Samsung mobile air conditioner without duct for home. Mobile air conditioners without duct. Reviews. Operating principle and installation. What are the benefits of mobile air conditioners without ducting?

In classical drama, heroes perform actions, pronounce monologues, win or die. In accordance with their role in the development of action, they are divided into positive and negative, main and secondary. In a Chekhov play there are no major or minor characters. characters. Epikhodov is just as important to the author as Gaev, and Charlotte is no less interesting than Ranevskaya. Even the “random” Passerby, who appears at the end of the second act, an episodic person, from the point of view of traditional drama, plays a certain semantic role in Chekhov’s play.


Who represents the local nobility in the play by A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard"? Give brief description these characters.


The local nobility is represented in the play by the old owners of the cherry orchard - brother and sister Gaev and Ranevskaya, as well as Simeonov-Pishchik.

Ranevskaya and Gaev are nice, sweet, kind people in their own way. Ranevskaya is sentimental, accustomed to an idle life, wastes money, her feelings are superficial and shallow.


Tell us about Gaev. How is he similar to Ranevskaya? What are you interested in? Compare their monologues in front of the closet. How do they characterize the characters?


Gaev is in many ways similar to his sister, completely helpless in practical matters, a phrase-monger. He is already over fifty, but he is still like a child. Gaeva is still undressed by Firs at night.

When Ranevskaya returns to her home, she is worried about the resurrected past, she is surprised that everything is the same here; as it was, as if time did not move. This immutability of things delights Gaev. Only his enthusiasm is frankly ridiculous. Pompously and solemnly he addresses the closet. His love for the estate is limited by his own eloquence. He offers many plans to save the estate, but it is clear that all of them are untenable.


What is close to the owners of the cherry orchard Simeonov-Pishchik?


Those qualities that in Ranevskaya are surrounded by a haze of poetry, in Gaev are reduced to the comic, and in Simeon Pishchik they are reduced to farce.


How is Ranevskaya characterized by her attitude towards Var, towards Anya, towards the servants, towards Lopakhin, towards Trofimov? How can you evaluate the kindness of Ranevskaya?


Ranevskaya's kindness coexists with indifference. She kisses things and takes the news of the nanny’s death completely indifferently: “My dear old man,” she calls Firs. And then he was left in the house where his life ended forever.

Ranevskaya leaves Varya, whom she loves, “like her own.” Ani goes to Paris with the money. He loves Anya, cries for his dead son, but leaves 12-year-old Anya for 5 years with his unlucky brother; hugs Firs, kisses Dunyasha, but does not think about the fact that there is nothing to eat in the house, etc.


How does her refusal of Lopakhin’s proposal characterize her? Why did everyone calm down after the sale of the cherry orchard?


Ranevskaya's garden is dear, but her love is inactive. She hoped that it would work out that way. And in Act IV, Ranevskaya and Gaev completely calmed down. What worried them has passed, they no longer feel responsible for the cherry orchard.


1.​ How to understand Chekhov’s words: “It’s not difficult to play Ranevskaya, you just need to take the right tone from the very beginning; you need to come up with a smile and a way to laugh, you need to know how to dress”?

2. What does Ranevskaya consider to be her sins and are they sins? What are her real sins?

3. Who is to blame for Ranevskaya’s fate? Was there a choice?


Find the positive and negative in the images of the local nobility.


The images of Ranevskaya and Gaev are the embodiment of the world of a noble nest, for which time has stood still. The drama is in their vulnerability and simplicity. Comedy lies in the contrast of speech and actions. Life in vain, a future without hope, life in debt, “at someone else’s expense.” “Selfish, like children, and flabby, like old people,” Gorky will say about them.


1. D.N. Murin. Russian literature of the second half of the 19th century. Guidelines in the form of lesson planning. Grade 10. M.: SMIO Press, 2002.

2. E.S. Rogover. Russian literature of the 19th century. M.: Saga; Forum, 2004.

3. Encyclopedia for children. T. 9. Russian literature. Part I. From epics and chronicles to the classics of the 19th century. M.: Avanta+, 1999.

Gaev's place in the system of images of the work

To understand Chekhov’s perception of the nobility, it is necessary to consider the characterization of Gaev in the play “The Cherry Orchard,” the brother of the main character, practically Ranevskaya’s double, but less significant. Therefore, in the list of characters he is designated “Ranevskaya’s brother,” although he is older than her and has the same rights to the estate as his sister.

Gaev Leonid Andreevich is a landowner, “who spent his fortune on candy,” leading an idle lifestyle, but it is strange to him that the garden is being sold for debts. He is already 51 years old, but he has neither a wife nor children. He lives in an old estate, which is being destroyed before his eyes, under the tutelage of the old lackey Firs. However, it is Gaev who is always trying to borrow money from someone in order to cover at least the interest on his and his sister’s debts. And his options for repaying all the loans are more like pipe dreams: “It would be nice to receive an inheritance from someone, it would be nice to marry our Anya to a very rich man, it would be nice to go to Yaroslavl and try your luck with the aunt countess...”

