How to disassemble an electric kettle. How to repair an electric kettle at home. Comparison of metal and electric kettles

The electric kettle has become an indispensable attribute of any kitchen and is a leader in sales in comparison with other household appliances. This device is widely used both at home, in the kitchen, and in the office. But unfortunately, like any electrical appliance, the kettle breaks down after some time of use. Since the price of this water heater is not too high, it is easier to buy a new one than to repair it. But if you consider yourself a home craftsman, or the apparatus for boiling water is dear to you as a memory, you can try to repair the electric kettle yourself.

An electric kettle works on a fairly simple principle, regardless of whether it is an expensive or budget model. At the bottom of the device there is a heating element connected to a thermostat, consisting of bimetallic strip. A tubular heater, when an electric current is applied to it, heats the liquid to a boil. When steam is generated during the boiling process, it passes through a special channel to the thermostat, as a result of which the latter turns off the power supply.

If you look at the operating diagram of the device, you will notice that it works on the principle of an iron, and is not distinguished by the complexity of its design. But before you repair an electric kettle, difficulties always arise when disassembling the case

, since for different models of units the latches (holding the handle) are located differently, in addition, the mounting screws may have a head for a special screwdriver.

Typical faults

  • An electric kettle is a simple device that contains few elements that can fail. But there are still common problems, among which are the following:
  • slow heating of the liquid;
  • the device turns off prematurely;
  • the kettle does not turn off;
  • the device does not turn on;
  • heating element burnout;

Water is leaking from the housing.

Slow heating of liquid If you notice that the kettle does not heat the water quickly, then pay attention to the condition of the heating element. on it, formed due to insufficiently good maintenance of the unit, has poor thermal conductivity, which is why it takes more time to heat the water. If the scale is not removed, the heating element may burn out.

In addition, the entire contact group of the device suffers from overheating, as a result of which the contacts melt or burn.

To get rid of scale, you can use regular citric acid, sold in stores. It is enough to pour 1-2 sachets into the tank citric acid(20 grams each), bring it to a boil and leave the heated solution in the container for 30 minutes. After this, the container must be rinsed well with running water to remove any remaining scale. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

The device turns off prematurely

This behavior of an electric water heater is explained by the fact that the device shutdown may be due to scale formed on the heating element. Since the heating element has a fuse against overheating, it trips and breaks the electrical network. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to descale the heaters.

The kettle does not turn off

When water boils in the apparatus’s container, steam should be collected under the lid and directed through a special channel to the thermostat. If the lid is not closed tightly, this will not happen and the appliance will operate without shutting down. If everything is in order with the lid, check that the steam hole, which is located on the side of the handle, is not contaminated with scale. If everything is fine with the hole, we can assume that the kettle does not turn off due to thermostat failure.

The thermostat of the electric kettle is located at the bottom of the body, and to get to it to replace it, you will have to completely disassemble the device.

For example, we took an ordinary budget device, which does not differ in design from more expensive models - electric kettle Vitek, Tefal, Polaris, Scarlett and others. By the way, in this model, as in the Vitek VT-7009(TR), the container is made of heat resistant glass. So, let's analyze the unit using the following algorithm.

  1. Repairing a kettle should begin with disconnect it from the power supply. Next, remove the device from the stand (base) and unscrew all the screws located on its bottom panel.

  2. After this, it is necessary to pry off the plastic cover located on the handle with special care using a thin screwdriver. This should be done carefully because in different device models the latches may be located in different places and can be easily broken.

  3. After removing the cover, you can see the mounting screws. They also need to be removed.

  4. After unscrewing all the fasteners, using a little force, disconnect the handle with the cover from the body.

  5. Next, disconnect the housing from the bottom of the unit.

  6. At the bottom of the case you will see all the main elements of the device: contact group, thermal relay and heating element.

  7. pay attention to bimetallic strip(on the right in the picture). If damage is visible on it or it has a worn-out appearance, then this may be the reason why the electrical appliance has stopped turning off. The plate is not repaired, but replaced with a new one.

But how to disassemble a Bosch kettle if, when you unscrew all the screws on the bottom, it does not come off? Those who disassembled such a device encountered difficulties, which often ended in the breakdown of the device. Since the process is quite difficult to describe, it is better to watch a video on this topic.

