How to open digital photos on your computer. How to properly transfer photos from your camera to your computer. We use a USB cable for copying

Greetings, dear reader. I’m in touch with you, Timur Mustaev. The blog pages, as you know, are replete with useful articles on photography in all its forms, but step by step instructions hasn't been here yet. And I am glad to present the first of them to your consideration. As expected, you should start with the simplest thing, so today I will tell you how to download photos from a camera to a computer.

Here it should be noted right away that by computer some users may also mean mobile devices, so I will try to explain the case with them along with the main one.

First stage. Connecting the camera and computer

“Instructions for Dummies,” as this article can be called, implies a complete disclosure of the process, so you should start with the simplest. So, there are several ways to connect a camera and a computer.

  • The first, most common one is using a USB cable, which is now abundantly available anywhere.
  • The second is using wireless networks. It will only work for cameras equipped with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth modules, of which there are also many now.
  • The third method cannot be called a variation of connecting the camera to a computer, since it involves removing the memory card from the first and inserting it into the latter.

Each method depends on the specifications of the devices for which interaction is intended. This is most clearly noticeable in the example of wireless options: if the camera or computer does not have the appropriate modules, then interaction will be impossible.

As for cables, it all depends on the generation of the USB connector on the camera body. Old cameras, as a rule, are either equipped with a Mini-USB port, which is used for charging and data transfer, or are not equipped with USB at all. With the new ones, everything is simpler: most often the usual Micro-USB is found here, serving for the same purposes.

Regarding connections mobile devices With cameras, the following should be noted: this is possible only for new devices, since old ones are not equipped with wireless modules. Of course, you can connect them using an OTG cable, but this is not very convenient.

Second phase. View content

We connected the camera to our computer. What to do next? The next step depends on operating system, on which your desktop is running. If this is Windows 7 version or newer, then an autorun window will appear in automatic mode, where you will need to select “view images” or “open folder to view files.”

If you have Windows more than old version, then you should open “ My computer", and then select your device among the other items. As a rule, its name will correspond to the make and model of the connected camera.

If you are connecting a device via a USB cable and for the computer to see it, turn it on. If you transfer photos via an SD card to a computer, then after connecting the card, the computer will see it itself!

Otherwise, Windows may “label” your device a “Digital Storage Device” or a “Multimedia Device,” which is very rare. So, now you need to click on this very “device”.

After we have opened the storage of the device or the memory card that is installed in it, we need to open the park DCIM. This is where cameras usually save pictures.

Some of the cameras are also capable of sorting photos by even receiving them: creating folders for them and placing the result of their work there. If you have just such a camera, then you should also select the folder with the date you need.

For mobile devices, things are a little more interesting. Some manufacturers have foreseen this scenario, so Google Play or AppStore you can find special applications.

If there is none, then you need to install any file manager and open the camera storage through it. This is done in approximately the same way as for the desktop, with the only exception that instead of the icon “ My computer"You will need to click on " File manager».

Third stage. Copying pictures

There are also several options here. The first one is simple drag and drop. It does not require any special skills and is perfect for beginners. But dragging and dropping may not always be convenient. This is due to the fact that sorting photos by dragging and dropping is not as convenient as it can be done, for example, with the functions “ copy paste».

When using this path, you can select the correct directory for storing data, sort photos by date (if the camera did not do this), place, time, people - by anything, it’s up to the user.

To speed up the process and avoid clicking the right mouse button a million times, experienced users use combinations Ctrl+CCtrl+V, which speeds up the copying process significantly.

Mobile devices differ from desktops in this parameter. In addition to the fact that here you can select either all photos at once or one at a time, the touch screen does not allow you to copy files by dragging and dropping or combinations.

That's all. I told you how you can copy photos from your camera to your computer. In the end, I would like to give a couple of tips: format the memory card each time only after copying photos and save intermediate photos to a smartphone or tablet, if possible. The main thing is not to lose pictures, the rest is not so important.

Learn how to properly use your DSLR camera. I recommend studying the video courses below. They have helped thousands of beginning photographers master proper photography, and they will help you too. No need to wait, it's time to take great photos.

