What does Dogileva look like now? “Tatiana, it’s not you!”: fans had difficulty recognizing Dogileva. Life at a new weight

The star of the film “Forgotten Melody for the Flute” held a master class at the Amedia film studio for children who want to connect their lives with the acting profession. Dogileva shared the secrets of working on camera, and also answered questions tricky questions students. And after finishing, I took a photo with some of the course participants. These photos hit the internet and caused a storm of discussion among the star’s fans. The latter are very worried that the actress of the film “The Blonde Around the Corner” began to have health problems, since she does not look like “the same Dogileva.” In their opinion, Dogileva has gained a lot of weight.

“Is it just me, or has the actress gotten fat?”, “I didn’t recognize Tatyana the first time,” “Why does she look so bad?”, “Dogileva has changed a lot!” - users wrote on the Internet.

“Yes, I have gained weight,” they commented on their appearance"StarHit" Tatyana. - So what's next? Now I’m in Izhevsk, and everything is fine with me!”

Despite the shocking pictures, many users stood up for Dogileva.

“Tatiana always looks beautiful!”, “We love you all”, “Don’t listen to anyone”, “The most beautiful actress of all on stage!”, “And for me, she has even become even better.” Dogileva’s fans wish her not to pay attention to criticism. Netizens also noted that, despite being slightly overweight, Tatyana is still in demand as an actress and professional. For example, this year three new films with the participation of the actress will be released: “An Ordinary Woman”, “Rikotu Island” and “Dawn on Mount Adam”.

It should be noted that Tatyana’s only daughter, Ekaterina Mishina, was diagnosed with anorexia at the age of 17. And as Dogileva herself admitted, it was only by miracle that she rescued the heiress from the other world. Since then, she has been suspicious of any diets and restrictions.

As Tatyana Dogileva herself later recalled, at times she almost on her knees begged her daughter to eat.

One time I didn't eat anything for 10 days. “I only drank water and tea,” Catherine herself later said. “My parents were worried and tried to send me to the doctors. But believe me, I know from my own experience that parents can do almost nothing in such cases, because this is a serious mental illness. And you can only escape from it when you yourself understand that there is no further road.

In total, I lost about 25 kilograms. I realized that I had reached a critical point when serious health problems began. I couldn’t eat anymore at all - my body rejected any food. Against the backdrop of anorexia, I developed bulimia (attacks of uncontrollable hunger. - Ed.). The weight started to come back, which was driving me crazy. Sometimes I didn’t eat for several days, but the weight remained the same... Mom says only a miracle saved me. I myself came to the decision that I needed to go to the hospital. Although for three years, when my parents tried to persuade me to go to the doctor, I categorically rejected their help. I perceived doctors as enemies who wanted to feed me.

I don't have any scales in my house right now. I got rid of them when I left the hospital. And I began to feel disgusted by people who leave angry comments on the Internet, without thinking that their comments could make another person’s life unbearable.

And Yuri Stoyanov’s “Town” sketch show turned 25 years old. In honor of the anniversary, friends and colleagues of Yuri Stoyanov were invited to the studio, including Tatyana Dogileva. She told about her affair with Stoyanov during her school years, but what surprised everyone present was not the confession, but the appearance of the actress - the star had become so plump that at first they didn’t even recognize her.

When Andrei Malakhov asked the actress to talk about her affair with Yuri Stoyanov, she was embarrassed. As it turned out, Yuri literally forbade her to do this: “This is already some kind of stigma. Stoyanov even says: “You’re already boring everyone with this story about our romance. When will you shut up?”, and then they ask me why I don’t talk about my affair with Stoyanov. Yes, because he can't hear it. When we met, we were under 17 years old. We had a very strange course, our teachers had a strange taste in those whom they accepted as artists. Everyone is kind of weird. Nevertheless, we kept track of who was being taken, and finally approximately handsome guy: tall, curls, eyes. And there were some students running around, helping others, running up and saying: “That’s it, they’ve found a partner for you!” It turns out that all the girls were told this, because practically only Yuri Stoyanov was drawn to the hero-lover.”

Tatyana Dogileva in the show “Hello, Andrey!”, still from the program

However, according to Dogileva, the actor was not an ideal of beauty: “He was a master of sports in fencing, and he had long, long arms and a stoop. He explained this by “standing up.” The hero-lover was like that. But since there were no others, because everyone was so characteristic, everyone fell in love with him. What is the first course for? Fall in love. And at some point we developed an affair. I don’t remember what it was, except that we endlessly made one sketch more monstrous than the other.”

