The difference between a goose and a goose by external characteristics. Difference between a goose and a goose: methods of determining sex. How to determine the sex of geese in the early stages

How to distinguish a gander from a goose Geese are an excellent bird for breeding at home or on a farm. At a relatively low cost, geese grow to quite large sizes; their meat and fat are very tasty and healthy. Business owners involved in breeding geese often have a question: how to distinguish a goose from a goose, and what is this for? What is it for? Why do you need to install gosling floors? Determining the sex of goslings of different breeds allows from an early age to form herds with the required number of geese and ganders in them. As you know, only geese can lay eggs, and too many males in the herd reduces egg production. To obtain a sufficient number of fertilized eggs, there should be 4-5 geese per 1 gander in the herd. Moreover, both parents must have excellent health and good weight. Therefore, sick and weak ganders must be promptly identified and removed from the herd, preventing them from breeding. Egg-laying and meat-producing birds are fed differently. Ganders are large and heavy, so they should be fed higher-calorie foods to help them gain weight faster. Geese, when fed abundantly and nutritiously, begin to become fat and reduce egg production. Therefore, it is necessary to separate males from females at an early age and feed them with different foods. It would be correct to form two flocks, one of which will contain healthy geese with a sufficient number of ganders to collect hatching eggs, and the other - individuals fattened for meat. Determining the sex of goslings Usually, in a flock of adult geese, determining who is who is not at all difficult: geese are larger than geese, they are heavier in weight and taller. Their heads are larger, and some breeds have characteristic growths above the eyes. The neck is longer and thicker, and the voice is louder. These are stately individuals with a proud posture and the behavior of leaders. But in childhood these signs are not so noticeable, and it is at an early age that the formation of the future herd occurs. How to determine the sex of a gosling? To do this, use different methods based on visual inspection of the bird. The gosling should be placed on its back so that its head hangs down and its tail is raised. At the same time, the cloaca opens, and in it you can see a small process - a red genital organ. Naturally - only for a male representative. Geese do not have such a genital organ. However, the gosling’s genital organ is still very small, and can only be examined with a magnifying glass. Another way to determine the sex of goslings is to turn them upside down. The gosling is taken by the paws and gently lowered upside down, as if falling. At the same time, the females simply turn their heads, and the males try to reach their paws. The behavior of goslings can be distinguished even in the incubator, from the first days of life. Males immediately begin to show their superiority; they are indeed larger and more active than females. Males are demanding when it comes to food and become indignant if you don’t feed them on time; females have a calmer and more patient character. Determining the sex of an adult bird How to distinguish a gander from a goose if they are already adults? In addition to appearance, there are other differences. Males have a rough voice, while geese have a ringing voice. Sometimes birds in a flock simply surprise with their habits and characters: geese behave like real leaders, and just like people, they do not miss the opportunity to show their importance and significance. And the geese fuss, endlessly fuss about something, constantly sort things out and make noise. However, such individuals are rare in the herd, and it is difficult to distinguish the sex of the bird by behavior alone. On the water, geese immediately show their leadership qualities; they walk at the head of the herd, and after swimming they stand in one place and flap their wings. If geese are frightened, the females will begin to hug the ground, and the males will try to find the source of danger and, if possible, prevent it. At the same time, they begin to stretch their necks and hiss. And yet, the main feature by which females can be distinguished from males at first glance is their weight. Thus, the gray gander of the Ukrainian breed gains weight up to 10 kg, and geese weigh only 5-6.5 kilograms. During the mating season, geese in the herd begin to fight and dispute their right to mate, while the geese still behave calmly and do not show any aggression. Despite the pronounced gender differences, there are individuals in the herd whose gender is difficult to determine by eye - these can be large, powerful geese, or, conversely, small and calm ganders. If in doubt, the bird's cloaca should be examined to identify the genital organ, which looks like a small curl in the shape of a spiral. For these purposes, the bird is placed with its paws up and the cloaca is opened with the fingers. In addition, you can try to find the reproductive organ in a goose in another way - you need to turn the bird upside down and press the body around the cloaca with your fingers. If there is a sexual organ, it should appear. If not, you have a goose in your hands. And the third way - you need to sit on a chair and put the goose on your lap with its back up, hold the wings with your hands, and begin to examine the cloaca to identify the genital organ.

