Low carbohydrate diet. Low carbohydrate diet for athletes Low carbohydrate diet for athletes

Carbohydrate diets one of the most effective for reducing and maintaining healthy body weight. Such diets very popular among athletes, artists, dancers, but anyone who wants to lose weight can use it. Carbohydrates are pure energy stored in our muscles and liver, on average this reserve is 1600 calories, and the excess turns into fat. It is very important to stabilize the ratio between carbohydrates and fats in our body. It is not correct to completely exclude fats from the diet, since they are an important component carbohydrate diets is a regular diet, and a small amount of fat in your body will help overcome the feeling of hunger between meals. Therefore, you need to completely avoid snacking between main meals. Also a problem will be the consumption of foods and drinks containing a large number of Sahara. Sugar is an integral part of the human diet, but its excess consumption also brings with it additional calories. Sweets can be consumed in main meals, but their quantity should be reduced to a minimum and excluded from the diet completely one to two days a week. Proteins are also an integral and vital part of a healthy human diet. Include foods that contain basic proteins in your diet; they contain 8 amino acids that the human body does not produce and must be obtained from foods.

A little useful information about carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are the most important on this diet. They are divided into two groups:

Complex carbohydrates slowly increase blood sugar levels. They can be used as a base for many dishes and provide enough energy for several hours.

  • Bread, flour, whole grains.
  • Pasta.
  • Vegetables.
  • Legumes - peas, beans, etc.

Simple carbohydrates They raise blood sugar levels quickly, but the strength after them disappears just as quickly.

  • Sucrose - fruits, vegetables.
  • Lactose - milk, yogurt.
  • Fructose - fruits, honey.
  • Maltose - pearl barley, cereals.
  • Glucose - vegetables, fruits, honey.

Let's summarize what we learned about carbon diets:

1. Do not break your eating schedule. A healthy amount of body fat will help you overcome hunger.

2. Don't cut out fats completely, but be careful with animal fats and saturated fats. Opt for less fatty foods.

3. Eat proteins, they are very important for your body, the following foods will help you with this: meat, fish, dairy products or eggs.

4. Reduce your consumption of sugar and foods containing large amounts of it to a minimum.

5. Avoid eating processed foods or ready-made lunches.

6. If the situation does not allow you to refuse, then no more than 1-2 small glasses of wine.

7. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.

8. Lead an active lifestyle and include physical exercise in your daily routine.

With basic rules carbon diet we figured it out. Calculate the “menu” of our diets we will use “carbograms” (cbg). For one day from 120 to 150 kg.



0-5 kbg

● 2 fried eggs(scrambled eggs) beaten with milk.

● 3 strips of bacon, grilled with 1 egg, poached or scrambled, or with roasted tomatoes and mushrooms.

● Smoked salmon and scrambled eggs.

● Smoked haddock and poached egg.

20 kbg

● 2 pieces of toast with butter and a boiled egg.

● 1 piece of buttered toast and 2 tsp. marmalade.

● Oatmeal (rolled oatmeal) cooked in water.

● 1 slice of grilled cheese toast.

● Egg on toast.

30 kbg

● Breakfast cereal with milk (approximately 125 ml).

● Fruit salad of 3 fruits.

35 kbg

● 2 tbsp. l. canned beans in tomato on 1 toast.

● 2 pieces of buttered toast and a boiled egg or scrambled eggs with 1 egg.

● Banana and plain yogurt.

● Bacon sandwich.

● 2 pieces of cheese on two pieces of toast.

45 kbg

● Banana and plain yogurt.

● Large fruit compote - prunes, figs, dried apricots and raisins.

● Milk, banana, yogurt and 3 strawberries mixed in a smoothie using a blender.


10 kbg

● Any mixed salad sprinkled with pine nuts.

● 1/2 avocado with smoked salmon, shrimp or bacon bits served on a green salad.

● Any mixed salad, including tomatoes, grated beets, carrots, peppers, radishes, onions, corn.

● Any mixed salad with a portion of ham, cheese, chicken or tuna.


