Meditation on a stone with images. What stones to use for meditation. Stones for various types of meditation

Sea of ​​tranquility

Meditation is like diving to the bottom of the sea, where everything is quiet and calm. There may be a lot of waves on the surface, but deeper the sea is calm. In its deepest depths the sea is silence itself. When we begin to meditate, first we try to reach our inner being, our true essence - the bottom of the sea, so to speak. If the waves come from the outside world, they do not affect us. Fear, doubt, anxiety and all earthly vanity will simply be washed away, since there is indestructible peace within us. Thoughts cannot disturb us, since our mind is peace itself, silence itself, unity itself. Like fish in the sea, they jump out and swim, but leave no trace. So when we are in our highest meditation, we feel that we are the sea and the animals in the sea cannot disturb us. We feel that we are the sky and all the flying birds cannot disturb us. Our mind is the sky and our heart is the endless sea. This is meditation.

Becoming Truth: Contemplation

With the help of concentration we focus on one point. Through meditation we expand our consciousness into the Vastness and enter into its consciousness. But in contemplation we turn into the Vastness itself, and its consciousness becomes truly our own. In contemplation we are at the same time in our deepest concentration and in our highest meditation. In contemplation we move towards the truth that we saw and felt in meditation, we become completely one with it. When we concentrate on God, we can feel God right in front of us or next to us. When we meditate, we will definitely feel Infinity, Eternity and Immortality within ourselves. But when we contemplate, we will see that we ourselves are God, that we ourselves are Infinity, Eternity and Immortality. Contemplation means our conscious unity with the infinite eternal Absolute. In contemplation, the Creator and the creation, the lover and the Beloved, the knower and the known become one. At one moment we are the divine lover and God is the Beloved Supreme. The next moment we switch roles. In contemplation, we become one with the Creator and see the entire Universe within ourselves. When we look at our own existence, we do not see a human being. We see something like a source of light, peace and bliss.

Concentration produces a feeling of alertness. Meditation creates a feeling of vastness. Contemplation gives an idea of ​​an indivisible unity.

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IN meditation Any healing stone or crystal can be used. It can be held in your hand or placed nearby for mental focus; can be placed on the heart chakra for emotional balance or on the forehead for mental purity.

Clear quartz stimulates sahasrara. To do this, you need to lie face up and attach a quartz crystal to the top of your head (its top with edges should continue the shape of the peak). Additionally, you can place an amethyst crystal on your forehead to calm your thoughts, and citrine on your navel for “grounding.” meditation into physical reality. Close your eyes and hold the image of the crystal in your mind. Access to the vibration of the cosmos and the wave of the existence of crystals will begin. Time and space will disappear. Meditating will begin to plunge into a state of unity with the Absolute. At this stage meditation Deep breathing is necessary to keep the consciousness attached to the physical body and to guide the higher reality into the material sphere. Complementing meditation, it is necessary to imagine the crystal in the golden rays of sunlight that it emits. Then imagine yourself as a crystal.

After working with crystals and stones, they need to be cleaned. The most effective cleaning is to immerse the crystal in sea water for 3 hours. You can clean it by holding it in your hand under running water (30 minutes), in the sea, lake, stream. Stone It should not be released from your hand, you should not look at it when taking it out and immersing it again in the water. The stone is finally removed from the water

The art of healing with stones is one of the most effective methods cleansing the aura, removing depressing factors. Crystals and stones help accumulate light in the aura, which facilitates the transition to a more subtle area of ​​Existence. Different parts of the body store their emotions. Heart and lungs - sadness and grief, liver - anger, teeth - anxiety and fear. When treating an illness, it is important not only to see the physical symptoms, but also to understand the deep mental and emotional reasons its occurrence.

The new era of stones was sent to help humanity so that it could cross the threshold of the Aquarian Era without danger. It is necessary to clarify the perception of weak and strong interactions of light and color with the human psyche and energy systems of the body and move into a more advanced health safety system. It will include the mental, astral, spirit, past and how they affect the entire body, how to prevent diseases. This era will reflect the possibility of reason and a new way of life and will give us an alternative - how to lead a person through light and beauty, to awaken the soul in him. With the development of fortitude, a person will be protected from many negative influences, which are imposed on his thoughts and body. He will be able to focus all his attention on Peace, Love, Joy, Development and Happiness of all people. The stones of the new era reflect colors that our minds are just preparing to accept. Some of these stones have been discovered quite recently, others are just about to interact with our world. It is a great happiness to live at this time and combine our forces with stones, people and everything that Mother Nature gives us, creating a World in which Reason, Love, and Happiness will live.

This is the simplest way, and they do it with three small druses of pure quartz and two small generators crystals.

