Goldfinch birds singing. Goldfinch bird. Description, features, lifestyle and habitat of the goldfinch. General characteristics and appearance

The beauty of these birds is indicated by the name itself, because judging by their appearance, they are real dandies - fragile, small, adorable creatures, and the diversity of their plumage can be compared with the range of colors of heavenly flowers.

And here one cannot help but admire the imagination of nature, which is capable of creating such perfection. Goldfinch– singing bird, which is closely related to finches. And both of these representatives of the bird kingdom belong to the same family of finches.

The size of baby goldfinches is comparable to sparrows. In fact, most varieties are even smaller, with a body length of about 12 cm (excluding tail size) and an approximate weight of about 20 g.

The special decorations of such birds (you can see this by noticing how elegant it looks goldfinch in the photo) are considered: feather coloring of the head, red in front with a black stripe at the back and two white stripes on the sides; bright yellow and black wings, black and white tail.

The goldfinch has very bright, memorable plumage

On the cheeks and belly their plumage is perfectly white. Pink and white neat triangular beak, grayish at the end. The main background of the back and chest is light brown. Legs brownish-pink.

These are the external signs of a bird of a species bearing the name: common goldfinch, or also called in another way - black-headed, for the stripe of the indicated color on the back of the head.

It is interesting that representatives of different sexes of these birds are almost impossible to distinguish by the color of their plumage, which is very rare and even a unique feature among songbirds. When goldfinch chicks They begin to mature, their feathers only become brighter with age.

But the most exquisite feature of these birds is their vocal abilities. The ability of such birds to sing inimitably complements the impressive external beauty of these wonderful birds.

They are able to reproduce, according to rough estimates, about a couple of dozen very different melodies that are not similar to each other.

Goldfinch singing charming and multifaceted, capable of conveying a wide range of moods and impressive shades. In some cases, the birds' voices are surprisingly sweet. But it happens that sounds, becoming unpleasant, hit the ears with a biting and primitive chirping.

Where does the goldfinch live?? The range of such winged creatures is very significant, although the European north is not included in it. It's all about the climate being unfavorable for heat-loving creatures. But such birds can be found in the southern regions of Finland and Scandinavia.

They take root well and feel comfortable in the territories from Ireland to the lands of Portugal, in the Russian expanses - in Western Asia, and they also live in the warmer regions of Central and Asia Minor, in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and further south to the Northern regions.


In addition to the black-headed goldfinch just described, there are other species in nature. Each of them stands out from the others by the presence of certain features, behavior and type of character, differing mainly in size, plumage color and habitat. But, as a rule, no fundamental differences are observed.

Some of the best known varieties of these songbirds may be mentioned here.

  • The gray-headed goldfinch is slightly larger than the black-headed goldfinch mentioned above. And its body in some cases reaches a length of 17 cm. It is also distinguished by the absence of black and white and pure black colors in its outfit. It prefers to settle in the mountainous areas of southern Siberia, also spreading from Central Asia to the northern regions of India.

Grey-headed Goldfinch

  • also slightly larger than an ordinary goldfinch. The males of this species are very elegant birds. In spring, they have a brown belly and white sides. The forehead, body and chest are impressive with bright shades of red, although this color is absent in the plumage of the female half.

The singing features of representatives of this species are interesting. Male goldfinches of such birds sing only when united in unique ensembles. And the melodies they produce are distinguished by their euphony and complexity of execution. Such little birds are found in Eurasia and western North African territories.

Linnet is considered a species of goldfinch

  • The greenfinch got its name for the green tint of the plumage on its back. She also has a gray neck, black wings with yellowish tint, and a tail of the same color. The size of these birds is comparable to sparrows. Their singing, sadly enough, is not distinguished by its euphony, and the sounds they make are more akin to the buzzing of a wasp.

