For what reason do kidney stones form? Kidney stones - symptoms, diet and treatment. Prevention of urolithiasis

Urolithiasis can be attributed to diseases of civilization, since changes in the structure of nutrition, the introduction of synthetic food additives, contamination of drinking water with fluorine, chlorine compounds, petroleum products, combined with a sedentary lifestyle, constant stress, consumption large quantity medications lead to a number of diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

As most researchers note, the incidence of urolithiasis in modern world is steadily increasing, and not only in third world countries, but also in regions that are quite prosperous from an economic point of view. Modern medicine does not offer a unified concept of the causes of urolithiasis.

The concept of “urolithiasis” implies a metabolic disorder caused by various endogenous and/or exogenous causes (including hereditary nature) and characterized by the presence of stone(s) in the kidneys and urinary tract, which tends to recur and often have a severe, persistent course. The leading factors of lithogenesis have been identified: the concentration of lithogenic ions in the urine; deficiency of inhibitors of crystallization and crystal aggregation; presence of stone formation activators in urine; local changes in the kidneys.

Among the factors causing ICD are the following:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • various kidney anomalies (horseshoe kidney, duplication, dystopia, ureterocele, spongy kidney, etc.);
  • urodynamic disorders, inflammatory changes, urinary tract obstruction;
  • congenital and acquired diseases of other organs;
  • endocrine disorders (hyperparathyroidism, diabetes);
  • sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity, blood stagnation in the pelvic organs, microcirculation disorders;
  • climatic and biogeochemical factors, the content of various impurities in drinking water;
  • environmental pollution, poor socio-economic conditions;
  • the presence of pesticides, herbicides, insecticides in soil and food;
  • the influence of preservatives, dyes, stabilizers, emulsifiers and other food additives;
  • uncontrolled use of medications, especially diuretics, antacids, acetazolamide, corticosteroids, theophylline, citramon, alopurinol and vitamins D and C;
  • laxative abuse;
  • prolonged stress;
  • inflammatory processes, both bacterial and autoimmune, the presence of metabolic products of microorganisms in the body;
  • dietary features and associated changes in urine pH, impaired protein digestibility, excess products of purine metabolism, hypercaloric nutrition;
  • lack of crystallization inhibitors (zinc, manganese, cobalt ions) and solubilizers (substances that maintain colloidal stability of urine and help maintain salts in dissolved form, for example, such as magnesium, sodium chloride, hippuric acid, xanthine, citrates);
  • metabolic disorders (hyperuricemia, hyperoxaluria, cystinuria, urine pH< 5,0 или > 7,0).

Doctors consider the following diseases to predispose to the appearance of stones: hyperparathyroxism, renal acidosis, cystinuria, sarcoidosis, Crohn's disease, frequent urinary tract infections, as well as long-term immobilization.

The problem is that urolithiasis is a recurrent disease. Stone formation often becomes chronic.

Experts list the following risk factors for recurrent stone formation:

  • stones containing brushite;
  • stones containing uric acid, ammonium urate, or sodium urate;
  • infection stones;
  • residual stones or their fragments, more three months after therapeutic treatment;
  • first episode of stone formation before the age of 25;
  • frequent formation of stones (3 or more in 3 years);
  • familial urolithiasis;
  • genetic: cystine, xanthine, dehydroxyadenine stones, primary hyperoxaluria, renal tubular acidosis, cystinuria, hypercalciuria;
  • the only working kidney;
  • nephrocalcinosis;
  • dysfunction of the parathyroid glands, hyperparathyroidism;
  • medications: preparations containing calcium and vitamin D, ascorbic acid in large doses, sulfonamides, triamterene, indinavir;
  • gastrointestinal diseases and conditions: Crohn's disease, small intestinal resection, small intestinal bypass anastomosis, malabsorption syndrome;
  • anomalies: spongy kidney, horseshoe kidney, diverticulum or calyx cyst, stenosis of the ureteropelvic segment, ureteral stricture, vesicoureteral reflux, ureterocele.

Violation of purine, oxalic acid or phosphorus-calcium metabolism often leads to crystalluria. At chronic pyelonephritis the main role in stone formation is played by the metabolic products of microorganisms (phenols, cresols and volatile fatty acid), as well as the presence of protein in the urine, which serves as the basis for the precipitation of crystals and the formation of microlites.

Sometimes the stones have a homogeneous composition, however, often, kidney stones have a mixed mineral composition, so we can only talk about the predominance of one or another type of mineral salts from which the base of the stone is formed.

Therefore, strict dietary regulations are not always advisable, although excluding foods such as coffee, strong tea, chocolate, fried meat from the daily diet, as well as limiting the consumption of animal protein and foods containing large amounts of calcium - necessary measures for any type of stone formation.

The role of vitamins and minerals in diet therapy for urolithiasis should not be underestimated. But you should not get carried away with multivitamin complexes, especially those containing calcium. Such drugs are aimed at children and old age, when the need for calcium increases.

At the same time, it must be remembered that calcium is absorbed only in the presence of a sufficient amount of vitamin D, which an adult also does not need to consume separately with a proper diet, since vitamin D is formed in the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and accumulates in the liver (for the winter). Large amounts of vitamin D are found in fatty fish.

