Plan for holding an exhibition of decorative and applied arts. Regulations on the arts and crafts competition. on holding an exhibition of works of fine and decorative art by masters of the Moscow region


about the city exhibition

children's arts and crafts

"Peace of memory, peace of heart, peace of soul"

I. General provisions

1. The city exhibition of children's arts and crafts “The World of Memory, the World of the Heart, the World of the Soul” (hereinafter referred to as the exhibition) is held within the framework of.

3. Purpose of the exhibition:

introducing children and youth to the values ​​of national culture, the best examples folk art.

4. Objectives of the exhibition-competition:

    popularize and develop children's arts and crafts;

    stimulate creative search, creative self-expression of the personality of young masters;

    identify and support gifted children in arts and crafts;

    ability to form a civic position;

    instilling a sense of pride in one’s homeland and the heroes of the Great Patriotic War;

    to promote professional mutual enrichment and creative growth of teachers of children's associations in this area.

II. Exhibition organizers

Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Buturlinovsky Administration municipal district Voronezh region;

House children's creativity Buturlinovsky municipal district.

III. Exhibitors

5. Students take part in the exhibition-competition educational institutions cities of all types and types from 7 to 18 years.

IV. Procedure, timing and location of the exhibition-competition

Exhibition "Peace of memory, peace of heart, peace of soul" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, is held as part of the month of military-patriotic education “We will be worthy of the memory of the fallen” on the basis of the MBOU DOD DDT (Dorozhnaya St., 71). We accept works that were previously exhibited at the municipal stage of the regional exhibition-competition “Children. Technique. Creativity”, as well as other works corresponding to the topic.

Applications for participation in the exhibition are accepted until April 6, 2015 by email: butddt@ mail. ru(Annex 1).

Works on the theme of the exhibition will be accepted from April 1 to April 7, 2015 in room 270 of the House of Children's Creativity at the address: st. Dorozhnaya, 71 from 9-00 to 17-00

Exhibition work

Awarding of educational institutions participating in the exhibition

During the ceremonial closing of the month

Removal of work

Works unclaimed within five days after the specified deadline will not be returned.

1V. Contents of the exhibition

Exhibition sections:

    artistic processing of wood, straw, birch bark, wicker; floristry, arrangement;

    knitting, lace making, macrame, weaving;

  • bead embroidery, beadwork;

    artistic processing of fabric (fabric burning, batik, applique, collage, etc.); leather and fur processing;

    Regulations on the exhibition of drawings and arts and crafts "Colors of Autumn"

    Purpose of the exhibition:

    The exhibition is held in order to increase interest among preschoolers, teachers, and parents in fine arts, arts and crafts.

    Exhibition objectives:




    Director of MBOU "Ermakovskaya"

    Primary school - kindergarten"

    G.A. Bocharova

    "____" _____________ 201__


    about holding an exhibition of drawings of arts and crafts

    "Colors of Autumn"

    Autumn favorite time years of many people. She delights us with her colorful palette. You go into the forest and find yourself in a fairy tale! Gold coins sparkle on the trees, little spiders weave cobwebs, little mushroom men beckon us deeper and deeper into the forest. And the air in the forest is extraordinary, you can’t breathe in it. You look at the autumn landscape and it seems that Autumn, using her talent as an artist, did a great job, transforming nature!

    1. General Provisions:

    1.1. This regulation regulates the procedure, requirements, timing of the exhibition at the Ermakovskaya Municipal Budgetary Institution Primary School- kindergarten".

    1.2. The exhibition is held on the basis of the thematic principle of planning and organization educational activities at the MBOU "Ermakovskaya Elementary School - Kindergarten".

    2. The purpose and objectives of the exhibition:

    2.1. The exhibition is held in order to increase interest in fine arts and arts and crafts among preschoolers, teachers, and parents.

    2.2. Exhibition objectives:

    Create conditions for creative self-realization of MBOU teachers, preschoolers and their parents;

    Stimulate the development of children's imagination, imagination, abilities for applied and artistic creativity;

    To cultivate patriotism and love for the nature of the native land;

    Identify and support capable children in this area;

    Stimulate preschoolers, parents, and MBOU teachers.

    3. Exhibition participants:

    3.1. All age groups of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Ermakovskaya Elementary School – Kindergarten” take part in the exhibition.