Greenfinch bird

  • The fiery siskin is small in size and weighs only about 12 g. The main color background is fiery red with the addition of black and white. Such birds live in tropical forests, open forests, and are found in thickets of bushes, uniting in semi-nomadic flocks.

This is a very rare bird, subject to excessive catching for the special beauty of its plumage. It has a very impressive value on the black market. Because of this feature, the number of such winged creatures in nature has sharply decreased.

Now in natural conditions it is found only in remote areas of Venezuela, where it is formally protected, but despite this, it is subject to illegal catching for sale to exotic lovers.

Due to its attractive appearance, the fire siskin has been hunted on a massive scale.

Lifestyle and habitat

In the wild, goldfinches can be seen on the edges of forests and in copses, parks, gardens, and deciduous groves. There is no reason to clearly classify them as migratory birds. Some of the species actually try to move to areas of the planet with a warm, favorable climate by the end of summer.

But some varieties are able to withstand the cold, and therefore, closer to winter, their representatives do not prepare at all for long journeys, but simply gather in pairs, since in this way it becomes much easier for them to survive.

Only in the air do these birds feel calm and safe. This is why goldfinches spend a lot of time flying and are relatively rare on the ground.

But these winged creatures exist not only in their natural environment, but also take root well in people’s homes. Potential owners bring them from stores and markets. They end up there after falling into the snares of bird catchers.

A feathered creature as a pet is not a bad choice at all. After all, such creatures often amaze and delight people with their habits and abilities, every day giving their owners the opportunity to learn something new and interesting about themselves.

An ordinary person can become a true friend and family member. goldfinch- a creature capable of pleasing the eye with its wonderful plumage and the ear with melodious singing. And thanks to these qualities, the popularity of such birds among people is growing with enviable consistency.

And birds, in turn, in response to care and proper care, give their owners unforgettable moments and aesthetic pleasure.

Goldfinches have the ability to deftly stay on even thin branches

Many experts are sure that the goldfinch’s singing is no less wonderful and pleasant than that of canaries. And this is by no means a misconception. But, when keeping such a bird in your apartment for the sake of its charming singing, you should take into account that female goldfinch, as proven by long-term observations of bird singing lovers, is more sweet-sounding and sings more melodiously and tenderly.

Interruptions in the impressive performances of goldfinches are usually associated with periods when their feather cover is renewed, which is normal for any bird.

Such pets do not begin to sing in captivity immediately, but soon enough, after just a couple of months. At first, the play sounds uncertain and quiet, resembling crackling rather than singing. But as you settle into a new place, the concerts become more and more impressive, and goldfinch voice sounds more and more confident.

Male goldfinches have mottled plumage, while females are grayer.

They are able to perceive the intonation of human address in the best possible way, so you should definitely talk to birds, because such domestic birds may well soon begin to take part in the dialogue.

It is not recommended to keep goldfinches in pairs; it is better to place them in different cages or at least provide separate feeders for their feathered neighbors. Otherwise, it is quite possible that the pets will not get along and will begin to arrange not only unpleasant quarrels among themselves, but also fierce fights.

But from neighboring cells they watch their relatives with pleasure, and they usually treat people with complete trust.


Description of goldfinches should be supplemented with a mention of the undoubted benefits that these birds bring, exterminating many pests of green spaces and valuable agricultural crops. Flocks of such birds in fields and summer cottages are frequent guests. They leave their nests, unite in flocks and go in search of food for their offspring.

The diet of adults consists mainly of seeds of a wide variety of plants, ranging from trees to shrubs and herbs. A special delicacy for these birds is the seed of thistle, horse sorrel and burdocks.

They mainly prefer to feed the younger generation with larvae. In unfavorable times, when there are problems with the availability of sufficient seeds, such birds switch to other food, using small weeds, its stems and leaves for saturation.

In search of food, these active birds show remarkable agility. They actively jump through trees. In order to skillfully peck out tasty seeds, for example, from birch catkins, they are masterfully able to hover, located on thin branches.