Pain in the kidney area often indicates that stones have appeared in them. This disrupts the process of removing fluid from the body. And this often leads to serious health complications and even death. So why do kidney stones form and what treatment is needed to get rid of them?

Types of kidney stones

The formations that appear in the kidneys differ from each other not only in size, but also in chemical composition. Therefore, they are divided into several types:

  • Oxalate;
  • Phosphate;
  • Urate;
  • Xanthine;
  • Cystine;
  • Mixed.


Few people know what consequences this disease has. Kidney stones are foreign solid formations that not only interfere with the natural functioning of organs, but can also injure their tissues. As a result, a disease such as pyelonephritis occurs. If the formations are large enough, they can easily cause renal bedsores. When they enter the bladder, blocking the urethra, acute urinary retention occurs. Treatment depends solely on the size of the stones and their location.

Reasons for education

What causes hard formations in the kidneys? They appear due to a large number of factors that you should definitely be aware of. The main ones are:

  • Lack of fluid in the body and water quality. The less water the body receives, the more concentrated the urine becomes. At the same time, all the salts in it form a sediment, which becomes the cause of the appearance of stones. Therefore, it is important to watch your drinking daily norm clean water. Doctors recommend drinking at least 2–2.5 liters. Mineral salts often contribute to the formation of stones. If the water is too hard, it must be thoroughly purified using various filters.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. The man, who most spends time inactively, disrupts the natural self-cleansing of the body. Any physical activity helps the sand come out of the urinary system on its own. In addition, with a sedentary lifestyle, calcium is washed out of the bones very quickly. And, accordingly, it enters the blood and urine. And this seriously affects the formation of stones. Therefore, without exercise and long walks, the appearance of stones is only a matter of time.
  • Vitamin deficiency or hypervitaminosis is common reasons appearance of stones. An excess of vitamins C and D, as well as a lack of vitamin A, should not be allowed.
  • What else can cause stones is the uncontrolled use of medications. Ascorbic acid and sulfonamides have a particularly strong effect on this process.
  • Taking diuretics (diuretics) without your doctor’s knowledge. They cause the body to quickly lose fluid. But the sediment remains, and stones begin to form. This includes alcohol abuse, which also negatively affects the body.
  • The reasons for the appearance of formations often lie in genetic predisposition. It is important to find out whether close relatives suffer from this disease and how often. If yes, then the risk of their formation is very high. Therefore, even in a healthy person who leads a healthy lifestyle, they can easily occur.
  • Infections. Solid formations often occur if a person is very cold, does not observe good personal hygiene, or has a disease that can be sexually transmitted. Because of this, the infection can affect the kidneys and travel up the ureter. Diseases often influence the formation of stones gastrointestinal tract.

Most often, the causes of kidney stones lie in poor nutrition. Many foods can affect the presence of kidney stones, and quite quickly. They increase the acidity of urine, which promotes the formation of stones. First of all, these are salty, spicy, fried and sour foods. Meat products increase the amount of urate in the body, so consuming them in large quantities is not recommended.

In addition, experts have found a direct connection between kidney stones and excessive consumption of chocolate, alcohol and coffee. It turned out that they are able to influence the concentration of stone-forming substances. Treatment and prevention in this case involve following a diet.

There are foods that should not be consumed if you are aware of your predisposition to this disease. These include:

  • Persimmon;
  • Gooseberry;
  • Blackberries or raspberries;
  • Walnuts, pine nuts, peanuts or pistachios;
  • Buckwheat, beans or lentils;
  • Soy products;
  • Cinnamon.

Symptoms of stone formation

When kidney stones appear, a person begins to notice a number of accompanying symptoms.

  • Dull pain in the lumbar region. It can occur on one side only or on both. When changing body position or during various physical activities, the pain usually intensifies.
  • Pain in the groin. Occurs if the stone. What causes such unpleasant sensations? The body tries to push the stone out naturally, but with its sharp corners it injures the muscle walls.
  • Renal colic. Their characteristic feature is cramping pain. From time to time it may subside or intensify. Duration – from an hour to several days.
  • Increased urge to urinate. This occurs because the stone is located in the lower part of the ureter. They often intensify due to the rapid advancement of the stone. Another situation may arise when urine begins to be retained. This danger sign that the stone is blocking the urinary tract. Then it is necessary to quickly begin treatment.
  • Painful urination. This symptom is often accompanied by a burning sensation and intermittent flow.
  • Cloudy urine. Even healthy people it cannot be completely transparent. But in the case of kidney stones, the urine becomes thick and dark. Sometimes you can find blood in it, resulting from damage to the walls of the ureter by the stone.
  • Increased temperature or blood pressure. These symptoms indicate serious complications caused by a hard mass in the kidney. Often occur with renal colic and pyelonephritis.


The formation of kidney stones can be detected using instrumental research methods. Diagnostics is mandatory, since only after this can treatment begin.

  • Ultrasound. The stones take on a white tint and begin to cast a dark shadow. This allows you to detect formations from 4 mm. Small stones, unfortunately, cannot be detected using this method.
  • Radioisotope nephroscintigraphy and excretory urography. Kidney tissue is illuminated special substance, and the stones appear against its background. This makes them easy to see.
  • CT scan. It is necessary to monitor the dynamics of stone formation. Pictures are taken at a certain interval, which allows you to assess the condition and location of the stones.