The device does not turn on

There may be different reasons why your boiler won't turn on.

  1. Faulty electrical cord and plug. To do this, you will need to “ring” the cord using a tester, touching the probes to the contacts of the plug and the contacts on the stand (base). If a break is detected, the cord should be replaced with a new one.
  2. Poor contact in the stand(base). Long-term operation can cause the contacts to burn, which impairs their conductivity. If burns have formed on the contacts, they can be cleaned using fine sandpaper. But if they melt, they will need to be completely replaced.
  3. Internal switch faulty in the device. Since the switch has to experience quite heavy loads (from 1500 to 2000 W), its contacts may melt over time. This may cause the device to not work. The switch is located at the bottom of the handle, and if there is a malfunction, it looks as shown in the figure below.

In this case, the button must be replaced. But there is a malfunction of the button, in which you can fix the kettle yourself without replacing it. If you look at the button from the side, you can see 2 contacts that close in the “on” position. If on them carbon deposits form, the device will not turn on.

To remove carbon deposits, you can use fine-grained sandpaper, a nail file or a thin file. To make cleaning more convenient, you will need to slightly “rework” the button, namely, remove the edges using pliers.

Another reason why the device does not want to work is mechanical power button malfunction. This breakdown most often occurs in the Tefal vitesse model, since the handle of the electrical appliance has built-in plastic slats that transmit forward movement from the outer button to the inner one, located at the bottom of the unit.

Once this part breaks, turning on the Tefal kettle becomes impossible. To understand in more detail how to repair an element that is broken, you can watch the video, where one is discussed original way defect correction.

Heating element burnout

During repairs electric kettles, both older models and newer ones, the most common failure is the heating element burnout.

The problem with heating elements arises, first of all, due to their overheating if scale is not removed in a timely manner.

Before repairing a kettle with a disk heater or a heating element in the form of a spiral, it is necessary to disassemble the unit in the manner described above. After this, take the tester and connect the probes of the device to the output contacts of the heater. If the light on the device lights up or it makes a sound, then the heating element can be considered working. How to check the heating element if No measuring instrument

? It turns out to be very simple. It is necessary to connect the zero from the electrical network to one contact of the heater, and the phase to the other. Next, insert a 220 light bulb into the socket from which 2 insulated wires come out. Touch one stripped end of the wire to one contact of the heater, and the other to the opposite one. If the light comes on, it means the heating element is working.

If it turns out that the disk heater has burned out, it cannot be replaced, since it is one piece with the bottom of the electrical appliance, such as in the Scarlett kettle or Vitek VT-7009(TR). Therefore, you will have to buy a new unit. Only open-type heating elements can be replaced.

Water is leaking

If you notice that water is flowing (leaking) from the device’s reservoir, it is recommended to use such a device for a while until scale forms in the microcracks, which can block the seepage of liquid. If this does not help, you will have to buy a new “boiler” if the warranty period has expired. Another reason that the tank is leaking could be loose connection between the electric heater and the device body

Thus, we can summarize: in some cases it is quite possible to repair a boiling water unit on your own. But if you lack certain repair skills household appliances, That the best option Will be buying a new kettle. Repairs at a service center are not justified from a financial point of view, and there is no guarantee that the breakdown will not happen again.

Good afternoon dear readers! Electric kettles have become a part of our lives and are one of the main appliances in the kitchen. Modern electric kettles come in a variety of shapes. Their body can be made of either stainless steel or heat-resistant plastic.

Most electric kettles turn off automatically when the water boils; there are also outdated models with manual shutdown. Let's look at the principle of operation and repair of electric kettles with our own hands.

And so the water is heated in the kettle using a heating element. It is attached to the housing using a threaded sleeve, or metal nuts, or screws that press it to a waterproof base. In different models they are washers, gaskets or bushings. Due to their damage, water leaks often occur.

The most common are kettles with a disk heating element. When water boils, steam passes through a small hole onto a bimetallic plate, which bends and acts on the electric kettle switch.

Many kettles have special protection that will turn it off if the water boils over or if they forget to pour water into it before turning it on. In order to control the water level in kettles, special water level indicators are provided.