● Soup with bun.

● 4 crackers with cheese.

35 kbg

● Small bun filled with green salad, ham, cheese, chicken and tuna.

● Medium slice of pizza with salad.

● All sandwiches (2 pieces of bread) with ham, chicken, cheese or salad.

● Baguette, bagel, croissant or pitta bread with filling and/or salad.

60 kbg

● Any meat filling, but with a small potato filling.

● The salad can be served with any of the ones described above.

● Medium-sized potatoes with cheese or cottage cheese, or tuna, or ham, or 1 tbsp. l. sour cream dressing with green onions, or additional oil that you may need.


Breakfast cereals: 30 g per serving.

Pasta: 100 g (approx. 4 tbsp) raw weight (not cooked).

Rice: 4-5 tbsp. l. wet weight.

Vegetables: 3 tbsp. l. per serving.

Fish: 75-100 g per serving.

Meat: 75-100 g per serving.

Soup: 200 ml.

Eggs: 2.

Cheese: 50 g.


10 kbg

● A bowl of asparagus, watercress and carrot soup.

● Shrimp with 1 tsp. French dressing.

● Smoked salmon with 1/2 piece of bread.

● Smoked mackerel salad with 1/2 slice of bread.

● Half an ear of corn.

● A piece of melon (with raspberries).

20 kbg

Serve the following dinners with two or three vegetables.

● A portion of potato casserole with minced meat, but instead mashed potatoes make parsnip puree.

● Pork or lamb chop with 1 tbsp. l. weak gravy.

● Baked meat (roast beef) - make sure the fat has been removed.

● Cod or haddock, grilled or in a white wine and parsley sauce.

● Meat, chicken or seafood curry with a light sauce.

● Chicken fried with vegetables and soy sauce.

● Steak with salad, fried mushrooms and peas.

● Grilled elk fillet.

35 kbg

Serve with fresh salads.

● Small portions of lasagna.

● A serving of chili con carne with 1-2 tbsp. l. rice

● Salad Niçoise: Add 15 kg if you want to include two small potatoes.

80 kbg

● Any curry or chilli with 3-4 tbsp. l. rice

● Pasta with smoked salmon or creme fraiche or with pesto and nut dressing.

● Bolognese sauce with a portion of pasta.

● Kedgeree.


20 kbg

● A small jar of plain organic yoghurt (3 tbsp.).

● Mixed fruit salad made with 3 fruits.

● 1/2 banana and 3 tbsp. l. custard.

● 2 scoops of ice cream.

30 kbg

● 3 tbsp. l. fruits, boiled in a small amount of water with 1 tablespoon of sugar.

Although nutritionists and sports physiologists debate the benefits of carbohydrate-restricted diets, these diets are experiencing a resurgence in popularity. Over the past few years, there has been a dramatic change in ideas about why a person gains weight. The general public has finally realized that it is carbohydrates, and not dietary fats, that are converted into body fat, and become one of the main causes of obesity. A low-carbohydrate diet is used mainly in strength sports, as well as in martial arts. Such diets are aimed mainly at increasing muscle definition and strength. Low-carbohydrate diets are advisable to use in the initial stages of preparation for competitions for athletes with a small natural layer of fat, as well as for amateur athletes who are concerned about the problem of excess weight.