To begin proper treatment, you should find out the causes of formations, their size, etc. There are two types of treatment - conservative and surgical. Conservative treatment is only necessary when the stones are very small. In this case, you can successfully use medications, which will simply dissolve them. But only a doctor can prescribe such treatment based on an examination of the patient. In addition to medications, you need to follow a special diet. If complications occur, such as infections, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics.

Surgical treatment is used when the formations in the kidneys are too large and pose a threat to the patient’s life. And the drugs and proper nutrition are unable to cope with this. The operation can be open or closed. Open surgery is necessary if the formation is very large or if the damaged organ needs to be removed. But this method is used extremely rarely, since many complications are possible. Most often, endoscopy or laparoscopy is done. The method of crushing formations through a special puncture is often used. It is effective if there is only one stone.


Proper nutrition is necessary not only as a treatment, but also as a disease prevention. Often, after the formations are eliminated, they appear again after some time. The diet is prescribed by the doctor only after the removed formations from the kidneys have been exposed. This allows you to find out their composition. If there is an excess of oxalates in the body, you should eat foods such as fish or boiled chicken, carrots, cabbage, bread, various confectionery or pasta.

When there is a lot of urate, it is better to eat vegetables, fruits, berries, vegetable soups, dairy products or cereals. At elevated level phosphates must be consumed in cereals, food, rich in vitamins C, boiled meat, fish, as well as vegetable or butter. It is imperative to avoid products with big amount magnesium and calcium.

If you notice symptoms indicating the formation of stones, you should consult a doctor. After conducting an examination, find out the causes of the disease, and then begin immediate treatment. If time is lost, serious health problems will arise, and the disease will become chronic.

Kidney stone disease (urolithiasis)– a disease characterized by the formation of kidney stones from substances contained in urine. Kidney stones can form in both men and women, in both children and the elderly.

Why do kidney stones form?

There are several reasons for the formation of stones. First of all, this is a violation of acid-base metabolism. For example, if your endocrine glands are not functioning correctly and your metabolism is disturbed, then deviations from normal chemical reactions will occur in the urine, and certain salts - oxalates, phosphates, urates, etc. - will constantly fall into the sediment. With increased function of these glands, excessive production of the corresponding hormone. In this case, calcium and phosphorus are washed out of the bones and enter the urine in high concentrations. It happens that the calcium content in the urine increases for other reasons, in which diseases such as coxitis, spondylitis, bone fractures, etc. are to blame. In acidic urine, urates and oxalates precipitate, in alkaline urine - phosphates and carbonates.

Based on the chemical composition of a kidney stone, the cause of metabolic disorders can be determined. Oxalates are formed from calcium salts of oxalic acid. These are hard stones of black-brown color and have an uneven, spiky surface. The formation of oxalates occurs when urine is acidic.

Phosphates consist of calcium phosphate salts. They are white or white-gray in color, very soft and therefore crumble easily, their surface is smooth or slightly rough. These stones are most often formed due to an alkaline reaction of urine, in the presence of an infection in the urinary tract. They grow quickly and especially often lead to the return of the disease.

Urats consist of crystals of uric acid and its salts. They are dense, light yellow or brick-red in color, with a smooth or finely pinpointed surface. These three types of stones are most often found in patients with kidney stones. Sometimes what is formed is not a “pure” stone of one composition, but a mixed one. Carbonates, cystine, protein and cholesterol stones are very rare.

There are kidney stones various shapes and size.

Why does kidney stone disease occur?

In the mechanism of development of kidney stones big role belongs to infectious diseases of the urinary tract, kidney injuries, congenital defects and defects. Congenital or acquired narrowing of the ureters, various diseases bladder and urethra, which disrupt the normal passage of urine and contribute to the precipitation of salts. The process accelerates if an infection occurs. Diseases such as caries, tonsillitis, adenoma, etc. can infect urine. From inflamed foci, infection in the form of mucus and pus enters the urinary tract and becomes a framework on which stones form. Phosphate stones form especially often in infected urine. Therefore, it is very important to treat sore throats, monitor the condition of teeth, and prevent sexually transmitted infections.

Perhaps the process of formation of kidney stones is also influenced by the water we drink. It is clear that if you constantly drink water containing a lot of lime salts, stones will begin to form. The nature of nutrition is also of no small importance in the development of kidney stones, when human food contains many different types of mineral salts.

A lack of vitamins A and D can also affect the formation of stones. For example, the often observed phenomena of kidney stones in residents of the Arctic are apparently caused by a lack of vitamins A and D, ultraviolet rays and the predominance of fish and meat in the diet of the population.

In addition, kidney stones can form during long-term treatment with sulfonamide drugs.

How does kidney stone disease manifest?

The patient may experience dull or sharp pain in the lumbar region, blood may appear in the urine, and urination disorders may occur. The disease can proceed latently for a number of years and be detected only during an X-ray or ultrasound examination.

If there are few stones in the renal pelvis and they are small in size, then there may be no pain, or it will manifest itself in the form of an aching, nagging pain, which intensifies with physical activity, and especially with shaking.

The most reliable sign of kidney stone disease is, of course, the passage of a stone in the urine.

Painful sensations appear most often when a stone blocks the outflow of urine. In such cases, painful renal colic appears.