The heating element is connected to the network using a flexible cord or wire equipped with a connector block and another plug. In cordless kettles, the power connector block is located on a stand, which is connected to the network using a cord. You can take such a kettle without unplugging it from the network.

For long-term operation of the kettle and safe operation, it must be filled with water correctly. Before filling it with water, first unplug it from the mains. Be sure to remove the cordless kettle from the stand.

If you don’t want to fill the kettle full, pour water into it so that the water completely covers the heating element. Pour at least a glass of water into a kettle with a disc heater. If there is not enough water, the heating element may burn out or the overheating protection will trip.

Overfilling the kettle is also strictly prohibited. This may cause burns when the water boils as water will splash out. Now let’s directly look at the malfunctions of our favorite electric kettles.

There are foreign particles in boiling water.

The appearance of foreign particles in boiling water is caused by damage to the mesh filter. It is installed in the vast majority of kettles and is designed to filter water from scale particles. Remove and inspect the filter. If it is damaged or clogged with scale, replace it with a new one.

The kettle heats up slowly.

The reason for this is most likely the formation of scale on the heating element. If scale is not removed in a timely manner, it may cause the heater to burn out. Therefore, it is necessary to remove scale from it as quickly as possible. There is one thing good remedy to remove scale. To do this, purchase sachets of citric acid in the store. Pour water into the kettle, pour two bags of citric acid into it and let the water boil. If one boiling cycle is not enough to remove scale, boil the kettle several times in a row, allowing the water to cool slightly. Then drain the water, fill with clean water, and rinse well.

The kettle does not turn off.

1. The kettle lid is not closed properly. As a result, the steam does not fully affect the bimetallic plate. As a result, the plate cannot turn off the switch. Always close the lid tightly after filling the kettle.

2. The steam outlet is blocked. As a result of the formation of lime deposits, the steam outlet may become blocked and steam will not reach the bimetallic plate. This is especially true for older models of electric kettles, since they have a small hole. On modern ones it is larger, so it is much more difficult to clog it. Descale the kettle and clean the steam outlet.

3. The switch is faulty. Perhaps the switch itself is damaged or the bimetallic plate is not able to act on the switch. If the plate or pusher of the switch is damaged, it is ignited. The contacts of the switch may also become soldered and it will be constantly on. On classic-type kettles, it will be difficult to check the switch paired with a bimetallic plate, since they are structurally integral with the heater (heating element).

The switch on the kettle-jug is made as a separate part. It is mounted in the handle of the kettle. To check it, remove the casing from the handle and carefully inspect it. Check the status of its contacts. If they are burnt or the switch housing is tampered with, replace it with a new one. Using a tester, check the operation of the switch. If you find out that the switch is faulty, replace it and reassemble the kettle. Install all wires and parts in their places.

4. Kettle switch switches off too early . The cause of this malfunction is too sensitive protection or a faulty switch. This occurs as a result of the natural aging properties of the bimetallic strip. Replace the switch block with a new one. If you want to experiment, you can try changing the sensitivity of the bimetallic strip by bending it.

Also pay attention to the protection against overheating of the kettle. It is possible for contacts to open at temperatures below the boiling point of water. Opening of contacts must occur at a temperature of at least 110 degrees Celsius. In disk heaters it is pressed against the plate on the reverse side. You can completely remove it from the circuit and check the operation of the kettle. If the kettle turns off normally, then you can operate the kettle as is. But the main thing here is to remember that when the water boils, the kettle will not turn off and the heater will burn out! This could cause a fire!

Water is leaking from the kettle.

1. Water level indicator is faulty . Most likely the indicator has cracks or connections are leaking. Replace the indicator if it is removable.

2. The heating element is loose . Carefully tighten the nut and screws securing the heating element. Then fill the kettle with water and see if there is any leakage again.

3. The sealing gasket is damaged . By tightening the heating element, the leak will not be eliminated. Replace damaged gasket.

4. Damage to the kettle body. Dropping a plastic kettle on the floor or corroding a metal kettle can cause a leak. In this case, the kettle can no longer be restored. You'll have to buy a new one.

The kettle doesn't heat up at all.