The image of Gaev in the play “The Cherry Orchard” became a caricature of the nobility as a whole. All the negative aspects of Ranevskaya found an uglier attitude in her brother, thereby further emphasizing the comedy of what was happening. Unlike Ranevskaya, Gaev's description is mainly in stage directions, which reveal his character through actions, while the characters say very little about him.

Characteristics of Gaev

Very little is said about Gaev's past. But it is clear that he is an educated man who knows how to express his thoughts in beautiful but empty speeches. He lived all his life on his estate, a regular at men's clubs, where he indulged in his favorite pastime, playing billiards. He brought all the news from there and there he received an offer to become a bank employee with an annual salary of six thousand. However, for those around him it was very surprising, the sister says: “Where are you!” Sit already...” Lopakhin also expresses doubts: “But he won’t sit still, he’s very lazy...”. The only person who believes him is his niece Anya “I believe you uncle!”. What caused such distrust and, in some ways, even disdainful attitude on the part of others? After all, even the lackey Yasha shows his disrespect for him.

As has already been said, Gaev is an empty talker; at the most inopportune moments he can launch into a rant, so that everyone around him is simply lost and asks him to remain silent. Leonid Andreevich himself understands this, but it is part of his nature. He is also very infantile, unable to defend his point of view, and cannot really formulate it. He so often has nothing substantive to say that his favorite word “Whom” is constantly heard and completely inappropriate billiard terms appear. Firs still follows his master like a little child, either shaking off the dust from his trousers, or bringing him a warm coat, and for a fifty-year-old man there is nothing shameful in such care, he even goes to bed under the sensitive gaze of his lackey. Firs is sincerely attached to the owner, but even Gaev in the finale of the play “The Cherry Orchard” forgets about his devoted servant. He loves his nieces and his sister. But he was never able to become the head of a family in which he was the only man left, and he cannot help anyone, since it doesn’t even occur to him. All this shows how shallow the feelings of this hero are.

For Gaev The Cherry Orchard means as much as it does for Ranevskaya, but, like her, she is not ready to accept Lopakhin’s offer. After all, dividing the estate into plots and renting them out is “off”, largely because it will bring them closer to such businessmen as Lopakhin, but for Leonid Andreevich this is unacceptable, since he considers himself a true aristocrat, looking down on such merchants. Having returned in a depressed state from the auction at which the estate was sold, Gaev has only tears in his eyes, and as soon as he hears the blows of the cue on the balls, they dry up, once again proving that deep emotions are simply not characteristic of him.

Gaev as the final stage in the evolution of the nobility in the works of A.P. Chekhov

Gaev closed the chain consisting of images of nobles created by Chekhov throughout creative life. He created “heroes of his time,” aristocrats with an excellent education, unable to defend their ideals, and it was this weakness that allowed people like Lopakhin to occupy a dominant position. In order to show how small the nobles had become, Anton Pavlovich understated the image of Gaev as much as possible, bringing him to the point of caricature. Many representatives of the aristocracy were very critical of this depiction of their class, accusing the author of ignorance of their circle. But Chekhov didn’t even want to create a comedy, but a farce, and he succeeded.

Reasoning about the image of Gaev and a description of the features of his character can be used by 10th grade students when writing an essay on the topic “Characteristics of Gaev in the play “The Cherry Orchard”.”

Work test

Each character in Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" there was an individual attitude towards the estate and the cherry orchard in particular. And if, sometimes, this feeling could hardly be called love, then it certainly was not indifference.

Each character in the play had his own story related to the garden. U Ranevskaya it was associated with childhood, serenity, purity, and an intoxicating aroma. For her, the garden is the meaning of life. The woman cannot imagine her life without him, and in the event of an auction, she says that the garden should be sold along with her.

But after the auction, the woman quickly comes to her senses and calmly accepts the loss. The author notes that in some way, she is even glad that everything is finally over. Perhaps this happens because she has money again, she has something to live on, and quite comfortably.

Gaev Just like his sister, he loves the garden very much. For a man, losing him means losing something dear and accepting complete defeat. He promises Lyubov that he will do everything to buy back the estate. The man is confident to the last that it is within his power. After the auction, Gaev is upset, does not comment on the “loss” and almost does not talk to anyone. The inspired Ermolai tells everything for him.

