What colors of swimsuits do men like? The ideal women's swimsuit: men's point of view. Swimsuit with fringes

Discussion participants:

  • Egor, student, 23 years old
  • Ilya, programmer, 34 years old
  • Artem, buyer, 37 years old
  • Vyacheslav, entrepreneur, 42 years old

Vintage swimsuit

  • Egor:“These are the forms!”
  • Ilya:“My grandmother probably wears the same panties.”
  • Artem:“Usually this kind of swimsuit looks good on plus size women.”
  • Vyacheslav:“The hips catch the eye and the legs appear longer.”
  • Egor:“You are stunning!”
  • Ilya:“Is there anything more revealing?”
  • Artem:“How will you sunbathe in it?”
  • Vyacheslav:“Wear it more often, it makes you more feminine.”

Stripes and abstract prints from the Mon Secret lingerie salon will help you highlight your feminine curves and visually lengthen your legs.

Swimsuit with prints

The first thought that comes to mind when you see this swimsuit?

  • Egor:“Stylish, but too sporty.”
  • Ilya:“Even though it’s closed, it looks very sexy.”
  • Artem:“It felt like it was a T-shirt and the girl just cut it off.”
  • Vyacheslav:“Girls, why are you covering your neckline?”

What would you say to your girlfriend/spouse if she dressed like this?

  • Egor:“Are we going to play beach volleyball?”
  • Ilya:“You’re so seductive in it!”
  • Artem:“This top is confusing to me, but the bottoms are beautiful, especially the thin stripes on the sides.”
  • Vyacheslav:“Honey, you’re still too young to wear one-piece swimsuits!”

Swimsuit plange

The first thought that comes to mind when you see this swimsuit?

  • Egor:“Effective. True, the girl in the photo looks too mannered.”
  • Ilya:“Whoa, whoa, take it easy!”
  • Artem:“The swimsuit itself is very beautiful, but with this hat it looks like it’s a look for a photo shoot, not sunbathing.”
  • Vyacheslav:“What does she think she is!”

What would you say to your girlfriend/spouse if she dressed like this?

  • Egor:“Are we going to a themed pool party?”
  • Ilya:“Amazing! What should I wear to fit in?”
  • Artem:“Please, take off those stupid hat and earrings!”
  • Vyacheslav:"In my opinion, ".

Lace-up swimsuit

The first thought that comes to mind when you see this swimsuit?

  • Egor:"I'm speechless."
  • Ilya:“I don’t know how practical this is, but the first thought is awesome!”
  • Artem:“I always imagine what a tan these swimsuits will be like later. You don’t have to get a tattoo!”
  • Vyacheslav:"Reminds me of underwear."

What would you say to your girlfriend/spouse if she dressed like this?

  • Egor:“Honey, I’m losing control of myself.”
  • Ilya:“In this form, you will go sunbathing only with me!”
  • Artem:“I want to undress you!”
  • Vyacheslav:“Who are you dressed up like that for?”

Swimsuit with fringes

The first thought that comes to mind when you see this swimsuit?

  • Egor:“In this swimsuit, the breasts are three times larger. I need to tell my girlfriend about this.”
  • Ilya:“What strange pendants!”
  • Artem:“The bodice balances the figure perfectly.”
  • Vyacheslav:“Fringe is distracting and looks a little old-fashioned.”

What would you say to your girlfriend/spouse if she dressed like this?

  • Egor:“Maybe you should become a Victoria’s Secret model?”
  • Ilya:“You are flawless!”
  • Artem:“I can’t take my eyes off you!”
  • Vyacheslav:“It’s probably great to perform a belly dance in this swimsuit, all that’s left is to put on a skirt with fringe.”

On July 26, we'll ask women what they think of men's shirts. We think the answers may be very unexpected!

PEOPLETALK found out from the actor and musician Alexey Vorobyov(28), director of artists for the TV channel MUZ TV Nikolai Popov, businessman Rasima Akperova and our beloved average guy ( CM), which swimsuits you really like stronger sex. Read and run to the shops quickly so that your vacation is not in vain!

Skimpy bikinis

Alexei: A girl in a bikini with the number 03 makes you think that she (like ambulance) can save your life. Although the second option looks strange (both in color and style), the last one is a win-win classic.