For domestic goldfinches, ready-made food and specially prepared mixtures of grains are more suitable. They can also be fed with crushed breadcrumbs, wheat, hard-boiled eggs, dried and frozen herbs.

We should not forget about animal food. In particular, with great success you can feed such pets with mealworms, which is useful especially in winter, as well as ant pupae. The water supplied to drinking bowls should always be clean and changed regularly.

Reproduction and lifespan

Even in captivity, these cute little birds are ready to breed at any time of the year. Being right in the cage, the female builds a nest for her offspring. The only main thing is that the owner provides it with the necessary building materials: tree bark, moss, lichen, birch bark, pieces of wool.

Goldfinches' nests are always unusual and neatly stacked

In this cozy abode, the expectant mother lays blue eggs with purple stripes and dots (they can also be greenish and white with red speckles, depending on the species) in an amount of up to six pieces.

She incubates them for half a month without resorting to help. male goldfinch. Its functions are only fertilization. And at the end of this process, it is better to move the feathered gentleman to another cage.

The charming chicks that appeared soon grow at a rapid pace. And after two weeks they are almost ready for independent life. However, it is advisable to keep them near their mother for another week so that they finally gain strength and become stronger.

Young goldfinch chick

Chicks born in captivity, growing up, as a rule, become very sociable and friendly towards people, especially for children. They are capable, inquisitive and easily learn quite interesting things.

In nature, goldfinches split into pairs with the arrival of spring. And the construction of the house for the chicks is completed by the end of May. Goldfinch nest- an extremely elegant and beautiful structure, made in the shape of a bowl. Its color corresponds to its location and is built so that the structure is invisible against the background of tree branches (usually poplar or aspen).

And then the courtship period begins, during which the gentlemen chirp to their beauties and make characteristic body movements. If at such moments a friend flies out of the nest, then the contender for her attention instantly rushes after her. The female puffs up her feathers and shakes her wings. Next, mating occurs.

Under natural conditions, goldfinch fathers help their friends feed their chicks, although they still do not take part in incubation. In climate-favorable areas, goldfinches manage to give birth to as many as two broods. The chicks are first fed on larvae, but as they grow older they increasingly switch to food of plant origin.

When choosing a pet, many people do not limit themselves to getting to know different breeds of dogs or cats. Exotic species of animals or reptiles, in turn, can be capricious in terms of care. And then unpretentious birds come into the field of view of the potential owner. Let's consider one of them, having found out what is involved in keeping a nimble goldfinch in normal home conditions.

General characteristics and appearance

This representative of the finch family is a relative of the familiar sparrow. Ornithologists know that this name unites a large number of lines, among which greenfinches and redpolls, linnets and even siskins stand out. But the most common species remains the common goldfinch (aka black-headed). It is even smaller in size than a sparrow: an adult grows to 10, maximum 12 cm “from beak to tail,” and this with a weight of only 17-20 g.

Such a fragile build is compensated by his appearance. The bright red color of the front of the head contrasts with the white cheeks and the black tone of the back of the head with the crown. The beak is red and white, with a black tip and dark “whiskers” at the base. It is noteworthy that in adult birds in this area you can see a red ring, while in young birds there is no such decoration due to their age.

Important! Unknowingly, the goldfinch can easily be confused with the American siskin and other related species. When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the red fragments in the design of the head - they indicate that this is a goldfinch.

The abdomen is reddish-brown (less often brown) and is similar in color to the chest. The white rump looks impressive against the background of a black tail with white specks. The wings stand apart - they are yellow (according to the color of the transverse stripes), and in their rear part there are alternating black and white small spots. Such a handsome man rests on his dark yellow, almost brown paws. Having found out exactly what the song goldfinch looks like, it is logical to ask how it behaves in nature.

