What does the name Nastya sound like in different languages? The meaning of the name Anastasia. Interpretation of the name. Diminutive pet names

The meaning of the female name Anastasia. What suits the name Anastasia?

The name Anastasia is quite popular in our country. Almost all people associate it with a tender and fragile girl, and almost no one suspects that it is another form of the male name Anastas.

This is probably why Anastasia’s character almost always clearly reveals seemingly opposite character traits, which make her quite an interesting and extraordinary person.

What does the name Anastasia mean according to the church calendar?

The meaning of the name Anastasia

As already mentioned at the very beginning of our article, the name Anastasia is nothing more than a derivative of the name Anastas, meaning resurrected, risen, coming back to life. In ancient times, this name was given to girls who had health problems from birth. Our ancestors believed that if God knew her by that name, then she would be able to overcome all difficulties and live a happy and long life.

Patron saint named Anastasia

The patron saint of Anastasia, depending on the month of her birth, can be Anastasia the Pattern Maker, Venerable Martyr Anastasia of Rome, Righteous Anastasia. You can find out which of these Saints will protect you from all adversity in any temple, or you can find the necessary information in the Saints. In this church book you can find the exact dates of veneration of these women and on these days you can go to church and ask for blessings for yourself or someone who bears the name Anastasia.

The secret of the name Anastasia

The secret of the name Anastasia

Most sources associate the appearance of this name with the legend of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia. This woman lived in Ancient Rome, but at the same time she very much sympathized with Christians. If she met a person of a different faith, she tried to help him in every possible way. Moreover, despite all prohibitions, she went to prisons for Christians and treated sick people.

After some time, the Roman emperor learned about her sympathy and ordered his soldiers to put her in the basement. There she spent the rest of her life, and died without coming into the world from torture and illness. After her death, people, remembering her spiritual kindness, ranked her among the Saints and began to ask for healing from illnesses and for easy childbirth.

What nationality is the name Anastasia?

It is believed that the name Anastasia has Greek roots and translated into Russian means resurrecting. And to be more precise, it is the feminine form of the male name Anastas, which is translated as Sunday.

IN Ancient Greece This name was used exclusively for men, as it was believed that only a strong and brave person is capable of being reborn after his body and soul are wounded. Most often they were called warriors who defended territory belonging to Greece.

Name Anastasia, Nastya: popularity

Although modern parents prefer to name their children Diana, Lisa or Alice, it cannot be said that the name Anastasia is not very popular at the moment. If you look at the statistics, you can see that everything more people They give preference to old Russian names, which they most often associate with something good and beautiful.

That is why Lately The name Anastasia or Nastya began to appear more and more often. And what is most interesting is that the trend towards the return of old names is most visible in big cities. But in towns and villages, people continue to call their children more exotic names.

Name Anastasia, Nastya in English, German in different languages

So familiar and beautiful name Anastasia (Nastya) sounds more exotic and original in other languages. In view of this, if you want your child to have a unique name, then name him in English, French or American style.


  • English- Enestania, Stacey
  • German- Stasi, Stasi
  • French- Anastasi, Nazi, Nadine
  • Spanish- Tacha, Tacho
  • Portuguese- Anashtasya, Nashtasinho, Nastasinya, Nana
  • Italian- Anastasia, Anastasio
  • Romanian- Anastasia, Nasta, Tesia, Nastasika
  • Greek- Anastasios, Tasia, Sula
  • Belorussian- Nastassya, Anastassya, Nasta, Nastsyukha
  • Polish- Nastusya, Anastasia, Nastka

How is the name Anastasia written in a foreign passport?

Correct spelling of name in passport

According to generally accepted rules, all Russian names, when entered into a foreign passport, are written in Latin transcription. This is done so that the person’s name can be easily read in any country in the world.

True, you should take into account that the Latin alphabet is slightly different from the Cyrillic alphabet we are used to. As such letters I they don't, so the ending of the name will consist of two characters I.A.. Russian name Anastasia in the passport it will be written as Anastasiia.

Anastasia: what is an abbreviated short name, a diminutive pet name?

You will probably agree that Anastasia sounds a little too official and strict. That is why affectionate forms of this word were invented to help call a person more warmly.