By the way, in Lately plump Tatyana Dogileva practically does not act in films, preferring to speak on TV shows and talk unknown facts from his biography. However, this has nothing to do with being overweight. Despite the criticism, the actress has repeatedly stated that she is satisfied with her appearance, and that gaining a couple of kilograms is nothing special.

Yuri Stoyanov in the show “Hello, Andrey!”, still from the program

Let us recall that the peak of Tatyana Dogileva’s popularity occurred in 2000. Problems in her career began when the actress’s directorial debut failed and her husband Mikhail Mishin left her, saying that the star was paying too little attention to him and his daughter Katya. Dogileva had a nervous breakdown and went to the clinic. Later, the star admitted that it was the treatment that saved her. The last time Tatyana could be seen on the big screen was in the project


In February, Dogileva turned 60 years old, but she did not organize any celebrations. The actress admitted that she does not like anniversaries, because they are always very “meaningless and nervous.”

Dogileva was born on February 27, 1957. Tanya's parents were workers and received little, so they lived poorly. Tanya was a very impressionable child.

Tatyana's parents believed that children were obliged to receive higher education, no matter what. Therefore, Tanya and her brother were encouraged from an early age to enter a university. Tatyana studied at a Moscow school at the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. The future actress dreamed of the stage since school, and constantly participated in amateur performances.

At school, Tatyana Dogileva was an excellent student, studied choreography, rhythmic gymnastics. At the age of 14, Tatyana was accepted into the young actor studio at Central Television. Tatiana always lacked romance. She studied in a historical and literary class and planned to enter a humanitarian university. However, when the time came to go to college, I applied to all theater schools. educational establishments Moscow - to Shchepkinskoye, Shchukinskoye, Moscow Art Theater, GITIS and VGIK. She failed in four out of five institutes in the first round, but she entered the fifth, albeit on the fifth attempt.

Dogileva appeared on stage thanks to Mark Zakharov, who saw real temperament in the actress. In the play “Cruel Intentions,” Dogileva played the role of Nelka, and her partner was Alexander Abdulov. After that, she began to actively act in many films. She played roles in the films: “Vasily and Vasilisa”, “Private Life”, “Suddenly”, “Bee”, “Hotel Eden”, “One in a Million”, “Promise of Love”, “Groom from Miami”, "The Pokrovsky Gate". Dogileva is well remembered by everyone for her role as a saleswoman in the film “Blonde Around the Corner,” where she played together with Andrei Mironov.

Tatyana Dogileva loves theater more than cinema. Once the actress took a break from filming for four years, but continued to work in the theater. In films, Tatyana Dogileva immediately began acting with the most famous actors. In the film “Vacancy” she starred with Ekaterina Vasilyeva, Rolan Bykov, Oleg Tabakov. In “Private Life” her partners were Mikhail Ulyanov, Iya Savvina, Andrei Mironov. No one knew then that these films would become beloved and still be watched today. When “Pokrovsky Gate” was filmed, none of the actors liked the script. Only Kozakov knew what he was filming.

Tatyana Dogileva has gained weight, photo: participation in the Urgant show

Actresses Tatyana Dogileva and Inga Oboldina were the next guests of Ivan Urgant's show. However, not all viewers recognized the star of the film “The Blonde Around the Corner.”

Tatyana Dogileva and Inga Oboldina came to Ivan Urgant’s show to talk about their new film work - the musical drama “Burn!” The announcement of the program appeared on the official page of “Evening Urgant” in social network Instagram accompanied by a photograph showing the show's host and his guests. In the photo, smiling Ivan Urgant and Inga Oboldina support Tatyana Dogileva.

Numerous subscribers, having seen the publication, expressed their opinions. It turned out that not all viewers recognized Dogileva. “is this Dogileva????? I didn’t really recognize her... I gained so much weight... but she’s still so cool! (hereinafter, the authors’ spelling and punctuation have been preserved. - Editor’s note)”, “Dogileva has gotten so fat”, “Dogileva cannot be recognized...”, “How has Dogileva changed”, “Dogileva??? That’s why I didn’t recognize her at all,” said netizens.

Actress Tatyana Dogileva shared her memories of People's Artist of the USSR Leonid Bronev, who died on Saturday in Moscow at the age of 89.

“This actor is a legend. But he never boasted about his fame, he always treated it with humor. I am sure that L.S. Bronevoy will be remembered for a long time,” Dogileva said.

According to her, while working on “Pokrovsky Gates,” Bronevoy supported young actors and was very kind. According to the actress, in between filming he talked about himself with humor. Even though he was difficult person with strong, according to the artist, mood swings, “this did not concern the young.”

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