There are various modifications of low-carbohydrate diets, but the main idea is to limit carbohydrates - up to 30% of the calorie intake, increase the proportion of proteins - 20-30%, and the main energy supply is provided by fats - about 50-60% of daily calories.
The main goal of a low-carb diet is to help our body use its own fat stores as an energy source. Because until the body completely uses up carbohydrate sources, it will not process fat.
With a chronic lack of dietary carbohydrates, reserve liver glycogen is utilized to maintain normal glycemic levels. In the complete absence of carbohydrate intake, its reserves run out after 48 hours, which is accompanied by partial dehydration. Subsequently, fat oxidation is activated for gluconeogenesis; To meet energy needs, the liver and muscles metabolize free fatty acids, and their partial oxidation leads to the formation of ketone bodies, which can be used as fuel by all tissues containing mitochondria.
A sharp restriction of carbohydrate intake (less than 50 g per day) is very dangerous. With a deficiency of carbohydrates and glucose, the body begins to consume glycogen, and then fats. The main problem is that the process of fat breakdown is quite energy-consuming, so the body may stop at some point, leaving small residues, the so-called ketone bodies. They make the blood acidic and poison the body. This can lead to ketosis or ketoacidosis. Their symptoms are drowsiness, weakness, dry lips and a sensation of acetone odor. After severe poisoning, a diabetic coma can occur. To avoid this unpleasant phenomenon, the athlete must reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed gradually. If at this stage you feel a deterioration in your health (weakness, dry mouth, smell of acetone, drowsiness, etc.), you should deviate from the initial diet, you can immediately drink some sweet juice, which, by the way, should always be with you during the diet, although would be a small bag. The appearance of such disorders indicates blood oxidation (so-called ketone poisoning of the body). You can get rid of discomfort by gradually introducing carbohydrates into your diet. Drinking plenty of fluids can also help neutralize dry mouth.

The role of carbohydrates in the body.
Let's start, perhaps, with the most important thing - carbohydrates, which our body receives from quality food, are the main source of energy, so everything that we spend throughout the day, our body takes primarily from them. In order for glucose (a simple carbohydrate) to be properly absorbed by the body, the presence of the hormone insulin is necessary. If it enters the body in excess, it actively begins to be stored in the liver and muscle tissue in the form of glycogen. After all the cells of the body are filled with glucose, the body becomes oversaturated with it, and it will certainly be processed into fat.
Food includes simple and complex, digestible and indigestible carbohydrates. The main simple carbohydrates are glucose, galactose and fructose (monosaccharides), sucrose, lactose and maltose (disaccharides). Complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides) include starch, glycogen, fiber, pectin, and hemicellulose.
It is generally accepted that simple carbohydrates are harmful to humans, while complex carbohydrates are, accordingly, beneficial. However, once carbohydrates enter the body, it is not so easy for its systems to distinguish “bad” carbohydrates from “good” ones. Regardless of whether carbohydrates contain a straight or branched sugar molecule, for easier absorption into the blood in the body, they are broken down into glucose, which is the main source of energy for the body's cells.
One of the most accurate classifications of carbohydrates today is the glycemic index, which takes into account the rate at which blood sugar levels rise after consuming a particular carbohydrate product. The higher the glycemic index of a food, the faster it will increase your sugar levels.