Habitat and diet in the wild

Wild individuals inhabit deciduous groves and gardens of Europe and Western Siberia, Western Asia and North Africa. At the same time, the bird prefers relatively open areas - you are unlikely to see it in a dense forest (unlike a sparse planting or even a city park). They are considered a sedentary species, although they are capable of migrating over long distances. They often leave their nests to search for food together (flocks of goldfinches are frequent guests of summer cottages and fields).
In April they split into pairs, and by the beginning of summer, nests built from various roots connected by cobwebs are visible on the tree crowns. Around this time, transparent green eggs with red spots on the blunt edge appear in the nests. On average, each clutch consists of 3-5 eggs.

Did you know? Sparrows can be considered the smartest birds, if we take only the ratio of total weight to brain mass. It is estimated that out of 100 g of total weight, the brain accounts for 4.5 g.

The female incubates them for about two weeks and feeds the offspring with aphids or small larvae for the same amount of time. At the age of 15-20 days, the chicks try to leave the nest, but not for long (they are supported by their parents for up to a month). The basis of the diet of an adult bird is the seeds of grasses, shrubs or trees. They love achenes of burdock, horse sorrel and thistle. They do not refuse worms with larvae, although this is more “baby food”. The question of what the free goldfinch eats has another solution. If there is a sparse supply of seeds in the chosen place, birds without any problems switch to eating the leaves and stems of small weeds.

How the goldfinch sings

The singing of this bird, coupled with its bright color, determined its popularity among numerous owners. Experienced owners, together with biologists, claim that the goldfinch is able to produce more than 20 variants of melodies, in terms of euphony, not inferior to the repertoire of canaries. It all depends on the pet’s mood: a well-groomed bird will delight the ear with high-speed chirping with elements of whistling. Such improvisations can last for hours, especially in the spring.

Important! The goldfinch willingly copies motifs heard from other birds. But when several species are kept in one house at once, interest in their neighbors may after a while give way to bad mood and apathy - for this species it is important to be the center of attention.

It is also possible to switch to more monotonous and rough trills if the bird is left alone for a long time and does not receive the necessary attention from its owners. Singing has traditionally remained the activity of males, although some females are superior to them in this regard. But during molting, sexual differences fade into the background - during this period, goldfinches are simply silent, taking a “creative break.”

Is it worth keeping at home?

Having confirmed the artistic inclinations of this species, many immediately get excited about the idea of ​​having this feathered miracle in their apartment. But before that, it is advisable to soberly weigh the pros and cons of such cohabitation.


Let's start with the advantages. These include:

  • bright appearance;
  • beautiful trills that can be listened to almost all year round;
  • natural intelligence and innate curiosity;
  • the bird's sociable disposition;
  • fast learner;
  • unpretentiousness in nutrition and maintenance.
Here you can add such a factor as the small size of the bird, which will be a powerful argument when it lives in a small room.


There are also disadvantages that should also be kept in mind:

  • a specimen caught in a nearby field is unlikely to give concerts and be willing to make contact - it is best to purchase an individual at a pet store;
  • Individuals of different sexes do not get along very well when kept together - this is fraught with permanent stress. In such conditions, one can forget about singing and offspring;
  • chicks, already separated from their parents and living in the same cage, often become competitors (mainly for food), which can lead to fights and injuries.

Did you know? Hummingbirds are unique not only for their miniature size - they are the only bird that can confidently fly both forward and backward.

If you are sure that such difficulties will bypass pets, you can safely get birds.

Conditions for keeping at home

If you are interested in how to properly care for a goldfinch living at home, you can see that there is no particular difficulty here. Although there are still some nuances.

Choosing and arranging a home

It all starts with selecting a cage or enclosure. The minimum size of bird housing is 50x30 cm (although it is better to take a cage with a reserve). Another mandatory requirement is the presence of at least two levels, because an active pet needs more space. Pay attention to the tray at the base - it should be smooth, without cracks or burrs that can injure the bird.