Many farmers who breed poultry, including geese, know very well how difficult it can be to determine the sex of some species. If, for example, a hen and a cockerel are easy to distinguish which one is which, then there are great difficulties in distinguishing geese by gender. And the further success of breeding the species depends on whether you have correctly identified the sex. We’ll talk about how to distinguish a goose from a goose in our article.

In order for geese to have offspring, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of each breed and be able to determine the sex of these birds. There are some signs of determining gender, as well as methods that can also distinguish a “boy” from a “girl.”

By appearance

Like most species of living beings in nature, among geese, males are noticeably larger than females, they differ in size. Good, well-groomed ganders can reach a weight of 9 kg, and females are slightly more modest in size, they can weigh only 2 kg less than males. However, determining gender using this method will not always be possible. There are many breeds of these birds; they may differ in appearance. For this method, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the characteristics of each breed and their differences.

Character and habits

One can create legends about the terrible disposition of geese; if someone was in a village and passed by a herd of geese, he would undoubtedly incur the wrath of its individual members, and there was no way to hide or hide from them. You can see the goose's reaction to a person in the video. Another method of distinguishing a goose from a goose is related to their habits in their natural environment.
Most often, ganders show their bad temper in the herd. Like true leaders, they try to protect their charges from potential danger with their breasts, and females very rarely perform such actions. Also, during the period of sexual intercourse, ganders begin to fight among themselves for the right to be the first to cover females and have offspring.

Another sign of how to distinguish a gander from a goose is its voice. Males have a hoarse, rougher voice, while females have a more sonorous and high-pitched voice. Also, ganders always try to look impressive, showing their importance. They stretch their necks as high as possible, as if they are looking down on everyone. Geese, on the contrary, try to lower their necks a little, which looks like a bow, this is how they show their submission.

Unfortunately, character and habits do not give us a complete picture of who is a goose and who is a goose, because these are social birds, and in social groups there may be a certain imbalance in the behavioral reactions of individual individuals. For example, young ganders may appear female and not show any hostility or activity.

Sex determination in chicks

If you have not adults, but chicks, then the following method will help you distinguish between them. One of the methods to determine the sex of chicks is the so-called “Bungee”. The method is quite simple. It is necessary to turn the chick upside down, take it by the paws, and lower them down, simulating falling. The males will begin to reach for their paws, and the females will simply turn their heads; they show no other activity.

Another method associated with chicks is finding out the sex in an incubator. If you have newborn chicks, then you will immediately notice that males and females, from the very first days, differ in both size and behavior. Males are initially taller and larger, trying to stretch their necks. From the very first days they show themselves to be leaders. Females are smaller in size, much quieter and practically do not make any sounds; they can scream only if they are hungry.

Scientific approach

However, the most reliable method for distinguishing a gander from a goose is the scientific approach. It can be applied both to small chicks and to adult individuals. The method is quite simple, but it requires basic knowledge of goose anatomy. It involves determining whether a bird has a penis.

You need to place the goose on its back, on a high surface, so that its head leans back and it does not interfere with you. Throw back the tail and gently spread the cloaca. If, during the check, you saw a peeking out process, then this is a male; if this is not found, it is a female.
This method is the most reliable, and after mastering it, you will no longer be mistaken and will be able to determine the sex of geese. It is still advisable to combine all methods together to eliminate the slightest doubt.

It is worth noting that the methods must be applied if you are going to breed geese and they must be divided in the correct proportions into groups. If your goal is to raise individuals for meat or eggs, then scrupulous separation may be inappropriate.

  • feather;
  • eggs.

Before you start breeding such a useful bird, it is worth understanding the question of how to distinguish between males and females in this species.

