Musk keeled turtle. Musk turtle. Lifestyle and habitat of the musk turtle. Character and lifestyle of the musk turtle

Musk keeled turtle

The musky keeled reptile belongs to the silt family and the musk genus. Length adult can reach up to 12.5 centimeters. They have a brown-olive color - a keel runs through the center of the reptile, thanks to which the turtle got its name. The reptile's plastron is made in a yellow-brown, eye-catching color. On the head there is dark spots, while she herself is brown. There are warty growths on the lower part of the jaw of this species. Males are distinguished by a long tail, somewhat reminiscent of a claw. Females have a much shorter tail.

Turtles live in the USA. They prefer swampy areas with rivers and lakes, which have a slow current and a uniform bottom. Such turtles are capable of not going up for a long time, while consuming oxygen dissolved in the liquid, which they consume through the oral cavity. The main delicacies of the reptile are aquatic plants, mollusks and crustaceans.


An animal becomes an adult when it is two years old. Mating time begins in mid-March and ends in June. Pregnancy in a female usually lasts about two months, after which the female does not dig a hole, as many reptiles do, but lays her offspring on the surface of the substrate. Up to 6 eggs can be present in one clutch, further incubation of which lasts from 3 to 4 months.

The turtle is capable of biting a person quite painfully, which is facilitated by sharp teeth and a long neck. This neck allows the turtle to reach its hind legs. In addition, the animal is able to emit a pungent odor thanks to a pair of musk glands. The advantage of these turtles is that they can be kept in groups without any problems. Conflicts between them will arise only during feeding. The dimensions of the aquarium required to keep this type of reptile are 50x70x50 cm. The liquid should occupy up to 90 percent of the bottom area, while the rest of it should remain above the water.

The water level should be kept at 40-45 cm. You will rarely see turtles surfacing as most They will spend time walking along its bottom. You should consider a high-quality water renewal system, because it will get dirty quite often. Experts advise replacing water every 2-3 days. Preference should be given to small aquarium filters, since large ones can cause some discomfort in reptiles during operation. A couple of times a week, new water should be added to the aquarium to replace the water that has evaporated. The ambient temperature should be between 22-25 degrees, while the room temperature should be kept at 25 degrees.


You can feed your turtle at home with special food: frozen bloodworms, shrimp and balanced dry food.

We can offer you bloodworm "Marlin aquarium"(, special dry food for turtles "AQUAV Turtle stick"(

Buy wisely

If you like the musk turtle, you can buy it from our online store. Do not forget that before making a purchase, you need to prepare the aquarium and all the conditions for the existence of the reptile.

Musk keeled turtle

The musky keeled reptile belongs to the silt family and the musk genus. The length of an adult can reach up to 12.5 centimeters. They have a brown-olive color - a keel runs through the center of the reptile, thanks to which the turtle got its name. The reptile's plastron is made in a yellow-brown, eye-catching color. There are dark spots on the head, while it itself is brown. There are warty growths on the lower part of the jaw of this species. Males are distinguished by a long tail, somewhat reminiscent of a claw. Females have a much shorter tail.

Turtles live in the USA. They prefer swampy areas with rivers and lakes, which have a slow current and a uniform bottom. Such turtles are capable of not going up for a long time, while consuming oxygen dissolved in the liquid, which they consume through the oral cavity. The main delicacies of the reptile are aquatic plants, mollusks and crustaceans.


An animal becomes an adult when it is two years old. Mating time begins in mid-March and ends in June. Pregnancy in a female usually lasts about two months, after which the female does not dig a hole, as many reptiles do, but lays her offspring on the surface of the substrate. Up to 6 eggs can be present in one clutch, further incubation of which lasts from 3 to 4 months.

The turtle is capable of biting a person quite painfully, which is facilitated by sharp teeth and a long neck. This neck allows the turtle to reach its hind legs. In addition, the animal is able to emit a pungent odor thanks to a pair of musk glands. The advantage of these turtles is that they can be kept in groups without any problems. Conflicts between them will arise only during feeding. The dimensions of the aquarium required to keep this type of reptile are 50x70x50 cm. The liquid should occupy up to 90 percent of the bottom area, while the rest of it should remain above the water.