The patient lies face up. One druse is placed on the third eye, the second on the chest, and the third on the navel. They will saturate the consciousness with energy and activate the heart chakra. The healer holds one generator crystal above the top of the head, and the second one slowly moves in a straight line from the sex chakra upward until they close above the patient’s head. As the crystals move, they will sense blockages or energy blocks. A white ray is directed from the crystal above the top of the head to the moving crystal, which should dissolve any blockage in the aura. As soon as the moving crystal passes over the drusen, it is necessary to direct the flow of energy from the crystal to the chakras. The treatment ends when the moving crystal no longer encounters any obstacles.

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  • If you have never worked with stones, then it is best to choose a stone to begin with purely by intuition, without becoming familiar with its meaning.

    When you purchase a stone, wash it under running water, washing away the previous energy. Tune in to it, feel that stone is a mineral that for a long time lived in the depths of the Earth, that he is much older than you and wiser, that he has unbending strength and intention, and carries certain qualities that manifest themselves in nature and the Earth, and that many people have these qualities to varying degrees, and now you have in your hands, part of this knowledge, and some information structure that can help you strengthen or gain the qualities inherent in this element. Try to determine for yourself what qualities he carries from your point of view. Feel what energy you receive from it, whether it fills you with joy, gives you a surge of strength, strengthens your inner core or brings peace, or maybe vice versa.

    If the energy of the stone is close to you, then leave it for work; if not, put it aside for a while, or give it to someone.

    For someone who has been familiar with stones for a long time and understands their meaning, you just need to choose the stone that will help you now in working on yourself.

    Once the stone is chosen, prepare a space for meditation. Sit in a meditative position, take the stone in your hands, tune in to a positive interaction with it, tune in to it, listen to it, feel your sensations. Start immersing yourself in the center of the stone, in its meaning, in the qualities that it carries. Merge with these meanings, with its energy, feel the inviolability, inflexibility of these meanings. See how the information that is embedded in the stone begins to appear in your aura, in your mind, and penetrates your life, then it intensifies and becomes denser. So, for example, if you chose an amethyst and its spiritual aspect, then visualize how the radiance emanating from the stone fills your palms and arms with spiritual energy and goes through your body, captures your aura and strengthens your field. If you have chosen the protection aspect of amethyst, then imagine how its field builds a field around you that protects you. Thus, when choosing a stone, you can also choose its aspect that you now want to strengthen in your field, in your life.

    When you finish your work, with love and care put the stone in a box or a bag prepared for it, you can wear it around your neck, or work in the evenings to enhance the aspect for 9, 18, 21 days.

    The meaning of some stones

    Crystal - purification, protection, wisdom

    Rose Quartz - love, feminine attractiveness and tenderness

    Ruby - passion and willpower, leadership

    Amethyst - spirituality, protection

    Citrine - money (for those who work with their hands)

    Chrysoprase -money wealth, success in business for businessmen

    Amazonite - female attractiveness and protection from damage and the evil eye

    Cornelian - success and well-being, protection

    Sardonyx - happy marriage

    Lace blue agate - femininity and slimness

    Obsidian - weight loss and cleansing, improved metabolism

    Blue topaz, red tourmaline - creation

    Sapphire - fortitude, clarity of thinking, power of the gray cardinal

    Pink calcite - will make it easier to part with past love and help in finding a new one

    Blue calcite - expand your thinking, look at everything from above

    Amber - health and joy

    Malachite - friendship and harmony in the home

    Emerald - achieving any goal

    Black eye agate - protection

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    Like any self-respecting author, let me offer you own system returning and maintaining health, while understanding that there are now a great many such authors, and you, dear reader, are alone. I ask you to treat my idea as leniently as possible: I hope that it will not tire you, but maybe will entertain you, and then improve your mood, and you will want to take your own health into your own hands...

    And this is the hypothesis. All human life consists of a chain of critical points. For example, we live and live, and suddenly, bam, something happens that changes our lives. Or it doesn't change. The critical starting point can be urgent work that absolutely needs to be done quickly and well, and at this time, as inopportunely, the weather has cleared up and my head hurts, but the task at hand does not change: that’s it! And although the situation is very simple, everyday, this is exactly what happens in our lives.

    Believe me, I have been in medicine for twenty years and I am bitterly aware that our lives are spoiled precisely by moments like these, when the body experiences overload, and there is no command, a reasonable command to cancel, to cancel the crippling program: and we understand that the state of health is not what it should be. It became bad, but we continue to work or brush it off and don’t ask for help.