1. The plug is faulty. Check the condition of the plug.

2. Break in the power cord. Using a tester, check the serviceability of the cord. If the wires are broken, replace them with a new one.

3. No power supply. Check the operation of other household appliances. If they do not work, perhaps the protection on the power panel has tripped (the circuit breaker has turned off, the fuses have blown).

4. The switch on the kettle does not stay in the on position. If the wear is severe, the switch will not turn on. Replace it.

5. The kettle's overheating protection has tripped. This can happen if the kettle continues to work after the water has boiled away. In this case, wait about 10 minutes. During this time it will cool down and turn on again.

6. The heating element is faulty. The formation of scale on the heating element significantly shortens its service life. Therefore, periodically clean it as it accumulates scale. Check it with a tester by applying probes to its terminals. It should indicate the presence of a circuit. The resistance of a working element should be about 20-30 Ohms. Replace the faulty element with a new one or buy a new kettle.

7. The kettle base is faulty. Remove the lid from the kettle stand and carefully inspect the wires and contact connections. If they are damaged or burnt, try cleaning and bending them. Carry out the same check of the contacts on the kettle itself, after first removing the cover on the bottom of the device. Assemble the kettle and check its operation. Do-it-yourself electric kettle repair.

Electrical equipment today is in every home, because it allows a person to live in full conditions and save time. Such installations include electric kettles. They heat up water in a matter of minutes. But during operation, a variety of breakdowns occur.

Not everyone is ready to take such a device to a specialist, because it also needs to be found. But how to fix an electric kettle with your own hands? This is not a difficult process if a person knows how to hold a screwdriver. Before you start repairs, you need to understand what the main reasons are, as well as what breakdowns occur.

Please note that all equipment must always be handled carefully - this will increase its service life. It is better to purchase quality products from well-known manufacturers.

Types of breakdowns

Failures may be as follows:

  • Leaks.
  • The device does not turn on.
  • The lid is broken.

These are the main problems with which people come to the workshop. But you can restore the integrity of the entire unit with your own hands. To do this, you should take into account any available instructions and begin work. If you have no experience, you cannot skip more than one point, because we are talking about an electric unit. Statistics show that more than half of all people throw away a broken kettle, but you can always try to restore the device.

Principle of operation

To understand how to repair an electric kettle, you need to know its operating system. To heat the water, a special electrical device is built into the bottom. Depending on the manufacturer, its shape varies. For fastening, special bushings and metal screws are used, which are firmly fixed to a waterproof seal.

The shape of such protective elements is varied. This could be a washer, gasket, bushing. When this element breaks its seal, water begins to leak. To fix such a breakdown, you simply need to replace this component. They are sold in the store. To avoid mistakes, you will have to take the kettle with you or remove this element.

Before you repair an electric kettle, it is worth understanding the principle of operation. When water heats up, steam is formed - this is a natural process. It, in turn, exits through specially formed outlets. And in this process, the operating principle of the entire unit is important. Because if it approaches the biometric plate, then the toggle switch is automatically activated. The device turns off.

What's on the kettle:

  • Indicator and button block. Thanks to this addition, you can know what the current water temperature is and create suitable working conditions.
  • Unique water level sensor. It shows the level and is capable of transmitting data to the application.
  • Two heaters. They are necessary for spot heating and full heating.

These are the features that every kettle has. Although today manufacturers, trying to occupy most market, they are coming up with other possibilities to make the operation of the unit more convenient. In addition, there is always a protective element. Its main task is to turn off the kettle when the water boils. It also triggers if, by mistake, the element was started without liquid. Thus, the manufacturer tries to protect users from accidents (for example, from fire of the device).

Statistics show that it is empty kettles that often end up being switched on. It was accidents that prompted manufacturers to create such additional conditions for the operation of the entire device. Therefore, modern kettles are considered to be completely safe.

What needs to be checked before repair?

Before repairing an electric kettle, it is worth checking the obvious things:

When these reasons have been verified, but the unit has not started working, it is worth continuing work. If an electric kettle breaks, how to fix it? To avoid creating a more complex breakdown, you need to follow simple steps.

What actions should be taken?

