Hermit manara meaning. Erotic Tarot Manara (Manara The Erotic Tarot). Connection of the card with other occult sciences

The Manara Hermit Tarot card indicates isolation from the world, which is often forced. She talks about life in a hostile environment, about loneliness, anger. The reasons may be different, even a difficult childhood, but one thing remains the same: a person drives himself deeper into loneliness and wants to take revenge on the whole world. And he doesn't understand that this is a dead end.

General value

Straight. A person is afraid of the world and the latter reciprocates his feelings. A person looks at everything through the prism of negative emotions, among which rejection and aggression will prevail. Over time, he can turn into a lonely beast, and this is almost inevitable, since he cannot change anything on his own. But he refuses help, and there is no one to help him, because he is alone.

Upside down. In an inverted position, the Hermit card indicates a person who is too open to the world; he has a huge number of acquaintances, among whom there may be different people. For him, life is new meetings and impressions. Such a person rarely pays attention to problems, he simply lives as he lived.

Detailed description

State. A person feels discomfort in society, he is determined to be alone and believes that no one can understand him. He may be dependent on his complexes. Also often he will want to do something bad to his partner, he should feel much worse and this can bring the person some relief.

Feelings and relationships. The Hermit card indicates loneliness, but this does not mean that there is no relationship. They may exist, but this is a type of relationship where everyone is on their own, that is, people seem to be together, but at the same time they are alone. In some cases, there may be real hatred towards your partner. There is envy of sociable and cheerful people who know how to enjoy life.

Physical state. Complexes, barriers, difficulties in sex. Feelings of inferiority that cause anger and aggression towards other people.

Warning. You shouldn’t isolate yourself too much and blame other people for all your troubles; often you are the cause. And if you don’t admit this, then everything can end very badly.

The positive side of the card. The Hermit is hard to find on the map the good side, because it indicates a serious conflict with society and the world. Until a person begins to analyze the reasons, until he can understand them, nothing good will happen in his life.

Negative side of the card. Bitterness and a state of despair increasingly alienate a person from the world. Without outside help he will not be able to learn to enjoy life again.

Positive development of the situation. A person will experience severe depression, which will intensify until he accepts help from other people. Of course, if they offer it to him.

Negative development of the situation. Since the situation is already bad, it cannot develop in a negative direction. A person just needs to accept help from loved ones and everything in his life will become much better.

The card depicts a Werewolf sitting on the shore of a lake, against the backdrop of the setting sun. His body has not yet lost its human outline; remnants of clothing have been preserved. But the head is already wolfish. That is, his thinking has already undergone an irreversible change, it has become bestial.

It can be assumed that this is voluntary isolation, and he is hiding in this forest because he does not want to contact the surrounding reality. But, if we find the original source, an illustration by Milo Manara. We will see that the werewolf is looking at the girl, who has taken off her clothes and is walking towards the lake, perhaps to swim.

Water is a symbol of feelings and emotions. The girl goes into the water without fear, while the werewolf bares his teeth in anger. There is anger and hopelessness in his eyes. He is no longer human and cannot be part of human society. Even with a strong desire, he will no longer be able to coexist with people. His loneliness is forced due to circumstances that he cannot fight...

In the 10 of Cups we will then see the same girl who is just swimming in the lake. A comfortable emotional state, immersion in positive emotions, a state of pleasure and security is carried by the water, which our hero is afraid to enter.

This is the outcast who hated the world, for being rejected by them. Loneliness, scorched gray earth, bare trees... He is forced to give up relationships, love and communication in general. The reason can be both external circumstances and internal problems - fears, complexes, psychological disorders, up to the need for the help of specialists. Also a feeling of inferiority.

The feeling of one’s own powerlessness, it seems to me, is the first thing that catches the eye. Inability to cope with the situation and circumstances. A person is afraid to take a step and at least change something. Instead, he continues to engage in self-criticism and self-flagellation. Severe depression, pathological conditions.

This is a craving for relationships and at the same time denial of them. An insane internal contradiction that tears a person apart. The rage of a beast, eating from the inside. Anger, jealousy, powerlessness. He will no longer be able to build a normal relationship; even if he takes a step towards the girl, she will run away in fear, and maybe even lose consciousness. I immediately remember the plot from the fairy tale “Morozko”, when main character turned into a bear and scared the girl to death. In life, this may be an internal fear that is not justified by anything in reality. When a person wants a relationship, but he himself runs away from it, finding more or less plausible explanations for himself.

I immediately remember a card from the deck of 78 doors - 9 swords. There is a man sitting in an open cage. It seems to me that in life the Hermit card is played in a similar way. A person comes up with limitations for himself and he himself convincingly proves why he cannot get out of this cage, continuing to sit in it and hate the people around him.

And if such a person is in a relationship, this is loneliness together, when two completely strangers coexist. And they cannot, and most often they just think that they cannot change anything. Mutual hatred and lack of at least some understanding.

It's hard to find anything positive in this card. The card is heavy. It differs radically from Waite's classic. If there loneliness is harmonious and is the result of free choice, then here it turns into punishment.

I will not comment on the astrological correspondences that the author assigned to the cards, since I do not understand the logic that he followed.

Key words: forced loneliness, fears, complexes, anger, hopelessness, powerlessness, depression, fear of relationships.

Basic values:

Forced loneliness, both due to real and fictitious reasons.

Psychological condition:

Fears, complexes. Feeling of own powerlessness. Hopelessness, melancholy. Bitterness. Inability to enjoy life and build relationships. Feeling of own inferiority. Depression.


