Can thrush interfere with the conception and birth of a healthy child? Does excess weight prevent you from getting pregnant: how does excess weight affect men and women? What can hinder conception?


One of the biggest ironies of our lives is that we spend years trying to prevent pregnancy, and then, just when we are ready, we can't. For those who are planning to conceive or are already trying, it is worth knowing about the factors that can interfere with this natural process. Here are the most common things that affect our ability to conceive:

1. High temperature

Who is affected by: for men

The enzymes needed to produce sperm are very sensitive to heat. Men who frequently use saunas or hot tubs, wear tight underwear, or sit or stand in front of a hot stove all day may unintentionally expose the testicles to heat, causing sperm production to be impaired. The reason the testicles are on the outside is because it keeps them at a lower temperature than body temperature, which is necessary for sperm production.

What can be done?

Avoid overheating your reproductive organs by limiting your use of saunas and hot tubs, and avoid keeping your laptop on your lap. If your job requires sitting for long periods of time, get up and move around more often and avoid sitting cross-legged. Wear loose underwear and clothing.

2. Sex at the wrong time

Who is affected by: for women and men

If you are both busy building your career, it can be quite difficult to find time for both of you at the right time of the month.

What can be done?

Monitor your basal body temperature or use special tests that predict the onset of ovulation to know when the fertile period is. Try to have sex at least every other day in the week before ovulation. Once ovulation has occurred, it is already too late.

3. Medicines

Who is affected by: for women and men

There are several common medications that affect your ability to conceive. Men who take medications containing cimetidine or heart medicine with digitalis, have a low sperm count. Some medications used for high blood pressure can affect ejaculation, sperm motility and ability to travel to an egg, and antibiotics used to treat urinary tract infections can suppress sperm production. Women who use decongestants may unintentionally dry out the mucus produced by the cervix, which is important for conception, although it rarely causes infertility.

What can be done?

Talk to your doctor about any medications you and your partner take, including over-the-counter medications. It may turn out that alternative medicine is preventing you from getting pregnant. You may also need to stop taking some medications temporarily.

4. Physiological problems

Who is affected by: for women and men

The egg and sperm need a relatively clear path to meet. If a woman has uterine fibroids or polyps, endometriosis or scars on the reproductive organs, and a man has a congenital anomaly such as the absence of the vas deferens, this makes it difficult for the egg and sperm to meet.

What can be done?

If you fall into this category, then most likely you have already sought help from a specialist. But if you've been trying to conceive and have been unsuccessful, you may not be aware of your condition because there are no symptoms with these disorders. It is worth consulting a doctor to identify the problem.

5. Cancer treatment

Who is affected by: for women and men

Testicular cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in men aged 15 to 45 years. While cancer itself does not lead to infertility, cancer treatment can. Treatment for cancer, such as lymphoma and leukemia, can cause temporary infertility.

In women who are being treated for cancer with surgical intervention, radiation and chemotherapy, early menopause may occur, which prevents pregnancy.

What can be done?

If you are undergoing cancer treatment, talk to your doctor about freezing sperm, eggs, or ovarian tissue that can be used for future conception.

6. Varicocele

Who is affected by: for men

Varicocele is a varicose vein of the spermatic cord. Enlarged veins allow blood to accumulate, which increases the temperature in the scrotum, which affects sperm production. This is the most common cause of male infertility. About 15 percent of men have this disorder, and most are unaware of it.

What can be done?

Varicoceles are corrected through a minor surgical procedure in which the surgeon clamps the varicose veins.

7. Irregular ovulation

Who is affected by: for women

Average menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. At the same time, it is worth noting that a cycle consisting of 23 to 35 days is considered normal. Ovulation, during which the egg moves from the fallopian tube to the uterus, occurs approximately 14 days before the first day of the next period. But there are a number of diseases that cause irregular ovulation, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperthyroidism (increased thyroid function) or hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function), hormonal imbalance (for example, having too much large quantity male hormones), lack or excess weight, stress, diets, perimenopause and others.

What can be done?

Monitor your basal body temperature to know when you ovulate and when is the best time to have sex. You can purchase tests that predict ovulation. Most of of these, it analyzes the surge of luteinizing hormone in the urine, which indicates impending ovulation. Of course, if you have one of the above conditions, it is worth seeing a doctor, as there are several treatments available to help stimulate ovulation.