Pain usually occurs suddenly in the lumbar region and radiates to the groin, thigh, and external genitalia. The temperature often rises. The patient's abdomen is swollen, there may be a frequent urge to urinate, pain in the urinary tract, blood in the urine, increased arterial pressure. Patients are ready to scream in pain. When the stone leaves the kidney, the pain increases sharply.

What to do?

If renal colic occurs, you need to call a doctor or an ambulance. If this is impossible to do for some reason, and you are sure that an attack of renal colic has begun, then you can do the following. Take a bath in which the water is heated to 38 °C, sit in the bath for 15–20 minutes, then you can increase the temperature by 1–2 °C. You can add several glasses of horsetail decoction, oregano herb, sage leaves, small birch branches, chamomile and linden flowers, mantle leaves, and raspberries to the bath. Before taking a bath, you can drink a glass of the same decoctions.

After taking a bath, you need to go to bed and put a poultice on the sore spot - a bag filled with mashed potatoes, boiled in their skins. Take 1 tbsp inside. a spoonful of radish juice with honey.

You can apply a heating pad wrapped in a towel to the area of ​​pain to avoid burning the skin.

Hot microenemas (39–41 °C) may help you.

Thermal procedures have an antispasmodic effect and reduce pain. Sometimes renal colic even stops.

You can take two tablets of no-shpa and one tablet of papaverine. Drugs such as pinabine, urolesan, cystenal, rovatinex can help (during an attack, you need to take one of these drugs, 20 drops on a piece of sugar). You can take one Olimethine capsule or one Avisan tablet.

How to deal with kidney stones?

Operative method. Until recently, the most common method of stone extraction was considered to be the surgical method. The operation usually lasts 2–3 hours. The patient's recovery period after surgery depends on his general condition.

Hardware methods. Lithotripsy began to be used only in 1980, so this is completely new method. What is he like? The beam of an electron-optical converter of an X-ray or ultrasound machine is aimed at the patient. The shock wave from the device penetrates soft tissue painlessly; it is not yet focused. She is then brought to the stone and focused on it. The pressure in the focus area reaches 1600 bar. This leads to the fact that the stone begins to collapse.

But doctors cannot always use stone crushing. It is not advisable to use it for small stones, which can come off on their own. It should not be used if the patient has a narrowed urinary tract, since fragments can get stuck in the ureter and cause serious complications. In each individual case, before using stone crushing, the doctor must decide whether it is advisable or not to perform lithotripsy. Complications may occur after lithotripsy: acute inflammation of the kidney, blockage of the ureter, hemorrhage in the lumbar region, but, fortunately, such complications are becoming less common in practice.

Inductothermy– a method of electrotherapy that uses a high-frequency magnetic field to treat kidney stones and other diseases.

Vibration therapy– expulsion of kidney stones using vibration. It has long been noticed that after a bumpy ride, a patient with kidney stones begins to lose sand and stones. This is what the urologists decided to use.

Therapeutic methods.

Banishing the Stone naturally with the help of medications and physiotherapeutic means outward - the most ancient and harmless method. But therapeutic agents are possible only if the patient does not have kidney inflammation, anuria, narrowing in the ureters and other diseases of the urinary system. The timing of stone passage may vary. It happens that it goes away the next day after starting to take the drugs, and it happens that even after a year it is not possible to remove the stone from the body. In this case, other, more active measures are prescribed (maybe even surgery). Therapeutic drugs should be used under the supervision of a physician.

There are two ways to expel a stone using therapy: dissolution of the stone and its passage under the influence of medicines. It is possible to dissolve stones only if they are urate stones. No means have yet been found for dissolving phosphates, oxalates, and carbonates in a living organism. Urates are dissolved with the help of complex medicinal substances (blemarin, uralite U, magurlit, solimok, soluran, etc.). All these drugs are produced in the form of granules. The granules should be dissolved in 0.5 glasses of water and taken orally 3 times a day for 3-6 months. It can be difficult to achieve complete dissolution of urates, but after taking dissolving medications, the stones become smaller, softer and most often pass away naturally. To dissolve urate stones, you can try this mixture (it is called “Eisenberg mixture”): lemon acid– 40 g, potassium citrate – 60 g, distilled water – 600 ml. You need to take the mixture 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for 3-12 weeks.

The second way to expel a stone naturally is through its passage under the influence of medications. Effective means of stone therapy are drugs containing essential oils and terpenes: cystenal, pinabine, urolesan, olimetin, Avisan, rovatinex, artemizole, enatin, cystone, etc. They improve blood circulation in the kidneys, have a diuretic effect and, by relaxing muscle fibers, facilitate and accelerate the passage of small stones. You can also try using medications such as no-spa, papaverine, platifilin, metacin, atropine, they expand the lumen of the ureter, and pebbles pass through it more easily.

And also about those medications that you can purchase at the pharmacy.

Phytolysin is a green paste. It contains extracts of parsley roots, wheatgrass, horsetail grass, birch leaves, etc., as well as oils: mint, sage, pine, orange and vanillin. It is an antispasmodic and diuretic. Phytolysin loosens stones and removes them in the urine. It should be taken 1 teaspoon at a time, dissolved in 0.5 cups of lightly sweetened water. Drink 3 times a day after meals. There are no contraindications for taking phytolysin. Even pregnant women can take it.