    3.2. Parents and students of the Ermakovskaya Elementary School - Kindergarten can also take part in the exhibition.

    4. Procedure for holding the exhibition:

    4.1. The exhibition is organized by the teaching staff in the music hall of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Ermakovskaya Elementary School - Kindergarten”.

    4.2. From each age group, the most interesting works on the artistic and aesthetic development of children, completed by pupils of the Ermakovsky Primary School - Kindergarten, are provided.

    4.3. The works submitted by parents wishing to take part in the exhibition should reflect the creativity of their children.

    4.4. The use of non-traditional techniques is encouraged in the works.

    5. Requirements for the design and content of work:

    5.1. A pictorial drawing can be made in watercolor or gouache.

    5.2. Decorative and applied arts. The work can be done in any technique, with any material at the discretion of the author(clay, wood, straw, fabric, colored paper, etc.).

    5.3. All works must correspond to the theme of the exhibition and reflect it.

    5.4. All work must have the following design and label:

    Job title

    Participant's full name (last name of participating family)

    Age group name

    6. Place and dates:

    6.1. Exhibition materials are collected by teachers of age groups of the Ermakovskaya Elementary School - Kindergarten.

    6.2. The teaching staff is organizing an exhibition of the presented works from 10/13/17 to 10/27/17.

    6.3. The results of the exhibition are summed up until October 31, 2017.

    7. The composition of the exhibition jury:

    The jury consists of:

    Bogomaz O.N. - Deputy Director for Water Resources Management;

    Zharkova N.V. - teacher;

    Misyakova T.N. – educational psychologist.

    8. Summing up the exhibition:

    8.1. All exhibition participants receive a participant diploma.

    8.2. At the discretion of the exhibition jury, the most interesting works may be awarded certificates.


    about holding an exhibition of arts and crafts

    "Creative Inspiration"

    1.1. The exhibition of arts and crafts “Creative Inspiration” (hereinafter referred to as the Exhibition) is held as part of the implementation of additional educational programs and the annual work plan of MAOU DOD TsEVD “In Burkov’s House” for the 2015-2016 academic year.

    1.2. The exhibition is dedicated to the celebration international day mother.

    1.3. These Regulations define the goals and objectives, procedure, selection criteria and summing up the results of the Exhibition.

    2.1. Goal: presentation of works of arts and crafts by students of the Center.

    2.2. Tasks:

    • Aesthetic education of the younger generation.

    • Stimulating cognitive interest in various types arts and crafts and performance techniques.

    • Demonstration of results creative activity participants of the Exhibition.

    • Identification of the creative potential of the Center's students.

    • Promoting self-realization and professional guidance for children and adolescents.

    • Popularization and propaganda of the institution’s activities.


    3.1. Municipal autonomous educational institution additional education Children Center for Aesthetic Education of Children “In Burkov’s House” in the city of Tyumen.

    4.1. Arts and crafts workshops of MAOU DOD TsEVD “In Burkov’s House” are taking part in the Exhibition.

    4.2. The Exhibition accepts works made using any arts and crafts technique.

    4.3. The Exhibition includes individual and collective works of students of MAOU DOD TsEVD “In Burkov’s House” of any age in the following categories:

    • artistic painting (glass, wood, fabric, interior items);

    • artistic processing of textiles (embroidery, patchwork technique, guilloche, toys made of fur and fabric, carpet embroidery);

    • works from natural materials (working with leather, paper, salt dough, clay, straw, applique and crafts from natural materials and waste material, phytodesign);

    • weaving and weaving (knitting, crocheting, beading, macrame, tatting, bobbin weaving, planks, carpet weaving, cattail weaving, straw).

    4.4. For each work, a label is filled out according to the specified form (see Appendix 1).

    4.5.The following requirements apply to exhibition works:

    • artistic value of the work;

    • performing work independently;

    • technique of performing the work, complexity and quality of workmanship;

    • expressiveness of the compositional solution;

    • originality of the work performed;

    • high-quality design.


    5.2. Venue of the Exhibition: MAOU DOD TsEVD “In Burkov’s House”, st. Dzerzhinsky, 32.

    6.1. To hold the Exhibition, an organizing committee is created whose powers include resolving organizational issues related to the preparation and holding of the exhibition.