    I say the same words to all the people who come to see me. I will tell them to you, dear reader: “Where your thoughts are, there is your energy.” All. This is the key to healing. And then I sit the person next to him on a chair and ask him to keep his attention on his body for 20 minutes, while I conduct a heterotraining session. And then I will definitely ask what sensations were in the body.

    As a rule, people who came to my session for the first time say the same thing: their thoughts were anywhere, but not in their body! What is this? Then where do we look for strength if we scatter our own so easily! After all, where your thoughts hover, then, in fact, there are your strengths! And where are they? And there, we don’t know where! It is clear that before I offer a person my help, I will ask him, is he ready to work on eradicating his own habit of scattering everything and everything that is given from birth, from nature, from God? If not, I don’t ask for mercy, but illness, sooner or later, will again return this person to such a question. But it’s better to take care of yourself while it’s early, as it may still be too late.

    I say this because I know, I have seen, I have experienced how such a critical situation not only makes people disabled, but also takes the lives of those to whom I was ready to give this life, but did not have time, could not - it all ended so quickly. Only love can keep life in the body. This is a special state, quiet, reasonable. There is no such thing as love for someone or something, I have no doubt about that. There is a mood of the soul, a state of the heart, when there is quiet joy, warmth and light inside. Someone receives this state as a gift from birth, someone “earns” it through their actions, their mistakes, but without such a state nervous system is always in a state of tension, fear, anxiety, but then illness and breakdowns are inevitable.

    And therefore, I allow myself to begin the chapter on love with a special mood for the soul. I found this text from the Novosibirsk healer I. A. Vasilyeva. I offered it to my patients more than once, and they always gratefully noted its wonderful effect.

    You can record this text on an audio cassette and listen to it whenever you want.

    Meditation "The Path to the Temple"

    Light a candle. Sit comfortably, let nothing distract you. Enter a state of deep concentration. Let's move to the foot of the Mountain on which the Temple stands. Your Healer will meet you there. You will visit a flowering meadow and swim in a healing spring. We will climb to the Temple. This will help you get rid of illnesses and fear, cleanse and strengthen your soul. You will return younger, calmer, more confident. Your life will be more joyful and fruitful. You can handle it. Everything will be fine!

    Look at the candle flame like a star without blinking. Slowly count to ten and close your eyes for 2-3 seconds. Open your eyes, and on wonderful wings we fly into the world of your childhood. A cheerful child runs out to meet you. This is your Healer. He is tanned, has weak knees and a smile from ear to ear. He was waiting for you! Run with it! He will lead you to a clearing full of flowers and berries.

    Bright day, green grass, forest around, nearby stream. Flowers, like on the first day of creation: pink, yellow, lilac, purple. Bees are buzzing, butterflies and dragonflies are everywhere. And here is the berry - ripe, large strawberries. You can kneel down and rip them off with your lips. Your hands and face are smeared with scarlet juice. How tasty, how good! Above us there is a blue sky, far ahead there are mountains with dazzling white snow caps. And we are standing on the slope of the mountain, which is crowned by the Temple. And from here you can see how its dome glistens in the sun.

    A bumblebee lands next to us. Look how carefully and tenderly he touches the clover flower with his proboscis! A butterfly moves along a large daisy flower. Stroke the flower: “You and I are equal!” And the flower will answer you. He is full of love. Your hands fill with joy, their needles tingle a little, and they wake up. You listen to the world with your whole skin, like a flower, like a tree, like this wonderful green lizard that warms itself on a pebble by the stream.

    A transparent, cheerful stream flows and jumps from pebble to pebble. Wish him luck! Its streams are braided. Scoop up some water and wash your face. How beautiful this water is! You hold it in your palms, and the sun, fragmented, is reflected in each drop. You see that the water is all blue transparent balls. They move calmly and carefully, without damaging each other. And in each ball there is an image of the World, an image of the Great Whole. Drink this water. Let every drop of water in your body become the same as on the First Day of Creation. This water will quench your long-standing thirst.

    We climb the white path up the mountain. It's easy and fun to go barefoot. Warm earth. Morning. Drops of dew on the grass, on the flowers. We are greeted by birch trees with white caps of green curls. What a stream of warmth and freshness flows from the birch, how it smells, how soft its silky skin is! Its thin transparent rags flutter in the light wind. Go to the tree, stroke it: “Hello! How wonderful you are! You and I are equal!”

    And now there is no path, we are walking on silken grass. The gentle slope of the Temple Mountain. Pine trees appear. The pink trunk directs its crown to the Sky, and firmly holds onto the ground with its roots. It smells like resin heated in the sun. The resin runs down the bark in transparent streams and hardens into amber drops. The bark, hard and gray below, becomes thin above, greenish-brown and translucent pink.