Nieron is a tincture of calendula, field steelhead, ammonium odorant and other herbs. Improves blood circulation in the kidneys, relieves spasms of smooth muscles, dissolves mucus in the urinary tract, and promotes the removal of stones from the ureter. Marelin is a combined preparation consisting of madder extract, Canadian goldenrod extract, horsetail extract, kellin, korglykon, salicylamide and magnesium phosphate. Has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects. Promotes the movement or spontaneous passage of stones. Normalizes salt metabolism. You need to take marelin 2-4 tablets 3 times a day for 20-30 days. Repeat the course after 1–1.5 months. In patients with stomach ulcers and duodenum possible exacerbation peptic ulcer. If you have chronic glomerulonephritis, you should not take this drug.

Madder extract – the drug has an antispasmodic and diuretic effect. The dye in madder loosens kidney stones. Take 1-3 tablets in 0.5 glasses of warm water 2-3 times a day. Urine while taking madder extract may be reddish in color.

Diuretic collection No. 1 - a composition of bearberry leaves, cornflower flowers and licorice root. 1 tbsp. Brew a spoon with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, cool and strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Diuretic collection No. 2 – composition of bearberry leaves, juniper fruits and licorice roots. The method of preparation and use is the same as collection No. 1.

Kidney tea is made from orthosiphon leaves. To prepare the infusion, take 3 g of leaves and pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave in a warm place for 30 minutes. Strain and add boiled water to the original volume. Drink 0.5 cup warm 30 minutes before meals 2 times a day.

To remove small stones, a method called “water blows” is also used. You need to drink 1–2 liters of liquid within a short time (about 1 hour) - weak tea, mineral or boiled water, diluted fruit juices. Some doctors recommend beer, but the main thing here is not to overdo it. The water load can be increased by taking a diuretic tablet. It is better to carry out water loading in the morning.

“Water shocks” should be used 2-3 times a week. A great “water punch” can be a watermelon – you get a “watermelon punch”. To peel a watermelon, you need watermelon pulp and a decoction of the rinds. Watermelon has a strong diuretic effect, but does not irritate the kidneys. During the day you need to eat 2–2.5 kg of watermelons. And if you eat watermelon with bread all week (and nothing else), then liver stones may also pass. It's good to eat watermelon and take a warm bath. Under the influence of heat, the urinary tract expands, pain and spasms decrease (especially when pebbles pass), and watermelon will cause increased urination.

The passage of stones is also facilitated by various physical exercise: running, jumping, jumping rope, playing football, volleyball, badminton, tennis, as well as housework and gardening.

How to eat if you have kidney stones?

General rule for all patients with kidney stones:

  • everything is prohibited alcoholic drinks, spices, pickles, marinades, smoked meats, mayonnaise;
  • a prerequisite is to reduce salt in the diet - excess salt intake contributes to water retention in the body, complicating the functioning of the kidneys;
  • Watermelons and melons can be eaten in large quantities.

But there are also specific recommendations for each patient individually. It all depends on the composition of the stone. If the stone is of urate origin, then a dairy-vegetable diet is recommended, which promotes alkalization of urine. You need to drink a lot of fluid (up to 2–2.5 liters per day).

Can be used:

  • vegetables, berries, fruits (lemons are very healthy);
  • milk and dairy products;
  • oil (any);
  • white and black bread;
  • porridge, jelly, compotes.


  • fried, stewed meat;
  • fish and canned fish;
  • spicy cheese;
  • radishes, beans, peppers, mustard;
  • strong tea, natural coffee, cocoa.

Meat and fish can only be eaten two to three times a week and only boiled! If the stone is of phosphate origin, then in this case, on the contrary, a meat table is recommended, since it is meat and protein foods that oxidize urine.

Exclude dairy-vegetable dishes: milk, cheese, egg yolk.

Limit the consumption of potatoes and green vegetables.

Try following this diet for some time: brown bread, egg white omelet, sugar, tea with milk, rosehip infusion, cranberry juice.

You need to drink 1.5–2 liters of liquid per day.

If you are diagnosed with stones of oxalate origin, then you need to maintain a diet that helps alkalinize the urine and remove oxalic acid from the body.

You can eat

  • boiled meat and fish;
  • porridge;
  • butter and vegetable oil;
  • apples, pears, apricots, peaches.

Make infusions from fruit peels, grape leaves, black currants, and rose hips. You need to drink 2–2.5 liters of water per day. Fish oil is very useful.

In limited quantities

  • fish and meat broths;
  • fried meat and fish;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • potatoes, tomatoes, beets;
  • berries.

Eliminate from diet

  • sorrel, rhubarb;
  • radish;
  • plums, gooseberries;
  • jellies;
  • cocoa, coffee, chocolate.

What mineral waters should I drink?

For urate stones, it is best to drink alkaline mineral waters (Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17, Smirnovskaya, Slavyanovskaya, Borjomi, Jermuk). For phosphate problems, it is advisable to use mineral waters that promote oxidation of urine (“Dolomite Narzan”, “Arzni”, “Naftusya”). For oxalates, it is recommended to take low-mineralized waters (“Essentuki” No. 20, “Naftusya”, “Sarme”).