8. Alcohol and smoking

Who is affected by: for women and men

Alcohol is a “gonadotoxin,” which means it is a “poison” to the testicles that affects sperm production. Men should limit their alcohol consumption to two drinks per week. Women who want to become pregnant should also abstain from alcohol and give it up altogether as soon as they find out they are pregnant.

Both marijuana and cigarettes lead to sperm abnormalities. In women who smoke, their egg reserves are depleted faster than in non-smokers, and smoking also affects estrogen production. Estrogen plays an important role in the production of cervical mucus, which helps sperm travel to the egg. Nicotine in a woman's cervical mucus kills sperm, reducing the chances of conception.

What can be done?

If you smoke or take drugs, now is the time to stop. Limit your alcohol consumption to rare occasions, or better yet, stop altogether.

9. Weight

Who is affected by: for women and men

Women who are underweight and those who are overweight may suffer from hormonal imbalance. Underweight men may have lower testosterone levels, and both underweight and excess weight are associated with lower sperm count and concentration.

What can be done?

If your weight is different from normal, make changes to bring it back to a healthy level. Engage in moderate physical activity and make sure you eat well.

10. Stress

Who is affected by: for women and men

In men, stress affects fertility by reducing sperm volume and increasing the number of abnormal sperm. Women suffering from chronic stress produce less gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which leads to a number of changes in hormonal background associated with ovulation.

What can be done?

Learn to cope with stress with help physical exercise and meditation. Take at least 15 minutes a day for yourself to relax and put all your problems out of your head.

11. Sexually transmitted infections

Who is affected by: for women and men

If left untreated, infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause scarring on the fallopian tubes, uterus and ovaries, preventing sperm from reaching the egg or preventing the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus. Scarring of the tubes can also lead to ectopic pregnancy. In men, scarring in the epididymal ducts and ejaculatory glands can block the sperm's path to the egg and prevent fertilization.

What can be done?

If either of you has a sexually transmitted infection, tell your doctor. In many cases, scar tissue can be removed surgically, resulting in the desired pregnancy.

12. Age

Who is affected by: for women and men

By the time a woman reaches 35, she has lost many viable eggs through menstruation and natural exhaustion. The optimal age for conceiving a child, at least from a biological point of view, is between 20 and 30 years old. And although men can technically become fathers at an older age, the risk of conceiving a child with chromosomal abnormalities, especially Down syndrome, increases after age 35, as does women.

What can be done?

If you are under 35, most doctors will not refer you to a specialist for fertility treatment until you have been trying to conceive for at least a year. If you are over 35, you should consult a specialist as early as possible. The sooner you seek help, the higher your chances of conceiving.

Problems with conceiving a child in 60% of cases occur due to irregularities in work female body. And there are many more reasons for female infertility than male infertility. This may be a lack of ovulation, endocrinological diseases, obstruction fallopian tubes, cervical mucus with antibodies to sperm and many other factors.

Preparing for pregnancy is an important stage on the path to motherhood. And the main factor in preparing for this exciting moment is proper nutrition. It is important for the expectant mother, as well as the father, to change her diet in favor of natural products. Today the shelves grocery stores are inundated with products whose list of ingredients is replete with various flavors, emulsifiers, sweeteners, preservatives and other harmful compounds.

IMPORTANT: Some nutritional supplements Not only can they harm the body, but they can also cause infertility. Most of them have a negative effect on male sperm. But it is also advisable for women who dream of becoming pregnant to avoid eating such not very healthy foods.

IN food ration When planning a pregnancy, you need to include various vitamins. This should be done 3-4 months before the conception process. Vitamins are especially useful for women who are planning a pregnancy in winter or spring.

When preparing for pregnancy, partners need to get rid of various sexually transmitted infections. Some of them put an end to the process of conceiving a child. But, there are also those that have a detrimental effect on the development of the fetus and can pose a threat of miscarriage and developmental pathologies.

It is also very important to eliminate stress from your life when preparing for pregnancy. In such conditions, the body produces corticosteroid hormones. Not only can they cause various diseases, but will also negatively affect pregnancy.

Why does pregnancy not occur for a long time?