My first MIRROR— who has a CANON SLR camera.

Digital SLR for a beginner 2.0— who has a NIKON SLR camera.

I hope the article was useful to you and will be the same for your friends. I also recommend subscribing to blog updates, because there are many informative articles ahead of you. See you later!

All the best to you, Timur Mustaev.

For most people, the subtle difference in photo quality between a smartphone and a point-and-shoot camera has eliminated the need to buy a dedicated camera.

But for professional photographers or those who need enhanced quality, be it depth of field or low light photography, a dedicated camera is needed.

When using a dedicated camera, however, you'll be faced with the question of how to transfer those high-quality images from your DSLR directly to your phone. Here best ways do it.

Wireless method.

Most modern cameras come with wireless transmission capabilities, usually using a local Wi-Fi connection. If this feature is enabled, the camera will create wireless network. Connect to this network using your phone and a companion app, and you'll be able to remotely control or change settings on the camera and be able to upload any of the images or videos you take directly to your phone.

The Panasonic Lumix GH4 that I use has this feature, and it works with both Android and iOS devices. Any GoPro with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth support will have the same capabilities, and many DSLRs and compact cameras can do this too.

Wireless SD cards.

However, not all cameras have wireless transmission capabilities. It's the existence of these cameras that allows companies like Eyefi to thrive by creating SD cards with Wi-Fi capabilities. The Eyefi SD card allows you to wirelessly transfer photos to any camera that uses SD cards for storage.

But they cost several times more than SD cards of similar capacity without Wi-Fi. SD card 32 GB from Sandisk with fast reading and recording, can be found on the Internet for about $12; The mobiPRO 32GB Eye-Fi card costs about $99.99. In addition, Wi-Fi cards will consume the camera's battery and the largest capacity currently available is 32 GB.

When wireless transmission is not an option.

In most cases, a wired adapter will be the most reliable solution. You don't have to worry about connection reliability or read and write speeds, which are usually much faster over wires and have less impact on your phone's battery.
For Android devices, you will need a USB OTG adapter, USB Type-C or Micro-USB to USB, which are already sold almost everywhere. You will also need a USB connector for your camera or an SD-to-USB adapter.

To transfer photos from a camera to an Android device:

  • Insert the cable into your Android device.
  • Connect either the camera or the SD card adapter to the phone cable.
  • On an Android device, pull down the notification panel, tap the notification that says "Tap to more options" (the exact wording may vary depending on the phone model). In the pop-up window, select photo transfer.
  • Pull down the notification panel one more time and tap Use.

You should now be able to view all the images saved on your SD card and transfer them to your local storage device on Android.

The process of transferring photos to an iPhone or iPad from a camera is very similar, only you will need a different adapter.

If you want to connect to your camera directly, you can save some money by buying an old Lightning to USB adapter.

To use it, connect it to the Lightning port on your iOS device, set the camera to USB mode, and using the included data cable on the camera itself (typically USB-to-Mini-USB or Micro-USB), connect the camera to Lightning to USB adapter. The Photos app will launch, showing all the images and videos in the camera, and you can import and delete camera content.

Alternatively, you can use an SD card reader to import photos and videos directly from the SD card. To do this, however, you'll need the original Lightning to USB adapter and a USB hub, or the newer Lightning to USB 3 adapter, which retails for about $39. To transfer photos using an SD card reader:

  • First, connect the Lightning-USB or Lightning-USB 3 adapter to your iPhone or iPad.
  • If you are using a Lightning to USB adapter, power the USB hub to the adapter and connect it to a power source.
  • If you are using a Lightning to USB 3 adapter, connect the adapter to a power source through the Lightning port.
  • Next, unlock your iOS device and connect the SD card adapter to a Lightning to USB 3 adapter or powered USB hub.
  • After a few seconds, the Photos app will launch, displaying the content on the camera's SD card. You can then import or delete photos.

If you want to transfer photos to a computer from a camera memory card, then for this you will need a computer with a card reader.
The card reader helps in cases when we forget the cord from the camera.

(Picture 1)

What card reader input do we need?