Low carb diet menu.
The low-carbohydrate list of weight loss products is very extensive and varied, and therefore their benefits are obvious. Ultimately, absolutely all foods stimulate the body's production of insulin, but it is important that this process proceeds slowly and gradually so that it does not cause rapid short-term hyperactivity, which is also quickly replaced by apathy and hunger. In this regard, it is recommended to always consume slowly digestible carbohydrates.
Your diet should include foods high in protein and low in carbohydrates:
* Meat: poultry (chicken, turkey, duck, goose, quail), lean beef and beef liver, ham, veal, lamb, rabbit, venison.
* Fish: cod, halibut, flounder, catfish, mackerel, herring, salmon, trout, tuna, sardines.
* Seafood: crabs, mussels, lobsters, oysters, shrimp, scallops, squid.
* Dairy products: low-fat cottage cheese and cheese.
* Eggs: you can use any eggs.
* Vegetables and greens: alfalfa sprouts, lettuce, arugula, celery, fennel, garlic, mint, parsley, radishes, dill, sorrel, celery root, asparagus, dandelion shoots, leeks, cucumbers, green onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers , olives, bean pods, bamboo shoots, boiled beets, all types of cabbage, sauerkraut, eggplant, pumpkin, zucchini, turnip, rhubarb, snow peas.
During the metabolism of fat cells - lipolysis - ketones are formed, which are then excreted in the urine. To prevent this process from affecting your health, be sure to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day during a low-carb diet. It will flush the kidneys and remove protein breakdown products. Therefore, always take a bottle of water with you.
Since any diet involves limiting the consumption of certain foods, you should definitely take additional vitamins and mineral complexes that will compensate for the deficiency of essential nutrients in the body. During low-carb diets, special attention should be paid to potassium supplements, since this mineral is easily washed out by water, and the body cannot store potassium. A deficiency of this element can cause cramps, and a feeling of exhaustion may also appear.
The fat burning process can be assisted nutritional supplements that will help you quickly get rid of extra pounds. The best effect is provided by carnitine, selenium, chromium picolinate, B-complex vitamins, as well as flaxseed oil, which contains a lot fatty acids omega-3. These acids have a thermogenic effect on the body. Such nutritional supplements are good at stimulating fat burning mechanisms, of course, provided that such mechanisms are already running in the body.
Let's look at the foods you should avoid when losing weight on a low-carb diet.
First of all, it is necessary to exclude foods that have a high sugar content and foods that have been processed. The list of “anti-weight loss” products includes White bread and any flour dishes, from premium white flour, and, of course, sugar: table sugar (sucrose), natural, formed in fruits (fructose), varieties of glucose (dextrose) and others.
As for “sugar” products, when following a low-carb diet, you should never consume: brown sugar, honey, corn syrup, fruit juice concentrates, molasses, lactose, sucrose, raw sugar, malt syrup, maltose (malt sugar).
The issue of total calorie content of food has not lost its relevance. It’s one thing that a too low caloric intake slows down metabolism and fat burning - that’s half the trouble. Another thing is that if you get too few calories, the body begins to eat itself. The protein structures of internal organs and muscles are consumed. Therefore, you need to eat foods high in protein.
Modern bodybuilders have a bad attitude towards fats and are afraid to eat eggs with yolks or red meat. What can we say about pork? As an alternative, nuts and seeds are used, which contain an insufficient amino acid set. Attempts to gain the required calorie content with low-fat protein alone can lead to intoxication of the body. When following a low-carb diet, it is recommended to consume at least 3 teaspoons of fat per day. Preference should be given to unsaturated vegetable fats. Olives, olives, sunflower, rapeseed and olive oils are especially rich in such fats. fish fat. The highest quality monounsaturated fats are found in olive oil, which is recommended for seasoning various vegetable dishes, especially salads made from foods containing carotenoids.
This diet is not a starvation diet, even if you eat little. Because after eating, you feel a greater and longer feeling of satiety, since the breakdown of fats and proteins occurs much more slowly than the breakdown of carbohydrates.

Before “going on a diet,” you should consult a specialist, since high protein foods are contraindicated for people with certain diseases associated with metabolic disorders, for example, urolithiasis disease, gout. The thing is that with a normal diet, these metabolic disorders may not appear at all, which means that you may not even know that you have the disease. By changing your diet to increase protein consumption, you provoke the launch of a severe pathological mechanism in your body.
It should be taken into account that excessive consumption of fatty foods is contraindicated in case of gastrointestinal diseases, for example, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, peptic ulcer stomach, gastritis.
Side effects low carb diet:
- May lead to digestive problems, particularly constipation.
- People who follow a low-carb diet feel tired all the time, they are often in a bad mood, their memory deteriorates and it is more difficult for them to concentrate. Just a few days after the transition to new diet nutrition, a person becomes more irritable and hot-tempered.
- Another side effect A low-carb diet causes bloating, a problem that affects 68 out of 100 people who limit themselves to carbohydrates.
A low-carbohydrate diet should not be followed during intense training and competition.

