
Sometimes we offend our friends.
Sometimes we get lost in life
And we declare war on the world,

But we don’t hold any grudges in our hearts
And in general, it’s no secret for a long time,
That hearts are more tender than those of Aries,
Everyone else simply doesn't!

Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh, Nikolai Gogol, Korney Chukovsky, Hans Christian Andersen, Eddie Murphy, Andrei Tarkovsky, Alexander Herzen, Francis Coppola, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Steven Seagal, Garry Kasparov, Alla Pugacheva, Giacomo Casanova.

Top 7 famous Aries women: “Nobody but us!”

Of all the zodiac signs, Aries is the most stubborn, active and purposeful. But in Aries women, all these qualities are maximally enhanced and elevated to the absolute. If she is a careerist, then she is aiming for the very top; if she is an artist, then she intends to achieve world fame; if she is a housewife, then she is the most exemplary and exemplary. The Aries woman's motto is success, no matter what!

This is probably why representatives of this sign achieve a lot in life, being worthy competition for men in almost all areas. Let's see how the qualities of Aries manifest themselves in the characters of famous women, and how they influence their fate.

1. Alla Pugacheva

Born 15.04. 1949, pop singer

There is no need to introduce this great singer and living legend of show business, whose multifaceted talent has left a bright mark on the domestic stage and in the hearts of millions of fans. This is an extraordinary woman with a stellar destiny, who, with the determination, inexhaustible energy and optimism characteristic of Aries, managed to achieve truly dizzying success, realizing to the maximum everything that was given to her by nature.

Alla Borisovna is the quintessence of Aries qualities that have manifested themselves in her since childhood. For example, back in her school years she received the nickname “Sergeant Major” for her tendency to command and ability to stand up for herself. And subsequently, she more than once demonstrated to others her independence and strength of character.

2. Sarah Jessica Parker

Born March 25, 1965, American actress and producer

To this day, many do not understand how this girl with an unconventional and not typical Hollywood appearance managed to break into big-budget productions, the most striking of which was the television series “Sex and the City.” But the courage, special natural charm and originality inherent in Sarah Jessica Parker are the qualities of a real Aries, which helped her not only become a cult actress, but also an inspiring role model for many representatives of the fair sex.

3. Irina Khakamada

Born 04/13/1955, political and statesman, writer, TV presenter

The life of Irina Khakamada is a vivid illustration of such qualities as determination, perseverance and the will to win. This woman has had to endure many difficulties in her professional and personal life, but it is not so easy to break the spirit of a true Aries! She is famous for the fact that in 2004 she was the first woman in Russian history to become a presidential candidate, challenging men. Having gone from a simple watchman to the most famous woman in politics, she became an accomplished successful person, fulfilled her dreams and gained financial well-being.

4. Tatiana Navka

Born 04/13/1975, figure skater, Olympic champion

The brilliant, incomparable figure skater Tatyana Navka can be called a symbol of Russian sports and a standard of female beauty and charm. Truly “Aries” perseverance, the will to win and determination helped her receive the title “Honored Master of Sports of Russia” and prestigious sports awards.

Even after the end of her sports career, Tatyana continues to delight viewers with her unique talent, participating in demonstration performances and ice shows, realizing herself as a presenter and singer. And all because she is a real Aries who never stops there!

5. Catherine de Medici

Born 04/13/1589, Queen of France

Catherine de Medici is a symbol of the greatness of royal power, and the time of her reign in Europe in the 16th century is called the era of Catherine de Medici. It is worth remembering that the ambitious and ambitious Aries is considered a typically masculine sign, with a penchant for politics and military affairs. And the female half of Aries has the same traits.

The fact that Catherine de Medici was a true Aries by nature is evidenced by the fact that all her life she strove for unlimited power and achieved it, stopping at nothing, even if it meant going over her head and sacrificing loved ones. Using the example of the fate of this most ruthless queen in world history, who organized the terrible St. Bartholomew's Night, which claimed the lives of several thousand people, one can see how strong the passion of Aries can be, burning him from the inside and forcing him to use any means to achieve his goal - black magic, insidious intrigues, not even sparing your own children. Despite her controversial reputation, Catherine de Medici remains forever in history.

6. Reese Witherspoon

Born March 22, 1976, American actress and producer

The famous beautiful actress Reese Witherspoon began acting in films very young, and the overflowing energy and determination characteristic of Aries did not allow her to stop halfway without achieving the intended success. The result is receiving worldwide recognition, the coveted Oscar and many more prestigious awards in the field of cinema.

On top of that, Reese is also a producer, the owner of his own company, and a designer. It's surprising that such a successful career does not prevent Reese Witherspoon from being an exemplary mother to three children. Even with a busy schedule, this active Aries mother will find time to support and participate in the lives of her children.

7. Bella Akhmadulina

Born 04/10/1937, Russian poetess, writer

Humanity would have lost a lot if such talented Aries as Bella Akhmadulina had not been born, whose persistence and drive serve as the foundation for creative achievements. No one but her could have written these lines filled with feeling: “And finally I will say: goodbye, don’t commit to love, I’m going crazy, or rising
to a high degree of madness..."

Her poems amaze with their musical sound, imagery and sincerity. The literary genius of this outstanding woman, born under the sign of Aries, attracted entire stadiums of fans in the 60s of the last century. And today she is considered one of the most talented poets of the 20th century.

Aries women are all so different, and at the same time very similar. The fire sign endowed each of them with a combination of magnificent qualities that allowed them to achieve a lot from life and move on - to those peaks that still remained unconquered.

"Aries: celebrities of the Zodiac sign", astrologer Nadezhda Zima

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