Each input of the card reader is labeled - MS, CF/MD, SD/MMC, SM/XD and an inscription above the USB port input for a regular computer flash drive.
We just have to find out what kind of memory card we have to then insert it into the desired port.

1. Let's decide what kind of memory card you have in your camera - which we simply call a flash drive.
The Internet is full of stores that have the specifications of cameras and tell you which memory cards they support.

In my case, the camera supports an SD memory card.

(Figure 2)

Secure Digital Memory Card (SD) is a memory card format designed for use primarily in portable devices. Today it is widely used in digital cameras, mobile phones, PDAs, communicators and smartphones, e-books, GPS navigators and some game consoles.

(Footnote 1)

2. Insert the memory card all the way - part will remain outside.

(Figure 3)

At this point the preparatory stage is completed, we move on to downloading photos to the computer.

How to find out that the computer has seen the memory card

3. Having inserted the card into the card reader, open “My Computer” and find our memory card under the name “Removable Disk”.

(Figure 4)

4. Open the folders and look for photos.

(Figure 5)

— hover the mouse cursor over the file and right-click to bring up the context menu;
- select “copy”.

(Figure 6)

(Footnote 2)

6. Paste the photo into a folder on the computer.
— create a folder on drive C, D, Desktop. To do this, right-click to bring up the context menu and select “Create” - “Folder”;

(Figure 7)

- rename the folder;

- open the folder;
- right-click and select “Paste” from the context menu.

Select - insert

(Figure 8)

The result of our work is that a file with a photo appears in the folder.

(Figure 9)

What to do if the computer does not see the camera’s memory card

If the computer does not see the memory card, then the card reader is obviously faulty, since she worked in the camera.
But there are no hopeless situations - everyone probably has their own camera at home - if the memory card is suitable, then it can be installed in another device.
Then, by connecting the camera to the USB port, we can also see the new device in the “My Computer” window and open it and copy the necessary photos.

(Figure 10)

The photo shows that the camera was found.
So even an old camera can still serve.

If you want to write files to a flash drive, then please read the lesson -


Install a special program for transferring photos, Zoom Browser, from the disk included with the camera. If there is no disk, you can download the program from the link Launch the program.

In the “Tasks” submenu, select the “Connect camera” option, select the “Import images from camera” command. Next, select the required option; you can select all photos or only some.

Select the photos you want to copy, hold down the Ctrl key and click Import. Next, a window with imported images will open, right-click and select “Copy to Folder.”

Copy photos from a Canon camera using standard using Windows, if it is not possible to install special software. To do this, turn on your camera and connect it to the computer using a cord.

Wait for the computer to detect and install the new device. Next, a window will appear with a choice of actions for the camera. Select “Scanner and Camera Wizard”, click “OK”. Wait while the program reads the photos. In the wizard window that opens, click the “Next” button.

Select the photos you want to copy from your Canon camera by checking the box next to their icons. If necessary, rotate the image, and you can also view the properties of the selected photo. Click "Next".

In the next window, enter the name that will be used for the photos, for example, the default is "Image". You can set any name for photo files.

If necessary, check the “Delete pictures from camera after copying” box. Click Next. Wait for the photo to be copied to your computer and click “Finish” in the window that opens. The transfer of photos to your computer is complete.

Use a card reader if you cannot copy photos from your camera using a cord. Remove the memory card from the camera, insert it into the computer card reader, or wait until the system detects the memory card. Open File Explorer and copy photos from the card as you would from any other folder.

All of us need to transfer and store information for various reasons. IN Lately Flash drives have become the most versatile, capacious and compact means of storing information. Sometimes questions arise about how to connect the drive to a computer.


The main standards for Flash media are:

1. USB 1.0/1.1, one of the very first standards on which media worked, reflects low copying speed. This standard is fully compatible with all subsequent media standards and can be connected to ports of the following standards.

2. USB 2.0 is a more modern standard, more fast speed data copying and greater reliability of their storage. This standard is compatible with all previous standards, but will work slower when connected to an older port.

3. USB 3.0 is the latest standard, characterized by the highest copy speed, high reliability of data storage, in almost all modern motherboards.