The diet usually begins with a daily intake of sugars that is approximately 60% of the usual. During the planned period, the athlete gradually reduces their amount, depending on the body’s adaptation to the diet and the slowdown of the lipolysis process. You should not accelerate the rate of reduction in carbohydrate intake, since metabolism in this case slows down and the desired result becomes difficult to achieve. The carbohydrate content in food should be reduced gradually, at least for a month, this will help maintain muscle mass and speed up your metabolism.
When following a low-carbohydrate diet, you must first limit the intake of simple and high-glycemic carbohydrates. To accomplish this task, you should constantly monitor the percentage of subcutaneous fat and reduce the dosage of sugars.
The most effective mode of carbohydrate intake is one in which the athlete’s metabolism does not have time to adapt to the amount of carbohydrates eaten per day. Example of the ratio of carbohydrates per week: Monday - 60 g of carbohydrates, Tuesday - 60 g, Wednesday - 100 g, Thursday - 150 g, Friday - 150 g, Saturday - 250 g, Sunday - 350 g.

Example of a weekly diet:
Day 1
* Breakfast: 200 ml apple juice.
* Second breakfast: 50 g of boiled rice; 50 g boiled beef; 100 ml green tea.
* Lunch: 50 g beef liver with soy sauce; 10 boiled shrimp; 200 ml vegetable soup; 1 slice of rye bread.
* Afternoon snack: 100 ml low-fat yogurt.
* Dinner: salad of 1 tomato, dressed with olive oil.
* 1.5 hours before bedtime: 100 ml skim milk.
Day 2
* Breakfast: 200 g of ready-made breakfast cereal, poured with 100 ml of kefir.
* Second breakfast: 5 crackers; 100 ml skim milk.
* Lunch: 500 ml of lean borscht; 50 g corn; 100 g seaweed; 1 slice whole grain bread.
* Afternoon snack: 1 apple.
* Dinner: 100 g oatmeal; 200 ml green tea.
* 1.5 hours before bedtime: 100 ml of yogurt; 5 crackers.
Day 3
* Breakfast: 200 g of oatmeal; 200 ml skim milk.
* Second breakfast: 2 apples.
* Lunch: 200 ml chicken broth; 50 g boiled young beans; 1 slice of toasted bread.
* Afternoon snack: 1 protein shake.
* Dinner: 1 medium banana; 100 ml green tea.
* 1.5 hours before bedtime: 200 ml of orange juice.
Day 4
* Breakfast: 100 ml fruit yoghurt; 10 crackers.
* Second breakfast: 100 g of boiled chicken fillet; 200 ml herbal tea.
* Lunch: 500 ml fish soup; 200 g salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and leeks; 1 slice of toasted bread; 200 ml mineral water with the addition of lemon juice.
* Afternoon snack: 1 small bun; 200 ml skim milk.
* Dinner: 100 g of boiled fish; 1 tomato; 1 slice of bran bread; 200 ml green tea.
* 1 hour before bedtime: 200 ml of dried fruit compote.
Day 5
* Breakfast: 200 g of rice porridge with skim milk; 1 slice of bread; 200 ml tea with lemon.
* Second breakfast: 1 bun with poppy seeds; 200 ml kefir.
* Lunch: 500 ml beef broth; 50 g boiled beans; 150 g stewed fish; 2 slices of toasted bread; 200 ml pineapple juice.
* Afternoon snack: 200 g of fresh pineapple.
* Dinner: a sandwich of toasted bread with low-fat butter and 1 slice of ham; 150 g oatmeal; 100 ml green tea.
* 1.5 hours before bedtime: 100 ml of fruit yogurt; 10 crackers.
Day 6
* Breakfast: 1 energy bar; 1 medium sized banana.
* Second breakfast: 150 g of oatmeal or 1 slice of bread with butter; 200 ml tea or coffee.
* Lunch: 500 ml fish soup; 1 small boiled potato tuber; 100 g boiled cold beef; 200 g green salad; 100 ml tea with lemon or compote.
* Afternoon snack: 1 small bun; 200 ml kefir.
* Dinner: 200 g of buckwheat porridge; 100 g boiled fish; 30 g soy sauce; 1 tablespoon honey; 200 ml green tea.
* 1.5 hours before bedtime: 2 wheat breads; 200 ml skim milk.
Day 7
* Breakfast: 200 g of wheat porridge with fruit; 200 ml kefir.
* Second breakfast: 1 small bun; 200 ml tea or coffee.
* Lunch: 500 ml meat broth; 200 g stewed broccoli; 150 g canned mushrooms; 200 ml apple juice.
* Afternoon snack: 2 apples; 200 ml low-fat yoghurt.
* Dinner: 200 g vegetable salad with olives; 1 slice of ham; 2 slices of toasted bread; 100 ml green tea; 50 g dark chocolate.
* 1.5 hours before bedtime: 30 g of cookies; 200 ml orange juice.