Nikolay: I don’t really like these, it’s obvious that they’re too much.

Rasim: A win-win option if you have a good figure and no taste.

CM: If she wears such a swimsuit beautiful girl, I will like.

Alexei: I like the option in the center the most - it looks like sportswear, very attractive.

Nikolay: I like it, but such swimsuits should be worn by girls with a good figure. The most beautiful black one is moderately closed and will look great on tanned skin.

Rasim: healthy lifestyle – main trend in the lives of young people, that’s why I prefer this type of swimsuit out of all of them. The presence of an athletic figure in a girl, unlike men, is a sign of the presence of intelligence. They have a clear advantage over bikini wearers.

CM: I really like these, I always pay attention to them on the beach.

Alexei: All three swimsuits will look great on the beach or in the pool.

Nikolay: Very cool! The less visible, the better. I especially like the dark swimsuit with white lettering.

Rasim: Not to my taste, but tall girls with a beautiful back, wet long hair(a la Cindy Crawford(50)) looks really good, although it rarely suits anyone.

CM: Too closed, I only like the last one.

Lots of details

Alexei: Girls in such swimsuits will certainly have a very original tan. Although I like the third swimsuit pretending to be a short dress.

Niolaus: It’s ugly, there’s a lot of unnecessary stuff, and it’s generally not clear why you should wear it.

Rasim: I express my deep contempt for everything unnecessary on swimsuits. All these strings, frills, laces are completely anti-sex and should only be worn by dancers.

CM: It looks terrible, especially with the pendants. And the tan will be very funny later!


Alexei: I really love the 50s and style Pin Up, so if I saw a girl on the beach in one of the first two swimsuits, I would certainly meet her. Such swimsuits give a girl the opportunity to be very feminine, unlike modern models.

Nikolay: Very stylish, I especially like the one piece in the center. Beautiful classic!

Rasim: The presence of this swimsuit indicates the girl’s non-trivial taste and creative nature, I like it. Wear with a trendy retro hairstyle and preferably large breasts.

CM: Of all of them, I like the first swimsuit - it emphasizes your figure well. And the rest are like grandma’s.

Swimwear that men don't like?

No matter what anyone says, women dress up not only for their own pleasure, but also to please others, especially men. But often the efforts do not bring the desired effect: no interested glances, no compliments. Let's try to figure out how to dress to make a positive impression on the beach.
First of all, you don’t need to wear an overly revealing swimsuit. If you are wearing a design made of several threads, it is not interesting to look at you. Everything is already visible. In addition, such an outfit can ruin your reputation. The same is true for overly thin, transparent swimsuits.

But you shouldn’t go to the other extreme and buy a bathing suit that would fit a nun perfectly. You will give too puritanical an impression, men will be afraid to approach you.

Do not try to visually reduce your body size by wearing a tight swimsuit. Maybe you can stand beautifully in front of the mirror, but when you move, somewhere, no, no, and extra centimeters will be revealed to those around you. Choose a swimsuit strictly according to size.

Already in December we will start packing our bags for summer. We have our tickets and hotel booked, so all that remains is to think about the perfect swimsuit. Going to the beach in a bikini has already become a kind of bad manners, and it’s easy to get confused in the variety of alternative models: high silhouettes, ironic inscriptions, striped swimsuits, sexy one-piece models and decor. Even at the search stage, the dilemma of choice begins to take up too much time and effort. We decided to determine a win-win option and find out what is fundamentally important to emphasize in your body? Men discuss this topic quickly and almost painlessly.


  1. Choose the swimsuit you like best?
  2. What's better: a big butt or full breasts?
  3. How much should a swimsuit cost?

Conclusion: Many men still think in the old fashioned way, “the main thing is that the swimsuit is separate.” But there are already a couple of those who are attracted by the exaggerated silhouette and decor. There were two win-win options: a two-piece swimsuit with a triangular top (№6) and a Baywatch-inspired one-piece swimsuit (№2). Men have not yet decided which part of the body plays a key role for them and are divided in opinion 50:50. But they recklessly agreed on the price for the swimsuit, which in their minds was only 5,000 rubles.

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