Having considered all the standards, let's begin to consider how to connect the media to the computer directly. As noted earlier, all these standards and ports are compatible and to connect you need directly the connection device and USB port.
Typically, the ports are located on the front panel of the computer, but they are also duplicated on the back panel of the computer; to connect, simply insert the device into the port.

Initialization is usually fast, but there may be some delay when connecting devices different standards to ports of different standards.

So, having connected the device, you should see a flashing indicator on the Flash media, if provided. If, when connected to one port, the media is not recognized, then you should check it on a known working port; if the functionality is not confirmed on this port, then most likely the media has completely failed.

Video on the topic

Tip 3: How to transfer files from your camera to your computer

Every frame is a reflection of our smiles and Have a good mood. I would like to save these pieces of daily events in albums, so that later, when I feel sad and lonely, I can look at them and smile again. All this is possible, you just need to download the pictures from the camera to your computer and print them. How to do this?


If there is no card reader, use the cable that came with the camera at the time of purchase. Insert one end into the corresponding connector of the camera, and the other into the flash connector of the computer. Press the camera's power button.

If the cable is connected correctly, a dialog box will appear on the screen offering several tasks to choose from. Scroll down the scroll bar and click "Organization Wizard" digital camera" You need to click once on this item with the left mouse button, and then click OK. Alternatively, double-click on the label.

After this, a window will open where you can select those pictures that you really need to copy to your computer. By default, all pictures have green checkmarks next to them. If you don't need some photos, click on the square with a check mark, it will disappear, and these frames will not be copied. Click Next.

The next step is to choose a name for your photos and where they will be saved. By default, the name is “Image”, and the files are saved in the “My Pictures” folder. If you are copying files from, for example, New Year's holiday, then to make it easier to find them later on the computer it is better to write, for example, “ New Year– 2011.” And by clicking the “Browse” button, you can select another folder on your computer (for example, “Disk D - Photos”).

If you do not want the pictures to remain in the camera’s memory after downloading, check the box below next to the “Delete pictures from the camera after copying” task. Click Next. Your photos will begin to be copied to the desired folder and automatically deleted from the camera’s flash card. When the process is finished, click OK, turn off the camera and disconnect the cable.

Now you can select the most successful frames and print them.

Video on the topic

The first question of the happy owner of a new digital camera after the memory card is full is how to transfer it all to the computer now? To do this, you need a data cable with a mini-USB connector, which usually comes with your camera. If you bought a used camera, or it was lent to you for a while, there may not be a cable included with it. In this case, you can read information from the memory card through a card reader.

You will need

  • - data cable supplied with the camera, or card reader;
  • - disk with software for this camera model (preferably in stock).


If you have a data cable, look for the mini-USB connector. As a rule, it is located on the side or bottom of the device, depending on the model. Sometimes it is covered with a special protective panel.

Connect the cable at one end to the camera, and insert the other end into the USB port of the computer. Turn on the camera. Then there may be the following scenarios:

The computer will automatically detect your camera's memory card as a flash card and open the photo folder;

Either a standard Windows program designed for information with will launch, or software installed specifically for a specific camera.

Following the program's instructions, select the photos you want to transfer to your computer, as well as the folder in which you want to save them.

Once photo copying is complete, turn off the camera. Remove the cable from the computer and camera connectors.

Find the panel on the camera where the memory card is located. Often the memory card is located in the same compartment as the battery. Carefully remove the card. Sometimes all you need to do is lightly press on it with your finger. In some camera models, the memory card is secured on top with a special latch that needs to be moved to the side.

Select the compartment in the card reader that matches your card type. Make sure the card is inserted correctly. The indicator light on the card reader should light up. After some time, the computer will recognize the camera's memory card as a flash card. Then you can open the photo folder and copy the photos to your computer.


Your camera software disc may contain special program for viewing, processing and organizing photos. Install it on your computer and try to master it: as a rule, such programs are intuitive and easy to use.

Helpful advice

It will be more convenient to navigate your photo archive if you specifically create a system of folders, divided into the sections you need.