Lopakhin buys the garden at auction. He literally “steals it from under the nose” of another merchant, throwing in ten thousand each time throughout the auction. As a result, the amount was very significant, which led to the unconditional victory of Ermolai. The man is rejoicing. His interest in the garden is significant. The business plan he drew up will bring him a lot of profit and the garden will more than pay for itself. However, the cherries will no longer please the eye; they are all immediately sent under the ax. This shows that Ermolai did not perceive the garden as something beautiful and unearthly. This place interests him only from the point of view of profit. The man believes that admiring the garden is a relic of the past. Moreover, it does not bring money, which means it is a waste of time for a pragmatic person.

At the old footman's Firsa the garden evokes memories of the former wealth of the masters. When the harvested cherries were dried according to a special recipe, they were exported for sale. It was not for nothing that he remembered this, since he believes that cherry trees should not only please the eye, but also generate income.

U Ani, Ranevskaya’s daughter, at first, like her mother, the garden initially evokes a storm of emotions. The girl is happy to be at home again and admire the beautiful flowers. However, after communicating with Peter, she radically changes her attitude towards the estate. The girl thinks about the utopia of serf life, about the remnants of the past.

When the cherry orchard is finally sold, Anya reassures her mother, promising her to plant a new orchard that will be many times better. The girl leaves with undisguised happiness the places where she spent her childhood.

A similar situation occurs with Peter. He talks about the garden with undisguised contempt, boldly looks into the future and calmly leaves the estate, and this despite the fact that he remains practically homeless.

Each character in the story is shown through the image of a cherry orchard - their attitude to life itself. Some cling to the past, others worry about the future, and still others simply live in the present.

In the assortment of any store that sells climate control equipment, a separate group includes floor-standing air conditioners with an air duct, also called mobile air conditioners. This is an excellent option for cooling an apartment or small office, especially if it is not possible to install a productive split system. It remains to be seen what their main feature is, what criteria are best for choosing them and how to use them.

Scheme of work

The operating principle of a floor-mounted air conditioner equipped with an air duct is no different from its older brothers, separate split systems. The main elements in the design are two heat exchangers connected by a circuit of pipes through which the refrigerant circulates. The compressor creates a vacuum in one heat exchanger, due to which the refrigerant boils and absorbs heat from environment and sets high pressure in another heat exchanger with the release of excess heat. Fans various designs and the operating principle actively pump air from the environment and drive it through heat exchangers in order to increase heat transfer.

In split systems, the heat exchangers are separated into two blocks and it is possible to move the noisy compressor and one of the heat exchangers outside the room. As a result, indoors in cooling mode, the heat exchanger and refrigerant absorb heat, and on the outdoor unit the heat is released into the environment.

In a monoblock mobile air conditioner, the heat exchangers and compressor are arranged in a single housing, separated by a sealed jumper, which is located indoors. Theoretically, as much heat as the device takes from the air, the same amount is released, plus additional heat from the operating compressor and other components of the unit.

A separate fan is provided for each heat exchanger to increase the air flow passing per unit time. The fan and heat exchanger are closed by a casing, which forms two independent insulated chambers.

To dump excess heat, a flexible pipe is used, directed into an open window, ventilation shaft, or through a hole in the wall directly to the street. This is an essential element of monoblock climate control systems, without which it is impossible to cool or heat a room.

Diagram of the device and operation of the air conditioner

In cooling or drying mode, condensation always forms. In split systems, a pipe is used for this purpose to drain condensate outside the building. In the case of floor-standing air conditioners, condensate is collected in a pan, and then gradually removed along with hot air during evaporation. If for some reason the volume of condensate is always large, then it will have to be drained manually regularly, or a drain pipe will be provided at the equipment installation sites.


The emergence of new models and designs of air conditioners is always triggered by demand. Window air conditioners take up too much space in the opening; their performance is strictly limited by their dimensions, as is their ability to distribute cold air. Split systems for installation require permission to place an external unit on the facade of the building, and for laying an interblock connection - additional holes in the wall. The indoor unit serves only one room, and for greater coverage you will have to purchase additional units and select a more efficient external compressor.

Against the background of the above listed limitations and features, manufacturers have proposed mobile air conditioners. In fact, they are a direct analogue of window systems, only installed on a movable platform and have an attractive appearance.

It is enough to buy one mobile air conditioner instead of a multi-split system to cool several rooms one by one.

The installation does not require approval for placing an external unit on the facade of a building or performing construction work, which is relevant both for a private home and for rented premises.

This is the only type of air conditioner that works on the exhaust principle and, by default, promotes active air exchange in the room. Even window air conditioners can only partially add air from outside, significantly reducing their efficiency.

How to install

The assembly and connection of a floor-standing air conditioner with an air duct should be carried out strictly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. However, there is one general question that should be resolved before assembly - where to locate the duct pipe?

You can route the pipe to:

  • window;
  • ventilation shaft;
  • prepared hole in the external wall of the house.

It is also important to determine the positions and options for each room in which the equipment will be installed alternately.