The site administration does not evaluate recommendations and reviews about treatment, drugs and specialists. Remember that the discussion is being conducted not only by doctors, but also by ordinary readers, so some advice may be dangerous to your health. Before any treatment or taking medications, we recommend that you consult a specialist!


Alexey Valerievich / 2015-09-16

Find on the Internet a proven folk Indonesian remedy for painlessly dissolving and removing stones in the kidneys, ureter and bladder- the drug “Batunir” and get treatment for your health!

  • The main causes of kidney stones
  • Mechanism of stone formation
  • Types of kidney stones
  • Treatment of urolithiasis

According to medical statistics, urolithiasis is one of the ten most common human diseases. If kidney stones occur, the symptoms of the disease will not take long to appear. Symptoms of urolithiasis, the process of formation of kidney stones, diagnosis and main methods of treatment should be considered in more detail.

Experts have identified external and internal factors that contribute to the appearance and development of urolithiasis. Despite its sufficient study, the exact causes of the formation of kidney stones cannot be named.

External factors include:

  • insufficient amount of water consumed during the day;
  • water composition with a predominance of lime salts;
  • eating large amounts of meat or fish;
  • preference for salty, spicy, sour foods;
  • deficiency of vitamins A, D;
  • hot climate;
  • unfavorable environment;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Kidney stones can occur under the influence of the following main internal factors:

  1. In the presence of hormonal changes, in particular hyperfunction of the parathyroid gland.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Various genitourinary infections.
  4. Congenital defects of the urinary system.
  5. Diseases in which the patient for a long time forced to remain motionless.
  6. Heredity.

The basis of almost all of the above internal factors that cause the appearance of kidney stones is a violation of the acid-base balance in the human body.

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Mechanism of stone formation

The process of stone formation takes a long period.

All minerals in urine must be present in strictly defined quantities.

Under certain conditions, during a complex physical and chemical process, an elementary basis appears - a micelle, from which a stone is formed in the future. To do this, material in the form of fibrin threads, cellular detritus, bacteria, etc. is first taken from urine. Then, an increased concentration of salt and protein in the urine and their altered ratio take part in the formation of kidney stones.

Kidney stones can vary in size, shape, location and location. The places where stones form in the kidneys can be different. The size of these formations usually depends on the duration of the disease. At first they are microscopic in size and are called sand. Those formations that somehow managed to gain a foothold in the kidneys or urinary tract begin to increase in size over time and can reach several cm.

What do the stones look like externally? The shape of kidney stones largely depends on their chemical composition. In this regard, they can have a regular shape with a smooth and even surface or be angular, irregular in shape, with many sharp edges.

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Types of kidney stones

The chemical composition of kidney stones is different and largely depends on the causes of their occurrence. Common types of kidney stones can be identified:

  • urate;
  • carbonate;
  • oxalate;
  • phosphate;
  • protein.

The urate type of stones consists of uric acid salts, which occurs when urine has an acidic reaction. Urates have a dense structure with a smooth surface.

Carbonate stones are formed due to calcium salts of carbonic acid. They come in various shapes, are soft and smooth to the touch, and are almost always light in color.

The cause of the appearance of oxalates is calcium salts of oxalic acid. The stones have an uneven surface, dark color, dense structure.

Phosphates consist of salts of phosphoric acid. Kidney stones of this type have a rough surface, quickly crumble to the touch, are soft, and light gray in color. To provide rapid growth These stones require an alkaline environment.

Protein stones are a mixture of fibrin, salts and bacteria. The stones are almost always light in color and small in size. They have a smooth surface to the touch.

Sometimes there is a mixed type of kidney stones, which is considered the most difficult option for treatment.

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Symptoms of urolithiasis

Symptoms of kidney stones can vary. With small renal formations, up to 5 (mm), it is difficult for the patient to determine the signs of urolithiasis. Sometimes a patient learns about the kidney stones he has by chance, while undergoing a routine ultrasound examination of the kidneys.

Urolithiasis actively begins to manifest its symptoms when the process of its development has gone quite far. The main symptoms of kidney stones include:

  • sharp cutting pain in the side or lower back;
  • dull aching pain in the lower back or lower abdomen;
  • cloudy urine;
  • presence of blood in the urine;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • urinary retention;
  • passage of sand or stones during urination;
  • increased body temperature, fever;
  • state of nausea.

Many of the symptoms listed above may correspond to other serious illnesses. For example, sharp pain in the right kidney can be differentiated from acute appendicitis or cholecystitis. Therefore, it is important to immediately contact a specialist who will perform an initial examination, perform necessary diagnostics kidneys and nearby organs.

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Diagnostic testing for kidney stones

When making an initial appointment with a medical specialist, it is necessary to describe in detail all the signs of the disease. If a stone passes on its own in the urine, it must be submitted to a doctor for a study to determine its chemical composition. This is done to prescribe the correct treatment.

But how to determine the type of stone? To do this, the following checks can be carried out:

To establish an accurate diagnosis, determine the number of stones and their exact location, and assess the danger to other organs, an experienced doctor may prescribe:

  • Ultrasound of kidneys, organs abdominal cavity;
  • excretory urography;
  • general x-ray of the abdominal organs;
  • MRI of the kidneys;
  • spiral computed tomography;
  • general blood and urine analysis.