Photos can be sorted by dates, events, and objects depicted on them.


  • how to cope with football

Not everyone is as knowledgeable about computers as they would like, but this can be easily learned, and even more so such basics as copying, creating various folders, and also transferring files from the computer to disk.


You need to start by turning on the computer. Once your computer has booted up, you can start working with it. Open the drive by pressing the button on your processor. Insert a disc into it. Press the button to close the drive and allow the computer to start working.

Typically, the computer automatically opens a window asking you to select a method for working with the disk. But if some error occurs, you can do it manually. You will need to go to the start panel menu and find “My Computer” there. After you have found a folder called “My Computer”, click on this folder and a new window will open in front of you, where a list of disks will be presented, but you need drive E. Click on this disk and a new window will open. window where you will then drag and drop your photos. To ensure that the window does not disturb you when further work, you can simply roll it up.

Then you will need to open the folder with the photos that you will transfer to the disk, and find in this folder the pictures that you want to copy. Copy the required images. This is done as follows. Right-click on the photo you need, select “Copy”, then open the E drive window and, by right-clicking, select “Paste”. The photo will be on disk. If you want to copy the entire folder with photos, then you need to copy not individual images, but the folder at once.

After the pictures you need have been copied to disk, you will see “Burn to disk” in the window on the left. Click on this inscription and the photos will be written to the disk.

Connecting an additional RAM card is the easiest way to increase computer performance. Take your selection of new memory cards seriously.

You will need

  • - crosshead screwdriver;
  • - Speccy.


First, study the characteristics of your motherboard. This is necessary to determine the number of new memory cards that can be connected to it. Find out the types of memory sticks to be connected and their maximum clock frequency.

Now install the Speccy program. Select the version of this utility that is suitable for your operating system. Launch the installed program. Go to menu " RAM».

In the “Memory Slots” submenu, find information about the number of occupied and free slots for installing RAM cards. Explore the Memory submenu. The “Type” item will indicate the type of installed RAM (DDR1, DDR2, DDR3 or DIMM).

Pay attention to the “DRAM Frequency” parameter. Select and purchase the required number of memory cards, the frequency of which will not be lower than the specified DRAM frequency. Do not purchase high-frequency brackets unless you are sure that they will be supported by your motherboard.

If your motherboard supports dual-channel RAM, it is recommended to purchase two identical memory boards. This will increase their joint productivity by 10-20%.

Disassemble the system unit using a Phillips screwdriver. Locate the installed memory cards and remove them if necessary. Install new memory cards into the free slots. If you purchased identical devices, be sure to connect them to paired slots.

Turn on your computer and wait until the operating system loads. Turn on the Speccy program. Open the "RAM" menu. Make sure all connected boards are working properly.

Video on the topic

The process of copying photos and videos to a computer is the same for almost all camera models. You will need a USB cable, a camera and the computer itself, as well as possibly drivers for the camera. The procedure itself is not complicated.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - camera;
  • - usb cord;
  • - driver.


Make sure that the appropriate drivers are installed on your computer. A disk with them comes with the camera. Insert it into your computer and follow the installation instructions. Determining whether the drivers are installed is very simple: connect the camera to the computer using a USB cable. Usually there is a single connector format for cameras; buying a cord is not difficult at any store with the appropriate equipment. Once connected (turned on), check if the computer recognizes it. If not, then most likely the drivers are not installed.

If the computer displays a dialog box, then it has a camera. In the dialog box, find the "Open" option. A list of files will appear, including photos taken with the camera. Now all actions are similar to copying from one disk to another. To see exactly which photos you are copying, right-click in the camera files folder. Select "Browse", then "Icons" or "Large Icons".

Select the files. To select all the contents at once, press and hold CTRL and at the same time drag the mouse down from the top corner of the folder, after clicking on its left key. When the files are selected, click on the right mouse button. Select "Copy". Now create a folder on your computer where you would like to save the photos or videos. Go to this folder. Right-click on an empty space in the folder and click "Paste." The files will be copied safely.