What does this skill give?

The main purpose of breeding is to increase the number of livestock. Anyone can buy a huge number of birds, but not everyone can do competent work. In goose farming, just like in any other form, there must be a stable increase in individuals. After culling, sending for meat, or death due to natural causes, the herd will have to be replenished, and in this case both ganders and geese will be needed.

How to determine the gender of goslings

It is much easier to distinguish between adults than young animals, but there are also reliable methods here. The most important of them are:

  1. Scientific. Knowledge about the differences in the biological structure of individuals is applied.
  2. "Bungee"
  3. Intimidation. There is a reaction to a sharp sound.
  4. How active are the birds?
  5. By size.

What is the scientific method

This is one of the most common methods and it looks like this:

  1. The gosling is placed belly up on any horizontal surface so that the head is slightly suspended. At the same time, the tail will begin to rise reflexively.
  2. It is necessary to visually examine the cloaca, which is the location of the genital organs.
  3. A small shoot will indicate that the chick is a gander. Small sizes do not always allow one to see the penis. To do this, you can use magnifying devices, for example, an ordinary magnifying glass.
  4. The absence of a shoot indicates a goose.

The method is correct and is based on the morphological structure of birds, which allows us to say without errors that the gosling belongs to one sex or another.


Refers to folk methods, very loved by poultry farmers. You can check it like this:

  1. The chick grabs its paws, but very carefully so as not to damage them.
  2. Then you need to turn the individual head down.
  3. Observe the reaction.

The method is based on a natural reflex. If a gosling tries to reach its body with its beak, then this behavior is characteristic of a gander. If there is no reaction and the chick simply turns its head around, then it is a goose. Some poultry farmers question this technique, but statistical data speaks for it.


The presence of a stressful situation allows you to determine whether the chick is male or female. Here the characteristic features inherent in one or another gender begin to appear. The method is simple and effective. A sharp sound is made, and then a reaction is observed. The gander will begin to stretch its neck and raise its head to assess what is happening and look for emanating danger. The goose, on the contrary, will fall to the ground and hide.

It is important not to abuse this technique so as not to have a negative impact on the young animals. Excessive intimidation can develop an unfavorable conditioned reflex that will have a detrimental effect on future breeding.

Activity monitoring

It is common for ganders to make noise even in childhood; they are practically tireless and capable of being very active for a very long time. This quality contributes to the development of territory and the manifestation of rivalry. The gander will be the first to get used to the new terrain, and it will also approach the stern point. From early childhood one can observe the beginning of conflicts for the place of leader. Geese have a calmer character without displaying aggressiveness. They will vocalize when hungry or if a stressful situation has occurred.

Juvenile size

Males can be distinguished by their larger size even while they are in the incubator. Ganders are distinguished by their stately gait, in which they raise their heads and stick out their chests. The females are smaller in size and keep their heads towards the ground.

Subtleties of sex determination in adult birds

The most popular methods for determining gender are:

  1. According to the biological structure of birds.
  2. Features of sound production.
  3. By suit. Most ganders are white, with some exceptions.
  4. Behavioral features.
  5. According to the shape of the head.

The first method is similar to how sex is determined in goslings, except that the penis can be seen with the naked eye.

Sound Features

It is common for males to make loud trumpeting sounds. Females scream louder and longer.

Behavioral features

It's all about evolution here. During the breeding season, ganders begin to show aggression and competition among themselves in order to identify the leader in the flock. Fights may arise for one or another female. In addition, ganders have a more active lifestyle, eager to explore everything.

Bird sizes

The gander is a protector and leader in the flock, due to which it has greater mass and strength. On average, it is 10 percent larger than a goose. The cervical region is longer and thicker. Geese are more miniature, the neck is short and thin. There is an exception in the Linda breed. Birds of both sexes are the same size, and here you will have to use a different method.

Head shape

Ganders have a more massive head compared to geese. In the latter, it is quite refined with an elegant beak. Geese are characterized by a large beak with rough outlines.