Abbreviated and endearing forms of the name:

  • Anastasia
  • Nastya
  • Nastyusha
  • Nastka
  • Nastyunya
  • Nastenka

Anastasia: the meaning of the name character and fate

More often than not, Anastasia has a fairly restrained character, although at the same time she can express her opinion quite vigorously. The main distinguishing feature of all Nasten is a highly developed intuition. They understand on a subconscious level whether they should take on something or whether it’s better not to waste their time and energy on it at all. In addition, women and girls bearing this name are prone to adventurism. They can literally change their mind in a matter of minutes and do something that no one expects from them.

But this does not mean that Anastasia is not able to finish what she starts. If they are very interested in something, they will spend hours painstakingly working on one thing, and they will try to do everything as perfectly as possible. As practice shows, Anastasia’s fate is going quite well. Thanks to their openness, perseverance and ability to work, they achieve a certain status in life and, as a rule, live in abundance.

Name Anastasia: sexuality, marriage

Anastasia: sexuality, marriage

At first glance, Anastasia seems to everyone to be a very modest and calm girl. But in fact, behind the external calm lies a real hurricane. Everything related to relationships with the opposite sex evokes a storm of different emotions in such ladies. They know how to conquer men, and they do it so unobtrusively that the stronger sex does not even notice how they begin to fulfill all the whims of their chosen one.

But such hidden sexuality does not make the owners of this name femme fatales who change men like gloves. If they choose a man, they give themselves to him both soul and body. As practice shows, Anastasias make loyal and loving wives who know how to give pleasure to a man.

Name Anastasia: health and psyche

As for health, Nastya has had problems with it since childhood. The weak point of the owner of this name is the throat, nose and ears. For this reason she all year round does not part with sore throats, pharyngitis, runny nose and sinusitis. As a child, such excessive pain prevents her from regularly visiting kindergarten and school. But as soon as she crosses the teenage threshold, her health improves a little and she begins to lead a normal life.

Another weak point of such girls is nervous system. As a rule, they are very phlegmatic, so the slightest stressful situation makes them angry. Most often, after this, for several days they cannot suppress the feeling of anxiety, which pushes them to do something that is not quite right. But at a conscious age, they cope with this problem and begin to react more calmly to stress and troubles.

What middle name suits a girl's name?

In principle, Anastasia can have any middle name, but as practice shows, there are combinations that significantly enhance the energy of the owners of this name. For example, if a girl has a middle name of Vladimirovna, then her character will more clearly express confidence and assertiveness. If she has a patronymic name of Alexandrovna, then it will make her softer, more flexible and friendly.

The following patronymics will enhance the energy of the name:

  • Vasilevna
  • Valentinovna
  • Evgenievna
  • Dmitrievna
  • Stanislavovna
  • Romanovna

Anastasia: compatibility with male names

Compatibility with male names

If Anastasia wants to have a faithful and reliable companion near her, then she should approach his choice as seriously as possible. Indeed, even in this case, there are names that are better suited than others for the owners of this name. Most perfect couple for Nastya is Bogdan.

A man with this name has similar energy, but unlike her, he knows how to keep everything under control and does not get upset if obstacles appear in his way. Alexandras are most unsuitable for owners of this name. Men bearing this name are very freedom-loving and prone to cheating. And since Nastya does not accept such relationships, such an alliance almost always breaks up.

Suitable names:

  • Dmitriy
  • Andrey
  • Sergey
  • Alexei
  • Eugene
  • Vladislav
  • Paul
  • Vladimir

When is the name day, Angel Day at Anastasia according to the Orthodox calendar?

As mentioned a little above, the name Anastasia was very popular in ancient times. That is why holy women named by this name are venerated quite a few times throughout the year.


  • Winter Nastya- December 17 and 26, January 4
  • Spring Nastya- March 23, April 5 and 28, May 10 and 28
  • Summer Nastya- July 4 and 9, June 1 and 17, August 10
  • Autumn Nastya- November 11 and 12

Congratulations on Angel Day Anastasia

Congratulations No. 1

Congratulations No. 2

Congratulations No. 3

When choosing a congratulation for Nastya, remember that she has a very delicate and vulnerable nature, so you need to congratulate her with the most sweet, beautiful-sounding words. If you try to joke with her or add vulgar words to your congratulations, then with a high probability you can say that she will not like it.