  • The absence of a desired pregnancy may be associated with problems of both female and male body. If, when the spouses want to conceive a child, the desired moment does not happen, then they need to undergo a comprehensive examination to identify the cause of this problem.
  • Factors that negatively affect pregnancy include gynecological and hormonal problems. Stress, hypertension, bad habits and other problems can also cause failure to conceive a child.
  • Specialists at the antenatal clinic may ask you to tell them about the transferable infectious diseases and operations. If a woman has already experienced the happiness of motherhood, then the doctor can ask about how the pregnancy proceeded. In order for a specialist to provide qualified assistance, you must try to truthfully answer all his questions.
  • If difficulties arise with pregnancy, then specialists at a family planning center or antenatal clinic can prescribe tests for progesterone levels, a post-coital test (checking vaginal mucus 6-10 hours after intercourse for the presence of antibodies that kill sperm), a blood test for coagulation and a thyroid examination

How to prepare for pregnancy mentally?

A woman should approach pregnancy consciously, without fear or anxiety. The emotional state plays an important role not only when carrying a child, but also when conceiving it. Before this exciting moment, you need to try to reduce the level of stress in your life as much as possible. The higher the stress level, the lower the likelihood of conceiving a child. Harmonization of the internal state has a positive effect not only on the ability to get pregnant, but on the health of the unborn child and his mother.

IMPORTANT: Not only the mother, but also the father of the unborn child must prepare morally to become a parent. He must surround his wife with care and love.

How can a woman physically prepare for pregnancy?

Even before pregnancy, you need to get your body in shape, improve muscle tone and balance your desired weight. It is very important to include foods rich in... useful substances. Such products include vegetables, fruits, seafood, etc.

Before conceiving a child and during pregnancy, it is important to exclude alcohol and smoking from your diet. Some scientists believe that nicotine can negatively affect the fetus, even if future mom gave up smoking a few weeks before conception.

  • Physical preparation for pregnancy also includes solving vision problems. Women with nearsightedness and some fiber conditions may lose their vision completely during childbirth. Therefore, it is important to have your eyes checked by specialized specialists
  • A few months before pregnancy, it is advisable for a woman to take up fitness, swimming or dancing. If you don’t have time for this, then you can just walk in the park. Regular walking in an oxygen-rich place will perfectly prepare a woman for pregnancy.
  • In addition, it is advisable to allocate 15-20 minutes in the morning for daily exercises. Walking in place, squats, bending the body and other simple movements will strengthen the muscles and prepare the body for carrying a baby.

What should you drink to get pregnant?

Very often, the reason for the inability to get pregnant is associated with low levels of the hormone progesterone. If a woman is diagnosed with this reason, then the level of this hormone can be increased using a drug such as "Duphason". Unlike progesterone injections, this drug comes in tablet form. Its reception does not cause great difficulties.

Sometimes, if there is difficulty conceiving, specialists may prescribe drugs that stimulate ovulation. Such drugs include "Klostilbegit", "Puregon" And "Rotten". After taking them, ovulation occurs within 24-36 hours. Taking such medicinal ovulation stimulants can only be done under the supervision of a doctor.

What vitamins should you take to get pregnant?

A woman who wants to become a mother needs the following vitamins:

  • Folic acid is necessary for proper formation nervous system child and begins to act from the first days of pregnancy
  • Tocopherol helps the fertilized egg implant in the uterine cavity
  • B vitamins are responsible for protein synthesis and the growth of muscle and bone tissue. Lack of vitamins B1, B6, B12 can cause severe toxicosis
  • Vitamins A, C and D are important for proper tissue formation and immune system support. But their excess is more dangerous than their deficiency

IMPORTANT: When planning a pregnancy, you should not select the dosage of each vitamin separately. It is more convenient to take a special complex of vitamins for women. There are specially developed vitamin complexes that need to be consumed before conceiving a child.

In addition to vitamins, a woman should receive minerals such as zinc, selenium and magnesium from food. If you can’t consume them with food, you can buy dietary supplements or vitamin complexes which contain these macronutrients.

What medications does a man need to take to make a woman pregnant?

  • Folic acid is indicated not only for women before pregnancy, but also for men. The expectant father needs to take 400 mg of vitamin B9 until his wife becomes pregnant. Lack of folic acid increases the number of sperm with various defects (incorrect chromosome number, lack of tail or head)
  • Another important drug that a man needs when planning a pregnancy is tocopherol. Vitamin E provides a man normal level testosterone and activates sperm synthesis
  • On good quality sperm are affected by vitamin B6. Pyridoxine is found in many meat products, bananas and nuts
  • All these vitamins can be consumed individually or in combination. For example, as part of such products as: "Alphabet for men", "Viardot forte", "Duovit for men", "SpermActive"
  • But antibiotics, hormonal steroids and medications for asthma and allergies negatively affect sperm quality

What tests must be taken when planning a pregnancy?