If necessary, the doctor may additionally prescribe any other diagnostic test. It should be noted that diagnosing kidney stones with modern high-tech equipment will not be difficult. After an accurate diagnosis is made, an individual treatment plan is drawn up for each patient.

– this disease in our time is one of the most common diseases of modern civilization. Thanks to the development of science and technology, humanity is gradually losing its connection with nature. This is manifested in changes in the characteristics of food - there are fewer and fewer natural ingredients in it. Physical inactivity is also becoming a problem on a massive scale.

Being in a stressful state, the body acquires many pathologies and its metabolic processes are disrupted. All these factors individually or together lead to the formation. Interestingly, both developed countries and economically disadvantaged countries suffer from the symptoms of this disease. "Why is this happening? Where do kidney stones come from? - today we will discuss this problem in details.

Why does this formation occur?

Many patients are interested not only in methods of treating urolithiasis, but also in the causes of the appearance of solid formations in the urinary tract. In medicine, there is no single concept that could explain the mechanism of nephrolithiasis. This is why it is so difficult to definitively answer the question: “Why do kidney stones form?”

Concretions appear in the pelvicalyceal apparatus of the filtering organs, in the ureteric tubes, and cavities. The process of their formation is influenced by a large number of predisposing factors. The main causes of kidney stones are due to metabolic disorders, changes in chemical characteristics and water-salt composition of the blood. Solid elements begin to appear when there is an excess of salts and other harmful substances in a person’s urine. This leads to the formation of large particles - crystals, which grow rapidly as a result of constant layering.

Predisposing factors for this disease include the disorders described below.

  • Poor nutrition – in women and men they appear due to the abuse of salty, spicy, fried and sour foods. Such aggressive products significantly increase the acidity of urine, which is why solid formations begin to appear in it. It is not recommended to over-salt prepared foods or drink large amounts of mineral water.
  • Poor water quality – in our country this problem is practically in first place. In the water we drink daily, the percentage of mineral salt is much higher than normal. Let's add harmful impurities to this factor - as a result, we have hard water and a large number of patients with urolithiasis of the kidneys.
  • Not drinking enough fluid – if a person drinks little water, his urine becomes too concentrated. This factor also affects the formation of stones. A large amount of salt in urine leads to crystallization of solid elements, which first fall out in the form of sand. Then a large formation - a stone - is formed from the sand suspension. It is for this reason that patients are advised to increase their daily fluid intake to 2-3 liters. Drinking enough water will help dilute the urine and quickly remove all harmful components from the body.
  • Low physical activity– the causes of kidney stones are closely related to physical inactivity. Limitation of movements causes stagnation. In this condition, blood circulates slowly, resulting in poor nutrition of all tissues and organs of the body. Insufficient functioning of the musculoskeletal system leads to the gradual leaching of calcium from the bones. Subsequently, this useful element ends up in the urine, where it forms sand or stones.
  • Hot climate - contributes to the loss of large amounts of fluid. Under such conditions, sweating processes increase several times, which leads to dehydration. Since the water-salt balance is disturbed, kidney stones appear.
  • Pathologies of the urinary system - various infectious diseases and injuries to these organs can cause stagnation of urine or other problems. If the outflow of urine in any part of the urethral tract is disrupted, stones may appear.
  • Genetic predisposition plays an important role in this case. Urolithiasis is not inherited, but if the patient’s relatives have already encountered a similar illness, the likelihood of developing kidney stones increases. It is impossible to get rid of this factor. Helps minimize the risk of developing stones balanced diet and an active lifestyle.
  • Infectious diseases of the genitourinary tract - solid elements in the kidneys are formed under the influence of acute and chronic inflammatory reactions (with prostate adenoma, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis).
  • Diseases skeletal system– cause metabolic disorders in the body. Treatment of such pathologies must be carried out on time.
  • Insufficient exposure to the sun - not only excess ultraviolet rays harm the body. If a person doesn’t sunbathe enough, this causes the development of vitamin D hypovitaminosis. This substance plays an important role in the metabolic process, and therefore its deficiency leads to the patient having serious health problems.
  • Overdose of diuretics - the resulting stones in this case appear in the kidneys due to dehydration. Accelerated fluid loss increases the concentration of minerals in the body. As a result, excess salts precipitate and stones appear. Diuretics should be used with caution, following the prescription of a specialist.
  • Alcohol abuse – People suffering from alcohol addiction are more likely to form kidney stones.
  • Hypervitaminosis and vitamin deficiency - the reason that solid formations appear in the filtering organs may be an excess or deficiency useful substances. Vitamins C, A, D are reaction catalysts, so their balance in the body must be constant. It is not recommended to consume such substances in excessively large quantities.
  • Uncontrolled use of medications - some medications(aspirin, sulfonamides) cause a change in the constancy of the acid-base environment. Even a slight increase in their dosage contributes to the appearance of stones, so you should consult your doctor before using these drugs.

Process of formation of solid elements

Where do kidney stones come from? Most scientists believe that the basis of the mechanism of stone formation is a change in the qualitative composition of urine and a violation of its protective properties. Dense formations appear in the organs of the urinary system from mineral salts and other crystalline substances, which are gradually deposited in the pyelocaliceal apparatus of the kidney. Any deviation in metabolism causes a disruption in the acid-base or water-salt balance in the urine, a reaction occurs and the substances dissolved in it acquire a solid form. Subsequently, they precipitate and form a sandy suspension or larger stones.