    6.3. As part of the Exhibition, an excursion program will be organized for students of the Center and their parents, as well as educational institutions of the city. Feedback from visitors is recorded in the “Book of Reviews and Suggestions.”

    6.4. The winners of the Exhibition are determined based on the results of online voting on the VKontakte page (1st, 2nd, 3rd place in each category) and are awarded Diplomas of I, II, III degrees.

    6.5. All participants are awarded certificates of encouragement “For participation in the Exhibition”

    Annex 1
    Label sample(size 12x5 cm, must be printed on a computer in black ink)

    Job title:_______________________________



    Name of the studio (workshop): __________________


    * full years at the opening of the Exhibition

    Job title: "Autumn Bouquet"

    Nomination / Technique : Artistic painting

    (Ural-Siberian glass painting)

    Age* 12 years

    Name of the studio (workshop): Ural-Siberian painting

    Teacher: Nesterova Inna Alexandrovna
    Sample of filling out the label: PREPARATION AND CONDUCT PLAN

    Exhibitions of arts and crafts "Creative Inspiration"

    MAOU DOD TSEVD "In Burkov's house"





    Development and approval of regulations for the Exhibition

    Until 01.10.2015

    Shalimova N.V.,

    Goldinberg E.A.

    Preparation and placement of information announcements of the Exhibition at the stands of the institution


    Shalimova N.V.

    Informing students and their parents about the conditions of the Exhibition (online voting) through information leaflets


    Shalimova N.V., heads of studios, workshops

    Coverage of the event on the Institution’s website, organization of online voting


    Stadnikova N.V.

    Preliminary selection and design of exhibition works, photography


    Heads of studios and workshops

    Exhibition design


    Shalimova N.V., Nesterova I.A., Kalinina T.V., Ryabchenko A.P.

    Work of the Exhibition, conducting excursions, informational talks for children (by prior request), collecting feedback on the work of the Exhibition


    Shalimova N.V., Kalinina T.V., Ryabchenko A.P.

    Preparation of Diplomas and certificates of encouragement


    Shalimova N.V.,

    Goldinberg E.A.

    Preparation of a report on the Exhibition

    Until 12/14/2015

    Shalimova N.V.

    _____________O.V. Cudgel

    on holding a city exhibition of fine and decorative arts “Journey to Distant Shores”

    1. General provisions
    1.1. This regulation regulates the procedure for holding the city exhibition “Copying Great Creations”, held as part of the “Parade of Arts” forum of the regional festival “Young Intellectuals of the Middle Urals”.
    1.2. The organizer of the exhibition is the Center for Children's Creativity named after N.M. Avvakumova.

    2. Goal and objectives
    Target: improving conditions for the optimal manifestation of the creative potential of children and adolescents, as well as teachers, for their self-realization through the means of fine and arts and crafts.
    1. Develop artistic taste, imagination, fantasy, creative skills in artistic and object-based activities.
    2. To provide exhibition participants with the opportunity for self-realization and self-expression through fine arts and arts and crafts;
    3. Involve children and parents in joint creative activities;
    4. Increase the level of artistic skill of the participants.
    5. Present the results of the creative activities of the exhibition participants to a wide range of the public.
    3. Exhibitors
    Students of preschool educational institutions, educational institutions, and paroles can take part in the exhibition.
    4. Dates and place of the exhibition
    The exhibition is held from February 24 - March 28, 2014 in the exhibition hall (room 304) of the Children's Creativity Center
    acceptance of work February 24-February 28
    registration March 3-March 5
    Exhibition opening March 6-March 24
    Evaluation on March 25-28 (the opinion of the jury and the reviews in the book of visitors to the exhibition will be taken into account in total). The results are posted on the website of the Center for Children's Creativity on March 31.
    5. Conditions of participation in the exhibition
    5.1. Children's works made in various fine arts and creative arts techniques are accepted for participation in the exhibition. Format no less than A3.
    In nominations:
    -Land of the Rising Sun, Ancient countries.
    -Plot composition of pioneers - travelers of distant countries.
    5.2. To participate in the exhibition, students must submit their work accompanied by the following documentation:
    – application from the educational institution for participation (Appendix 1), when providing collective work, indicate the names and surnames of all children in the application;
    – label attached to the work (Appendix 2).
    Works with unattached labels will not be considered by the jury.
    5.3. Work requirements
    - Reproductions must be mounted in a passe-partout;
    - work intended to be located on the wall must have fastening devices;
    - works that have passed preliminary selection at the institution are accepted;
    - no more than 9 works per institution can be submitted.
    Works that have not previously participated in competitions and exhibitions are allowed to participate in the exhibition.
    5.4. Applications and works are accepted at the address: Asbest, st. Uralskaya, 75
    February 24 -13-00\16-00 office 211,203
    February 25-12-00\16-00room 211,203
    February 2613-00\15-00-room 211
    February 27-13-00\16-00room 203
    February 28 13-00\15-00 room 211
    Opening hours are not accepted on other days and hours.
    Works submitted after the specified deadline will not be considered by the jury. The shelf life of exhibits is 2 weeks from the closing date of the exhibition. CDT is not responsible for the safety of exhibition exhibits after the expiration of the storage period.
    6. Criteria for evaluating exhibits
    Works at the city exhibition of arts and crafts and fine arts “Illustrating Favorite Authors” are evaluated according to the following criteria:
    No. Criteria Points
    1. Decoration. Work quality 5
    2. Compliance of the work with the given topic 5
    3. Originality and novelty of the materials used 5
    4. Reviews from visitors 5
    Total points 20