    Stroke the trunk, help it draw juices from the soil. This is good for the Earth. The juices rise up the trunk and reach the fork, go along the branches and come to the green needles of the crown. A stream of grace flows from above, and a very close thin cloud washes the crown. The sun sends its kind rays to the Temple Mountain. And now drops of transparent, rainbow rain fall from the pine needles. This rain falls on everything that lives under the tree's canopy. This rain gives strength to a small blade of grass, ants and you and me. Absorb this wonderful rain into your skin, inhale it along with the aroma of resin. Everything inside is aligned and back to normal, and the soul is cleansed. The rain goes into the ground, giving strength to life. And again your hands help the tree to draw sap from the depths of the mountain. They rise up the trunk, spread along the branches, and interact with the cloud and the Sun. And in the sky, where our tree reaches, a life-giving stream of love is born. It is cool, it washes the body and nourishes the soul. The soul is filled with strength and joy. We can handle it!

    There are dry branches on the trees in the forest, they prevent him from breathing and living. Let's clean the forest - collect and burn the dry wood! We will make a fire on the site of a mountain river, where only stones remain. We collect branches and light a fire. It crackles, a bright yellow flame rises up. We ask: “O Great Spirit of Fire, come and help! Burn away anxiety, tension, uncertainty, all pain, resentment, illness. Change them to light, goodness and love!” And Fire exchanges the incoming evil for warmth. How beautiful he is! He removes the walls of the prison in which good, bright things languish, without which it is difficult for the soul to live on Earth.

    Our fire is burning out. Large coals remained, covered with silver ash pollen. They glow with scarlet and crimson light. I level the coals of the fire. Let's pass! I take the first step with bare, dry feet on the coals. It is very nice. The fire does not burn at all, it is cool, like the first snow. Look at the sky, don’t be afraid, be bold! Feel how freedom and joy are born. Throw away everything that is evil and bothers you. Calmly and easily we walk through the fire. Not a bit hot! Fire gently touches the skin. It burns everything unnecessary and strengthens, strengthens every cell of the soul and body. Let us ask again: “O Great Spirit of Fire! Cleanse and warm me. Just as we cleared the forest of old branches, cleanse my soul from resentment, vanity and fear. Give me strength for love and joy. Thank you!"

    And again our feet are in the soft and cool grass. We're going swimming. Ahead, a light steam from a healing spring winds through the trees. Arrows of pink fireweed rise, orange stars shine, purple bells ring. Everything is enveloped in the aromas of flowers and herbs. Birds are singing. The pines part, showing the way. Here is a shallow stream, you need to cross it along a humpbacked bridge. And now the source is two large reservoirs. In one the water is warm, in the other it is hot. A stream flows into each of them from a melting glacier, from a white snow cap. Another stream flows from the depths of the mountain. He is hot, he carries the heat of the Earth. There is a lot of silver in this water; it is charged with the grace of Heaven and the maternal care of the Earth. White stones and yellow sand can be seen at the bottom. Throw off your clothes in the wooden gazebo and go straight into the water!

    A stream of pure water vibrates, tightly covering your body. It surrounds you, enveloping every cell of yours with its warmth, cleansing it of debris and nourishing it with living water. You can sit on a white stone at the bottom, and then the water will be right up to your chest. A gentle breeze cools your forehead. Near the source there is a tall pine tree. Your shoulders will feel cool and your whole body will feel warm in the sparkling silver water. It bubbles, swirls and washes your body, and then flows into the stream. The stream rushes to the river, and that to the sea. We see a White Fish nearby. She swims very close, with soft lips she removes everything unnecessary from the body and soul. Your head and chest become clear, your heart begins to beat evenly and strongly, and peace takes over you. The water is clean and clear. The world is pure and shining, full of love and joy. The sounds of wondrous music flow from the Mountain. The service began in the Temple.

    We rise higher, the slope is a little steeper. There are flowers, trees, birds around. And finally we are at the white Temple, directed towards the blue Sky. The tall ones seem very close snowy mountains. Thin clouds are born at the peaks and, like thoughts, flow over the Earth. The choir sounds quietly. We enter the Temple. Twilight, live fire burning. We are approaching the icon Mother of God, light a candle and pray, asking for peace, health and joy for everyone with whom we are connected by bonds of love.

    Virgin Mary, Rejoice, O Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

    We light a second candle - for those with whom we are connected by ties of goodness and common cause. Again, we ask everyone we remember and thank for help.

    Save, Lord, and have mercy on my parents (names), relatives (names), bosses, mentors, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians.

    We put the third candle. We ask for health, peace and joy for those whom we once offended accidentally or in the heat of the moment. We ask for those who offended us or once wished us harm.