Kidney stones are formed under the influence of negative factors, which were discussed in detail above. This is how the first cell appears, forming the core of this element - the micelle. In the process of the appearance of a calculus, other substances are layered on it, as a result of which the volume of the solid body increases.

The activity and purposefulness of the stone formation mechanism depends on such a property of the internal environment as the acid-base reaction. This indicator is assessed with a special sign - pH. The normal state of urine is pH 5-6, and there are no crystalline substances in it. If the acidity of urine changes sharply, the balance of metabolic products dissolved in it is disrupted. Minerals and salts easily pass from a liquid to a solid state - stones begin to form.

If the urinary process is disrupted, the outflow of fluid in any part of the urethral canal slows down. If the pH of urine changes, the patient may develop a calculus directly in the lumen of the ureter - in the place where urine retention occurred. Then the dense formation gradually increases in volume and descends further along the urinary tract. When the size of the solid element no longer allows it to move further, obstruction occurs and the patient exhibits symptoms of renal colic.

Interesting! With nephrolithiasis, pain can be of a completely different nature. In this situation, everything depends on the location of the stone. The pain changes its location throughout the day, migrating throughout the back and abdomen. It is quite difficult to identify such a disorder, since it successfully disguises itself as other pathologies - heart attack, pancreatitis, appendicitis.

Types of stones

Solid elements are divided into three main types, depending on their chemical composition. Based on the state of the acid-base balance of urine, it may contain urates, oxalates and phosphates. In some cases, patients independently determine the pH of their urine using litmus paper: green color means alkalization, red means increased acidity of the environment. But it is best to simply submit your urine for laboratory analysis. If a pH of more than 8 is found in the secretions, the alkaline indicator predominates, and if the result is less than 4.5, excessive oxidation is observed.

What causes kidney stones to form? This process is greatly influenced by a person’s diet. There are these types of stones:

  1. Oxalates - can occur due to increased acidity of urine excreted. The pathology is called oxalate nephrolithiasis and manifests itself due to a disorder in the metabolism of protein substances. Excessive consumption of smoked meats, sweets, meat and fish dishes, spices and alcohol leads to the development of this form of the disease. In this case, it is advised to remove oxidizing foods from the menu.
  2. Phosphates are elements formed in an environment with increased content alkalis. In medicine, such a disease is called phosphaturia. This type of illness often appears in patients who abuse lactic acid products and eat a lot of cereals and bread. WITH therapeutic purpose The patient is advised to exclude from his diet all foods that lead to alkalization of urine, and to increase the consumption of fish and meat.
  3. Urates - consist of mineral substances formed in an acidic environment. These compounds are not as aggressive as the previous ones. Drinking enough liquid will help get rid of them. It is recommended to drink purified, still water. Offal, fish and meat broth, and smoked dishes are excluded from the menu.

Important! Concretions with a homogeneous structure are not always formed in the human body. There are mixed types of stones that can be dangerous to the body. Coral formations are considered the most threatening - they grow in the pelvic part of the kidneys, they differ irregular shape and long shoots.

Pathology therapy

Ultrasound diagnostics can detect such a disease. Regardless of how kidney stones are formed, this disorder must be treated on time. eliminated with drug therapy or surgery. The main principles of treatment are the removal of solid formations from the kidney, the prevention of secondary infection of the urinary system and the reappearance of stones.

Small kidney stones, the size of which is 1-3 mm, are excreted on their own. In this case, the doctor prescribes the patient plenty of fluids and a special diet. After a certain time, the doctor checks the patient’s condition and the effectiveness of treatment.

A diet that includes plant and dairy products will help you get rid of urates. It will also be useful to take special mineral water with alkaline pH (Essentuki, Borjomi). Phosphate kidney stones are treated by taking acidic mineral water (Truskavets, Zheleznovodsk, Kislovodsk). The following medications are prescribed for this illness:

  • antibacterial agents – Azithromycin, Gentamicin;
  • antispasmodics – Spazmalgon, No-shpa;
  • diuretics – Diacarb, Furosemide;
  • medicines that break up kidney stones - Penicillamine, Tiopronin, Blemaren;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs – Paracitamol, Diclofenac.

Depending on the type of elements formed, the following medications are prescribed:

  1. for oxalates - Cyston, Cholestyramine, Asparkam;
  2. for urates - potassium citrate, Allopurinol, Purinol;
  3. for phosphates – Madder extract, Spill.

In the presence of severe complications, it is carried out surgical removal education. Instrumental methods are very popular in this case. Most in a known way therapy for nephrolithiasis is external lithotripsy - it allows you to eliminate fairly large stones and their fragments through the urethra. Minimally invasive methods are highly effective, while the risk of complications with such intervention is minimal.

Attention! Open abdominal surgery is resorted to as a last resort, when dissection of the renal capsule or ureteral canal is necessary to remove a solid element. If the pathology is not treated and the organ completely ceases to perform its functions, it is removed (nephrectomy).

The formation of stones in some cases can result in the loss of a filtering organ for a person. Timely treatment of the disease will help keep the kidneys healthy. Uncomplicated forms of nephrolithiasis can be easily eliminated - to do this, you just need to follow the rules of dietary nutrition and follow other doctor’s prescriptions.

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