It is important to disassemble the unit, but without making mistakes and remembering the entire procedure. What you have to do:

  • The base of the kettle is removed - this is the lid.
  • After this, you need to remove all fasteners. They are on the handle of the kettle. It is necessary to unscrew it carefully so that the thread remains in the same form. They often get damaged, so sometimes you have to buy new ones.
  • The handle is carefully removed from the kettle. Sometimes you have to make an effort. But it is important not to break the installation itself.
  • Before repairing the Tiffany electric kettle, you need to remove the rocker arm. It is made of the same material as the unit itself. This is an important component of the entire structure.
  • Next you need to go over the entire surface and remove any plastic components that interfere with disassembly.
  • The kettle switch is removed.
  • Next, you need to visually evaluate the biometric plate so that there is no damage to it. If something is detected, then this is the reason why the kettle is not working. If there are no defects, you will have to continue troubleshooting.

Once you have disassembled the entire installation and have not found the problem, you need to continue searching.

What should you pay attention to?

Sometimes the kettle starts to work slowly and the water heats up ineffectively. The difference may occur over time, but why is this observed? The fact is that scale accumulates on the heating element, and its performance is reduced several times. If an electric kettle breaks, how to fix it? The problem can be solved using special cleaning products. They are sold in stores. After purchase, you should refer to the instructions, because they are different for each device model.

The fact is that everyone creates anti-scale products according to their own principle. The application process will depend on the composition inside. Therefore, when answering the question of how to fix a broken electric kettle, you should not exclude such a situation as the formation of plaque. Some people try to clean it with a sharp object, but this solution will not bring the desired result and can damage the heating coil.

Another unexpected thing that is not a breakdown is the open lid. If it is not tightly secured, the kettle will not turn on. The work does not start because the steam that comes through the hole may be blocked. This happens rarely, but it does happen. And the hole becomes clogged with a coating of lime. The steam has no way to the biometric plate and nothing happens.


How to fix an electric kettle if it doesn't turn on? This is not uncommon, and it is worth understanding why this occurs. It also happens that the switch simply fails. The reason is ambiguous - this happens because the signal to the biometric plate is blocked. The most simple reason- this is a fixed pusher in the wrong position. But the plate itself breaks down due to damage.

But is it possible to repair an electric kettle with such a breakdown? Here everything is more complicated, and not everyone can cope with the task. It should be noted that when the switch fails, only a professional can help. You will need to not only perform all actions correctly, but also have the necessary spare parts.

The actions of a professional may be as follows: he will have to change the element. The procedure itself is not complicated, but you need to find where the switch itself is located. How to fix the switch of an electric kettle? Most often this toggle switch is located on the handle. If this is so, it will be easy to deal with, but if not, then it will not be so easy. The difficulty is that the kettle has many different fasteners.

In addition to the bolts, there are also some parts - they will also have to be removed and then installed in place. To prevent the procedure from being delayed, you will have to remove the handle and cover of the unit itself. These steps will help answer many questions and make the recovery procedure simple.

How to fix the problem?

There are statistics by which experts can tell what problems arise most often. If the electric kettle does not turn on, how to fix it? Since it is the switch that is constantly in operation, it fails for many people. Do you really have to go to the master? Not at all. The recovery procedure itself has several stages.

It is important to inspect the part. If it is cracked, then without replacing it it will not be possible to return the unit to operation. Finding such parts is not always easy, because many people simply get rid of such a kettle and do not repair it. This means there is not much demand for parts.

Sometimes the button just gets stuck. There is a special spring here. It stretches, and after that it will be difficult to work with starting the unit. When analyzed, it will become clear what the main reason is. Replacing it is not that difficult. But when something is done incorrectly, even after assembly the situation does not return to normal.

How to fix the lid of an electric kettle?

Sometimes it simply stops closing, which is why the device does not turn on. We need to figure out why this happens. It happens that scale accumulates on the rim, and it becomes a barrier between the lid and the kettle. In this situation, you will have to wash it using special means. The principle of action of such substances is the same. Required:

  • Pour into a kettle, pour water.
  • Boil.
  • Drain.

If nothing has changed, you will have to repeat the procedure. As all the experts say, it is better to prevent this than to restore it afterwards. Preventive cleaning procedures will not be superfluous and can extend the service life of the electrical device. There is no big difference in how to repair a Vitek electric kettle or any other. Also, the instruction manual always contains a lot useful information. The manufacturer tries to talk about weak points and suggest how to solve some problems in the work.