One should take into account the fact that the body will definitely not immediately be able to switch from burning carbohydrates to the process of processing fats to produce energy, and even more so, the result of this work will not be immediately visible. This will happen only after a few weeks, but the result will be valid and stable.
Many people trying to get rid of extra pounds are often simply obsessed with measuring their body weight every day. However, the numbers on the scales show not only the amount of fat, but also the volume of liquid and waste remaining in the body from processed food. It is for this reason, and in addition due to factors psychological plan, the indicator of the weight of the human body is very unstable and changes every day, or rather during the day as well. Therefore, weighing yourself every day is absolutely unjustified and even harmful (you risk breaking down and interrupting the weight loss process, or getting upset and nervous soil start not losing weight but gaining weight). More accurate results will be obtained by weighing once a week. Moreover, it should be carried out at the same time of day, the most suitable time would be after morning exercise.

Winter diet

If gaining 3-4 kg, a double chin and a beer belly are not in your plans for this winter, here are a few options that will help you maintain your figure and not gain weight in the winter. Why do we get fat in winter? There are several ways to protect yourself from “seasonal troubles”. Winter diet for weight loss. Winter meat diet. Winter fish diet. Winter vegetarian diet. Winter diet for 7 days.

Kombucha diet

Kombucha diet

The Chinese called it the elixir of health and immortality. Today, kombucha is cultivated throughout the world. Method for preparing kombucha. Basic properties of the mushroom. Kombucha infusion (tea kvass) itself actually has no contraindications for use. But there are still some recommendations for the use of tea bend. Kombucha diet rules.

Zucchini diet

The zucchini diet is an ideal diet for those who want to lose weight and eat tasty, and most importantly healthy, food at the same time. The duration of the zucchini diet is from a week to a month. You need to eat at least half a kilo of tasty vegetables a day. The variety of dishes depends only on your imagination. The result will not be long in coming.

Sometimes there comes a time in an athlete’s life when he wants to give his muscles definition. Many beginner (and not only them) athletes simply want to get rid of excess subcutaneous fat and bring its norm to 8-10%. A low-carb diet is a panacea for both. Sometimes it is mistakenly called a “no-carbohydrate diet”, but this is completely wrong!

Keeping your diet low in carbohydrates will impact your muscles' ability to recover after exercise, your muscle mass, and your strength. Whether you want it or not, you won’t be able to simultaneously gain weight and quickly get rid of subcutaneous fat. Additionally, a low carb diet will lower your cortisol and increase it. For athletes using it, the difference is not significant, but for ordinary athletes, the high carbohydrate content is very important.

So, you've weighed the pros and cons. You have finally decided to go on a low-carb diet. But how to comply with it? The point of the diet is to switch your body from using glucose for energy to using your subcutaneous fat. In addition, the body spends more calories burning fat than burning carbohydrates. The diet is not any food restriction; you can eat eggs (or rather egg whites), meat (lean), vegetables, fish, seafood, and mushrooms in any quantity. In no large quantities you can eat dairy products (low fat), nuts (as a source of fat). In essence, the restriction comes through cutting simple carbohydrates. Get ready for the fact that you will have to give up sweets and starchy foods. Replace white bread with grain bread, ideally it is better to exclude it altogether. You don’t have to give up carbohydrates right away, just give up simple ones first. In the first week you can eat rice, buckwheat, and oatmeal. Next, try to avoid carbohydrates altogether in the afternoon. Drink more water, 2-3 liters per day. No tea, no juice, just water! And by the way, try not to drink juice at all, it contains a catastrophically high amount of sugar, I already mentioned this in the article.