Please note that the copying time can be quite long, but it is not recommended to interrupt it for correct operation of the files. Also, try to connect the camera to the computer with enough charge so that it does not turn off in the middle of the process. If the computer stubbornly does not recognize the camera, try plugging the cord into another USB socket on the computer.

Prepare the camera to connect to your computer. If the amount of video information being transmitted is large, connect to the camera Charger that needs to be included in the network. In this case, you will avoid interruptions in file transfer when the battery is low.


Next, connect the camera to your computer. As a rule, the USB interface is used for this. Insert one end of the wire into the corresponding connector of the video camera, and connect the other to the USB connector of the computer system unit. After that, press the power button on the camera. If the connection mode selection window appears, select file transfer.

The characteristic sound of the operating system will notify you that a new device is connected. Next, the necessary drivers will be automatically installed (if they have not been installed previously), which will allow you to work with the camera as a removable storage medium.

Using the operating system explorer, open the directory of the connected video camera. Open the folder in which what you recorded with it is stored. Select the necessary files, then right-click on them and select “Copy” from the list. Next, open the folder on your computer intended for saving the video. Right-click again and select “Paste” from the list. Wait until the selected video files are copied. In addition to the standard operating system explorer, you can use one of any other file managers (for example, Total Commander, Far, etc.).

HDV and MiniDV video cameras use the IEEE1394 interface to transfer video to a computer. Connect the camera using the appropriate cable to system unit. Launch a video import program (such as Windows Movie Maker). Using the menu, enable import mode, specify

You bought a brand new digital camera and went on vacation. Everything would be wonderful, only the fruits of your photographic creativity occupy a certain place, which eventually ends. Then the moment comes when you need to transfer the photo from the camera to the computer.

Smartphone users should not have any problems with this, because the process of transferring files from the phone and camera to the computer is almost identical. For those who do not know how to do this and have no desire to read the instructions for the camera, I will tell you in detail what methods exist for downloading photos from a camera to a computer.

Copying photos from a memory card

To begin with, it should be noted that the camera has internal memory or built-in and external. The amount of internal memory is often very small, about 50 MB. Therefore, when purchasing a brand new camera, you should also think about purchasing a memory card.

Choose the volume at your discretion: from 1 to 64 GB, or even more. If you plan to shoot a lot of photos and videos in fullHD format, it is better to buy a larger card. Before buying a flash card, be sure to read the instructions for the camera; it usually indicates what type of card is suitable for it: SD (Secure Digital), MS (Memory Stick), CF (Compact Flash).

If your camera had a memory card installed, remove it - the slot is usually located on the side of the camera under the silicone cover - by lightly pressing it

Then you need to use a card reader, since the computer usually does not have a slot for a memory card. And if you have a laptop, you can look for a card slot on the side. We insert the memory card into the laptop slot or card reader, which we connect to the computer using a USB connector.

The Autorun window appears, in which we select "Open folder to view files". If the autorun window does not appear, go through Explorer and look for a removable disk.

Next, the memory card is opened through Explorer, and the DCIM folder is usually stored on it, in which all photos and videos are recorded. Open the folder, select the files that you want to save on your computer, then copy them or cut and paste them into the selected folder on your computer.

If you have transferred all the photos and videos to your computer, you can safely clear the memory card and shoot interesting moments again.

Let's use a USB cable

The following situation may also happen: You viewed photos on your camera, but when copying them to your computer, you did not find some of them. This may mean that part of the photo or video was saved to the camera's internal memory. To avoid this situation in the future, I advise you to go through the camera settings and set all data to be saved to the memory card.

Well, the solution in this case is to use the USB cable that comes with the camera. One input of the cable is inserted directly into the corresponding socket of the camera, the other is connected to the USB connector of a computer or laptop. Connect the camera to the computer using a cable.

Wait a couple of minutes while the system installs the necessary drivers. If this does not happen automatically, you will need to install them yourself from the installation disk that comes with the camera.

Next a window will appear. In it we open the already familiar folder "View files". Then select photos and videos and copy them to your computer. After this, you can delete all files from the camera’s internal memory.

Now there should be no difficulties, and you can easily transfer photos from the camera to the computer either using a card reader or via a USB cable.

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