Tattoo with the name Anastasia, Nastya

Tattoo idea #1

Tattoo idea No. 2

Tattoo idea No. 3

The simplest tattoo for Anastasia is a name beautifully applied, for example, on her hand, made in letters with curls. Depending on the size, it can be placed either on the wrist or a little higher, the main thing is that it is made on the inside of the hand. In general, it is believed that such tattoos are best placed in such a way that they are not on public display.

If you wish, you can complement this inscription with small butterflies, roses, peonies or stars. Such figures will divert attention to themselves, not allowing strangers to take away the positive energy of the name.

Pendant with the name Anastasia made of gold: photo

Pendant with the name Anastasia made of gold No. 1

Pendant with the name Anastasia made of gold No. 2

Pendant with the name Anastasia made of gold No. 3

As for personalized pendants, in this case it is best to give preference to simple, laconic products of small or medium size. As practice shows, too massive pendants look alien on Anastasia and this makes them slightly vulgar. In the photos posted above, you can see examples of ideal gold jewelry suitable for Nastya.

Name Anastasia: intuition, intelligence, morality

As mentioned a little above, the intuition of the owners of this name is very well developed. They always subtly feel when to agree to this or that proposal, and when it is better to wait for the next one. It is intuition that allows Anastasias to always find themselves in the right places and avoid major troubles.

If we talk about morality, then these representatives of the fair sex are all right with it. They never allow themselves to be excessive in public and try to behave correctly even when they want to do something bad. I would like to pay special attention to the intelligence of girls with this name.

From the outside it may seem that they are too slow and stupid. But more often than not, it is this slowness that develops in them perseverance and the ability to analyze, which allows them to achieve good results in the scientific field.

Name Anastasia: hobbies, activities, business

Name Anastasia: hobbies

As a child, little Nastya cannot decide what she wants to do. For this reason, she can take up dancing, handicrafts and cooking at the same time. But as she grows up, she is still determined and, as a rule, chooses hobbies of a calm nature, for example, she devotes a lot of time to reading poetry or tries to get to know the computer as thoroughly as possible.

Growing up, Anastasias become doctors, computer scientists, teachers or translators. Some owners of this name find it difficult to work within certain limits, so they decide to start their own business, and most often they try to open their own food outlets or sew clothes to order.

It is true that it is impossible to say that they make good businessmen. Since they are not particularly attracted to wealth and money, they do not try to increase their finances and, as a result, after some time their small business inevitably ceases to exist.

What zodiac sign does the name Anastasia fit?

Compatibility with zodiac signs

As you know, zodiac signs have a great influence on a person’s destiny. They are the ones who manifest positive and negative traits of human character and guide our actions. The correct name can help slightly correct the negative aspects of the zodiac sign. Since it also carries encoded energy, it can quite gently nullify all unpleasant manifestations.

Anastasia is best suited for Aquarius and Sagittarius. As a rule, this combination helps a person to withstand all the blows of fate and confidently move towards his goal. Anastasia also goes well with Libra and Taurus. In this case, the union helps to better develop intelligence and move up the career ladder.

Talisman stone for the name Anastasia

Magic malachite

Malachite is considered the ideal talisman stone for Nastya. If a representative of the fair sex bearing this name carries it with her all the time, she will be able to eliminate all the negativity that surrounds her. It is believed that malachite is capable of removing energy jams that prevent a person from interacting with the environment as correctly as possible.

True, you must remember that a talisman is not an easy decoration, so wearing it on display is undesirable. If you really want it to protect you, then hang it on a chain and wear it around your neck, hiding it under your clothes.

Flower, plant, tree-talisman for the name Anastasia

You probably already know that in addition to talisman stones, there are trees and plants that can help a person reduce Negative influence environment. The most suitable flower for Anastasia is a white or pink orchid.

If you place such a flower in the room where the owner of this name lives, then it will do everything to ensure that problems and troubles bypass her. Jasmine has the same energy. If this tree-like bush grows near Nastya’s home, then she will feel its powerful protection even at a great distance from it.

Totem animal named Anastasia

Siamese cat

A totem animal, like other talismans, is capable of absorbing the negativity that inevitably appears in the life of every person. Knowledgeable people claim that it is precisely this that can ward off damage and the evil eye from its owner and restore peace of mind to a person. If Anastasia wants her life to be more peaceful, she should get herself a purebred Siamese cat.