If using the above methods there are still doubts about the sex of the bird, a laboratory blood test can be done. The method is correct, but very expensive, which is why it is not popular with most poultry farmers.

Those who breed poultry are well aware of how difficult it is sometimes to distinguish between some species by gender. For example, if there are no difficulties with the differences between hens and roosters even at an early age, then many people probably face the question of how to distinguish a gander from a goose, because individuals of this species are very similar even in adulthood. But the further process of breeding poultry, as well as pricing during the sale of livestock, largely depends on the correct determination of gender.

If you do not know the main differences between a gander and a gooseneck, it is best to hire a professional to clarify this issue. But it’s still quite rare that such an opportunity arises, so you have to figure it out on your own. Naturally, there are many “folk” ways to determine the sex of a gosling, which can guarantee a high probability of obtaining the correct result. It is best to combine different methods, since in this case the likelihood of correctly determining the sex of the bird only increases.

One of these methods is called “Bungee”. To implement this, the chick is turned upside down by its two legs, and if no reaction is observed, then the height should be changed sharply so that the vestibular apparatus feels the effect of the fall. If the chick begins to pull itself up and reach with its beak to the middle of its growth, you can confidently say that you have a male in your hands. The females will only move their heads and show no other activity.

Naturally, there are also ways to determine gender based on external characteristics. When there are many chicks in the incubator at the same time, it is very easy to identify the males, since they are much taller than the females and constantly raise their heads. They walk straighter and more confidently and look stronger. Male chicks at the age of fifteen days significantly exceed females in weight and head and neck dimensions. There are differences even in the voice. The goose is always much quieter than the gander; it gives voice only if it is hungry, and the males They practically do not fall silent, their voice is more sonorous, although depending on age and breed, its tonality can vary from low to high.

The correct results of using these and many other methods of determining the sex of a chick are relevant only in cases where the poultry farmer plans to breed geese; accordingly, he needs to divide the flock: three geese for one gander. In the case of breeding birds for eggs and meat, such manipulations can be avoided.

Behavioral differences

If we take a closer look at behavioral differences by gender, then everything here corresponds to nature. Already in the first days of their life, male chicks try to perform in front of the herd and take first places at the drinkers and feeders. Also, for example, only after the gander will the entire herd follow into the water. Based on this feature, you can use another method for calculating the sex of a chick. While swimming, the neck and head of male birds are extended parallel to the water.

And another method that allows you to distinguish males from females by their behavior is very simple to implement, since it will be enough to just scare the entire herd. Ganders will raise their heads and stretch their necks strongly, but geese will press themselves to the ground. Also, ganders are more active and aggressive.

The most accurate method

The exact way to determine gender

Let's look at a very popular scientific method, in which the caterpillar must be tipped onto its back so that its head hangs back and its tail, on the contrary, rises to the top. Next, you need to carefully open the chick’s cloaca so that the reddish-colored genitals become visible. If among what you see you can see a small appendage, it means that this is a gander. The only difficulty that may arise is the impossibility of a detailed examination due to the too small size of the genitals, so you will have to use a magnifying glass. This method allows you to identify the male in eighty percent of cases.

Video “Determining the sex of a gosling”

The video shows how to correctly determine the sex of a gosling by examining the cloaca.

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In fact, choosing the right bird plays a very important role and has many advantages. Some farmers believe that males tolerate diseases much better and gain immunity faster, others think that females are less aggressive and do not fly. In fact, these are all subjective arguments and they depend only on chance - how lucky someone is with their offspring and how they were “raised.” If you take a substantive approach to this issue, you can identify several objective advantages of correct gender selection. Let's take a closer look at them.