The distance between the rods also plays a role: this interval should be within 1-1.5 cm. A larger gap carries the risk of injury. In addition, this way the goldfinch can escape from its refuge, or a curious cat will stretch its paw there. In addition to the hanging feeder and drinking bowl, even before moving in, you will have to install swings and perches inside - nimble individuals require a full-fledged play area. Having a small pool will only be a plus. The cage for the domestic goldfinch is placed away from direct sunlight and drafts. At the same time, it should be well lit.

Important! Make sure that the perches are smooth - a knotty surface can lead to irritation on the paws, which leads to more serious consequences such as pododermatitis.

Normal room temperature is suitable. Try to avoid two extremes in terms of air - both dry and humid air will be dangerous to the health of birds. For these reasons, the cage is placed away from switched-on batteries or damp corners.

How many goldfinches are best kept in one cage?

Ideally, each bird has a separate cage. Cohabitation of two active individuals (especially a male and a female) almost always leads to domestic conflicts. The initiative usually belongs to the “female” half of the population - the female tries to monopolize everything, from food to free space. Against this background, her partner risks falling into apathy, which is immediately evident from his stubborn silence and shaggy appearance.

The situation with chicks is almost the same. It happens that the offspring turned out to be too numerous, and the owner simply does not have so many cells on hand. One way or another, this problem will have to be solved immediately, by temporarily placing no more than two representatives of the same generation in one large cage. Naturally, with such a development of events, there should also be twice as many drinking bowls, feeders and ladders, otherwise division will begin. But it is not worth prolonging such cohabitation over time - as active birds grow, sooner or later they will upset this fragile balance.

Cleaning the cage

Daily cleaning comes down to replacing water (both for drinking and bathing), changing food and removing scattered particles.

Did you know? Birds of prey, unlike many more peaceful birds, are monogamous - a pair is chosen once and for life.

While the cleaning is being done, the goldfinch is released to stretch its wings: on average, 10 minutes a day will allow you to maintain physical shape. Before releasing it, make sure that the doors and windows in the room are securely closed, and that there are no other animals nearby for whom the chick cutting through the air could turn out to be a real target or even dinner.

It is better to remove sharp or heavy objects from the table and other surfaces - a curious bird may become interested in them, causing injury to itself. The same applies to open containers with boiling water and hot dishes, cosmetics or household chemicals, for example, powder.

What to feed the goldfinch at home

Breeding any animals, including goldfinches, in standard home conditions is unthinkable without a properly composed menu.

Important! Birds should not be indulged in sweets - a piece of candy or chocolate grabbed on the fly will cause serious stomach upset.

In the case of these birds, the diet consists of:
  • ready grain mixture. It is made from equal parts of millet and burdock, rapeseed and dandelion. You can add sunflower and hemp with plantain to them. But the achenes of coniferous trees (pines and spruce) are already for gourmets: not all birds accept such ingredients;
  • live food in the form of ant pupae and mealworms. They are given in the amount of 4-5 pieces per day. Although worms are also considered a delicacy not for everyone (while pupae are loved by everyone);
  • wet “chatter” and cereals for insectivores. They are fed 2-3 times a week;
  • a special delicacy - a salad of finely chopped and hard-boiled eggs, grated boiled carrots and pieces of crackers. This mixture is very useful for adults.
Feeding frequency: at least 2 times a day, in equal, medium-sized portions. The “supplement” is allowed as an exception, and only for sick or weakened birds (it cannot be given regularly).

How to determine gender and how long they live at home

When thinking about the prospect of breeding, the future owner will certainly ask how and by what characteristics to distinguish a male goldfinch, and what to look for in order to choose a female from a pair. Ornithologists suggest that upon careful examination it is quite simple. You just need to know a few signs:

  1. Males are always larger, they have a larger beak, and the clarity and purity of color is always better (females look less bright and even dull).
  2. The “cap” on the goldfinch’s head is distinguished by graying, clearly visible against the red-black background of the plumage.
  3. The red fragment on her head itself slightly does not reach the line of her eyes.
  4. On the crown of the female there is a gray or black element in the form of a cross.