    Weaken, forgive, forgive, O God, our sins, voluntary and involuntary, even in word and in deed, even in knowledge and in ignorance, even in days and nights, even in mind and in thought: forgive us everything, for it is good and Lover of Humanity.

    Forgive those who hate and offend us, Lord Lover of Mankind. Do good to those who do good. Grant to our brothers and relatives the same petitions for salvation and eternal life. Visit those who are infirm and grant healing. Manage the sea as well. For travelers, travel. Grant forgiveness of sins to those who serve and forgive us. Have mercy on those who have commanded us unworthy to pray for them according to Your great mercy. Remember, Lord, our fathers and brothers who have fallen before us, and give them rest, where the light of Your face shines. Remember, Lord, our captive brothers and deliver me from every situation. Remember, Lord, those who bear fruit and do good in Your holy churches, and give them petitions for salvation and eternal life. Remember, Lord, us, humble and sinful and unworthy Thy servants, and enlighten our minds with the light of Thy mind, and guide us on the path of Thy commandments, through the prayers of our Most Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary and all Thy saints: for blessed art thou unto the ages of ages. . Amen.

    Candles are burning. Life-giving fire cleanses us, takes away resentment and bitterness, burns away bad memories, and gives strength for life.

    Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven, so on earth. Amen.

    Wish goodness and peace to your loved ones, loved ones and those who love you, our boundless Russia and the whole World. Stretch your hands to the sky. Open yourself to the flow of grace, let it pass to Nature. Send your gratitude, love and willingness to serve to everyone who has helped you along the way and who needs your help. Thank you, God's Temple!

    It is time. Count backwards and we're back.

    Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Clasp your hands in front of your chest. Stretch up like grass towards the Sun! Good ties with the World are growing and strengthening. Everything will be fine!

    This is one of the many options for special meditative settings that help you calm down and find peace of mind. Now I’ll give you a few more of these settings, they are all different, and you yourself can choose the one you like best.

    Meditation "sea"

    Imagine the entrance to a small, sun-drenched, rocky cove. The sea laps lazily against the rocks. You have come to sit on the yellow sandy beach. This is a safe, protected place. It's quiet and peaceful here. You can smell a delicious, fresh, salty aroma in the air. The sun warms my back. A light breeze plays with your hair. Your toes touch the fine, gentle sand with pleasure. You can see a dolphin playing in the bay, two sailboats on the horizon. You see seagulls above the surface of the sea and hear their cries. You see a wave rushing onto the shore, and you hear its quiet rustle, and your breathing becomes more and more calm. Calm, serene facial expression. A light half-smile illuminates the face. Wrinkles on the forehead are smoothed out. Pleasant peace penetrates, begins to penetrate the brain. You are too relaxed to tense up. And so, instead of swimming, you imagine yourself seaweed, which splashes on the surface of the sea inside the entrance to an underwater sea cave. It's quiet and peaceful here. The water is clear emerald color and excellent temperature. As the wave rushes in, it lifts you up and slightly lulls you to sleep. The seaweed branches are hollow, and the green sea water flows freely, filling you with vitality, vital energy. You live, the sea lives, the planet lives. You gradually realize that you are a part, an inseparable part of the ever-living nature. With every breath you take, you are filled with strength. Sunlight and sea water rush through your vessels, flexible, elastic vessels, bringing healing, peace, harmony, forgiveness. With each exhalation, tension goes away, all internal clamps are removed. You can feel, realize that all fears, all pains leave you. Every cell and every nerve is freed. A special state of peace, health, well-being. Renewal, healing of every cell, every nerve. You can feel the color of the sea entering you. Sparkling, blue-green, ebullient, invigorating - it permeates you, penetrates into the most remote parts of your body, brings life, energy, health. The gentle energy that breaks down the hardest rocks cleanses you. The sea takes everything unnecessary, everything harmful. With each exhalation, your body becomes cleaner. Your entire body is filled with the transparent blue-green color of the sea. Special condition. There is a cleansing, liberation of your body, every cell of it from everything unnecessary and harmful. The finest flow of energy. Breathing is subtle. Self-healing processes have started.

    Autogenic training session 1

    Close your eyes and try not to think about anything in particular. Let your thoughts flow freely. Relax. Feel how your body becomes heavy and limp. Counting to five, inhale and exhale just as slowly.

    You are completely calm.

    Remember a feeling of pleasant peace you have ever experienced.

    Nothing worries you. Remember the feeling of pleasant, serene peace when, after hard work, you come home and lie down to rest.

    All your muscles are pleasantly relaxed for relaxation. Feel this relaxation. It's easy to do. A comfortable posture in itself leads to muscle relaxation. Feel this relaxation. Your entire body is completely at rest. Remember the feeling of pleasant rest and relaxation when your body lies in a warm bath. You are completely calm. Think about peace, rest.