Please note that when using special chemicals To clean scale, you should remember safety precautions. Such products are very aggressive, so work is performed with rubber gloves. In addition, the kettle itself must be thoroughly rinsed with running water. The inner surface must be completely rid of the remnants of this chemical substance.

Presence of leaks

This is another problem that many people face. The kettle is used frequently, so water leaks are inevitable. But how to understand this problem? First it is important to understand why this happens:

  • One of the common reasons is a violation of the sealing of the plastic case. Another reason is the failure of the water indicator. You need to give it a visual assessment. Often small cracks are simply visible. It is from them that water begins to ooze.
  • Another reason is when the heating element loses its original rigidity. If an electric kettle leaks, how to fix it? Everyone can solve this problem themselves by simply tightening the existing fasteners.
  • Sometimes leaks occur due to wear of the seal. How to fix an electric kettle if it is leaking? In this situation, even tightening all the fasteners will not help remove the damage. In this case, you cannot heat the water, otherwise a short circuit may occur. Leaks will stop when this is the only solution that is relevant in the fight against this breakdown.
  • The worst damage is the formation of holes in the bottom of the kettle. Not everyone is ready to understand that their kettle is seriously out of order. This happens for various reasons, but they all boil down to one thing - careless handling of the device. In such a situation, you definitely won’t be able to solve the problem yourself. There is no point in taking the device to a service center, since few technicians will restore such a device. Of course, if the kettle is expensive, then you can spend money on repairing it. But this is the case when it is better to buy a new one.

There are many reasons why an electrical appliance fails. Before you panic, you should eliminate basic operating errors.

Summing up

An electric kettle can be repaired in half of all cases. Each device has its own operating principles, and if they are violated, breakdown cannot be avoided. But if something happens (water leaks, the button sticks, does not turn off on its own), you should not continue to use the device. This can lead to short circuits, fire and other problems.

When starting a repair, you need to be prepared for any situation, which means preparing the necessary tools (screwdriver, soldering iron, knife, electrical tape). During the repair process, you should not make sudden movements, because the teapots are plastic and therefore fragile. When disassembling them, it is worth remembering the sequence of work, otherwise it will be difficult to assemble them again.

Although there is now quite a large selection of household electrical appliances, repairing an electric kettle with your own hands can be useful for those who have temporary financial difficulties or the old kettle is very convenient for you, you are used to it. It may also be that someone asked you to fix the device or you are just an inquisitive person and you want to do everything yourself.

Operating principle of an electric kettle

The operating principle of an electric kettle is quite simple, and its design, even in expensive models, is not original. The heating element in the lower part heats up the water when electricity is supplied. The heating element is connected to a thermostat (bimetallic plates), and as soon as the temperature reaches the set value, the kettle is disconnected from the network.

For ease of use, I include an LED light bulb with a load in the external circuit of the circuit. When the circuit is closed, the light is on, otherwise it is not. The electric heating device must include a thermal fuse that opens the circuit when overheated. It is needed in case you, for example, forgot to pour water into the kettle.

As seen, circuit diagram The electric kettle circuit is similar to the iron circuit, and is not very complex in itself. In fact, there are quite a few parts in the device that can break. The most complex part is the thermostat, the design of which depends on the specific model. But when it breaks down, it is not repaired, but replaced with a new one.

Sequence of repair actions

  • If the electric kettle breaks down, you first need to check the cord with the stand, making sure that voltage is supplied to the kettle. They do this by ringing the contacts with a multimeter. Try to disassemble a burnt-out stand and solder the contacts, but if the contact group has melted, then it will no longer be possible to repair it.
  • If everything is in order with the cord and stand, then the next step is to check the ring contacts on the kettle itself, after first pressing the on button. Most likely there will be no signal, so you need to unscrew bottom part and check all the contacts inside to find out what exactly is not working. A non-working spiral or temperature sensor must be replaced.
  • Next, check the automatic shutdown button located on the handle. It fails quite often because the contacts oxidize. They need to be cleaned with sandpaper, and the device will work normally.