Did you know? A bald eagle can lift its legs up during flight, and this will not affect its speed or stability in any way.

Scientific reference books often recommend looking at the red stripe under the beak, or rather its width. It is believed that for males this figure is 7-10 mm, and for females it is about 4-6 mm. The sign is true, although not widespread - sometimes these stripes do not exist at all. Having found out the essence of sexual differences, it is important to find out how long well-groomed goldfinches live at home. The answer is: even in captivity, this bird will live quietly for 15 years. It is not uncommon for a feathered artist to celebrate his 20th birthday in good health.

Predisposition to disease

Goldfinches also sometimes get sick, and the owner should be aware of all birth sores of this species. The first thing that comes to mind is various types of injuries that a curious bird can receive due to the carelessness of its owners or due to restlessness. Bruises and dislocations, fractures and sprains require consultation with a veterinarian. The damaged limb is fixed, a restorative diet is prescribed, and during recovery the bird is not allowed to fly (such loads are temporarily prohibited).

Important! Hygiene is extremely important when working with birds. So, forgetting to wash your hands after changing food or washing the enclosure, a person runs the risk of contracting salmonellosis or psittacosis from a bird.

Violations of containment rules can result in one of a number of dangerous illnesses:

Did you know? Ornithologists have found that the weight of feathers always exceeds the weight of the bones.

More common, but no less dangerous problems are poisoning of varying degrees and colds. Apathy, weakness, vomiting and thirst are threatening signals that suggest a visit to the doctor and initiation of treatment. To avoid all these difficulties, it is enough to pay attention to prevention. Compliance with the daily routine and cleaning routine, space and selection of quality products will help maintain the health of your winged pet.

Possibility of breeding in captivity

It is quite possible to get offspring at home. In nature, goldfinches breed towards the end of spring, while in captivity this process is not tied to the time of year and can be year-round. Its onset is “provoked” by placing lichen, pieces of bark or meadow grass, and even the fur of other pets in the cage. All these materials are placed little by little, and the active female immediately begins to build a nest.

After it is twisted, the male is released into the cage. Noticing that the mating games produced a result in the form of a clutch of several eggs, he is sent back. Otherwise, everything goes on as usual - the female calmly incubates the clutch for two weeks. The hatched chicks are kept with her for the first 16-20 days of life, after which they can be safely moved to a separate cage.

Important! Sitting over the future offspring, the female becomes a little nervous. Be careful - she may painfully pinch the owner's finger, mistaking it as a threat.

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Description of the bird

The motley and songbird of the finch family got its name goldfinch (lat. Carduelis carduelis) for two reasons. The first of them is her unusually sophisticated and bright, smart outfit. The second reason relates to the bird's Latin name. “Carduus” in Latin means thistle, the seeds of which this handsome fellow loves to feast on.

This bird is also small in size, approximately the size of a sparrow. The weight of adult goldfinches is about 20 g, body length is up to 12 cm, and the wingspan is about 22-25 cm. Goldfinches have a very dense, compact body with a round head, a short neck and a sharp small beak.

Their main difference from other species is the presence of bright yellow, red, black and white colors in their plumage. An adult goldfinch has two decorations on its head - a cap of black feathers and a burning red beak border. Males have such a rim wider than females, thanks to which they can be distinguished, since they are otherwise the same. The goldfinch's cheeks are white, the back is brown, and the belly is reddish. Its tail and wings are jet black with yellow spots and white stripes.

Nutritional Features

Like other members of the finch family, goldfinches are granivorous birds. In nature, they feast on the seeds of wild herbs - thistle, dandelion, burdock, sunflower, chicory, cornflower. The sharp and small beak allows goldfinches to even peck seeds, for example, from alder cones.

Goldfinches feed their chicks with small insects. And they themselves sometimes add them to their diet.