Your diet might look something like this:

4 egg whites, 1 yolk. A cup of oatmeal. Green tea

About 100 grams of rice. Grilled/or boiled chicken breasts.

Late lunch.
200 grams of fish, about 100 grams of lentils. Salad.

Lean meat, about 150-200 grams. Vegetables/salad.

Before bedtime.
200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.
Between meals, you can drink a protein shake, preferably with water. Well, in general, as you can see, There is no complete rejection of carbohydrates here, there is only a reduction in them.

For bodybuilders, it is the first stage towards an ideal athletic figure, followed by the creation of muscle definition. Low-carb diet for athletes becomes a lifesaver, helping to get rid of fat and increasing muscle strength. Often, such a diet is resorted to several months before “bikini fitness” competitions, where the aesthetic component plays an important role. For athletes whose competitions involve intense physical exercise, a low-carb diet can only cause harm.

Place of carbohydrates in metabolism

Carbohydrates are the main “fast” source of energy for the body, part of which is stored in large quantities in the liver and muscle tissue in the form of glycogen. It is this polysaccharide that, under intense and prolonged exercise, is transformed into glucose, which nourishes internal organs, increasing the athlete’s athletic performance. However, with a sedentary lifestyle, carbohydrates are converted into fat deposits on the hips, abdomen, and waist, which leads to weight gain and distortion of the natural proportions of the figure.

There are two types of carbohydrates:

  • Simple - sugar, buns containing it, sweet sodas, sweets, cakes;
  • Complex - all types of cereals, in particular buckwheat, bulgur, rice.

It is not recommended for athletes to completely eliminate carbohydrate-containing foods, so as not to disrupt metabolism. However, meals containing simple carbohydrates should be completely avoided, as they provide “empty” calories that form a layer of fat. For example, in our low carb diet"Fit" does not contain sugar. At the same time, the menu includes many different desserts sweetened with natural sweetener.

How to properly introduce a diet into an athlete’s diet?

The body must adapt to any diet, so it is necessary to gradually reduce the amount of certain nutrients. The same principle should be followed in relation to daily calorie content dishes. Especially if you are aiming to maintain muscle mass and skin elasticity.

So, if before your diet was about 2600 kcal, and you trained intensively, building muscle fibers, then to give relief you need to reduce calorie content by 500-600 kcal. After one or two weeks energy value The menu can be reduced further if necessary. At the same time, your loads should be less intense.

  • Eat regularly and never start training on an empty stomach or immediately after eating;
  • Your diet should contain all three nutrients (), regardless of your goals. You can change the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but you cannot completely eliminate or minimize their amount;
  • Enrich your menu with fresh vegetables, fruits and freshly squeezed juices.

After “drying” your body, you can switch to a maintenance diet. Our “Balance” menu is perfect for these purposes, as it contains 2000 kcal. It contains about 180-200 g of carbohydrates per day, as well as 150 g of protein and 80 g of fat. With regular exercise in gym With a light weight of equipment, you can maintain a beautiful, sculpted figure for a long time, without resorting to special diets to burn fat.

As for low-carbohydrate diets, we do not recommend that athletes adhere to such a diet for more than one month. When the body gets rid of the fat layer, it will begin to make up for the energy deficit from muscle tissue. Our rulers will help you eat rationally without harming your health and figure!

As a rule, people who go in for sports are strong and resilient with excellent health and a beautiful physique. The main task for them is to maintain excellent physical shape. And this means not a drop of excess fat. To achieve results, there is a special diet for athletes.

Sports Diet Basics for Men

A diet for athletes to burn fat should be designed so that the person following it can live a full life. Play sports, be full of energy and receive all the necessary substances and microelements for the normal functioning of the body. And at the same time, the athlete should not gain excess weight.

Daily menu people who devote their lives to sports differ in composition from the diet of those men who are far from sports activities. When creating a diet for athletes to lose weight, the diet also includes all kinds of dietary supplements and special sports drugs.