The water level should be kept at 40-45 cm. You will rarely see turtles surfacing, as they will spend most of their time walking along its bottom. You should consider a high-quality water renewal system, because it will get dirty quite often. Experts advise replacing water every 2-3 days. Preference should be given to small aquarium filters, since large ones can cause some discomfort in reptiles during operation. A couple of times a week, new water should be added to the aquarium to replace the water that has evaporated. The ambient temperature should be between 22-25 degrees, while the room temperature should be kept at 25 degrees.


You can feed your turtle at home with special food: frozen bloodworms, shrimp and balanced dry food.

We can offer you bloodworm "Marlin aquarium"(http://site/product/zamorozhennye-korma-dlya-ryb/5860), special dry food for turtles "AQUAV Turtle stick"(http://site/product/zamorozhennye-korma-dlya-ryb1/5667).

Buy wisely

If you like the musk turtle, you can buy it from our online store. Do not forget that before making a purchase, you need to prepare the aquarium and all the conditions for the existence of the reptile.

Musk turtle the tiniest and most charming of all freshwater bodies of water. But it’s not just its size that makes it stand out. Because of specific smell Because of the musk it produces in its glands, it is nicknamed "Stinking Jim", but this does not stop it from being one of the most popular pet reptiles.

Its total length is no more than 16 cm. And then if we are talking about keeled musk turtle, the ordinary species does not grow more than 14. The upper shell is oval in shape; in young animals it has three ridges, which disappear over the years and the shield itself becomes smooth.

The color of the shell is brownish with a slight olive tint, but when overgrown with algae, it becomes dirty brown. The ventral shield is pale pink or beige. Light stripes appear along the head and neck.

This can be seen on musk turtle photo. Females are slightly smaller in size than males and differ in their tail. They have it narrow, shortened and without a thorn at the end. But they have “chirp organs.”

This is the name given to the spiny scales that are located on the inside of the hind legs. They help the male hold the female during intercourse. When friction occurs, chirping sounds are heard, similar to birds singing or.

Musk turtles are distinguished from other turtles by their incredibly long necks. They can reach their hind legs with it without hurting themselves. Their legs themselves are also long, but thin. Between the claws there are membranes similar to flippers.

To distinguish a common turtle from any other species, you need to look at its throat and neck. If there are small growths that resemble warts, then you have a common musk turtle. They are absent in individuals of other species.

Musk turtles may not come ashore for days. With the help of special tubercles on the tongue, they absorb oxygen directly from the water or breathe through the skin. The tongue itself is very small and weak, and is almost not involved in the process of swallowing food.

Musk turtles live in fresh water bodies of the United States in the southeast of the country, and several species can be found in Canada. Their habitat is small and they prefer small bodies of water with a soft muddy bottom.

Character and lifestyle of the musk turtle

These small turtles are quite militant. They can bite painfully, break free, and secrete a strong-smelling secretion when trying to catch them. They do not need company on their own, but they treat their relatives calmly and do not attack.

The turtle spends most of its time in the water, moving slowly along the bottom, although it swims well. It can be seen infrequently on the shore: at the time of laying eggs or heavy rain.

In the sun it likes to expose its back to the rays, and sometimes it can climb fairly tall trees on branches hanging over the water. Musk turtles are most active at dusk and at night.

If the body of water in which the reptile lives is warm, then it is energetic all year round. And if not, then he goes to spend the winter. In this case, the turtle climbs into a hole or crevice in the stones, or it can simply bury itself in the muddy bottom. If the water freezes, it uses snow as a shelter.

At home character musk turtle become more flexible. Therefore, to contain such pet not difficult. You need to pour water into the aquarium, put stones and branches on the bottom and do not forget about a small island of land with a house where the reptile can rest or lay eggs.

The main thing you should pay attention to is installing a good water filter. Musk turtles are very dirty and will require constant cleaning. But you don’t need to buy a UV lamp, Sun rays these are not needed.