    In the muscles of the forehead there is a feeling of a light blow, a sensation of smoothing the skin of the forehead, the muscles of the forehead seem to move apart from the midline. The eyebrows seem to diverge to the sides, the lower jaw seems to droop slightly, the tongue sluggishly presses against the teeth, there is a feeling that the face is stretched downwards. When the neck muscles relax, the head sag slightly. There is a feeling of sagging of the shoulders in the shoulder muscles. When the forearms relax, a slight, barely noticeable feeling of sagging of the internal muscles of the forearms occurs.

    The muscles of both hands are limp and relaxed.

    Focus on your breathing and adjust it to a calm, sleepy rhythm. Relax your chest and back muscles. Immediately after relaxation, the respiratory pause lengthens somewhat, and breathing becomes less frequent. There is a feeling of a light, barely noticeable breath in the muscles of the thighs, and they seem to sag. The muscles of the legs are free and relaxed. The muscles of the feet are relaxed and calm.

    Focus on your entire body. Feel complete muscle relaxation against the backdrop of calm, sleepy breathing. All your muscles are completely relaxed. You feel a pleasant warmth in your right hand. Imagine that you are immersing your right hand in a very warm, almost hot water. Blood vessels right hand expanded slightly. Remember how your hand turns red when you immerse it in hot water. This dilates the blood vessels of the hand. The blood rushes to the hand and the hand turns red. Hot blood warmed your right hand. Feel it. A pleasant feeling of warmth spread through your right hand. Remember as clearly as possible the feeling of pleasant warmth in your right hand when you immerse it in very warm, almost hot, water, steam it, gradually adding hotter and hotter water. My right hand became hot right down to my fingertips. You dilate the blood vessels in your right hand. You think about peace, warmth in your right hand.

    You feel a pleasant warmth in your left hand. Yours left hand warm.

    You feel a pleasant warmth in both legs. Your feet are warm. Pleasant warmth spreads throughout your body.

    Focus your attention on the solar plexus and figuratively imagine that there is a small bright sun in this place. Your solar plexus radiates warmth. A pleasant feeling of warmth permeates everything internal organs. The feeling of warmth in the solar plexus increases more and more. This is the dilation of the vessels of your solar plexus. Pleasant warmth fills all internal organs. You are completely calm. Your breathing slows. Your breathing is calm. Breathe rhythmically and evenly. Your breathing is smooth and warm. With each breath you become more and more calm. You are completely calm. Your body is relaxed and heavy. Pleasant warmth spreads throughout your body. Your solar plexus radiates warmth. Your breathing is calm. You are completely calm. The heart beats rhythmically and calmly. Your heart is at rest. Your heart beats evenly and rhythmically. A pleasant feeling of relaxation and peace has taken over your entire body. Your pulse slows down, your heart rests. You are completely calm.

    Imagine that you are walking outside the city. It's a beautiful sunny day. A gentle breeze sways the leaves of the trees, and birds chirp somewhere. Landscapes and birdsong free your mind from all problems. Old memories fade away. You feel free. You are young and healthy. You see two trees in front of you, and a hammock hangs between them. You stretch out in a hammock and look at the clouds in the sky. Swirling and fluffy clouds float, catching up with each other, changing shape and disappearing. You see a blue sky, a small airplane is writing some letters on it. The letters add up and form the words “peace of mind.” As you focus on them, imagine them becoming increasingly blurry and finally disappearing completely.

    Did you have a good rest. Your strength has been restored. A surge of energy is felt throughout the body. Thoughts are clear and precise. The muscles are light, they are filled with strength. It's like you've taken a refreshing shower. Take a deep breath, exhale sharply and open your eyes.

    Autogenic training session 2

    I'm getting ready for an autogenic training session. I take a calm, deep breath and exhale smoothly and slowly. I close my eyes. I discard all extraneous thoughts. I always remember Golden Rule autogenic training - every phrase should become a feeling.

    My mind's eye slowly moves over my hands. The muscles of my arms are relaxed, my arms are limp, motionless, my arms are getting heavy. Heaviness slowly spreads across my hands. On the screen of my mind's eye I clearly see my hands. I don’t want to move my arms, I don’t want to move. I'm gradually calming down. My hands are relaxed and heavy. I'm calming down. Extraneous sounds and noises are indifferent. The feeling of heaviness and relaxation in the hands increases. I feel waves of pleasant peace spreading through my body. The eyes are calm and closed. Breathing is calm, even, unhurried. Extraneous thoughts are discarded. I remember the golden rule of autogenic training - a phrase becomes a feeling.