    7. Summing up and rewarding
    7.1. The jury determines the winners of the exhibition in the appropriate categories.
    7.2. The winners and runners-up of the exhibition are awarded with certificates.
    8. Financing
    Certificates for winners and prize-winners are purchased at the expense of the exhibition participant (preschool educational institution, educational institution, parole).
    Application for participation in the exhibition ___________________________________________________
    Educational institution___________________________________________________

    Annex 1

    No. F.I. exhibition participant Age Nomination Name of work Full name teacher (in full)

    Director ______________________ (full name)
    Responsible for the institution’s participation in exhibitions ______________________ (full name)

    Appendix 2

    Educational institution_______________________
    Name of the association_______________________________________
    Last name, first name, age of participant(s)________________
    Job title__________________________________
    Execution technique______________________________
    Full name of the head_______________________________
    And here are the works of my students in the children's association "Batik" of the Children's Creativity Center.

    Ways to increase the motivation and effectiveness of schoolchildren’s learning in the process of collective group activities

    Students of educational institutions from 14 to 18 years old, creative and family groups take part in the competition.

    The following works will take part in the competition:

    1.Art ceramics
    2. Modeling
    3. Application
    4. Paper fantasy (cut-outs, weaving, origami, applique, papier-mâché, three-dimensional design)
    5. Artistic woodworking/wood carving
    6. Artistic processing of stone and bone
    8. Glass products (stained glass)
    9. Working with natural materials (straw, bast, etc.)
    10. Embroidery
    11. Crochet
    12. Batik
    13. Knitting with bobbins
    14. Beading

    15. Tapestry

    16. Patchwork plastic

    Conditions of the competition:

    1. The size of the products is not regulated (the author assembles and installs complex structures independently).

    2. Competition entries must have fastenings for hanging or installation on pedestals.

    4. All competition entries must be accompanied by an inventory (label) including:

    b) age

    c) name creative work;

    e) year of creation;

    f) the name of the organization (school) where the competitor studies.

    g) Full name – project manager

    Criteria for evaluation:

    · Creative approach to completed work;

    · Match the theme and artistic means expressions;

    · Culture of performance, level of skill;

    · Innovation, originality;

    · Preservation and use of folk traditions;

    · Compliance of the work with the age of the participant;

    · Aesthetic appearance of the product.


    About holding a competition of design and research works “Russia – a mosaic of original cultures”

    Creative and design and research works of students from 14 to 18 years old are allowed to participate in the competition.

    Requirements for the content of work.

    1. The following types of works can be submitted for participation in the competition:

    1. abstract;

    2. educational research;

    3. educational project;

    4. creative work.

    · Competent justification of the chosen topic (description of the problem posed).

    · Compliance of the content of the work with the chosen topic and the goal.

    · Review of literature on the history of the study of the issue.

    · Description of sources (or collected material).

    · Analysis of the received material.

    · Description of the results of the work.

    · Conclusions. Compliance with their results.

    · List of literature used in the work.