What products are included in the diet for men involved in sports?

Products containing protein are the main component of the diet. Fats are also necessary for the body to function properly, but their consumption should be minimal. The main rule is to monitor the quantity of one or another microelement consumed.

The average calorie content of meals for athletes is approximately 2800 Kcal. Consider the intensity power loads. If it is high, then the calorie content of the diet will be higher.

There are 4 product groups:

  • Lean meats and poultry and eggs;
  • Dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Fruits and fresh vegetables;
  • Cereals and cereals.

The fruit and vegetable set must be consumed to obtain essential vitamins and microelements

Fats give muscles a boost of energy. But you need to take into account that they are not absorbed very quickly and the body’s strength capabilities at this moment are reduced.

♦ Do not adhere to several diets at once. Pick one and follow it religiously.

♦ A sudden change in eating habits may have a negative impact on your health. For beginners in sports, it is recommended to gradually switch to special nutrition.

♦ Don't smoke or drink alcohol. These bad habits are completely incompatible with sports.

♦ Don't leave the race. If you decide to take the path healthy image life, stick to the proposed menu and don’t skip training. Don't be the weak link.

Useful tips:

  1. Drink plenty of water.
  2. Nutrition should be balanced with an emphasis on proteins.
  3. Count your calories.
  4. Eat fresh food (leave the prepared dish in the refrigerator for no more than a day).
  5. If possible, try to avoid heat treatment of fruits and vegetables. At high temperatures they lose a huge amount of vitamins. Also remember that fractional meals are the key to success.
Protein diet


A glass of juice or milk;

Omelet with vegetables;

Cottage cheese, low fat 1 serving.

Afternoon snack

Any unsweetened fruit;

Tea or juice.


Meat broth 1 cup;

Lean meat or fish 150 grams;

Vegetables and greens.

Evening meal

Low-fat baked fish 200 grams;

Kefir or natural yogurt 1 cup.

⇒ Between main meals, it is not prohibited to snack on a small slice of hard cheese or drink sweet tea.

Drying for men

A diet for athletes - drying - gives excellent results. It occurs in several stages and requires strict adherence to the proposed diet.

First stage

Boiled food is a priority. All smoked, fried, confectionery and bakery products are completely excluded. The menu should consist of proteins, complex carbohydrates, vegetables and grains.

Carbohydrate foods should be eaten in the first half of the day, and protein foods in the second; the duration of the first stage of drying is 1 week. The calorie content of food at the first stage should not be higher than 2.5% per kilogram of total body weight.

Sample menu:

♦ Breakfast

Boiled eggs 7 pieces (eat without yolk);

Flaxseed oil, a full tablespoon.

♦ Afternoon snack

Rice porridge with boiled chicken breast;

Low-fat kefir.

♦ Lunch

Boiled chicken with lean rice porridge;

Vegetable Salad;


♦ Second lunch


Boiled tuna;

♦ Dinner

Boiled potatoes, several tubers;

Lenten fish.

Second phase

The daily dose of protein consumed increases to 3.5 grams per kilogram of weight. It is forbidden to eat salt or season dishes with spices. The diet focuses on proteins and vegetables. The menu is compiled independently based on the food set of the first stage. Observe for 7 days.

Third stage

This is the most difficult period and it lasts for seven long days. Daily norm protein intake increases to 5 grams per kilogram of weight. Carbohydrates eaten per day should not be more than 90 grams. This will be enough for the vitality of the body, but the physical and psychological condition will worsen. You need to be prepared for this, this is the last test, then an amazing result awaits you.

Calorie content of dishes during drying

♦ Breakfast – 600 Kcal

♦ Lunch – 700 Kcal

♦ Snack – 150 Kcal

♦ Dinner – 600 Kcal

⇒ The set of products is the same as in the first stage, with the exception of potatoes.

During drying, do not forget to saturate your body with water. The liquid will free the kidneys from wastes accumulated due to intensive fat burning.

Burning fat is difficult chemical process, so you can support your body with vitamin, nutritional and mineral supplements.

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