    The heaviness and relaxation of the arm muscles are becoming more and more intense. My hands are heavy. The feeling of peace becomes deeper and more pleasant. The desired peace fills my entire body. My hands seem to be washed by warm water. I try to imagine this feeling as clearly as possible. I feel the blood begin to pulsate in my fingertips. The blood vessels in my hands are expanding more and more. A wave of warm, pulsating blood rushes through the dilated blood vessels in the palm and into the fingertips. The feeling of pulsation intensifies and grows.

    I'm becoming more and more calm. Pleasant warmth warms my hands. My hands seem to be dipped in warm water. I rest pleasantly, deeply, calmly. Hands are heavy. My fingertips are pulsating. Hands are warm. I am calm. I'm completely calm.

    My mind's eye calmly slides over my legs. On the screen of my mind's eye, I can clearly and clearly see my legs. The muscles of my legs are completely relaxed. My legs are motionless and limp. I feel a heaviness begin to spread through my legs. My legs feel heavy, as if they had been walking for a long time. I try to imagine this feeling as clearly as possible. The heaviness in the legs intensifies and increases. My legs are heavy (2 times). Pleasant warmth spreads through my legs. I'm becoming more and more calm.

    It's moving further and further away external world. I am calm. I'm completely calm. Every cell of my body is filled with peace. My every nerve is resting. I only think about deep rest. I appreciate the desire for peace. My body completely relaxes. Internal tension disappears. My legs are relaxed, heavy, a pleasant warmth flows through my legs. I am calm. I'm completely calm.

    I constantly remember that every phrase should become a feeling. My mind's eye wanders over my face. Forehead muscles are relaxed. My forehead is completely calm. I try to feel the complete calmness of my forehead. The eyes are closed, the eyelids are relaxed. The eyelids become heavy, the eyelids are calm. I try to feel this feeling as deeply as possible.

    Cheek muscles are relaxed. The lower jaw is slightly lowered, the muscles of my face are completely relaxed. My face is completely calm. I am calm. I am absolutely calm. Waves of pleasant warmth slowly spread over my head. Thoughts flow smoothly, slowly. My brain is completely calm. I rest deeply, serenely, calmly.

    And yet I must tell you, as a doctor, what is most strong effect influence the entire human body, the structure of his soul and spirit orthodox prayers, some of which you have already read in the “Road to the Temple” meditation. For those of you who would like to join the church rule, I recommend reading prayers according to the Orthodox prayer book, as well as the Psalter.

    Some tips for using the properties of stones and minerals

    — The crystals and stones that you have should always be in sight, do not hide them in dark drawers. Stones, for example, love to be on window sills, on shelves, on tables, on prayer altars, etc.
    — If you want to take stones on the road, it is best to wrap them in some kind of natural fabric- satin, silk, corduroy, cotton, so as not to damage.
    — Crystals and stones can be worn as jewelry, which helps maintain mental purity and emotional balance.

    Wearing stones as amulets or jewelry is one of the most accessible and most effective ways to use the healing properties of stones.
    - IN ancient Egypt, in China, the state of the Incas, stones were worn on separate fingers in order to connect different flows of energies and influence the vital functions of the body.
    — Dancers put dark red stones, in particular rubies, on the navel in order to increase sexual interest spectators.
    — Stones placed on the third eye helped ascetics in contact with God.
    - A necklace made of stones, which we wear on our chest, can stimulate the heart chakra, arouse love and sympathy.
    — Stones that are suspended in the earlobe activate reflex points, thereby affecting the parts of the body associated with them.
    — When wearing stones, their energy interacts with the human biofield, strengthens it, and dispels emotional and mental stress. But gemstones cannot always be worn in direct contact with the skin, especially in those areas of the body where there are foci of disease.
    —Crystals and stones that are given with love become “love crystals” that are charged with the power of healing. Before giving a crystal, place it on your heart and wish your loved one harmony, goodness and happiness.
    — Crystals and stones can be placed in ointments and massage oils, this will improve the effect of the massage.
    — Crystals and stones during treatment perceive the vibrations of patients. After each use of the stones, they must be cleaned. Crystals must be cleaned of all accumulated vibrations if you bought them or decided to give them as a gift. In this case, cleaning will help the crystal more easily accept a new owner. Most effective method- immerse the crystal in sea water for at least 3 hours. It is best to carry out this procedure for 36 hours.
    - If a person is very sick, weak-willed or unable to take Active participation in healing, this causes the stones to deplete their vitality and must be cleansed and re-energized before being used again. Exhausted stones lose their radiation and become dull and cloudy.
    - Another one of the most simple ways cleaning stones - using the regenerating properties of water and sun. Stones and crystals should be washed under running water and then placed in the sun for at least 30 minutes, then wiped with a clean white cotton cloth. It is better if the stones are washed in the sea, lake, or stream. In this case, after immersing the stone in water, you need to hold it, not letting it fall to the bottom, without looking at it, remove it and immerse it in water again. The stone is finally removed from the water after 10-15 minutes.
    — For thorough cleaning and recharging of stones, use a druse of pure quartz and 4 single quartz crystals, from which a cross is laid out around the druse. The stones can be left on the druse for as long as desired, but not less than 3 hours.
    — Stone treatment requires constant concentration. It is necessary to develop the vision of the third eye in order to sense the aura, the chakra system and vibrations of subtler energies. You need to be able to sense the moment when the patient is unable to accept the energy of higher frequencies into his aura.