Samu musk turtle Can buy at your nearest pet store. In the first days, it is better not to pick her up, but to let her get comfortable and get used to her owner. In Europe, some breeders of these reptiles release them to swim in their backyard ponds in the summer; this has a positive effect on the health of the turtles.

If you want a large aquarium, then it’s good to keep them in groups. The main thing is that there is enough space for everyone and there is no competition when eating. When the sexual instinct awakens in males, everything happens quite peacefully.

It is gentle and does not harm the female. Musk turtle- that's quite cute homemade a creation that requires a minimum of costs and will delight you with its fun games.

Nutrition of the musk turtle

Musk turtles are not picky eaters and are omnivores. Young animals eat mainly insects and aquatic vegetation; there are also cases of cannibalism in babies.

Adults move along the bottom and, like vacuum cleaners, eat almost everything that comes their way: centipedes, and even carrion. They were deservedly awarded the title of reservoir orderly.

Therefore, when keeping a musk turtle at home, there is no need to combine it with aquarium ones, she will simply eat them. It is better, knowing about their sloppiness, to teach them to eat carefully. To do this, you need to hang pieces of food on special needles and offer them. Turtles are very smart and will quickly figure out what to do about it.

Feed musk turtle in captivity with the right care recommended for fish fry, crustaceans, boiled chicken meat. From plant food it can be clover, lettuce or dandelions; their favorite delicacy is duckweed. Be sure to include calcium and vitamins in your diet.

Reproduction and lifespan of the musk turtle

Life expectancy in captivity is about 20 years. Sexual maturity of males and females occurs when they reach a certain size of the carapace (upper shell).

The mating season begins with the onset of warm weather and lasts several months. It usually falls in April-June. Courtship does not last long in a calm atmosphere, but mating itself occurs under water and lasts quite a long time, reaching up to a day.

Afterwards, the female comes ashore and lays fertilized eggs. She herself digs a hole very rarely, more often she uses depressions in the sand or other people's nests, or even simply leaves them on the surface.

There can be up to seven eggs, they are oblong and in shell. The sizes are small - up to 33 mm in length. The color of the shell at the beginning is soft pink, but over time it changes to the usual white.

The duration of the incubation period ranges from 61-110 days, and the temperature should not be lower than 25°C. The most amazing thing is that, before hatching, turtles can already secrete a musky secretion.

If eggs are laid in the water in an aquarium, then you must get them out, otherwise they will die. Little ones grow up very quickly and immediately become independent.

Musk turtles reproduce well and quickly, because eggs are laid two or even four times per season. Therefore, this species is not threatened.

An aquarium populated with fish is the most common option for enjoying the underwater world at home. However, today you can show your imagination and equip, for example, an aquaterrarium - a home for aquatic turtles. For such a case, an unpretentious, non-capricious species that is not distinguished by its large size is suitable - the ordinary musk turtle. It is under water almost all the time and does not require equipment in an open, separate place under the sun (lamp), except for the reproduction process.

How does she look?

A small (up to 10 cm) creature, consisting of an oval, strong house and a rather vulnerable body. The carapace has an oval outline, from light olive to dark brown in color. The body is brownish in color with clearly defined light stripes, giving the baby a special attractiveness. The eyes are located on the sides of the small head and directed downwards. The keeled musk turtle is slightly larger (up to 16 cm in length). Carapace round, resembles a roof. A wavy ridge runs across its entire surface, giving the individual a certain seriousness.

Particular attention to the neck. It is capable of stretching to a considerable length, somewhat reminiscent of a snake. In the mouth there are teeth and a tongue of a special structure. The fact is that this type of reptile is able to extract oxygen from water using its tongue. That is why individuals do not have to come to the surface to breathe. They can remain under water almost all the time, except for breeding moments.

The tail is long and mobile, at the same time strong. It participates in swimming movements, acting as a rudder.

The paws have small membranes between the toes to make it easier to scoop up water. However, the main propulsion movement when swimming is provided by the hind legs: they are stronger and longer. The males are covered with special spines on the inside, but they play a certain role during mating.

Why this name?