Mandatory tests for women include:

  • General blood analysis. It is carried out so that the doctor can identify the presence of viruses and diseases before conception.
  • General urine analysis. It is carried out to identify problems of the genitourinary system. If pathologies are detected, treatment is prescribed
  • Determination of blood group and Rh factor. Blood is drawn from a vein to assess the risk of Rh conflict
  • Blood sugar test. Pregnancy with diabetes mellitus is possible, but it must proceed under special control
  • Blood for biochemistry. Conducted to provide general and functional status of internal organs
  • Bacteriological culture of vaginal microflora. Assessment of microflora to exclude pathogenic microorganisms
  • Tests for infections. An analysis is carried out to ensure the absence of HIV infections, syphilis, viral hepatitis B and C

When planning a pregnancy, expectant fathers need to do: a general blood test, tests to determine blood type and Rh factor, and to detect infection.

Additional tests when planning pregnancy include:

  • TORCH-complex. Blood test for the presence of antibodies to rubella, herpes, cytomegalovirus and toxoplasmosis. This test will show if a woman is immune to such diseases. If not, then to minimize the risk negative influence these diseases require a number of medicinal procedures
  • Research by polymerase chain reaction . Blood test for hidden infections: ureaplasmosis, gardnerellosis, chlamydia, HPV (papilloma virus), genital herpes

When are your chances of getting pregnant greatest?

The best chance of getting pregnant is between 14 and 16 days after the start of menstruation. It is at this time that the mature egg enters the fallopian tube and can meet the sperm. But conception can occur earlier. The thing is that sperm have a vitality of 2-6 days. And if the egg meets them earlier, then fertilization is quite possible.

But the lowest probability of conception occurs during the days of menstruation and immediately after its end. After days 16-18 of the cycle, the possibility of getting pregnant also decreases.

Why does pregnancy not occur after an abortion?

An abortion can have a negative impact on both the mental and physical well-being of a woman. After such a procedure, the hormonal balance in a woman’s body may be disrupted and other problems may arise that lead to the inability to conceive or bear a child. According to statistics, one out of 10 women who decide to have an abortion remains infertile after this procedure.

During mechanical cleaning, the uterine mucosa may be damaged. This can in turn lead to the fact that the fertilized egg will not be able to attach to the wall of the uterus. The risk of becoming pregnant after a medical abortion increases. This method is less traumatic, but can only be carried out on the most early stages pregnancy.

Abortion leads to problems that can put an end to pregnancy such as:

  • Hormonal cycle disruption
  • Metabolic disorders in the body
  • Development of breast disease
  • Inflammation of the internal genital organs
  • Tubal obstruction
  • Cervical erosion
  • Dysplasia

If a woman decides to become pregnant after an abortion, then she cannot be planned earlier than 6 months after this procedure. A woman’s body must have time to recover. Early pregnancy after an abortion is fraught with severe pathologies in the fetus and can affect the child’s health subsequently.

Sveta. I couldn't get pregnant for a long time. After the examination, my gynecologist forbade me from dieting and prescribed a complex of vitamins. I don't know if they or other factors helped. But, after 3 months I became pregnant.

Olesya. A friend was able to get pregnant only after she began to raise her pelvis after intercourse so that the seminal fluid did not leak out, but remained in the body. She simply lay on her back and raised her legs, leaning on the wall. I am sure that this is what helped her become a mother.

Video. How to get pregnant if you can't. Why. Causes of infertility. What to do?

Excess weight does not just cause discomfort and aesthetic inconvenience. It often causes problems with conception.

Many people wonder how excess weight affects the conception of a child in women. Every unnecessary kilogram negatively affects general state health is a prerequisite for serious diseases. Extra pounds hinder conception, negatively affecting the menstrual cycle.

Excess weight prevents a woman from becoming pregnant because adipose tissue is hormonally active. It produces estrogens (sex hormones).

As the amount of fat increases, hormone levels increase, and “a lot” becomes the exact opposite of “good.” In 25% of cases of infertility in a family, the cause is obesity in the man.

In men

Additional kilos have a detrimental effect on the ability to produce offspring in men. Excess weight and conception are two related concepts in the field of male fertility. Unnecessary kilograms lead to a decrease in the normal number of sperm and impair their motility, because adipose tissue is an endocrine organ that produces estrogens. An excess of these hormones contributes to the formation of a small number of male germ cells. Medicine has found that excess weight in men reduces the chances of conceiving a child.