Numerology of the name Anastasia

The numerological number of this name is two. Since she is a peacemaker, people of this name almost always have a diplomatic character, which helps them find a common language with individuals who have a completely opposite character.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

Anastasia Shcheglova

Video: ANASTASIA (NASTYA). Meaning Interpretation of the name

On January 4, the Orthodox Church remembers the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Uzor-Resolver. Read about the history of one of the most popular female names in Russia and Saint Anastasia in our material.

The origin of the name “Anastasia” is associated with the ancient Greek language and translated means “resurrection”, “return to life”. There is also a steam room male name with the same meaning, but it is not widespread in Russia.

The popularity of a female name is evidenced by Orthodox calendars. In the Russian calendar Orthodox Church we will meet 15 saints with this name, most of them (10 people) are martyrs. One venerable Anastasia is the mother of the venerable Savva of Serbia, one Alexandrian hermit, who, according to legend, lived in monastery under the name Anastasius - a eunuch, one passion-bearer - the daughter of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II, another nun and Saint Anastasia of Latria.

No less impressive is the list of saints with the double male name Anastasius - it includes 20 Orthodox ascetics from different countries– from Egypt to Persia, Bulgaria and Russia.

Name Anastasia on different languages

The euphonious, sonorous name has long been loved not only in Russia, but also abroad. In Britain we will meet Stacy, in Germany - Nastja, Anastasija (Anastasia), in France - Anastasi, Naste (Anastasi and Naste), in Slavic languages ​​there are variations of our Anastasia. In general, “Nastya” was loved throughout Europe - from warm Greece to cold Russia. Anastasia can be found even in China or Korea.

Nastya, Nastenka and other abbreviated and diminutive forms of the name Anastasia

A rare Russian personal name can compete with Nastya in the variety of diminutive forms. Tasya, Stasya and even Asya - all these forms in modern dictionary personal names are associated with the familiar Nastenka, and there is also Anastasyushka, Anastaska, Nastasya, Nastya (Nasta), Nasya (Nasa), Nata, Naya, Nausya, Nyusya, Nastena, Tena, Nastyokha, Nastusya, Tusya, Nastyulya (Nastulya), Nastyunya (Nastunya), Nastyura, Styura, Nastyukha, Nastyusha, Nastyakha, Stasya, Tasya, Taya, Asya, Asyusha, Susha, Asyuta, Syuta. If a person needs to turn to some “Anastasia Ivanovna”, then it is worth remembering that this name has the same forms of genitive, dative and prepositional cases.

Male name Anastasy

A male name with the same ancient Greek root is not often found in Russia. Most people will only remember Anastas Mikoyan - the Soviet leader with the short form of the name "Anastasy".

Mikoyan is now most often talked about in connection with the meat processing plant of the same name. In the 30s, Anastas Ivanovich was the People's Commissar of the food industry and created Soviet fast food. In particular, it was not without his participation that the famous “Doctor’s” sausage and the infamous “fish days” in Soviet canteens were invented.

Few people know that Anastas Mikoyan studied in 1916 at the Theological Academy located in the Etchmiadzin Monastery.

In other countries, the male name Anastasius was more common, as evidenced by four Popes and two Byzantine emperors.

Pope Anastasius IV, who lived in the 12th century, went down in Church history as the bishop of Rome with one of the shortest tenures in the cathedra of the eternal city. He was Pope for a little more than one year - from July 12, 1153 to December 3, 1154, but during this time he transferred the relics of Saint Helen Equal to the Apostles - the mother of Constantine the Great was transferred to a modest shrine, and the luxurious antique sarcophagus, where the remains of the saint had previously been kept, he prepared for myself. In this sarcophagus he was buried in the crypt of St. Peter.

But among the women celebrities there was a sea of ​​​​the tennis player Myskina, Dostoevsky’s heroine Nastasya Filippovna, the woman hero Nastasya Mikulishna, the daughter of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas - this is just a short list of historical figures and literary characters with the name Anastasia. Anastasia was also the daughter of Prince Yaroslav the Wise of Kyiv - the Queen of Hungary. Her image can be found on the fresco of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. The fate of the queen herself was very difficult - she and her children had to flee from Hungary to Bavaria. One of her sons argued with Anastasia Yaroslavna and even raised his hand against her.