The fact is that in the lower part of the body of this species, under the shell, there are musk glands. If the reptile is frightened, stressed or under the influence of negative factors, these glands secrete a special yellow liquid, which is characterized by a sharp, unpleasant odor. This is a sign of a musk turtle’s poor internal state; you should pay special attention to this and help cope with stress.

What does he like to eat?

The musk turtle is not a glutton, but it is far from being a vegetarian. Being a predator, she will not let any prey slip from her clawed paws. Food can be torn apart by teeth or swallowed whole. In this case, it is possible that she will choke. Therefore, you should not give it in large pieces or in a very hard state.

Animal food rich in protein is necessary for growing individuals. Their diet is characterized by:

  • regularity (every day);
  • balanced diet;
  • the presence of vitamins and microelements;
  • enriched with calcium to strengthen the shell.

Minced meat and fish, squid, shrimp, shellfish, insects and snails are suitable as animal food.

For older individuals, it is useful to give plant foods, for example, chopped greens, cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage and others. In extreme cases, the reptile can nibble on young shoots of aquarium plants.

One of the recommendations in organizing catering could be the following: at the time of feeding, you should try to place the turtles in a neighboring aquarium. Immediately after eating, after 15-20 minutes, you can return them back. This will avoid contamination of the water with food debris and its rotting. In addition, almost always while eating, turtles have acts of defecation, which further pollutes their habitat.

Are special conditions required?

Musk turtle: maintenance should be neat and regular. It is necessary to establish control following:

  • water temperature;
  • soil quality;
  • correct placement of plants (preferably in pots to avoid digging);
  • availability of conditions for underwater travel and bottom exploration.

Availability of a bridge for staying on fresh air Not necessary for muskies. However, if you plan to reproduce them, it is better to think about this in advance. The fact is that egg laying occurs on land, in a damp and warm place, which can be holes, depressions or artificial small containers.

What does reproduction look like?

Externally, female and male individuals are practically no different from each other. Sometimes when you buy a company in one place you can only get females at a time. Therefore, it is recommended to buy in different places and, better, at different times.

When the time comes for breeding, the male climbs on top of the female, helping himself to hold on with the help of spines on his hind legs. The fertilized female carries future children inside herself for some time, after which she begins to lay eggs.

A few days before, she eats a lot and looks for a place under the artificial sun, preferably an ultraviolet lamp. In the period from May to August, the female can lay eggs several times, in each clutch there can be 2-3 of them. Having completed the process, the “mother” does not care for her children, but goes back into the pond. The turtles hatched after 2-3 months can sit in their shelter all winter, feeding on the contents of the yolk sac. But this is in nature. Exceptions may be made for aquariums. Babies acquire independence much faster, since weather conditions do not affect the microclimate parameters in the aquarium.

How to equip an aquarium?

Since the turtle's lifestyle is significantly different from the fish's, the design of the aquarium must be appropriate. For one or two individuals, an aquarium area of ​​20 by 40 cm is sufficient. The height of the water in it should not exceed 15 cm, although musk varieties they will not suffer in a deeper house.

So that curious individuals can freely dig the soil, it should be selected in a suitable manner. Sand or gravel will do. Design objects firmly installed on it will be beneficial. Only they should not consist of small break-off particles.

Plants are not only a source of oxygen and a decorative element. It is a potential food and subject of study. It is better to use varieties with wide leaves that create shady conditions for rest.

Is it worthwhile to diversify such an aquarium with fish? A matter of taste. Some aquarists are not inclined to clutter the underwater space big amount residents, each of whom must have conditions for free living. Others, on the contrary, prefer to dilute the company of turtles with fish. This gives liveliness, activity and positivity.

In any case, do not forget that turtles may consider small fish as live food, and hunting for large fish can turn life in an aquarium into a hectic mess.

Be that as it may, keeping such individuals in the home aquatic kingdom is a matter of taste. One thing is certain: due care and attention will not go unnoticed. Turtles are not just underwater creatures. According to many, they are biologically wise and mysterious. Probably, they still conceal the wisdom of the centuries that have passed since their appearance.

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