Among women

Increased body weight prevents a woman from becoming pregnant. In a plump woman, pregnancy occurs 30% less often than in a girl with normal weight.

Such representatives of the fair half of humanity often risk termination of pregnancy - spontaneous miscarriage occurs in the first trimester.

Overweight girls who are in an interesting position are often susceptible to the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • impaired renal function.

With increased body weight, the contractile activity of the uterus is impaired and it is much more difficult to give birth naturally. For obese patients it is mainly recommended C-section. To diagnose the condition, a woman needs to consult a fertility specialist and nutritionist.

The effect of adipose tissue on hormones

Fat cells play a significant role in the hormonal regulation of the menstrual cycle. In obese girls, the level of male hormones is almost three times higher than normal. As a result, women are often unable to conceive, their menstrual cycle is disrupted, and male-pattern hair growth is observed.

The first menstruation in girls occurs when the mass of fat cells reaches the required level. This occurs during puberty.

The early onset of menstruation in a girl is a “bell” about extra pounds in the future.

Favorable weight before pregnancy

Excess fat deposits, as well as insufficient ones, can cause failure to conceive. Therefore, childbearing is just one of the problems caused by extra pounds. There is such a thing as a favorable weight, at which men and women can “make” a child without any problems (if there are no other violations).

Male weight

We will pay due attention to how excess weight affects conception in representatives of the stronger half of humanity. It is a mistake to believe that unnecessary kilograms of a man’s body do not in any way affect the ability to fertilize.

Excess body weight is a significant obstacle to childbearing: sperm count and sperm motility decrease. Extra pounds negatively affect hormonal levels. Fat deposited on the abdomen overheats the scrotum area, which is detrimental to sperm. Overweight men experience erectile dysfunction in 95% of cases.

According to statistics, in half of infertile couples the man has an extra 10-15 kilograms.

Women's weight

It is impossible to say what the ideal weight for girls should be, since each has a different body mass index (BMI - the ratio of body weight and height of a person). It is this that is the determining factor in the question: how to get pregnant while overweight?

Gynecologists advise girls to stick to a BMI between 19 and 25. You should think about this in advance - establish proper nutrition, resume sports, and, if necessary, consult a nutritionist.

How to get pregnant with fullness

If you have unnecessary pounds, how to successfully get pregnant with excess weight? First of all, contact a specialist who will determine your BMI and make some recommendations. To conceive a baby, you need to normalize your weight, since excess weight has a negative effect on conception.

Mistake #1: Worrying too often

Most likely, you have at least one friend who, when she became pregnant, said: “It happened exactly at the moment when I stopped thinking about it.” It's annoying, frustrating and nerve-wracking, especially when all you want to do is have a baby. And it seems that nothing will work - but your friend is telling the truth. Stress can be one of the main reasons why you can't get pregnant: high levels of the stress hormone cortisol can negatively impact your fertility. A study by American scientists who followed 400 couples trying to conceive found that women with high levels of alpha-amylase (a stress indicator) were 29% less likely to become pregnant than women with normal levels. Experts say that constant stress reduces the production of hormones responsible for a stable cycle.

Relax and try to let go of the situation for a while. Learn to meditate, sign up for yoga. Some asanas promote blood flow to the pelvis, thus stimulating the production of necessary hormones. And this has a beneficial effect on the ability to conceive. Stop planning your pregnancy so much and remind yourself every day that this is a miracle that actually happens very, very often.

Mistake #2: Doing too much/too little

If you are going to do this, do it right! Many couples believe that if they “save” sperm and don’t have sex for a week, their chances of conceiving will increase significantly. This is wrong. After about a week of abstinence, sperm motility decreases noticeably. For successful conception, doctors recommend having sex every day or every other day for a week leading up to and including the day of ovulation. Having sex more often can negatively affect the ability of sperm to fertilize, and if you do it less often, you may miss the window of conception. So if your sex life is no longer as stormy as at the beginning of the relationship, this is a good reason to diversify it. In addition, it has been proven that regular sex helps to establish a cycle: the partner’s body releases hormones that affect your reproductive system, so regular sex promotes greater estrogen production.

Mistake #3: Resorting to dubious methods

It would seem that the 21st century is just around the corner, but many women still continue to believe in the miraculous power of douching. It seems that everything is logical: with any infection, poor diet, or bad habits, the environment in the vagina becomes acidic. Sperm dies in such an environment and cannot fertilize an egg, which is why many people use a weak solution of soda to make the environment alkaline and create favorable conditions for conception. But doctors are opposed to this method: soda kills not only harmful microorganisms, but also beneficial ones, thus disrupting the natural pH of the vagina. In addition, douching with soda can exacerbate inflammatory processes and diseases such as erosion and damage to the cervix, which a woman often does not know about without visiting a gynecologist.