    Job registration requirements:

    1. The formatting of written work (or a written part of the work) must meet the general requirements:

    · Availability required title page indicating the full name of the author and the topic of the work, class, school (or institution of additional education), full name of the head, city and year of execution of the work.

    · Volume of work 12 pages (excluding the number of pages of applications and bibliography) – for research work and 3 pages for brief description design or creative work (The total volume of work including illustrations should not exceed 800 KB).

    Availability of necessary illustrative material(tables, diagrams, drawings, photographs) placed in the text or at the end of a research or design work, with the exception of the project or creative work presented in the material.

    2. The work is presented in printed and electronic form.

    Criteria for evaluation.

    · Materials must be creative in nature and create a complete understanding of the chosen topic, based on factual data.

    · The choice of topic should be aimed at cultivating a sense of patriotism, respect and care for the cultural heritage of Russia.

    When submitting an application, you must attach an electronic version of the competition work.


    About the photo competition “The World I Live In.”

    1. Individual authors and creative teams are invited to participate in the competition.

    1. Photo competition nominations:

    · “World of People” (events and everyday life of people)

    · “World of Culture” (historical and architectural monuments, urban landscape)

    · “The World of Emotions” (genre portrait)

    · “Natural world” (animals, nature, landscape)

    2. Photos can be black and white or in color.

    3. Competition entries must meet the following requirements:

    · file format: JPEG;

    · file size: no more than 5 MB;

    · photographs must be good quality(clear, normally exposed);

    · do not contain negative or repulsive content;

    · images should not contain the date and time of shooting;

    · photo size - A-4 format.

    Work evaluation criteria:

    Disclosure of the theme of the competition in photography;

    Reflection of the historical and cultural heritage Russia;

    Artistic and technical level of execution (composition, mood, color, light);

    Originality of the idea.

    When submitting an application, you must attach an electronic version of the competition photo.

    Regulations on the instrumentalists' competition.

    Students from 14 to 18 years old are allowed to participate in the competition. The application must indicate:

    - institution number;

    Age, class;

    Duration of the performance.

    Repertoire requirements

    The competition participants represent:

    National work;

    By choice - classical, folk-characteristic, modern work;

    Performance of competition programs based on notes is not allowed (with the exception of orchestras).

    Criteria for evaluation

    1. The level of the repertoire must not be lower than the program requirements of the year of study.

    2. Emotionality and expressiveness of performance.

    3. Level of technical and performing skills.

    4. Performance culture, general artistic impression.

    When submitting an application, you must attach video or audio material of the competition number.

    Regulations on the national costume competition.

    Students from 14 to 18 years old are allowed to participate in the competition. The application must indicate:

    - institution number;

    Age, class;

    Manager, contact phone number;

    Works in nominations are accepted for participation in the competition:

    - Traditional folk costume. A costume made in the likeness of a traditional folk costume.

    - Modern folk costume.A suit that meets the requirements of today's fashion, using modern technologies, materials that preserve the traditional features and color of folk costume.

    - Doll in folk costume.Handmade designer doll. Sizes and materials of manufacture can be any.

    Costumes sewn by the students themselves and sewn together with parents and teachers can take part in the competition. Costumes are demonstrated by the authors of sketches and models. The presentation of the costume should take place within 3 minutes.

    Criteria for evaluation:

    Compliance with the terms of the competition;

    Harmony and brightness of the artistic image;

    Preservation of folk costume traditions;

    Knowledge of traditional handicraft techniques (weaving, embroidery, beading, etc.);

    Using modern technologies and techniques when creating a costume;

    The uniqueness of the development of modern and stage costumes;

    Artistic presentation of the costume.

    When submitting an application, you must attach a photo of your competition work.




    to participate in the ethnocultural youth festival “With Love for Russia” of educational institutions in Moscow

    Institution ______________________________________________________________

    Name of the group (full name of the participant, age)_______________________


    Last name, first name, patronymic (in full) of the leader (team, project)


    Contact phone number, email address:_____________________________________________


    Name of the competition (1 of 7 festival competitions)_______________________


    Name of the program (project)__________________________________________


    Program of the speech (exhibition, show), brief summary of the project, duration and technical conditions of implementation


    Team leader

    (project) __________________ ___________

    (last name, I.O.) (signature)

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