Name Nastya

In the new millennium you will rarely find a school, institute or work where there would not be a girl or girl Nastya. In 1978-1981, 31 babies out of a thousand were named Anastasia, and this name was only in 11th place. But then the rapid growth of popularity began:

In the 80s of the last century, Yuri Antonov sang “Anastasia”:

The distance of life has opened wide for me,
You appeared, more beautiful than spring.
Birds in the sky chirp: “Nastya”,
The herbs echo: “Anastasia.”
Happy am I, conquered by power
These eyes are cornflower blue.
Lips whisper tenderly: “Nastya”,
The heart echoes: “Anastasia.”

Since then, the popularity of the name has been constantly increasing.

In 2011, 53 out of a hundred newborn Muscovites were named Anastasia. Several times over the past 15 years, this name has come out on top in popularity. In 2013, she was second, losing the championship to Maria in Moscow.

Anastasia's birthday

Rarely the owners of the name can boast of such an abundance of patron saints. Nastya can celebrate name day on January 4, March 23, April 5, April 28, May 10, June 1, 5 and 9, July 4, July 17, August 10, November 11 and 12, December 17.

Saints named Anastasia

IN Orthodox calendar you can find at least fifteen saints with this name, let's try to talk a little about the most famous ascetics.

Among the ascetics with the name Anastasia, the first place in popularity will be the patron saint of prisoners - the holy great martyr Anastasia the Pattern. Her earliest life that has come down to us was compiled in the 6th century, so we know almost nothing about the life of this saint.

The Great Martyr Anastasia suffered in 304 during the cruel persecution of Emperor Diocletian. This was an emperor who wanted to save the crumbling Roman Empire. As the Christian writer Lactantius notes in his essay “On the Death of Persecutors,” persecution for faith was total: “All people, (without distinction) of gender and age, were driven to the stake; and there were so many of them that they were surrounded not individually, but in crowds, and were set on fire; the servants were drowned in the sea, with a millstone tied to each of their necks. . No less wild persecution affected the rest of the people, because the judges, scattered throughout all the temples, drove everyone to sacrifice... The dungeons were full, unheard-of types of torture were invented, and, no matter what case the trial was carried out, in secluded places and in front of the tribunal they were located altars, so that those involved in litigation first make sacrifices and, under such circumstances, speak out about their affairs.”

Anastasia fearlessly visited Roman prisons and helped the sufferers. After the death of her teacher, she traveled through the provinces of the Roman Empire, where persecution raged. She visited Greece and Macedonia, alleviated the suffering of prisoners - brothers in faith. She was soon captured and, as a Christian, sentenced to be burned at the stake.

The Great Martyr was widely revered in the West already in the 4th century. Her honest head was in the monastery of St. Anastasia near the Greek city of Thessaloniki, but on the night of April 22-23, 2012, unknown persons stole the relics of this ascetic.

Anastasia the Roman or the Roman

In 250 or 256 in Rome, after prolonged torture, another martyr named Anastasia was beheaded. Becoming an orphan at the age of three, the noble girl was raised in a Christian community near the eternal city. She was very beautiful, and at the age of 20, rejected suitors handed her over to the mayor Prov. He demanded that she renounce Christ and marry some patrician. Anastasia refused, the enraged persecutor ordered her to be tortured naked in front of the crowd, but the saint continued to glorify the Savior and was eventually executed. Her body was found by local Christians and buried in the outskirts of Rome.

Anastasia Rimskaya

Apparently Rome had a special attraction for martyrs named Anastasia. After the sermon of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, one resident of the eternal city accepted the new faith. During Nero's persecution, Anastasia and her friend Vasilisa buried the bodies of dead Christians. After torture, she was beheaded as a Roman citizen in 68. (Roman citizens, as we can learn, for example, from the Acts of the Apostles, had a number of privileges: they could demand the trial of the emperor, so the Apostle Paul was taken to Rome, and he himself spent several years in prison awaiting trial. Roman citizens could not shameful executions were used (crucifixion or being eaten by wild animals in the arena), so they were executed with the sword.