Distribution in nature and migration

Goldfinches have chosen many regions to live in. Europe, Asia, North Africa, the Caucasus, Western Siberia... Wherever this bird is found! But goldfinches do not like to migrate. Birds prefer habitable and familiar places, and therefore fly only in extreme cases of severe cold. Then goldfinches from northern latitudes travel to the southern latitudes.

In all territories of their distribution, goldfinches choose light edges of deciduous forests, parks, and gardens for living and nesting. They do not like dense thickets, but settle where there are a lot of grasses and weeds growing in order to get their food - various seeds.

Bird species

The two main types of goldfinches are the black-headed and the gray-headed. Thick-billed and Yemen goldfinches are also distinguished separately. In addition, there are many subspecies of this bird.

The black-headed goldfinch is the most common species of goldfinch. Its main habitat includes Europe, Western Asia and North Africa. The black-headed goldfinch is also called common and is used to determine a kind of “standard” for the appearance of this bird. A small, knitted body, a black cap on its head, white cheeks, a red edging of its beak, black and yellow wings - this is exactly what the classic black-headed goldfinch looks like.

Permanent resident of Asia and Siberia. It differs from its relative in its larger size and less bright color. The plumage of these birds is dominated by brown and gray shades, pure colors - white, black - are absent. But the red rim around the beak, like the calling card of the species, is also characteristic of the gray-headed goldfinch.

Goldfinches have weakly expressed sexual dimorphism. The female is only slightly lighter than the male, but has a more melodic and iridescent singing. That is why songbird lovers are advised to keep female goldfinches. In addition, the red border around the beak of females is narrow and does not reach the eyes, unlike the male.

Goldfinches vary much more depending on their habitat conditions. Those that live in northern latitudes are usually larger and paler in color, while southern goldfinches are bright and small.

The goldfinch is not only beautiful and harmonious, but also has a peaceful and friendly character. This is why it is so popular among bird lovers as a pet.

For a handsome goldfinch you will need a cage at least 50 cm long with two levels and various perches and crossbars. In nature, goldfinches rarely fall to the ground; they prefer to always fly and be on the move, so it is important to create comfort for them at home. In addition, the goldfinch needs a lot of light and is afraid of drafts. All this must be taken into account when placing the cage. If the bird behaves restlessly at first, cover the cage with a light-colored cloth.

Goldfinches also need a large drinking bowl and a separate bathing container.

The diet of goldfinches will be an equal mixture of seeds of spruce, pine, hemp, dandelion, sunflower, and plantain. Canary mixture is also perfect for goldfinches. During the molting period, add animal food - small insects and mealworms, mineral supplements - chalk, clay, shell rock, raw eggshells, green food - vegetables, fruits, herbs.

The birds are fed small portions twice a day. And in order to pamper the goldfinch, prepare a mixture of grated boiled carrots and eggs.

Goldfinches, like all granivores, need a lot of water, which is changed twice a day.

If several male and female goldfinches are placed in a large cage, they can create pairs and breed offspring. The nest is built by a female goldfinch. To do this, she needs to put building material in the cage - feathers, blades of grass, pieces of bark, twigs.

In one clutch, the goldfinch contains up to 5 small bluish or greenish eggs, from which chicks are born after two weeks of incubation. They grow and become stronger for about 20 days, and then leave the nest.

  • goldfinches quickly get used to people, and can even return to their owner after he has released them into the wild;
  • at home, the goldfinch lives up to 15 years;
  • after leaving the nest, the young birds stay near the nest for another 6-10 days, and the parents feed the young birds;
  • If you put goldfinches and canaries in the same cage, they can give birth to joint offspring; such hybrid birds are very bright and sing incredibly beautifully.


Goldfinches of both sexes sing very beautifully and melodiously. Both in nature and in captivity, they chirp almost all year round, calming down only during molting. More than 20 different iridescent trills are distinguished in the song of the goldfinch.

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