Loneliness together, hatred and indifference to the partner. Fear of relationships.

A terrible Werewolf sits on the river bank, angrily looking into the distance, where the world of human love blooms behind the mountain. He wants to be involved in this world - and is afraid of it at the same time. Fear of feelings makes him oppose himself to people. This is how a person becomes a werewolf animal, and human emotions seem to him like an impenetrable thicket, causing only disgust and anger.

He sits on the bank of the river, afraid to enter the water, which separates him from the coveted world of love. Water here (as, indeed, in the esoteric tradition in general) is a symbol of emotions. The werewolf does not allow himself to love, does not see the beauty of feelings - his soul is like a heavy stone, his feelings are colored only in gray and black tones. That's why he can't become human.

IX Arcana in the deck - one of the darkest and heaviest cards: melancholy, loneliness, hopelessness... It speaks of forced isolation, rejection and anger at the world around us.

Living in oblivion or a hostile environment. Degradation, dissatisfaction, severe loneliness. Maybe this is a child who was not loved in childhood? And now he takes revenge on the whole world, not realizing that this way he will not find love, but will drive himself even deeper into loneliness.

a brief description of:

Loneliness. Lack of love and sex. Unnaturalness. Bitterness. Celibacy. Feeling abandoned.

When Hermit card appears in the layout, we can assume that you are now alone and blame anyone for this, but not yourself. You are angry and exude a negative mood. You have a bad character, and it was the reason for your loneliness.

The hermit says what you are worried about now is not better times, or, more precisely, times when even a wolf howls. Longing haunts you. The best thing in this situation is to take responsibility for what is happening and deal, first of all, with yourself.

Accepted interpretations:

A terrible werewolf sits on the river bank and looks into the distance, where the human world of love blooms behind the mountain. Man becomes an animal. and the whole world wild forest. This is one of the darkest and heaviest cards. Gives loneliness and anger at the world around us. Degradation. Inability to love and give people joy.

Additional Description:

The person symbolized by the ninth Arcanum, as a rule, rejects a dummy public opinion, for which people exchanged the free expression of their essence. And there was a time when (for example, during the creation of the Marseille Tarot) the card was thought of as religious, but now... In the deck a wolf is depicted sitting on the bank of a river.

The beast still wears the remains of ordinary human clothing, but the raised fur and sharp teeth show that it is no longer a person. Angry at others, he is lonely. And as if a reflection of his loneliness, a mountain located opposite him can be seen. With this image, the Hermit card in the layout can tell about experiences, that a person is rejected by a partner, that he is completely immersed in work, creativity or meditation.


IMAGE. A terrible Werewolf sits on the river bank, angrily looking into the distance, where the world of human love blooms behind the mountain. He wants to be involved in this world - and is afraid of it at the same time. Fear of feelings makes him oppose himself to people. This is how a person becomes a werewolf animal, and human emotions seem to him like an impenetrable thicket, causing only disgust and anger. He sits on the bank of the river, afraid to enter the water, which separates him from the coveted world of love. Water here (as, indeed, in the esoteric tradition in general) is a symbol of emotions. The werewolf does not allow himself to love, does not see the beauty of feelings - his soul is like a heavy stone, his feelings are colored only in gray and black tones. That's why he can't become human.

MEANING. IX Arcana in the Manara deck is one of the darkest and heaviest cards: melancholy, loneliness, hopelessness... It speaks of forced isolation, rejection and anger at the world around us. Living in oblivion or a hostile environment. Degradation, dissatisfaction, severe loneliness. Maybe this is a child who was not loved in childhood? And now he takes revenge on the whole world, not realizing that this way he will not find love, but will drive himself even deeper into loneliness.

In whom the heart is so created,

That it doesn’t feel friendship or love,

And he has hatred for everyone,

He considers everyone to be his villain.

I. A. Krylov

STATE. Angry pessimism. Inability to enjoy human company. A hopeless situation. Doomed to loneliness; the mindset that no one will understand you. Dependence on one's own complexes. But this is not a state when you want to cry from unrequited feelings - rather, the desire to “punish” your partner comes to the fore: “I feel bad, but you should feel even worse.”

It’s interesting that the Hermit card in Manara’s deck is almost never positive. One way or another, with the appearance of the IX Arcana, deep complexes and unconstructive motives are revealed in the layouts. There is an element of some destructive subconscious element in it. Or, in other words, signs of mental illness, which is at a stage when it can still be dealt with on your own, having realized the painfulness of your condition.

CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. This is a card of loneliness. Therefore, even if a relationship exists, it can be called “loneliness together.” Suppressed or carefully hidden hatred of a partner. Black envy of cheerful, sociable people with an open heart, who know how to love and are loved.

PHYSICAL STATE. Sexual problems. Serious complexes and clamps. Rejection and feelings of inferiority, sexual dissatisfaction, which are the cause of anger and aggressiveness. Ascetic lifestyle.

FEELINGS. Dissatisfaction, inability to love and give joy. Envy.

WARNING. Aren't you too closed in on yourself? Are you turning into a werewolf, blaming everyone but yourself for your mistakes and failures? Maybe the reason for your mistakes is you?

ADVICE. Be alone, think. Don't ruin the lives of others.

ASTROLOGICAL CONFORMITY. Virgo. This zodiac sign imparts coldness and aloofness. Virgo's behavior style is pettiness and tediousness, which poison the lives of others.

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