The ancient historians Suetonius and Tacitus briefly report on the reasons for Nero’s persecution of Christians. The text of the latter in the XV book of the Annals connects the persecution of followers of the new faith with the great fire of Rome and the emperor’s desire to shift the blame to Christians: “So Nero, in order to overcome rumors, found the guilty and put to the most sophisticated executions those who, with their abominations, had brought upon themselves universal hatred and whom the crowd called Christians. Christ, from whose name this name comes, was executed under Tiberius by the procurator Pontius Pilate; suppressed for a while, this harmful superstition began to break out again, and not only in Judea, where this destruction came from, but also in Rome, where everything that is most vile and shameful flocks from everywhere and where it finds adherents. So, first those who openly admitted that they belonged to this sect were captured, and then, on their instructions, a great many others were caught not so much in the villainous arson as in hatred of the human race. Their killing was accompanied by mockery, for they were dressed in the skins of wild animals so that they could be torn to death by dogs, crucified on crosses, or those doomed to death by fire were set on fire at nightfall for the sake of night illumination. Nero provided his gardens for this spectacle; At the same time, he gave a performance at the circus, during which he sat among the crowd dressed as a charioteer or drove a team, participating in a chariot race. And although the Christians were guilty and they deserved the most severe punishment, yet these cruelties aroused compassion for them, for it seemed that they were being exterminated not for the sake of public benefit, but as a result of the bloodthirstiness of Nero alone.”

The relics of the holy martyr Anastasia are in Rome.

Anastasia Romanova

The youngest daughter of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II was born on June 18, 1901. She was the fourth child in the family and was educated at home from the age of 8. The curriculum included French, English and German languages, history, geography, God's Law, natural sciences, drawing, grammar, arithmetic, as well as dance and music.

Anastasia Nikolaevna did not like grammar, wrote with many errors, and called arithmetic “beastly.” At the same time, Anastasia had a very kind character - she loved pets, adored candies and sweets and willingly shared them with others.

Anastasia’s teachers said that the girl had an easy character. She loved to play hide and seek, lapta, and serso (a game in which you need to throw rings onto a peg). She willingly climbed trees, loved to weave flowers into her hair, and was tenderly attached to her brother Alexei, spending whole days with him during attacks of his illness.

Growing up, during the First World War in a hospital, she gave concerts for the wounded and helped her sisters and mother in their ministry as Sisters of Mercy.

Together with the rest of the royal martyrs, she was shot in the basement of the Ipatiev House on the night of July 16-17, 1918.

The legend of the rescue of Anastasia Romanova

After the execution royal family The story of the miraculous rescue of Nicholas II’s youngest children, Anastasia and Alexei, became widespread. The most famous false Anastasia was Anna Anderson, who claimed that she was saved by a soldier with the musical surname Tchaikovsky. The impostor was quickly exposed, and the final point in this matter was put to two genetic examinations carried out in 1995 and 2011

Icons of Anastasia

On the icons of saints you can often find objects associated with their feat.

Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker is depicted with a cross (symbol of martyrdom) and a bottle with medicinal oil, for whom she alleviated the suffering of prisoners.

Anastasia the Roman is often dressed in monastic robes as a symbol of chastity.

The iconography of Saint Anastasia Romanova is distinguished by some portrait similarities. The saint holds a cross in her hands as a symbol of suffering. On the most common icon of the royal martyrs, on Anastasia’s head you can see a crown or diadem as a symbol of the royal

We need to look for the meaning of the name Anastasia in Greece. It was from there that this name came into our Russian language. In Greek the name Anastasia (Ἀναστασία) means “returned to life”. The name itself is female uniform named Anastas. Anastas translates as "Sunday".

Like most of the most popular names in Russia, the name Anastasia is not Slavic, but Greek. In Kievan Rus, having accepted the faith of the Greeks (Orthodoxy), they also accepted traditional church names Greeks Anastasia, for example, was the name of the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise.

The meaning of the name Anastasia for a girl

Little Nastya is a good and obedient child. She is a kind and even trusting girl. Children who are prone to cunning and malicious jokes are easy to offend her. The girl has a well-developed imagination. She loves having bedtime stories read to her, and can also make them up herself. Thanks to her imagination, she easily comes up with activities for herself, although of course she loves when they play with her.

Of the minuses - Nastya is a rather lazy child. She loves to be a good girl and fulfills the necessary "conditions" for being "good." But you are unlikely to be able to instill in her a love of cooking or cleaning. During adolescence, this can become a certain problem, as it is expressed especially strongly.

Anastasia's health is average. As a child she had a weak appetite. This usually does not affect her health and figure. The main thing is to eat regularly, even if only a little. A more serious problem can be called frequent illnesses throat. Constant pharyngitis, tonsillitis and other diseases haunt the girl and her loved ones. Preventive treatment and a good climate are the best that can be thought of in this case.