Mistake #4: Blaming yourself

When talking about infertility, we usually think that the problem is on the woman’s side. But in fact, the responsibility lies equally with both partners. Doctors say that in 40% of cases of infertility, the cause must be sought on the part of the man, and in another 40% - on the part of the woman. The remaining 20% ​​is compatibility, a combination of both partners. But don't panic ahead of time. Remember that it takes 6 months to a year for a healthy couple to successfully conceive.

Mistake #5: Making mistakes in calculations

The most common mistake is incorrectly determining the day of ovulation. For most women, it occurs mid-cycle, but it affects women with a 28-32 day cycle. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days before the start of menstruation. Therefore, if you have a 24-day cycle, then ovulation will occur on the 10th day. If your cycle is noticeably longer, say 42 days, then it can be assumed that you are ovulating less frequently, not every cycle. In this case, and also if you have an irregular cycle (in this case, ovulation can be either on the 6th day or on the 21st), or you don’t remember the last time you had your period, forget these rules. Here you cannot do without a test to determine ovulation, with which you can easily find out when your window of conception is.

Another common mistake is not counting the start of the cycle from the first day of menstruation. The first day of your period is when you start bleeding. Not the day before, not the day after. For successful conception, the clock literally counts, which is why it is so important to know the exact day the cycle begins.

Mistake #6: Living according to a schedule

No matter how hard you try, pregnancy cannot be planned. As mentioned above, a healthy couple takes 6 months to a year to conceive. But many women need six months just to normalize their cycle after finishing taking it contraception. There will be no ovulation until the cycle becomes regular. Therefore, if after 6 months your cycle has not returned to normal or you are not sure that you are ovulating, you should visit a doctor.

Mistake #7: Rushing

No one knows why so many people are sarcastic about the statement that after sexual intercourse it is advisable to lie on your back with your buttocks slightly raised for about 20 minutes. Doctors unanimously claim that this method increases the possibility of conception by as much as 80%! Therefore, if you want to do a victory dance after what you think is a successful conception, refrain - at least for 20 minutes.

Mistake #8: Ignoring your “crazy” worries

Maybe you've always had irregular periods and are having difficulty conceiving because of this. Or perhaps you have diabetes and want to make sure everything is under control before you get pregnant. Consulting with a specialist does not mean being paranoid! There are situations in which you should not ignore your worries: here you are thinking not only about yourself, but also about your future child. If you have any questions or concerns, it is better to immediately find a specialist who will explain everything and tell you about the pitfalls that may come your way. This way, if you encounter difficulties when trying to get pregnant, you will already be prepared for them.

Mistake #9: Not giving up bad habits

A lot has already been said on this topic, but it would still be worth repeating: you need to give up bad habits at least a year before trying to get pregnant. Why do women continue to drink alcohol and smoke, knowing how detrimental this is to their ability to conceive? Doctors all over the world warn: the first trimester is the most important in the formation of a child’s body. There is no amount of alcohol that would be safe for him. But some expectant mothers, drinking alcohol early stages, do not yet know that they are pregnant. Therefore, if you are not protecting yourself, in relation to alcohol and cigarettes, act as if you were already pregnant - simply, do not use it or at least reduce it to a minimum.

Mistake #10: Forgetting about his health

What's bad for your fertility can also be bad for your partner's fertility. Cigarettes, alcohol, unbalanced diet - all this negatively affects the quality and quantity of sperm. Studies have also shown that smoking and alcohol abuse lead to sperm damage at the chromosomal level. Sperm is completely renewed in 3 months, so your partner should give up bad habits at least for this time. Make sure he gets enough nutrients, selenium, vitamins E and C - these are especially beneficial for men.

As for the influence of temperatures on a man’s ability to conceive, opinions differ. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine states that it has no special significance for the functioning of the male genital organs. Some doctors, however, recommend against frequent hot baths, even if a man does not have problems with sperm quality.

There is a study that shows that the temperature of the scrotum increases if you hold a laptop on your lap for a long time. Another group of experts found that exposure to radiation from mobile phones may harm a man's fertility, especially if he keeps his phone in his pants pocket. However, no study has found a clear link specifically between heat exposure and male fertility.

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