    The healing properties of stones during massage. Stone massage
    Stones are often used during massage. To do this, you will need a polished and faceted stone that has one rounded side; it is better if it is a fairly large stone. It is even recommended to make one to order.
    Before touching a person’s body with a stone, you should warm the stone in your hands. Work slowly at first, do not press the stone on the body, increase the pressure gradually, being careful not to cause pain to the patient. Gradually the stone will become hotter and your movements will become faster. Thanks to this, the energy of the stone will penetrate into the patient, helping him to relax. It would be useful to use some kind of oil during such a massage.
    The final result of the massage depends not only on the energy of the stone, but also on the energy emanating from you, as well as on the energy of the patient. Therefore, the patient should relax properly. Your movements should be slow and confident, and your energy should be directed through your hands into the crystal. Think about how the stone helps relieve tension and establish harmony in your thinking, body and soul. As a result of the massage, the patient relaxes, recharges with energy, and both you and the patient gain a feeling of purity and peace.

    Using stones in meditation
    Meditation is going inside yourself in order to calm down and relieve stress. With the help of meditation, a person can understand the reasons for his condition, which, in turn, will help establish harmony in the soul. When this harmony is achieved, a person will be able to take a fresh look at the world, at the people around him and at himself.
    Stones have long been used in meditation. The purpose of their use is to help with immersion in a meditative state and deepen it. In turn, it is the meditative state that helps you fully feel the energy that the stone possesses and absorb it into yourself. Thus, meditation is a deeper stage of communication with the crystal.
    Which stone is better to choose for meditation? First of all, this is, of course, your birthstone, since it is the one that can give you strong energy. But you can also use quartz minerals (crystalline quartz, amethyst, rutile quartz, smoky quartz, citrine, etc.), as well as in Lately obsidian and amber began to be used. Only the stone with which you feel calm, protected, and most suitable for meditation.
    In addition, the choice of stone may be determined by the type of meditation. Some people need to completely switch off to get to the depths of their consciousness. For others, it’s enough to simply get rid of stress and relax. Therefore, for active forms of meditation, stones with great energy and strength, such as stones containing copper.
    It is not necessary to constantly work with only one crystal; you can change it as you receive the beneficial effects of its energy, and also if you need a different type of energy for other purposes.
    Now that you have chosen a stone, let's begin the meditation. Sit quietly and comfortably so that nothing disturbs you. Place the crystal in front of you so that it is at eye level. It would be nice if the rays of the sun fell on the stone, as they enhance the energy entering your consciousness. Now concentrate on the stone, feel its energy slowly flowing into you. You will feel that the crystal calms your mind, body, soul, giving you a new sense of life and even eternity. When you feel this, your consciousness will connect with your soul and enter a meditative state. A way to quickly enter a meditative state. Take the stone in your hands and place it on your open palms. Place your hands on your knees. Concentrate on the crystal and its energy. You will now be able to feel the warmth of the crystal, its energy, which passes through you and calms you, but now this will happen much faster, and the energy in this case will intensify and penetrate deeper than in the previous example. By doing so, you will achieve a deeper meditative state. Sitting with a mineral in your hands, look at it, feel its presence with your whole body, and then its energy and color will completely absorb you.
    It should be remembered that energy cannot instantly penetrate you, it is important that it reaches the very depths of your soul. Therefore, spend as much time as necessary on meditation. Only then will you be able to break through the stress and nervous tension holding you back, and your consciousness will reach the highest point of relaxation. And the crystal will help you with this.
    Achieving a state of meditation is not so easy; it requires strength, patience and time. But the result will exceed all your expectations, as it resembles the soaring of the soul and is very calming.
    Stones can teach you to meditate more deeply and successfully, as the subtle energy of crystals allows you to connect with the subtle energies of consciousness.
    It is difficult to predict how this or that crystal will affect a person during meditation, but one thing is clear: any stone promotes spiritual growth.

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