Short name Anastasia

Nastya, Nasya, Nata, Naya, Nyusya, Nastyukha, Stasya, Tasya, Taya, Asya, Asyusha, Syusha, Asyuta.

Diminutive pet names

Anastasyushka, Anastaska, Nayusya, Nastasya, Nastya, Nastyulya, Nastyunya, Nastyusha, Nastusya.

Name Anastasia in English

On english name Anastasia is spelled as - Stacy. In some ways it is similar to the shortened name Nastya.

Name Anastasia for international passport- ANASTASIIA, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Anastasia into other languages

in Belarusian - Nastya, Nastassya
in Bulgarian - Anastasia
in Hungarian - Anasztázia
in Greek - Αναστασία
in Spanish - Anastasia, Tacha
in Italian - Nastia, Anastasia
in Chinese - 阿納斯塔西婭
in Korean - 아나스타샤
in Latvian - Anastasija
in Lithuanian - Anastasija
Latin spelling - Anastasia
in German - Nastja, Anastasija
in Polish - Anastazja, Nastazja
in Portuguese - Anastácia, Anastásia
in Romanian - Anastasia
in Serbian - Anastasija, Anastasia
in Slovak - Anastázia
in Ukrainian - Anastasia, Nastya
in French - Anastasi, Naste
in Finnish - Anastasia
in Czech - Anastázie, Anastazia
in Estonian - Anastasia
in Japanese - アナスタシア, ナスチャ

Church name Anastasia(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged, since this name is in Christmastide. But this is, of course, if Nastya was not given a different name at baptism.

Characteristics of the name Anastasia

Anastasia can be described as contradictory. She is prone to rapid mood swings and slight nervousness. Anastasia has excellent intuition and at the same time excellent analytical skills. It’s hard to believe that this can be combined in one person until you meet Nastya.

Anastasia’s intuition is aimed primarily at the lives of loved ones and family. She rarely uses this talent for selfish purposes. It seems that when she has selfish thoughts, her intuition disappears.

Anastasia is a family-oriented person. Even if she came to a noisy party, her thoughts often return to home. Family for her is the most important component of life. She is easygoing at home and easily finds a common language with her husband's relatives. She usually gets married early and remains married for life. Loves men with pronounced masculinity. A faithful and caring wife.

The secret of the name Anastasia

People often take advantage of Nastya’s secret after finding out about her. Nastya is a very trusting person. Intuition developed in other directions does not help here. Anastasia is very sentimental and is easy to touch, which some people take advantage of. In general, an ideal victim for various scammers. The task of her loved ones will be to protect her from such people all her life.

Some men, seeking Nastya's favor, take advantage of her exaggerated sense of pity. Usually, after a while, the manipulation is revealed and there will be no happiness in such a family. Whenever love gives way to the desire to possess, there is no real love and never will be.

Planet- Pluto.

Zodiac sign- Scorpion.

Totem animal- Siamese cat.

Name color- Dark green.

Tree- Jasmine.

Plant- Orchid.

Stone- Malachite.

Guardian angel of the name Anastasia and his patron will depend on her date of birth. If you know your date of birth, then read the article “Patron of the name Anastasia” on our website.

A girl named Anastasia is, as it were, destined to be the best from childhood. She is full of tenderness, kindness, beauty and sincerity. It is not for nothing that most of the main heroines of ancient Russian fairy tales are named by this name. The name has the original meaning of “relocation”. Translated, it means “rebel”, “resurrection”, “return to life”.

It consists of smooth sounds, which, however, are not devoid of some swiftness and pressure. A girl with this name will be very energetic, lively, cheerful, and will have a subtle mental attitude.

Origin of the name Anastasia:

The name that is considered truly Russian is Anastasia, after all, albeit a very long time ago, but borrowed from another language. The root word for it is the ancient Greek word “anastas” (resurrected).

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Anastasia:

Usually, little Nastya is the object of universal adoration in the family - everyone loves and pampers her. The girl is growing up dreamy, with a well-developed imagination, and loves fairy tales. The only thing that can upset her parents is her poor appetite. But this is only because Nastya is very selective in everything, and especially in food. Possessing both logical and well-developed creative thinking, Anastasia does not accept routine. As a child, it is very difficult to teach her to be tidy - Nastya does not even like to clean her room. And, already as an adult, Nastya will do housework only according to her mood. But despite this, she really loves comfort and luxury. She likes to decorate the room with flowers and various elegant things.