The design of a modern kettle is such that it is most difficult to get to the on-off button in order to repair it. To do this, you will have to remove the cover and unscrew the bolts at the top and bottom of the handle. This must be done carefully, since plastic parts break easily. If the LED light does not light, then it is also changed.

Is it possible to repair a kettle if it is leaking?

Many people are interested in the question of what to do if the electric kettle leaks. Should I throw it away or can I still repair it? The cause of the leak may be a cracked housing or a deteriorating seal. In the first case, it is best to go buy a new kettle, and in the second case, you can try to repair it by replacing the O-ring on the heating element. There is no point in sealing the leak in the area of ​​the measuring scale using various sealants.

If the new kettle leaks just a little, you can wait a while (a week or two). It is possible that scale will form, which will heal microcracks. A kettle whose warranty has not yet expired and is leaking must be taken to a service center.

To prevent the electric kettle from leaking for as long as possible, it is recommended to descale it regularly and, if possible, use soft, filtered water. In this case, the heating element will work better and the sealing rubber will last longer.

Premature shutdown

It happens that the kettle turns off prematurely - it has not yet boiled, but has already turned off. In this case, there is no point in disassembling the device completely. You just need to descale it. This can be done, as you probably know, with citric acid. A small bag of lemon juice is dissolved in half a liter of water and the kettle is turned on with the lid open. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

Good afternoon, dear readers of the site: Popular electronics. With this article I open new section project, which will be called “Repair of household appliances”. In this and subsequent articles, I, of course, will not delve into complex repairs of electrical appliances, which only professional craftsmen and repairmen can do. We will consider only the so-called “minor repairs”, which consists of disassembling the device, cleaning electrical contacts and replacing batteries.

Let's consider repairing such a popular household electrical appliance as an electric kettle. And in particular its varieties - with a disk heater. After all, buying a new kettle in most cases causes significant damage to the family budget, especially if we take into account current prices. So, let's get started.

Main components of a disk electric kettle

Any modern electric kettle, whether with a spiral or disk heater, consists of the kettle itself and a stand. The malfunction can be in both the kettle and the stand. Therefore, before starting repairs, we look for where the malfunction occurred, which means we check both the stand and the kettle.

Troubleshooting the Stand

The stand of the disc electric kettle consists of a power plug, an electrical cable and a contact group. You need to check everything, but before doing this, be sure to disconnect it from the network (remove the plug from the socket).

When checking a contact group special attention must be paid to appearance contacts. If they are simply blackened or covered with soot, then it is best to clean them with a regular stationery eraser. In this case, you will not damage the protective coating (if it has been preserved) and the stand will serve for a long time after repair. If you can’t clean it with a rubber band (there is a large accumulation of soot or rust on the contacts), use fine sandpaper or a needle file. You should not restore the contact group if it is severely burnt or the metal has lost its elasticity. It is better to replace such contacts with new ones.

Troubleshooting the kettle

In the kettle, if you disassemble it (remove the bottom cover), we will see an automatic switch-off device for the kettle and a heating element. Either one or the other can fail.

To check the heating element Let's use a multimeter. We set it to the mode for measuring electrical resistance (Ohm limit) and measure the resistance of the heater, having previously disconnected it from the automatic shutdown device. The resistance value should be within several tens of ohms (less often, hundreds of ohms).

Checking the automatic shut-off device – this is the most difficult process. In “automation” there are a lot of contact groups and all kinds of protections. If it is an open type (all contacts and protections are easily accessible or visually visible), then the process of troubleshooting and subsequent repair consists of visually inspecting all contacts, cleaning them (if necessary) and checking the elasticity of the metal. It’s better not to get into closed automation, because once you disassemble it, you may no longer be able to put everything back in place. In this case, it is better to buy a new one and replace it.

The automatic shutdown device also includes the disc electric kettle switch itself, which is located outside the housing. Its performance is checked with a tester (multimeter) in dialing mode. When the switch is on, the device should indicate a short circuit.

That's basically the whole repair. It only remains to note that you should not repair electric kettles that have obvious signs of damage to the body (cracks, melting, deformation) or when the kettle emits an unpleasant odor during operation. In this case, it is better to replace it completely (buy a new one) - it will be cheaper for your health.

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