Exhausting air into the ventilation shaft is the most practical option, however, the position of the ventilation does not always correspond to the optimal position of the air conditioner, and the length of the air duct, although adjusted, should still not exceed 1.5-2 meters at maximum extension. The diameter of the air duct is most often 100-110 mm, which corresponds to the standard cross-section of grilles and plugs for ventilation ducts, which can be purchased at any hardware store.

If the choice fell on a window, then simply placing the pipe in an open window or sash is a bad decision. Even though the hot air from the unit will be exhausted outside, even more air from the street will enter the room, negating the force of the equipment.

It is necessary to modify the sash or window so that it houses an airtight panel made of sandwich panel or plastic with a hole. To connect the pipe, a short pipe is mounted into the hole or a rubber cuff is used. To keep the hole out of the way while not in use, a plug will be required. Ready-made kits for installing an air duct through a window can be found in the same stores where the air conditioner itself was purchased.

Air duct outlet through a window

The last option, which frees the air conditioner from windows and ventilation ducts, is to make a hole in the wall through which the hot air from the air conditioner will be discharged. They can be done in almost any convenient place in the external wall of the house so that the pipe itself is not even visible behind the equipment. The shape of the hole does not play a significant role; the cross-sectional area is important, which should not be less than that of the air duct pipe. It is easier to make a vertical slot hole in the wall, which will be easier to reinforce, given that in almost any house the external walls are load-bearing. It is advisable to cover the walls of the channel in the wall with PVC film placed on a sealant, or with a piece of pipe.

Once the air duct has been identified by connection, all that remains is to unpack the air conditioner, remove all protective films, including from all blinds and intake grilles, and assemble it according to the instructions, especially if it is modular. The floor-standing air conditioner is connected to a standard 220V 50(60) Hz power supply using a power cord with a plug. The first switch-on is performed only a few hours after unpacking and installing the equipment in a strictly vertical position. The order of activation and the set of starting commands should be specified in the instructions. Often the refrigerant for transportation is pumped into only one of the heat exchangers, and before starting, the specified shut-off valves should be opened, releasing the refrigerant throughout the entire circuit.


Mobile or floor-standing air conditioners with an air duct are designed to serve one room with an area of ​​up to 25-30 m2. Limitations in power and performance are directly related to the dimensions of the device, the permissible load on the household electrical network and the noise generated by the compression unit.

What criteria should be used to determine the choice of a good floor-standing air conditioner?

Cooling and heating performance is a determining characteristic for choosing an air conditioner. However, it is difficult to estimate the need, so you have to rely on comparison tables and the manufacturer’s recommendations, which indicates what power of air conditioner to use depending on the volume of the room, the characteristic temperatures in the hottest time and the required temperature during air conditioning.

Noise, sound power. Since the compressor is located directly in the air conditioner, the noise of its operation will constantly disturb the peace in the room. The typical value for most mobile air conditioners is 50-60 dB. The lower the noise level, the better.

Dimensions and weight. For most floor-standing air conditioners, it is possible to simply move them to a new location to operate alternately in several rooms. To make it easier to move equipment, air conditioners are installed on wheels. In the selected model, it is desirable that they be rubberized so as not to spoil the floor covering. The dimensions should be selected so that the device can be rolled in the existing environment without any problems.

Additional functions:

  • drainage;
  • hydration;
  • fine air purification;
  • ventilation mode, etc.

The listed functions are found in almost all air conditioners, but it is advisable to check their availability in advance.


Almost all manufacturers of climate control equipment can now find options for floor-mounted air conditioners with an air duct, made in the form of a monoblock. Determining profitable positions in a store is quite difficult, even based on specifications. However, if you need to find an affordable solution for your office or private home, then you can pay attention to the models presented by the companies: Electrolux and Ballu.


The range includes five series of floor-standing air conditioners with different designs and sets of functions. The key differences are performance, reduced operating noise of the device or the ability to finely purify the air. Selected booklets in specialized stores or a description on the manufacturer’s website will help you choose the best option.

The GEO and ECO series have gained popularity due to their simplicity and reliability in the first case and improved air purification function in the second. In the GEO, ECO Wave, AirGate, DIO series you can find models with a capacity from 10,000 to 14,000 BTU/h, and in the ECO series, a model with a cooling capacity of up to 16,000 BTU/h with a consumption of only 1.4 kW is available.


It’s easier to find an excellent offer at an affordable price in the Ballu catalogue. You have to choose from three series: Platinum, SMART Electronic, SMART Mechanic. The Platinum series is available in models with capacities from 9,000 to 16,000 BTU/h and a unique design for installation close to the wall to take up minimal usable space. The two SMART series are oriented with optimal ratio price/quality is entirely on mobility. The narrow and long body can be easily moved to a new place or deployed, directing the flow of cool air in the desired direction. Each series includes three models with power from 7000 to 12000 BTU/h.

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