Anastasia has a well-developed intuition, thanks to which she can have the gift of clairvoyance. She feels good in a job where she needs to put in a significant amount of effort and knowledge. Nastya will easily make a career as an actress, director, writer, musician or singer. She is also suitable for professions related to teaching and psychology. She has wonderful taste and knows how to choose unique, original gifts.

A strong and courageous young man will be able to win Anastasia’s heart. He prefers to choose a man from the military profession as a husband. If Nastya does not marry at a young age, then, in the future, in the hope of finding “her prince,” she may wait until adulthood, or she will not marry at all. If a woman with this name was able to realize herself in family life, she will be a devoted and caring wife and mother. Coquetry and relationships with other men do not appeal to her.

There are two most common diminutive versions of the name Anastasia - Asya and Nastya. And, depending on what the parents call their daughter in childhood, her characteristics. So, if they use the “Asya” option, then the girl is the most active and cheerful, in contrast to the “Nastya” option, which is more reserved and calm.

The name was very popular in Russia both among ordinary peasants and among tsars. For example, it was worn by the wife of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. She was very good friend and advisor, and when she died, her death became a huge shock for the king.

Name Anastasia in different languages:

  • Name Anastasia in English: Anastacia, Anastasia (Enestesia);
  • Name Anastasia in Chinese: 阿娜斯塔西娅 (Anasytasia);
  • Name Anastasia in Japanese: 篏巣他雌冶 (A-na-su-ta-si-a);
  • Name Anastasia in Spanish: Anastasia (Anastasia), Tacha (Tacha);
  • Name Anastasia in German: Anastasia (Anastasia), Stasi (Stasi);
  • The name Anastasia in Polish: anastazja (Anastasia);
  • The name Anastasia in Ukrainian: Anastasia.

Forms and variants of the name Anastasia: Nastenka, Naya, Nastyulya, Nyusya, Nastya, Nastulya, Nastyunya, Nastya, Nasta, Nasya, Styura, Nastyukha, Nastyusha, Tasya, Taya, Asya, Asyusha, Nastyakha, Nastasya, Stasya, Nastasyushka, Nasa, Nata, Nastunya, Nastyura , Anastasyushka, Anastaska, Nayusya, Tyona, Nastyokha, Susha, Asyuta, Syuta, Nastusya, Tusya.

Color of the name Anastasia: red, silver, dark green.

Flower of Anastasia: orchid, jasmine.

Anastasia's Stone: emerald, fire opal.

Nicky for the name Anastasia/Nastya: Nastezi, Anastasia, Nastena, Acq, Asya, Nastena-kotena, Tusya, Anastasia, Zaya, Bunny, Hare, Bobblehead, Stasya.

Nastya – noble and gentle female name. It is popular not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries, and is one of the five most common. Girls with this name are distinguished by their beauty, intelligence, kindness and fairness.

Anastasia is an example of charm, childish naivety and femininity. Despite her dreaminess and romanticism, this girl is very assertive, diplomatic and persistent. The energy of the name directly affects the character, but much depends on the lifestyle and upbringing.

What does a girl's name mean?

The girl Nastya is loved by everyone at home and at school. This is due to an easy-going character, the ability to communicate politely and not offend others. A good-natured child really needs encouragement and support from his parents. Sly and evil person can easily offend a simple-minded girl, because she believes that the world is filled with kindness.

Since childhood, Nastenka has believed in miracles and loves fairy tales. Therefore, he often confuses reality with the imaginary world.

Despite kindness and complaisance, the name for a girl Anastasia promises certain difficulties. The child is dependent on his mood; he will not do anything if he does not want to. At school, she will pay maximum attention to a subject if it is of interest, otherwise she will not waste her precious time. The same goes for helping parents around the house. Nastya is in good health, but has problems with appetite. You'll have to use a lot of imagination to get the girl to eat soup or healthy porridge.

Character of an adult woman

Over time, the girl becomes more confident, trusts people less, and learns to fight back. Sometimes people perceive this behavior as aggression, imagining her as a rather cold person. However, thanks to this, the girl copes well with difficulties and is able to reason sensibly even in extreme situations.

Strength of character does not prevent a girl from dreaming and showing tenderness to loved ones. She immediately senses falsehood and reacts sharply to injustice and lies.

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