  1. Better egg production. And the goose understands that only females will lay eggs, so if there is an excessive number of male representatives in the herd, then egg production will suffer greatly. As statistics show, in 80% of cases the ratio is incorrect, since the bird is purchased at the market or “from hand” and a disproportionate mixture of sexes is obtained. If we select a ratio of female to male individuals of 4:1, then it will be possible to get a lot more eggs and adjust production as needed.
  2. Large amount of meat. It is known that an adult male is 15-20% heavier, its weight can reach up to 8-9 kilograms, depending on the breed. Thus, you can significantly increase the amount of meat obtained, especially if you do not intend to sell eggs.
  3. The right offspring. In order to select the best individuals for breeding next year, you need to be able to determine the sex and arrange one gander into 3-4 females.
  4. For the subsequent sale of chicks and young animals. If your goal is to sell poultry, it would be better if you start supplying it depending on the wishes of customers - this will attract trust and help you gain regular customers.

There are actually many more reasons why you need to know how to distinguish a gander from a goose. For example, it could simply be the personal wishes of the owner.

How to determine the sex of geese in the early stages

If you do not know how to distinguish a gander from a goose, then first it is better to take the help of a professional who will show you how to do it correctly. However, if you don’t have the opportunity to ask someone, you need to train yourself. Let's first consider the scientific method that is given in every instruction for the farmer.

To do this, you need to tip the caterpillar onto its back so that the head hangs slightly back and the tail is slightly raised to the top. When you carefully open the chick's cloaca, you can see the genitals of a slightly reddish color. If you can see a small appendage (penis) there, then it is a goose. The only difficulty is the small size of all the organs and the chick itself, so only a highly sighted farmer can see anything there, or with the help of a magnifying glass or magnifying glass. However, in 80% of cases this method allows one to identify the male. There are also traditional methods that give fairly high chances. Let's look at the most effective

  1. "Bungee" You need to take the chick by 2 legs and turn it upside down; if there is no reaction, sharply change the height so that the vestibular apparatus feels the fall. The chick should suddenly pull itself up and reach with its beak somewhere in the middle of its growth - then it is a male. Females hang as if dead and only move their heads when any manipulation is carried out with them.
  2. Appearance. If there are many individuals in the incubator, then choosing representatives of the stronger sex is always very easy. They are the tallest, even with the same mass as females, they are taller because they constantly raise their heads and walk more slenderly. They look stronger and stand more confidently on their feet. If they are already 15-20 days old, then they are superior in weight and size to females, they have a slightly longer neck, and also a larger head.
  3. Habits. If you don’t know how to tell a gander from a goose, listen and take a closer look at them. The former are always much noisier and almost never calm down, while the ladies remain constantly quiet and only sometimes raise their voices, and only when they are hungry. If you listen, you will notice that their voices also have different tones. There are very squeaky and quiet voices, and there are rough and very loud ones. As for habits and habits, everything here is like in nature. Male chicks are leaders from the very first days and always appear in front of the herd, are the first to move to a new place, and approach the feeders and drinkers.
  4. If the bird has grown a little and is already released into the water, then you could see how the head and neck extend parallel to the water - t Mostly only ganders do this, and after swimming they straighten their wings and begin to flap, standing in one place.
  5. Scare the herd. In any way convenient for you, the main thing is that the ganders feel the danger, then they will stretch their necks to the sky and raise their heads a little. This is a conditioned reflex, since when there is danger, males begin to determine its nature and rise higher to assess the situation. Geese are the opposite - they hug the ground more.

If we consider these methods together, we can determine gender with 100% accuracy, and this can be done at the earliest stages. If you don’t need to rush and need to know how to distinguish a gander from a goose before the formation of new offspring, then everything is much simpler.

How to determine whether an adult is a goose or a goose

If the bird is already 3-4 months old, then sex determination occurs with 100% accuracy, since it is quite easy to distinguish the genitals of males. To do this, you need to turn him over on his back with his tail away from you, and fix his body with his legs. Then pull the tail back a little with one hand and open the cloaca with the other. You will be able to see the genital organ, which will be twisted in the form of a curl; in some individuals it reaches a size of 6-7 centimeters, but, as a rule, at this age it has not yet formed in everyone and can reach only 3-4 centimeters. In females, in its place are spherical genital organs resembling curls and bubbles.

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